Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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#include "pch.hxx"
#include "voidlist.h"
#include "msoedbg.h"
#include <winbase.h>
struct CNode { CNode *m_pNodes[LD_LASTDIRECTION]; void *m_pValue; DWORD m_dwHandle;
CNode() : m_pValue(NULL) { m_pNodes[LD_FORWARD] = NULL; m_pNodes[LD_REVERSE] = NULL; }
CNode* GetNext() {return m_pNodes[LD_FORWARD];} CNode* GetPrev() {return m_pNodes[LD_REVERSE];}
void SetNext(CNode *pNode) {m_pNodes[LD_FORWARD] = pNode;} void SetPrev(CNode *pNode) {m_pNodes[LD_REVERSE] = pNode;} };
// *************************************************
CVoidPtrList::CVoidPtrList() : m_cRefCount(1), m_cCount(0), m_dwCookie(0), m_pCompareFunc(NULL), m_pFreeItemFunc(NULL), m_fInited(false) { SetHead(NULL); SetTail(NULL); InitializeCriticalSection(&m_rCritSect); }
// *************************************************
CVoidPtrList::~CVoidPtrList() { ClearList(); DeleteCriticalSection(&m_rCritSect); }
// ******************************************************
ULONG CVoidPtrList::AddRef(void) { return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRefCount); }
// ******************************************************
ULONG CVoidPtrList::Release(void) { LONG cRef = InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRefCount); if (0 == cRef) delete this;
return S_OK; }
// *************************************************
HRESULT CVoidPtrList::Init(IVPL_COMPAREFUNCTYPE pCompareFunc, DWORD_PTR dwCookie, IVPL_FREEITEMFUNCTYPE pFreeItemFunc, DWORD dwInitSize) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; EnterCriticalSection(&m_rCritSect); if (!m_fInited) { m_dwCookie = dwCookie; m_pCompareFunc = pCompareFunc; m_pFreeItemFunc = pFreeItemFunc; //~~~ Need to do something with dwInitSize.
} else hr = E_FAIL;
return hr; }
// *************************************************
HRESULT CVoidPtrList::ClearList(void) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_rCritSect);
CNode *pCurr = GetHead(), *pNext; SetHead(NULL); SetTail(NULL);
m_cCount = 0; if (m_pFreeItemFunc) while (pCurr) { pNext = pCurr->GetNext(); m_pFreeItemFunc(pCurr->m_pValue); delete pCurr; pCurr = pNext; } else while (pCurr) { pNext = pCurr->GetNext(); delete pCurr; pCurr = pNext; }
LeaveCriticalSection(&m_rCritSect); return S_OK; }
// *************************************************
HRESULT CVoidPtrList::AddItem(LPVOID ptr, DWORD *pdwHandle) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; Assert(ptr);
CNode *pNewNode = new CNode; if (pNewNode) { pNewNode->m_pValue = ptr; pNewNode->m_dwHandle = GetNewHandle(); if (m_pCompareFunc) SortedAddItem(pNewNode); else NonSortedAddItem(pNewNode); } else hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (pNewNode) *pdwHandle = pNewNode->m_dwHandle; return hr; }
// *************************************************
void CVoidPtrList::SortedAddItem(CNode *pNode) { if (0 == m_cCount++) { SetHead(pNode); SetTail(pNode); } else { CNode *compAgainstNode = GetHead(); void *pValue = pNode->m_pValue; while (compAgainstNode) { bool ALessThanB; m_pCompareFunc(pValue, compAgainstNode->m_pValue, &ALessThanB, m_dwCookie); if (ALessThanB) break; else compAgainstNode = compAgainstNode->GetNext(); }
// Insert at Tail
if (!compAgainstNode) { GetTail()->SetNext(pNode); pNode->SetPrev(GetTail()); SetTail(pNode); } // Insert at Head
else if (!compAgainstNode->GetPrev()) { GetHead()->SetPrev(pNode); pNode->SetNext(GetHead()); SetHead(pNode); } // Insert in middle
else { CNode *prev = compAgainstNode->GetPrev(); pNode->SetNext(compAgainstNode); pNode->SetPrev(prev); prev->SetNext(pNode); compAgainstNode->SetPrev(pNode); } } }
// *************************************************
void CVoidPtrList::NonSortedAddItem(CNode *pNode) { if (0 == m_cCount) { SetHead(pNode); SetTail(pNode); } else { GetHead()->SetPrev(pNode); pNode->SetNext(GetHead()); SetHead(pNode); } m_cCount++; }
// *************************************************
HRESULT CVoidPtrList::RemoveItem(DWORD dwHandle) { CNode *pCurr = FindItem(dwHandle);
if (pCurr) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_rCritSect);
CNode *pNext = pCurr->GetNext(); CNode *pPrev = pCurr->GetPrev();
if (pNext) pNext->SetPrev(pPrev); else SetTail(pPrev);
if (pPrev) pPrev->SetNext(pNext); else SetHead(pNext);
if (m_pFreeItemFunc) m_pFreeItemFunc(pCurr->m_pValue); delete pCurr; m_cCount--;
LeaveCriticalSection(&m_rCritSect); } return S_OK; }
// *************************************************
HRESULT CVoidPtrList::GetNext(LISTDIRECTION bDirection, LPVOID *pptr, DWORD *pdwHandle) { CNode *pCurr = FindItem(*pdwHandle); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
EnterCriticalSection(&m_rCritSect); if (pCurr) pCurr = pCurr->m_pNodes[bDirection]; else pCurr = m_pEnds[bDirection]; if (pCurr) { *pptr = pCurr->m_pValue; *pdwHandle = pCurr->m_dwHandle; } else { *pptr = NULL; hr = E_FAIL; }
LeaveCriticalSection(&m_rCritSect); return hr; }
// *************************************************
HRESULT CVoidPtrList::SkipNext(LISTDIRECTION bDirection, DWORD *pdwHandle) { CNode *pCurr = FindItem(*pdwHandle);
if (pCurr) pCurr = pCurr->m_pNodes[bDirection]; else pCurr = m_pEnds[bDirection];
if (pCurr) *pdwHandle = pCurr->m_dwHandle;
if (pCurr) return S_OK;
return E_FAIL; }
// *************************************************
HRESULT CVoidPtrList::Resort(void) { EnterCriticalSection(&m_rCritSect);
if (m_pCompareFunc && (m_cCount > 1)) { CNode *pHead = GetHead(); m_cCount = 0; SetHead(NULL); SetTail(NULL); while (pHead) { CNode *pNext = pHead->GetNext(); pHead->SetPrev(NULL); pHead->SetNext(NULL); SortedAddItem(pHead); pHead = pNext; } }
LeaveCriticalSection(&m_rCritSect); return S_OK; }
// *************************************************
CNode* CVoidPtrList::FindItem(DWORD dwHandle) { CNode *pHead = GetHead();
for (pHead = GetHead(); NULL != pHead; pHead = pHead->GetNext()) { if (dwHandle == pHead->m_dwHandle) break; }
return pHead; }
// *************************************************
DWORD CVoidPtrList::GetNewHandle() { CNode *pHead = GetHead(); DWORD dwHandle = 0;
for (dwHandle = HANDLE_START; HANDLE_END > dwHandle; dwHandle++) { for (pHead = GetHead(); NULL != pHead; pHead = pHead->GetNext()) { if (dwHandle == pHead->m_dwHandle) break; }
if (NULL == pHead) break; }
return dwHandle; }
// =================================================
// Static functions
// =================================================
HRESULT CVoidPtrList::CreateInstance(CVoidPtrList** ppList) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Create me
CVoidPtrList *pNew = new CVoidPtrList; if (NULL == pNew) hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
*ppList = pNew;
// Done
return hr; }
HRESULT IVoidPtrList_CreateInstance(IVoidPtrList** ppList) { CVoidPtrList* pList; HRESULT hr = CVoidPtrList::CreateInstance(&pList); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) *ppList = static_cast<IVoidPtrList*>(pList); else *ppList = NULL; return hr; }