Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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39 lines
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  1. [version]
  2. signature="$CHICAGO$"
  3. AdvancedINF=2.5
  4. [DefaultInstall]
  5. RequiredEngine=Setupapi,%BadSetupVer%
  6. ComponentName="IE5BAKEX"
  7. ComponentVersion=6.0
  8. BackupPath=%49000%\%UninstallData%
  9. RegisterOCXs=RegisterSection
  10. PreRollBack=Uninstall
  11. [Uninstall]
  12. RequiredEngine=Setupapi,%BadSetupVer%
  13. DelReg=Delete.Reg
  14. [RegisterSection]
  15. %11%\vbscript.dll
  16. %11%\pngfilt.dll
  17. %11%\licmgr10.dll
  18. %11%\icmfilter.dll
  19. [Delete.Reg]
  20. HKLM,"SoftWare\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\IE5BAKEX"
  21. ; Java class runonce lines
  22. HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce","Install COM Marshaling"
  23. HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\903","DirectAnimation Java Classes"
  24. HKLM,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx\950","Install Internet Explorer Classes for Java"
  25. [Strings]
  26. BadSetupVer = "Your system is missing the required Setup engine."
  27. UninstallData = "Uninstall Information"
  28. Locale = "EN"
  29. HelpContDesc = "Internet Explorer Help Content"
  30. AOLSuppDesc = "AOL Support Files"
  31. AdvAuthDesc = "Advanced Authoring"
  32. GenSetupDesc = "Internet Explorer Setup Tools"
  33. VBScriptDesc = "Visual Basic Scripting Support"