// Criteria.cpp
#include <pch.hxx>
#include "criteria.h"
#include "ruleutil.h"
#include <xpcomm.h>
#include <flagconv.h>
#include <bodyutil.h>
#include <demand.h>
static const int CRIT_GROW = 16;
BOOL FMatchCritItem(CRIT_ITEM * pItem, LPCSTR pszAcct, MESSAGEINFO * pMsgInfo, IMessageFolder * pFolder, IMimePropertySet * pIMPropSet, IMimeMessage * pIMMsg, ULONG cbMsgSize); BOOL FCritLoad_Account(IStream * pIStm, PROPVARIANT * ppropvar); BOOL FCritSave_Account(IStream * pIStm, PROPVARIANT * ppropvar);
BOOL FCritLoad_Default(IStream * pIStm, PROPVARIANT * ppropvar); BOOL FCritSave_Default(IStream * pIStm, PROPVARIANT * ppropvar);
DWORD DwGetFlagsFromMessage(IMimeMessage * pIMMsg);
// HrCreateCriteria
// This creates a criteria container.
// ppICriteria - pointer to return the criteria container
// Returns: S_OK, on success
// E_OUTOFMEMORY, if can't create the Criteria object
HRESULT HrCreateCriteria(IOECriteria ** ppICriteria) { COECriteria * pCriteria = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Check the incoming params
if (NULL == ppICriteria) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; }
// Initialize outgoing params
*ppICriteria = NULL;
// Create the rules manager object
pCriteria = new COECriteria; if (NULL == pCriteria) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; }
// Get the rules manager interface
hr = pCriteria->QueryInterface(IID_IOECriteria, (void **) ppICriteria); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; }
pCriteria = NULL; // Set the proper return value
hr = S_OK; exit: if (NULL != pCriteria) { delete pCriteria; } return hr; }
COECriteria::~COECriteria() { AssertSz(m_cRef == 0, "Somebody still has a hold of us!!"); Reset(); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) COECriteria::AddRef() { return ::InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) COECriteria::Release() { LONG cRef = 0;
cRef = ::InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef); if (0 == cRef) { delete this; return cRef; }
return cRef; }
STDMETHODIMP COECriteria::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void ** ppvObject) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Check the incoming params
if (NULL == ppvObject) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; }
// Initialize outgoing param
*ppvObject = NULL; if ((riid == IID_IUnknown) || (riid == IID_IOECriteria)) { *ppvObject = static_cast<IOECriteria *>(this); } else if ((riid == IID_IPersistStream) || (riid == IID_IPersist)) { *ppvObject = static_cast<IPersistStream *>(this); } else { hr = E_NOINTERFACE; goto exit; }
reinterpret_cast<IUnknown *>(*ppvObject)->AddRef();
hr = S_OK; exit: return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP COECriteria::Reset(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// See if there is something to do
if (0 == m_cItems) { Assert(NULL == m_rgItems); hr = S_OK; goto exit; }
RuleUtil_HrFreeCriteriaItem(m_rgItems, m_cItems); SafeMemFree(m_rgItems); m_cItems = 0; m_cItemsAlloc = 0; exit: return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP COECriteria::GetState(DWORD * pdwState) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwState = CRIT_STATE_NULL; ULONG ulIndex = 0;
// Check incoming params
if (NULL == pdwState) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; }
// Init the outgoing param
*pdwState = CRIT_STATE_NULL; // See if there is something to do
if (0 == m_cItems) { Assert(NULL == m_rgItems); hr = S_OK; goto exit; }
// Walk through the actions to figure out the state
for (ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < m_cItems; ulIndex++) { if ((CRIT_TYPE_SECURE == m_rgItems[ulIndex].type) || (CRIT_TYPE_BODY == m_rgItems[ulIndex].type) || (CRIT_TYPE_ATTACH == m_rgItems[ulIndex].type)) { dwState = CRIT_STATE_ALL; } else if (CRIT_STATE_ALL != dwState) { dwState = CRIT_STATE_HEADER; } }
// Set the outgoing param
*pdwState = dwState; // Set the proper return value
hr = S_OK; exit: return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP COECriteria::GetCriteria(DWORD dwFlags, PCRIT_ITEM * ppItem, ULONG * pcItem) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CRIT_ITEM * pItemNew = NULL;
// Check incoming params
if ((NULL == ppItem) || (0 != dwFlags)) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; } // Initialize the out params
*ppItem = NULL; if (NULL != pcItem) { *pcItem = 0; } // If we don't have any criteria, then return
if (0 == m_cItems) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
// Allocate space for the criteria
hr = RuleUtil_HrDupCriteriaItem(m_rgItems, m_cItems, &pItemNew); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; }
// Save the criteria
*ppItem = pItemNew; pItemNew = NULL; if (NULL != pcItem) { *pcItem = m_cItems; } exit: RuleUtil_HrFreeCriteriaItem(pItemNew, m_cItems); SafeMemFree(pItemNew); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP COECriteria::SetCriteria(DWORD dwFlags, CRIT_ITEM * pItem, ULONG cItem) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CRIT_ITEM * pItemNew = NULL;
// Check incoming params
if ((NULL == pItem) || (0 == cItem) || (0 != dwFlags)) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; } // If we have any criteria already, then reset
if (0 != m_cItems) { Reset(); }
// Allocate space for the criteria
hr = RuleUtil_HrDupCriteriaItem(pItem, cItem, &pItemNew); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; }
// Save the criteria
m_rgItems = pItemNew; pItemNew = NULL; m_cItems = cItem; m_cItemsAlloc = cItem; exit: RuleUtil_HrFreeCriteriaItem(pItemNew, cItem); SafeMemFree(pItemNew); return hr; }
// ValidateCriteria
// This verifies each of the criteria values
// Returns: S_OK, if the criteria were valid
// S_FALSE, otherwise
STDMETHODIMP COECriteria::Validate(DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG ulIndex = 0; LPSTR pszText = NULL; IImnAccount * pAccount = NULL; FOLDERINFO Folder = {0}; LPTSTR pszWalk = NULL; ULONG cchText = 0; RULEFOLDERDATA * prfdData = NULL;
// If we don't have any criteria, then we must be valid
if (0 == m_cItems) { hr = S_OK; goto exit; }
for (ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < m_cItems; ulIndex++) { if (0 != (m_rgItems[ulIndex].dwFlags & ~(CRIT_FLAG_INVERT | CRIT_FLAG_MULTIPLEAND))) { hr = S_FALSE; goto exit; } switch(m_rgItems[ulIndex].type) { case CRIT_TYPE_NEWSGROUP: if ((VT_BLOB != m_rgItems[ulIndex].propvar.vt) || (0 == m_rgItems[ulIndex].propvar.blob.cbSize)) { hr = S_FALSE; goto exit; } // Make life simpler
prfdData = (RULEFOLDERDATA *) (m_rgItems[ulIndex].propvar.blob.pBlobData); // Validate the rule folder data
if (S_OK != RuleUtil_HrValidateRuleFolderData(prfdData)) { hr = S_FALSE; goto exit; } // Does the folder exist
hr = g_pStore->GetFolderInfo(prfdData->idFolder, &Folder); if (FAILED(hr)) { hr = S_FALSE; goto exit; } // Are we subscribed?
if (0 == (Folder.dwFlags & FOLDER_SUBSCRIBED)) { hr = S_FALSE; goto exit; } break; case CRIT_TYPE_ALL: case CRIT_TYPE_JUNK: case CRIT_TYPE_READ: case CRIT_TYPE_REPLIES: case CRIT_TYPE_DOWNLOADED: case CRIT_TYPE_DELETED: case CRIT_TYPE_ATTACH: case CRIT_TYPE_FLAGGED: if (VT_EMPTY != m_rgItems[ulIndex].propvar.vt) { hr = S_FALSE; goto exit; } break; case CRIT_TYPE_SUBJECT: case CRIT_TYPE_BODY: case CRIT_TYPE_TO: case CRIT_TYPE_CC: case CRIT_TYPE_TOORCC: case CRIT_TYPE_FROM: if ((VT_BLOB != m_rgItems[ulIndex].propvar.vt) || (0 == m_rgItems[ulIndex].propvar.blob.cbSize) || (NULL == m_rgItems[ulIndex].propvar.blob.pBlobData) || ('\0' == m_rgItems[ulIndex].propvar.blob.pBlobData[0])) { hr = S_FALSE; goto exit; } // Spin through each item making sure it is perfect
cchText = 0; for (pszWalk = (LPTSTR) m_rgItems[ulIndex].propvar.blob.pBlobData; '\0' != pszWalk[0]; pszWalk += lstrlen(pszWalk) + 1) { cchText += lstrlen(pszWalk) + 1; } // For the terminator
if ('\0' == pszWalk[0]) { cchText++; } if ('\0' == pszWalk[1]) { cchText++; } if (cchText != m_rgItems[ulIndex].propvar.blob.cbSize) { hr = S_FALSE; goto exit; } break; case CRIT_TYPE_SIZE: case CRIT_TYPE_THREADSTATE: case CRIT_TYPE_LINES: case CRIT_TYPE_PRIORITY: case CRIT_TYPE_AGE: case CRIT_TYPE_SECURE: if (VT_UI4 != m_rgItems[ulIndex].propvar.vt) { hr = S_FALSE; goto exit; } break; case CRIT_TYPE_ACCOUNT: if ((VT_LPSTR != m_rgItems[ulIndex].propvar.vt) || (NULL == m_rgItems[ulIndex].propvar.pszVal)) { hr = S_FALSE; goto exit; } Assert(g_pAcctMan); if (FAILED(g_pAcctMan->FindAccount(AP_ACCOUNT_ID, m_rgItems[ulIndex].propvar.pszVal, &pAccount))) { hr = S_FALSE; goto exit; } SafeRelease(pAccount); break; case CRIT_TYPE_SENDER: { LPWSTR pwszText = NULL, pwszVal = NULL;
if ((VT_LPSTR != m_rgItems[ulIndex].propvar.vt) || (NULL == m_rgItems[ulIndex].propvar.pszVal)) { AssertSz(VT_LPWSTR != m_rgItems[ulIndex].propvar.vt, "We are getting UNICODE here."); hr = S_FALSE; goto exit; } // Verify the email string
pwszVal = PszToUnicode(CP_ACP, m_rgItems[ulIndex].propvar.pszVal); if (!pwszVal) { hr = S_FALSE; goto exit; } hr = RuleUtil_HrParseEmailString(pwszVal, 0, &pwszText, NULL); MemFree(pwszText); MemFree(pwszVal); if (FAILED(hr)) { hr = S_FALSE; goto exit; } break; } default: hr = S_FALSE; goto exit; break; } }
// If we got here, then we must be AOK
hr = S_OK; exit: g_pStore->FreeRecord(&Folder); SafeRelease(pAccount); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP COECriteria::AppendCriteria(DWORD dwFlags, CRIT_LOGIC logic, CRIT_ITEM * pItem, ULONG cItem, ULONG * pcItemAppended) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CRIT_ITEM * pItemNew = NULL;
// Check incoming parameters
if ((0 != dwFlags) || (CRIT_LOGIC_NULL == logic) || (NULL == pItem) || (0 == cItem)) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; }
// Let's init our outgoing parameters
if (NULL != pcItemAppended) { *pcItemAppended = 0; }
// Do we have to add more items?
if (m_cItems == m_cItemsAlloc) { hr = HrRealloc((LPVOID *) &m_rgItems, sizeof(CRIT_ITEM) * (m_cItemsAlloc + CRIT_GROW)); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; }
ZeroMemory(m_rgItems + m_cItemsAlloc, sizeof(CRIT_ITEM) * CRIT_GROW); m_cItemsAlloc += CRIT_GROW; }
// Let's duplicate the items that need to be added
hr = RuleUtil_HrDupCriteriaItem(pItem, cItem, &pItemNew); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; }
// Let's add them to the criteria array
if (0 != m_cItems) { m_rgItems[m_cItems - 1].logic = logic; } CopyMemory(m_rgItems + m_cItems, pItemNew, sizeof(CRIT_ITEM) * cItem); m_cItems += cItem; // Set the proper outgoing parameter
if (NULL != pcItemAppended) { *pcItemAppended = cItem; }
// Set the proper return value
hr = S_OK; exit: SafeMemFree(pItemNew); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP COECriteria::MatchMessage(LPCSTR pszAcct, MESSAGEINFO * pMsgInfo, IMessageFolder * pFolder, IMimePropertySet * pIMPropSet, IMimeMessage * pIMMsg, ULONG cbMsgSize) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG ulIndex = 0; BOOL fResult = FALSE; BOOL fResultNew = FALSE; CRIT_LOGIC logic;
// Check incoming parameters
if (((NULL == pMsgInfo) && (NULL == pIMPropSet)) || (0 == cbMsgSize)) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; }
// Let's go through the criteria and see if we match
fResult = FALSE; logic = CRIT_LOGIC_OR; for (ulIndex = 0; ulIndex < m_cItems; ulIndex++) { // Call matching function for this criteria item
fResultNew = FMatchCritItem(&(m_rgItems[ulIndex]), pszAcct, pMsgInfo, pFolder, pIMPropSet, pIMMsg, cbMsgSize); // Slap it together with the old result
if (CRIT_LOGIC_AND == logic) { fResult = (fResult && fResultNew); } else { Assert(CRIT_LOGIC_OR == logic); fResult = (fResult || fResultNew); } // Save of the next logical operation
logic = m_rgItems[ulIndex].logic; } // Set the proper return value
hr = (FALSE != fResult) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; exit: return hr; }
// LoadReg
// This loads in the criteria from the registry. It loads in the criteria
// order from the Order value. The string contains space delimitied values
// and each value contains the subkey name for each criterion. Each criterion
// is loaded in the order that is contained in the Order value. The criterion
// are loaded with the Criterion Type and Logical Operator. The Criterion Value
// Type is loaded if it exists. If a Criterion Value Type exists, then the
// corresponding Criterion Value is loaded in.
// pszRegPath - the path to load the criteria from
// Returns: S_OK, if the criteria was loaded without problems
// E_OUTOFMEMORY, if we couldn't allocate memory to hold the criteria
// E_FAIL, otherwise
STDMETHODIMP COECriteria::LoadReg(LPCSTR pszRegPath) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG lErr = 0; HKEY hkeyRoot = NULL; ULONG cbData = 0; LPSTR pszOrder = NULL; ULONG cOrder = 0; LPSTR pszWalk = NULL; CRIT_ITEM * pItems = NULL; LPSTR pszNext = NULL; ULONG ulOrder = 0; HKEY hkeyCriteria = NULL; CRIT_TYPE typeCrit; CRIT_LOGIC logicCrit; PROPVARIANT propvar; DWORD dwType = 0; BYTE * pbData = NULL; DWORD dwFlags = CRIT_FLAG_DEFAULT;
// Check incoming param
if (NULL == pszRegPath) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; }
// Should we fail if we're already loaded?
AssertSz(0 == (m_dwState & CRIT_STATE_LOADED), "We're already loaded!!!");
// Open the reg key from the path
lErr = AthUserOpenKey(pszRegPath, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyRoot); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lErr) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
// Get the criteria order
hr = RuleUtil_HrGetRegValue(hkeyRoot, c_szCriteriaOrder, NULL, (BYTE **) &pszOrder, &cbData); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; }
// Make sure we actually have something to load
if ('\0' == *pszOrder) { AssertSz(FALSE, "The order string for the criteria is mis-formatted in the registry"); hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } // Convert the criteria string to a more useful format
pszWalk = pszOrder; cOrder = 1; for (pszWalk = StrStr(pszOrder, g_szSpace); NULL != pszWalk; pszWalk = StrStr(pszWalk, g_szSpace)) { // Terminate the order item
*pszWalk = '\0'; pszWalk++; cOrder++; }
// Allocate the space to hold all the criteria
hr = HrAlloc((void **) &pItems, cOrder * sizeof(CRIT_ITEM)); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; }
// Initialize it to a known value
ZeroMemory(pItems, cOrder * sizeof(CRIT_ITEM)); // For each criteria in the order string
pszWalk = pszOrder; for (ulOrder = 0, pszWalk = pszOrder; ulOrder < cOrder; ulOrder++, pszWalk += lstrlen(pszWalk) + 1) { // Open up the criteria reg key
lErr = RegOpenKeyEx(hkeyRoot, pszWalk, 0, KEY_READ, &hkeyCriteria); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lErr) { AssertSz(FALSE, "Part of the criteria is mis-formatted in the registry"); hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
// Get the criteria type
cbData = sizeof(typeCrit); lErr = RegQueryValueEx(hkeyCriteria, c_szCriteriaType, 0, NULL, (BYTE *) &(typeCrit), &cbData); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lErr) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
// Get the criteria logicial op
cbData = sizeof(logicCrit); lErr = RegQueryValueEx(hkeyCriteria, c_szCriteriaLogic, 0, NULL, (BYTE *) &(logicCrit), &cbData); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lErr) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
// Get the criteria flags
cbData = sizeof(dwFlags); lErr = RegQueryValueEx(hkeyCriteria, c_szCriteriaFlags, 0, NULL, (BYTE *) &(dwFlags), &cbData); if ((ERROR_SUCCESS != lErr) && (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND != lErr)) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
// If it didn't exist then assign it to the default
// Initialize the new space to a known value
ZeroMemory(&propvar, sizeof(propvar)); // Does a criteria value type exist
lErr = RegQueryValueEx(hkeyCriteria, c_szCriteriaValueType, 0, NULL, NULL, &cbData); if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == lErr) && (0 != cbData)) { // Load the criteria value in
cbData = sizeof(dwType); lErr = RegQueryValueEx(hkeyCriteria, c_szCriteriaValueType, 0, NULL, (BYTE *) &dwType, &cbData); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lErr) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
propvar.vt = (VARTYPE) dwType; switch (propvar.vt) { case VT_UI4: // Get the criteria value
cbData = sizeof(propvar.ulVal); lErr = RegQueryValueEx(hkeyCriteria, c_szCriteriaValue, 0, NULL, (BYTE * ) &(propvar.ulVal), &cbData); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lErr) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } break; case VT_LPSTR: case VT_BLOB: // Get the criteria value
hr = RuleUtil_HrGetRegValue(hkeyCriteria, c_szCriteriaValue, NULL, (BYTE **) &pbData, &cbData); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } // Save the space so we can free it
if (VT_LPSTR == propvar.vt) { propvar.pszVal = (LPSTR) pbData; } else { propvar.blob.cbSize = cbData; propvar.blob.pBlobData = pbData; } pbData = NULL; break; default: AssertSz(FALSE, "Why are we loading in a invalid criteria type?"); hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; break; }
// Save the value into the criteria array
pItems[ulOrder].type = typeCrit; pItems[ulOrder].dwFlags = dwFlags; pItems[ulOrder].logic = logicCrit; pItems[ulOrder].propvar = propvar; // Close the criteria
SideAssert(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegCloseKey(hkeyCriteria)); hkeyCriteria = NULL; } // Free up the current criteria
// Save the new values
m_rgItems = pItems; pItems = NULL; m_cItems = cOrder;
// Make sure we clear the dirty bit
m_dwState &= ~CRIT_STATE_DIRTY;
// Note that we have been loaded
m_dwState |= CRIT_STATE_LOADED; // Set the return value
hr = S_OK; exit: SafeMemFree(pbData); RuleUtil_HrFreeCriteriaItem(pItems, cOrder); SafeMemFree(pItems); SafeMemFree(pszOrder); if (NULL != hkeyCriteria) { RegCloseKey(hkeyCriteria); } if (NULL != hkeyRoot) { RegCloseKey(hkeyRoot); } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP COECriteria::SaveReg(LPCSTR pszRegPath, BOOL fClearDirty) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; LONG lErr = 0; HKEY hkeyRoot = NULL; DWORD dwDisp = 0; LPSTR pszOrder = NULL; ULONG ulIndex = 0; CRIT_ITEM * pItem = NULL; CHAR rgchTag[CCH_CRIT_ORDER]; HKEY hkeyCriteria = NULL; ULONG cbData = 0; BYTE * pbData = NULL;
// Check incoming param
if (NULL == pszRegPath) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; }
// If there's nothing to save, then fail
if (NULL == m_rgItems) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } // Let's make sure we clear out the key first
AthUserDeleteKey(pszRegPath); // Create the reg key from the path
lErr = AthUserCreateKey(pszRegPath, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyRoot, &dwDisp); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lErr) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
Assert(REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY == dwDisp); Assert(m_cItems < CRIT_COUNT_MAX);
// Allocate space to hold the order
DWORD cchSize = (m_cItems * CCH_CRIT_ORDER); hr = HrAlloc((void **) &pszOrder, cchSize * sizeof(*pszOrder)); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } pszOrder[0] = '\0'; // Write out each of the criteria
for (ulIndex = 0, pItem = m_rgItems; ulIndex < m_cItems; ulIndex++, pItem++) { // Get the new criteria tag
wnsprintf(rgchTag, ARRAYSIZE(rgchTag), "%03X", ulIndex);
// Add the new tag to the order
if (0 != ulIndex) { StrCatBuff(pszOrder, g_szSpace, cchSize); } StrCatBuff(pszOrder, rgchTag, cchSize); // Create the new criteria
lErr = RegCreateKeyEx(hkeyRoot, rgchTag, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkeyCriteria, &dwDisp); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lErr) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
Assert(REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY == dwDisp); // Write out the criteria type
lErr = RegSetValueEx(hkeyCriteria, c_szCriteriaType, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *) &(pItem->type), sizeof(pItem->type)); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lErr) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
// Write out the criteria logicial op
lErr = RegSetValueEx(hkeyCriteria, c_szCriteriaLogic, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *) &(pItem->logic), sizeof(pItem->logic)); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lErr) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
// Write out the criteria flags
lErr = RegSetValueEx(hkeyCriteria, c_szCriteriaFlags, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *) &(pItem->dwFlags), sizeof(pItem->dwFlags)); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lErr) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
// Do we have a criteria value?
if (VT_EMPTY != pItem->propvar.vt) { // Write out the criteria value type
dwDisp = pItem->propvar.vt; lErr = RegSetValueEx(hkeyCriteria, c_szCriteriaValueType, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE *) &dwDisp, sizeof(dwDisp)); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lErr) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } // Write out the criteria value
switch (pItem->propvar.vt) { case VT_UI4: dwDisp = REG_DWORD; pbData = (BYTE * ) &(pItem->propvar.ulVal); cbData = sizeof(pItem->propvar.ulVal); break; case VT_LPSTR: dwDisp = REG_SZ; pbData = (BYTE * ) (pItem->propvar.pszVal); cbData = lstrlen(pItem->propvar.pszVal) + 1; break; case VT_BLOB: dwDisp = REG_BINARY; pbData = pItem->propvar.blob.pBlobData; cbData = pItem->propvar.blob.cbSize; break; default: AssertSz(FALSE, "Why are we trying to save in a invalid criteria type?"); hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; break; } // Write out the criteria value
lErr = RegSetValueEx(hkeyCriteria, c_szCriteriaValue, 0, dwDisp, pbData, cbData); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lErr) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } }
// Close the criteria
SideAssert(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegCloseKey(hkeyCriteria)); hkeyCriteria = NULL; }
// Write out the order string.
lErr = RegSetValueEx(hkeyRoot, c_szCriteriaOrder, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *) pszOrder, lstrlen(pszOrder) + 1); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lErr) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
// Should we clear the dirty bit?
if (FALSE != fClearDirty) { m_dwState &= ~CRIT_STATE_DIRTY; } // Set the return value
hr = S_OK; exit: if (NULL != hkeyCriteria) { RegCloseKey(hkeyCriteria); } SafeMemFree(pszOrder); if (NULL != hkeyRoot) { RegCloseKey(hkeyRoot); } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP COECriteria::Clone(IOECriteria ** ppICriteria) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; COECriteria * pCriteria = NULL; // Check incoming params
if (NULL == ppICriteria) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; }
// Initialize the outgoing params
*ppICriteria = NULL; // Create a new criteria
pCriteria = new COECriteria; if (NULL == pCriteria) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; }
// Copy over the list of criteria
hr = pCriteria->SetCriteria(0, m_rgItems, m_cItems); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } // Get the criteria interface
hr = pCriteria->QueryInterface(IID_IOECriteria, (void **) ppICriteria); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; }
pCriteria = NULL; // Set the proper return value
hr = S_OK; exit: if (NULL != pCriteria) { delete pCriteria; } return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP COECriteria::GetClassID(CLSID * pclsid) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (NULL == pclsid) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; }
*pclsid = CLSID_OECriteria;
// Set the proper return value
hr = S_OK; exit: return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP COECriteria::IsDirty(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
hr = (CRIT_STATE_DIRTY == (m_dwState & CRIT_STATE_DIRTY)) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP COECriteria::Load(IStream * pStm) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG cbData = 0; ULONG cbRead = 0; DWORD dwData = 0; ULONG cItems = 0; CRIT_ITEM * pItems = NULL; ULONG ulIndex = 0; CRIT_ITEM * pItem = NULL; CRIT_TYPE typeCrit; CRIT_LOGIC logicCrit; DWORD dwFlags = CRIT_FLAG_DEFAULT; PROPVARIANT propvar = {0}; BYTE * pbData = NULL;
// Check incoming param
if (NULL == pStm) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; }
// Verify we have the correct version
hr = pStm->Read(&dwData, sizeof(dwData), &cbRead); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; }
if ((cbRead != sizeof(dwData)) || (dwData != CRIT_VERSION)) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
// Get the number of criteria
hr = pStm->Read(&cItems, sizeof(cItems), &cbRead); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; }
if ((cbRead != sizeof(cItems)) || (0 == cItems)) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
// Allocate space to hold all the criteria
hr = HrAlloc( (void **) &pItems, cItems * sizeof(*pItems)); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; }
// Initialize the criteria to a known value
ZeroMemory(pItems, cItems * sizeof(*pItems)); // for each criteria
for (ulIndex = 0, pItem = pItems; ulIndex < cItems; ulIndex++, pItem++) { // Read in the criteria type
hr = pStm->Read(&typeCrit, sizeof(typeCrit), &cbRead); if ((FAILED(hr)) || (cbRead != sizeof(typeCrit))) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
// Read in the criteria logical op
hr = pStm->Read(&logicCrit, sizeof(logicCrit), &cbRead); if ((FAILED(hr)) || (cbRead != sizeof(logicCrit))) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
// Read in the criteria flags
hr = pStm->Read(&dwFlags, sizeof(dwFlags), &cbRead); if ((FAILED(hr)) || (cbRead != sizeof(dwFlags))) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; }
// Read in the proper criteria value
switch(typeCrit) { case CRIT_TYPE_ACCOUNT: if (FALSE == FCritLoad_Account(pStm, &propvar)) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } break; default: if (FALSE == FCritLoad_Default(pStm, &propvar)) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } break; }
// Assign the values
pItem->type = typeCrit; pItem->logic = logicCrit; pItem->dwFlags = dwFlags; pItem->propvar = propvar; ZeroMemory(&propvar, sizeof(propvar)); }
// Free up the current criteria
// Save the new values
m_rgItems = pItems; pItems = NULL; m_cItems = cItems;
// Make sure we clear the dirty bit
m_dwState &= ~CRIT_STATE_DIRTY;
// Note that we have been loaded
m_dwState |= CRIT_STATE_LOADED; // Set the return value
hr = S_OK; exit: RuleUtil_HrFreeCriteriaItem(pItems, cItems); SafeMemFree(pItems); PropVariantClear(&propvar); return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP COECriteria::Save(IStream * pStm, BOOL fClearDirty) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG cbData = 0; ULONG cbWritten = 0; DWORD dwData = 0; ULONG ulIndex = 0; CRIT_ITEM * pItem = NULL; BYTE * pbData = NULL;
// Check incoming param
if (NULL == pStm) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; }
// Write out the version
dwData = CRIT_VERSION; hr = pStm->Write(&dwData, sizeof(dwData), &cbWritten); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } Assert(cbWritten == sizeof(dwData)); // Write out the count of criteria
hr = pStm->Write(&m_cItems, sizeof(m_cItems), &cbWritten); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } Assert(cbWritten == sizeof(m_cItems)); // Loop through each of the criteria
for (ulIndex = 0, pItem = m_rgItems; ulIndex < m_cItems; ulIndex++, pItem++) { // Write out the criteria type
hr = pStm->Write(&(pItem->type), sizeof(pItem->type), &cbWritten); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } Assert(cbWritten == sizeof(pItem->type));
// Write out the criteria logical op
hr = pStm->Write(&(pItem->logic), sizeof(pItem->logic), &cbWritten); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } Assert(cbWritten == sizeof(pItem->logic));
// Write out the criteria flags
hr = pStm->Write(&(pItem->dwFlags), sizeof(pItem->dwFlags), &cbWritten); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; } Assert(cbWritten == sizeof(pItem->dwFlags)); // Write out the proper criteria value
switch(pItem->type) { case CRIT_TYPE_ACCOUNT: if (FALSE == FCritSave_Account(pStm, &(pItem->propvar))) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } break; default: if (FALSE == FCritSave_Default(pStm, &(pItem->propvar))) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } break; }
// Should we clear out the dirty bit
if (FALSE != fClearDirty) { m_dwState &= ~CRIT_STATE_DIRTY; }
// Set the return value
hr = S_OK; exit: return hr; }
BOOL CritFunc_Query(CRIT_ITEM * pItem, LPCSTR pszQuery, IMimePropertySet * pIMPropSet); BOOL CritFunc_Text(CRIT_ITEM * pItem, LPSTR pszText); BOOL CritFunc_Sender(CRIT_ITEM * pItem, LPSTR pszAddr); BOOL CritFunc_Priority(CRIT_ITEM * pItem, WORD wPriority); BOOL CritFunc_Secure(CRIT_ITEM * pItem, DWORD dwFlags); BOOL CritFunc_Age(CRIT_ITEM * pItem, FILETIME * pftSent); BOOL CritFunc_Body(CRIT_ITEM * pItem, IMimeMessage * pIMMsg); BOOL _FMatchBlobString(CRIT_ITEM * pItem, LPSTR pszText); BOOL _FQueryBlobString(CRIT_ITEM * pItem, LPCSTR pszQuery, IMimePropertySet * pIMPropSet);
BOOL FMatchCritItem(CRIT_ITEM * pItem, LPCSTR pszAcct, MESSAGEINFO * pMsgInfo, IMessageFolder * pFolder, IMimePropertySet * pIMPropSet, IMimeMessage * pIMMsg, ULONG cbMsgSize) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; ULONG ulIndex = 0; PROPVARIANT propvar = {0}; ADDRESSLIST addrList = {0}; FOLDERID idFolder = 0; RULEFOLDERDATA * prfdData = NULL;
Assert((NULL != pItem) && ((NULL != pMsgInfo) || (NULL != pIMPropSet)) && (0 != cbMsgSize))
switch (pItem->type) { case CRIT_TYPE_ALL: Assert(VT_EMPTY == pItem->propvar.vt); fRet = TRUE; break;
case CRIT_TYPE_ACCOUNT: Assert(VT_LPSTR == pItem->propvar.vt); fRet = FALSE; if ((NULL != pszAcct) && (NULL != pItem->propvar.pszVal)) { fRet = (0 == lstrcmpi(pItem->propvar.pszVal, pszAcct)); } break;
case CRIT_TYPE_NEWSGROUP: Assert(VT_BLOB == pItem->propvar.vt); fRet = FALSE; if ((NULL != pFolder) && (0 != pItem->propvar.blob.cbSize)) { // Make life simpler
prfdData = (RULEFOLDERDATA *) (pItem->propvar.blob.pBlobData); // Validate the rule folder data
if (S_OK != RuleUtil_HrValidateRuleFolderData(prfdData)) { fRet = FALSE; } else if (SUCCEEDED(pFolder->GetFolderId(&idFolder))) { fRet = (idFolder == prfdData->idFolder); } } break;
case CRIT_TYPE_SIZE: Assert(VT_UI4 == pItem->propvar.vt); // Set the size of the message to Kilobytes
cbMsgSize = cbMsgSize / 1024; fRet = (cbMsgSize > pItem->propvar.ulVal); break;
case CRIT_TYPE_LINES: Assert(VT_UI4 == pItem->propvar.vt); fRet = FALSE; if (NULL != pMsgInfo) { fRet = (pMsgInfo->cLines > pItem->propvar.ulVal); } break;
case CRIT_TYPE_AGE: Assert(VT_UI4 == pItem->propvar.vt); fRet = FALSE; if (NULL != pMsgInfo) { fRet = CritFunc_Age(pItem, &(pMsgInfo->ftSent)); } else if ((NULL != pIMPropSet) && (SUCCEEDED(pIMPropSet->GetProp(PIDTOSTR(PID_ATT_SENTTIME), 0, &propvar)))) { fRet = CritFunc_Age(pItem, &(propvar.filetime)); } break;
case CRIT_TYPE_ATTACH: Assert(VT_EMPTY == pItem->propvar.vt); fRet = TRUE; if (NULL != pMsgInfo) { fRet = (0 != (pMsgInfo->dwFlags & ARF_HASATTACH)); } else if (NULL != pIMMsg) { fRet = (0 != (DwGetFlagsFromMessage(pIMMsg) & ARF_HASATTACH)); } break;
case CRIT_TYPE_PRIORITY: Assert(VT_UI4 == pItem->propvar.vt); fRet = FALSE; if (NULL != pMsgInfo) { fRet = CritFunc_Priority(pItem, pMsgInfo->wPriority); } else if ((NULL != pIMPropSet) && (SUCCEEDED(pIMPropSet->GetProp(PIDTOSTR(PID_ATT_PRIORITY), 0, &propvar)))) { fRet = CritFunc_Priority(pItem, (WORD) (propvar.ulVal)); } break;
case CRIT_TYPE_SECURE: Assert(VT_UI4 == pItem->propvar.vt); fRet = FALSE; if (NULL != pMsgInfo) { fRet = CritFunc_Secure(pItem, pMsgInfo->dwFlags); } else if (NULL != pIMMsg) { fRet = CritFunc_Secure(pItem, DwGetFlagsFromMessage(pIMMsg)); } break;
case CRIT_TYPE_TOORCC: Assert(VT_BLOB == pItem->propvar.vt); fRet = FALSE; if (NULL != pIMPropSet) { fRet = _FQueryBlobString(pItem, PIDTOSTR(PID_HDR_TO), pIMPropSet);
if (((0 != (pItem->dwFlags & CRIT_FLAG_INVERT)) && (FALSE != fRet)) || ((0 == (pItem->dwFlags & CRIT_FLAG_INVERT)) && (FALSE == fRet))) { fRet = _FQueryBlobString(pItem, PIDTOSTR(PID_HDR_CC), pIMPropSet); } } break;
case CRIT_TYPE_SENDER: Assert(VT_LPSTR == pItem->propvar.vt); fRet = FALSE; if ((NULL == pItem->propvar.pszVal) || ('\0' == pItem->propvar.pszVal[0])) { Assert(FALSE); } else if (S_OK == RuleUtil_HrMatchSender(pItem->propvar.pszVal, pMsgInfo, pIMMsg, pIMPropSet)) { fRet = TRUE; } break;
case CRIT_TYPE_SUBJECT: Assert(VT_BLOB == pItem->propvar.vt); fRet = FALSE; if ((0 == pItem->propvar.blob.cbSize) || (NULL == pItem->propvar.blob.pBlobData) || ('\0' == pItem->propvar.blob.pBlobData[0])) { Assert(FALSE); fRet = FALSE; } else if ((NULL != pMsgInfo) && (NULL != pMsgInfo->pszSubject)) { fRet = _FMatchBlobString(pItem, pMsgInfo->pszSubject); } else { fRet = _FQueryBlobString(pItem, PIDTOSTR(PID_HDR_SUBJECT), pIMPropSet); } break;
case CRIT_TYPE_BODY: Assert(VT_BLOB == pItem->propvar.vt); fRet = FALSE; if ((0 == pItem->propvar.blob.cbSize) || (NULL == pItem->propvar.blob.pBlobData) || ('\0' == pItem->propvar.blob.pBlobData[0])) { Assert(FALSE); fRet = FALSE; } else if (NULL != pIMMsg) { fRet = CritFunc_Body(pItem, pIMMsg); } break;
case CRIT_TYPE_FROM: Assert(VT_BLOB == pItem->propvar.vt); fRet = FALSE; if ((0 == pItem->propvar.blob.cbSize) || (NULL == pItem->propvar.blob.pBlobData) || ('\0' == pItem->propvar.blob.pBlobData[0])) { Assert(FALSE); fRet = FALSE; } else if ((NULL != pMsgInfo) && (NULL != pMsgInfo->pszFromHeader)) { fRet = _FMatchBlobString(pItem, pMsgInfo->pszFromHeader); } else { fRet = _FQueryBlobString(pItem, PIDTOSTR(PID_HDR_FROM), pIMPropSet); } break;
case CRIT_TYPE_TO: Assert(VT_BLOB == pItem->propvar.vt); fRet = FALSE; if ((0 == pItem->propvar.blob.cbSize) || (NULL == pItem->propvar.blob.pBlobData) || ('\0' == pItem->propvar.blob.pBlobData[0])) { Assert(FALSE); fRet = FALSE; } else { fRet = _FQueryBlobString(pItem, PIDTOSTR(PID_HDR_TO), pIMPropSet); } break; case CRIT_TYPE_CC: Assert(VT_BLOB == pItem->propvar.vt); fRet = FALSE; if ((0 == pItem->propvar.blob.cbSize) || (NULL == pItem->propvar.blob.pBlobData) || ('\0' == pItem->propvar.blob.pBlobData[0])) { Assert(FALSE); fRet = FALSE; } else { fRet = _FQueryBlobString(pItem, PIDTOSTR(PID_HDR_CC), pIMPropSet); } break; default: fRet = FALSE; break; } PropVariantClear(&propvar); return fRet; }
BOOL CritFunc_Query(CRIT_ITEM * pItem, LPCSTR pszQuery, IMimePropertySet * pIMPropSet) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; LPSTR pszWalk = NULL; LPSTR pszAddr = NULL; LPSTR pszTerm = NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if (NULL == pIMPropSet) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; } // Dup the string
pszAddr = PszDupA(pItem->propvar.pszVal); if (NULL == pszAddr) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
pszWalk = pszAddr; pszTerm = pszWalk; while (NULL != pszTerm) { pszTerm = StrStr(pszWalk, g_szComma); if (NULL != pszTerm) { pszTerm[0] = '\0'; }
fRet = (S_OK == pIMPropSet->QueryProp(pszQuery, pszWalk, TRUE, FALSE)); if (FALSE == fRet) { break; }
pszWalk = pszWalk + lstrlen(pszWalk) + 1; }
exit: SafeMemFree(pszAddr); return fRet; }
BOOL CritFunc_Priority(CRIT_ITEM * pItem, WORD wPriority) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
Assert(NULL != pItem); Assert(VT_UI4 == pItem->propvar.vt); if (CRIT_DATA_HIPRI == pItem->propvar.ulVal) { fRet = (wPriority == (WORD) IMSG_PRI_HIGH); } else if (CRIT_DATA_LOPRI == pItem->propvar.ulVal) { fRet = (wPriority == (WORD) IMSG_PRI_LOW); } else { fRet = (wPriority == (WORD) IMSG_PRI_NORMAL); }
return fRet; }
BOOL CritFunc_Secure(CRIT_ITEM * pItem, DWORD dwFlags) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
Assert(NULL != pItem); Assert(VT_UI4 == pItem->propvar.vt); // Should we be checking signed messages
if (0 != (pItem->propvar.ulVal & CRIT_DATA_SIGNEDSECURE)) { fRet = (0 != (dwFlags & ARF_SIGNED)); } else if (0 != (pItem->propvar.ulVal & CRIT_DATA_ENCRYPTSECURE)) // Should we be checking encrypted messages
{ fRet = (0 != (dwFlags & ARF_ENCRYPTED)); } else { fRet = (0 == (dwFlags & (ARF_ENCRYPTED | ARF_SIGNED))); }
return fRet; }
BOOL CritFunc_Age(CRIT_ITEM * pItem, FILETIME * pftSent) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; SYSTEMTIME sysTime = {0}; FILETIME ftTime = {0}; ULONG ulSeconds;
Assert(VT_UI4 == pItem->propvar.vt); if ((NULL == pftSent) || ((0 == pftSent->dwLowDateTime) && (0 == pftSent->dwHighDateTime))) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; } // Get the current time
GetSystemTime(&sysTime); SystemTimeToFileTime(&sysTime, &ftTime);
ulSeconds = UlDateDiff(pftSent, &ftTime); fRet = ((ulSeconds / SECONDS_INA_DAY) > pItem->propvar.ulVal);
exit: return fRet; }
BOOL CritFunc_Sender(CRIT_ITEM * pItem, LPSTR pszAddr) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; ULONG cchVal = 0; ULONG cchEmail = 0; CHAR chTest = 0;
Assert(VT_LPSTR == pItem->propvar.vt); // Check to make sure that there's something to match
if ((NULL == pszAddr) || ('\0' == pszAddr[0])) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Check to see if it is an address
if (NULL != StrStr(pItem->propvar.pszVal, "@")) { fRet = (0 == lstrcmpi(pItem->propvar.pszVal, pszAddr)); } else { cchVal = lstrlen(pItem->propvar.pszVal); cchEmail = lstrlen(pszAddr); if (cchVal <= cchEmail) { fRet = (0 == lstrcmpi(pItem->propvar.pszVal, pszAddr + (cchEmail - cchVal))); if ((FALSE != fRet) && (cchVal != cchEmail)) { chTest = *(pszAddr + (cchEmail - cchVal - 1)); if (('@' != chTest) && ('.' != chTest)) { fRet = FALSE; } } } }
exit: return fRet; }
BOOL _FMatchBlobString(CRIT_ITEM * pItem, LPSTR pszText) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; LPSTR pszWalk = NULL; // Walk each of the strings looking for a match
for (pszWalk = (LPSTR) (pItem->propvar.blob.pBlobData); '\0' != pszWalk[0]; pszWalk = pszWalk + lstrlen(pszWalk) + 1) { // Do the comparison
fRet = (NULL != StrStrI(pszText, pszWalk));
// If we are doing an AND of the multiple criteria
if (0 != (pItem->dwFlags & CRIT_FLAG_MULTIPLEAND)) { // if we don't have a match, then we're done
if (FALSE == fRet) { break; } } else { // if we do have a match, then we're done
if (FALSE != fRet) { break; } } }
// Invert the result if needed
if (0 != (pItem->dwFlags & CRIT_FLAG_INVERT)) { fRet = !fRet; }
return fRet; }
BOOL _FQueryBlobString(CRIT_ITEM * pItem, LPCSTR pszQuery, IMimePropertySet * pIMPropSet) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; LPSTR pszWalk = NULL;
if (NULL == pIMPropSet) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; } // Walk each of the strings looking for a match
for (pszWalk = (LPSTR) (pItem->propvar.blob.pBlobData); '\0' != pszWalk[0]; pszWalk = pszWalk + lstrlen(pszWalk) + 1) { // Do the comparison
fRet = (S_OK == pIMPropSet->QueryProp(pszQuery, pszWalk, TRUE, FALSE));
// If we are doing an AND of the multiple criteria
if (0 != (pItem->dwFlags & CRIT_FLAG_MULTIPLEAND)) { // if we don't have a match, then we're done
if (FALSE == fRet) { break; } } else { // if we do have a match, then we're done
if (FALSE != fRet) { break; } } }
// Invert the result if needed
if (0 != (pItem->dwFlags & CRIT_FLAG_INVERT)) { fRet = !fRet; }
exit: return fRet; }
BOOL CritFunc_Text(CRIT_ITEM * pItem, LPSTR pszText) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; LPSTR pszWalk = NULL; LPSTR pszAddr = NULL; LPSTR pszTerm = NULL; // Dup the string
pszAddr = PszDupA(pItem->propvar.pszVal); if (NULL == pszAddr) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
pszWalk = pszAddr; pszTerm = pszWalk; while (NULL != pszTerm) { pszTerm = StrStr(pszWalk, g_szComma); if (NULL != pszTerm) { pszTerm[0] = '\0'; } fRet = (NULL != StrStrI(pszText, pszWalk));
if (FALSE == fRet) { break; }
pszWalk = pszWalk + lstrlen(pszWalk) + 1; }
exit: SafeMemFree(pszAddr); return fRet; }
BOOL CritFunc_Body(CRIT_ITEM * pItem, IMimeMessage * pIMMsg) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; LPSTR pszWalk = NULL; IStream * pStream = NULL; IStream * pStreamHtml = NULL; pszWalk = (LPTSTR) (pItem->propvar.blob.pBlobData); if (NULL == pszWalk) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Try to Get the Plain Text Stream
if (FAILED(pIMMsg->GetTextBody(TXT_PLAIN, IET_DECODED, &pStream, NULL))) { // Try to get the HTML stream and convert it to text...
if (SUCCEEDED(pIMMsg->GetTextBody(TXT_HTML, IET_DECODED, &pStreamHtml, NULL))) { if (FAILED(HrConvertHTMLToPlainText(pStreamHtml, &pStream, CF_TEXT))) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; } } }
if (NULL == pStream) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; } for (; '\0' != pszWalk[0]; pszWalk += lstrlen(pszWalk) + 1) { fRet = StreamSubStringMatch(pStream, pszWalk); // If we are doing an AND of the multiple criteria
if (0 != (pItem->dwFlags & CRIT_FLAG_MULTIPLEAND)) { // if we don't have a match, then we're done
if (FALSE == fRet) { break; } } else { // if we do have a match, then we're done
if (FALSE != fRet) { break; } } }
// Invert the result if needed
if (0 != (pItem->dwFlags & CRIT_FLAG_INVERT)) { fRet = !fRet; }
exit: SafeRelease(pStreamHtml); SafeRelease(pStream); return fRet; }
BOOL FCrit_GetAcctInfo(DWORD dwServerTypes, DWORD * pdwServerType, DWORD * pdwPropTag) { BOOL fRet = FALSE;
Assert((NULL != pdwServerType) && (NULL != pdwPropTag)); // Figure out the type of the account
// and the server property
if (0 != (dwServerTypes & SRV_NNTP)) { *pdwServerType = SRV_NNTP; *pdwPropTag = AP_NNTP_SERVER; } else if (0 != (dwServerTypes & SRV_IMAP)) { *pdwServerType = SRV_IMAP; *pdwPropTag = AP_IMAP_SERVER; } else if (0 != (dwServerTypes & SRV_POP3)) { *pdwServerType = SRV_POP3; *pdwPropTag = AP_POP3_SERVER; } else if (0 != (dwServerTypes & SRV_HTTPMAIL)) { *pdwServerType = SRV_HTTPMAIL; *pdwPropTag = AP_HTTPMAIL_SERVER; } else { Assert(FALSE); fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Set the return value
fRet = TRUE; exit: return fRet; }
BOOL FCritLoad_Account(IStream * pIStm, PROPVARIANT * ppropvar) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwData = 0; DWORD dwPropTag = 0; ULONG cbRead = 0; BYTE * pbData = NULL; ULONG cbData = 0; IImnEnumAccounts * pIEnumAcct = NULL; IImnAccount * pAccount = NULL; CHAR szAccount[CCHMAX_SERVER_NAME]; LPSTR pszAcct = NULL; BOOL fFound = FALSE;
// Check the incoming params
if ((NULL == pIStm) || (NULL == ppropvar)) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; } // Initialize the outgoing param
ZeroMemory(ppropvar, sizeof(*ppropvar)); // Read in the account server type
hr = pIStm->Read(&dwData, sizeof(dwData), &cbRead); if ((FAILED(hr)) || (cbRead != sizeof(dwData))) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Figure out the type of the account
// and the server property
fRet = FCrit_GetAcctInfo(dwData, &dwData, &dwPropTag); if (FALSE == fRet) { goto exit; } // Get the size of the server name
hr = pIStm->Read(&cbData, sizeof(cbData), &cbRead); if ((FAILED(hr)) || (cbRead != sizeof(cbData))) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Allocate the space to hold the server name
hr = HrAlloc((VOID **) &pbData, cbData); if (FAILED(hr)) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Read in the server name
hr = pIStm->Read(pbData, cbData, &cbRead); if ((FAILED(hr)) || (cbRead != cbData)) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; } // Get an account enumerator
Assert(g_pAcctMan); if (FAILED(g_pAcctMan->Enumerate(dwData, &pIEnumAcct))) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; } // Search each account for the server name
while(SUCCEEDED(pIEnumAcct->GetNext(&pAccount))) { // We can get back NULL accounts
if (NULL == pAccount) { break; } // Get the server name
if (FAILED(pAccount->GetPropSz(dwPropTag, szAccount, sizeof(szAccount)))) { SafeRelease(pAccount); continue; }
// Do we have a match?
if (0 == lstrcmpi(szAccount, (LPSTR) pbData)) { fFound = TRUE; break; }
// We have a match
// Release it
SafeRelease(pAccount); }
// Did we find anything?
if (FALSE == fFound) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; } // Get the account
if (FAILED(pAccount->GetPropSz(AP_ACCOUNT_ID, szAccount, sizeof(szAccount)))) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Save off the account ID
pszAcct = PszDupA(szAccount); if (NULL == pszAcct) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Set the outgoing param
ppropvar->vt = VT_LPSTR; ppropvar->pszVal = pszAcct; pszAcct = NULL; // Set the return value
fRet = TRUE;
exit: SafeMemFree(pszAcct); SafeRelease(pAccount); SafeRelease(pIEnumAcct); SafeMemFree(pbData); return fRet; }
BOOL FCritSave_Account(IStream * pIStm, PROPVARIANT * ppropvar) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; HRESULT hr = S_OK; IImnAccount * pAccount = NULL; DWORD dwServerTypes = 0; DWORD dwPropTag = 0; LPSTR pszServer = NULL; ULONG cbWritten = 0; ULONG cbData = 0;
// Check the incoming params
if ((NULL == pIStm) || (NULL == ppropvar)) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
Assert(g_pAcctMan); if (FAILED(g_pAcctMan->FindAccount(AP_ACCOUNT_ID, ppropvar->pszVal, &pAccount))) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; } // Get the server type
if (FAILED(pAccount->GetServerTypes(&dwServerTypes))) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Figure out the type of the account
// and the server property
fRet = FCrit_GetAcctInfo(dwServerTypes, &dwServerTypes, &dwPropTag); if (FALSE == fRet) { goto exit; } // Allocate space to hold the server name
if (FAILED(HrAlloc((void **) &pszServer, CCHMAX_SERVER_NAME + 1))) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Get the server name
if (FAILED(pAccount->GetPropSz(dwPropTag, pszServer, CCHMAX_SERVER_NAME))) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Write out the server type
hr = pIStm->Write(&(dwServerTypes), sizeof(dwServerTypes), &cbWritten); if (FAILED(hr)) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; } Assert(cbWritten == sizeof(dwServerTypes));
// Write out the count of chars in the name
cbData = lstrlen(pszServer) + 1; hr = pIStm->Write(&cbData, sizeof(cbData), &cbWritten); if (FAILED(hr)) { fRet = TRUE; goto exit; } Assert(cbWritten == sizeof(cbData)); // Write out the server name
hr = pIStm->Write((BYTE *) pszServer, cbData, &cbWritten); if (FAILED(hr)) { fRet = TRUE; goto exit; } Assert(cbWritten == cbData);
// Set the return value
fRet = TRUE;
exit: SafeMemFree(pszServer); SafeRelease(pAccount); return fRet; }
BOOL FCritLoad_Default(IStream * pIStm, PROPVARIANT * ppropvar) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwData = 0; ULONG cbRead = 0; BYTE * pbData = NULL; ULONG cbData = 0;
// Check the incoming params
if ((NULL == pIStm) || (NULL == ppropvar)) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; } // Initialize the outgoing param
ZeroMemory(ppropvar, sizeof(*ppropvar)); // Read in the criteria value type
hr = pIStm->Read(&dwData, sizeof(dwData), &cbRead); if ((FAILED(hr)) || (cbRead != sizeof(dwData))) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Do we have any more data to get
if (dwData != VT_EMPTY) { ppropvar->vt = (VARTYPE) dwData; // Get the size of the criteria value
hr = pIStm->Read(&cbData, sizeof(cbData), &cbRead); if ((FAILED(hr)) || (cbRead != sizeof(cbData))) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Allocate space to hold the criteria value data
switch (ppropvar->vt) { case VT_UI4: pbData = (BYTE * ) &(ppropvar->ulVal); break;
case VT_BLOB: case VT_LPSTR: // Allocate the space to hold the data
hr = HrAlloc((void **) &pbData, cbData); if (FAILED(hr)) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Make sure we don't lose the allocated memory
if (VT_LPSTR == ppropvar->vt) { ppropvar->pszVal = (LPSTR) pbData; } else { ppropvar->blob.cbSize = cbData; ppropvar->blob.pBlobData = pbData; } break;
default: AssertSz(FALSE, "Why are we trying to save in a invalid criteria type?"); fRet = FALSE; goto exit; break; }
// Read in the criteria value
hr = pIStm->Read(pbData, cbData, &cbRead); if ((FAILED(hr)) || (cbRead != cbData)) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; } }
// Set the return value
fRet = TRUE;
exit: return fRet; }
BOOL FCritSave_Default(IStream * pIStm, PROPVARIANT * ppropvar) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwData = 0; ULONG cbWritten = 0; BYTE * pbData = NULL; ULONG cbData = 0;
// Check the incoming params
if ((NULL == pIStm) || (NULL == ppropvar)) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; } // Write out the value type
dwData = ppropvar->vt; hr = pIStm->Write(&(dwData), sizeof(dwData), &cbWritten); if (FAILED(hr)) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; } Assert(cbWritten == sizeof(dwData));
// We don't have to save out the criteria value
// if we don't have one
if (VT_EMPTY == ppropvar->vt) { fRet = TRUE; goto exit; } // Figure out the size of the criteria value
switch (ppropvar->vt) { case VT_UI4: pbData = (BYTE * ) &(ppropvar->ulVal); cbData = sizeof(ppropvar->ulVal); break; case VT_LPSTR: pbData = (BYTE * ) (ppropvar->pszVal); cbData = lstrlen(ppropvar->pszVal) + 1; break; case VT_BLOB: pbData = ppropvar->blob.pBlobData; cbData = ppropvar->blob.cbSize; break; default: AssertSz(FALSE, "Why are we trying to save in a invalid criteria type?"); fRet = FALSE; goto exit; break; } // Write out the criteria value size
hr = pIStm->Write(&cbData, sizeof(cbData), &cbWritten); if (FAILED(hr)) { fRet = TRUE; goto exit; } Assert(cbWritten == sizeof(cbData)); // Write out the criteria value
hr = pIStm->Write(pbData, cbData, &cbWritten); if (FAILED(hr)) { fRet = TRUE; goto exit; } Assert(cbWritten == cbData); // Set the return value
fRet = TRUE;
exit: return fRet; }
DWORD DwGetFlagsFromMessage(IMimeMessage * pIMMsg) { DWORD dwFlags = 0; DWORD dwImf = 0;
Assert(NULL != pIMMsg); if (SUCCEEDED(pIMMsg->GetFlags(&dwImf))) { dwFlags = ConvertIMFFlagsToARF(dwImf); }
return dwFlags; }