Owner: rickp Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
Standard debugging definitions for the shared Office libraries. Includes asserts, tracing, and other cool stuff like that. *************************************************************************/
#if !defined(MSODEBUG_H)
#define MSODEBUG_H
#if !defined(MSOSTD_H)
#include <msostd.h>
#if MAC && !defined(__TYPES__)
#include <macos\types.h>
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" { #endif
Random useful macros *************************************************************************/
#define Debug(e) e
#define DebugOnly(e) e
#define DebugElse(s, t) s
#define Debug(e)
#define DebugOnly(e)
#define DebugElse(s, t) t
This enum contains the Debug "Messages" that are sent to the FDebugMessage Method ****************************************************************** JIMMUR **/ enum { msodmWriteBe = 1, /* write out the BE record for this object */
/* Here begin drawing only debug messages */ msodmDgvRcvOfHsp = 2001, /* Ask a DGV for the bounding rectangle (if any) of an HSP.
Assumes lParam is really a pointer to an MSODGDB, looks at the hsp field thereof and fills out the rcv field. */ msodmDgsWriteBePvAnchor, /* Write out the BE record for a host allocated pvAnchor. */ msodmDgsWriteBePvClient, /* Write out the BE record for any host allocated client data. */ msodmDgvsAfterMouseInsert, /* Passed to IMsoDrawingViewSite after a shape is interactively
inserted with the mouse. lParam is really the inserted HSP. */ msodmDgvsAfterMarquee, /* Passed to IMsoDrawingViewSite after one drags out a rectangle
with the pointer tool selecting zero or more shapes. */ msodmIsNotMso96, /* Returns FALSE if the specified object is implemented by MSO96.DLL.
Allows sleazy up-casts, for example, from IMsoDrawingView * to DGV *. */ msodmGetHdesShape, /* Ask a DGVs for its m_hdesShape (in *(MSOHDES *)lParam). Returns
FALSE if it filled out an HDES. */ msodmGetHdesSelection, /* Ask a DGVs for its m_hdesSelection (in *(MSOHDES *)lParam).
Returns FALSE if it filled out an HDES. */ msodmDguiWriteBeForDgc, /* Ask a DGUI to write BEs for a DGC it allocated. */ msodmDgsWriteBeTxid, /* Write out the BE record for the attached text of a shape. */ msodmDgsWriteBePvAnchorUndo, /* Write out the BE record for a host anchor in the undo stack. */ msodmDgvsDragDrop, /* Let the host know that I just did a drag-drop from this window. */ };
enum { msodmbtDoNotWriteObj = 0, // Do Not write out the object
msodmbtWriteObj, // Do write out the object and
// embedded pointers
enum { msocchBt = 20, // Maximum size of a Bt description String
/* Some debug messages need more arguments than fit through
the arguments to FDebugMethod. For these there are various MSODMBfoo structs, usually defined near the objects they're passed to. */
Interface debug routine ****************************************************************** JIMMUR **/ #if DEBUG
UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) PURE;
UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); \ static BOOL FCheckObject(LPVOID pv, int cb); #define MSOMACDEBUGMETHODIMP MSOMACPUB MSOMETHODIMP_(BOOL) FDebugMessage (HMSOINST hinst, \
UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); \ static BOOL FCheckObject(LPVOID pv, int cb);
#define DEBUGMETHOD(cn,bt) STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) cn::FDebugMessage \
(HMSOINST hinst, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) \ { \ if (msodmWriteBE == message) \ { \ return MsoFSaveBe(hinst,lParam,(void*)this,sizeof(cn),bt); \ } \ return FALSE; \ } #else
UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) PURE;
UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); #define DEBUGMETHOD(cn,bt) STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) cn::FDebugMessage (HMSOINST, \
UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM) { return TRUE; } #endif
Enabling/disabling debug options *************************************************************************/
enum { msodcAsserts = 0, /* asserts enabled */ msodcPushAsserts = 1, /* push asserts enabled */ msodcMemoryFill = 2, /* memory fills enabled */ msodcMemoryFillCheck = 3, /* check memory fills */ msodcTrace = 4, /* trace output */ msodcHeap = 5, /* heap checking */ msodcMemLeakCheck = 6, msodcMemTrace = 7, /* memory allocation trace */ msodcGdiNoBatch = 8, /* don't batch GDI calls */ msodcShakeMem = 9, /* shake memory on allocations */ msodcReports = 10, /* report output enabled */ msodcMsgTrace = 11, /* WLM message trace - MAC only */ msodcWlmValidate = 12, /* WLM parameter validation - MAC only */ msodcGdiNoExcep = 13, /* Don't call GetObjectType for debug */ msodcDisplaySlowTests = 14, /* Do slow (O(n^2) and worse) Drawing debug checks */ msodcDisplayAbortOften = 15, /* Check for aborting redraw really often. */ msodcDisplayAbortNever = 16, /* Don't abort redraw */ msodcPurgedMaxSmall = 17, msodcSpare18 = 18, /* USE ME */ msodcSpare19 = 19, /* USE ME */ msodcSpare20 = 20, /* USE ME */ msodcSpare21 = 21, /* USE ME */ msodcSpare22 = 22, /* USE ME */ msodcMax = 23, };
/* Enables/disables various office debug checks. dc is the check to
change, fEnabled is TRUE if the check should be enabled, FALSE if disabled */ #if DEBUG
extern MSOPUBDATA BYTE msovmpdcfDisabled[msodcMax]; MSOAPI_(BOOL) MsoEnableDebugCheck(int dc, BOOL fEnabled); #if MAC && !OFFICE_BUILD
// LATER: work-around linker bug that causes bad toc for exported data
MSOAPI_(BOOL) MsoFGetDebugCheck(int dc); #else
#define MsoFGetDebugCheck(dc) (!msovmpdcfDisabled[(dc)])
#define MsoEnableDebugCheck(dc, fEnabled) (FALSE)
#define MsoFGetDebugCheck(dc) (FALSE)
/* Assert Output types */ enum { msoiasoAssert, msoiasoTrace, msoiasoReport, msoiasoMax };
/* Returns the current debug output settings. Note that these are
macros referencing a DLL global variable. */ #define MsoFAssertsEnabled() (MsoFGetDebugCheck(msodcAsserts))
#define MsoFTraceEnabled() (MsoFGetDebugCheck(msodcTrace))
#define MsoFReportsEnabled() (MsoFGetDebugCheck(msodcReports))
enum { msoaoDebugger = 0x01, /* output to debugger */ msoaoFile = 0x02, /* output goes to file */ msoaoMsgBox = 0x04, /* output displayed in message box (no Traces) */ msoaoPort = 0x08, /* output sent to serial port */ msoaoMappedFile = 0x10, /* output recorded in memory mapped file */ msoaoDebugBreak = 0x20, /* msoaoDebugger breaks into the debugger */
msoaoAppend = 0x8000, /* output appended to existing file */ };
/* Sets the destination of assert output */ #if DEBUG
MSOAPI_(int) MsoSetAssertOutput(int iaso, int ao); #else
#define MsoSetAssertOutput(iaso, ao) (0)
/* Returns the current assert output destination. */ #if DEBUG
MSOAPI_(int) MsoGetAssertOutput(int iaso); #else
#define MsoGetAssertOutput(iaso) (0)
/* Sets the name of the file that the assert information gets written
to, if file output is enabled using msoaoFile */ #if DEBUG
MSOAPI_(void) MsoSetAssertOutputFile(int iaso, const CHAR* szFile); #else
#define MsoSetAssertOutputFile(iaso, szFile) (0)
/* Returns the current name of the file that we're writing assert
output to. The name is saved in the buffer szFile, which must be cchMax characters long. Returns the actual length of the string returned. */ #if DEBUG
MSOAPIXX_(int) MsoGetAssertOutputFile(int iaso, CHAR* szFile, int cchMax); #else
#define MsoGetAssertOutputFile(iaso, szFile, cchMax) (0)
Debugger breaks *************************************************************************/
/* Breaks into the debugger. Works (more or less) on all supported
systems. */ #if X86
#define MsoDebugBreakInline() {__asm int 3}
#elif MAC
#define MsoDebugBreakInline() Debugger()
#define MsoDebugBreakInline() \
{ \ __try { DebugBreak(); } \ __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { OutputDebugStringA("DebugBreak"); } \ } #endif
/* A version of debug break that you can actually call, instead of the
above inline weirdness we use in most cases. Can therefore be used in expressions. Returns 0 */ #if DEBUG
MSOAPI_(int) MsoDebugBreak(void); #else
#define MsoDebugBreak() (0)
Assertion failures *************************************************************************/
#if !defined(MSO_NO_ASSERTS)
/* Displays the assert message, including flushing any assert stack.
szFile and li are the filename and line number of the failure, and szMsg is an optional message to display with the assert. Returns FALSE if the caller should break into the debugger. */ #if DEBUG
MSOAPI_(BOOL) MsoFAssert(const CHAR* szFile, int li, const CHAR* szMsg); #else
#define MsoFAssert(szFile, li, szMsg) (TRUE)
/* Same as MsoFAssert above, except an optional title string can be
displayed. */ #if DEBUG
MSOAPI_(BOOL) MsoFAssertTitle(const CHAR* szTitle, const CHAR* szFile, int li, const CHAR* szMsg); #else
#define MsoFAssertTitle(szTitle, szFile, li, szMsg) (TRUE)
/* Same as MsoFAssertTitle above, except you can pass in your own
MessageBox flags */ #if DEBUG
MSOAPIXX_(BOOL) MsoFAssertTitleMb(const CHAR* szTitle, const CHAR* szFile, int li, const CHAR* szMsg, UINT mb); #else
#define MsoFAssertTitleMb(szTitle, szFile, li, szMsg, mb) (TRUE)
/* Same as MsoFAssertTitleMb above, except you can pass in your own
assert output type */ #if DEBUG
MSOAPI_(BOOL) MsoFAssertTitleAsoMb(int iaso, const CHAR* szTitle, const CHAR* szFile, int li, const CHAR* szMsg, UINT mb); #else
#define MsoFAssertTitleAsoMb(iaso, szTitle, szFile, li, szMsg, mb) (TRUE)
/* To save space used by debug strings, you must declare the assert data
in any file that uses asserts */ #if DEBUG
#define AssertData static const CHAR vszAssertFile[] = __FILE__;
#define AssertData
/* The actual guts of the assert. if the flag f is FALSE, then we kick
of the assertion failure, displaying the optional message szMsg along with the filename and line number of the failure */ #if !DEBUG
#define AssertMsg(f, szMsg)
#define AssertMsgInline(f, szMsg)
#define AssertMsgTemplate(f, szMsg)
#define AssertMsg(f, szMsg) \
do { \ if (MsoFAssertsEnabled() && !(f) && \ !MsoFAssert(vszAssertFile, __LINE__, (const CHAR*)(szMsg))) \ MsoDebugBreakInline(); \ } while (0) #define AssertMsgInline(f, szMsg) \
do { \ if (MsoFAssertsEnabled() && !(f) && \ !MsoFAssert(__FILE__, __LINE__, (const CHAR*)(szMsg))) \ MsoDebugBreakInline(); \ } while (0) // Template inlines don't like the inline __asm for some reason
#define AssertMsgTemplate(f, szMsg) \
do { \ if (MsoFAssertsEnabled() && !(f) && \ !MsoFAssert(__FILE__, __LINE__, (const CHAR*)(szMsg))) \ MsoDebugBreak(); \ } while (0) #endif
/* Tells if the Office is currently displaying an alert message box */ #if !DEBUG
#define MsoFInAssert() (FALSE)
MSOAPI_(BOOL) MsoFInAssert(void); #endif
/* Random compatability versions of the assert macros */
#if 0
#define VSZASSERT AssertData
#define Assert(f) AssertMsg((f), #f)
#define AssertInline(f) AssertMsgInline((f), #f)
#define AssertTemplate(f) AssertMsgTemplate((f), #f)
#define Assert(f) AssertMsg((f), NULL)
#define AssertInline(f) AssertMsgInline((f), NULL)
#define AssertTemplate(f) AssertMsgTemplate((f), NULL)
#define AssertExp(f) AssertMsg((f), #f)
#define AssertSz(f, szMsg) AssertMsg((f), szMsg)
Verification failures *************************************************************************/
/* Like Assert, except the test is still made in the ship version
of the application. Especially useful for tests that have required side-effects. */
#if !DEBUG
#define VerifyMsg(f, szMsg) (f)
#define VerifyMsgInline(f, szMsg) (f)
#define VerifyMsg(f, szMsg) \
do { \ if (!(f) && MsoFAssertsEnabled() && \ !MsoFAssert(vszAssertFile, __LINE__, (const CHAR*)(szMsg))) \ MsoDebugBreakInline(); \ } while (0) #define VerifyMsgInline(f, szMsg) \
do { \ if (!(f) && MsoFAssertsEnabled() && \ !MsoFAssert(__FILE__, __LINE__, (const CHAR*)(szMsg))) \ MsoDebugBreakInline(); \ } while (0) #endif
#define Verify(f) VerifyMsg((f), #f)
#define Verify(f) VerifyMsg((f), NULL)
#define VerifyExp(f) VerifyMsg((f), #f)
#if 0
#define SideAssert(f) Verify(f)
#define AssertDo(f) Verify(f)
Untested notifications *************************************************************************/
#if !DEBUG
#define UntestedMsg(szMsg)
#define UntestedMsg(szMsg) \
do { \ if (MsoFAssertsEnabled() && \ !MsoFAssertTitle("Untested", vszAssertFile, __LINE__, (const CHAR*)(szMsg))) \ MsoDebugBreakInline(); \ } while (0) #endif
#define Untested() UntestedMsg(NULL)
Unreached notifications *************************************************************************/
#if !DEBUG
#define UnreachedMsg(szMsg)
#define UnreachedMsg(szMsg) \
do { \ if (MsoFAssertsEnabled() && \ !MsoFAssertTitle("Unreached", vszAssertFile, __LINE__, (const CHAR*)(szMsg))) \ MsoDebugBreakInline(); \ } while (0) #endif
#define Unreached() UnreachedMsg(NULL)
PushAsserts *************************************************************************/
/* Like Assert, except the message is not immediately displayed.
Instead, the message is saved on a LIFO stack, which is dumped to the screen when an Assert eventually occurs. This can be useful for displaying additional information about the type of failure inside a nested validation routine.
Yeah, I know, this is a bad idea, but I had the code, so I might as well use it. */
#if !DEBUG
#define MsoFPushAssert(szFile, li, szMsg) (0)
#define PushAssertMsg(f, szMsg) (1)
MSOAPIXX_(BOOL) MsoFPushAssert(const CHAR* szFile, int li, const CHAR* szMsg); #define PushAssertMsg(f, szMsg) \
((f) || (!MsoFPushAssert(vszAssertFile, __LINE__, szMsg) && MsoDebugBreak())) #endif
#define PushAssert(f) PushAssertMsg((f), #f)
#define PushAssert(f) PushAssertMsg((f), NULL)
#define PushAssertExp(f) PushAssertMsg((f), #f)
Scratch GDI Objects *************************************************************************/
/* Routines to ensure only single access to global scratch GDI objects */
#if !DEBUG
#define MsoUseScratchObj(hobj, szObjName)
#define MsoReleaseScratchObj(hobj, szObjName)
#define UseScratchDC(hdc)
#define ReleaseScratchDC(hdc)
#define UseScratchRgn(hrgn)
#define ReleaseScratchRgn(hrgn)
/* mask that contains unused bits in the handle */ #if MAC
#define msohInUse (0x00000003)
#define MsoFObjInUse(hobj) (((int)(hobj)&msohInUse)==0)
#define msohInUse (0xffffffff)
// REVIEW: any handle bits we can rely on to make this test more correct?
#define MsoFObjInUse(hobj) (GetObjectType(hobj) != 0)
#define MsoUseScratchObj(hobj, szObjName) \
do { \ if (MsoFObjInUse(hobj) && MsoFAssertsEnabled() && \ !MsoFAssert(vszAssertFile, __LINE__, "Scratch " szObjName " " #hobj " already in use")) \ MsoDebugBreakInline(); \ *(int*)&(hobj) ^= msohInUse; \ } while (0)
#define MsoReleaseScratchObj(hobj, szObjName) \
do { \ if (!MsoFObjInUse(hobj) && MsoFAssertsEnabled() && \ !MsoFAssert(vszAssertFile, __LINE__, "Scratch " szObjName " " #hobj " not in use")) \ MsoDebugBreakInline(); \ *(int*)&(hobj) ^= msohInUse; \ } while (0)
#define UseScratchDC(hdc) MsoUseScratchObj(hdc, "DC")
#define ReleaseScratchDC(hdc) MsoReleaseScratchObj(hdc, "DC")
#define UseScratchRgn(hrgn) MsoUseScratchObj(hrgn, "region")
#define ReleaseScratchRgn(hrgn) MsoReleaseScratchObj(hrgn, "region")
Reports *************************************************************************/
MSOAPI_(BOOL) MsoFReport(const CHAR* szFile, int li, const CHAR* szMsg); #define ReportMsg(f, szMsg) \
do { \ if (MsoFReportsEnabled() && !(f) && \ !MsoFReport(vszAssertFile, __LINE__, (const CHAR*)(szMsg))) \ MsoDebugBreakInline(); \ } while (0) #else
#define MsoFReport(szFile, li, szMsg) (TRUE)
#define ReportMsg(f, szMsg)
#endif // MSO_NO_ASSERTS
Inline Assert stubs - these should only happen for people who define MSO_NO_ASSERTS and don't define the asserts we need. They don't get asserts. *************************************************************************/
#ifndef AssertMsgInline
#define AssertMsgInline(f, szMsg)
#ifndef AssertMsgTemplate
#define AssertMsgTemplate(f, szMsg)
#ifndef AssertInline
#define AssertInline(f)
#ifndef AssertTemplate
#define AssertTemplate(f)
Tracing *************************************************************************/
/* Displays the string sz in the debug output location */ #if DEBUG
MSOAPI_(void) MsoTraceSz(const CHAR* szMsg, ...); MSOAPI_(void) MsoTraceVa(const CHAR* szMsg, va_list va); #elif __cplusplus
__inline void __cdecl MsoTraceSz(const CHAR*,...) {} #define MsoTraceVa(szMsg, va)
__inline void __cdecl MsoTraceSz(const CHAR* szMsg,...) {} #define MsoTraceVa(szMsg, va)
Debug fills *************************************************************************/
enum { msomfSentinel, /* sentinel fill value */ msomfFree, /* free fill value */ msomfNew, /* new fill value */ msomfMax };
/* Fills the memory pointed to by pv with the fill value lFill. The
area is assumed to be cb bytes in length. Does nothing in the non-debug build */ #if DEBUG
MSOAPI_(void) MsoDebugFillValue(void* pv, int cb, DWORD lFill); #else
#define MsoDebugFillValue(pv, cb, lFill)
/* In the debug version, used to fill the area of memory pointed to by
pv with a the standard fill value specified by mf. The memory is assumed to be cb bytes long. */ #if DEBUG
MSOAPI_(void) MsoDebugFill(void* pv, int cb, int mf); #else
#define MsoDebugFill(pv, cb, mf)
/* Checks the area given by pv and cb are filled with the debug fill
value lFill. */ #if DEBUG
MSOAPI_(BOOL) MsoFCheckDebugFillValue(void* pv, int cb, DWORD lFill); #else
#define MsoFCheckDebugFillValue(pv, cb, lFill) (TRUE)
/* Checks the area given by pv and cb are filled with the debug fill
of type mf. */ #if DEBUG
MSOAPI_(BOOL) MsoFCheckDebugFill(void* pv, int cb, int mf); #else
#define MsoFCheckDebugFill(pv, cb, mf) (TRUE)
/* Returns the fill value corresponding to the given fill value type mf. */ #if DEBUG
MSOAPI_(DWORD) MsoLGetDebugFillValue(int mf); #else
#define MsoLGetDebugFillValue(mf) ((DWORD)0)
/* Sets the fill value to lFill for the given memory fill type mf.
Returns the previous fill value. */ #if DEBUG
MSOAPI_(DWORD) MsoSetDebugFillValue(int mf, DWORD lFill); #else
#define MsoSetDebugFillValue(mf, lFill) ((DWORD)0)
#define MsoDebugFillLocal(l) MsoDebugFill(&(l), sizeof(l), msomfFree)
Debug APIs *************************************************************************/
enum { msodbSaveBe = 1, msodbValidate = 2, };
Standard debugging UI for controlling Office debug options from within the app. *************************************************************************/
/* Debug options for the Debug Options dialog box */ typedef struct MSODBO { int aoEnabled; // assert outputs
char szOut[128]; // assert output file (for msoaoFile)
DWORD mpmflFill[msomfMax]; // memory fill values
BOOL mpdcfEnabled[msodcMax]; // debug checks enabled
/* TODO rickp(peteren): I moved mpdcfEnabled to the end
so's you could avoid full builds after adding new options. That OK? */ } MSODBO;
enum { msodboGetDefaults = 1, /* return default debug options */ msodboShowDialog = 2, /* show default debug options dialog */ msodboSetOptions = 3 /* set debug options */ };
/* Displays the Office standard debug dialog box with owner hwndParent;
for msdboGetDefaults, returns the current debug settings in pdbo; for msdboShowDialog, displays the dialog box using the settings passed in pdbo, and returns the new values (if the user hits OK); for msdboSetOptions, sets the current debug settings to values in pdbo. Returns FALSE if the user canceled the dialog. */ #if DEBUG
MSOAPI_(BOOL) MsoFDebugOptionsDlg(HWND hwndParent, MSODBO* pdbo, int dbo); #else
#define MsoFDebugOptionsDlg(hwndParent, pdbo, dbo) (0)
/* Puts up the debug dialog box that displays all the cool and
interesting version information for all the modules linked into the running application. The owning window is hwndParent, and additional DLL instances can be displayed by passing an array of instance handles in rghinst, with size chinst. */ #if DEBUG
MSOAPI_(void) MsoModuleVersionDlg(HWND hwndParent, const HINSTANCE* rghinst, int chinst); #else
#define MsoModuleVersionDlg(hwndParent, rghinst, chinst)
Debug Monitors *************************************************************************/
/* Monitor notifcations */
enum { msonmAlloc=0x1000, // memory allocation
msonmFree, // memory freed
msonmRealloc, // memory reallocation
msonmStartTrace, // start trace
msonmEndTrace, // end trace
msonmSbMic, msonmSbMac, msonmSbCbFree, msonmSbCbTotal, };
MSOAPIXX_(LRESULT) MsoNotifyMonitor(int nm, ...); MSOAPIXX_(HWND) MsoGetMonitor(void); MSOAPIXX_(BOOL) MsoFAddMonitor(HWND hwnd); MSOAPIXX_(BOOL) MsoFRemoveMonitor(HWND hwnd); MSOAPIXX_(BOOL) MsoFMonitorProcess(HWND hwnd); MSOAPIXX_(HWND) MsoGetMonitoredProcess(void); MSOAPIXX_(LRESULT) MsoAskMonitoredProcess(int nm, LPARAM lParam);
#elif __cplusplus
__inline void __cdecl MsoNotifyMonitor(int,...) {} #else
__inline void __cdecl MsoNotifyMonitor(int nm,...) {} #endif
#if defined(__cplusplus)
} #endif
#endif // MSODEBUG_H