//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997-1998 // // File: oestore.idl // // Contents: Outlook Express API // // History: 11-Oct-1997 SteveBailey Created // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- import "ocidl.idl"; import "objidl.idl"; cpp_quote("#ifndef OE5_BETA2") import "mimeole.idl"; cpp_quote("#endif")
//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Interfaces //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- interface IOutlookExpress; cpp_quote("#ifndef OE5_BETA2") interface IStoreNamespace; interface IStoreFolder; cpp_quote("#endif") interface IOEMenuExtension; interface IOEExtension;
cpp_quote("//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------") cpp_quote("// GUID Definitions") cpp_quote("//--------------------------------------------------------------------------") cpp_quote("#pragma comment(lib,\"uuid.lib\")") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// {3338DF69-4660-11d1-8A8D-00C04FB951F3}") cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_OutlookExpress, 0x3338df69, 0x4660, 0x11d1, 0x8a, 0x8d, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xb9, 0x51, 0xf3);") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// {0006F01A-0000-0000-C000-0000000046}") cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_Envelope, 0x0006F01A, 0x0000, 0x0000, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x46);") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// {3338DF6A-4660-11d1-8A8D-00C04FB951F3}") cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_IOutlookExpress, 0x3338df6a, 0x4660, 0x11d1, 0x8a, 0x8d, 0x00, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xb9, 0x51, 0xf3);") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#ifndef OE5_BETA2") cpp_quote("// {E70C92A9-4BFD-11d1-8A95-00C04FB951F3}") cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(CLSID_StoreNamespace, 0xe70c92a9, 0x4bfd, 0x11d1, 0x8a, 0x95, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xb9, 0x51, 0xf3);") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// {E70C92AA-4BFD-11d1-8A95-00C04FB951F3}") cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_IStoreNamespace, 0xe70c92aa, 0x4bfd, 0x11d1, 0x8a, 0x95, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xb9, 0x51, 0xf3);") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("// {E70C92AC-4BFD-11d1-8A95-00C04FB951F3}") cpp_quote("DEFINE_GUID(IID_IStoreFolder, 0xe70c92ac, 0x4bfd, 0x11d1, 0x8a, 0x95, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x4f, 0xb9, 0x51, 0xf3);") cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------") cpp_quote("// Errors Definition Macros") cpp_quote("//--------------------------------------------------------------------------") cpp_quote("#ifndef FACILITY_INTERNET") cpp_quote("#define FACILITY_INTERNET 12") cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("#ifndef HR_E") cpp_quote("#define HR_E(n) MAKE_SCODE(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_INTERNET, n)") cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("#ifndef HR_S") cpp_quote("#define HR_S(n) MAKE_SCODE(SEVERITY_SUCCESS, FACILITY_INTERNET, n)") cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("#ifndef HR_CODE") cpp_quote("#define HR_CODE(hr) (INT)(hr & 0xffff)") cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------") cpp_quote("// MSOEAPI Failure Return Values") cpp_quote("//--------------------------------------------------------------------------") cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI_E_FILE_NOT_FOUND HR_E(0xCF65)") cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI_E_STORE_INITIALIZE HR_E(0xCF66)") cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI_E_INVALID_STRUCT_SIZE HR_E(0xCF67)") cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI_E_CANT_LOAD_MSOERT HR_E(0xCF68)") cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI_E_CANT_LOAD_INETCOMM HR_E(0xCF69)") cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI_E_CANT_LOAD_MSOEACCT HR_E(0xCF70)") cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI_E_CANT_MSOERT_BADVER HR_E(0xCF71)") cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI_E_CANT_INETCOMM_BADVER HR_E(0xCF72)") cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI_E_CANT_MSOEACCT_BADVER HR_E(0xCF73)") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------") cpp_quote("// String Definition Macros") cpp_quote("//--------------------------------------------------------------------------") cpp_quote("#ifdef __cplusplus") cpp_quote("#define EXTERN_C extern \"C\"") cpp_quote("#else") cpp_quote("#define EXTERN_C extern") cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#ifndef STRCONSTA") cpp_quote("#ifdef DEFINE_STRCONST") cpp_quote("#define STRCONSTA(x,y) EXTERN_C const char x[] = y") cpp_quote("#define STRCONSTW(x,y) EXTERN_C const WCHAR x[] = L##y") cpp_quote("#else") cpp_quote("#define STRCONSTA(x,y) EXTERN_C const char x[]") cpp_quote("#define STRCONSTW(x,y) EXTERN_C const WCHAR x[]") cpp_quote("#endif STRCONSTA") cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------") cpp_quote("// Strings") cpp_quote("//--------------------------------------------------------------------------") cpp_quote("STRCONSTW(STRW_MSOEAPI_INSTANCECLASS, \"OutlookExpressHiddenWindow\");") cpp_quote("STRCONSTW(STRW_MSOEAPI_IPSERVERCLASS, \"OutlookExpressInProccessServer\");") cpp_quote("STRCONSTA(STR_MSOEAPI_INSTANCEMUTEX, \"OutlookExpress_InstanceMutex_101897\");") cpp_quote("STRCONSTA(STR_MSOEAPI_DLLNAME, \"MSOE.DLL\");") cpp_quote("STRCONSTA(STR_MSOEAPI_START, \"CoStartOutlookExpress\");") cpp_quote("STRCONSTA(STR_MSOEAPI_SHUTDOWN, \"CoShutdownOutlookExpress\");") cpp_quote("STRCONSTA(STR_MSOEAPI_CREATE, \"CoCreateOutlookExpress\");") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------") cpp_quote("// Function Typedefs") cpp_quote("//--------------------------------------------------------------------------") cpp_quote("typedef HRESULT (APIENTRY *PFNSTART)(DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR pwszCmdLine, INT nCmdShow);") cpp_quote("typedef HRESULT (APIENTRY *PFNSHUTDOWN)(DWORD dwReserved);") cpp_quote("typedef HRESULT (APIENTRY *PFNCREATE)(IUnknown *pUnkOuter, IUnknown **ppUnknown);") cpp_quote("")
//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Constants //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- const DWORD MSOEAPI_ACDM_CMDLINE = 1; const DWORD MSOEAPI_ACDM_NOTIFY = 2; const DWORD MSOEAPI_ACDM_ODBNOTIFY = 3; const DWORD MSOEAPI_ACDM_STGNOTIFY = 4;
//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DECLARE_HANDLE Macro //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef DECLARE_HANDLE #define DECLARE_HANDLE(name) \ struct name##__ { DWORD unused; }; \ typedef struct name##__ _far* name #endif
//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HENUMSTORE //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef OE5_BETA2") DECLARE_HANDLE(HENUMSTORE); typedef HENUMSTORE *LPHENUMSTORE; cpp_quote("#endif // OE5_BETA2")
//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IOutlookExpress // // History: 11-Oct-1997 SteveBailey Created // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef __LPOUTLOOKEXPRESS_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define __LPOUTLOOKEXPRESS_DEFINED") [ object, uuid(3338DF6A-4660-11d1-8A8D-00C04FB951F3), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IOutlookExpress : IUnknown { typedef IOutlookExpress *LPOUTLOOKEXPRESS;
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Flags used in IOutlookExpress::Start //---------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI_START_SHOWSPLASH 0x00000001") cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI_START_MESSAGEPUMP 0x00000002") cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI_START_ALLOWCOMPACTION 0x00000004") cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI_START_INSTANCEMUTEX 0x00000008") cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI_START_SHOWERRORS 0x00000010") cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI_START_APPWINDOW 0x00000020") cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI_START_DEFAULTIDENTITY 0x00000040") cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI_START_ALREADY_RUNNING 0x00000080") cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI_START_STOREVALIDNODELETE 0x00000100")
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------- // MSOEAPI_START_APPLICATION //---------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI_START_APPLICATION \\") cpp_quote(" (MSOEAPI_START_SHOWSPLASH | \\") cpp_quote(" MSOEAPI_START_SHOWERRORS | \\") cpp_quote(" MSOEAPI_START_MESSAGEPUMP | \\") cpp_quote(" MSOEAPI_START_ALLOWCOMPACTION | \\") cpp_quote(" MSOEAPI_START_INSTANCEMUTEX | \\") cpp_quote(" MSOEAPI_START_APPWINDOW)")
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------- // MSOEAPI_START_COMOBJECT //---------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI_START_COMOBJECT \\") cpp_quote(" MSOEAPI_START_SHOWERRORS")
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods //---------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT Start( [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in] LPCWSTR pwszCmdLine, [in] INT nCmdShow); } cpp_quote("#endif")
cpp_quote("#ifndef OE5_BETA2")
//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IStoreNamespace // // History: 11-Oct-1997 SteveBailey Created // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef __LPSTORENAMESPACE_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define __LPSTORENAMESPACE_DEFINED") [ object, uuid(E70C92AA-4BFD-11d1-8A95-00C04FB951F3), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IStoreNamespace : IUnknown { typedef IStoreNamespace *LPSTORENAMESPACE;
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------- // STOREFOLDERID - folderIds are persistable //---------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef DWORD STOREFOLDERID; typedef STOREFOLDERID *LPSTOREFOLDERID;
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Some Special FOLDER Values //---------------------------------------------------------------------- const DWORD FOLDERID_ROOT = 0; const DWORD FOLDERID_INVALID = -1;
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------- // MESSAGEID //---------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef DWORD MESSAGEID; typedef MESSAGEID *LPMESSAGEID;
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Some Special MESSAGEID values //---------------------------------------------------------------------- const DWORD MESSAGEID_INVALID = -1; const DWORD MESSAGEID_FIRST = -1;
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Consts //---------------------------------------------------------------------- const DWORD CCHMAX_FOLDER_NAME = 256;
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Notification Messages //---------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#define WM_FOLDERNOTIFY (WM_USER + 1600) // IStoreNamespace Notification - lparam=LPFOLDERNOTIFYEX, client must call CoTaskMemFree(lParam)") cpp_quote("#define WM_NEWMSGS (WM_USER + 1650) // IStoreFolder Notification: wParam=MESSAGEID, lParam=Reserved") cpp_quote("#define WM_DELETEMSGS (WM_USER + 1651) // IStoreFolder Notification: wParam=prgdwMsgId, lParam=cMsgs") cpp_quote("#define WM_DELETEFOLDER (WM_USER + 1652) // IStoreFolder Notification: wParam=STOREFOLDERID or HFOLDER")
// If wParam is equal to 0xffffffff then that means that all messages in the folder // were either marked as read (WM_MARKEDASREAD) or unread (WM_MARKEDASUNREAD) cpp_quote("#define WM_MARKEDASREAD (WM_USER + 1653) // IStoreFolder Notification: wParamprgdwMsgId, lParam=cMsgs") cpp_quote("#define WM_MARKEDASUNREAD (WM_USER + 1654) // IStoreFolder Notification: wParamprgdwMsgId, lParam=cMsgs")
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------- // FOLDERNOTIFYTYPE //---------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef enum tagFOLDERNOTIFYTYPE { NEW_FOLDER = 1, DELETE_FOLDER, RENAME_FOLDER, MOVE_FOLDER, UNREAD_CHANGE, IMAPFLAG_CHANGE, UPDATEFLAG_CHANGE, FOLDER_PROPS_CHANGED } FOLDERNOTIFYTYPE;
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------- // FOLDERNOTIFYEX //---------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct tagFOLDERNOTIFYEX { FOLDERNOTIFYTYPE type; STOREFOLDERID idFolderOld; // not used for CREATEFOLDER and DELETEFOLDER STOREFOLDERID idFolderNew; } FOLDERNOTIFYEX, *LPFOLDERNOTIFYEX;
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------- // MESSAGEIDLIST - A list of message ids (DWORDs) //---------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct tagMESSAGEIDLIST { DWORD cbSize; // Sizeof this structure DWORD cMsgs; // Number of elements in prghMessage LPMESSAGEID prgdwMsgId; // Array of handles to messages } MESSAGEIDLIST, *LPMESSAGEIDLIST;
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------- // SPECIALFOLDER - How to identify a special folder //---------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef enum tagSPECIALFOLDER { FOLDER_NOTSPECIAL = -1, // Not a special folder FOLDER_INBOX, // Default receive folder FOLDER_OUTBOX, // Default send folder FOLDER_SENT, // Things that have been sent FOLDER_DELETED, // Things that have been deleted FOLDER_DRAFT, // Things that are in progress FOLDER_MAX // Don't use } SPECIALFOLDER;
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------- // FOLDERPROPS - Properties of a folder //---------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct tagFOLDERPROPS { DWORD cbSize; // Size of this structure STOREFOLDERID dwFolderId; // Handle of this folder INT cSubFolders; // Number of sub-folders SPECIALFOLDER sfType; // Special folder type DWORD cUnread; // Number of un-read messages DWORD cMessage; // Total # of messages CHAR szName[CCHMAX_FOLDER_NAME]; // The Folder Name } FOLDERPROPS, *LPFOLDERPROPS;
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods //---------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT Initialize( // Initialize the object [in] HWND hwndOwner, // Window owner for things like compaction dialog [in] DWORD dwReserved); // Reserved for future use
HRESULT GetDirectory( // Get the location of the store (filepath) [in,out,size_is(cchMaxPath)] LPSTR pszPath, // Buffer to put path of store into [in] DWORD cchMaxPath); // in: byte count size of pszPath, out: char count size of pszPath
HRESULT OpenSpecialFolder( [in] SPECIALFOLDER sfType, // Special folder type [in] DWORD dwReserved, // Reserved for future use [out] IStoreFolder **ppFolder); // Pointer to an IStoreFolder
HRESULT OpenFolder( [in] STOREFOLDERID dwFolderId, // Folder to open [in] DWORD dwReserved, // Reserved for future use [out] IStoreFolder **ppFolder); // Pointer to an IStoreFolder
HRESULT CreateFolder( [in] STOREFOLDERID dwParentId, // Parent of the new folder, can use FOLDERID_ROOT [in] LPCSTR pszName, // Name of new folder, must be less than MAX_FOLDER_NAME [in] DWORD dwReserved, // Reserved for future use [out] LPSTOREFOLDERID pdwFolderId); // Handle to the new folder
HRESULT RenameFolder( [in] STOREFOLDERID dwFolderId, // Folder to rename [in] DWORD dwReserved, // Reserved for future use [in] LPCSTR pszNewName); // New folder name, must be less than MAX_FOLDER_NAME
HRESULT MoveFolder( [in] STOREFOLDERID dwFolderId, // Folder to move [in] STOREFOLDERID dwParentId, // FolderId of the new Parent [in] DWORD dwReserved); // Reserved for future use
HRESULT DeleteFolder( [in] STOREFOLDERID dwFolderId, // Folder to delete [in] DWORD dwReserved); // Reserved for future use
HRESULT GetFolderProps( [in] STOREFOLDERID dwFolderId, // FolderId to get info for [in] DWORD dwReserved, // Reserved for future use [in,out] LPFOLDERPROPS pProps); // in: set cbSize, out: Holds folder information
cpp_quote("// CLocalStore::CopyMoveMessages flags - dwFlags == 0 is copy") cpp_quote("#define CMF_MOVE 0x0001 // msgs deleted from src fldr after copy") cpp_quote("#define CMF_DELETE 0x0002 // same as CMF_MOVE but uses delete string for status") HRESULT CopyMoveMessages( [in] IStoreFolder *pSource, // Source store folder [in] IStoreFolder *pDest, // Destination Store Folder [in] LPMESSAGEIDLIST pMsgIdList, // List of MESSAGEIDs to move/copy [in] DWORD dwFlags, // CMF_xxx Flags [in] DWORD dwFlagsRemove, // MSG_xxx Flags to remove from copied/moved messages [in] IProgressNotify *pProgress); // Store progress callback (client implements)
HRESULT RegisterNotification( [in] DWORD dwReserved, // Reserved for future use [in] HWND hwnd); // Handle to window to send notifications
HRESULT UnregisterNotification( [in] DWORD dwReserved, // Reserved for future use [in] HWND hwnd); // Handle to window to un-register for notifications
HRESULT CompactAll( // Compacts all folders in the store [in] DWORD dwReserved); // Reserved for future use
HRESULT GetFirstSubFolder( // Enumerate sub folders [in] STOREFOLDERID dwFolderId, // Pass FOLDERID_ROOT to enum root folders [in,out] LPFOLDERPROPS pProps, // If function succeeds, contents are valid [out] LPHENUMSTORE phEnum); // Use in call to GetNextSubFolder, and then GetSubFolderClose
HRESULT GetNextSubFolder( // Get the next subfolder, returns S_FALSE if no more folders [in] HENUMSTORE hEnum, // Handle received from GetFirstSubFolder [in,out] LPFOLDERPROPS pProps); // If function returns S_OK, contains folder properties
HRESULT GetSubFolderClose( // Closes the handle associated with a folder enumeration [in] HENUMSTORE hEnum); // Handle received from GetFirstSubFolder } cpp_quote("#endif")
//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995-1998. // // Contents: IStoreFolder // // History: 11-Oct-1997 SteveBailey Created // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#ifndef __LPSTOREFOLDER_DEFINED") cpp_quote("#define __LPSTOREFOLDER_DEFINED") [ object, uuid(E70C92AC-4BFD-11d1-8A95-00C04FB951F3), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IStoreFolder : IUnknown { typedef IStoreFolder *LPSTOREFOLDER;
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Message State Flags used in MESSAGEINFO::dwState //---------------------------------------------------------------------- cpp_quote("#define MSG_DELETED 0x0001 // The message has been deleted, compaction will remove it") cpp_quote("#define MSG_UNREAD 0x0002 // The message is marked as un-read") cpp_quote("#define MSG_SUBMITTED 0x0004 // For messages waiting to be sent: OUTBOX ONLY") cpp_quote("#define MSG_UNSENT 0x0008 // For msgs-in-progress saved to a folder") cpp_quote("#define MSG_RECEIVED 0x0010 // For messages that came from a server") cpp_quote("#define MSG_NEWSMSG 0x0020 // For news messages") cpp_quote("#define MSG_NOSECUI 0x0040 // For messages where the user wants to die") cpp_quote("#define MSG_VOICEMAIL 0x0080 // The message has the X-Voicemail header set...") cpp_quote("#define MSG_REPLIED 0x0100 // The message has been replied to") cpp_quote("#define MSG_FORWARDED 0x0200 // The message has been forwarded to") cpp_quote("#define MSG_RCPTSENT 0x0400 // S/MIME Receipt has been sent") cpp_quote("#define MSG_FLAGGED 0x0800 // The message is currently flags") cpp_quote("#define MSG_LAST 0x0200 // ** Keep this puppy updated!! **") cpp_quote("#define MSG_EXTERNAL_FLAGS 0x00fe") cpp_quote("#define MSG_FLAGS 0x000f")
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------- // MESSAGEPROPS //---------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct tagMESSAGEPROPS { DWORD cbSize; // Size of this structure DWORD dwReserved; // Reserved don't use MESSAGEID dwMessageId; // Handle to this message DWORD dwLanguage; // Codepage of this message DWORD dwState; // MSG_xxx Flags
// Things you don't get when MSGPROPS_FAST DWORD cbMessage; // Size of the message IMSGPRIORITY priority; // Message Priority FILETIME ftReceived; // When the message was received FILETIME ftSent; // When the message was sent LPSTR pszSubject; // The subject of the message LPSTR pszDisplayTo; // The display to line of the message LPSTR pszDisplayFrom; // The display from line of the message LPSTR pszNormalSubject; // The normalized subject of the message DWORD dwFlags; // IMF_xxx Flags defined in mimeole.idl IStream *pStmOffsetTable; // Use with IMimeMessage::LoadOffsetTable } MESSAGEPROPS, *LPMESSAGEPROPS;
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------- // HBATCHLOCK //---------------------------------------------------------------------- DECLARE_HANDLE(HBATCHLOCK); typedef HBATCHLOCK *LPHBATCHLOCK;
//+--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Method //---------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT GetFolderProps( // Get folder info for this folder [in] DWORD dwReserved, // Reserved for future use [in,out] LPFOLDERPROPS pProps); // in: set cbSize, out: contains folder information
cpp_quote("#define MSGPROPS_FAST 0x00000001 // See MESSAGEPROPS structure, improved performance") HRESULT GetMessageProps( [in] MESSAGEID dwMessageId, // Message Identifier [in] DWORD dwFlags, // GETMSGINFO_xxx Flags [in,out] LPMESSAGEPROPS pProps); // Message Info - set cbSize before calling
HRESULT FreeMessageProps( // Handles the case where pMsgInfo->dwMask has MIP_BYREF [in,out] LPMESSAGEPROPS pProps); // Pointer to MESSAGEINFO structure to free
HRESULT DeleteMessages( [in] LPMESSAGEIDLIST pMsgIdList, // List of HMESSAGEs [in] DWORD dwReserved, // Reserved for future use [in] IProgressNotify *pProgress); // Progress information
HRESULT SetLanguage( [in] DWORD dwLanguage, // MLANG Codepage ID of message [in] DWORD dwReserved, // Reserved for future use [in] LPMESSAGEIDLIST pMsgIdList); // List of HMESSAGEs to apply new language to
HRESULT MarkMessagesAsRead( [in] BOOL fRead, // Mark as Read or Unread [in] DWORD dwReserved, // Reserved for future use [in] LPMESSAGEIDLIST pMsgIdList); // List of HMESSAGEs to mark as (un)read
HRESULT SetFlags( // Modify the flags of a message [in] LPMESSAGEIDLIST pMsgIdList, // Array of messages to modify flags for [in] DWORD dwState, // MSG_xxx Flags to set on pMsgIdList [in] DWORD dwStatemask, // ????? [out] LPDWORD prgdwNewFlags); // Array of new message state flags that match pMsgIdList array
HRESULT OpenMessage( // Open a message (get a stream or a message object) [in] MESSAGEID dwMessageId, // Handle to the message to open [in] REFIID riid, // IID_IStream or IID_IMimeMessage stream is readonly [out,iid_is(riid)] LPVOID *ppvObject); // The object, you must ->Release it
HRESULT SaveMessage( // Add a new entry to a folder. [in] REFIID riid, // IID_IStream or IID_IMimeMessage [in,iid_is(riid)] LPVOID pvObject, // Pointer to a stream or mime message [in] DWORD dwMsgFlags, // MSG_xxx Flags [out] LPMESSAGEID pdwMessageId); // Handle to the new message
HRESULT BatchLock( // Lock to prepare for a batch operation [in] DWORD dwReserved, // Reserved for future use [out] LPHBATCHLOCK phBatchLock); // Handle to newly created lock
HRESULT BatchFlush( // Flush the current batch operation [in] DWORD dwReserved, // Reserved for future use [in] HBATCHLOCK hBatchLock); // Folder lock obtained from BatchLock
HRESULT BatchUnlock( // Unlocks a batched operation [in] DWORD dwReserved, // Reserved for future use [in] HBATCHLOCK hBatchLock); // Handle to lock obtained from BatchLock
HRESULT CreateStream( // Create a new stream in a folder [in] HBATCHLOCK hBatchLock, // Handle to a folder lock, optional if doing a one-of [in] DWORD dwReserved, // Reserved for future use [out] IStream **ppStream, // Pointer to new stream can be used for read/write [out] LPMESSAGEID pdwMessageId); // Handle to the new message
cpp_quote("#define COMMITSTREAM_REVERT 0x00000001 // Don't add this stream/message to the folder") HRESULT CommitStream( // Commit/Revert a stream created with CreateStream [in] HBATCHLOCK hBatchLock, // Folder lock obtained from BatchLock [in] DWORD dwFlags, // COMMITSTREAM_xxx Flags [in] DWORD dwMsgFlags, // MSG_xxx Flags [in] IStream *pStream, // Stream obtained from CreateStream [in] MESSAGEID dwMessageId, // dwMessageId obtained from CreateStream [in] IMimeMessage *pMessage); // Message to commit, if not passed in, pStream will be pared.
HRESULT RegisterNotification( [in] DWORD dwReserved, // Reserved for future use [in] HWND hwnd); // Handle to window to send notifications
HRESULT UnregisterNotification( [in] DWORD dwReserved, // Reserved for future use [in] HWND hwnd); // Handle to window to un-register for notifications
HRESULT Compact( // Compacts this folder [in] DWORD dwReserved); // Reserved for future use
HRESULT GetFirstMessage( // Get the first message in a folder [in] DWORD dwFlags, // MSGPROPS_xxx Flags [in] DWORD dwMsgFlags, // MSG_xxx Flags to enumerate on, pass 0 for none [in] MESSAGEID dwMsgIdFirst, // MessageId to start enumerating at, Use MESSAGEID_FIRST [in,out] LPMESSAGEPROPS pProps, // When function returns S_OK, contains message properties [out] LPHENUMSTORE phEnum); // Upon successful return, contains handle to enumeration
HRESULT GetNextMessage( // Get the next message in the enumeration [in] HENUMSTORE hEnum, // Handle to the enumeration received in GetFirstMessage [in] DWORD dwFlags, // MSGPROPS_xxx Flags [in,out] LPMESSAGEPROPS pProps); // When function returns S_OK, contains message properties
HRESULT GetMessageClose( [in] HENUMSTORE hEnum); // Handle to the enumeration received in GetFirstMessage } cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("#endif // OE5_BETA2")
cpp_quote("//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------") cpp_quote("// Outlook Express Exported C API Functions") cpp_quote("//--------------------------------------------------------------------------") cpp_quote("#ifdef __cplusplus") cpp_quote("extern \"C\" {") cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------") cpp_quote("// API Name Decoration") cpp_quote("//--------------------------------------------------------------------------") cpp_quote("#if !defined(_MSOEAPI_)") cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI DECLSPEC_IMPORT HRESULT WINAPI") cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI_(_type_) DECLSPEC_IMPORT _type_ WINAPI") cpp_quote("#else") cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI HRESULT WINAPI") cpp_quote("#define MSOEAPI_(_type_) _type_ WINAPI") cpp_quote("#endif") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("//+-------------------------------------------------------------------------") cpp_quote("// Prototypes") cpp_quote("//--------------------------------------------------------------------------") cpp_quote("MSOEAPI CoStartOutlookExpress(") cpp_quote(" /* IN */ DWORD dwFlags,") cpp_quote(" /* IN */ LPWSTR pwszCmdLine,") cpp_quote(" /* IN */ INT nCmdShow);") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("MSOEAPI CoCreateOutlookExpress(") cpp_quote(" /* IN */ IUnknown *pUnkOuter,") cpp_quote(" /* OUT */ IUnknown **ppUnknown);") cpp_quote("") cpp_quote("#ifdef __cplusplus") cpp_quote("}") cpp_quote("#endif")