* m h t m l . c p p * * Purpose: * MHTML packing utilities * * History * August '96: brettm - created * * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1995, 1996. */ #include <pch.hxx>
#include "dllmain.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "strconst.h"
#include "htmlstr.h"
#include "mimeutil.h"
#include "triutil.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "oleutil.h"
#include "demand.h"
#include "mhtml.h"
#include "tags.h"
* m a c r o s */
* c o n s t a n t s */
static const TCHAR c_szRegExtension[] = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\MimeEdit\\MHTML Extension";
* t y p e d e f s */
* g l o b a l s */ /*
* f u n c t i o n p r o t y p e s */
* f u n c t i o n s */
class CPackager { public: CPackager(); virtual ~CPackager();
ULONG AddRef(); ULONG Release();
HRESULT PackageData(IHTMLDocument2 *pDoc, IMimeMessage *pMsgSrc, IMimeMessage *pMsgDest, DWORD dwFlags, IHashTable *pHashRestricted);
private: ULONG m_cRef; IMimeMessage *m_pMsgSrc, *m_pMsgDest; IHashTable *m_pHash, *m_pHashRestricted;
HRESULT _PackageCollectionData(IMimeEditTagCollection *pCollect); HRESULT _PackageUrlData(IMimeEditTag *pTag);
HRESULT _RemapUrls(IMimeEditTagCollection *pCollect, BOOL fSave); HRESULT _CanonicaliseContentId(LPWSTR pszUrlW, BSTR *pbstr); HRESULT _ShouldUseContentId(LPSTR pszUrl); HRESULT _BuildCollectionTable(DWORD dwFlags, IHTMLDocument2 *pDoc, IMimeEditTagCollection ***prgpCollect, ULONG *pcCount);
CPackager::CPackager() { m_cRef = 1; m_pMsgSrc = NULL; m_pMsgDest = NULL; m_pHash = NULL; m_pHashRestricted = NULL; }
CPackager::~CPackager() { ReleaseObj(m_pMsgSrc); ReleaseObj(m_pMsgDest); ReleaseObj(m_pHash); ReleaseObj(m_pHashRestricted); }
ULONG CPackager::AddRef() { return ++m_cRef; }
ULONG CPackager::Release() { if (--m_cRef==0) { delete this; return 0; } return m_cRef; }
HRESULT CPackager::PackageData(IHTMLDocument2 *pDoc, IMimeMessage *pMsgSrc, IMimeMessage *pMsgDest, DWORD dwFlags, IHashTable *pHashRestricted) { LPSTREAM pstm; HRESULT hr, hrWarnings=S_OK; HBODY hBodyHtml=0; IMimeEditTagCollection **rgpCollect=NULL; ULONG uCollect, cCollect=0, cItems=0, cCount;
// BUGBUG: propagate hrWarnings back up
if (pDoc==NULL || pMsgDest==NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
ReplaceInterface(m_pMsgSrc, pMsgSrc); ReplaceInterface(m_pMsgDest, pMsgDest); ReplaceInterface(m_pHashRestricted, pHashRestricted);
hr = _BuildCollectionTable(dwFlags, pDoc, &rgpCollect, &cCollect); if (FAILED(hr)) hrWarnings = hr;
// count the number of items we need to package and
// prepare a hash-table for duplicate entries
for (uCollect = 0; uCollect < cCollect; uCollect++) { Assert (rgpCollect[uCollect]);
if ((rgpCollect[uCollect])->Count(&cCount)==S_OK) cItems+=cCount; }
if (cItems) { // create the hashtable
hr = MimeOleCreateHashTable(cItems, TRUE, &m_pHash); if (FAILED(hr)) goto error; }
// package the data required for each collection
for (uCollect = 0; uCollect < cCollect; uCollect++) { // package the data
hr = _PackageCollectionData(rgpCollect[uCollect]); if (FAILED(hr)) goto error;
if (hr != S_OK) // retain any 'warnings'
hrWarnings = hr;
// map all the URLs to CID:// urls if necessary
hr = _RemapUrls(rgpCollect[uCollect], TRUE); if (FAILED(hr)) goto error; } // get an HTML stream
if(dwFlags & MECD_HTML) { hr = GetBodyStream(pDoc, TRUE, &pstm); if (!FAILED(hr)) { hr = pMsgDest->SetTextBody(TXT_HTML, IET_INETCSET, NULL, pstm, &hBodyHtml); pstm->Release(); }
if (FAILED(hr)) goto error; }
// get a plain-text stream
if(dwFlags & MECD_PLAINTEXT) { hr = GetBodyStream(pDoc, FALSE, &pstm); if (!FAILED(hr)) { // if we set a html body part, then be sure to pass in hBodyHtml so Opie knows what the alternate is
// alternative to.
hr = pMsgDest->SetTextBody(TXT_PLAIN, IET_UNICODE, hBodyHtml, pstm, NULL); pstm->Release(); } if (FAILED(hr)) goto error; }
for (uCollect = 0; uCollect < cCollect; uCollect++) { // remap all of the URL's back to their original location
hr = _RemapUrls(rgpCollect[uCollect], FALSE); if (FAILED(hr)) goto error; } error: // release the collection objects
if (rgpCollect) { for (uCollect = 0; uCollect < cCollect; uCollect++) ReleaseObj(rgpCollect[uCollect]); MemFree(rgpCollect); } return hr==S_OK ? hrWarnings : hr; }
HRESULT CPackager::_BuildCollectionTable(DWORD dwFlags, IHTMLDocument2 *pDoc, IMimeEditTagCollection ***prgpCollect, ULONG *pcCount) { IMimeEditTagCollection **rgpCollect=NULL; HKEY hkey; ULONG cPlugin=0, cCount = 0, cAlloc = 0, i, cb; TCHAR szGUID[MAX_PATH]; IID iid; HRESULT hr=E_FAIL; LONG lResult; LPWSTR pszGuidW; *prgpCollect = NULL; *pcCount = NULL;
// reserve space for 2 image collections (bgimage and img)
if (dwFlags & MECD_ENCODEIMAGES) cAlloc+=2;
// reserver space for bgsounds
if (dwFlags & MECD_ENCODESOUNDS) cAlloc++;
// reserver space for active-movies
if (dwFlags & MECD_ENCODEVIDEO) cAlloc++;
// reserve space for plugin types
if ((dwFlags & MECD_ENCODEPLUGINS) && RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szRegExtension, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (RegQueryInfoKey(hkey, NULL, NULL, 0, &cPlugin, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS && cPlugin > 0) cAlloc += cPlugin; RegCloseKey(hkey); }
// allocate the table of collection pointers
if (!MemAlloc((LPVOID *)&rgpCollect, sizeof(IMimeEditTagCollection *) * cAlloc)) { hr = TraceResult(E_OUTOFMEMORY); goto error; } // zero-init the table
ZeroMemory((LPVOID)rgpCollect, sizeof(IMimeEditTagCollection *) * cAlloc);
if (dwFlags & MECD_ENCODEIMAGES) { // image collection
if (FAILED(CreateOEImageCollection(pDoc, &rgpCollect[cCount]))) hr = MIMEEDIT_W_BADURLSNOTATTACHED; // bubble back a warning, but don't fail
else cCount++; }
if (dwFlags & MECD_ENCODEIMAGES) { // background images
if (FAILED(CreateBGImageCollection(pDoc, &rgpCollect[cCount]))) hr = MIMEEDIT_W_BADURLSNOTATTACHED; // bubble back a warning, but don't fail
else cCount++; }
if (dwFlags & MECD_ENCODESOUNDS) { // background sounds
if (FAILED(CreateBGSoundCollection(pDoc, &rgpCollect[cCount]))) hr = MIMEEDIT_W_BADURLSNOTATTACHED; // bubble back a warning, but don't fail
else cCount++; }
if (dwFlags & MECD_ENCODEVIDEO) { // active-movie controls (for MSPHONE)
if (FAILED(CreateActiveMovieCollection(pDoc, &rgpCollect[cCount]))) hr = MIMEEDIT_W_BADURLSNOTATTACHED; // bubble back a warning, but don't fail
else cCount++; }
if ((dwFlags & MECD_ENCODEPLUGINS) && cPlugin && RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szRegExtension, 0, KEY_READ, &hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Start Enumerating the keys
for (i = 0; i < cPlugin; i++) { // Enumerate Friendly Names
cb = sizeof(szGUID); lResult = RegEnumKeyEx(hkey, i, szGUID, &cb, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL);
// No more items
if (lResult == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) break;
// Error, lets move onto the next account
if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) { Assert(FALSE); continue; }
pszGuidW = PszToUnicode(CP_ACP, szGUID); if (pszGuidW) { // convert the string to a guid
if (IIDFromString(pszGuidW, &iid) == S_OK) { // cocreate the plugin
if (CoCreateInstance(iid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IMimeEditTagCollection, (LPVOID *)&rgpCollect[cCount])==S_OK) { // try and init the document
if (!FAILED((rgpCollect[cCount])->Init(pDoc))) { cCount++; } else { SafeRelease(rgpCollect[cCount]); } } else hr = MIMEEDIT_W_BADURLSNOTATTACHED; // bubble back a warning, but don't fail
} MemFree(pszGuidW); } } RegCloseKey(hkey); }
*prgpCollect = rgpCollect; *pcCount = cCount; rgpCollect = NULL; hr = S_OK;
error: if (rgpCollect) { for (i = 0; i < cAlloc; i++) SafeRelease(rgpCollect[i]);
MemFree(rgpCollect); } return hr; }
HRESULT CPackager::_PackageCollectionData(IMimeEditTagCollection *pCollect) { ULONG cFetched; IMimeEditTag *pTag; BOOL fBadLinks = FALSE;
Assert (pCollect);
while (pCollect->Next(1, &pTag, &cFetched)==S_OK && cFetched==1) { Assert (pTag);
if (pTag->CanPackage() != S_OK || _PackageUrlData(pTag) != S_OK) { // we failed to package this body part. Be sure to return a warning when we're done
// but let's keep trucking for now...
fBadLinks = TRUE; } pTag->Release(); }
HRESULT CPackager::_PackageUrlData(IMimeEditTag *pTag) { HRESULT hr=S_OK; LPSTREAM pstm; HBODY hBody=0, hBodyOld; LPSTR lpszCID=0, lpszCIDUrl; LPSTR pszUrlA=0, pszBody;
BSTR bstrSrc=NULL, bstrCID=NULL; LPWSTR pszMimeTypeW=NULL;
if (pTag == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
pszUrlA = PszToANSI(CP_ACP, bstrSrc); if (!pszUrlA) return TraceResult(E_OUTOFMEMORY);
DWORD cchSize = (lstrlenA(pszUrlA) + 1); // if the URL is a restricted URL then we simply exit without packing any data
if (m_pHashRestricted && m_pHashRestricted->Find(pszUrlA, FALSE, (LPVOID *)&hBody)==S_OK) { MemFree(pszUrlA); return S_OK; }
// hack: if it's an MHTML: url then we have to fixup to get the cid:
if (StrCmpNIA(pszUrlA, "mhtml:", 6)==0) { if (!FAILED(MimeOleParseMhtmlUrl(pszUrlA, NULL, &pszBody))) { // pszBody pszUrlA is guarnteed to be smaller
StrCpyNA(pszUrlA, pszBody, cchSize * sizeof(pszUrlA[0])); SafeMimeOleFree(pszBody); } } if (m_pHash && m_pHash->Find(pszUrlA, FALSE, (LPVOID *)&hBody)==S_OK) { // we've already seen this url one before in this document, and have it's HBODY already
// so there's no need to do any work
// try and get the content-id incase the caller is interested
// BUGBUG? possible more than CID need to be ported here...
MimeOleGetBodyPropA(m_pMsgDest, hBody, PIDTOSTR(PID_HDR_CNTID), NOFLAGS, &lpszCID); goto found; }
// see if szUrl is in the related section of the source message
if (m_pMsgSrc && m_pMsgSrc->ResolveURL(NULL, NULL, pszUrlA, 0, &hBody)==S_OK) { hBodyOld = hBody; // this URL is already in the related section, and we haven't seen it already.
// then let's bind to the data and attach it
if (m_pMsgSrc->BindToObject(hBody, IID_IStream, (LPVOID *)&pstm)==S_OK) { // if it's a FILE:// url we use CID: else we use Content-Location
hr = m_pMsgDest->AttachURL(NULL, pszUrlA, (_ShouldUseContentId(pszUrlA)==S_OK ? URL_ATTACH_GENERATE_CID : 0 )|URL_ATTACH_SET_CNTTYPE, pstm, &lpszCID, &hBody); pstm->Release(); } // be sure to copy the old content-type and filename over
HrCopyHeader(m_pMsgDest, hBody, m_pMsgSrc, hBodyOld, PIDTOSTR(PID_HDR_CNTTYPE)); HrCopyHeader(m_pMsgDest, hBody, m_pMsgSrc, hBodyOld, PIDTOSTR(PID_HDR_CNTLOC)); HrCopyHeader(m_pMsgDest, hBody, m_pMsgSrc, hBodyOld, PIDTOSTR(STR_PAR_FILENAME)); } else { // if not, then let's try and bind to it ourselves. We don't go thro' MimeOle for this, as we want to
// fail if the URL is bad, so we don't add the part to the Tree.
hr = HrBindToUrl(pszUrlA, &pstm); if (!FAILED(hr)) { hr = SniffStreamForMimeType(pstm, &pszMimeTypeW); if (!FAILED(hr)) { if (pTag->IsValidMimeType(pszMimeTypeW)==S_OK) { LPWSTR pszFileNameW;
// if it's a FILE:// url we use CID: else we use Content-Location
hr = m_pMsgDest->AttachURL(NULL, pszUrlA, (_ShouldUseContentId(pszUrlA)==S_OK ? URL_ATTACH_GENERATE_CID : 0 )|URL_ATTACH_SET_CNTTYPE, pstm, &lpszCID, &hBody); if (!FAILED(hr)) { // if attaching a new attachment, try and sniff the file-name
pszFileNameW = PathFindFileNameW(bstrSrc); if (pszFileNameW) MimeOleSetBodyPropW(m_pMsgDest, hBody, PIDTOSTR(STR_PAR_FILENAME), NOFLAGS, pszFileNameW); } } else hr = E_FAIL; CoTaskMemFree(pszMimeTypeW); } pstm->Release(); } }
// add to the hash table
if (m_pHash && !FAILED(hr) && hBody) hr = m_pHash->Insert(pszUrlA, (void*)hBody, NOFLAGS);
found: // if we found the content-ID we need to return an allocated BSTR with it in.
if (lpszCID) { LPWSTR pszCIDW;
pszCIDW = PszToUnicode(CP_ACP, lpszCID); if (pszCIDW) { if (_CanonicaliseContentId(pszCIDW, &bstrCID)==S_OK) { pTag->SetDest(bstrCID); SysFreeString(bstrCID); } MemFree(pszCIDW); } SafeMimeOleFree(lpszCID); }
SafeMemFree(pszUrlA); return hr; }
HRESULT CPackager::_ShouldUseContentId(LPSTR pszUrl) { // we use Content-Location for urls that begin with "http:", "https:" and "ftp:" for all
// others we will use Content-Id
if (StrCmpNIA(pszUrl, "ftp:", 4)==0 || StrCmpNIA(pszUrl, "http:", 5)==0 || StrCmpNIA(pszUrl, "https:", 6)==0) return S_FALSE;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CPackager::_RemapUrls(IMimeEditTagCollection *pCollect, BOOL fSave) { ULONG cFetched; IMimeEditTag *pTag;
Assert (pCollect);
while (pCollect->Next(1, &pTag, &cFetched)==S_OK && cFetched==1) { Assert (pTag);
if (fSave) pTag->OnPreSave(); else pTag->OnPostSave();
pTag->Release(); } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CPackager::_CanonicaliseContentId(LPWSTR pszUrlW, BSTR *pbstr) { HRESULT hr;
*pbstr = NULL;
if (StrCmpNIW(pszUrlW, L"cid:", 4)!=0) { DWORD cchSize = (lstrlenW(pszUrlW) + 4); *pbstr = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, cchSize); if (*pbstr) { StrCpyNW(*pbstr, L"cid:", cchSize); StrCatBuffW(*pbstr, pszUrlW, cchSize); } } else *pbstr = SysAllocString(pszUrlW);
return *pbstr ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
HRESULT SaveAsMHTML(IHTMLDocument2 *pDoc, DWORD dwFlags, IMimeMessage *pMsgSrc, IMimeMessage *pMsgDest, IHashTable *pHashRestricted) { CPackager *pPacker=0; HRESULT hr;
pPacker = new CPackager(); if (!pPacker) { hr = TraceResult(E_OUTOFMEMORY); goto error; }
hr = pPacker->PackageData(pDoc, pMsgSrc, pMsgDest, dwFlags, pHashRestricted); if (FAILED(hr)) goto error;
error: ReleaseObj(pPacker); return hr; }
HRESULT HashExternalReferences(IHTMLDocument2 *pDoc, IMimeMessage *pMsg, IHashTable **ppHash) { HRESULT hr; IMimeEditTagCollection *rgpCollect[4]; IMimeEditTagCollection *pCollect; ULONG uCollect, cCollect=0, cItems=0, cCount, cFetched; IHashTable *pHash; IMimeEditTag *pTag; BSTR bstrSrc; LPSTR pszUrlA;
// keep trucking if we fail, to catch as many as we can
*ppHash = NULL;
// image collection
if (CreateOEImageCollection(pDoc, &rgpCollect[cCollect])==S_OK) cCollect++;
// background images
if (CreateBGImageCollection(pDoc, &rgpCollect[cCollect])==S_OK) cCollect++;
// background sounds
if (CreateBGSoundCollection(pDoc, &rgpCollect[cCollect])==S_OK) cCollect++;
// active-movie controls (for MSPHONE)
if (CreateActiveMovieCollection(pDoc, &rgpCollect[cCollect])==S_OK) cCollect++;
// count the number of items we need to package and
// prepare a hash-table for duplicate entries
for (uCollect = 0; uCollect < cCollect; uCollect++) { Assert (rgpCollect[uCollect]);
if ((rgpCollect[uCollect])->Count(&cCount)==S_OK) cItems+=cCount; }
// create the hashtable
hr = MimeOleCreateHashTable(cItems, TRUE, &pHash); if (FAILED(hr)) goto error;
// looks for external references in each
for (uCollect = 0; uCollect < cCollect; uCollect++) { pCollect = rgpCollect[uCollect]; if (pCollect) { pCollect->Reset(); while (pCollect->Next(1, &pTag, &cFetched)==S_OK && cFetched==1) { Assert (pTag);
if (pTag->GetSrc(&bstrSrc)==S_OK) { pszUrlA = PszToANSI(CP_ACP, bstrSrc); if (pszUrlA) { if (HrFindUrlInMsg(pMsg, pszUrlA, FINDURL_SEARCH_RELATED_ONLY, NULL)!=S_OK) { // this URL was not in the message and it external
// let's track it as a restricted URL in our hash
pHash->Insert(pszUrlA, NULL, NOFLAGS); } MemFree(pszUrlA); } SysFreeString(bstrSrc); } pTag->Release(); } pCollect->Release(); } } // return our new hash
*ppHash = pHash; pHash = NULL;
error: ReleaseObj(pHash); return hr; }