// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "pch.hxx"
#include "dllmain.h"
#undef lstrcpyA
#undef lstrcpy
#define lstrcpy lstrcpyA
#include <BadStrFunctions.h>
#include "strconst.h"
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <shlwapip.h>
#include <richedit.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <shlobjp.h>
#include <mshtmhst.h>
#include "demand.h"
#include "hotwiz.h"
#include "unicnvrt.h"
#include "comctrlp.h"
int BrowseCallbackProcA(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, LPARAM lParam, LPARAM lpData); int BrowseCallbackProcW(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, LPARAM lParam, LPARAM lpData);
//// YST FIX
// This function returns unique and unpredictable path for temporary files.
// It fixes some security problem when hacker can run ActiveSetup in known directory, when user open attachment.
// For fix this we try to save temporery attachment file in unknown directory: in URL Cache dir.
// This function returns only directory name and user must create and remove file by self.
// it has also theoretical possibility to loose data at time
DWORD AthGetTempUniquePathW( DWORD nBufferLength, // size, in characters, of the buffer
LPWSTR pwszBuffer ) // pointer to buffer for temp. path
{ DWORD nRequired = 0; CHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH + 20]; LPWSTR pwszBufferToFree = NULL; CHAR pszFilePath[MAX_PATH + 1]; CHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; LPSTR pszFile = NULL; LPSTR pszExt = NULL;
//1. Create unique temp file name
// Get Temp Dir
if(0 == GetTempPathA(ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer), szBuffer)) goto err; if (0 == GetTempFileName(szBuffer, "wbk", 0, (LPSTR) pszFilePath)) { err: nRequired = 0; *pwszBuffer = 0; return(nRequired); } // Find the filename
pszFile = PathFindFileName(pszFilePath);
// Get the Extension
pszExt = PathFindExtension(pszFilePath); // Copy fileName
if (pszExt && pszFile && pszExt >= pszFile) StrCpyN(szFileName, pszFile, (DWORD) (min((pszExt - pszFile) + 1, ARRAYSIZE(szFileName)))); else StrCpyN(szFileName, pszFile, ARRAYSIZE(szFileName));
// 2. Create bigus URL
wnsprintf(szBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer), "http://%s.bogus", szFileName); szBuffer[ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer) - 1] = 0;
// 3. Create bogus URL cache entry
szFileName[0] = 0; if (!CreateUrlCacheEntry(szBuffer, 0, NULL, szFileName, 0)) goto err; // DeleteUrlCacheEntry(szFileName);
// Find path for cache
pszFile = PathFindFileName(szFileName); if(pszFile) *pszFile = '\0';
pwszBufferToFree = PszToUnicode(CP_ACP, szFileName); if (pwszBufferToFree) { nRequired = lstrlenW(pwszBufferToFree);
if ( nRequired < nBufferLength) CopyMemory(pwszBuffer, pwszBufferToFree, (nRequired+1)*sizeof(WCHAR) ); else { nRequired = 0; *pwszBuffer = 0; } } else *pwszBuffer = 0;
// Cleanup
MemFree(pwszBufferToFree); DeleteFile(pszFilePath); // GetTempFileName creates file and we need to remove it
return nRequired; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GenerateUniqueFileName
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OESTDAPI_(HRESULT) GenerateUniqueFileName(LPCSTR pszDirectory, LPCSTR pszFileName, LPCSTR pszExtension, LPSTR pszFilePath, ULONG cchMaxPath) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; ULONG cchDirectory; ULONG cchFileName; ULONG cchExtension; CHAR szUnique[10]; ULONG cchUnique; ULONG cbEstimate; HANDLE hTemp=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD cUnique=0; DWORD dwLastError; LPCSTR pszSlash;
// Invalid Arg
Assert(pszDirectory && pszFileName && pszExtension && pszFilePath);
// Compute lengths
*szUnique = '\0'; cchDirectory = lstrlen(pszDirectory); cchFileName = lstrlen(pszFileName); cchExtension = lstrlen(pszExtension);
// Set pszSplashes
if ('\\' == *CharPrev(pszDirectory, pszDirectory + cchDirectory)) pszSlash = ""; else pszSlash = "\\";
// Try to create the file
while(1) { // Compute length of unique post fix
cchUnique = lstrlen(szUnique);
// Do I have room + 1 (
cbEstimate = cchDirectory + cchFileName + cchExtension + cchUnique;
// Too Big
if (cbEstimate + 1 > cchMaxPath) { LengFail: Assert(FALSE); hr = TrapError(E_FAIL); goto exit; }
while(cbEstimate > (MAX_PATH - 4)) { if((cchUnique + cchDirectory) >= (MAX_PATH - 7)) goto LengFail; else if(cchFileName > 2) { pszFileName = CharNext(pszFileName); cchFileName = lstrlen(pszFileName); } else if(cchExtension > 2) { pszExtension = CharNext(pszExtension); cchExtension = lstrlen(pszExtension); } else goto LengFail;
cbEstimate = cchDirectory + cchFileName + cchExtension + cchUnique; } // Build the file path
if (0 == cchUnique) wnsprintf(pszFilePath, cchMaxPath, "%s%s%s%s", pszDirectory, pszSlash, pszFileName, pszExtension); else wnsprintf(pszFilePath, cchMaxPath, "%s%s%s (%s)%s", pszDirectory, pszSlash, pszFileName, szUnique, pszExtension);
// Open the File
hTemp = CreateFile(pszFilePath, GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL , NULL); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hTemp) { // confirm that what we had is a file
CloseHandle(hTemp); hTemp = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if (DeleteFile(pszFilePath)) { hTemp = CreateFile(pszFilePath, GENERIC_WRITE | GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL , NULL); break; } }
// Get the last error
dwLastError = GetLastError();
// If it didn't fail because ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS, then fail
if (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS != dwLastError && ERROR_FILE_EXISTS != dwLastError) { hr = TrapError(E_FAIL); goto exit; }
// Increment cUnique
// Format szUnique
wnsprintf(szUnique, ARRAYSIZE(szUnique), "%d", cUnique); }
exit: // Cleanup
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hTemp) CloseHandle(hTemp);
// Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CreateTempFile
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OESTDAPI_(HRESULT) CreateTempFile(LPCSTR pszSuggest, LPCSTR pszExtension, LPSTR *ppszFilePath, HANDLE *phFile) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; CHAR szTempDir[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszTempDir[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; LPSTR pszFilePath=NULL; LPSTR pszFile; LPSTR pszExt; ULONG cbAlloc;
// Invalid Arg
Assert(ppszFilePath && phFile);
// Init
// Create a temp file stream in URL cache
if(AthGetTempUniquePathW(ARRAYSIZE(wszTempDir), wszTempDir)) { LPSTR pszAnsiStr = PszToANSI(CP_ACP, wszTempDir); if (!pszAnsiStr) goto exit; StrCpyN(szTempDir, pszAnsiStr, ARRAYSIZE(szTempDir)); MemFree(pszAnsiStr); } // If cannot find URL cache try TEMP dir
else { DWORD nBufferLength = GetTempPath(ARRAYSIZE(szTempDir), szTempDir); if (nBufferLength == 0 || nBufferLength > ARRAYSIZE(szTempDir)) { hr = TrapError(E_FAIL); goto exit; } }
// Compute Max Size of pszFilePath
cbAlloc = MAX_PATH + lstrlen(szTempDir); if (pszSuggest) cbAlloc += lstrlen(pszSuggest); if (pszExtension) cbAlloc += lstrlen(pszExtension);
// Allocate m_pszNeedFile
CHECKALLOC(pszFilePath = PszAllocA(cbAlloc + 1));
// Create a unique file path with suggested pszFileName and pszExtension
if (NULL != pszSuggest) { // Find the filename
pszFile = PathFindFileName(pszSuggest);
// Get the Extension
pszExt = PathFindExtension(pszSuggest);
// If no pszExtension, use extension from pszSuggest
if (NULL == pszExtension) pszExtension = pszExt ? pszExt : (LPSTR)c_szDotDat;
// Copy fileName
if (pszExt && pszFile && pszExt >= pszFile) StrCpyN(szFileName, pszFile, (DWORD) (min((pszExt - pszFile) - 1, ARRAYSIZE(szFileName)))); else StrCpyN(szFileName, pszSuggest, ARRAYSIZE(szFileName));
// Fixup szTempDir
if (szTempDir[lstrlen(szTempDir) - 1] != '\\') StrCatBuff(szTempDir, "\\", ARRAYSIZE(szTempDir));
// GenerateUniqueFileName
hr = GenerateUniqueFileName(szTempDir, szFileName, pszExtension, pszFilePath, cbAlloc); }
// If no filename and no extension or suggested name failed, just use the windows function
if ((NULL == pszSuggest) || FAILED(hr)) { hr = S_OK;
// Get Temp File Name
if (0 == GetTempFileName(szTempDir, "wbk", 0, pszFilePath)) { hr = TrapError(E_FAIL); goto exit; } }
// Open the File
// SetReturn
*ppszFilePath = pszFilePath; pszFilePath = NULL;
exit: // Cleanup
// Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// WriteStreamToFileHandle
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OESTDAPI_(HRESULT) WriteStreamToFileHandle(IStream *pStream, HANDLE hFile, ULONG *pcbTotal) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; ULONG cbRead; ULONG cbTotal=0; BYTE rgbBuffer[2048]; ULONG cbWrote;
// Invalid Arg
if(!pStream || !hFile || (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { Assert(FALSE); return(E_INVALIDARG); }
// Dump pStream to hFile
while(1) { // Read a blob
CHECKHR(hr = pStream->Read(rgbBuffer, sizeof(rgbBuffer), &cbRead));
// Done
if (0 == cbRead) break;
// Write to the file
if (0 == WriteFile(hFile, rgbBuffer, cbRead, &cbWrote, NULL)) { hr = TrapError(E_FAIL); goto exit; }
// Count Bytes
cbTotal += cbWrote; }
// Return Total
if (pcbTotal) *pcbTotal = cbTotal;
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DeleteTempFile
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OESTDAPI_(HRESULT) DeleteTempFile(LPTEMPFILEINFO pTempFile) { // Locals
BOOL fDeleted; DWORD dwAttributes;
// If NULL, assume the file has been deleted
if (NULL == pTempFile->pszFilePath) return S_OK;
// Have we launched a process on this temp file which is still running?
if (pTempFile->hProcess && WAIT_OBJECT_0 != WaitForSingleObject(pTempFile->hProcess, 0)) return S_FALSE; // This file is probably still in use: won't delete
// First check if this is a file or a directory, then terminate it
dwAttributes = GetFileAttributes(pTempFile->pszFilePath); if (0xFFFFFFFF != dwAttributes && (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY & dwAttributes)) fDeleted = RemoveDirectory(pTempFile->pszFilePath); else fDeleted = DeleteFile(pTempFile->pszFilePath);
// Done
return fDeleted ? S_OK : S_FALSE; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AppendTempFileList
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OESTDAPI_(HRESULT) AppendTempFileList(LPTEMPFILEINFO *ppHead, LPSTR pszFilePath, HANDLE hProcess) { // Locals
HRESULT hr=S_OK; LPTEMPFILEINFO pTempFile, pInsertionPt;
// Allocate pTempFile
// Fill in the fields
ZeroMemory(pTempFile, sizeof(TEMPFILEINFO)); pTempFile->pszFilePath = pszFilePath; pTempFile->hProcess = hProcess; pTempFile->pNext = NULL;
// Insert new record at the end of the linked list
pInsertionPt = *ppHead; if (NULL == pInsertionPt) // Insert record into empty linked list
(*ppHead) = pTempFile; else { // Insert record at end of linked list
while (NULL != pInsertionPt->pNext) pInsertionPt = pInsertionPt->pNext;
pInsertionPt->pNext = pTempFile; }
exit: // Done
return hr; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DeleteTempFileOnShutdown
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Assert(NULL != pTempFile && NULL == pTempFile->pNext);
// Enter global Critical Section
// Insert new record at the end of the global linked list
pTempFile->pNext = NULL; pInsertionPt = g_pTempFileHead; if (NULL == pInsertionPt) // Insert record into empty linked list
g_pTempFileHead = pTempFile; else { // Insert record at end of linked list
while (NULL != pInsertionPt->pNext) pInsertionPt = pInsertionPt->pNext;
pInsertionPt->pNext = pTempFile; } // Leave global Critical Section
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csTempFileList); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DeleteTempFileOnShutdownEx
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OESTDAPI_(VOID) DeleteTempFileOnShutdownEx(LPSTR pszFilePath, HANDLE hProcess) { // Enter global Critical Section
// Append to globa list
AppendTempFileList(&g_pTempFileHead, pszFilePath, hProcess); // Enter global Critical Section
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csTempFileList); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CleanupGlobalTempFiles
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
OESTDAPI_(VOID) CleanupGlobalTempFiles(void) { // Locals
// Enter global Critical Section
// Init
pCurrent = g_pTempFileHead;
// Do the loop
while(pCurrent) { // Save Next
pNext = pCurrent->pNext;
// Delete the temp file
// Free file name
// Free pCurrent
// Goto Next
pCurrent = pNext; }
// Null the head
g_pTempFileHead = NULL;
// Leave global Critical Section
LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csTempFileList); }
// QFE 2522
#define EXT_SIZE 4
#define TMP_SIZE 10
// =====================================================================================
// FBuildTempPath
// =====================================================================================
BOOL FBuildTempPath(LPTSTR lpszOrigFile, LPTSTR lpszPath, ULONG cbMaxPath, BOOL fLink) { LPWSTR lpszOrigFileW = PszToUnicode(CP_ACP, lpszOrigFile); LPWSTR lpszPathW = NULL; BOOL result = FALSE;
if (!lpszOrigFileW) return result;
MemAlloc((LPVOID *) &lpszPathW, sizeof(WCHAR) * cbMaxPath); if (lpszPathW) { result = FBuildTempPathW(lpszOrigFileW, lpszPathW, cbMaxPath, fLink); if (result) WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpszPathW, -1, lpszPath, cbMaxPath, NULL, NULL); }
MemFree(lpszOrigFileW); MemFree(lpszPathW); return result; }
BOOL FBuildTempPathW(LPWSTR lpszOrigFile, LPWSTR lpszPath, ULONG cchMaxPath, BOOL fLink) { // Locals
INT i; WCHAR *pszName, *pszExt, *pszOrigFileTemp = NULL, szName[MAX_PATH], szTempDir[MAX_PATH];
// Check Params
AssertSz(lpszOrigFile && lpszPath, "Null Parameter");
// Get Temp Path
if(!AthGetTempUniquePathW(ARRAYSIZE(szTempDir), szTempDir)) szTempDir[0] = L'\0';
int nTmp = lstrlenW(szTempDir); if(nTmp >= (((int) cchMaxPath) - TMP_SIZE - EXT_SIZE - 1)) { StrCpyNW(szTempDir, L"\\", ARRAYSIZE(szTempDir)); nTmp = lstrlenW(szTempDir); }
DWORD cchSize = (lstrlenW(lpszOrigFile) + 1); if (!MemAlloc((LPVOID *) &pszOrigFileTemp, sizeof(WCHAR) * cchSize) || (lpszOrigFile == NULL)) return(FALSE);
StrCpyNW(pszOrigFileTemp, lpszOrigFile, cchSize);
// Get the file name and extension
pszName = PathFindFileNameW(pszOrigFileTemp); Assert(!FIsEmptyW(pszName));
pszExt = PathFindExtensionW(pszOrigFileTemp);
if(nTmp + lstrlenW(pszName) + lstrlenW(pszExt)> (((int) cchMaxPath) - TMP_SIZE)) // QFE 2522
{ if(nTmp + lstrlenW(pszExt) > (((int) cchMaxPath) - TMP_SIZE)) pszExt[0] = L'\0';
// Truncate anything that won't fit in the buffer passed in
if(lstrlenW(pszName) >= ((int) cchMaxPath) - (nTmp + lstrlenW(pszExt) + TMP_SIZE + 1)) *(pszName + ((int) cchMaxPath) - (nTmp + lstrlenW(pszExt) + TMP_SIZE + 1)) = '\0'; }
if (*pszExt != 0) { Assert(*pszExt == L'.'); *pszExt = 0; StrCpyNW(szName, pszName, ARRAYSIZE(szName)); *pszExt = L'.'; } else { StrCpyNW(szName, pszName, ARRAYSIZE(szName)); }
if (fLink) pszExt = (LPWSTR)c_szLnkExt;
// Make first attemp file name
Assert (szTempDir[lstrlenW(szTempDir)-1] == L'\\'); Assert(cchMaxPath >= (ULONG)(lstrlenW(szTempDir) + lstrlenW(szName) + lstrlenW(pszExt) + TMP_SIZE));
StrCpyNW(lpszPath, szTempDir, cchMaxPath); StrCatBuffW(lpszPath, szName, cchMaxPath); StrCatBuffW(lpszPath, pszExt, cchMaxPath);
// If it doesn't exist, were done
if (PathFileExistsW(lpszPath) == FALSE) { MemFree(pszOrigFileTemp); return(TRUE); }
// Loop to find a temp name that doesn't exist
for (i=1; i<100 ;i++) { // Build new path
wnsprintfW(lpszPath, cchMaxPath, L"%s%s (%d)%s", szTempDir, szName, i, pszExt);
// If it doesn't exist, were done
if (PathFileExistsW(lpszPath) == FALSE) { MemFree(pszOrigFileTemp); return(TRUE); } }
// Done
MemFree(pszOrigFileTemp); return(FALSE); }
void FreeTempFileList(LPTEMPFILEINFO pTempFileHead) { // Locals
// Init
pCurrent = pTempFileHead;
// Do the loop
while(pCurrent) { // Save Next
pNext = pCurrent->pNext;
// If not deleted, append to global file list
if (S_FALSE == DeleteTempFile(pCurrent)) { // MSOERT maintains a list of global temp files to be killed on shutdown
DeleteTempFileOnShutdown(pCurrent); }
// Otherwise, delete this node
else { // Free file name
// Free pCurrent
g_pMalloc->Free(pCurrent); }
// Goto Next
pCurrent = pNext; } }
DWORD CALLBACK EditStreamInCallback(DWORD_PTR dwCookie, LPBYTE pbBuff, LONG cb, LONG FAR *pcb) { AssertSz(dwCookie, "Houston, we have a problem..."); ((LPSTREAM)dwCookie)->Read(pbBuff, cb, (ULONG *)pcb); #ifdef DEBUG
// validate for the richedit bug...
// if we put a \r in the richedit as the last char without a \n
// ie not a \r\n pair, it bithces and faults...
if(*pcb && *pcb<cb) AssertSz(pbBuff[(*pcb)-1]!='\r', "is this the richedit bug??"); #endif
return NOERROR; }
DWORD CALLBACK EditStreamOutCallback(DWORD_PTR dwCookie, LPBYTE pbBuff, LONG cb, LONG FAR *pcb) { return ((LPSTREAM)dwCookie)->Write(pbBuff, cb, (ULONG *)pcb); }
HRESULT RicheditStreamIn(HWND hwndRE, LPSTREAM pstm, ULONG uSelFlags) { EDITSTREAM es;
if(!pstm) return E_INVALIDARG;
if(!IsWindow(hwndRE)) return E_INVALIDARG;
es.dwCookie = (DWORD_PTR)pstm; es.pfnCallback=(EDITSTREAMCALLBACK)EditStreamInCallback; SendMessage(hwndRE, EM_STREAMIN, uSelFlags, (LPARAM)&es); return NOERROR; }
HRESULT RicheditStreamOut(HWND hwndRE, LPSTREAM pstm, ULONG uSelFlags) { EDITSTREAM es;
if(!pstm) return E_INVALIDARG;
if(!IsWindow(hwndRE)) return E_INVALIDARG;
es.dwCookie = (DWORD_PTR)pstm; es.pfnCallback=(EDITSTREAMCALLBACK)EditStreamOutCallback; SendMessage(hwndRE, EM_STREAMOUT, uSelFlags, (LPARAM)&es); return NOERROR; }
HRESULT ShellUtil_GetSpecialFolderPath(DWORD dwSpecialFolder, LPSTR rgchPath) { LPITEMIDLIST pidl = NULL; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
if (SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, dwSpecialFolder, &pidl)==S_OK) { if (SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, rgchPath)) hr = S_OK; SHFree(pidl); } return hr; }
* CenterDialog * * Purpose: * This function centers a dialog with respect to its parent * dialog. * * Parameters: * hwndDlg hwnd of the dialog to center */ VOID CenterDialog(HWND hwndDlg) { HWND hwndOwner; RECT rc; RECT rcDlg; RECT rcOwner; RECT rcWork; INT x; INT y; INT nAdjust;
// Get the working area rectangle
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &rcWork, 0);
// Get the owner window and dialog box rectangles.
// The window rect of the destop window is in trouble on multimonitored
// macs. GetWindow only gets the main screen.
if (hwndOwner = GetParent(hwndDlg)) GetWindowRect(hwndOwner, &rcOwner); else rcOwner = rcWork;
GetWindowRect(hwndDlg, &rcDlg); rc = rcOwner;
// Offset the owner and dialog box rectangles so that
// right and bottom values represent the width and
// height, and then offset the owner again to discard
// space taken up by the dialog box.
OffsetRect(&rcDlg, -rcDlg.left, -rcDlg.top); OffsetRect(&rc, -rc.left, -rc.top); OffsetRect(&rc, -rcDlg.right, -rcDlg.bottom);
// The new position is the sum of half the remaining
// space and the owner's original position.
// But not less than Zero - jefbai
x= rcOwner.left + (rc.right / 2); y= rcOwner.top + (rc.bottom / 2);
// Make sure the dialog doesn't go off the right edge of the screen
nAdjust = rcWork.right - (x + rcDlg.right); if (nAdjust < 0) x += nAdjust;
//$ Raid 5128: Make sure the left edge is visible
if (x < rcWork.left) x = rcWork.left;
// Make sure the dialog doesn't go off the bottom edge of the screen
nAdjust = rcWork.bottom - (y + rcDlg.bottom); if (nAdjust < 0) y += nAdjust;
//$ Raid 5128: Make sure the top edge is visible
if (y < rcWork.top) y = rcWork.top; SetWindowPos(hwndDlg, NULL, x, y, 0, 0, SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE); }
void SetIntlFont(HWND hwnd) { HFONT hfont = (HFONT)GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); if (hfont == NULL) hfont = (HFONT)GetStockObject(SYSTEM_FONT); if (hfont != NULL) SendMessage(hwnd, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hfont, MAKELPARAM(TRUE, 0)); }
// See whether entire string will fit in *prc; if not, compute number of chars
// that will fit, including ellipses. Returns length of string in *pcchDraw.
BOOL NeedsEllipses(HDC hdc, LPCTSTR pszText, RECT FAR* prc, int FAR* pcchDraw, int cxEllipses) { int cchText; int cxRect; int ichMin, ichMax, ichMid; SIZE siz; #if !defined(UNICODE) // && defined(DBCS)
LPCTSTR lpsz; #endif
cxRect = prc->right - prc->left;
cchText = lstrlen(pszText);
if (cchText == 0) { *pcchDraw = cchText; return FALSE; }
GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, pszText, cchText, &siz);
if (siz.cx <= cxRect) { *pcchDraw = cchText; return FALSE; }
cxRect -= cxEllipses;
// If no room for ellipses, always show first character.
ichMax = 1; if (cxRect > 0) { // Binary search to find character that will fit
ichMin = 0; ichMax = cchText; while (ichMin < ichMax) { // Be sure to round up, to make sure we make progress in
// the loop if ichMax == ichMin + 1.
ichMid = (ichMin + ichMax + 1) / 2;
GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, &pszText[ichMin], ichMid - ichMin, &siz);
if (siz.cx < cxRect) { ichMin = ichMid; cxRect -= siz.cx; } else if (siz.cx > cxRect) { ichMax = ichMid - 1; } else { // Exact match up up to ichMid: just exit.
ichMax = ichMid; break; } }
// Make sure we always show at least the first character...
if (ichMax < 1) ichMax = 1; }
#if !defined(UNICODE) // && defined(DBCS)
// b#8934
lpsz = &pszText[ichMax]; while ( lpsz-- > pszText ) { if (!IsDBCSLeadByte(*lpsz)) break; } ichMax += ( (&pszText[ichMax] - lpsz) & 1 ) ? 0: 1; #endif
*pcchDraw = ichMax; return TRUE; }
void IDrawText(HDC hdc, LPCTSTR pszText, RECT FAR* prc, BOOL fEllipses, int cyChar) { int cchText, cxEllipses; RECT rc; TCHAR ach[CCHLABELMAX + CCHELLIPSES]; SIZE sze;
// REVIEW: Performance idea:
// We could cache the currently selected text color
// so we don't have to set and restore it each time
// when the color is the same.
if (!pszText) return;
if (IsRectEmpty(prc)) return;
rc = *prc;
if(fEllipses) { GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, g_szEllipsis, lstrlen(g_szEllipsis), &sze); cxEllipses=sze.cx; }
if ((fEllipses) && NeedsEllipses(hdc, pszText, &rc, &cchText, cxEllipses)) { // In some cases cchText was comming back bigger than
// ARRYASIZE(ach), so we need to make sure we don't overflow the buffer
// if cchText is too big for the buffer, truncate it down to size
if (cchText >= ARRAYSIZE(ach) - CCHELLIPSES) cchText = ARRAYSIZE(ach) - CCHELLIPSES - 1;
memcpy(ach, pszText, cchText * sizeof(TCHAR)); StrCpyN(ach + cchText, g_szEllipsis, (ARRAYSIZE(ach) - cchText));
pszText = ach; cchText += CCHELLIPSES; } else { cchText = lstrlen(pszText); }
// Center vertically in case the bitmap (to the left) is larger than
// the height of one line
if (cyChar) rc.top += (rc.bottom - rc.top - cyChar) / 2; ExtTextOut(hdc, rc.left, rc.top, 0, prc, pszText, cchText, NULL); }
BOOL FIsHTMLFile(LPSTR pszFile) { int cch;
if(pszFile==NULL) return FALSE;
cch = lstrlen(pszFile);
if ((cch > 4 && lstrcmpi(&pszFile[cch-4], ".htm")==0) || (cch > 5 && lstrcmpi(&pszFile[cch-5], ".html")==0)) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
BOOL FIsHTMLFileW(LPWSTR pwszFile) { int cch;
if(pwszFile==NULL) return FALSE;
cch = lstrlenW(pwszFile);
if ((cch > 4 && StrCmpIW(&pwszFile[cch-4], L".htm")==0) || (cch > 5 && StrCmpIW(&pwszFile[cch-5], L".html")==0)) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
BOOL GetExePath(LPCTSTR szExe, TCHAR *szPath, DWORD cch, BOOL fDirOnly) { BOOL fRet; HKEY hkey; DWORD dwType, cb; TCHAR sz[MAX_PATH], szT[MAX_PATH];
Assert(szExe != NULL); Assert(szPath != NULL);
fRet = FALSE;
wnsprintf(sz, ARRAYSIZE(sz), c_szPathFileFmt, c_szAppPaths, szExe);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sz, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey)) { cb = sizeof(szT); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hkey, fDirOnly ? c_szRegPath : NULL, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE)szT, &cb) && cb) { if (dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ) { cb = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(szT, szPath, cch); if (cb != 0 && cb <= cch) fRet = TRUE; } else { Assert(dwType == REG_SZ); StrCpyN(szPath, szT, cch); fRet = TRUE; } }
RegCloseKey(hkey); }
return(fRet); }
int MessageBoxInstW(HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hwndOwner, LPWSTR pwszTitle, LPWSTR pwsz1, LPWSTR pwsz2, UINT fuStyle, PFLOADSTRINGW pfLoadStringW, PFMESSAGEBOXW pfMessageBoxW) { WCHAR wszTitle[CCHMAX_STRINGRES]; WCHAR wszText[2 * CCHMAX_STRINGRES + 2]; int cch;
Assert(pwsz1); Assert(pwszTitle != NULL);
if (!(fuStyle & MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) && !(fuStyle & MB_ICONWARNING) && !(fuStyle & MB_ICONINFORMATION) && !(fuStyle & MB_ICONASTERISK) && //!(fuStyle & MB_ICONQUESTION) && // BUG: 18105
!(fuStyle & MB_ICONSTOP) && !(fuStyle & MB_ICONERROR) && !(fuStyle & MB_ICONHAND)) { if (fuStyle & MB_OK) fuStyle |= MB_ICONINFORMATION; else if (fuStyle & MB_YESNO || fuStyle & MB_YESNOCANCEL || fuStyle & MB_OKCANCEL) fuStyle |= MB_ICONEXCLAMATION; // BUG 18105 MB_ICONQUESTION;
else if (fuStyle & MB_RETRYCANCEL || fuStyle & MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE) fuStyle |= MB_ICONWARNING; else fuStyle |= MB_ICONWARNING; }
if (IS_INTRESOURCE(pwszTitle)) { // its a string resource id
cch = pfLoadStringW(hInst, PtrToUlong(pwszTitle), wszTitle, ARRAYSIZE(wszTitle)); if (cch == 0) return(0);
pwszTitle = wszTitle; }
if (!(IS_INTRESOURCE(pwsz1))) { // its a pointer to a string
Assert(lstrlenW(pwsz1) < CCHMAX_STRINGRES); if (NULL == StrCpyNW(wszText, pwsz1, ARRAYSIZE(wszText))) return(0);
cch = lstrlenW(wszText); } else { // its a string resource id
cch = pfLoadStringW(hInst, PtrToUlong(pwsz1), wszText, ARRAYSIZE(wszText)-2); if (cch == 0) return(0); }
if (pwsz2) { // there's another string that we need to append to the
// first string...
wszText[cch++] = L'\n'; wszText[cch++] = L'\n';
if (!(IS_INTRESOURCE(pwsz2))) { // its a pointer to a string
Assert(lstrlenW(pwsz2) < CCHMAX_STRINGRES); if (NULL == StrCpyNW(&wszText[cch], pwsz2, (ARRAYSIZE(wszText) - cch))) return(0); } else { int cchTemp = ARRAYSIZE(wszText) - cch; Assert(cchTemp > 0); if (0 == pfLoadStringW(hInst, PtrToUlong(pwsz2), &wszText[cch], cchTemp)) return(0); } }
return(pfMessageBoxW(hwndOwner, wszText, pwszTitle, MB_SETFOREGROUND | fuStyle)); }
int MessageBoxInst(HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hwndOwner, LPTSTR pszTitle, LPTSTR psz1, LPTSTR psz2, UINT fuStyle) { TCHAR szTitle[CCHMAX_STRINGRES]; TCHAR szText[2 * CCHMAX_STRINGRES + 2]; int cch;
Assert(psz1); Assert(pszTitle != NULL);
if (!(fuStyle & MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) && !(fuStyle & MB_ICONWARNING) && !(fuStyle & MB_ICONINFORMATION) && !(fuStyle & MB_ICONASTERISK) && //!(fuStyle & MB_ICONQUESTION) && // BUG: 18105
!(fuStyle & MB_ICONSTOP) && !(fuStyle & MB_ICONERROR) && !(fuStyle & MB_ICONHAND)) { if (fuStyle & MB_OK) fuStyle |= MB_ICONINFORMATION; else if (fuStyle & MB_YESNO || fuStyle & MB_YESNOCANCEL || fuStyle & MB_OKCANCEL) fuStyle |= MB_ICONEXCLAMATION; // BUG 18105 MB_ICONQUESTION;
else if (fuStyle & MB_RETRYCANCEL || fuStyle & MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE) fuStyle |= MB_ICONWARNING; else fuStyle |= MB_ICONWARNING; }
if (IS_INTRESOURCE(pszTitle)) { // its a string resource id
cch = LoadString(hInst, PtrToUlong(pszTitle), szTitle, ARRAYSIZE(szTitle)); if (cch == 0) return(0);
pszTitle = szTitle; }
if (!(IS_INTRESOURCE(psz1))) { // its a pointer to a string
// Assert(lstrlen(psz1) < CCHMAX_STRINGRES);
// if (NULL == StrCpyN(szText, psz1, ARRAYSIZE(szText)))
// return(0);
if (NULL == StrCpyN(szText, psz1, ARRAYSIZE(szText) - 1)) return(0);
szText[ARRAYSIZE(szText) - 1] = '\0'; cch = lstrlen(szText); } else { // its a string resource id
cch = LoadString(hInst, PtrToUlong(psz1), szText, ARRAYSIZE(szText)-1); if (cch == 0) return(0); }
// check that we have enough room for the '\n's and at least one byte of data
if (psz2 && (cch < (ARRAYSIZE(szText) - 4))) { // there's another string that we need to append to the
// first string...
szText[cch++] = '\n'; szText[cch++] = '\n';
if (!(IS_INTRESOURCE(psz2))) { // its a pointer to a string
// Assert(lstrlen(psz2) < CCHMAX_STRINGRES);
if (NULL == StrCpyN(&szText[cch], psz2, (ARRAYSIZE(szText)-1)-cch)) return(0); } else { int cchTemp = ARRAYSIZE(szText) - cch; Assert(cchTemp > 0); if (0 == LoadString(hInst, PtrToUlong(psz2), &szText[cch], cchTemp)) return(0); } }
return(MessageBox(hwndOwner, szText, pszTitle, MB_SETFOREGROUND | fuStyle)); }
BOOL BrowseForFolder(HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hwnd, TCHAR *pszDir, int cch, int idsText, BOOL fFileSysOnly) { LPITEMIDLIST plist; BROWSEINFO bi; BROWSEFOLDERINFOA bfi; BOOL fRet = FALSE; CHAR *psz = NULL, szTemp[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szRes[256];
Assert(pszDir != NULL); Assert(cch >= MAX_PATH);
LoadString(hInst, idsText, szRes, ARRAYSIZE(szRes));
bfi.psz = pszDir; bfi.fFileSysOnly = fFileSysOnly;
bi.hwndOwner = hwnd; bi.pidlRoot = NULL; bi.pszDisplayName = szTemp; bi.lpszTitle = szRes; bi.ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS | BIF_STATUSTEXT; bi.lpfn = BrowseCallbackProcA; bi.lParam = (LPARAM)&bfi; plist = SHBrowseForFolder(&bi);
if (plist != NULL) { fRet = SHGetPathFromIDList(plist, pszDir); SHFree(plist); }
return(fRet); }
BOOL SHGetPathFromIDListAthW(LPCITEMIDLIST pidl, LPWSTR pwszPath) { CHAR pszPath[MAX_PATH]; BOOL fSucceeded = FALSE;
fSucceeded = SHGetPathFromIDListW(pidl, pwszPath);
if (!fSucceeded) { fSucceeded = SHGetPathFromIDListA(pidl, pszPath); if (fSucceeded) fSucceeded = (0 != MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pszPath, -1, pwszPath, MAX_PATH)); }
return fSucceeded; }
if((IsPlatformWinNT() == S_OK) && g_rOSVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion >= 5) pidl = SHBrowseForFolderW(pbiW); // this is only for NT5
else { pszTitle = PszToANSI(CP_ACP, pbiW->lpszTitle); if (!pszTitle) goto exit;
biA = *((BROWSEINFOA*)pbiW); biA.lpszTitle = pszTitle; biA.pszDisplayName = szDisplay;
pidl = SHBrowseForFolderA(&biA); if (pidl) { if (0 == MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, biA.pszDisplayName, -1, pbiW->pszDisplayName, MAX_PATH)) { SHFree(pidl); pidl = NULL; } } }
exit: MemFree(pszTitle); return pidl; }
BOOL BrowseForFolderW(HINSTANCE hInst, HWND hwnd, WCHAR *pwszDir, int cch, int idsText, BOOL fFileSysOnly) { LPITEMIDLIST plist; BROWSEINFOW bi; BROWSEFOLDERINFOW bfi; BOOL fRet = FALSE; WCHAR *pwsz = NULL, wszTemp[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szRes[256];
Assert(pwszDir != NULL); Assert(cch >= MAX_PATH);
// Don't have access to all wrappers in msoert so
// must do conversion ourselves for LoadStringW
LoadString(hInst, idsText, szRes, ARRAYSIZE(szRes)); pwsz = PszToUnicode(CP_ACP, szRes); if (!pwsz) goto exit;
bfi.pwsz = pwszDir; bfi.fFileSysOnly = fFileSysOnly;
bi.hwndOwner = hwnd; bi.pidlRoot = NULL; bi.pszDisplayName = wszTemp; bi.lpszTitle = pwsz; bi.ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS | BIF_STATUSTEXT; bi.lpfn = BrowseCallbackProcW; bi.lParam = (LPARAM)&bfi; plist = SHBrowseForFolderAthW(&bi);
if (plist != NULL) { fRet = SHGetPathFromIDListAthW(plist, pwszDir); SHFree(plist); }
exit: MemFree(pwsz); return(fRet); }
int BrowseCallbackProcW(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, LPARAM lParam, LPARAM lpData) { BOOL fRet; UINT type; WCHAR wsz[MAX_PATH]; BROWSEFOLDERINFOW *pbfi;
switch (msg) { case BFFM_INITIALIZED: pbfi = (BROWSEFOLDERINFOW *)lpData; Assert(pbfi != NULL); SendMessage(hwnd, BFFM_SETSELECTIONW, TRUE, (LPARAM)pbfi->pwsz); break;
case BFFM_SELCHANGED: pbfi = (BROWSEFOLDERINFOW *)lpData; Assert(pbfi != NULL); fRet = SHGetPathFromIDListAthW((LPITEMIDLIST)lParam, wsz); if (fRet) { if (L':' == wsz[1] && L'\\' == wsz[2]) { wsz[3] = 0; if (S_OK == IsPlatformWinNT()) type = GetDriveTypeW(wsz); else { // Since we can't fail in this function, we need to do some kind
// of conversion that doesn't require memory allocations, etc.
// Since drives always must be ansi, can do the conversion in this
// really ugly way.
CHAR szDir[] = "a:\\"; AssertSz(0 == ((LPSTR)wsz)[1], "The char is not a unicode ANSI char"); *szDir = *((LPSTR)wsz); type = GetDriveType(szDir); } if (pbfi->fFileSysOnly) fRet = (type == DRIVE_FIXED); else fRet = (type == DRIVE_FIXED || type == DRIVE_REMOVABLE || type == DRIVE_REMOTE); } else { fRet = !pbfi->fFileSysOnly; } }
SendMessage(hwnd, BFFM_ENABLEOK, 0, (LPARAM)fRet); break; }
return(0); }
int BrowseCallbackProcA(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, LPARAM lParam, LPARAM lpData) { BOOL fRet; UINT type; CHAR sz[MAX_PATH]; BROWSEFOLDERINFOA *pbfi;
switch (msg) { case BFFM_INITIALIZED: pbfi = (BROWSEFOLDERINFOA *)lpData; Assert(pbfi != NULL); SendMessage(hwnd, BFFM_SETSELECTION, TRUE, (LPARAM)pbfi->psz); break;
case BFFM_SELCHANGED: pbfi = (BROWSEFOLDERINFOA *)lpData; Assert(pbfi != NULL); fRet = SHGetPathFromIDList((LPITEMIDLIST)lParam, sz); if (fRet) { // Only reason to do this check is to see if we have
// some funky chars in the filename. This will protect us
// from selecting files with non-ANSI chars in them.
if (PathFileExists(sz)) { if (':' == sz[1] && '\\' == sz[2]) { sz[3] = 0; type = GetDriveType(sz);
if (pbfi->fFileSysOnly) fRet = (type == DRIVE_FIXED); else fRet = (type == DRIVE_FIXED || type == DRIVE_REMOVABLE || type == DRIVE_REMOTE); } else { fRet = !pbfi->fFileSysOnly; } } else fRet = FALSE; }
SendMessage(hwnd, BFFM_ENABLEOK, 0, (LPARAM)fRet); break; }
return(0); }
HRESULT IsPlatformWinNT(void) { return (g_rOSVersionInfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) ? S_OK : S_FALSE; }
void UpdateRebarBandColors(HWND hwndRebar) { REBARBANDINFO rbbi; UINT i; UINT cBands; // First find the band with the toolbar
cBands = (UINT) SendMessage(hwndRebar, RB_GETBANDCOUNT, 0, 0); ZeroMemory(&rbbi, sizeof(rbbi)); rbbi.cbSize = sizeof(REBARBANDINFO); rbbi.fMask = RBBIM_ID; for (i = 0; i < cBands; i++) { SendMessage(hwndRebar, RB_GETBANDINFO, i, (LPARAM) &rbbi);
ZeroMemory(&rbbi, sizeof(rbbi)); rbbi.cbSize = sizeof(REBARBANDINFO); rbbi.fMask = RBBIM_COLORS; rbbi.clrFore = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNTEXT); rbbi.clrBack = GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE); SendMessage(hwndRebar, RB_SETBANDINFO, i, (LPARAM) (LPREBARBANDINFO) &rbbi); } }
#define RGB_BUTTONTEXT (RGB(000,000,000)) // black
#define RGB_BUTTONSHADOW (RGB(128,128,128)) // dark grey
#define RGB_BUTTONFACE (RGB(192,192,192)) // bright grey
#define RGB_BUTTONHILIGHT (RGB(255,255,255)) // white
#define RGB_TRANSPARENT (RGB(255,000,255)) // pink
inline BOOL fIsNT5() { return((g_rOSVersionInfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) && (g_rOSVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion >= 5)); } inline BOOL fIsWhistler() { return((fIsNT5() && g_rOSVersionInfo.dwMinorVersion >=1) || ((g_rOSVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion > 5) && (g_rOSVersionInfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT))); }
* This function loads an OE toolbar bitmap and maps 3D colors to the * appropriate current scheme. We also map black and white so that we look * good on high-contrast displays */
HIMAGELIST LoadMappedToolbarBitmap(HINSTANCE hInst, int idBitmap, int cx) { static const COLORMAP SysColorMap[] = { {RGB_BUTTONTEXT, COLOR_BTNTEXT}, // black
#define NUM_DEFAULT_MAPS (sizeof(SysColorMap)/sizeof(COLORMAP))
/* Get system colors for the default color map */ for (int i=0; i < NUM_DEFAULT_MAPS; i++) { DefaultColorMap[i].from = SysColorMap[i].from; DefaultColorMap[i].to = GetSysColor((int)SysColorMap[i].to); }
if(!fIsWhistler()) hBmp = CreateMappedBitmap(hInst, idBitmap, 0, (COLORMAP *)&DefaultColorMap, NUM_DEFAULT_MAPS); else hBmp = CreateMappedBitmap(hInst, idBitmap, CMB_DIBSECTION, (COLORMAP *)&DefaultColorMap, NUM_DEFAULT_MAPS); if (!hBmp) return NULL;
if (GetObject(hBmp, sizeof(BITMAP), &bm)) cy = bm.bmHeight;
if(!fIsWhistler()) himl = ImageList_Create(cx, cy, ILC_COLORDDB|ILC_MASK, 4, 4); else himl = ImageList_Create(cx, cy, ILC_COLOR32|ILC_MASK, 4, 4); if (!himl) { DeleteObject(hBmp); return NULL; }
// if(!fIsWhistler())
{ ImageList_AddMasked(himl, hBmp, RGB_TRANSPARENT); ImageList_SetBkColor(himl, CLR_NONE); } DeleteObject(hBmp); return himl; }
HRESULT DoHotMailWizard(HWND hwndOwner, LPSTR pszUrl, LPSTR pszFriendly, RECT *prc, IUnknown *pUnkHost) { IHotWizard *pWiz=NULL; HRESULT hr = S_OK; LPWSTR pwszUrl = NULL, pwszCaption = NULL; IHotWizardHost *pHost = NULL;
if (pUnkHost) IF_FAILEXIT(hr = pUnkHost->QueryInterface(IID_IHotWizardHost, (LPVOID *)&pHost)); // create and show the wizard
IF_FAILEXIT(hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_OEHotMailWizard, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IHotWizard, (LPVOID*)&pWiz));
IF_NULLEXIT(pwszUrl = PszToUnicode(CP_ACP, pszUrl));
IF_NULLEXIT(pwszCaption = PszToUnicode(CP_ACP, pszFriendly));
IF_FAILEXIT(hr = pWiz->Show(hwndOwner, pwszUrl, pwszCaption, pHost, prc));
exit: MemFree(pwszUrl); MemFree(pwszCaption); ReleaseObj(pWiz); ReleaseObj(pHost); return hr; }
BOOL fGetBrowserUrlEncoding(LPDWORD pdwFlags) { DWORD dwUrlEncodingDisableUTF8; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(dwUrlEncodingDisableUTF8); BOOL fDefault = FALSE; DWORD dwFlags = *pdwFlags; BOOL fret = TRUE;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == SHRegGetUSValue(c_szInternetSettingsPath, c_szUrlEncoding, NULL, (LPBYTE) &dwUrlEncodingDisableUTF8, &dwSize, FALSE, (LPVOID) &fDefault, sizeof(fDefault))) { if (!dwUrlEncodingDisableUTF8) dwFlags |= DOCHOSTUIFLAG_URL_ENCODING_ENABLE_UTF8; else dwFlags |= DOCHOSTUIFLAG_URL_ENCODING_DISABLE_UTF8;
*pdwFlags = dwFlags; } else fret = FALSE;
return fret;