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  1. #ifndef _INC_OPTRES_H
  2. #define _INC_OPTRES_H
  3. #define IDC_SOUND_CHECK 1000
  4. #define IDC_PREVIEW_CHECK 1001
  5. #define IDC_AUTOCHECK_CHECK 1002
  6. #define IDC_AUTOCHECK_EDIT 1003
  7. #define IDC_EMPTY_CHECK 1004
  8. #define IDC_AUTOCHECK_SPIN 1005
  9. #define IDC_SAVE_CHECK 1006
  10. #define IDC_CHECK3 1008
  11. #define IDC_INDENT_CHECK 1010
  12. #define IDC_INDENT_COMBO 1011
  13. #define IDC_MIME_RADIO 1013
  14. #define IDC_UUENCODE_RADIO 1014
  15. #define IDC_ENCODE_COMBO 1015
  16. #define IDC_BREAK_CHECK 1016
  17. #define IDC_BREAK_EDIT 1017
  18. #define IDC_BREAK_SPIN 1018
  19. #define IDC_NOSIG_RADIO 1020
  20. #define IDC_TEXT_RADIO 1021
  21. #define IDC_FILE_RADIO 1022
  22. #define IDC_TEXT_EDIT 1023
  23. #define IDC_FILE_EDIT 1024
  24. #define IDC_BROWSE_BUTTON 1025
  25. #define IDC_ADVANCED_BUTTON 1026
  26. #define IDC_INCLUDE_CHECK 1027
  27. #define IDC_AUTOSIGNATURE_CHECK 1029
  28. #define IDC_MARKASREAD_EDIT 1030
  29. #define IDC_MARKASREAD_SPIN 1031
  30. #define IDC_MAILTIMEOUT_SLIDER 1033
  31. #define IDC_MAILTIMEOUT_STATIC 1034
  32. #define IDC_SENDIMMEDIATE_CHECK 1036
  33. #define IDC_SIGREPLY_CHECK 1037
  34. #define IDC_MAILWRAP_EDIT 1038
  35. #define IDC_MAILWRAP_SPIN 1039
  36. #define IDC_8BIT_HEADER 1040
  37. #define IDC_MAILWRAP_TEXT1 1041
  38. #define IDC_MAILWRAP_TEXT2 1042
  39. #define idcStaticOrFwd 1047
  40. #define idcStaticReplying 1048
  41. #define IDC_AUTOWAB_CHECK 1049
  42. #define IDC_INCLUDE_OTHERS 1051
  43. #define IDC_SIGN_CHECK 1052
  44. #define IDC_ENCRYPT_CHECK 1053
  45. #define IDC_ADVSETTINGS_BUTTON 1054
  46. #define IDC_CERT_COMBO 1055
  47. #define IDC_INCLUDECERT_CHECK 1056
  48. #define IDC_ENCRYPT_COMBO 1057
  49. #define IDC_ENCRYPT_FOR_SELF 1058
  50. #define IDC_OPAQUE_SIGN 1059
  51. #define IDC_FONTSETTINGS 1060
  52. #define idcAutoInline 1061
  53. #define idcAutoInlineSlide 1062
  54. #define IDC_SENDIMAGES 1063
  55. #define IDC_REPLY_IN_ORIGFMT 1064
  56. #define IDC_STORE_LOCATION 1065
  57. #define IDC_STORE_EDIT 1066
  58. #define IDC_CHANGE_BTN 1067
  60. #define IDC_ENCRYPT_WARN_COMBO 1069
  61. #define IDC_VCARD_CHECK 1071
  62. #define IDC_VCARD_COMBO 1072
  63. #define IDC_VCARD_BUTTON_EDIT 1073
  64. #define IDC_VCARD_BUTTON_NEW 1074
  65. #define IDC_BROWSE_PICTURE 1075
  66. #define IDC_BKGRNDPICTURE_CHECK 1076
  67. #define IDC_BKGRNDPICTURE 1077
  68. #define IDC_SENDFONTSETTINGS 1078
  69. #define IDC_INDENTREPLY_CHECK 1079
  71. #define IDC_SIGBOTTOM_CHECK 1081
  72. #define IDC_ALWAYSCHECK 1090
  73. #define IDC_NOTDEFAULT 1091
  74. #define IDC_WARNINGICON 1092
  75. #define IDC_ENCRYPT_ICON 1093
  76. #define IDC_SIGNED_ICON 1094
  77. #define IDC_SIG_LIST 1095
  78. #define IDC_NEW_BUTTON 1096
  79. #define IDC_REMOVE_BUTTON 1097
  80. #define IDC_RENAME_BUTTON 1098
  81. #define IDC_ADDSIG_CHECK 1099
  82. #define IDC_ADDREPLY_CHECK 1100
  83. #define IDC_DEFAULT_BUTTON 1101
  84. #define IDC_ADV_BUTTON 1102
  85. #define IDC_ACCOUNT_LIST 1103
  86. #define IDC_ADVSIG_STATIC 1104
  87. #define IDC_POLLING_DIAL_OPTIONS 1105
  88. #define IDC_CERT_ICON 1106
  89. #define IDC_SELECT_LABEL 1107
  90. #define IDC_SEC_LABEL 1108
  91. #define idcName 2001
  92. #define idcOrganization 2002
  93. #define idcEmailAddress 2003
  94. #define idcReplyTo 2004
  95. #define idcNumSubj 2005
  96. #define idcSpinNumSubj 2006
  97. #define idcAdvancedBtn 2007
  98. #define idcAutoExpand 2008
  99. #define idcMarkAllRead 2009
  100. #define idcSelectEntireWord 2010
  101. #define idcMarkReadPreview 2011
  102. #define idcCheckForNew 2012
  103. #define idcEditHowOften 2013
  104. #define idcSpinHowOften 2014
  105. #define idcIncludeInReply 2015
  106. #define idcFontList 2016
  107. #define idcChange 2017
  108. #define idcDemoText 2018
  109. #define idcSuggest 2019
  110. #define idcCheckBeforeSend 2020
  111. #define idcIgnoreUpper 2021
  112. #define idcIgnoreNum 2022
  113. #define idcIgnoreOrig 2023
  114. #define idcRadioText 2024
  115. #define idcSigText 2025
  116. #define idcRadioFile 2026
  117. #define idcFileName 2027
  118. #define idcBrowse 2028
  119. #define idcAutoAddSig 2029
  120. #define idcDownloadChunks 2030
  121. #define idcAttachMime 2031
  122. #define idcAttachUuencode 2032
  123. #define IDC_BUDDYLIST_CHECK 2033
  124. #define IDC_NOTIFY_NEW_GROUPS 2037
  125. #define idcSaveCopy 2038
  126. #define idcIndentReply 2039
  127. #define idcIndentChar 2040
  128. #define idcProperties 2041
  129. #define idcAddServer 2043
  130. #define idcRemoveServer 2044
  131. #define idcPreviewTimeout 2045
  132. #define idcPreviewSpin 2046
  133. #define idcEncoding 2047
  134. #define idcServerList 2048
  135. #define idcNewsWrapEdit 2049
  136. #define idcNewsWrapSpin 2050
  137. #define idcAutoFillPreview 2051
  138. #define idch8bitHeader 2052
  139. #define idcTotalSize 2053
  140. #define idcWastedSpace 2054
  141. #define idbRemove 2055
  142. #define idbCompactCache 2059
  143. #define idbDelete 2060
  144. #define idchDeleteMsgs 2061
  145. #define ideDays 2062
  146. #define idspDays 2063
  147. #define idchDontCacheRead 2066
  148. #define idbManualCleanUp 2067
  149. #define idsDiskUsage 2068
  150. #define ideCompactPer 2071
  151. #define idspCompactPer 2072
  152. #define idcStartGroup 2073
  153. #define idcNewsWrapText1 2074
  154. #define idcNewsWrapText2 2075
  155. #define idcAdd 2076
  156. #define idcSetAsDefault 2077
  157. #define idcFontSettings 2078
  158. #define idcLogNewsXport 2079
  159. #define idcNewsXportBrowse 2080
  160. #define idcLogNewsOffline 2081
  161. #define idcOfflineBrowse 2082
  162. #define idcNoConnectionRadio 2083
  163. #define idcDialRadio 2084
  164. #define idcDialUpCombo 2085
  165. #define idcPromptRadio 2086
  166. #define idcSwitchCheck 2087
  167. #define idbtnMailPlain 2088
  168. #define idbtnMailHTML 2089
  169. #define idrbMailPlain 2090
  170. #define idrbMailHTML 2091
  171. #define idbtnNewsPlain 2092
  172. #define idbtnNewsHTML 2093
  173. #define idrbNewsPlain 2094
  174. #define idrbNewsHTML 2095
  175. #define idcLogMailXport 2096
  176. #define idcHangupCheck 2097
  177. #define IDC_LAUNCH_INBOX 2098
  178. #define idcIntlButton 2099
  179. #define IDC_SAMPLE 2100
  180. #define IDC_RADIOMYFONT 2101
  181. #define IDC_RADIOUSETHIS 2102
  182. #define IDC_EDITSTATIONERY 2103
  183. #define IDC_SELECT 2104
  184. #define IDC_SIGNATURE 2105
  185. #define IDC_ADDSTATIONERY 2106
  186. #define IDC_PREVIEW 2107
  187. #define IDC_LISTSTATIONERY 2108
  188. #define IDC_MORESTATIONERY 2110
  189. #define idbtnSendIntl 2111
  190. #define idbtnIDs 2112
  191. #define idcAutoDiscovery 2113
  192. #define idcZone 2115
  193. #define idbtnDigitalID 2117
  194. #define idbtnMoreInfo 2118
  195. #define idcLogImapXport 2119
  196. #define idcResetText 2120
  197. #define idbReset 2121
  198. #define IDC_ENGLISH_HDR_CHECK 2122
  199. #define IDC_EXPANDUNREAD_CHECK 2124
  200. #define IDC_MAILFORMAT_GROUP 2125
  202. #define IDC_DIGITALIDS_GROUP 2127
  203. #define IDC_MAILFORMAT_STATIC 2128
  205. #define IDC_DIGITALIDS_STATIC 2130
  206. #define IDC_MOREPREVIEW 2132
  207. #define IDC_SHOWPREVIEW_CHECK 2133
  208. #define idcIMAPPurge 2134
  209. #define idcTooltips 2135
  210. #define idcDialupButton 2136
  211. #define IDC_DEFMAIL 2137
  212. #define IDC_DEFNEWS 2138
  213. #define IDC_MAILHANDSTAT 2139
  214. #define IDC_NEWSHANDSTAT 2140
  215. #define IDC_STATIONERY 2141
  216. #define IDC_INTERNET_ZONE 2142
  217. #define IDC_RESTRICTED_ZONE 2143
  218. #define IDC_SEND_RECEIVE_ON_START 2144
  220. #define IDC_MAIL_FORMAT 2146
  221. #define IDC_MAIL_FORMAT_ADVANCED 2147
  222. #define IDC_NEWS_FORMAT 2148
  223. #define IDC_NEWS_FORMAT_ADVANCED 2149
  224. #define IDC_ADD_SIG 2150
  225. #define IDC_EDIT_SIG 2151
  226. #define IDC_TROUBLE_ICON 2152
  227. #define IDC_CLEANUP_ICON 2153
  228. #define IDC_DIAL_ICON 2154
  229. #define IDC_DIAL_START_ICON 2155
  230. #define IDC_INTERNET_DIAL_ICON 2156
  231. #define IDC_READ_ICON 2157
  232. #define IDC_READ_NEWS_ICON 2158
  233. #define IDC_FONTS_ICON 2159
  234. #define IDC_SECURITY_ZONE_ICON 2160
  235. #define IDC_SECURE_MAIL_ICON 2161
  236. #define IDC_SEND_ICON 2162
  237. #define IDC_MAIL_FORMAT_ICON 2163
  238. #define IDC_NEWS_FORMAT_ICON 2164
  239. #define IDC_SIGLIST_ICON 2165
  240. #define IDC_SIG_SETTINGS_ICON 2166
  241. #define IDC_SPELL_SETTINGS_ICON 2167
  242. #define IDC_SPELL_IGNORE_ICON 2168
  243. #define IDC_SPELL_LANGUAGE_ICON 2169
  244. #define IDC_SIG_EDIT_ICON 2170
  245. #define IDC_GENERAL_ICON 2171
  246. #define IDC_SEND_RECEIVE_ICON 2172
  247. #define IDC_DEFAULT_ICON 2173
  248. #define IDC_CACHE_FOLDER 2174
  249. #define IDC_FOLDER_BROWSE 2175
  250. #define IDC_MAIL_FONT_SETTINGS 2176
  251. #define IDC_NEWS_FONT_SETTINGS 2177
  252. #define IDC_MAIL_FONT_DEMO 2178
  253. #define IDC_NEWS_FONT_DEMO 2179
  254. #define IDC_FONT_ICON 2180
  255. #define IDC_SELECT_MAIL 2181
  256. #define IDC_SELECT_NEWS 2182
  257. #define IDC_MAIL_STATIONERY 2183
  258. #define IDC_NEWS_STATIONERY 2184
  259. #define IDC_USE_MAIL_STATIONERY 2185
  260. #define IDC_USE_NEWS_STATIONERY 2186
  261. #define IDC_DOWNLOAD_MORE 2187
  262. #define IDC_CREATE_NEW 2188
  263. #define IDC_STATIONERY_ICON 2189
  264. #define IDC_MAIL_VCARD 2190
  265. #define IDC_NEWS_VCARD 2191
  266. #define IDC_VCARD_ICON 2192
  267. #define IDC_EDIT_VCARD 2193
  268. #define IDC_MAIL_VCARD_SELECT 2194
  269. #define IDC_NEWS_VCARD_SELECT 2195
  270. #define IDC_EDIT_MAIL_VCARD 2196
  271. #define IDC_EDIT_NEWS_VCARD 2197
  272. #define idcLogHTTPMailXport 2198
  273. #define IDC_RTL_MSG_DIR_CHECK 2199
  274. #define IDC_SHOWPREVIEW_BUTTON_ADD 2200
  276. #define IDC_WATCHED_COLOR 2202
  277. #define IDC_REVOKE_ONLINE_ONLY 2203
  278. #define IDC_REVOKE_NEVER 2204
  279. #define IDC_MDN_SEND_REQUEST 2205
  280. #define IDC_SECURE_RECEIPT 2206
  281. #define IDC_DONOT_REPSONDTO_RCPT 2207
  282. #define IDC_ASKME_FOR_RCPT 2208
  283. #define IDC_SEND_AUTO_RCPT 2209
  284. #define IDC_TO_CC_LINE_RCPT 2210
  285. #define IDC_TO_CC_TEXT 2211
  286. #define IDC_RECEIPT 2212
  287. #define IDC_AUTODISCOVERY_ICON 2213
  288. #define IDC_SENDMAIL_WARN_CHECK 2220
  289. #define IDC_SAFE_ATTACHMENT_CHECK 2221
  290. #define IDC_READ_IN_TEXT_ONLY 2222
  291. #define IDC_SR_TXT1 2232
  292. #define IDC_SRES_TXT2 2233
  293. #define IDC_SRES_TXT3 2234
  294. #define IDC_SEC_SEND_REQUEST 2235
  295. #define IDC_DONOT_RESSEC_RCPT 2236
  296. #define IDC_ASKME_FOR_SEC_RCPT 2237
  297. #define IDC_SEC_AUTO_RCPT 2238
  298. #define IDC_ENCRYPT_RCPT 2239
  299. #define IDC_SECREC_VERIFY 2240
  300. #define IDC_SEC_REC 2241
  301. #endif // _INC_OPTRES_H