Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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#ifndef _ESS_Module_H_
#define _ESS_Module_H_
#include "msber.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
typedef ASN1objectidentifier2_t ObjectIdentifier;
typedef ObjectIdentifier ContentType;
typedef ASN1int32_t Version; #define Version_v0 0
#define Version_v1 1
#define Version_v2 2
#define Version_v3 3
typedef ASN1intx_t HUGEINTEGER;
typedef HUGEINTEGER SerialNumber;
typedef SerialNumber CertificateSerialNumber;
typedef ASN1octetstring_t OCTETSTRING;
typedef ASN1open_t NOCOPYANY;
typedef OCTETSTRING SubjectKeyIdentifier;
typedef NOCOPYANY GeneralNames;
typedef ASN1octetstring_t ContentIdentifier;
typedef ASN1int32_t AllOrFirstTier; #define AllOrFirstTier_allReceipts 0
#define AllOrFirstTier_firstTierRecipients 1
typedef ASN1octetstring_t MsgSigDigest;
typedef ObjectIdentifier SecurityPolicyIdentifier;
typedef ASN1uint16_t SecurityClassification; #define SecurityClassification_unmarked 0
#define SecurityClassification_unclassified 1
#define SecurityClassification_restricted 2
#define SecurityClassification_confidential 3
#define SecurityClassification_secret 4
#define SecurityClassification_top_secret 5
typedef ASN1octetstring_t Hash;
typedef NOCOPYANY PolicyInformation;
typedef struct SigningCertificate_policies { ASN1uint32_t count; PolicyInformation *value; } SigningCertificate_policies;
typedef struct SigningCertificate_certs { ASN1uint32_t count; struct ESSCertID *value; } SigningCertificate_certs;
typedef struct MLReceiptPolicy_inAdditionTo { ASN1uint32_t count; GeneralNames *value; } MLReceiptPolicy_inAdditionTo;
typedef struct MLReceiptPolicy_insteadOf { ASN1uint32_t count; GeneralNames *value; } MLReceiptPolicy_insteadOf;
typedef struct ReceiptsFrom_receiptList { ASN1uint32_t count; GeneralNames *value; } ReceiptsFrom_receiptList;
typedef struct ReceiptRequest_receiptsTo { ASN1uint32_t count; GeneralNames *value; } ReceiptRequest_receiptsTo;
typedef struct IssuerAndSerialNumber { NOCOPYANY issuer; SerialNumber serialNumber; } IssuerAndSerialNumber;
typedef struct ReceiptsFrom { ASN1choice_t choice; union { # define allOrFirstTier_chosen 1
AllOrFirstTier allOrFirstTier; # define receiptList_chosen 2
ReceiptsFrom_receiptList receiptList; } u; } ReceiptsFrom;
typedef struct Receipt { Version version; ContentType contentType; ContentIdentifier signedContentIdentifier; OCTETSTRING originatorSignatureValue; } Receipt; #define Receipt_PDU 0
#define SIZE_ESS_Module_PDU_0 sizeof(Receipt)
typedef struct ContentHints { union { ASN1uint16_t bit_mask; ASN1octet_t o[1]; }; # define contentDescription_present 0x80
ASN1wstring_t contentDescription; ObjectIdentifier contentType; } ContentHints; #define ContentHints_PDU 1
#define SIZE_ESS_Module_PDU_1 sizeof(ContentHints)
typedef struct ContentReference { ContentType contentType; ContentIdentifier signedContentIdentifier; ASN1octetstring_t originatorSignatureValue; } ContentReference; #define ContentReference_PDU 2
#define SIZE_ESS_Module_PDU_2 sizeof(ContentReference)
typedef struct ESSPrivacyMark { ASN1choice_t choice; union { # define utf8String_chosen 1
ASN1wstring_t utf8String; # define pString_chosen 2
ASN1ztcharstring_t pString; } u; } ESSPrivacyMark;
typedef struct SecurityCategories { ASN1uint32_t count; struct SecurityCategory *value; } SecurityCategories;
typedef struct SecurityCategory { ObjectIdentifier type; NOCOPYANY value; } SecurityCategory;
typedef struct EquivalentLabels { ASN1uint32_t count; struct ESSSecurityLabel *value; } EquivalentLabels; #define EquivalentLabels_PDU 3
#define SIZE_ESS_Module_PDU_3 sizeof(EquivalentLabels)
typedef struct MLExpansionHistory { ASN1uint32_t count; struct MLData *value; } MLExpansionHistory; #define MLExpansionHistory_PDU 4
#define SIZE_ESS_Module_PDU_4 sizeof(MLExpansionHistory)
typedef struct EntityIdentifier { ASN1choice_t choice; union { # define subjectKeyIdentifier_chosen 1
SubjectKeyIdentifier subjectKeyIdentifier; # define EntityIdentifier_issuerAndSerialNumber_chosen 2
IssuerAndSerialNumber issuerAndSerialNumber; } u; } EntityIdentifier;
typedef struct MLReceiptPolicy { ASN1choice_t choice; union { # define none_chosen 1
# define insteadOf_chosen 2
MLReceiptPolicy_insteadOf insteadOf; # define inAdditionTo_chosen 3
MLReceiptPolicy_inAdditionTo inAdditionTo; } u; } MLReceiptPolicy;
typedef struct SigningCertificate { union { ASN1uint16_t bit_mask; ASN1octet_t o[1]; }; SigningCertificate_certs certs; # define policies_present 0x80
SigningCertificate_policies policies; } SigningCertificate; #define SigningCertificate_PDU 5
#define SIZE_ESS_Module_PDU_5 sizeof(SigningCertificate)
typedef struct ESSCertID { union { ASN1uint16_t bit_mask; ASN1octet_t o[1]; }; Hash certHash; # define issuerSerial_present 0x80
IssuerAndSerialNumber issuerSerial; } ESSCertID;
typedef struct SMimeEncryptCerts { ASN1uint32_t count; struct SMimeEncryptCert *value; } SMimeEncryptCerts; #define SMimeEncryptCerts_PDU 6
#define SIZE_ESS_Module_PDU_6 sizeof(SMimeEncryptCerts)
typedef struct SMIMECapabilities { ASN1uint32_t count; struct SMIMECapability *value; } SMIMECapabilities;
typedef struct SMIMECapability { union { ASN1uint16_t bit_mask; ASN1octet_t o[1]; }; ObjectIdentifier capabilityID; # define parameters_present 0x80
ASN1open_t parameters; } SMIMECapability;
typedef struct OtherKeyAttribute { union { ASN1uint16_t bit_mask; ASN1octet_t o[1]; }; ObjectIdentifier keyAttrId; # define keyAttr_present 0x80
ASN1open_t keyAttr; } OtherKeyAttribute;
typedef struct ReceiptRequest { ContentIdentifier signedContentIdentifier; ReceiptsFrom receiptsFrom; ReceiptRequest_receiptsTo receiptsTo; } ReceiptRequest; #define ReceiptRequest_PDU 7
#define SIZE_ESS_Module_PDU_7 sizeof(ReceiptRequest)
typedef struct ESSSecurityLabel { union { ASN1uint16_t bit_mask; ASN1octet_t o[1]; }; # define security_classification_present 0x80
SecurityClassification security_classification; SecurityPolicyIdentifier security_policy_identifier; # define privacy_mark_present 0x40
ESSPrivacyMark privacy_mark; # define security_categories_present 0x20
SecurityCategories security_categories; } ESSSecurityLabel; #define ESSSecurityLabel_PDU 9
#define SIZE_ESS_Module_PDU_9 sizeof(ESSSecurityLabel)
typedef struct MLData { union { ASN1uint16_t bit_mask; ASN1octet_t o[1]; }; EntityIdentifier mailListIdentifier; ASN1generalizedtime_t expansionTime; # define mlReceiptPolicy_present 0x80
MLReceiptPolicy mlReceiptPolicy; } MLData;
typedef struct SMimeEncryptCert { Hash hash; SMIMECapabilities capabilities; } SMimeEncryptCert;
typedef struct RecipientKeyIdentifier { union { ASN1uint16_t bit_mask; ASN1octet_t o[1]; }; SubjectKeyIdentifier subjectKeyIdentifier; # define date_present 0x80
ASN1generalizedtime_t date; # define other_present 0x40
OtherKeyAttribute other; } RecipientKeyIdentifier;
typedef struct SMIMEEncryptionKeyPreference { ASN1choice_t choice; union { # define SMIMEEncryptionKeyPreference_issuerAndSerialNumber_chosen 1
IssuerAndSerialNumber issuerAndSerialNumber; # define recipientKeyId_chosen 2
RecipientKeyIdentifier recipientKeyId; # define subjectAltKeyIdentifier_chosen 3
SubjectKeyIdentifier subjectAltKeyIdentifier; } u; } SMIMEEncryptionKeyPreference; #define SMIMEEncryptionKeyPreference_PDU 8
#define SIZE_ESS_Module_PDU_8 sizeof(SMIMEEncryptionKeyPreference)
extern ASN1int32_t ub_receiptsTo; extern ASN1objectidentifier_t id_aa_receiptRequest; extern ASN1objectidentifier_t id_aa_contentIdentifier; extern ASN1objectidentifier_t id_ct_receipt; extern ASN1objectidentifier_t id_aa_contentHint; extern ASN1objectidentifier_t id_aa_msgSigDigest; extern ASN1objectidentifier_t id_aa_contentReference; extern ASN1objectidentifier_t id_aa_securityLabel; extern ASN1int32_t ub_integer_options; extern ASN1int32_t ub_privacy_mark_length; extern ASN1int32_t ub_security_categories; extern ASN1objectidentifier_t id_aa_equivalentLabels; extern ASN1objectidentifier_t id_aa_mlExpandHistory; extern ASN1int32_t ub_ml_expansion_history; extern ASN1objectidentifier_t id_aa_signingCertificate;
extern ASN1module_t ESS_Module; extern void ASN1CALL ESS_Module_Startup(void); extern void ASN1CALL ESS_Module_Cleanup(void);
/* Prototypes of element functions for SEQUENCE OF and SET OF constructs */
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */ #endif
#endif /* _ESS_Module_H_ */