#include "pch.hxx"
#include "note.h"
#include "header.h"
#include "envcid.h"
#include "envguid.h"
#include "bodyutil.h"
#include "oleutil.h"
#include "acctutil.h"
#include "menures.h"
#include "instance.h"
#include "inetcfg.h"
#include "ipab.h"
#include "msgprop.h"
#include "mlang.h"
#include "shlwapip.h"
#include "demand.h"
#include <ruleutil.h>
#include "instance.h"
#include "mapiutil.h"
#include <mapi.h>
LHANDLE g_lhSession = 0;
// FUNCTION: NewsUtil_ReFwdByMapi
// PURPOSE: Allows the caller to reply to the specified message via Simple
// MAPI instead of Athena Mail.
// hwnd - Handle of the window to display UI over.
// pNewsMsg - Pointer to the news message to reply/forward to
// fReply - TRUE if we should reply, FALSE to forward.
HRESULT NewsUtil_ReFwdByMapi(HWND hwnd, LPMIMEMESSAGE pMsg, DWORD msgtype) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; LPMAPIFREEBUFFER pfnMAPIFreeBuffer; LPMAPIRESOLVENAME pfnMAPIResolveName; LPMAPISENDMAIL pfnMAPISendMail; MapiMessage mm; MapiFileDesc *pFileDesc=NULL; MapiRecipDesc *pRecips=NULL; ULONG uAttach; ULONG cAttach=0; HBODY *rghAttach=NULL; LPSTR pszReply=NULL; LPSTR pszSubject=NULL; LPSTR pszFrom=NULL; LPSTR pszTo=NULL; LPSTR pszFile=NULL; LPSTR pszFull=NULL; LPSTR pszDisplay=NULL; LPSTR pszAddr=NULL; ADDRESSLIST addrList={0}; HBODY hBody; BOOL fQP; TCHAR szNewSubject[256]; LPWSTR pwsz=NULL; ULONG cchRead; LPSTREAM pBodyStream=NULL; LPSTREAM pQuotedStream=NULL; INT cch; DWORD cbUnicode; CHAR szTempPath[MAX_PATH]; LPMIMEBODY pBody=NULL; MapiFileDesc *pCur;
// Trace
// Initialize
ZeroMemory(&mm, sizeof(mm));
// Load the MAPI DLL. If we don't succeed, then we can't continue
IF_FAILEXIT(hr = NewsUtil_LoadMAPI(hwnd));
// pfnMAPIFreeBuffer
pfnMAPIFreeBuffer = (LPMAPIFREEBUFFER)GetProcAddress(g_hlibMAPI, c_szMAPIFreeBuffer); if (NULL == pfnMAPIFreeBuffer) { hr = TraceResult(E_FAIL); goto exit; }
// pfnMAPIResolveName
pfnMAPIResolveName = (LPMAPIRESOLVENAME) GetProcAddress(g_hlibMAPI, c_szMAPIResolveName); if (NULL == pfnMAPIResolveName) { hr = TraceResult(E_FAIL); goto exit; }
// pfnMAPISendMail
pfnMAPISendMail = (LPMAPISENDMAIL) GetProcAddress(g_hlibMAPI, c_szMAPISendMail); if (NULL == pfnMAPISendMail) { hr = TraceResult(E_FAIL); goto exit; }
// From
if (SUCCEEDED(MimeOleGetBodyPropW(pMsg, HBODY_ROOT, PIDTOSTR(PID_HDR_FROM), NOFLAGS, &pwsz))) { IF_NULLEXIT(pszFrom = PszToANSI(CP_ACP, pwsz)); SafeMemFree(pwsz); }
// Reply-To
if (SUCCEEDED(MimeOleGetBodyPropW(pMsg, HBODY_ROOT, PIDTOSTR(PID_HDR_REPLYTO), NOFLAGS, &pwsz))) { IF_NULLEXIT(pszReply = PszToANSI(CP_ACP, pwsz)); SafeMemFree(pwsz); }
// To
if (SUCCEEDED(MimeOleGetBodyPropW(pMsg, HBODY_ROOT, PIDTOSTR(PID_HDR_TO), NOFLAGS, &pwsz))) { IF_NULLEXIT(pszTo = PszToANSI(CP_ACP, pwsz)); SafeMemFree(pwsz); }
// If this is a reply or forward, we need to get the normalized subject. Otherwise, we just get the regular subject.
if (MSGTYPE_REPLY == msgtype || MSGTYPE_FWD == msgtype) { // Normalized Subject
// Subject
else if (FAILED(MimeOleGetBodyPropW(pMsg, HBODY_ROOT, PIDTOSTR(PID_HDR_SUBJECT), NOFLAGS, &pwsz))) pwsz = NULL;
// Convert to ansi
if (pwsz) { IF_NULLEXIT(pszSubject = PszToANSI(CP_ACP, pwsz)); SafeMemFree(pwsz); }
// Attempt to generate a reciepent list for MAPI if we're replying or CC'ing.
if (msgtype == MSGTYPE_REPLY || msgtype == MSGTYPE_CC) { // Figure out which address to use
if (msgtype == MSGTYPE_REPLY) { // If there's a reply-to field on the message, then use that
if (pszReply) pszFull = pszReply; else // Otherwise, we'll use the address in the from header
pszFull = pszFrom; }
// Who to address to
else pszFull = pszTo;
// Bug #24587 - Use IAT_TO instead of IAT_UNKNOWN.
if (MimeOleParseRfc822Address(IAT_TO, IET_DECODED, pszFull, &addrList)==S_OK) { UINT i; lpMapiRecipDesc paRecips,pCurrent; DWORD cchSizeName = 128; DWORD cchSizeAddress = 128;
// we arbitrarily chose 128 as typical for EIDSize and address string lengths
int cAlloc = (sizeof(MapiRecipDesc) + (sizeof(TCHAR) * cchSizeName) + 128) * addrList.cAdrs; int cUsed = sizeof(MapiRecipDesc) * addrList.cAdrs; LPBYTE pVal = NULL;
IF_FAILEXIT(hr = HrAlloc((LPVOID *)&paRecips, cAlloc)); pCurrent = paRecips; pVal = (LPBYTE)pCurrent + sizeof(MapiRecipDesc) * addrList.cAdrs;
// More than one address
for (i=0; i < addrList.cAdrs ;i++) { int cBytes;
// free Safe Friendly Name (not used here, but was allocated)
SafeMemFree(addrList.prgAdr[i].pszFriendly); addrList.prgAdr[i].pszFriendly = NULL;
// Save E-mail address
pszAddr = addrList.prgAdr[i].pszEmail; addrList.prgAdr[i].pszEmail = NULL;
// Resolve Name
if ((cUsed < cAlloc) && SUCCESS_SUCCESS == pfnMAPIResolveName(g_lhSession, (ULONG_PTR) hwnd, pszAddr, MAPI_DIALOG, 0, &pRecips)) { pRecips->ulRecipClass = MAPI_TO;
// copy pRecip
pCurrent->ulReserved = pRecips->ulReserved; pCurrent->ulRecipClass = pRecips->ulRecipClass; pCurrent->ulEIDSize = pRecips->ulEIDSize;
do { if (pRecips->lpszName) { cBytes = (lstrlen(pRecips->lpszName)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR); cUsed += cBytes; if (cUsed > cAlloc) break; pCurrent->lpszName = (LPTSTR)pVal; StrCpyN(pCurrent->lpszName, pRecips->lpszName, cchSizeName); pVal += cBytes; } else { pCurrent->lpszName = NULL; }
if (pRecips->lpszAddress) { cBytes = (lstrlen(pRecips->lpszAddress)+1)*sizeof(TCHAR); cUsed += cBytes; if (cUsed > cAlloc) break; pCurrent->lpszAddress = (LPTSTR)pVal; StrCpyN(pCurrent->lpszAddress, pRecips->lpszAddress, cchSizeAddress); pVal += cBytes; } else { pCurrent->lpszAddress = NULL; }
if (pRecips->ulEIDSize) { cUsed += pRecips->ulEIDSize; if (cUsed > cAlloc) break; pCurrent->lpEntryID = pVal; CopyMemory(pCurrent->lpEntryID, pRecips->lpEntryID, (size_t)pRecips->ulEIDSize); pVal += pRecips->ulEIDSize; } else { pCurrent->lpEntryID = NULL; }
pCurrent++; mm.nRecipCount++; } while (FALSE);
// Free recips
(*pfnMAPIFreeBuffer)((LPVOID)pRecips); pRecips = NULL; }
SafeMemFree(pszAddr); pszAddr = NULL; } mm.lpRecips = paRecips;
// Free the Address List
g_pMoleAlloc->FreeAddressList(&addrList); } }
// If this is a reply or forward, then create a normalized subject
if (msgtype == MSGTYPE_REPLY || msgtype == MSGTYPE_FWD) { // Pull in the new prefix from resource...
if (msgtype == MSGTYPE_REPLY) { StrCpyN(szNewSubject, c_szPrefixRE, ARRAYSIZE(szNewSubject)); } else { StrCpyN(szNewSubject, c_szPrefixFW, ARRAYSIZE(szNewSubject)); }
// If we have a pszSubject
if (pszSubject) { // Get Length
cch = lstrlen(szNewSubject);
// Append the Subject
StrCpyN(szNewSubject + cch, pszSubject, ARRAYSIZE(szNewSubject) - cch - 1); }
// Set the Subject
mm.lpszSubject = szNewSubject; }
// Don't append anything
else { // If this is a CC, then just use the regular subject field
mm.lpszSubject = pszSubject; }
// Set the note text.
// If this is a fwd as attachment, there won't be a body, don't use IF_FAILEXIT
if(SUCCEEDED(pMsg->GetTextBody(TXT_PLAIN, IET_UNICODE, &pBodyStream, &hBody))) { // Convert from unicode to CP_ACP - WARNING: HrStreamToByte allocates 10 extra bytes so I can slam in a L'\0'
IF_FAILEXIT(hr = HrStreamToByte(pBodyStream, (LPBYTE *)&pwsz, &cbUnicode));
// Store null
pwsz[cbUnicode / sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0';
// Convert to ANSI
IF_NULLEXIT(mm.lpszNoteText = PszToANSI(CP_ACP, pwsz));
// Release pBodyStream
// Bug #24159 - We need to quote forwards as well as replies
if (DwGetOption(OPT_INCLUDEMSG) && (msgtype == MSGTYPE_REPLY || msgtype == MSGTYPE_FWD)) { // Create a new stream
IF_FAILEXIT(hr = MimeOleCreateVirtualStream(&pBodyStream));
// Dump mm.lpszNoteText into pBodyStream
IF_FAILEXIT(hr = pBodyStream->Write(mm.lpszNoteText, lstrlen(mm.lpszNoteText), NULL));
// Commit
IF_FAILEXIT(hr = pBodyStream->Commit(STGC_DEFAULT));
// Rewind
IF_FAILEXIT(hr = HrRewindStream(pBodyStream));
// QP
fQP = HrHasEncodedBodyParts(pMsg, 1, &hBody)==S_OK;
// Quote the body text
NewsUtil_QuoteBodyText(pMsg, pBodyStream, &pQuotedStream, TRUE, fQP, pszFrom ? pszFrom : c_szEmpty);
// Free
// Dup
IF_FAILEXIT(hr = HrStreamToByte(pQuotedStream, (LPBYTE *)&mm.lpszNoteText, &cchRead));
// Null Term
*(mm.lpszNoteText + cchRead) = '\0'; } }
// If this is a reply, then we don't include any attachments, otherwise we do.
if (msgtype != MSGTYPE_REPLY) { // Get Attachment Count
IF_FAILEXIT(hr = pMsg->GetAttachments(&cAttach, &rghAttach));
// Ar there attachments
if (cAttach) { // Get the temp file path so we have a place to store temp files.
GetTempPath(ARRAYSIZE(szTempPath), szTempPath);
// Create the MapiFileDesc array.
IF_FAILEXIT(hr = HrAlloc((LPVOID*) &pFileDesc, sizeof(MapiFileDesc) * cAttach));
// Zero It
ZeroMemory(pFileDesc, sizeof(MapiFileDesc) * cAttach);
// Set Current
pCur = pFileDesc;
// Loop
for (uAttach = 0; uAttach < cAttach; uAttach++) { // Get a temp file name
IF_FAILEXIT(hr = HrAlloc((LPVOID *)&(pCur->lpszPathName), sizeof(TCHAR) * MAX_PATH));
// Create temp filename
GetTempFileName(szTempPath, "NAB", 0, pCur->lpszPathName);
// Bind to the body
IF_FAILEXIT(hr = pMsg->BindToObject(rghAttach[uAttach], IID_IMimeBody, (LPVOID *)&pBody));
// Safe It
IF_FAILEXIT(hr = pBody->SaveToFile(IET_INETCSET, pCur->lpszPathName));
// Release
// Get the filename
if (SUCCEEDED(MimeOleGetBodyPropW(pMsg, rghAttach[uAttach], STR_ATT_GENFNAME, NOFLAGS, &pwsz))) { IF_NULLEXIT(pszFile = PszToANSI(CP_ACP, pwsz)); SafeMemFree(pwsz); } // Set up the MAPI attachment list
pCur->ulReserved = 0; pCur->flFlags = 0; pCur->nPosition = (ULONG) -1; pCur->lpszFileName = pszFile; pCur->lpFileType = NULL;
// Increment
// Don't Free It
pszFile = NULL; }
mm.nFileCount = cAttach; mm.lpFiles = pFileDesc; } }
// Finally send this off to MAPI for sending. If we're doing a CC, we try not to use UI
IF_FAILEXIT(hr = (HRESULT) pfnMAPISendMail(g_lhSession, (ULONG_PTR)hwnd, &mm, (msgtype == MSGTYPE_CC) ? 0 : MAPI_DIALOG, 0));
exit: // If we have a file description
if (pFileDesc) { // Walk through the attachments
for (uAttach=0; uAttach<cAttach; uAttach++) { // Free It
// If we have a file path
if (pFileDesc[uAttach].lpszPathName) { // Delete the file
// Free It
MemFree(pFileDesc[uAttach].lpszPathName); } }
// Free It
MemFree(pFileDesc); }
// Free recips
if (pRecips) (*pfnMAPIFreeBuffer)((LPVOID)pRecips);
// Cleanup
SafeMemFree(mm.lpRecips); SafeMemFree(pszAddr); SafeMemFree(pszDisplay); SafeMemFree(mm.lpszNoteText); SafeMemFree(pwsz); SafeMemFree(pszReply); SafeMemFree(pszSubject); SafeMemFree(pszFrom); SafeMemFree(rghAttach); SafeMemFree(pszTo); SafeRelease(pQuotedStream); SafeRelease(pBodyStream); SafeRelease(pBody);
// If we logged on to MAPI, we must log off
return(hr); }
// FUNCTION: NewsUtil_LoadMAPI()
// PURPOSE: Takes care of checking to see if Simple MAPI is available, and
// if so loads the library and logs the user on. If successful,
// then the global variable g_hlibMAPI is set to the library for
// MAPI.
// Load mapi32 dll if we haven't already
if (!g_hlibMAPI) {
// Check to see if Simple MAPI is available
if (1 != GetProfileInt(c_szMailIni, c_szMAPI, 0)) { // Bug #17561 - Need to tell the user they can't send mail without
// a mail client.
AthMessageBoxW(hwnd, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(idsAthenaNews), MAKEINTRESOURCEW(idsErrNoMailInstalled), 0, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP); return (E_FAIL); }
g_hlibMAPI = (HMODULE) LoadLibrary(c_szMAPIDLL); if (!g_hlibMAPI) { // Bug #17561 - Need to tell the user they can't send mail without
// a mail client.
AthMessageBoxW(hwnd, MAKEINTRESOURCEW(idsAthenaNews), MAKEINTRESOURCEW(idsErrNoMailInstalled), 0, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP); return (E_FAIL); } }
// Get the entry point for MAPILogon and the other APIs we'll use.
pfnMAPILogon = (LPMAPILOGON) GetProcAddress(g_hlibMAPI, c_szMAPILogon); if (!pfnMAPILogon) { AssertSz(pfnMAPILogon, TEXT("Couldn't find the MAPILogon() API")); goto error; }
// Attempt to log on.
// Bug #17558 - Can't used the FAILED() macro to check the success of this
// one, MAPI is not returning HRESULTs, just numbers.
if (SUCCESS_SUCCESS != (hr = pfnMAPILogon(NULL, NULL, NULL, MAPI_LOGON_UI, 0, &g_lhSession))) { // AssertSz(FALSE, TEXT("Failed call to MAPILogon()"));
goto error; }
return (S_OK);
error: if (g_hlibMAPI) { FreeLibrary(g_hlibMAPI); g_hlibMAPI = 0; } g_lhSession = 0;
return (hr); }
// FUNCTION: NewsUtil_FreeMAPI()
// PURPOSE: Frees the Simple MAPI library if it was previous library and
// also logs the user off from the current MAPI session.
void NewsUtil_FreeMAPI(void) { LPMAPILOGOFF pfnMAPILogoff;
if (!g_hlibMAPI) return; pfnMAPILogoff = (LPMAPILOGOFF) GetProcAddress(g_hlibMAPI, c_szMAPILogoff);
if (g_lhSession) pfnMAPILogoff(g_lhSession, NULL, 0, 0); g_lhSession = 0; }
// FUNCTION: NewsUtil_QuoteBodyText()
// PURPOSE: Takes a body text stream (ASCII plain text) and copies the
// text to a separate outbound stream while prepending the
// current quote character (">") to the beginning of each line.
// pMsg - Pointer to the message being replied to. We use this
// to add the "On 1/1/96, B.L. Opie Bailey wrote..."
// pStreamIn - Pointer to the inbound body stream to quote.
// ppStreamOut - Pointer to where the new quoted stream will return.
// fInsertDesc - TRUE if we should insert the "On 1/1/96 ..." line.
// fQP - we now pass a flag to say if it's QP or not as there's no
// function on the message object
// Returns an HRESULT signifying success or failure.
const DWORD c_cBufferSize = 1024; HRESULT NewsUtil_QuoteBodyText(LPMIMEMESSAGE pMsg, LPSTREAM pStreamIn, LPSTREAM* ppStreamOut, BOOL fInsertDesc, BOOL fQP, LPCSTR pszFrom) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG cbRead; LPTSTR pch; TCHAR szQuoteChar; LPSTR lpszMsgId=0;
szQuoteChar = (TCHAR)DwGetOption(OPT_NEWSINDENT);
// Validate the inbound stream.
if (!pStreamIn) { AssertSz(pStreamIn, TEXT("NewsUtil_QuoteBodyText - Need an inbound stream to process.")); return (E_INVALIDARG); }
// Create our outbound stream.
if (FAILED(MimeOleCreateVirtualStream(ppStreamOut))) { AssertSz(FALSE, TEXT("NewsUtil_QuoteBodyText - Failed to allocate memory.")); return (E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
// Create a buffer to read into and parse etc.
LPTSTR pszBuffer; if (!MemAlloc((LPVOID*) &pszBuffer, c_cBufferSize * sizeof(TCHAR))) { (*ppStreamOut)->Release(); AssertSz(FALSE, TEXT("NewsUtil_QuoteBodyText - Failed to allocate memory.")); return (E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
ZeroMemory(pszBuffer, c_cBufferSize * sizeof(TCHAR));
if (lpszMsgId == NULL) lpszMsgId = (LPSTR)c_szEmpty;
if (fQP) { // If the text has some quoted printable stuff in it, then we don't want
// to introduce hard line breaks. Instead we just prefix the stream with
// the normal desc stuff and end it with a suitable line.
// Add the quote line.
LPTSTR pszStringRes; int ids = 0;
if (fInsertDesc) { pszStringRes = AthLoadString(idsReplyTextPrefix, 0, 0); wnsprintf(pszBuffer, c_cBufferSize, pszStringRes, pszFrom, lpszMsgId); AthFreeString(pszStringRes); (*ppStreamOut)->Write((LPVOID) g_szCRLF2, lstrlen(g_szCRLF2), NULL); (*ppStreamOut)->Write((LPVOID) pszBuffer, lstrlen(pszBuffer), NULL); (*ppStreamOut)->Write((LPVOID) g_szCRLF, lstrlen(g_szCRLF), NULL); }
while (TRUE) { // Read a buffer from the input and write it to the output.
hr = pStreamIn->Read((LPVOID) pszBuffer, c_cBufferSize - 2, &cbRead); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit; if (cbRead == 0) break;
(*ppStreamOut)->Write((LPVOID) pszBuffer, cbRead, NULL); }
// Write the trailing comment.
pszStringRes = AthLoadString(idsReplyTextAppend, 0, 0); (*ppStreamOut)->Write((LPVOID) pszStringRes, lstrlen(pszStringRes), NULL); AthFreeString(pszStringRes); } else { if (fInsertDesc) { // Add the quote line.
LPTSTR pszStringRes; int ids = 0;
pszStringRes = AthLoadString(idsReplyTextPrefix, 0, 0); wnsprintf(pszBuffer, c_cBufferSize, pszStringRes, pszFrom, lpszMsgId); AthFreeString(pszStringRes); (*ppStreamOut)->Write((LPVOID) g_szCRLF2, lstrlen(g_szCRLF2), NULL); (*ppStreamOut)->Write((LPVOID) pszBuffer, lstrlen(pszBuffer), NULL); (*ppStreamOut)->Write((LPVOID) g_szCRLF, lstrlen(g_szCRLF), NULL); }
// Write the first quote char to the new stream.
// Bug #26297 - Still go through this bs even if no quote char is necessary
// to make sure we get the attribution line right.
if (szQuoteChar != INDENTCHAR_NONE) { (*ppStreamOut)->Write((const LPVOID) &szQuoteChar, sizeof(TCHAR), NULL); (*ppStreamOut)->Write((const LPVOID) g_szSpace, sizeof(TCHAR), NULL); }
// Now start the reading and parsing.
// NOTE - Right now all we're doing is adding a quote char to the beginning
// of each line. We're not trying to wrap lines or re-wrap previously
// quoted areas. - SteveSer
while (TRUE) { hr = pStreamIn->Read((LPVOID) pszBuffer, c_cBufferSize - 2, &cbRead); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit; if (cbRead == 0) break;
pch = pszBuffer; // Make sure the buffer is NULL terminated
*(pch + cbRead) = 0;
// Now run through the stream. Whenever we find a line break, we
// insert a quote char after the line break.
while (*pch) { (*ppStreamOut)->Write((const LPVOID) pch, (ULONG)((IsDBCSLeadByte(*pch) ? 2 * sizeof(TCHAR) : sizeof(TCHAR))), NULL); if (*pch == *g_szNewline) { // Bug #26297 - Still go through this bs even if no quote char is necessary
// to make sure we get the attribution line right.
if (szQuoteChar != INDENTCHAR_NONE) { (*ppStreamOut)->Write((const LPVOID) &szQuoteChar, sizeof(TCHAR), NULL); (*ppStreamOut)->Write((const LPVOID) g_szSpace, sizeof(TCHAR), NULL); } }
pch = CharNext(pch);
// Do some checking to see if we're at the end of a buffer.
if (IsDBCSLeadByte(*(pch)) && (0 == *(pch + 1))) { // Here's a little special case. If we have one byte left in
// the buffer, and that byte happens to be the first byte in
// a DBCS character, we need to write that byte now, then move
// the pointer to the end of the buffer so the next character
// get's read off the next stream OK.
(*ppStreamOut)->Write((const LPVOID) pch, sizeof(TCHAR), NULL); pch++; } } } }
exit: if (pszBuffer) MemFree(pszBuffer);
if (lpszMsgId != c_szEmpty) SafeMimeOleFree(lpszMsgId); return (hr); }