// r e u t i l . c p p
// Purpose:
// implements calls to Richedit controls
// Owner:
// dhaws
// History:
// March 1999: Created
#include "pch.hxx"
#include "reutil.h"
#include "richole.h"
#include "richedit.h"
#include "textserv.h"
#include "shlwapip.h"
#include "mirror.h"
#include "strconst.h"
#include <demand.h> // must be last!
static HINSTANCE g_hRichEditDll = NULL; static DWORD g_dwRicheditVer = 0;
// @hack [dhaws] {55073} Do RTL mirroring only in special richedit versions.
static BOOL g_fSpecialRTLRichedit = FALSE;
// Keep these around for future reference
static const CHAR g_szRE10[] = "RichEdit"; static const CHAR g_szRE20[] = "RichEdit20A"; static const WCHAR g_wszRE10[] = L"RichEdit"; static const WCHAR g_wszRE20[] = L"RichEdit20W";
BOOL FInitRichEdit(BOOL fInit) { if(fInit) { if(!g_hRichEditDll) { g_hRichEditDll = LoadLibrary("RICHED20.DLL"); if (g_hRichEditDll) { TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH], szGet[MAX_PATH]; BOOL fSucceeded = FALSE; DWORD dwVerInfoSize = 0, dwVerHnd = 0, dwProdNum = 0, dwMajNum = 0, dwMinNum = 0; LPSTR lpInfo = NULL, lpVersion = NULL; LPWORD lpwTrans; UINT uLen; HKEY hkey; DWORD dw=0, cb;
if (GetModuleFileName(g_hRichEditDll, szPath, ARRAYSIZE(szPath))) { dwVerInfoSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(szPath, &dwVerHnd); if (dwVerInfoSize) { lpInfo = (LPSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, dwVerInfoSize); if (lpInfo) { if (GetFileVersionInfo(szPath, dwVerHnd, dwVerInfoSize, lpInfo)) { if (VerQueryValue(lpInfo, "\\VarFileInfo\\Translation", (LPVOID *)&lpwTrans, &uLen) && uLen >= (2 * sizeof(WORD))) { // set up buffer for calls to VerQueryValue()
wnsprintf(szGet, ARRAYSIZE(szGet), "\\StringFileInfo\\%04X%04X\\FileVersion", lpwTrans[0], lpwTrans[1]); if (VerQueryValue(lpInfo, szGet, (LPVOID *)&lpVersion, &uLen) && uLen) { while (('.' != *lpVersion) && (',' != *lpVersion) && (0 != *lpVersion)) { dwProdNum *= 10; dwProdNum += (*lpVersion++ - '0'); }
if (5 == dwProdNum) { if (('.' == *lpVersion) || (',' == *lpVersion)) lpVersion++; while (('.' != *lpVersion) && (',' != *lpVersion) && (0 != *lpVersion)) { dwMajNum *= 10; dwMajNum += (*lpVersion++ - '0'); } g_dwRicheditVer = (dwMajNum >= 30) ? 3 : 2;
// @hack [dhaws] {55073} Do RTL mirroring only in special richedit versions.
if ((2 == g_dwRicheditVer) && (0 != *lpVersion)) { // Check to see if we have turned on the magic key to disable this stuff
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szRegRoot, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey)) { cb = sizeof(dw); RegQueryValueEx(hkey, c_szRegRTLRichEditHACK, 0, NULL, (LPBYTE)&dw, &cb); RegCloseKey(hkey); }
// If we didn't find the key, or it is 0, then check to see if we are
// dealing with those special richedits
if (0 == dw) { if (('.' == *lpVersion) || (',' == *lpVersion)) lpVersion++; while (('.' != *lpVersion) && (',' != *lpVersion) && (0 != *lpVersion)) { dwMinNum *= 10; dwMinNum += (*lpVersion++ - '0'); } g_fSpecialRTLRichedit = (dwMinNum >= 330); } } } else { // Treat this as richedit version 3.0
Assert(5 < dwProdNum); g_dwRicheditVer = 3; } fSucceeded = TRUE; } } } GlobalFree((HGLOBAL)lpInfo); } } }
if (!fSucceeded) { FreeLibrary(g_hRichEditDll); g_hRichEditDll=NULL; } } }
if(!g_hRichEditDll) { g_hRichEditDll=LoadLibrary("RICHED32.DLL"); g_dwRicheditVer = 1; }
if(!g_hRichEditDll) AthMessageBoxW(g_hwndInit, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(idsAthena), MAKEINTRESOURCEW(idsErrLoadingHtmlEdit), NULL, MB_OK); return (BOOL)(0 != g_hRichEditDll); } else { if(g_hRichEditDll) FreeLibrary(g_hRichEditDll); g_hRichEditDll=NULL; g_dwRicheditVer = 0; return TRUE; } }
LPCSTR GetREClassStringA(void) { switch (g_dwRicheditVer) { case 1: return g_szRE10;
case 2: case 3: return g_szRE20;
default: AssertSz(FALSE, "Bad Richedit Version"); return NULL; } }
LPCWSTR GetREClassStringW(void) { switch (g_dwRicheditVer) { case 1: return g_wszRE10;
case 2: case 3: return g_wszRE20;
default: AssertSz(FALSE, "Bad Richedit Version"); return NULL; } }
typedef struct tagHWNDORDERSTRUCT { HWND hwndTemplate; HWND hwndRichEdit; HWND *phwnd; } HWNDORDERSTRUCT;
BOOL CALLBACK CountChildrenProc(HWND hwnd, LPARAM lParam) { DWORD *pcCount = (DWORD*)lParam; (*pcCount)++; return TRUE; }
// This function basically will take the order of the hwnds on the dialog
// and store that order in the prder->phwnd variable so that we can maintain
// the taborder on the dialog windows. The only special case we have to do
// is with the template. In the case of the template, we need to substitute
// in the richedit into the order.
if (hwnd == pOrder->hwndTemplate) *pOrder->phwnd = pOrder->hwndRichEdit; else *pOrder->phwnd = hwnd;
return TRUE; }
HWND CreateREInDialogA(HWND hwndParent, int iID) { HWND hwndTemplate = GetDlgItem(hwndParent, idredtTemplate); RECT rcTemplate; int width, height; HWND hwndNewRE = 0; DWORD cCount = 0; HWNDORDERSTRUCT hos;
Assert(IsWindow(hwndParent)); Assert(iID); AssertSz(IsWindow(hwndTemplate), "Must have a template control for this to work.");
*szTitle = 0; ShowWindow(hwndTemplate, SW_HIDE); GetWindowText(hwndTemplate, szTitle, ARRAYSIZE(szTitle));
// Get location of place holder so we can create the richedit over it
GetWindowRect(hwndTemplate, &rcTemplate);
// Map Screen coordinates to dialog coordinates
MapWindowPoints(NULL, hwndParent, (LPPOINT)&rcTemplate, 2);
width = rcTemplate.right - rcTemplate.left; height = rcTemplate.bottom - rcTemplate.top;
hwndNewRE = CreateWindow(GetREClassStringA(), szTitle, ES_MULTILINE|ES_READONLY|ES_SAVESEL|ES_AUTOVSCROLL| WS_BORDER|WS_VSCROLL|WS_TABSTOP|WS_CHILD, rcTemplate.left, rcTemplate.top, width, height, hwndParent, (HMENU)IntToPtr(iID), g_hInst, NULL);
// Count number of child windows in the dialog
if (EnumChildWindows(hwndParent, CountChildrenProc, (LPARAM)&cCount)) { HWND *phwnd = (HWND*)ZeroAllocate(cCount*sizeof(HWND));
if (phwnd) { hos.hwndRichEdit = hwndNewRE; hos.hwndTemplate = hwndTemplate; hos.phwnd = phwnd;
// Create ordered list of dialog children hwnds.
if (EnumChildWindows(hwndParent, BuildOrderProc, (LPARAM)&hos)) { cCount--;
// So this next section is basically going to reparent all the
// controls in the order setup in the phwnd array. By setting
// the parent of the window, we basically set the taborder of that
// item to be the first in line. That is why we reparent the controls
// in reverse order.
HWND *pCurr = &phwnd[cCount]; while(cCount) { SetParent(*pCurr, SetParent(*pCurr, NULL)); pCurr--; cCount--; } } MemFree(phwnd); } }
return hwndNewRE; }
LONG RichEditNormalizeCharPos(HWND hwnd, LONG lByte, LPCSTR pszText) { LPWSTR pwszText = NULL; LPSTR pszConv = NULL; LONG cch; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
//on anything other than richedit 1, we're already normalized
if(1!=g_dwRicheditVer) return lByte;
if(NULL == pszText) { cch = GetWindowTextLengthWrapW(hwnd); if (0 == cch) return 0; cch += 1; // for a null
if (lByte >= cch) return cch; IF_NULLEXIT(MemAlloc((LPVOID*) &pwszText, cch * sizeof(WCHAR))); *pwszText = '\0';
GetRichEditText(hwnd, pwszText, cch, FALSE, NULL); IF_NULLEXIT((pszConv = PszToANSI(CP_ACP, pwszText))); pszText = pszConv; }
cch = 0; while(lByte > 0) // lByte is zero-based
{ cch++;
if (IsDBCSLeadByte(*pszText)){ pszText++; lByte--; } pszText++; lByte--; }
exit: MemFree(pwszText); MemFree(pszConv); return FAILED(hr)?0:cch; }
LONG GetRichEditTextLen(HWND hwnd) { switch (g_dwRicheditVer) { // we always want to return the number of chars; riched 1 will always return
// the number of bytes; we need to convert...
case 1: { LPWSTR pwszText = NULL; DWORD cch;
cch = GetWindowTextLengthWrapW(hwnd); if (0 == cch) return 0;
cch += 1; // for a null
if (!MemAlloc((LPVOID*) &pwszText, cch * sizeof(WCHAR))) return 0; *pwszText = '\0';
GetRichEditText(hwnd, pwszText, cch, FALSE, NULL); cch = lstrlenW(pwszText); MemFree(pwszText);
return cch; }
case 2: case 3: { GETTEXTLENGTHEX rTxtStruct;
if (!hwnd) return 0;
rTxtStruct.flags = GTL_DEFAULT; rTxtStruct.codepage = CP_UNICODE;
return (LONG) SendMessage(hwnd, EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX, (WPARAM)&rTxtStruct, 0); }
default: AssertSz(FALSE, "Bad Richedit Version"); return 0; } }
DWORD GetRichEditText(HWND hwnd, LPWSTR pwchBuff, DWORD cchNumChars, BOOL fSelection, ITextDocument *pDoc) { switch (g_dwRicheditVer) { case 1: { if (fSelection) return (DWORD)SendMessageWrapW(hwnd, EM_GETSELTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)pwchBuff); else return GetWindowTextWrapW(hwnd, pwchBuff, cchNumChars); }
case 2: case 3: { DWORD cchLen = 0; if (!hwnd || !cchNumChars) return 0;
*pwchBuff = 0;
if (!fSelection) { GETTEXTEX rTxtStruct;
rTxtStruct.cb = cchNumChars * sizeof(WCHAR); rTxtStruct.flags = GT_DEFAULT; rTxtStruct.codepage = CP_UNICODE;
cchLen = (DWORD) SendMessage(hwnd, EM_GETTEXTEX, (WPARAM)&rTxtStruct, (LPARAM)pwchBuff); } else { // There is no way to get a selection of UNICODE
// without going through TOM
ITextSelection *pSelRange = NULL; ITextDocument *pDocToFree = NULL; BSTR bstr = NULL;
if (!pDoc) { LPRICHEDITOLE preole = NULL; LRESULT result = SendMessage(hwnd, EM_GETOLEINTERFACE, NULL, (LPARAM)&preole); Assert(result); Assert(preole);
HRESULT hr = preole->QueryInterface(IID_ITextDocument, (LPVOID*)&pDocToFree); ReleaseObj(preole); TraceResult(hr); if (FAILED(hr)) return 0;
pDoc = pDocToFree;
if (SUCCEEDED(pDoc->GetSelection(&pSelRange))) { if (SUCCEEDED(pSelRange->GetText(&bstr)) && bstr) { cchLen = SysStringLen(bstr); if (cchLen > 0) { if (cchLen < cchNumChars) StrCpyNW(pwchBuff, bstr, cchNumChars); else cchLen = 0;
} SysFreeString(bstr); } ReleaseObj(pSelRange); } ReleaseObj(pDocToFree); } return cchLen; }
default: AssertSz(FALSE, "Bad Richedit Version"); return 0; } }
void SetRichEditText(HWND hwnd, LPWSTR pwchBuff, BOOL fReplaceSel, ITextDocument *pDoc, BOOL fReadOnly) { if (!hwnd) return;
switch (g_dwRicheditVer) { case 1: { if (fReplaceSel) SendMessageWrapW(hwnd, EM_REPLACESEL, 0, (LPARAM)pwchBuff); else SetWindowTextWrapW(hwnd, pwchBuff); break; }
case 2: { ITextServices *pService = NULL; ITextDocument *pDocToFree = NULL;
if (!pDoc) { LPRICHEDITOLE preole = NULL; LRESULT result = SendMessage(hwnd, EM_GETOLEINTERFACE, NULL, (LPARAM)&preole); Assert(result); Assert(preole);
HRESULT hr = preole->QueryInterface(IID_ITextDocument, (LPVOID*)&pDocToFree); ReleaseObj(preole); TraceResult(hr); if (FAILED(hr)) return;
pDoc = pDocToFree;
if (FAILED(pDoc->QueryInterface(IID_ITextServices, (LPVOID*)&pService))) return;
if (!fReplaceSel) { // TxSetText is documented as a LPCTSTR, but RichEdit always
// compiles with UNICODE turned on, so we are OK here.
pService->TxSetText(pwchBuff); } else { HRESULT hr; ITextSelection *pSelRange = NULL; BSTR bstr = SysAllocString(pwchBuff);
hr = pDoc->GetSelection(&pSelRange); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pSelRange) { if (fReadOnly) pService->OnTxPropertyBitsChange(TXTBIT_READONLY, 0);
// If we are readonly, SetText will fail if we don't do the TXTBIT setting
hr = pSelRange->SetText(bstr); if (FAILED(hr)) TraceResult(hr);
// Richedit 2.0 doesn't always collapse to the end of the selection.
if (fReadOnly) pService->OnTxPropertyBitsChange(TXTBIT_READONLY, TXTBIT_READONLY);
pSelRange->Release(); } else TraceResult(hr);
SysFreeString(bstr); } ReleaseObj(pDocToFree); pService->Release(); break; }
case 3: { // pwchBuff can be NULL. NULL means that we are clearing the field.
rTxtStruct.flags = fReplaceSel ? ST_SELECTION : ST_DEFAULT; rTxtStruct.codepage = CP_UNICODE;
// EM_SETTEXTEX will fail with RichEdit 2.0.
SendMessage(hwnd, EM_SETTEXTEX, (WPARAM)&rTxtStruct, (LPARAM)pwchBuff); break; }
default: AssertSz(FALSE, "Bad Richedit Version"); break; } }
void SetFontOnRichEdit(HWND hwnd, HFONT hfont) { switch (g_dwRicheditVer) { case 1: case 3: { CHARFORMAT cf; if (SUCCEEDED(FontToCharformat(hfont, &cf))) { SideAssert(FALSE != SendMessage(hwnd, EM_SETCHARFORMAT, (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM) &cf)); } break; }
case 2: SideAssert(FALSE != SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hfont, MAKELPARAM(TRUE, 0))); break;
default: AssertSz(FALSE, "Bad Richedit Version"); break; } }
// RichEditExSetSel
// Raid 79304. Rich Edit Control version 1.0 does not handle
// the EM_EXSETSEL message correctly for text with DBCS characters. It sets
// the selection range based on bytes on not double byte characters.
LRESULT RichEditExSetSel(HWND hwnd, CHARRANGE *pchrg) { // We only need to deal with this on richedit 1 or we aren't selecting entire text
if ((1 == g_dwRicheditVer) && (-1 != pchrg->cpMax)) { LRESULT lResult = 0; LPWSTR pwszText = NULL; LPSTR pszConv = NULL, pszText = NULL; CHARRANGE chrg={0}; CHARRANGE chrgIn; DWORD cch, cDBCSBefore = 0, cDBCSIn = 0;
chrgIn = *pchrg;
// Get the text string for this control
cch = GetRichEditTextLen(hwnd) + 1; if (0 == cch) return lResult; if (!MemAlloc((LPVOID*) &pwszText, cch * sizeof(WCHAR))) return lResult; *pwszText = '\0';
// Richedit 1.0 will never have a pDoc, so don't pass one in
GetRichEditText(hwnd, pwszText, cch, FALSE, NULL); pszConv = PszToANSI(CP_ACP, pwszText); pszText = pszConv; SafeMemFree(pwszText); if (!pszText) { Assert(0); return lResult; }
// Compute the BYTE range based on DBCS characters
if (chrgIn.cpMax >= chrgIn.cpMin) { chrgIn.cpMax -= chrgIn.cpMin;
// Look for DBCS chars before selection
while ((chrgIn.cpMin > 0) && *pszText) { if ( IsDBCSLeadByte(*pszText) ) { cDBCSBefore++; pszText += 2; } else { pszText++; } chrgIn.cpMin--; } // Look for DBCS chars in selection
while ((chrgIn.cpMax > 0) && *pszText) { if ( IsDBCSLeadByte(*pszText) ) { cDBCSIn++; pszText += 2; } else { pszText++; }
chrgIn.cpMax--; }
chrg.cpMin = pchrg->cpMin + cDBCSBefore; chrg.cpMax = pchrg->cpMax + cDBCSBefore + cDBCSIn; } MemFree(pszConv);
lResult = SendMessageA(hwnd, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)&chrg);
return lResult; } else return SendMessage(hwnd, EM_EXSETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)pchrg); }
LRESULT RichEditExGetSel(HWND hwnd, CHARRANGE *pchrg) { LRESULT lResult; LPWSTR pwszText = NULL; LPSTR pszText = NULL; LONG cch; HRESULT hr;
// We only need to deal with this on richedit 1
if (1 == g_dwRicheditVer) { lResult = SendMessageA(hwnd, EM_EXGETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)pchrg);
cch = GetWindowTextLengthWrapW(hwnd);
if (0 == cch) goto exit;
IF_NULLEXIT(MemAlloc((LPVOID*) &pwszText, cch * sizeof(WCHAR))); *pwszText = '\0';
GetRichEditText(hwnd, pwszText, cch, FALSE, NULL); IF_NULLEXIT((pszText = PszToANSI(CP_ACP, pwszText))); pchrg->cpMin = RichEditNormalizeCharPos(hwnd, pchrg->cpMin, pszText); pchrg->cpMax = RichEditNormalizeCharPos(hwnd, pchrg->cpMax, pszText); } else lResult = SendMessage(hwnd, EM_EXGETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)pchrg);
exit: MemFree(pszText); MemFree(pwszText); return lResult; }
// ***************************
// RichEditProtectENChange
// hwnd = richedit to be protected
// pdwOldMask = when fProtect, will return the original mask for the richedit
// when !fProtect, will be passing in the new mask for the richedit
// The new value should be the one that was passed back when first called
// fProtect = Are we starting the protection or ending it
// Notes:
// This function is to protect the possiblity of a re-entrant notificition
// while processing an EN_CHANGE message within richedit. It turns out that
// all richedits except for ver3 that shipped with Office 2k will protect against
// this themselves.
// This call should always be used in pairs with the first passing TRUE and the
// second passing in false. At this point, is only used to Protect the EN_CHANGE
// notification that is sent to the richedit.
// BUGBUG: It might be beneficial at some future date to make the granularity
// of these richedit issues more fine to handle cases like this where most
// v3 richedits handle this correctly.
void RichEditProtectENChange(HWND hwnd, DWORD *pdwOldMask, BOOL fProtect) { Assert(IsWindow(hwnd)); Assert(pdwOldMask);
if (3 == g_dwRicheditVer) { DWORD dwMask = *pdwOldMask; if (fProtect) { dwMask = (DWORD) SendMessage(hwnd, EM_GETEVENTMASK, 0, 0); SendMessage(hwnd, EM_SETEVENTMASK, 0, dwMask & (~ENM_CHANGE)); *pdwOldMask = dwMask; } else SendMessage(hwnd, EM_SETEVENTMASK, 0, dwMask); } }
// @hack [dhaws] {55073} Do RTL mirroring only in special richedit versions.
void RichEditRTLMirroring(HWND hwndHeader, BOOL fSubject, LONG *plExtendFlags, BOOL fPreRECreation) { if (!g_fSpecialRTLRichedit) { if (fPreRECreation) { // a-msadek; RichEdit have a lot of problems with mirroring
// let's disable mirroring for this child and rather 'simulate' it
if (IS_WINDOW_RTL_MIRRORED(hwndHeader)) { DISABLE_LAYOUT_INHERITANCE(hwndHeader); *plExtendFlags |= WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR |WS_EX_RIGHT; if (fSubject) { *plExtendFlags |= WS_EX_RTLREADING; } } } else { if (IS_WINDOW_RTL_MIRRORED(hwndHeader)) { ENABLE_LAYOUT_INHERITANCE(hwndHeader); } } } }