#include <windows.h>
#include "redblack.h"
Implementation of red-black binary tree insertion, deletion, and search. This algorithm efficiently guarantees that the tree depth will never exceed 2*Lg(N), so a one million node tree would have a worst case depth of 40. This insertion implementation is non-recursive and very efficient (the average insertion speed is less than twice the average search speed).
Author: Tom McGuire (tommcg) 1/98
Copyright (C) Microsoft, 1998.
2/98, modified this version of redblack.c for debug symbol lookups. 8/98, modified this version of redblack.h for generic name table.
// Rather than storing NULL links as NULL, we point NULL links to a special
// "Empty" node which is always black and its children links point to itself.
// We do this to simplify the color testing for children and grandchildren
// such that any link can be dereferenced and even double-dereferenced without
// explicitly checking for NULL. The empty node must be colored black.
const NAME_NODE NameRbEmptyNode = { RBNIL, RBNIL };
extern PVOID __fastcall SubAllocate(IN HANDLE hAllocator, IN ULONG Size);
ULONG __fastcall NameRbHash( IN LPCSTR Name, IN ULONG Length ) { ULONG Hash = ~Length;
while ( Length-- ) { Hash = _rotl( Hash, 3 ) ^ *Name++; }
return Hash; }
VOID NameRbInitTree( IN OUT PNAME_TREE Tree, IN HANDLE SubAllocator ) { Tree->Root = RBNIL; Tree->SubAllocator = SubAllocator; }
PNAME_NODE NameRbFind( IN PNAME_TREE Tree, IN LPCSTR Name ) { PNAME_NODE Node; ULONG NameLength; ULONG Hash; int Compare;
NameLength = strlen( Name );
Hash = NameRbHash( Name, NameLength );
Node = Tree->Root;
while ( Node != RBNIL ) {
if ( Hash < Node->Hash ) { Node = Node->Left; } else if ( Hash > Node->Hash ) { Node = Node->Right; } else {
// Hashes equal, switch to strlen
do {
if ( NameLength < Node->NameLength ) { Node = Node->Left; } else if ( NameLength > Node->NameLength ) { Node = Node->Right; } else {
// Lengths equal, switch to memcmp
do {
Compare = memcmp( Name, Node->Name, NameLength );
if ( Compare == 0 ) { return Node; } else if ( Compare < 0 ) { Node = Node->Left; } else { Node = Node->Right; } }
while ( Node != RBNIL );
} }
while ( Node != RBNIL );
} }
return NULL; }
PNAME_NODE NameRbInsert( IN OUT PNAME_TREE Tree, IN LPCSTR Name ) { PNAME_NODE * Stack[ MAX_DEPTH ]; PNAME_NODE **StackPointer = Stack; PNAME_NODE * Link; PNAME_NODE Node; PNAME_NODE Sibling; PNAME_NODE Parent; PNAME_NODE Child; PNAME_NODE NewNode; ULONG NameLength; ULONG Hash; int Compare;
NameLength = strlen( Name );
Hash = NameRbHash( Name, NameLength );
*StackPointer++ = &Tree->Root;
Node = Tree->Root;
// Walk down the tree to find either an existing node with the same key
// (in which case we simply return) or the insertion point for the new
// node. At each traversal we need to store the address of the link to
// the next node so we can retrace the traversal path for balancing.
// The speed of insertion is highly dependent on traversing the tree
// quickly, so all balancing operations are deferred until after the
// traversal is complete.
while ( Node != RBNIL ) {
if ( Hash < Node->Hash ) { *StackPointer++ = &Node->Left; Node = Node->Left; } else if ( Hash > Node->Hash ) { *StackPointer++ = &Node->Right; Node = Node->Right; } else {
// Hashes equal, switch to strlen
do {
if ( NameLength < Node->NameLength ) { *StackPointer++ = &Node->Left; Node = Node->Left; } else if ( NameLength > Node->NameLength ) { *StackPointer++ = &Node->Right; Node = Node->Right; } else {
// Lengths equal, switch to memcmp
do {
Compare = memcmp( Name, Node->Name, NameLength );
if ( Compare == 0 ) { return Node; } else if ( Compare < 0 ) { *StackPointer++ = &Node->Left; Node = Node->Left; } else { *StackPointer++ = &Node->Right; Node = Node->Right; } }
while ( Node != RBNIL );
} }
while ( Node != RBNIL );
} }
// Didn't find a matching entry, so allocate a new node and add it
// to the tree. Note that we're not allocating space for a terminator
// for the name data since we store the length of the name in the node.
NewNode = SubAllocate( Tree->SubAllocator, ( sizeof( NAME_NODE ) + NameLength ));
if ( NewNode == NULL ) { return NULL; }
NewNode->Left = RBNIL; NewNode->Right = RBNIL; NewNode->Hash = Hash; NewNode->NameLengthAndColorBit = NameLength | 0x80000000; // MARK_RED
memcpy( NewNode->Name, Name, NameLength );
// Insert new node under last link we traversed. The top of the stack
// contains the address of the last link we traversed.
Link = *( --StackPointer ); *Link = NewNode;
// Now walk back up the traversal chain to see if any balancing is
// needed. This terminates in one of three ways: we walk all the way
// up to the root (StackPointer == Stack), or find a black node that
// we don't need to change (no balancing needs to be done above a
// black node), or we perform a balancing rotation (only one necessary).
Node = NewNode; Child = RBNIL;
while ( StackPointer > Stack ) {
Link = *( --StackPointer ); Parent = *Link;
// Node is always red here.
if ( IS_BLACK( Parent )) {
Sibling = ( Parent->Left == Node ) ? Parent->Right : Parent->Left;
if ( IS_RED( Sibling )) {
// Both Node and its Sibling are red, so change them both to
// black and make the Parent red. This essentially moves the
// red link up the tree so balancing can be performed at a
// higher level.
// Pb Pr
// / \ ----> / \ // Cr Sr Cb Sb
MARK_BLACK( Sibling ); MARK_BLACK( Node ); MARK_RED( Parent ); }
else {
// This is a terminal case. The Parent is black, and it's
// not going to be changed to red. If the Node's child is
// red, we perform an appropriate rotation to balance the
// tree. If the Node's child is black, we're done.
if ( IS_RED( Child )) {
if ( Node->Left == Child ) {
if ( Parent->Left == Node ) {
// Pb Nb
// / \ / \ // Nr Z to Cr Pr
// / \ / \ // Cr Y Y Z
MARK_RED( Parent ); Parent->Left = Node->Right; Node->Right = Parent; MARK_BLACK( Node ); *Link = Node; }
else {
// Pb Cb
// / \ / \ // W Nr to Pr Nr
// / \ / \ / \ // Cr Z W X Y Z
// / \ // X Y
MARK_RED( Parent ); Parent->Right = Child->Left; Child->Left = Parent; Node->Left = Child->Right; Child->Right = Node; MARK_BLACK( Child ); *Link = Child; } }
else {
if ( Parent->Right == Node ) {
MARK_RED( Parent ); Parent->Right = Node->Left; Node->Left = Parent; MARK_BLACK( Node ); *Link = Node; }
else {
MARK_RED( Parent ); Parent->Left = Child->Right; Child->Right = Parent; Node->Right = Child->Left; Child->Left = Node; MARK_BLACK( Child ); *Link = Child; } } }
return NewNode; } }
Child = Node; Node = Parent; }
// We bubbled red up to the root -- restore it to black.
MARK_BLACK( Tree->Root ); return NewNode; }