JUNKUTIL.CPP (c) copyright 1998 Microsoft Corp
Shared utility functions
Created by Robert Rounthwaite (RobertRo@microsoft.com)
Modified by Brian Moore (brimo@microsoft.com)
#include <pch.hxx>
#include "junkutil.h"
#include <msoedbg.h>
#define _WIN32_OE 0x0501
#include <mimeole.h>
WORD WGetStringTypeEx(LPCSTR pszText) { WORD wType = 0;
if (NULL == pszText) { wType = 0; goto exit; }
if (IsDBCSLeadByte(*pszText)) SideAssert(GetStringTypeEx(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, CT_CTYPE1, pszText, 2, &wType)); else SideAssert(GetStringTypeEx(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, CT_CTYPE1, pszText, 1, &wType)); exit: return wType; }
BOOL FMatchToken(BOOL fStart, BOOL fEnd, LPCSTR pszPrev, DWORD * pdwFlagsPrev, LPCSTR pszWord, ULONG cchWord, DWORD * pdwFlagsWord, LPCSTR pszEnd) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; DWORD dwFlagsEnd = 0; LPCSTR pszEndWord = NULL;
// this code checks to see that the spot we found is a "word" and not a subword
// we want the character before and after to be word break, unless the character on that end of the
// string already is not a word break (or we're at the beginning of the string, for the char before)
// front checking
// f1: in either case we don't have to check the front if this is the first character; otherwise,
// f2: either the first character of the string is alnum and the previous character is not (and is not an "internal" character)
// f3: or the first character of the string isn't alnum, the previous character either is, or is a whitespace character
// rear checking
// r1: either we are at the end of the string
// r2: or the last character is alpha and the following character is not alpha or number (and is not an "internal" character)
// r3: or the last character is not alpha or num and the following character either is, or is a whitespace character
// r4: or the last character is num and the test depends on the first character:
// r5: if it was alphanum, then the following character is not alpha or number (and is not an "internal" character)
// r6: or it wasn't alphanum, then the following character is alpha or is a whitespace character
// Whew! This mimics the criteria used by GetNextFeature() in splitting up the string. The easiest way to understand this criteria
// is to examine that function
if ((FALSE != fStart) || // f1
((FALSE != FDoWordMatchStart(pszWord, pdwFlagsWord, CT_START_ALPHANUM)) && (FALSE == FDoWordMatchStart(pszPrev, pdwFlagsPrev, CT_START_ALPHANUM)) && (FALSE == FIsInternalChar(*pszPrev))) || // f2
((FALSE == FDoWordMatchStart(pszWord, pdwFlagsWord, CT_START_ALPHANUM)) && (FALSE != FDoWordMatchStart(pszPrev, pdwFlagsPrev, CT_START_ALPHANUMSPACE)))) // f3
{ // Make it a little more readable
pszEndWord = pszWord + cchWord - 1; if ((FALSE != fEnd) || // r1
((FALSE != FDoWordMatchEnd(pszEndWord, pdwFlagsWord, CT_END_ALPHA)) && (FALSE == FDoWordMatchEnd(pszEnd, &dwFlagsEnd, CT_END_ALPHANUM)) && (FALSE == FIsInternalChar(*pszEnd))) || // r2
((FALSE == FDoWordMatchEnd(pszEndWord, pdwFlagsWord, CT_END_ALPHANUM)) && (FALSE != FDoWordMatchEnd(pszEnd, &dwFlagsEnd, CT_END_ALPHASPACE))) || // r3
((FALSE != FDoWordMatchEnd(pszEndWord, pdwFlagsWord, CT_END_NUM)) && // r4
(((FALSE != FDoWordMatchStart(pszWord, pdwFlagsWord, CT_START_ALPHANUM)) && (FALSE == FDoWordMatchEnd(pszEnd, &dwFlagsEnd, CT_END_ALPHANUM)) && (FALSE == FIsInternalChar(*pszEnd))) || // r5
((FALSE == FDoWordMatchStart(pszWord, pdwFlagsWord, CT_START_ALPHANUM)) && (FALSE != FDoWordMatchEnd(pszEnd, &dwFlagsEnd, CT_END_ALPHANUMSPACE)))))) // r6
{ // Good match
fRet = TRUE; } }
return fRet; }
// FWordPresent
// Determines if the given "word" is present in the Text. A word in this
// case is any string of characters with a non-alpha character on either
// side (or with the beginning or end of the text on either side).
// Case sensitive.
BOOL FWordPresent(LPSTR pszText, DWORD * pdwFlags, LPSTR pszWord, ULONG cchWord, LPSTR * ppszMatch) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; LPSTR pszLoc = NULL; DWORD dwFlagsPrev = 0; // If there's nothing to do then just exit
if ((NULL == pszText) || ('\0' == pszText[0]) || (NULL == pszWord) || (NULL == pdwFlags) || (0 == cchWord)) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; } // How big is the text
for (pszLoc = pszText; NULL != (pszLoc = StrStr(pszLoc, pszWord)); pszLoc = CharNext(pszLoc)) { if (FALSE != FMatchToken((pszLoc == pszText), ('\0' == pszLoc[cchWord]), (pszLoc != pszText) ? CharPrev(pszText, pszLoc) : NULL, &dwFlagsPrev, pszWord, cchWord, pdwFlags, pszLoc + cchWord)) { // Good match
if (NULL != ppszMatch) { *ppszMatch = pszLoc; } fRet = TRUE; goto exit; }
// Don't cache these flags...
dwFlagsPrev = 0; } exit: return fRet; }
// Special feature implementations
// This feature is 25% of first 50 words contain no lowercase letters (includes words with no letters at all)
const UINT g_cWordsMax = 50; const DOUBLE g_cNonLowerWordsThreshold = 0.25; BOOL FSpecialFeatureUpperCaseWords(LPCSTR pszText) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; UINT cWords = 0; UINT cNonLowerWords = 0; BOOL fHasLowerLetter = FALSE; LPCSTR pszPos = NULL; WORD wType = 0;
if (NULL == pszText) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Skip over the leading spaces
pszPos = PszSkipWhiteSpace(pszText);
if ('\0' == *pszPos) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; } while (cWords < g_cWordsMax) { // Are we at the end of a word?
wType = WGetStringTypeEx(pszPos); if ((0 != (wType & C1_SPACE)) || ('\0' == *pszPos)) { // We found a word
cWords++; // Did we have any lower case letters in the word
if (FALSE == fHasLowerLetter) { cNonLowerWords++; } else { fHasLowerLetter = FALSE; }
// Skip over the trailing spaces
pszPos = PszSkipWhiteSpace(pszPos); // Are we done with the string?
if ('\0' == *pszPos) { break; } } else { fHasLowerLetter |= (0 != (wType & C1_LOWER));
// Move to the next character
pszPos = CharNext(pszPos); } }
// Set the return value
fRet = ((cWords > 0) && ((cNonLowerWords / (double)cWords) >= g_cNonLowerWordsThreshold)); exit: return fRet; }
BOOL FSpecialFeatureUpperCaseWordsStm(IStream * pIStm) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; TCHAR rgchBuff[4096 + 1]; ULONG chRead = 0; LARGE_INTEGER liZero = {0}; if (NULL == pIStm) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Seek to the start of the stream
if (FAILED(pIStm->Seek(liZero, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL))) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Fill up the buffer
if (FAILED(pIStm->Read(rgchBuff, 4096, &chRead))) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Make sure the buffer is zero terminated
rgchBuff[chRead] = '\0'; fRet = FSpecialFeatureUpperCaseWords(rgchBuff); exit: return fRet; }
// This feature is: 8% of first 200 non-space and non-numeric characters aren't letters
const UINT g_cchTextMax = 200; const DOUBLE g_cNonSpaceNumThreshold = 0.08; BOOL FSpecialFeatureNonAlpha(LPCSTR pszText) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; UINT cchText = 0; UINT cchNonAlpha = 0; LPCSTR pszPos = NULL; WORD wType = 0;
if (NULL == pszText) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Skip over the leading spaces
pszPos = PszSkipWhiteSpace(pszText);
for (; '\0' != *pszPos; pszPos = CharNext(pszPos)) { wType = WGetStringTypeEx(pszPos); // Are we not a space or a digit?
if ((0 == (wType & C1_SPACE)) && (0 == (wType & C1_DIGIT))) { cchText++; if (0 == (wType & C1_ALPHA)) { cchNonAlpha++; }
// Have we checked enough characters?
if (cchText >= g_cchTextMax) { break; } } }
// Set the return value
fRet = (cchText > 0) && ((cchNonAlpha / (double)cchText) >= g_cNonSpaceNumThreshold); exit: return fRet; }
BOOL FSpecialFeatureNonAlphaStm(IStream * pIStm) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; TCHAR rgchBuff[1024 + 1]; ULONG chRead = 0; LARGE_INTEGER liZero = {0}; if (NULL == pIStm) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Seek to the start of the stream
if (FAILED(pIStm->Seek(liZero, STREAM_SEEK_SET, NULL))) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Fill up the buffer
if (FAILED(pIStm->Read(rgchBuff, 1024, &chRead))) { fRet = FALSE; goto exit; }
// Make sure the buffer is zero terminated
rgchBuff[chRead] = '\0'; fRet = FSpecialFeatureNonAlpha(rgchBuff); exit: return fRet; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FStreamStringSearch
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define CB_STREAMMATCH 0x00000FFF
BOOL FStreamStringSearch(LPSTREAM pstm, DWORD * pdwFlagsSearch, LPSTR pszSearch, ULONG cchSearch, DWORD dwFlags) { BOOL fRet = FALSE; ULONG cbSave = 0; CHAR rgchBuff[CB_STREAMMATCH + 1]; LPSTR pszRead = NULL; ULONG cbRead = 0; ULONG cbIn = 0; ULONG cchGood = NULL; CHAR chSave = '\0'; LONG cbSize = 0; LPSTR pszMatch = NULL; ULONG cbWalk = 0;
// Check incoming params
if ((NULL == pstm) || (NULL == pszSearch) || (0 == cchSearch)) { goto exit; }
// We want to save off the lead char and
// a possible ending lead byte...
cbSave = cchSearch + 2; if (cbSave > ARRAYSIZE(rgchBuff)) { // we've got a problem - this can cause a buffer overflow later on
Assert(0); goto exit; } // Get the stream size
if (FAILED(HrGetStreamSize(pstm, (ULONG *) &cbSize))) { goto exit; }
// Reset the stream to the beginning
if (FAILED(HrRewindStream(pstm))) { goto exit; }
// Set up the defaults
pszRead = rgchBuff; cbRead = CB_STREAMMATCH; // Search for string through the entire stream
while ((cbSize > 0) && (S_OK == pstm->Read(pszRead, cbRead, &cbIn))) { // We're done if we read nothing...
if (0 == cbIn) { goto exit; } // Note that we've read the bytes
cbSize -= cbIn; // Zero terminate the buffer
pszRead[cbIn] = '\0';
// Should we convert the buffer to upper case
if (0 == (dwFlags & SSF_CASESENSITIVE)) { cchGood = CharUpperBuff(rgchBuff, (ULONG)(cbIn + pszRead - rgchBuff)); } else { // We need to spin over the buffer figuring out if the end character is a lead
// byte without a corresponding tail byte
cbWalk = (ULONG) (cbIn + pszRead - rgchBuff); for (cchGood = 0; cchGood < cbWalk; cchGood++) { if (IsDBCSLeadByte(rgchBuff[cchGood])) { if ((cchGood + 1) >= cbWalk) { break; }
cchGood++; } } }
chSave = rgchBuff[cchGood]; rgchBuff[cchGood] = '\0'; // Search for string
if (FALSE != FWordPresent(rgchBuff, pdwFlagsSearch, pszSearch, cchSearch, &pszMatch)) { // If we aren't at the end of the stream and we can't
// tell if we are at a word break
if ((0 >= cbSize) || ((pszMatch + cchSearch) != (pszRead + cchGood))) { fRet = TRUE; break; } } // Are we done with the stream
if (0 >= cbSize) { break; }
rgchBuff[cchGood] = chSave; // Save part of the buffer
// How much space do we have in the buffer
cbRead = CB_STREAMMATCH - cbSave; // Save the characters
MoveMemory(rgchBuff, rgchBuff + cbRead, cbSave);
// Figure out the new start of the buffer
pszRead = rgchBuff + cbSave; }
exit: return(fRet); }
HRESULT HrConvertHTMLToPlainText(IStream * pIStmHtml, IStream ** ppIStmText) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; IDataObject * pIDataObj = NULL; FORMATETC fetc = {0}; STGMEDIUM stgmed = {0};
// Check incoming params
if ((NULL == pIStmHtml) || (NULL == ppIStmText)) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto exit; }
// Initialize the outgoing param
*ppIStmText = NULL; hr = MimeEditDocumentFromStream(pIStmHtml, IID_IDataObject, (VOID **)&pIDataObj); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; }
// Set up the format
fetc.cfFormat = CF_TEXT; fetc.dwAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT; fetc.lindex = -1; fetc.tymed = TYMED_ISTREAM;
// Get the data
hr = pIDataObj->GetData(&fetc, &stgmed); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; }
if (NULL == stgmed.pstm) { hr = E_FAIL; goto exit; } // Save the item
*ppIStmText = stgmed.pstm; (*ppIStmText)->AddRef();
// addref the pUnk as it will be release in releasestgmed
if(NULL != stgmed.pUnkForRelease) { (stgmed.pUnkForRelease)->AddRef(); } hr = S_OK; exit: ReleaseStgMedium(&stgmed); ReleaseObj(pIDataObj); return hr; }