// Copyright (C) 1993-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// MODULE: newstask.cpp
// PURPOSE: Implements a task object to take care of news posts.
#include "pch.hxx"
#include "resource.h"
#include "imagelst.h"
#include "storfldr.h"
#include "mimeutil.h"
#include "newstask.h"
#include "goptions.h"
#include "thormsgs.h"
#include "spoolui.h"
#include "xputil.h"
#include "ourguid.h"
#include "demand.h"
#include "msgfldr.h"
#include "taskutil.h"
#include <storsync.h>
#include <ntverp.h>
const static char c_szThis[] = "this";
static const PFNSTATEFUNC g_rgpfnState[NTS_MAX] = { NULL, // Idle
NULL, // Connecting
&CNewsTask::Post_Init, &CNewsTask::Post_NextMsg, NULL, // Post_OnResp
&CNewsTask::Post_Dispose, &CNewsTask::Post_Done, &CNewsTask::NewMsg_Init, &CNewsTask::NewMsg_NextGroup, NULL, // NewMsg_OnResp
&CNewsTask::NewMsg_HttpSyncStore, NULL, // NewMsg_OnHttpResp
&CNewsTask::NewMsg_Done };
static const TCHAR c_szXNewsReader[] = "Microsoft Outlook Express " VER_PRODUCTVERSION_STRING;
// FUNCTION: CNewsTask::CNewsTask()
// PURPOSE: Initializes the member variables of the object.
CNewsTask::CNewsTask() { m_cRef = 1;
m_fInited = FALSE; m_dwFlags = 0; m_state = NTS_IDLE; m_eidCur = 0; m_pInfo = NULL; m_fConnectFailed = FALSE; m_szAccount[0] = 0; m_szAccountId[0] = 0; m_idAccount = FOLDERID_INVALID; m_pAccount = NULL; m_cEvents = 0; m_fCancel = FALSE;
m_pBindCtx = NULL; m_pUI = NULL;
m_pServer = NULL; m_pOutbox = NULL; m_pSent = NULL;
m_hwnd = 0;
m_cMsgsPost = 0; m_cCurPost = 0; m_cFailed = 0; m_cCurParts = 0; m_cPartsCompleted = 0; m_fPartFailed = FALSE; m_rgMsgInfo = NULL; m_pSplitInfo = NULL; m_cGroups = 0; m_cCurGroup = -1; m_rgidGroups = NULL; m_dwNewInboxMsgs = 0;
m_pCancel = NULL; m_hTimeout = NULL; m_tyOperation = SOT_INVALID; }
// FUNCTION: CNewsTask::~CNewsTask()
// PURPOSE: Frees any resources allocated during the life of the class.
CNewsTask::~CNewsTask() { DestroyWindow(m_hwnd);
SafeRelease(m_pBindCtx); SafeRelease(m_pUI); SafeRelease(m_pAccount);
if (m_pServer) { m_pServer->Close(MSGSVRF_HANDS_OFF_SERVER); m_pServer->Release(); }
Assert(NULL == m_pOutbox); Assert(NULL == m_pSent);
CallbackCloseTimeout(&m_hTimeout); SafeRelease(m_pCancel); }
HRESULT CNewsTask::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID FAR* ppvObj) { if (NULL == *ppvObj) return (E_INVALIDARG);
*ppvObj = NULL;
if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) *ppvObj = (LPVOID)(ISpoolerTask *) this; else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_ISpoolerTask)) *ppvObj = (LPVOID)(ISpoolerTask *) this; else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IStoreCallback)) *ppvObj = (LPVOID)(IStoreCallback *) this; else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_ITimeoutCallback)) *ppvObj = (LPVOID)(ITimeoutCallback *) this; if (NULL == *ppvObj) return (E_NOINTERFACE);
AddRef(); return (S_OK); }
ULONG CNewsTask::AddRef(void) { ULONG cRefT;
cRefT = ++m_cRef;
return (cRefT); }
ULONG CNewsTask::Release(void) { ULONG cRefT;
cRefT = --m_cRef;
if (0 == cRefT) delete this;
return (cRefT); }
static const char c_szNewsTask[] = "News Task";
// FUNCTION: CNewsTask::Init()
// PURPOSE: Called by the spooler engine to tell us what type of task to
// execute and to provide us with a pointer to our bind context.
// <in> dwFlags - Flags to tell us what types of things to do
// <in> pBindCtx - Pointer to the bind context interface we are to use
// S_OK
HRESULT CNewsTask::Init(DWORD dwFlags, ISpoolerBindContext *pBindCtx) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Validate the arguments
if (NULL == pBindCtx) return (E_INVALIDARG);
// Check to see if we've been initialzed already
if (m_fInited) { hr = SP_E_ALREADYINITIALIZED; goto exit; }
// Copy the flags
m_dwFlags = dwFlags;
// Copy the bind context pointer
m_pBindCtx = pBindCtx; m_pBindCtx->AddRef();
// Create the window
wc.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); if (!GetClassInfoEx(g_hInst, c_szNewsTask, &wc)) { wc.style = 0; wc.lpfnWndProc = TaskWndProc; wc.cbClsExtra = 0; wc.cbWndExtra = 0; wc.hInstance = g_hInst; wc.hCursor = NULL; wc.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH) (COLOR_3DFACE + 1); wc.lpszMenuName = NULL; wc.lpszClassName = c_szNewsTask; wc.hIcon = NULL; wc.hIconSm = NULL;
RegisterClassEx(&wc); }
m_hwnd = CreateWindow(c_szNewsTask, NULL, WS_POPUP, 10, 10, 10, 10, GetDesktopWindow(), NULL, g_hInst, this); if (!m_hwnd) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; }
m_fInited = TRUE;
exit: return (hr); }
// FUNCTION: CNewsTask::BuildEvents()
// PURPOSE: This method is called by the spooler engine telling us to create
// and event list for the account specified.
// <in> pAccount - Account object to build the event list for
// S_OK
HRESULT CNewsTask::BuildEvents(ISpoolerUI *pSpoolerUI, IImnAccount *pAccount, FOLDERID idFolder) { HRESULT hr; BOOL fIMAP; BOOL fHttp; FOLDERINFO fiFolderInfo; DWORD dw = 0; ULARGE_INTEGER uhLastFileTime64 = {0}; ULARGE_INTEGER uhCurFileTime64 = {0}; ULARGE_INTEGER uhMinPollingInterval64 = {0}; FILETIME CurFileTime = {0}; DWORD cb = 0;
Assert(pAccount != NULL); Assert(pSpoolerUI != NULL); Assert(m_fInited);
m_pAccount = pAccount; m_pAccount->AddRef();
// Get the account name from the account object
if (FAILED(hr = pAccount->GetPropSz(AP_ACCOUNT_NAME, m_szAccount, ARRAYSIZE(m_szAccount)))) return(hr);
// Get the account name from the account object
if (FAILED(hr = pAccount->GetPropSz(AP_ACCOUNT_ID, m_szAccountId, ARRAYSIZE(m_szAccountId)))) return(hr);
if (FAILED(hr = g_pStore->FindServerId(m_szAccountId, &m_idAccount))) return(hr);
// Copy the UI object
m_pUI = pSpoolerUI; m_pUI->AddRef();
// Create the server object
hr = g_pStore->GetFolderInfo(m_idAccount, &fiFolderInfo); if (FAILED(hr)) return(hr);
fIMAP = (fiFolderInfo.tyFolder == FOLDER_IMAP); fHttp = (fiFolderInfo.tyFolder == FOLDER_HTTPMAIL);
hr = CreateMessageServerType(fiFolderInfo.tyFolder, &m_pServer); g_pStore->FreeRecord(&fiFolderInfo); if (FAILED(hr)) return(hr);
hr = m_pServer->Initialize(g_pLocalStore, m_idAccount, NULL, FOLDERID_INVALID); if (FAILED(hr)) return(hr);
if (!fIMAP & !fHttp) { // Add posts to upload
if (DELIVER_SEND & m_dwFlags) InsertOutbox(m_szAccountId, pAccount); }
if (fHttp) { if (!!(m_dwFlags & DELIVER_AT_INTERVALS)) { //If this is background polling make sure that HTTP's maxpolling interval has elapsed before
//polling again.
cb = sizeof(uhMinPollingInterval64); IF_FAILEXIT(hr = pAccount->GetProp(AP_HTTPMAIL_MINPOLLINGINTERVAL, (LPBYTE)&uhMinPollingInterval64, &cb));
cb = sizeof(uhLastFileTime64); IF_FAILEXIT(hr = pAccount->GetProp(AP_HTTPMAIL_LASTPOLLEDTIME, (LPBYTE)&uhLastFileTime64, &cb));
GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&CurFileTime); uhCurFileTime64.QuadPart = CurFileTime.dwHighDateTime; uhCurFileTime64.QuadPart = uhCurFileTime64.QuadPart << 32; uhCurFileTime64.QuadPart += CurFileTime.dwLowDateTime;
//We do not want to do background polling if the last time we polled this http mail
//account was less than maximum polling interval specified by the server.
//We should only poll if the time elapsed is greater than or equal to the max polling interval
if ((uhCurFileTime64.QuadPart - uhLastFileTime64.QuadPart) < uhMinPollingInterval64.QuadPart) { goto exit; }
//Mark the last polled time.
hr = pAccount->SetProp(AP_HTTPMAIL_LASTPOLLEDTIME, (LPBYTE)&uhCurFileTime64, sizeof(uhCurFileTime64)); } } // Check for new msgs
if ((DELIVER_POLL & m_dwFlags) && (fIMAP || fHttp || !(m_dwFlags & DELIVER_NO_NEWSPOLL))) { if (ISFLAGSET(m_dwFlags, DELIVER_NOSKIP) || (!fIMAP && !fHttp && (FAILED(pAccount->GetPropDw(AP_NNTP_POLL, &dw)) || dw != 0)) || (fIMAP && (FAILED(pAccount->GetPropDw(AP_IMAP_POLL, &dw)) || dw != 0)) || (fHttp && (FAILED(pAccount->GetPropDw(AP_HTTPMAIL_POLL, &dw)) || dw != 0))) { InsertNewMsgs(m_szAccountId, pAccount, fHttp); } }
return (hr); }
// FUNCTION: CNewsTask::Execute()
// PURPOSE: This signals our task to start executing an event.
// <in> pSpoolerUI - Pointer of the UI object we'll display progress through
// <in> eid - ID of the event to execute
// <in> dwTwinkie - Our extra information we associated with the event
// S_OK
HRESULT CNewsTask::Execute(EVENTID eid, DWORD_PTR dwTwinkie) { TCHAR szRes[CCHMAX_STRINGRES], szBuf[CCHMAX_STRINGRES]; // Make sure we're already idle
Assert(m_state == NTS_IDLE); // Make sure we're initialized
// Copy the event id and event info
m_eidCur = eid; m_pInfo = (EVENTINFO *) dwTwinkie; // Update the event UI to an executing state
Assert(m_pUI); m_pUI->SetProgressRange(1);
// Set up the progress
AthLoadString(idsInetMailConnectingHost, szRes, ARRAYSIZE(szRes)); wnsprintf(szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf), szRes, m_szAccount); m_pUI->SetGeneralProgress(szBuf);
m_pUI->SetAnimation(idanDownloadNews, TRUE);
// Depending on the type of event, set the state machine info
switch (((EVENTINFO*) dwTwinkie)->type) { case EVENT_OUTBOX: m_state = NTS_POST_INIT; break;
case EVENT_NEWMSGS: m_state = NTS_NEWMSG_INIT; break; }
PostMessage(m_hwnd, NTM_NEXTSTATE, 0, 0);
return(S_OK); }
HRESULT CNewsTask::CancelEvent(EVENTID eid, DWORD_PTR dwTwinkie) { // Make sure we're initialized
Assert(dwTwinkie != 0); MemFree((EVENTINFO *)dwTwinkie);
return(S_OK); }
// FUNCTION: CNewsTask::ShowProperties
// PURPOSE: <???>
// <???>
// <???>
// <???>
HRESULT CNewsTask::ShowProperties(HWND hwndParent, EVENTID eid, DWORD_PTR dwTwinkie) { return (E_NOTIMPL); }
// FUNCTION: CNewsTask::GetExtendedDetails
// PURPOSE: <???>
// <???>
// <???>
// <???>
HRESULT CNewsTask::GetExtendedDetails(EVENTID eid, DWORD_PTR dwTwinkie, LPSTR *ppszDetails) { return (E_NOTIMPL); }
// FUNCTION: CNewsTask::Cancel
// PURPOSE: <???>
// <???>
// <???>
// <???>
HRESULT CNewsTask::Cancel(void) { // this can happen if user cancels out of connect dlg
if (m_state == NTS_IDLE) return(S_OK);
// Drop the server connection
if (m_pServer) m_pServer->Close(MSGSVRF_DROP_CONNECTION);
m_fCancel = TRUE;
if (m_pInfo->type == EVENT_OUTBOX) m_state = NTS_POST_END; else m_state = NTS_NEWMSG_END; PostMessage(m_hwnd, NTM_NEXTSTATE, 0, 0);
return (S_OK); }
// FUNCTION: CNewsTask::InsertOutbox()
// PURPOSE: Checks the outbox for news posts destine for this news account.
// <in> pszAcctId - ID of the account to check the outbox for.
// S_OK
HRESULT CNewsTask::InsertOutbox(LPTSTR pszAcctId, IImnAccount *pAccount) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IMessageFolder *pOutbox = NULL; MESSAGEINFO MsgInfo={0}; HROWSET hRowset=NULL;
// Get the outbox
if (FAILED(hr = m_pBindCtx->BindToObject(IID_CLocalStoreOutbox, (LPVOID *) &pOutbox))) goto exit;
// Loop through the outbox looking for posts to this server
m_cMsgsPost = 0;
// Create a Rowset
if (FAILED(hr = pOutbox->CreateRowset(IINDEX_PRIMARY, 0, &hRowset))) goto exit;
// Get the first message
while (S_OK == pOutbox->QueryRowset(hRowset, 1, (void **)&MsgInfo, NULL)) { // Has this message been submitted and is it a news message?
if ((MsgInfo.dwFlags & (ARF_SUBMITTED | ARF_NEWSMSG)) == (ARF_SUBMITTED | ARF_NEWSMSG)) { // Is the account the same as the account we're looking for
if (MsgInfo.pszAcctId && 0 == lstrcmpi(MsgInfo.pszAcctId, pszAcctId)) m_cMsgsPost++; }
// Free the header info
pOutbox->FreeRecord(&MsgInfo); }
// Release Lock
// Good to go
hr = S_OK;
// If there were any messages then add the event
// Allocate a structure to set as our cookie
if (!MemAlloc((LPVOID*) &pei, sizeof(EVENTINFO))) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; }
// Fill out the event info
pei->szGroup[0] = 0; pei->type = EVENT_OUTBOX;
// Create the event description
AthLoadString(idsNewsTaskPost, szRes, ARRAYSIZE(szRes)); wnsprintf(szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf), szRes, m_cMsgsPost, m_szAccount);
// Insert the event into the spooler
hr = m_pBindCtx->RegisterEvent(szBuf, this, (DWORD_PTR) pei, pAccount, &eid); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
} // if (m_cMsgsPost)
exit: // Release Lock
if (pOutbox) pOutbox->CloseRowset(&hRowset); SafeRelease(pOutbox); return (hr); }
// FUNCTION: CNewsTask::TaskWndProc()
// PURPOSE: Hidden window that processes messages for this task.
LRESULT CALLBACK CNewsTask::TaskWndProc(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { CNewsTask *pThis = (CNewsTask *) GetProp(hwnd, c_szThis);
switch (uMsg) { case WM_CREATE: { LPCREATESTRUCT pcs = (LPCREATESTRUCT) lParam; pThis = (CNewsTask *) pcs->lpCreateParams; SetProp(hwnd, c_szThis, (LPVOID) pThis); return (0); }
case NTM_NEXTSTATE: if (pThis) { pThis->AddRef(); pThis->NextState(); pThis->Release(); } return (0);
case WM_DESTROY: RemoveProp(hwnd, c_szThis); break; }
return (DefWindowProc(hwnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)); }
// FUNCTION: CNewsTask::Post_Init()
// PURPOSE: Called when we're in a NTS_POST_INIT state. The task is
// initialized to execute the posting event.
// S_OK
HRESULT CNewsTask::Post_Init(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwCur = 0; MESSAGEINFO MsgInfo={0}; HROWSET hRowset=NULL; BOOL fInserted = FALSE; TCHAR *pszAcctName = NULL;
// Open the outbox
Assert(m_pBindCtx); if (FAILED(hr = m_pBindCtx->BindToObject(IID_CLocalStoreOutbox, (LPVOID *) &m_pOutbox))) goto exit;
Assert(m_pSent == NULL);
// If we use sent items, get that pointer too
if (DwGetOption(OPT_SAVESENTMSGS)) { if (FAILED(hr = TaskUtil_OpenSentItemsFolder(m_pAccount, &m_pSent))) goto exit; Assert(m_pSent != NULL); }
// Allocate an array of header pointers for the messages we're going to post
if (!MemAlloc((LPVOID*) &m_rgMsgInfo, m_cMsgsPost * sizeof(MESSAGEINFO))) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; }
// Zero out the array
ZeroMemory(m_rgMsgInfo, m_cMsgsPost * sizeof(MESSAGEINFO));
// Create Rowset
if (FAILED(hr = m_pOutbox->CreateRowset(IINDEX_PRIMARY, 0, &hRowset))) goto exit;
// While we have stuff
while (S_OK == m_pOutbox->QueryRowset(hRowset, 1, (void **)&MsgInfo, NULL)) { // Has this message been submitted and is it a news message?
if ((MsgInfo.dwFlags & (ARF_SUBMITTED | ARF_NEWSMSG)) == (ARF_SUBMITTED | ARF_NEWSMSG)) { // Is the account the same as the account we're looking for
if (MsgInfo.pszAcctId && 0 == lstrcmpi(MsgInfo.pszAcctId, m_szAccountId)) { if (NULL == pszAcctName && MsgInfo.pszAcctName) pszAcctName = PszDup(MsgInfo.pszAcctName);
CopyMemory(&m_rgMsgInfo[dwCur++], &MsgInfo, sizeof(MESSAGEINFO)); ZeroMemory(&MsgInfo, sizeof(MESSAGEINFO)); } }
if (dwCur >= (DWORD)m_cMsgsPost) { Assert(0); break; }
// Free the header info
m_pOutbox->FreeRecord(&MsgInfo); }
// Release Lock
// Good to go
hr = S_OK;
// Update the UI to an executing state
// Set up the progress
TCHAR szRes[CCHMAX_STRINGRES], szBuf[CCHMAX_STRINGRES]; AthLoadString(idsProgDLPostTo, szRes, ARRAYSIZE(szRes)); wnsprintf(szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf), szRes, (LPTSTR) pszAcctName ? pszAcctName : "");
Assert(m_pUI); m_pUI->SetGeneralProgress(szBuf); m_pUI->SetProgressRange((WORD) m_cMsgsPost);
m_pUI->SetAnimation(idanOutbox, TRUE); m_pBindCtx->Notify(DELIVERY_NOTIFY_SENDING_NEWS, 0);
// Reset the counter to post the first message
m_cCurPost = -1; m_cFailed = 0; m_state = NTS_POST_NEXT;
exit: SafeMemFree(pszAcctName);
if (m_pOutbox) m_pOutbox->CloseRowset(&hRowset);
// If something failed, then update the UI
if (FAILED(hr)) { m_pUI->InsertError(m_eidCur, MAKEINTRESOURCE(idshrCantOpenOutbox)); m_cFailed = m_cMsgsPost;
// Move to a terminating state
m_state = NTS_POST_END; } PostMessage(m_hwnd, NTM_NEXTSTATE, 0, 0); return (hr); }
void CNewsTask::FreeSplitInfo() { if (m_pSplitInfo != NULL) { if (m_pSplitInfo->pEnumParts != NULL) m_pSplitInfo->pEnumParts->Release(); if (m_pSplitInfo->pMsgParts != NULL) m_pSplitInfo->pMsgParts->Release(); MemFree(m_pSplitInfo); m_pSplitInfo = NULL; } }
HRESULT CNewsTask::Post_NextPart(void) { LPMIMEMESSAGE pMsgSplit; HRESULT hr; LPSTREAM pStream; LPMESSAGEINFO pInfo; DWORD dwLines; char rgch[12]; PROPVARIANT rUserData;
Assert(m_pSplitInfo->pEnumParts != NULL);
pInfo = &m_rgMsgInfo[m_cCurPost];
hr = m_pSplitInfo->pEnumParts->Next(1, &pMsgSplit, NULL); if (hr == S_OK) { Assert(pMsgSplit);
rUserData.vt = VT_LPSTR; rUserData.pszVal = (LPSTR)pInfo->pszAcctName; pMsgSplit->SetProp(STR_ATT_ACCOUNTNAME, 0, &rUserData); rUserData.pszVal = pInfo->pszAcctId;; pMsgSplit->SetProp(PIDTOSTR(PID_ATT_ACCOUNTID), 0, &rUserData);
// since this is a new message it doesn't have a line
// count yet, so we need to do it before we stick it
// in the outbox
HrComputeLineCount(pMsgSplit, &dwLines); wnsprintf(rgch, ARRAYSIZE(rgch), "%d", dwLines); MimeOleSetBodyPropA(pMsgSplit, HBODY_ROOT, PIDTOSTR(PID_HDR_LINES), NOFLAGS, rgch); MimeOleSetBodyPropA(pMsgSplit, HBODY_ROOT, PIDTOSTR(PID_HDR_XNEWSRDR), NOFLAGS, c_szXNewsReader); // Final Parameter: fSaveChange = TRUE since messsage is dirty
hr = pMsgSplit->GetMessageSource(&pStream, 0); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pStream != NULL) { hr = m_pServer->PutMessage(m_pSplitInfo->idFolder, pInfo->dwFlags, &pInfo->ftReceived, pStream, this);
pStream->Release(); } pMsgSplit->Release(); }
return(hr); }
// FUNCTION: CNewsTask::Post_NextMsg()
// PURPOSE: Posts the next message in our outbox.
// <???>
HRESULT CNewsTask::Post_NextMsg(void) { LPMESSAGEINFO pInfo; FOLDERID idFolder; char szRes[CCHMAX_STRINGRES], szBuf[CCHMAX_STRINGRES]; DWORD dw, cbSize, cbMaxSendMsgSize; IImnAccount *pAcct; LPMIMEMESSAGE pMsg = 0; HRESULT hr = S_OK; IStream *pStream = NULL;
if (m_pSplitInfo != NULL) { hr = Post_NextPart(); Assert(hr != S_OK); if (hr == E_PENDING) { m_state = NTS_POST_RESP; return(S_OK); } FreeSplitInfo();
if (FAILED(hr)) { m_cFailed++; m_fPartFailed = TRUE; }
Assert(m_pUI); m_pUI->IncrementProgress(1); PostMessage(m_hwnd, NTM_NEXTSTATE, 0, 0);
return(S_OK); }
m_cCurPost++; m_cCurParts = 0; m_cPartsCompleted = 0; m_fPartFailed = FALSE;
// Check to see if we're already done
if (m_cCurPost >= m_cMsgsPost) { // If so, move to a cleanup state
m_state = NTS_POST_END; PostMessage(m_hwnd, NTM_NEXTSTATE, 0, 0); return(S_OK); }
// Update the progress UI
AthLoadString(idsProgDLPost, szRes, ARRAYSIZE(szRes)); wnsprintf(szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf), szRes, m_cCurPost + 1, m_cMsgsPost);
Assert(m_pUI); m_pUI->SetSpecificProgress(szBuf);
pInfo = &m_rgMsgInfo[m_cCurPost];
// Load the message stream from the store
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pOutbox->OpenMessage(pInfo->idMessage, OPEN_MESSAGE_SECURE, &pMsg, this))) { hr = g_pAcctMan->FindAccount(AP_ACCOUNT_ID, pInfo->pszAcctId, &pAcct); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = g_pStore->FindServerId(pInfo->pszAcctId, &idFolder); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (SUCCEEDED(pAcct->GetPropDw(AP_NNTP_SPLIT_MESSAGES, &dw)) && dw != 0 && SUCCEEDED(pAcct->GetPropDw(AP_NNTP_SPLIT_SIZE, &dw))) { cbMaxSendMsgSize = dw; } else { cbMaxSendMsgSize = 0xffffffff; }
SideAssert(pMsg->GetMessageSize(&cbSize, 0)==S_OK); if (cbSize < (cbMaxSendMsgSize * 1024)) { hr = pMsg->GetMessageSource(&pStream, 0); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pStream != NULL) { hr = m_pServer->PutMessage(idFolder, pInfo->dwFlags, &pInfo->ftReceived, pStream, this); m_cCurParts ++; pStream->Release(); } } else { Assert(m_pSplitInfo == NULL); if (!MemAlloc((void **)&m_pSplitInfo, sizeof(SPLITMSGINFO))) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { ZeroMemory(m_pSplitInfo, sizeof(SPLITMSGINFO)); m_pSplitInfo->idFolder = idFolder;
hr = pMsg->SplitMessage(cbMaxSendMsgSize * 1024, &m_pSplitInfo->pMsgParts); if (hr == S_OK) { hr = m_pSplitInfo->pMsgParts->EnumParts(&m_pSplitInfo->pEnumParts); if (hr == S_OK) { hr = Post_NextPart(); } }
if (hr != E_PENDING) FreeSplitInfo(); } } }
pAcct->Release(); }
if (hr == E_PENDING) { m_state = NTS_POST_RESP; hr = S_OK; goto exit; } }
// If we get here, something failed.
m_cFailed++; Assert(m_pUI); m_pUI->IncrementProgress(1); PostMessage(m_hwnd, NTM_NEXTSTATE, 0, 0);
exit: SafeRelease(pMsg); return (hr); }
HRESULT CNewsTask::Post_Dispose() { HRESULT hr;
hr = DisposeOfPosting(m_rgMsgInfo[m_cCurPost].idMessage);
if (hr == E_PENDING) return(S_OK);
// TODO: handle error
// Update the progress bar
Assert(m_pUI); m_pUI->IncrementProgress(1);
// Move on to the next post
m_state = NTS_POST_NEXT; PostMessage(m_hwnd, NTM_NEXTSTATE, 0, 0);
return(hr); }
// FUNCTION: CNewsTask::Post_Done()
// PURPOSE: Allows the posting event to clean up and finalize the UI.
// S_OK
HRESULT CNewsTask::Post_Done(void) { // Free the header array
if (m_rgMsgInfo && m_cMsgsPost) { for (LONG i=0; i<m_cMsgsPost; i++) m_pOutbox->FreeRecord(&m_rgMsgInfo[i]); MemFree(m_rgMsgInfo); }
// Free the folder pointers we're hanging on to
SafeRelease(m_pOutbox); SafeRelease(m_pSent);
// Tell the spooler we're done
Assert(m_pBindCtx); m_pBindCtx->Notify(DELIVERY_NOTIFY_COMPLETE, m_dwNewInboxMsgs);
if (m_fCancel) { m_pBindCtx->EventDone(m_eidCur, EVENT_CANCELED); m_fCancel = FALSE; } else if (m_cFailed == m_cMsgsPost) m_pBindCtx->EventDone(m_eidCur, EVENT_FAILED); else if (m_cFailed == 0) m_pBindCtx->EventDone(m_eidCur, EVENT_SUCCEEDED); else m_pBindCtx->EventDone(m_eidCur, EVENT_WARNINGS);
m_cMsgsPost = 0; m_cCurPost = 0; m_cFailed = 0; m_rgMsgInfo = NULL; SafeMemFree(m_pInfo);
m_eidCur = 0;
m_cEvents--; if (m_cEvents == 0 && m_pServer) m_pServer->Close(MSGSVRF_DROP_CONNECTION);
m_state = NTS_IDLE;
return (S_OK); }
HRESULT CNewsTask::DisposeOfPosting(MESSAGEID dwMsgID) { MESSAGEIDLIST MsgIdList; ADJUSTFLAGS AdjustFlags; HRESULT hrResult = E_FAIL; MsgIdList.cAllocated = 0; MsgIdList.cMsgs = 1; MsgIdList.prgidMsg = &dwMsgID;
if (DwGetOption(OPT_SAVESENTMSGS)) { // If we've reached this point, it's time to try local Sent Items folder
Assert(m_pSent != NULL);
// change msg flags first, so if copy fails, the user doesn't get
// messed up by us posting the message every time they do a send
AdjustFlags.dwRemove = ARF_SUBMITTED | ARF_UNSENT; AdjustFlags.dwAdd = ARF_READ;
hrResult = m_pOutbox->SetMessageFlags(&MsgIdList, &AdjustFlags, NULL, NULL); Assert(hrResult != E_PENDING); if (SUCCEEDED(hrResult)) hrResult = m_pOutbox->CopyMessages(m_pSent, COPY_MESSAGE_MOVE, &MsgIdList, NULL, NULL, this); } else { // If we've reached this point, it's time to delete the message from the Outbox
hrResult = m_pOutbox->DeleteMessages(DELETE_MESSAGE_NOTRASHCAN | DELETE_MESSAGE_NOPROMPT, &MsgIdList, NULL, this); }
return hrResult; }
// FUNCTION: CNewsTask::NextState()
// PURPOSE: Executes the function for the current state
void CNewsTask::NextState(void) { if (NULL != g_rgpfnState[m_state]) (this->*(g_rgpfnState[m_state]))(); }
HRESULT CNewsTask::InsertNewMsgs(LPSTR pszAccountId, IImnAccount *pAccount, BOOL fHttp) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG cSub = 0; IEnumerateFolders *pEnum = NULL;
if (fHttp) m_cGroups = 1; else { // Load the sublist for this server
Assert(m_idAccount != FOLDERID_INVALID); hr = g_pStore->EnumChildren(m_idAccount, TRUE, &pEnum); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
hr = pEnum->Count(&cSub); if (FAILED(hr)) goto exit;
m_cGroups = (int)cSub; }
// If there were any groups then add the event
if (m_cGroups) { EVENTINFO *pei; char szRes[CCHMAX_STRINGRES], szBuf[CCHMAX_STRINGRES]; EVENTID eid;
// Allocate a structure to set as our cookie
if (!MemAlloc((LPVOID*) &pei, sizeof(EVENTINFO))) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto exit; }
// Fill out the event info
pei->szGroup[0] = 0; pei->type = EVENT_NEWMSGS;
// Create the event description
AthLoadString(idsCheckNewMsgsServer, szRes, ARRAYSIZE(szRes)); wnsprintf(szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf), szRes, m_szAccount);
// Insert the event into the spooler
hr = m_pBindCtx->RegisterEvent(szBuf, this, (DWORD_PTR) pei, pAccount, &eid); m_cEvents++; }
exit: SafeRelease(pEnum); return (hr); }
HRESULT CNewsTask::NewMsg_InitHttp(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Set up the progress
TCHAR szRes[CCHMAX_STRINGRES], szBuf[CCHMAX_STRINGRES]; AthLoadString(IDS_SPS_POP3CHECKING, szRes, ARRAYSIZE(szRes)); wnsprintf(szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf), szRes, (LPTSTR) m_szAccount); Assert(m_pUI); m_pUI->SetGeneralProgress(szBuf); m_pUI->SetProgressRange(1); m_pUI->SetAnimation(idanInbox, TRUE); m_pBindCtx->Notify(DELIVERY_NOTIFY_CHECKING, 0);
// set the to generate correct success/failure message
m_cGroups = 1;
return hr; }
HRESULT CNewsTask::NewMsg_Init(void) { const BOOL fDONT_INCLUDE_PARENT = FALSE; const BOOL fSUBSCRIBED_ONLY = TRUE; FOLDERINFO FolderInfo = {0}; HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwAllocated; DWORD dwUsed; BOOL fImap = FALSE; DWORD dwIncludeAll = 0; DWORD dwDone = FALSE;
Assert(m_idAccount != FOLDERID_INVALID);
if (SUCCEEDED(g_pStore->GetFolderInfo(m_idAccount, &FolderInfo))) { // httpmail updates folder counts differently
if (FOLDER_HTTPMAIL == FolderInfo.tyFolder) { g_pStore->FreeRecord(&FolderInfo);
IF_FAILEXIT(hr = m_pAccount->GetPropDw(AP_HTTPMAIL_GOTPOLLINGINTERVAL, &dwDone)); if (!dwDone) { //We need to get the polling interval from the server
//This is an asynchrnous call. The value gets updated in OnComplete.
//Meanwhile we go ahead and poll for new messages
hr = m_pServer->GetMinPollingInterval((IStoreCallback*)this); }
hr = NewMsg_InitHttp(); goto exit; }
fImap = (FolderInfo.tyFolder == FOLDER_IMAP); if (fImap) { if (FAILED(hr = m_pAccount->GetPropDw(AP_IMAP_POLL_ALL_FOLDERS, &dwIncludeAll))) { dwIncludeAll = 0; } }
g_pStore->FreeRecord(&FolderInfo); }
if (fImap && (!dwIncludeAll)) { dwUsed = 0; if (FAILED(GetInboxId(g_pStore, m_idAccount, &m_rgidGroups, &dwUsed))) goto exit; } else { // Get an array of all subscribed folders
hr = FlattenHierarchy(g_pStore, m_idAccount, fDONT_INCLUDE_PARENT, fSUBSCRIBED_ONLY, &m_rgidGroups, &dwAllocated, &dwUsed); if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceResult(hr); goto exit; } }
m_cGroups = dwUsed;
// Set up the progress
TCHAR szRes[CCHMAX_STRINGRES], szBuf[CCHMAX_STRINGRES]; AthLoadString(IDS_SPS_POP3CHECKING, szRes, ARRAYSIZE(szRes)); wnsprintf(szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf), szRes, (LPTSTR) m_szAccount);
Assert(m_pUI); m_pUI->SetGeneralProgress(szBuf); m_pUI->SetProgressRange((WORD) m_cGroups);
if (fImap) { m_pUI->SetAnimation(idanInbox, TRUE); m_pBindCtx->Notify(DELIVERY_NOTIFY_CHECKING, 0); } else { m_pUI->SetAnimation(idanDownloadNews, TRUE); m_pBindCtx->Notify(DELIVERY_NOTIFY_CHECKING_NEWS, 0); }
// Reset the counters for the first group
m_cCurGroup = -1; m_cFailed = 0; m_state = NTS_NEWMSG_NEXTGROUP;
exit: // If something failed, update the UI
if (FAILED(hr)) { m_pUI->InsertError(m_eidCur, MAKEINTRESOURCE(idsErrNewMsgsFailed)); m_cFailed = m_cGroups;
// Move to a terminating state
m_state = NTS_NEWMSG_END; }
PostMessage(m_hwnd, NTM_NEXTSTATE, 0, 0); return (hr); }
HRESULT CNewsTask::NewMsg_NextGroup(void) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
do { FOLDERINFO info;
// Keep looping until we find a folder that's selectable and exists
// Check to see if we're already done
if (m_cCurGroup >= m_cGroups) { m_state = NTS_NEWMSG_END; hr = S_OK; PostMessage(m_hwnd, NTM_NEXTSTATE, 0, 0); break; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = g_pStore->GetFolderInfo(m_rgidGroups[m_cCurGroup], &info))) { if (0 == (info.dwFlags & (FOLDER_NOSELECT | FOLDER_NONEXISTENT))) { // Update the progress UI
TCHAR szRes[CCHMAX_STRINGRES], szBuf[CCHMAX_STRINGRES]; AthLoadString(idsLogCheckingNewMessages, szRes, ARRAYSIZE(szRes)); wnsprintf(szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf), szRes, info.pszName);
Assert(m_pUI); m_pUI->SetSpecificProgress(szBuf);
// Send the group command to the server
if (E_PENDING == (hr = m_pServer->GetFolderCounts(m_rgidGroups[m_cCurGroup], (IStoreCallback *)this))) { m_state = NTS_NEWMSG_RESP; hr = S_OK; }
break; } else { g_pStore->FreeRecord(&info); } } } while (1);
if (FAILED(hr)) { // If we get here, something failed
m_cFailed++; Assert(m_pUI); m_pUI->IncrementProgress(1); PostMessage(m_hwnd, NTM_NEXTSTATE, 0, 0); }
return (hr); }
HRESULT CNewsTask::NewMsg_HttpSyncStore(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// send the command to the server
hr = m_pServer->SynchronizeStore(FOLDERID_INVALID, NOFLAGS, (IStoreCallback *)this); if (E_PENDING == hr) { m_state = NTS_NEWMSG_HTTPRESP; hr = S_OK; }
return hr; }
HRESULT CNewsTask::NewMsg_Done(void) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Free the group array
if (m_rgidGroups) { MemFree(m_rgidGroups); m_rgidGroups = NULL; }
// Tell the spooler we're done
Assert(m_pBindCtx); m_pBindCtx->Notify(DELIVERY_NOTIFY_COMPLETE, m_dwNewInboxMsgs);
if (m_fCancel) { m_pBindCtx->EventDone(m_eidCur, EVENT_CANCELED); m_fCancel = FALSE; } else if (m_cFailed == m_cGroups) m_pBindCtx->EventDone(m_eidCur, EVENT_FAILED); else if (m_cFailed == 0) m_pBindCtx->EventDone(m_eidCur, EVENT_SUCCEEDED); else m_pBindCtx->EventDone(m_eidCur, EVENT_WARNINGS);
m_cGroups = 0; m_cCurGroup = 0; m_cFailed = 0; m_dwNewInboxMsgs = 0;
m_eidCur = 0;
m_cEvents--; if (m_cEvents == 0 && m_pServer) m_pServer->Close(MSGSVRF_DROP_CONNECTION);
m_state = NTS_IDLE;
return (S_OK); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CNewsTask::IsDialogMessage
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
STDMETHODIMP CNewsTask::IsDialogMessage(LPMSG pMsg) { return S_FALSE; }
STDMETHODIMP CNewsTask::OnFlagsChanged(DWORD dwFlags) { m_dwFlags = dwFlags;
return (S_OK); }
STDMETHODIMP CNewsTask::OnBegin(STOREOPERATIONTYPE tyOperation, STOREOPERATIONINFO *pOpInfo, IOperationCancel *pCancel) { // Hold onto this
Assert(m_tyOperation == SOT_INVALID);
if (pCancel) { m_pCancel = pCancel; m_pCancel->AddRef(); } m_tyOperation = tyOperation;
// Party On
return(S_OK); }
STDMETHODIMP CNewsTask::OnProgress(STOREOPERATIONTYPE tyOperation, DWORD dwCurrent, DWORD dwMax, LPCSTR pszStatus) { // Close any timeout dialog, if present
// NOTE: that you can get more than one type of value for tyOperation.
// Most likely, you will get SOT_CONNECTION_STATUS and then the
// operation that you might expect. See HotStore.idl and look for
// the STOREOPERATION enumeration type for more info.
switch (tyOperation) { case SOT_NEW_MAIL_NOTIFICATION: m_dwNewInboxMsgs = dwCurrent; break; }
// Done
return(S_OK); }
STDMETHODIMP CNewsTask::OnTimeout(LPINETSERVER pServer, LPDWORD pdwTimeout, IXPTYPE ixpServerType) { if (!!(m_dwFlags & (DELIVER_NOUI | DELIVER_BACKGROUND))) return(E_FAIL);
// Display a timeout dialog
return CallbackOnTimeout(pServer, ixpServerType, *pdwTimeout, (ITimeoutCallback *)this, &m_hTimeout); }
STDMETHODIMP CNewsTask::CanConnect(LPCSTR pszAccountId, DWORD dwFlags) { HWND hwnd; BOOL fPrompt = TRUE;
if (m_pUI) m_pUI->GetWindow(&hwnd); else hwnd = NULL;
// Call into general CanConnect Utility
if ((m_dwFlags & (DELIVER_NOUI | DELIVER_BACKGROUND)) || (dwFlags & CC_FLAG_DONTPROMPT)) fPrompt = FALSE;
return CallbackCanConnect(pszAccountId, hwnd, fPrompt); }
STDMETHODIMP CNewsTask::OnLogonPrompt(LPINETSERVER pServer, IXPTYPE ixpServerType) { HWND hwnd;
// Close any timeout dialog, if present
if (!!(m_dwFlags & (DELIVER_NOUI | DELIVER_BACKGROUND)) && !(ISFLAGSET(pServer->dwFlags, ISF_ALWAYSPROMPTFORPASSWORD) && '\0' == pServer->szPassword[0])) return(S_FALSE);
if (m_pUI) m_pUI->GetWindow(&hwnd); else hwnd = NULL;
// Call into general OnLogonPrompt Utility
return CallbackOnLogonPrompt(hwnd, pServer, ixpServerType); }
STDMETHODIMP CNewsTask::OnComplete(STOREOPERATIONTYPE tyOperation, HRESULT hrComplete, LPSTOREOPERATIONINFO pOpInfo, LPSTOREERROR pErrorInfo) { char szRes[CCHMAX_STRINGRES], szBuf[CCHMAX_STRINGRES * 2], szSubject[64]; NEWSTASKSTATE ntsNextState = NTS_MAX; LPSTR pszSubject = NULL; LPSTR pszOpDescription = NULL; BOOL fInsertError = FALSE;
// Close any timeout dialog, if present
IxpAssert(m_tyOperation != SOT_INVALID); if (m_tyOperation != tyOperation) return(S_OK);
switch (tyOperation) { case SOT_PUT_MESSAGE: m_cPartsCompleted ++;
// Figure out if we succeeded or failed
if (FAILED(hrComplete)) { if (!m_fPartFailed ) { Assert(m_pUI);
// Set us up to display the error
pszOpDescription = MAKEINTRESOURCE(idsNewsTaskPostError); pszSubject = m_rgMsgInfo[m_cCurPost].pszSubject; if (pszSubject == NULL || *pszSubject == 0) { AthLoadString(idsNoSubject, szSubject, ARRAYSIZE(szSubject)); pszSubject = szSubject; } fInsertError = TRUE;
m_cFailed++; m_fPartFailed = TRUE; } }
if (m_cPartsCompleted == m_cCurParts) { if (m_fPartFailed) { // Update the progress bar
Assert(m_pUI); m_pUI->IncrementProgress(1);
// Move on to the next post
ntsNextState = NTS_POST_NEXT; } else { ntsNextState = NTS_POST_DISPOSE; } }
break; // case SOT_PUT_MESSAGE
case SOT_UPDATE_FOLDER: if (FAILED(hrComplete)) { FOLDERINFO fiFolderInfo;
LoadString(g_hLocRes, idsUnreadCountPollErrorFmt, szRes, sizeof(szRes)); if (SUCCEEDED(g_pStore->GetFolderInfo(m_rgidGroups[m_cCurGroup], &fiFolderInfo))) { wnsprintf(szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf), szRes, fiFolderInfo.pszName); g_pStore->FreeRecord(&fiFolderInfo); } else { LoadString(g_hLocRes, idsUnknown, szSubject, sizeof(szSubject)); wnsprintf(szBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szBuf), szRes, szSubject); } pszOpDescription = szBuf; fInsertError = TRUE;
m_cFailed++; }
// Update the progress bar
// Move on to the next group
break; // case SOT_UPDATE_FOLDER
case SOT_SYNCING_STORE: if (( IXP_E_HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED != hrComplete) && (FAILED(hrComplete))) { LoadString(g_hLocRes, idsHttpPollFailed, szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); pszOpDescription = szBuf; fInsertError = TRUE;
m_cFailed++; }
// update the progress bar
// we're done
ntsNextState = NTS_NEWMSG_END;
break; // case SOT_SYNCING_STORE
case SOT_COPYMOVE_MESSAGE: // Update the progress bar
Assert(m_pUI); m_pUI->IncrementProgress(1);
// Move on to the next post
ntsNextState = NTS_POST_NEXT;
if (FAILED(hrComplete)) { Assert(m_pUI);
case SOT_GET_HTTP_MINPOLLINGINTERVAL: if (SUCCEEDED(hrComplete) && pOpInfo) { ULARGE_INTEGER uhMinPollingInterval64 = {0}; //Convert it to seconds.
uhMinPollingInterval64.QuadPart = pOpInfo->dwMinPollingInterval * 60;
//FILETIME is intervals of 100 nano seconds. Need to convert to 100 nanoseconds
uhMinPollingInterval64.QuadPart *= HUNDRED_NANOSECONDS;
m_pAccount->SetProp(AP_HTTPMAIL_MINPOLLINGINTERVAL, (LPBYTE)&uhMinPollingInterval64, sizeof(uhMinPollingInterval64));
break; }
default: if (IXP_E_HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED == hrComplete) { hrComplete = S_OK; fInsertError = FALSE; } else { if (FAILED(hrComplete)) { Assert(m_pUI);
pszOpDescription = MAKEINTRESOURCE(idsGenericError); fInsertError = TRUE;
m_cFailed++; } } break; // default case
} // switch
if (fInsertError && NULL != pErrorInfo) { Assert(pErrorInfo->hrResult == hrComplete); // These two should not be different
TaskUtil_InsertTransportError(ISFLAGCLEAR(m_dwFlags, DELIVER_NOUI), m_pUI, m_eidCur, pErrorInfo, pszOpDescription, pszSubject); }
// Move on to next state
if (IXP_E_USER_CANCEL == hrComplete) { // User cancelled logon prompt, so just abort everything
Cancel(); } else if (NTS_MAX != ntsNextState) { m_state = ntsNextState; PostMessage(m_hwnd, NTM_NEXTSTATE, 0, 0); }
// Release your cancel object
SafeRelease(m_pCancel); m_tyOperation = SOT_INVALID;
// Done
return(S_OK); }
STDMETHODIMP CNewsTask::OnPrompt(HRESULT hrError, LPCTSTR pszText, LPCTSTR pszCaption, UINT uType, INT *piUserResponse) { HWND hwnd;
// Close any timeout dialog, if present
// Raid 55082 - SPOOLER: SPA/SSL auth to NNTP does not display cert warning and fails.
#if 0
if (!!(m_dwFlags & (DELIVER_NOUI | DELIVER_BACKGROUND))) return(E_FAIL); #endif
if (m_pUI) m_pUI->GetWindow(&hwnd); else hwnd = NULL;
// Call into my swanky utility
return CallbackOnPrompt(hwnd, hrError, pszText, pszCaption, uType, piUserResponse); }
STDMETHODIMP CNewsTask::OnTimeoutResponse(TIMEOUTRESPONSE eResponse) { // Call into general timeout response utility
return CallbackOnTimeoutResponse(eResponse, m_pCancel, &m_hTimeout); }
STDMETHODIMP CNewsTask::GetParentWindow(DWORD dwReserved, HWND *phwndParent) { HRESULT hr;
if (!!(m_dwFlags & (DELIVER_NOUI | DELIVER_BACKGROUND))) return(E_FAIL);
if (m_pUI) { hr = m_pUI->GetWindow(phwndParent); } else { *phwndParent = NULL; hr = E_FAIL; }
return(hr); }