// Copyright (C) 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// MODULE: mru.h
#pragma once
class CMRUList;
// Types
// Flags
#define MRU_CACHEWRITE 0x0002
#define MRU_ANSI 0x0004
#define MRU_ORDERDIRTY 0x0008
#define MRU_LAZY 0x8000
// class MRU List definition
class CMRUList { public: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Construction and Initialization
CMRUList(); ~CMRUList();
// public MRU List functions
BOOL CreateList(UINT uMaxEntries, UINT fFlags, LPCSTR pszSubKey); void FreeList(void); int AddString(LPCSTR psz); int RemoveString(LPCSTR psz); int EnumList(int nItem, LPTSTR psz, UINT uLen); int AddData(const void *pData, UINT cbData); int FindData(const void *pData, UINT cbData, LPINT piSlot); BOOL CreateListLazy(UINT uMaxEntries, UINT fFlags, LPCSTR pszSubKey, const void *pData, UINT cbData, LPINT piSlot);
private: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Utility Functions
void _GetIndexStrFromIndex(DWORD dwIndex, LPTSTR pszIndexStr, DWORD cchIndexStrSize) { wnsprintf(pszIndexStr, cchIndexStrSize, TEXT("%d"), dwIndex); }
int CDECL _IMemCmp(const void *pBuf1, const void *pBuf2, size_t cb); BOOL _IsSameData(BYTE FAR *pVal, const void FAR *pData, UINT cbData); LPDWORD _GetMRUValue(HKEY hkeySubKey, LPCTSTR pszRegValue); HRESULT _SetMRUValue(HKEY hkeySubKey, LPCTSTR pszRegValue, LPDWORD pData); BOOL _SetPtr(LPSTR * ppszCurrent, LPCSTR pszNew);
private: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Class data
UINT m_uMax; // Maxiumum number of entries in the MRU list
UINT m_fFlags; // Flags
HKEY m_hKey; // Reg key where we write
LPSTR m_pszSubKey; // Sub key where the MRU data is stashed
LPTSTR *m_rgpszMRU; // List of entries
LPTSTR m_pszOrder; // Order array