Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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- B I T M A P . H * * Purpose: * Definitions for the Owner-Drawn Listbox bitmap stuff. * * Copyright 1993-1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. */
/* Listbox string formatting defines */
#define chBOLD TEXT('\b')
#define chUNDERLINE TEXT('\v')
#define chTAB TEXT('\t')
#define chBITMAP TEXT('\001')
#define BMWIDTH 16
#define BMHEIGHT 16
#define NUMBMPS 4
#define RGBREPLACE ((DWORD)0x00FF0000) // solid blue
/* Font style of font to use in listbox */
typedef struct { int lfHeight; int lfWeight; BYTE lfItalic; TCHAR lfFaceName[LF_FACESIZE]; } FONTSTYLE;
/* Function Prototypes */
VOID DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT pDI); VOID MeasureItem(HANDLE hwnd, LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT mis); VOID SetRGBValues(void); BOOL InitBmps(HWND hwnd, int idLB); VOID DeInitBmps(void); BOOL LoadBitmapLB(void); VOID DeleteBitmapLB(void); VOID ConvertDateRec(LPSTR lpszDateRec, LPSTR lpszDateDisplay);