//* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1995. All rights reserved. *
//* *
//* CABPACK.C - Wizard to build a Win32 Self-Extracting and self-installing *
//* EXE from a Cabinet (CAB) file. *
//* *
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "cabpack.h"
#include <memory.h>
#include "sdsutils.h"
#define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]))
#define FLAG_BLK "OK"
#define FLAG_PMTYN "YesNo"
#define FLAG_PMTOC "OkCancel"
// attention: 3\18\97: Update notes:
// We are changing our batch directive file extension from
// CDF to SED. But all the internal data structure name
// remain unchanged. So if you see CDF, it means old CDF file
// or new SED file data.
HINSTANCE g_hInst = NULL; // Pointer to Instance
WIZARDSTATE *g_pWizardState = NULL; // Pointer to global wizard state
BOOL g_fQuitWizard = FALSE; // Global flag used to signal that we
// want to terminate the wizard
// ourselves
HFONT g_hBigFont = NULL; // Bigger font used by dialogs.
extern CDF g_CDF; // Contains stuff that we want to
// store in the CABPack Directive
// File
BOOL g_fBuildNow; FARPROC g_lpfnOldMEditWndProc; CHAR g_szOverideCDF[MAX_PATH]; CHAR g_szOverideSec[SMALL_BUF_LEN]; WORD g_wQuietMode = 0; WORD g_wSilentMode = 0; WORD g_wRunDiamondMinimized = 0; HFONT g_hFont = NULL;
extern char g_szInitialDir[];
// This table defines the dialog id's and functions for processing each page.
// Pages need only provide functions when they want non-default behavior for
// certain action (init,buttons,notifications,next/back/finish,cancel).
PAGEINFO PageInfo[NUM_WIZARD_PAGES] = { { IDD_WELCOME, WelcomeInit, WelcomeCmd, NULL, WelcomeOK, NULL }, { IDD_MODIFY, ModifyInit, NULL, NULL, ModifyOK, NULL }, { IDD_PACKPURPOSE,PackPurposeInit,PackPurposeCmd,NULL, PackPurposeOK,NULL }, { IDD_TITLE, TitleInit, NULL, NULL, TitleOK, NULL }, { IDD_PROMPT, PromptInit, PromptCmd, NULL, PromptOK, NULL }, { IDD_LICENSETXT, LicenseTxtInit, LicenseTxtCmd, NULL, LicenseTxtOK, NULL }, { IDD_FILES, FilesInit, FilesCmd, FilesNotify, FilesOK, NULL }, { IDD_COMMAND, CommandInit, NULL, NULL, CommandOK, NULL }, { IDD_SHOWWINDOW, ShowWindowInit, NULL, NULL, ShowWindowOK, NULL }, { IDD_FINISHMSG, FinishMsgInit, FinishMsgCmd, NULL, FinishMsgOK, NULL }, { IDD_TARGET, TargetInit, TargetCmd, NULL, TargetOK, NULL }, { IDD_TARGET_CAB, TargetCABInit, TargetCABCmd, NULL, TargetCABOK, NULL }, { IDD_CABLABEL, CabLabelInit, CabLabelCmd, NULL, CabLabelOK, NULL }, { IDD_REBOOT, RebootInit, RebootCmd, NULL, RebootOK, NULL }, { IDD_SAVE, SaveInit, SaveCmd, NULL, SaveOK, NULL }, { IDD_CREATE, CreateInit, NULL, NULL, CreateOK, NULL }, };
CDFSTRINGINFO CDFStrInfo[] = { { SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_INSTPROMPT, "", g_CDF.achPrompt, sizeof(g_CDF.achPrompt), g_szOverideSec, &g_CDF.fPrompt }, { SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_DSPLICENSE, "", g_CDF.achLicense, sizeof(g_CDF.achLicense), g_szOverideSec, &g_CDF.fLicense }, { SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_ENDMSG, "", g_CDF.achFinishMsg, sizeof(g_CDF.achFinishMsg), g_szOverideSec, &g_CDF.fFinishMsg }, { SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_PACKNAME, "", g_CDF.achTarget, sizeof(g_CDF.achTarget), g_szOverideSec, NULL }, { SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_FRIENDLYNAME, "", g_CDF.achTitle, sizeof(g_CDF.achTitle), g_szOverideSec, NULL }, { SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_APPLAUNCH, "", g_CDF.achOrigiInstallCmd,sizeof(g_CDF.achInstallCmd),g_szOverideSec, NULL }, { SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_POSTAPPLAUNCH, "", g_CDF.achOrigiPostInstCmd,sizeof(g_CDF.achPostInstCmd),g_szOverideSec, NULL }, { SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_ADMQCMD, "", g_CDF.szOrigiAdmQCmd, sizeof(g_CDF.szOrigiAdmQCmd), g_szOverideSec, NULL }, { SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_USERQCMD, "", g_CDF.szOrigiUsrQCmd, sizeof(g_CDF.szOrigiUsrQCmd), g_szOverideSec, NULL }, } ;
CHAR *AdvDlls[] = { ADVANCEDLL, ADVANCEDLL32, ADVANCEDLL16 }; PSTR pResvSizes[] = { CAB_0K, CAB_2K, CAB_4K, CAB_6K }; void SetControlFont(); void TermApp();
//* *
//* NAME: WinMain *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Main entry point for the program. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: hInstance: Handle to the program instance *
//* hPrevInstance: Handle to the previous instance (NULL) *
//* lpszCmdLine: Command line arguments *
//* nCmdShow: How to show the window *
//* *
//* RETURNS: int: Always 0 *
//* *
INT WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpszCmdLine, INT nCmdShow ) { g_hInst = hInstance; g_fBuildNow = FALSE; g_szOverideCDF[0] = 0; g_szOverideSec[0] = 0;
// init CDF filenaem
g_CDF.achFilename[0] = '\0'; g_CDF.achVerInfo[0] = '\0'; g_CDF.lpszCookie = NULL;
InitItemList(); // Initilize our file item list.
// Get the command line args. If there is a "/N", then we want to
// build NOW!
if ( !ParseCmdLine( lpszCmdLine ) ) { ErrorMsg( NULL, IDS_ERR_BADCMDLINE ); return 1; //error return case
if ( g_fBuildNow && lstrlen( g_CDF.achFilename ) > 0 ) { // batch mode did not update the CDF file, no need for writeCDF
if ( ReadCDF( NULL ) && MakePackage( NULL ) ) { return 0; } else { return 1; } }
// Allocate global structures
g_pWizardState = (PWIZARDSTATE) malloc( sizeof( WIZARDSTATE) );
if ( ! g_pWizardState ) { ErrorMsg( NULL, IDS_ERR_NO_MEMORY ); } else { SetControlFont();
if (g_hFont) DeleteObject(g_hFont); }
// Clean up dialog title font
DestroyBigFont(); TermApp();
// Free global structures
if ( g_pWizardState ) { free( g_pWizardState ); }
return 0; }
// Free up the allocated resource
void TermApp() { if ( g_CDF.lpszCookie ) { LocalFree( g_CDF.lpszCookie ); }
if ( g_CDF.pVerInfo ) LocalFree( g_CDF.pVerInfo ); }
//* *
//* NAME: RunCABPackWizard *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Creates property sheet pages, initializes wizard property *
//* sheet and runs wizard. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: Nothing *
//* *
//* RETURNS: BOOL: TRUE if user runs wizard to completion, FALSE *
//* if user cancels or an error occurs. *
//* *
//* NOTES: Wizard pages all use one dialog proc (GenDlgProc). They may *
//* specify their own handler procs to get called at init time *
//* or in response to Next, Cancel or a dialog control, or use *
//* the default behavior of GenDlgProc. *
//* *
BOOL RunCABPackWizard( VOID ) { HPROPSHEETPAGE hWizPage[NUM_WIZARD_PAGES]; // array to hold handles to pages
PROPSHEETPAGE psPage; // struct used to create prop sheet pages
PROPSHEETHEADER psHeader; // struct used to run wizard property sheet
UINT nPageIndex; UINT nFreeIndex; INT_PTR iRet;
ASSERT( g_pWizardState );
// initialize the app state structure
InitWizardState( g_pWizardState );
// zero out structures
memset( &hWizPage, 0, sizeof(hWizPage) ); memset( &psPage, 0, sizeof(psPage) ); memset( &psHeader, 0, sizeof(psHeader) );
// fill out common data property sheet page struct
psPage.dwSize = sizeof(psPage); psPage.dwFlags = PSP_DEFAULT; psPage.hInstance = g_hInst; psPage.pfnDlgProc = GenDlgProc;
// create a property sheet page for each page in the wizard
for ( nPageIndex = 0; nPageIndex < NUM_WIZARD_PAGES; nPageIndex++ ) { psPage.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE( PageInfo[nPageIndex].uDlgID ); // set a pointer to the PAGEINFO struct as the private data for this
// page
psPage.lParam = (LPARAM) &PageInfo[nPageIndex];
hWizPage[nPageIndex] = CreatePropertySheetPage( &psPage );
if ( !hWizPage[nPageIndex] ) { // creating page failed, free any pages already created and bail
ErrorMsg( NULL, IDS_ERR_NO_MEMORY ); for ( nFreeIndex = 0; nFreeIndex < nPageIndex; nFreeIndex++ ) { DestroyPropertySheetPage( hWizPage[nFreeIndex] ); }
return FALSE; } }
// fill out property sheet header struct
psHeader.dwSize = sizeof(psHeader); psHeader.dwFlags = PSH_WIZARD | PSH_USEICONID; psHeader.hwndParent = NULL; psHeader.hInstance = g_hInst; psHeader.nPages = NUM_WIZARD_PAGES; psHeader.phpage = hWizPage; psHeader.pszIcon = (LPSTR) IDI_ICON;
// run the Wizard
iRet = PropertySheet( &psHeader );
if ( iRet < 0 ) { // property sheet failed, most likely due to lack of memory
// If the user Cancels out of the Wizard, there may be items
// left in the file list. Clean them up.
DeleteAllItems(); return ( iRet > 0 ); }
//* *
//* NAME: GenDlgProc *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Generic dialog proc for all wizard pages. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: hDlg: *
//* uMsg: *
//* wParam: *
//* lParam: *
//* *
//* *
//* *
//* NOTES: This dialog proc provides the following default behavior: *
//* init: back and next buttons enabled *
//* next btn: switches to page following current page *
//* back btn: switches to previous page *
//* cancel btn: prompts user to confirm, and cancels wizard *
//* dlg ctrl: does nothing (in response to WM_COMMANDs) *
//* Wizard pages can specify their own handler functions (in *
//* the PageInfo table) to override default behavior for any of *
//* the above actions. *
//* *
INT_PTR CALLBACK GenDlgProc( HWND hDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch ( uMsg ) {
case WM_INITDIALOG: //*********************************************************************
{ LPPROPSHEETPAGE lpsp; // get propsheet page struct passed in
PPAGEINFO pPageInfo; // fetch our private page info from
// propsheet struct
lpsp = (LPPROPSHEETPAGE) lParam; ASSERT( lpsp ); pPageInfo = (PPAGEINFO) lpsp->lParam; ASSERT( pPageInfo );
// store pointer to private page info in window data for later
SetWindowLongPtr( hDlg, DWLP_USER, (LPARAM) pPageInfo );
// set title text to large font
InitBigFont( hDlg, IDC_BIGTEXT );
// initialize 'back' and 'next' wizard buttons, if
// page wants something different it can fix in init proc below
PropSheet_SetWizButtons( GetParent( hDlg ), PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK );
// call init proc for this page if one is specified
if ( pPageInfo->InitProc ) { return pPageInfo->InitProc( hDlg, TRUE ); }
return TRUE;
break; }
case WM_NOTIFY: //*********************************************************************
{ // get pointer to private page data out of window data
PPAGEINFO pPageInfo; BOOL fRet; BOOL fKeepHistory = TRUE; NMHDR *lpnm = (NMHDR *) lParam; UINT uNextPage = 0;
pPageInfo = (PPAGEINFO) GetWindowLongPtr( hDlg, DWLP_USER ); ASSERT( pPageInfo );
switch ( lpnm->code ) {
case PSN_SETACTIVE: //***********************************************************
// initialize 'back' and 'next' wizard buttons, if
// page wants something different it can fix in init proc
PropSheet_SetWizButtons( GetParent(hDlg), PSWIZB_NEXT | PSWIZB_BACK );
// call init proc for this page if one is specified
if ( pPageInfo->InitProc ) { return pPageInfo->InitProc(hDlg,FALSE); }
return TRUE;
case PSN_WIZNEXT: case PSN_WIZBACK: case PSN_WIZFINISH: //***********************************************************
// call OK proc for this page if one is specified
if ( pPageInfo->OKProc ) if ( ! pPageInfo->OKProc( hDlg, ( lpnm->code != PSN_WIZBACK ), &uNextPage, &fKeepHistory ) ) { // stay on this page
SetPropSheetResult( hDlg, -1 ); return TRUE; }
if ( lpnm->code != PSN_WIZBACK ) { // 'next' pressed
ASSERT( g_pWizardState->uPagesCompleted < NUM_WIZARD_PAGES );
// save the current page index in the page history,
// unless this page told us not to when we called
// its OK proc above
if ( fKeepHistory ) { g_pWizardState->uPageHistory [g_pWizardState->uPagesCompleted] = g_pWizardState->uCurrentPage; g_pWizardState->uPagesCompleted++; }
// if no next page specified or no OK proc,
// advance page by one
if ( !uNextPage ) { uNextPage = g_pWizardState->uCurrentPage + 1; } } else { // 'back' pressed
ASSERT( g_pWizardState->uPagesCompleted > 0 );
// get the last page from the history list
g_pWizardState->uPagesCompleted--; uNextPage = g_pWizardState-> uPageHistory[g_pWizardState-> uPagesCompleted]; }
// if we need to exit the wizard now, send a 'cancel'
// message to ourselves (to keep the prop. page mgr happy)
if ( g_fQuitWizard ) { PropSheet_PressButton(GetParent(hDlg), PSBTN_CANCEL); SetPropSheetResult( hDlg, -1 ); return TRUE; }
// set next page, only if 'next' or 'back' button
// was pressed
if ( lpnm->code != PSN_WIZFINISH ) { // set the next current page index
g_pWizardState->uCurrentPage = uNextPage;
// tell the prop sheet mgr what the next page to
// display is
SetPropSheetResult( hDlg, GetDlgIDFromIndex( uNextPage ) ); return TRUE; }
case PSN_QUERYCANCEL: //***********************************************************
// if global flag to exit is set, then this cancel
// is us pretending to push 'cancel' so prop page mgr
// will kill the wizard. Let this through...
if ( g_fQuitWizard ) { SetWindowLongPtr( hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, FALSE ); return TRUE; }
// if this page has a special cancel proc, call it
if ( pPageInfo->CancelProc ) fRet = pPageInfo->CancelProc( hDlg ); else { // default behavior: pop up a message box confirming
// the cancel
// return the value thru window data
SetWindowLongPtr( hDlg, DWLP_MSGRESULT, !fRet ); return TRUE; break;
default: //***********************************************************
if ( pPageInfo->NotifyProc ) { pPageInfo->NotifyProc( hDlg, wParam, lParam ); } }
break; }
case WM_COMMAND: //*********************************************************************
{ // get pointer to private page data out of window data
PPAGEINFO pPageInfo; UINT uNextPage = 0; BOOL fGotoPage = FALSE; BOOL fKeepHistory = TRUE;
pPageInfo = (PPAGEINFO) GetWindowLongPtr( hDlg, DWLP_USER ); ASSERT( pPageInfo );
// if this page has a command handler proc, call it
if ( pPageInfo->CmdProc ) { pPageInfo->CmdProc( hDlg, (UINT) LOWORD(wParam), &fGotoPage, &uNextPage, &fKeepHistory );
if ( fGotoPage ) { ASSERT( g_pWizardState->uPagesCompleted < NUM_WIZARD_PAGES ); ASSERT( g_pWizardState->uPagesCompleted > 0 );
SetPropSheetResult( hDlg, uNextPage ); g_pWizardState->uCurrentPage = uNextPage;
if ( fKeepHistory ) { g_pWizardState->uPageHistory[g_pWizardState-> uPagesCompleted] = g_pWizardState->uCurrentPage; g_pWizardState->uPagesCompleted++; }
// set the next current page index
g_pWizardState->uCurrentPage = uNextPage;
// tell the prop sheet mgr what the next page to
// display is
SetPropSheetResult( hDlg, GetDlgIDFromIndex( uNextPage ) ); return TRUE; } } } }
return FALSE; }
//* *
//* NAME: InitWizardState *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Initializes wizard state structure. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: pWizardState: *
//* *
//* RETURNS: Nothing *
//* *
VOID InitWizardState( WIZARDSTATE *pWizardState ) { ASSERT( pWizardState );
// zero out structure
memset( pWizardState, 0, sizeof(WIZARDSTATE) );
// set starting page
pWizardState->uCurrentPage = ORD_PAGE_WELCOME; }
//* *
//* NAME: MEditSubClassWnd *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Subclasses a multiline edit control so that a edit message *
//* to select the entire contents is ignored. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: hWnd: Handle of the edit window *
//* fnNewProc: New window handler proc *
//* lpfnOldProc: (returns) Old window handler proc *
//* *
//* RETURNS: Nothing *
//* *
//* NOTE: A selected edit message is not generated when the user *
//* selects text with the keyboard or mouse. *
//* *
VOID NEAR PASCAL MEditSubClassWnd( HWND hWnd, FARPROC fnNewProc ) { g_lpfnOldMEditWndProc = (FARPROC) GetWindowLongPtr( hWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC );
SetWindowLongPtr( hWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, (LONG_PTR) MakeProcInstance( fnNewProc, (HINSTANCE) GetWindowWord( hWnd, GWW_HINSTANCE ) ) ); }
//* *
//* NAME: MEditSubProc *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: New multiline edit window procedure to ignore selection of *
//* all contents. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: hWnd: *
//* msg: *
//* wParam: *
//* lParam: *
//* *
//* *
//* NOTE: A selected edit message is not generated when the user *
//* selects text with the keyboard or mouse. *
//* *
LRESULT CALLBACK MEditSubProc( HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { if ( msg == EM_SETSEL ) { return 0; wParam = lParam; lParam = MAKELPARAM( LOWORD(lParam), LOWORD(lParam) ); }
return CallWindowProc( (WNDPROC) g_lpfnOldMEditWndProc, hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam ); }
//* *
//* NAME: GetDlgIDFromIndex *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: For a given zero-based page index, returns the *
//* corresponding dialog ID for the page. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: uPageIndex: *
//* *
//* *
UINT GetDlgIDFromIndex( UINT uPageIndex ) { ASSERT( uPageIndex < NUM_WIZARD_PAGES );
return PageInfo[uPageIndex].uDlgID; }
//* *
//* NAME: EnableWizard *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Enables or disables the wizard buttons and the wizard page *
//* itself (so it can't receive focus). *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: hDlg: Dialog window *
//* fEnable: TRUE to enable the wizard, FALSE to disable *
//* *
//* RETURNS: Nothing *
//* *
VOID EnableWizard( HWND hDlg, BOOL fEnable ) { HWND hwndWiz = GetParent( hDlg );
// disable/enable back, next, cancel
EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( hwndWiz, IDD_BACK ), fEnable ); EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( hwndWiz, IDD_NEXT ), fEnable ); EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( hwndWiz, IDCANCEL ), fEnable );
// disable/enable wizard page
EnableWindow( hwndWiz, fEnable );
UpdateWindow( hwndWiz );
if ( fEnable ) { SetForegroundWindow( hDlg ); } }
//* *
//* NAME: MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsLoop *
//* *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: hEvent: *
//* *
//* *
DWORD MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsLoop( HANDLE hEvent ) { MSG msg; DWORD dwObject;
while (1) { dwObject = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects( 1, &hEvent, FALSE,INFINITE, QS_ALLINPUT ); // Are we done waiting?
switch ( dwObject ) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
case WAIT_FAILED: return dwObject;
case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: // got a message, dispatch it and wait again
while (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL,0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { DispatchMessage(&msg); } break; } }
//* *
//* NAME: MsgBox2Param *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Displays a message box with the specified string ID using *
//* 2 string parameters. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: hWnd: Parent window *
//* nMsgID: String resource ID *
//* szParam1: Parameter 1 (or NULL) *
//* szParam2: Parameter 2 (or NULL) *
//* uIcon: Icon to display (or 0) *
//* uButtons: Buttons to display *
//* *
//* RETURNS: INT: ID of button pressed *
//* *
//* NOTES: Macros are provided for displaying 1 parameter or 0 *
//* parameter message boxes. Also see ErrorMsg() macros. *
//* *
INT MsgBox2Param( HWND hWnd, UINT nMsgID, LPCSTR szParam1, LPCSTR szParam2, UINT uIcon, UINT uButtons ) { CHAR achMsgBuf[STRING_BUF_LEN]; CHAR achSmallBuf[SMALL_BUF_LEN]; LPSTR szMessage; INT nReturn;
if ( !(g_wQuietMode == 1) ) { LoadSz( IDS_APPNAME, achSmallBuf, sizeof(achSmallBuf) ); LoadSz( nMsgID, achMsgBuf, sizeof(achMsgBuf) );
if ( szParam2 != NULL ) { szMessage = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, lstrlen( achMsgBuf ) + lstrlen( szParam1 ) + lstrlen( szParam2 ) + 100 ); if ( ! szMessage ) { return -1; }
wsprintf( szMessage, achMsgBuf, szParam1, szParam2 ); } else if ( szParam1 != NULL ) { szMessage = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, lstrlen( achMsgBuf ) + lstrlen( szParam1 ) + 100 ); if ( ! szMessage ) { return -1; }
wsprintf( szMessage, achMsgBuf, szParam1, szParam2 ); } else { szMessage = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, lstrlen( achMsgBuf ) + 1 ); if ( ! szMessage ) { return -1; }
lstrcpy( szMessage, achMsgBuf ); }
MessageBeep( uIcon );
nReturn = MessageBox( hWnd, szMessage, achSmallBuf, uIcon | uButtons | MB_APPLMODAL | MB_SETFOREGROUND | ((RunningOnWin95BiDiLoc() && IsBiDiLocalizedBinary(g_hInst,RT_VERSION, MAKEINTRESOURCE(VS_VERSION_INFO))) ? (MB_RIGHT | MB_RTLREADING) : 0) );
LocalFree( szMessage );
return nReturn; } else { return MB_OK; } }
//* *
//* NAME: DisplayFieldErrorMsg *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Pops up a warning message about a field, sets focus to the *
//* field and selects any text in it. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: hDlg: parent windows *
//* uCtrlID: ID of control left blank *
//* uStrID: ID of string resource with warning message *
//* *
//* RETURNS: Nothing *
//* *
VOID DisplayFieldErrorMsg( HWND hDlg, UINT uCtrlID, UINT uStrID ) { ErrorMsg( hDlg, uStrID ); SetFocus( GetDlgItem( hDlg, uCtrlID ) ); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, uCtrlID, EM_SETSEL, 0, -1 ); }
//* *
//* NAME: FileExists *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Checks if a file exists. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: pszFilename *
//* *
//* RETURNS: BOOL: TRUE if it exists, FALSE otherwise *
//* *
BOOL FileExists( LPCSTR pszFilename ) { HANDLE hFile;
ASSERT( pszFilename );
if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { return( FALSE ); }
CloseHandle( hFile );
return( TRUE ); }
//* *
//* NAME: InitBigFont *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Sets the font of the specifed control to the large (title) *
//* font. Creates the font if it doesn't already exist. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: hwnd: *
//* uCtrlID: *
//* *
//* RETURNS: Nothing *
//* *
//* NOTES: Make sure to call DestroyBigFont before the app exits to *
//* dispose of the font. *
//* *
//* Borrowed from Win 95 setup code. *
//* *
VOID InitBigFont( HWND hwnd, UINT uCtrlID ) { HFONT hFont; HWND hwndCtl; LOGFONT lFont; int nLogPixelsY; HDC hDC;
// get the window for the specified control
if ( ( hwndCtl = GetDlgItem( hwnd, uCtrlID ) ) == NULL ) { return; }
// get the logical y pixels
hDC = GetDC( NULL ); ASSERT( hDC ); if ( !hDC ) { return; }
nLogPixelsY = GetDeviceCaps( hDC, LOGPIXELSY ); ReleaseDC( NULL, hDC );
if ( ! g_hBigFont ) { if ( ( hFont = (HFONT) (WORD) SendMessage( hwndCtl, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0L ) ) != NULL ) { if ( GetObject( hFont, sizeof(LOGFONT), (LPSTR) &lFont ) ) { lFont.lfWeight = FW_BOLD; LoadString( g_hInst, IDS_MSSERIF, lFont.lfFaceName, LF_FACESIZE - 1 ); lFont.lfHeight = -1 * ( nLogPixelsY * LARGE_POINTSIZE / 72 );
g_hBigFont = CreateFontIndirect( (LPLOGFONT) &lFont ); } } }
if ( g_hBigFont ) { SendMessage( hwndCtl, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM) g_hBigFont, 0L ); } else { // couldn't create font
// DEBUGTRAP( "Couldn't create large font" );
} }
//* *
//* NAME: DestroyBigFont *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Destroys the large font used for dialog titles, if it has *
//* been created. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: Nothing *
//* *
//* RETURNS: Nothing *
//* *
VOID DestroyBigFont( VOID ) { if ( g_hBigFont ) { DeleteObject( g_hBigFont ); g_hBigFont = NULL; } }
//* *
//* NAME: EnableDlgItem *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Makes it a little simpler to enable a dialog item. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: hDlg: Dialog handle *
//* uID: ID of control *
//* fEnable: TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable *
//* *
//* RETURNS: BOOL: TRUE if successfull, FALSE otherwise *
//* *
BOOL EnableDlgItem( HWND hDlg, UINT uID, BOOL fEnable ) { return EnableWindow( GetDlgItem( hDlg, uID ), fEnable ); }
//* *
//* NAME: LoadSz *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Loads specified string resource into buffer. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: idString: *
//* lpszBuf: *
//* cbBuf: *
//* *
//* RETURNS: LPSTR: Pointer to the passed-in buffer. *
//* *
//* NOTES: If this function fails (most likely due to low memory), the *
//* returned buffer will have a leading NULL so it is generally *
//* safe to use this without checking for failure. *
//* *
LPSTR LoadSz( UINT idString, LPSTR lpszBuf, UINT cbBuf ) { ASSERT( lpszBuf );
// Clear the buffer and load the string
if ( lpszBuf ) { *lpszBuf = '\0'; LoadString( g_hInst, idString, lpszBuf, cbBuf ); }
return lpszBuf; }
//* *
//* NAME: IsDuplicate *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Checks if a file being added to the list view is already *
//* in the listview. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: hDlg: dialog window *
//* nDlgItem: ID of list view control *
//* szFilename: Name of file to check for a dupe. *
//* *
//* RETURNS: BOOL: TRUE if it's a duplicate, FALSE otherwise *
//* *
BOOL WINAPI IsDuplicate( HWND hDlg, INT nDlgItem, LPSTR szFilename, BOOL chkIsListbox ) { INT nItems; HWND hwndFiles; LV_ITEM lviCheck; PMYITEM pItem = NULL; INT nIndex;
if ( chkIsListbox ) { hwndFiles = GetDlgItem( hDlg, nDlgItem );
nItems = ListView_GetItemCount( hwndFiles );
for ( nIndex = 0; nIndex < nItems; nIndex += 1 ) { lviCheck.mask = LVIF_PARAM; lviCheck.iItem = nIndex; lviCheck.iSubItem = 0; lviCheck.lParam = (LPARAM) pItem;
ListView_GetItem( hwndFiles, &lviCheck );
if ( lstrcmpi( ((PMYITEM)(lviCheck.lParam))->aszCols[0], szFilename ) == 0 ) { return TRUE; } } } else // check through the file item list
{ pItem = GetFirstItem(); while ( ! LastItem( pItem ) ) { if ( !lstrcmpi( szFilename, GetItemSz( pItem, 0 ) ) ) { return TRUE; } pItem = GetNextItem( pItem ); } } return FALSE; }
//* *
//* NAME: IsMyKeyExists *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Checks if a specific key in the given section and given file*
//* is defined. IF so, get the value. OW return -1 *
//* *
//* *
LONG IsMyKeyExists( LPCSTR lpSec, LPCSTR lpKey, LPSTR lpBuf, UINT uSize, LPCSTR lpFile ) { LONG lRet;
lRet = (LONG)GetPrivateProfileString( lpSec, lpKey, SYS_DEFAULT, lpBuf, uSize, lpFile );
if ( lpSec && lpKey && (lRet == (LONG)(uSize-1)) || !lpKey && (lRet == (LONG)(uSize-2)) ) { // not enough buffer size to read the string
lRet = -2; } else if ( !lstrcmp( lpBuf, SYS_DEFAULT ) ) { // no key defined
lRet = -1; } return lRet; }
ULONG FileSize( LPSTR lpFile ) { ULONG ulFileSize; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; HANDLE hFile;
if ( *lpFile == 0 ) return 0;
hFile = FindFirstFile( lpFile, &FindFileData ); ulFileSize = (FindFileData.nFileSizeHigh * MAXDWORD) + FindFileData.nFileSizeLow; FindClose( hFile );
return ulFileSize; }
void NotifyBadString( PCSTR pszBadname, UINT uMaxSize ) { char szSize[20];
_itoa(uMaxSize, szSize, 10); MsgBox2Param( NULL, IDS_ERR_BADSTRING, pszBadname, szSize, MB_ICONSTOP, MB_OK ); }
// FormStrWithoutPlaceHolders( LPSTR szDst, LPCSTR szSrc, LPCSTR lpFile, UINT uSize );
// This function can be easily described by giving examples of what it
// does:
// Input: GenFormStrWithoutPlaceHolders(dest,"desc=%MS_XYZ%", hinf) ;
// INF file has MS_VGA="Microsoft XYZ" in its [Strings] section!
// Output: "desc=Microsoft XYZ" in buffer dest when done.
// szDst - the destination where the string after the substitutions
// for the place holders (the ones enclosed in "%' chars!)
// is placed. This buffer should be big enough (LINE_LEN)
// szSrc - the string with the place holders.
// uSize - the size of the output buffer
// EXIT:
// To use a '%' as such in the string, one would use %% in szSrc! BUGBUG For
// the sake of simplicity, we have placed a restriction that the place
// holder name string cannot have a '%' as part of it! If this is a problem
// for internationalization, we can revisit this and support it too! Also,
// the way it is implemented, if there is only one % in the string, it is
// also used as such! Another point to note is that if the key is not
// found in the [Strings] section, we just use the %strkey% as such in the
// destination. This should really help in debugging.
// BTW, CH_STRINGKEY, in the code below, is the symbolic name for '%'.
// Get/modified it from setupx: gen1.c
LONG FormStrWithoutPlaceHolders( LPSTR szDst, LPCSTR szSrc, UINT uSize ) { int uCnt ; LONG lRet; CHAR *pszTmp; LPSTR pszSaveDst;
pszSaveDst = szDst; // Do until we reach the end of source (null char)
while( (*szDst++ = *szSrc) ) { // Increment source as we have only incremented destination above
if(*szSrc++ == CH_STRINGKEY) { if (*szSrc == CH_STRINGKEY) { // One can use %% to get a single percentage char in message
szSrc++ ; continue ; }
// see if it is well formed -- there should be a '%' delimiter
if ( (pszTmp = strchr( szSrc, CH_STRINGKEY)) != NULL ) { szDst--; // get back to the '%' char to replace
// yes, there is a STR_KEY to be looked for in [Strings] sect.
*pszTmp = '\0' ; // replace '%' with a NULL char
// szSrc points to the replaceable key now as we put the NULL char above.
if ( (g_szOverideCDF[0] == 0) || (g_CDF.achStrings[0] == 0) || (lRet = IsMyKeyExists( g_CDF.achStrings, szSrc, szDst, uSize, g_szOverideCDF )) == -1 ) { lRet = IsMyKeyExists( SEC_STRINGS, szSrc, szDst, uSize, g_CDF.achFilename ); }
if ( lRet == -1 ) { // key is missing in [Strings] section!
*pszTmp = CH_STRINGKEY; // put back original character
szSrc-- ; // get back to first '%' in Src
uCnt = (INT)((pszTmp - szSrc) + 1); // include 2nd '%'
// UGHHH... It copies 1 less byte from szSrc so that it can put
// in a bad NULL character, that I don't care about!!!
// Different from the normal API I am used to...
lstrcpyn( szDst, szSrc, uCnt + 1 ) ; } else if ( lRet == -2 ) { NotifyBadString( szSrc, uSize ); return lRet; } else { // all was well, Dst filled right, but unfortunately count not passed
// back, like it used too... :-( quick fix is a lstrlen()...
uCnt = lstrlen( szDst ) ; }
*pszTmp = CH_STRINGKEY ; // put back original character
szSrc = pszTmp + 1 ; // set Src after the second '%'
szDst += uCnt ; // set Dst also right.
} // else it is ill-formed -- we use the '%' as such!
else { if ( MsgBox1Param( NULL, IDS_ERR_READ_CDF, (LPSTR)(szSrc - 1), MB_ICONQUESTION, MB_YESNO ) == IDNO ) return -1; } }
} /* while */ return lstrlen(pszSaveDst);
} /* GenFormStrWithoutPlaceHolders */
//* *
//* NAME: MyGetPrivateProfileString *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: get key string vale from overide CDF if exists. Otherwise, *
//* get it from Main CDF. And expand to its real string value *
//* return -1 if key-string define error and user stops *
//* *
LONG MyGetPrivateProfileString( LPCSTR lpSec, LPCSTR lpKey, LPCSTR lpDefault, LPSTR lpBuf, UINT uSize, LPCSTR lpOverSec ) { PSTR pszNewLine; LONG lRet;
if ( g_szOverideCDF[0] == 0 || *lpOverSec == 0 || (lRet= IsMyKeyExists( lpOverSec, lpKey, lpBuf, uSize, g_szOverideCDF )) == -1 ) { lRet = (LONG)GetPrivateProfileString( lpSec, lpKey, lpDefault, lpBuf, uSize, g_CDF.achFilename ); }
if ( lpKey == NULL ) { return lRet; }
pszNewLine = (LPSTR)LocalAlloc( LPTR, uSize ); if ( pszNewLine ) { lRet = FormStrWithoutPlaceHolders( pszNewLine, lpBuf, uSize ); if ( lRet >= 0 ) lstrcpy( lpBuf, pszNewLine );
LocalFree( pszNewLine ); }
return lRet; }
//* *
//* NAME: MyGetPrivateProfileInt *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: get key INT vale from overide CDF if exists. Otherwise, *
//* get it from Main CDF. And expand to its real string value *
//* *
UINT MyGetPrivateProfileInt( LPCSTR lpSec, LPCSTR lpKey, int idefault, LPCSTR lpOverSec ) { UINT uRet = 999; // means not valid value
if ( g_szOverideCDF[0] && *lpOverSec ) uRet = GetPrivateProfileInt( lpOverSec, lpKey, 999, g_szOverideCDF );
if ( uRet == 999 ) uRet = GetPrivateProfileInt( lpSec, lpKey, idefault, g_CDF.achFilename );
return uRet;
//* *
//* NAME: MyGetPrivateProfileSection *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: get section from overide CDF if exists. Otherwise, *
//* get it from Main CDF. *
//* *
LONG MyGetPrivateProfileSection( LPCSTR lpSec, LPSTR lpBuf, int size, BOOL bSingleCol ) { LONG lRet;
if ( g_szOverideCDF[0] == 0 || (lRet=RO_GetPrivateProfileSection( lpSec, lpBuf, size, g_szOverideCDF, bSingleCol )) == 0 ) { lRet = RO_GetPrivateProfileSection( lpSec, lpBuf, size, g_CDF.achFilename, bSingleCol ); } return lRet; }
//* *
//* NAME: MyWritePrivateProfileString *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Write out all String value Key in its localizable format *
//* %...% If previouse keyname=%used-define% exists, reuse *
//* user-define as key in Strings section. Otherwise, use *
//* %keyname% and define keyname in Strings section *
//* *
void MyWritePrivateProfileString( LPCSTR lpSec, LPCSTR lpKey, LPSTR lpBuf, UINT uSize, BOOL fQuotes ) { CHAR szTmpBuf[MAX_PATH]; LPSTR pszTmpBuf2 = NULL; BOOL fUseDefault;
pszTmpBuf2 = (LPSTR)LocalAlloc( LPTR, uSize+32 ); if ( !pszTmpBuf2 ) return;
// when we write the string value out, we write it in a localizable fashion
// if the item has %strKey% format, we re-use the %strKey% as its String refer key
// otherwise, we use %item-name% as the string refer key
GetPrivateProfileString( lpSec, lpKey, "", szTmpBuf, uSize, g_CDF.achFilename );
if ( (szTmpBuf[0] == CH_STRINGKEY) && (szTmpBuf[lstrlen(szTmpBuf)-1] == CH_STRINGKEY) ) { szTmpBuf[lstrlen(szTmpBuf)-1] = '\0'; fUseDefault = FALSE; } else { lstrcpy( szTmpBuf, "%" ); lstrcat( szTmpBuf, lpKey ); lstrcat( szTmpBuf, "%" ); WritePrivateProfileString( lpSec, lpKey, szTmpBuf, g_CDF.achFilename ); fUseDefault = TRUE; }
if ( fQuotes ) { lstrcpy( pszTmpBuf2, "\"" ); lstrcat( pszTmpBuf2, lpBuf ); lstrcat( pszTmpBuf2, "\"" ); } else { lstrcpy( pszTmpBuf2, lpBuf ); }
WritePrivateProfileString( SEC_STRINGS, fUseDefault?lpKey:(szTmpBuf+1), pszTmpBuf2, g_CDF.achFilename );
if ( pszTmpBuf2 ) LocalFree( pszTmpBuf2 );
return; }
//* *
//* NAME: CleanStringKey *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Cleanup the leftover File%d stuff in Strings *
//* *
void CleanStringKey( LPSTR lpstrKey ) { LPSTR pszTmp;
if ( lpstrKey == NULL ) return;
while ( *lpstrKey ) { if ( *lpstrKey++ == CH_STRINGKEY ) { if (*lpstrKey == CH_STRINGKEY) { // One can use %% to get a single percentage char in message
lpstrKey++ ; continue ; }
// see if it is well formed -- there should be a '%' delimiter
if ( (pszTmp = strchr( lpstrKey, CH_STRINGKEY)) != NULL ) { // yes, there is a STR_KEY to be looked for in [Strings] sect.
*pszTmp = '\0' ; // replace '%' with a NULL char
WritePrivateProfileString( SEC_STRINGS, lpstrKey, NULL, g_CDF.achFilename); *pszTmp = CH_STRINGKEY; lpstrKey = pszTmp+1; } else break; } }
//* *
//* NAME: CleanupSection *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Cleanup the any given section with key=%xxxx% and its *
//* strings *
//* *
BOOL CleanupSection( LPSTR lpSec, BOOL fSingleCol ) { LPSTR lpBuf, lpSave; CHAR szStrKey[SMALL_BUF_LEN]; int size;
size = FileSize( g_CDF.achFilename ); lpBuf = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, size ); if ( !lpBuf ) { ErrorMsg( NULL, IDS_ERR_NO_MEMORY ); return FALSE; }
lpSave = lpBuf; if ( fSingleCol ) RO_GetPrivateProfileSection( lpSec, lpBuf, size, g_CDF.achFilename, TRUE ); else GetPrivateProfileString( lpSec, NULL, "", lpBuf, size, g_CDF.achFilename );
while ( *lpBuf ) { if ( fSingleCol ) CleanStringKey( lpBuf ); else { GetPrivateProfileString( lpSec, lpBuf, "", szStrKey, sizeof(szStrKey), g_CDF.achFilename ); CleanStringKey( szStrKey ); }
lpBuf += lstrlen(lpBuf); lpBuf++; //jump over the single '\0'
WritePrivateProfileString( lpSec, NULL, NULL, g_CDF.achFilename ); LocalFree( lpSave );
return TRUE; }
//* *
//* NAME: CleanSourceFiles *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Cleanup the leftover SourceFile%d stuff *
//* *
BOOL CleanSourceFiles( LPSTR lpSection ) { LPSTR lpBuf, lpSave; int size;
size = FileSize( g_CDF.achFilename ); lpBuf = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, size ); if ( !lpBuf ) { ErrorMsg( NULL, IDS_ERR_NO_MEMORY ); return FALSE; }
lpSave = lpBuf;
GetPrivateProfileString( lpSection, NULL, "", lpBuf, size, g_CDF.achFilename );
while ( *lpBuf ) { if ( !CleanupSection( lpBuf, TRUE ) ) { LocalFree( lpSave ); return FALSE; }
lpBuf += (lstrlen(lpBuf) + 1); } WritePrivateProfileString( lpSection, NULL, NULL, g_CDF.achFilename ); LocalFree( lpSave );
return TRUE; }
//* *
//* NAME: MergerSection *
//* *
BOOL MergeSection( LPSTR lpSec, LPSTR lpOverideSec ) { // always merge the lpOverideSec keys to lpSec
LPSTR lpBuf, lpSave; CHAR szValue[MAX_PATH]; int size;
size = __max( FileSize( g_CDF.achFilename ), FileSize( g_szOverideCDF ) ) ; lpBuf = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, size ); if ( !lpBuf ) { ErrorMsg( NULL, IDS_ERR_NO_MEMORY ); return FALSE; }
lpSave = lpBuf;
GetPrivateProfileString( lpOverideSec, NULL, "", lpBuf, size, g_szOverideCDF );
while ( *lpBuf ) { if ( MyGetPrivateProfileString( lpSec, lpBuf, "", szValue, sizeof(szValue), lpOverideSec ) == -1 ) { LocalFree( lpSave ); return FALSE; }
MyWritePrivateProfileString( lpSec, lpBuf, szValue, sizeof(szValue), FALSE );
lpBuf += (lstrlen(lpBuf) + 1); }
LocalFree( lpSave ); return TRUE;
// If the next token in *pszData is delimited by the DeLim char, replace DeLim
// in *pszData by chEos, set *pszData to point to the char after the chEos and return
// ptr to the beginning of the token; otherwise, return NULL
LPSTR GetNextToken(LPSTR *pszData, char DeLim) { LPSTR szPos;
if (pszData == NULL || *pszData == NULL || **pszData == 0) return NULL;
if ((szPos = strchr(*pszData, DeLim)) != NULL) { LPSTR szT = *pszData;
*pszData = CharNext(szPos); *szPos = '\0'; szPos = szT; } else { szPos = *pszData; *pszData = szPos + lstrlen(szPos); }
return szPos; }
void SetVerUnlimit( PVERRANGE pVer ) { pVer->toVer.dwMV = MAX_TARGVER; pVer->toVer.dwLV = MAX_TARGVER; pVer->toVer.dwBd = MAX_TARGVER; }
// given the str version range: ver1-ver2
void SetVerRange( PVERRANGE pVR, LPSTR pstrVer, BOOL bFile ) { LPSTR pTmp, pArg, pSubArg; DWORD dwVer[4]; int i, j; BOOL bSingleVer;
pArg = pstrVer; bSingleVer = strchr( pstrVer, '-' ) ? FALSE : TRUE; for ( i=0; i<2; i++ ) { pTmp = GetNextToken( &pArg, '-' );
if ( !pTmp ) { if ( !bSingleVer ) { // case1 -4.0.0 == 0.0.0-4.0.0
// case2 4.0.0- == 4.0.0-NoLimit
if ( i == 0 ) continue; else SetVerUnlimit( pVR ); } break; }
for ( j=0; j<4; j++ ) { dwVer[j] = strtoul( pTmp, &pSubArg, 10 ); pTmp = CharNext(pSubArg); }
if ( bFile ) { DWORD dwMV, dwLV;
dwMV = MAKELONG( (WORD)dwVer[1], (WORD)dwVer[0] ); dwLV = MAKELONG( (WORD)dwVer[3], (WORD)dwVer[2] );
if ( i == 0 ) { pVR->frVer.dwMV = dwMV; pVR->frVer.dwLV = dwLV; } else { pVR->toVer.dwMV = dwMV; pVR->toVer.dwLV = dwLV; } } else { if ( i == 0 ) // start version (from version)
{ pVR->frVer.dwMV = dwVer[0]; pVR->frVer.dwLV = dwVer[1]; pVR->frVer.dwBd = dwVer[2]; } else { pVR->toVer.dwMV = dwVer[0]; pVR->toVer.dwLV = dwVer[1]; pVR->toVer.dwBd = dwVer[2]; } } } }
//* *
//* NAME: GetTargetVerCheck *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Get author specifined target versions *
//* *
BOOL ParseTargetVerCheck( LPSTR szBuf, PVERCHECK pVerCheck, LPSTR szMsg, BOOL bFile) { int i, j; LPSTR pArg, pSubArg, pTmp; DWORD dwVer[4];
*szMsg = 0; if ( szBuf[0] == 0 ) { // this is the case that no versions are specified, meaning applying to all
SetVerUnlimit( &(pVerCheck->vr[0]) ); return TRUE; } // the loop for possible 3 fields: <ver range> : str : flags
pArg = szBuf; for ( i=0; i<3; i++ ) { pTmp = GetNextToken( &pArg, ':' );
if ( !pTmp ) break; else if ( *pTmp == 0 ) { if ( i == 0 ) { // empty version range field no bother further!
SetVerUnlimit( &(pVerCheck->vr[0]) ); break; } continue; }
if ( i == 0 ) { LPSTR pRange;
// version range format: ver1-ver2 , ver1-ver2 :
for ( j = 0; j<2; j++) { pRange = GetNextToken( &pTmp, ',' );
if ( !pRange ) break; else if ( *pRange == 0 ) continue; else SetVerRange( &(pVerCheck->vr[j]), pRange, bFile ); } } else if ( i == 1 ) { // string field
lstrcpy( szMsg, pTmp ); } else { // flag field
if ( !lstrcmpi(pTmp, FLAG_BLK) ) pVerCheck->dwFlag |= VERCHK_OK; else if ( !lstrcmpi(pTmp, FLAG_PMTYN) ) pVerCheck->dwFlag |= VERCHK_YESNO; else if ( !lstrcmpi(pTmp, FLAG_PMTOC) ) pVerCheck->dwFlag |= VERCHK_OKCANCEL; else { ErrorMsg1Param( NULL, IDS_ERR_VCHKFLAG, pTmp ); return FALSE; } } }
// Just in case, we broke out early or user's to-ver is empty fill with from-ver.
for ( j = 0; j<2; j++ ) { if ( !pVerCheck->vr[j].toVer.dwMV && !pVerCheck->vr[j].toVer.dwLV && !pVerCheck->vr[j].toVer.dwBd ) { pVerCheck->vr[j].toVer = pVerCheck->vr[j].frVer; } }
return TRUE; }
//* *
//* NAME: OutFileListSection *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Write out the file list from the internal ItemList *
//* *
BOOL OutFileListSection() { PMYITEM pItem; LPSTR lpFileStr; CHAR szCurrSection[MAX_SECLEN]; CHAR szCurrFile[MAX_SECLEN]; CHAR szCurrSecValue[MAX_PATH]; BOOL fAllDone; int idxSec = 0, idxFile = 0; LPSTR pFileList; CHAR achFilename[MAX_PATH+10];
// this will allocate enough space to build file key list
#define FILEKEYSIZE 20
pFileList = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, g_CDF.cbFileListNum*FILEKEYSIZE ); if ( !pFileList ) { ErrorMsg( NULL, IDS_ERR_NO_MEMORY ); return FALSE; }
do { fAllDone = TRUE; pItem = g_CDF.pTop; lpFileStr = pFileList; szCurrSection[0] = 0; *lpFileStr = '\0';
while ( pItem ) { if ( !pItem->fWroteOut ) { if ( fAllDone ) fAllDone = FALSE;
// if this section is not write out yet, write now
if ( pItem->aszCols[1] && (szCurrSection[0] == 0) ) { lstrcpy( szCurrSection, KEY_FILELIST ); lstrcat( szCurrSection, _itoa(idxSec++, szCurrFile, 10 ) );
WritePrivateProfileString( g_CDF.achSourceFile, szCurrSection, pItem->aszCols[1], g_CDF.achFilename ); lstrcpy( szCurrSecValue, pItem->aszCols[1] ); }
if ( !lstrcmpi( szCurrSecValue, pItem->aszCols[1] ) ) { pItem->fWroteOut = TRUE; wsprintf( szCurrFile, KEY_FILEBASE, idxFile++ ); lstrcpy( achFilename, pItem->aszCols[0] ); MyWritePrivateProfileString( SEC_STRINGS, szCurrFile, achFilename, sizeof(achFilename), TRUE ); // build file list of this section
lstrcpy( lpFileStr, "%" ); lstrcat( lpFileStr, szCurrFile ); lstrcat( lpFileStr, "%=" );
lpFileStr += lstrlen(lpFileStr); lpFileStr++; // jump over the '\0'
} } pItem = pItem->Next; }
if ( !fAllDone ) { *lpFileStr = '\0'; WritePrivateProfileSection( szCurrSection, pFileList, g_CDF.achFilename ); }
} while ( !fAllDone );
LocalFree( pFileList ); return TRUE; }
// return the number of entries in the section
DWORD GetSecNumLines( LPCSTR pSec, LPCSTR pFile ) { char szBuf[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwNum = 0; int i = 0; GetPrivateProfileString( pSec, NULL, "", szBuf, sizeof(szBuf), pFile ); while ( szBuf[i] ) { dwNum++; i += lstrlen( &szBuf[i] ); i++; // jump over the fence
return dwNum; } // check if need to alloc and how much is needed
BOOL AllocTargetVerInfo( LPSTR pInfFile ) { char achBuf[MAX_INFLINE]; DWORD dwNumFiles = 0; BOOL bRet = TRUE; DWORD dwSize;
if ( IsMyKeyExists( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_SYSFILE, achBuf, sizeof(achBuf), pInfFile ) != -1 ) { if (achBuf[0] == '@') { // process the file section
dwNumFiles = GetSecNumLines( &achBuf[1], pInfFile ); } else dwNumFiles = 1; }
if ( dwNumFiles || (IsMyKeyExists( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_NTVERCHECK, achBuf, sizeof(achBuf), pInfFile ) != -1) || (IsMyKeyExists( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_WIN9XVERCHECK, achBuf, sizeof(achBuf), pInfFile ) != -1) ) { // alloc structure: fixed potion, Message string pool and variable number of filever check struct
dwSize = sizeof(TARGETVERINFO) + (3*MAX_PATH) + (sizeof(VERCHECK) + MAX_PATH)*dwNumFiles; if ( g_CDF.pVerInfo = (PTARGETVERINFO)LocalAlloc( LPTR, dwSize ) ) { g_CDF.pVerInfo->dwNumFiles = dwNumFiles; } else { ErrorMsg( NULL, IDS_ERR_NO_MEMORY ); bRet = FALSE; } }
return bRet; }
void SetAuthorStr( LPCSTR szMsg, DWORD *pdwOffset ) { int len = 0; LPSTR pTmp; BOOL bDup = FALSE;
if ( szMsg[0] ) { pTmp = &(g_CDF.pVerInfo->szBuf[1]); // there is an author defined message
while ( pTmp && *pTmp ) { if ( !lstrcmpi( pTmp, szMsg ) ) { bDup = TRUE; break; } len = (lstrlen( pTmp )+1); pTmp += len; }
if ( pTmp ) { // only store the offset to szBuf
*pdwOffset = (DWORD)(pTmp - g_CDF.pVerInfo->szBuf);
if ( !bDup ) { // meaning there is no existing one!
lstrcpy( pTmp, szMsg ); // store the end of the last string data offset
g_CDF.pVerInfo->dwFileOffs = *pdwOffset + lstrlen(pTmp) + 1; }
} } }
BOOL ParseTargetFiles( LPCSTR pBuf, PVERCHECK pVer ) { LPSTR lpTmp1, lpTmp2; BOOL bRet = FALSE; char szPath[MAX_PATH];
lpTmp1 = strchr( pBuf, ':' ); if ( lpTmp1 ) { char ch = (char)toupper(pBuf[1]);
lpTmp2 = CharNext( lpTmp1 ); *(lpTmp1) = '\0'; if ( (pBuf[0] == '#') && ( (ch == 'S') || (ch == 'W') || (ch == 'A') ) ) { if ( ParseTargetVerCheck( lpTmp2, pVer, szPath, TRUE ) ) { SetAuthorStr( szPath, &(pVer->dwstrOffs) ); SetAuthorStr( pBuf, &(pVer->dwNameOffs) ); bRet = TRUE; } } }
return bRet; }
//* *
//* NAME: WriteCDF *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Write a CABPack Directive File. Uses information from *
//* Global CDF structure (g_CDF). *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: hDlg: dialog window *
//* *
//* RETURNS: Nothing *
//* *
BOOL WriteCDF( HWND hDlg ) { CHAR achBuf[2 * MAX_PATH]; int i, arraySize;
// write class name.
WritePrivateProfileString( SEC_VERSION, KEY_CLASS, IEXPRESS_CLASS, g_CDF.achFilename );
// delete the old CDFVersion= line and add SEFVersion= line
WritePrivateProfileString( SEC_VERSION, KEY_VERSION, NULL, g_CDF.achFilename ); WritePrivateProfileString( SEC_VERSION, KEY_NEWVER, IEXPRESS_VER, g_CDF.achFilename );
// Write the config info, numeric value.
// if user has old ExtractOnly key, delete it first and re-create the new key PackagePurpose instead
WritePrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_EXTRACTONLY, NULL, g_CDF.achFilename );
switch ( g_CDF.uPackPurpose ) { case IDC_CMD_RUNCMD: default: lstrcpy( achBuf, STR_INSTALLAPP ); break;
case IDC_CMD_EXTRACT: lstrcpy( achBuf, STR_EXTRACTONLY ); break;
case IDC_CMD_CREATECAB: lstrcpy( achBuf, STR_CREATECAB ); break; } WritePrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_PACKPURPOSE, achBuf, g_CDF.achFilename );
WritePrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_SHOWWIN, _itoa(g_CDF.uShowWindow, achBuf,10), g_CDF.achFilename );
WritePrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_NOEXTRACTUI, _itoa( (g_CDF.uExtractOpt&EXTRACTOPT_UI_NO)?1:0, achBuf, 10), g_CDF.achFilename ); WritePrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_USELFN, _itoa( (g_CDF.uExtractOpt&EXTRACTOPT_LFN_YES)?1:0, achBuf, 10), g_CDF.achFilename ); WritePrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_NESTCOMPRESSED, _itoa( (g_CDF.uExtractOpt&EXTRACTOPT_COMPRESSED)?1:0, achBuf, 10), g_CDF.achFilename );
WritePrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_CABFIXEDSIZE, _itoa( (g_CDF.uExtractOpt & CAB_FIXEDSIZE)?1:0, achBuf, 10), g_CDF.achFilename );
if ( g_CDF.uExtractOpt & CAB_RESVSP2K ) i = 1; else if ( g_CDF.uExtractOpt & CAB_RESVSP4K ) i = 2; else if ( g_CDF.uExtractOpt & CAB_RESVSP6K ) i = 3; else i = 0;
lstrcpy( achBuf, pResvSizes[i] ); WritePrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_CABRESVCODESIGN, achBuf, g_CDF.achFilename );
// get reboot settings
achBuf[0] = 0; if ( g_CDF.dwReboot & REBOOT_YES ) { if ( g_CDF.dwReboot & REBOOT_ALWAYS ) lstrcpy( achBuf, "A" ); else lstrcpy( achBuf, "I" );
if ( g_CDF.dwReboot & REBOOT_SILENT ) lstrcat( achBuf, "S" ); } else lstrcpy( achBuf, "N" );
WritePrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_REBOOTMODE, achBuf, g_CDF.achFilename );
arraySize = ARRAY_SIZE( CDFStrInfo ); // Start writting out the string value
for ( i = 0; i < arraySize; i++ ) { if ( CDFStrInfo[i].lpFlag ) { if ( *CDFStrInfo[i].lpFlag ) { MyWritePrivateProfileString( CDFStrInfo[i].lpSec, CDFStrInfo[i].lpKey, CDFStrInfo[i].lpBuf, CDFStrInfo[i].uSize, FALSE ); } else MyWritePrivateProfileString( CDFStrInfo[i].lpSec, CDFStrInfo[i].lpKey, (LPSTR)CDFStrInfo[i].lpDef, CDFStrInfo[i].uSize, FALSE );
} else MyWritePrivateProfileString( CDFStrInfo[i].lpSec, CDFStrInfo[i].lpKey, CDFStrInfo[i].lpBuf, CDFStrInfo[i].uSize, FALSE ); }
if ( g_CDF.uExtractOpt & CAB_FIXEDSIZE ) { MyWritePrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_LAYOUTINF, g_CDF.achINF, sizeof(g_CDF.achINF), FALSE ); MyWritePrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_CABLABEL, g_CDF.szCabLabel, sizeof(g_CDF.szCabLabel), FALSE ); }
// read in the exist one first
// cleanup VerInfo left over if needed
if ( GetPrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_VERSIONINFO, "", achBuf, sizeof(achBuf), g_CDF.achFilename ) ) { if ( lstrcmpi( achBuf, g_CDF.achVerInfo) ) { if ( !CleanupSection( achBuf, FALSE) ) { return FALSE; } } }
// write Version information overwite section
if ( g_CDF.achVerInfo[0] ) { WritePrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_VERSIONINFO, g_CDF.achVerInfo, g_CDF.achFilename ); if ( !MergeSection( g_CDF.achVerInfo, g_CDF.achVerInfo ) ) return FALSE; }
// if current SourceFiles has different name than the main CDF defined, clean the old one first
if ( GetPrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_FILELIST, "", achBuf, sizeof(achBuf), g_CDF.achFilename ) ) { if ( !CleanSourceFiles( achBuf ) ) return FALSE; }
WritePrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_FILELIST, g_CDF.achSourceFile, g_CDF.achFilename ); // write the file list section
return ( OutFileListSection() ); }
//* *
//* NAME: ReadCDF *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Read a CABPack Directive File into the Global CDF struct. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: hDlg: dialog window *
//* *
//* RETURNS: Nothing *
//* *
BOOL ReadCDF( HWND hDlg ) { CHAR achBuf[2 * MAX_PATH]; LPSTR lpSave1=NULL, lpSave2=NULL; LPSTR szFileList=NULL, szFileListKeys=NULL; ULONG ulFileSize, uData; PMYITEM pMyItem; CHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; int i, arraySize; LONG lRet; BOOL bRetVal = FALSE; UINT uErrid = 0;
achBuf[0] = '\0'; szPath[0] = '\0';
if ( !FileExists(g_CDF.achFilename) ) { uErrid = IDS_ERR_OPEN_CDF; goto EXIT; }
// Check to make sure it's a CDF file.
if ( MyGetPrivateProfileString( SEC_VERSION, KEY_CLASS, "", achBuf, sizeof(achBuf), g_szOverideSec ) < 0 ) goto EXIT;
if ( lstrcmpi( achBuf, "IEXPRESS" ) != 0 ) { uErrid = IDS_ERR_CLASSNAME; goto EXIT; } if ( !AllocTargetVerInfo( g_CDF.achFilename ) ) goto EXIT; // get string section name from overideCDF if there
if ( g_szOverideCDF[0] && g_szOverideSec[0] ) { if ( !AllocTargetVerInfo( g_szOverideCDF ) ) goto EXIT;
GetPrivateProfileString( g_szOverideSec, KEY_STRINGS, SEC_STRINGS, g_CDF.achStrings, sizeof(g_CDF.achStrings), g_szOverideCDF ); }
// Read the config info INT vaules.
// If old ExtractOnly key exists, read it for compatiable purpose.
// IExpress will never create both OLD and NEW keys.
// If Old ExtractOnly key is not set to 1 or does not exist, read the New key.
if ( MyGetPrivateProfileInt( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_EXTRACTONLY, 0, g_szOverideSec ) ) { g_CDF.uPackPurpose = IDC_CMD_EXTRACT; } else { // if the old key is not set, check the new key
MyGetPrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_PACKPURPOSE, STR_INSTALLAPP, achBuf, sizeof(achBuf), g_szOverideSec );
if ( !lstrcmpi( achBuf, STR_INSTALLAPP ) ) { g_CDF.uPackPurpose = IDC_CMD_RUNCMD; } else if ( !lstrcmpi( achBuf, STR_EXTRACTONLY) ) { g_CDF.uPackPurpose = IDC_CMD_EXTRACT; } else g_CDF.uPackPurpose = IDC_CMD_CREATECAB; }
g_CDF.uShowWindow = MyGetPrivateProfileInt( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_SHOWWIN, 0, g_szOverideSec );
g_CDF.uExtractOpt = 0; arraySize = ARRAY_SIZE( CDFOptInfo ); // Start writting out the string value
for ( i = 0; i < arraySize; i++ ) { uData = MyGetPrivateProfileInt( SEC_OPTIONS, CDFOptInfo[i].lpKey, 0, g_szOverideSec ); if ( uData ) { g_CDF.uExtractOpt |= CDFOptInfo[i].dwOpt; } }
// get OneInstance check info
MyGetPrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_INSTANCECHK, "", achBuf, sizeof(achBuf), g_szOverideSec ); switch ( toupper( achBuf[0]) ) { case 'P': g_CDF.uExtractOpt |= EXTRACTOPT_INSTCHKPROMPT; break;
case 'B': g_CDF.uExtractOpt |= EXTRACTOPT_INSTCHKBLOCK; break;
default: break; }
if ( (g_CDF.uExtractOpt & EXTRACTOPT_INSTCHKPROMPT) || (g_CDF.uExtractOpt & EXTRACTOPT_INSTCHKBLOCK) ) { if ( !(lpSave1 = strchr( achBuf, '"' )) ) { uErrid = IDS_ERR_COOKIE; goto EXIT; }
lpSave2 = strchr( ++lpSave1, '"' ); if ( lpSave2 ) { *lpSave2 = '\0'; g_CDF.lpszCookie = (LPSTR)LocalAlloc( LPTR, lstrlen(lpSave1)+1 ); if ( g_CDF.lpszCookie ) { lstrcpy( g_CDF.lpszCookie, lpSave1 ); } else { uErrid = IDS_ERR_NO_MEMORY; goto EXIT; } } else { uErrid = IDS_ERR_COOKIE; goto EXIT; } }
uData = MyGetPrivateProfileInt( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_CABFIXEDSIZE, 0, g_szOverideSec ); if ( uData ) { g_CDF.uExtractOpt |= CAB_FIXEDSIZE; }
MyGetPrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_LAYOUTINF, "", g_CDF.achINF, sizeof(g_CDF.achINF), g_szOverideSec ); MyGetPrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_CABLABEL, CAB_DEFSETUPMEDIA, g_CDF.szCabLabel, sizeof(g_CDF.szCabLabel), g_szOverideSec );
MyGetPrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_CABRESVCODESIGN, CAB_6K, achBuf, sizeof(achBuf), g_szOverideSec ); if ( !lstrcmpi(achBuf, pResvSizes[1]) ) g_CDF.uExtractOpt |= CAB_RESVSP2K; else if ( !lstrcmpi(achBuf, pResvSizes[2]) ) g_CDF.uExtractOpt |= CAB_RESVSP4K; else if ( !lstrcmpi(achBuf, pResvSizes[3]) ) g_CDF.uExtractOpt |= CAB_RESVSP6K;
MyGetPrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_COMPRESSTYPE, "", achBuf, sizeof(achBuf), g_szOverideSec ); if ( achBuf[0] == 0 ) { // Get the compression type: For MS Internal, "QUANTUM=value" can be set.
g_CDF.uCompressionLevel = MyGetPrivateProfileInt( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_QUANTUM, 999, g_szOverideSec ); if ( g_CDF.uCompressionLevel == 999 ) { g_CDF.szCompressionType = achMSZIP; g_CDF.uCompressionLevel = 7; } else { g_CDF.szCompressionType = achQUANTUM; } } else { if ( !lstrcmpi( achBuf, achLZX ) ) { g_CDF.szCompressionType = achLZX; } else if ( !lstrcmpi( achBuf, achQUANTUM ) ) { g_CDF.szCompressionType = achQUANTUM; } else if ( !lstrcmpi( achBuf, achNONE ) ) { g_CDF.szCompressionType = achNONE; } else { g_CDF.szCompressionType = achMSZIP; }
g_CDF.uCompressionLevel = 7; }
// get reboot info
g_CDF.dwReboot = 0; i = 0; MyGetPrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_REBOOTMODE, "I", achBuf, sizeof(achBuf), g_szOverideSec ); while ( achBuf[i] != 0 ) { switch ( toupper(achBuf[i++]) ) { case 'A': g_CDF.dwReboot |= REBOOT_ALWAYS; g_CDF.dwReboot |= REBOOT_YES; break;
case 'S': g_CDF.dwReboot |= REBOOT_SILENT; break;
case 'N': g_CDF.dwReboot &= ~(REBOOT_YES); break;
case 'I': g_CDF.dwReboot &= ~(REBOOT_ALWAYS); g_CDF.dwReboot |= REBOOT_YES; break;
default: break; } }
// get package install space
g_CDF.cbPackInstSpace = MyGetPrivateProfileInt( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_PACKINSTSPACE, 0, g_szOverideSec );
// use CDFStrInfo table to do read for a list of key strings
arraySize = ARRAY_SIZE( CDFStrInfo ); for ( i=0; i<arraySize; i++ ) { if ( MyGetPrivateProfileString( CDFStrInfo[i].lpSec, CDFStrInfo[i].lpKey, CDFStrInfo[i].lpDef, CDFStrInfo[i].lpBuf, CDFStrInfo[i].uSize, CDFStrInfo[i].lpOverideSec ) < 0 ) goto EXIT;
if ( CDFStrInfo[i].lpFlag ) { if ( CDFStrInfo[i].lpBuf[0] ) *(CDFStrInfo[i].lpFlag) = TRUE; else *(CDFStrInfo[i].lpFlag) = FALSE; } }
// generate cab name properly!
if ( (g_CDF.uPackPurpose == IDC_CMD_CREATECAB ) && !MakeCabName( hDlg, g_CDF.achTarget, g_CDF.achCABPath ) ) goto EXIT;
// Read the file list, adding it to our Item list as we go along.
if ( MyGetPrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_FILELIST, "", g_CDF.achSourceFile, sizeof(g_CDF.achSourceFile), g_szOverideSec ) <= 0 ) { uErrid = IDS_ERR_NOSOURCEFILE; goto EXIT; }
ulFileSize = __max( FileSize( g_CDF.achFilename ), FileSize( g_szOverideCDF ) );
//BUGBUG: be smart about buf size to allocate
szFileList = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, ulFileSize ); szFileListKeys = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, ulFileSize ); if ( !szFileList || !szFileListKeys ) { uErrid = IDS_ERR_NO_MEMORY; goto EXIT; }
lpSave1 = szFileList; lpSave2 = szFileListKeys; MyGetPrivateProfileString( g_CDF.achSourceFile, NULL, "", szFileListKeys, ulFileSize/2, g_CDF.achSourceFile );
while ( *szFileListKeys ) { lstrcpy( achBuf, szFileListKeys ); szFileListKeys += lstrlen(szFileListKeys); szFileListKeys++; // jump over the single '\0'
MyGetPrivateProfileString( g_CDF.achSourceFile, achBuf, "", szPath, sizeof(szPath), g_CDF.achSourceFile );
lRet = MyGetPrivateProfileSection( achBuf, szFileList, ulFileSize, TRUE );
if ( lRet == 0 ) { // the current CDF format is not match with OS version
uErrid = IDS_ERR_CDFFORMAT; LocalFree( lpSave1 ); LocalFree( lpSave2 ); goto EXIT; } else if ( lRet < 0 ) { uErrid = IDS_ERR_INVALID_CDF; LocalFree( lpSave1 ); LocalFree( lpSave2 ); goto EXIT; }
// make sure there is a '\' at the end of path
AddPath( szPath, "" );
while ( *szFileList ) { FormStrWithoutPlaceHolders( achBuf, szFileList, sizeof(achBuf) );
pMyItem = AddItem( achBuf, szPath );
szFileList += lstrlen( szFileList ); szFileList++; // jump over the single '\0'
} szFileList = lpSave1; } LocalFree( lpSave1 ); LocalFree( lpSave2 );
// get the target version check info
if ( g_CDF.pVerInfo ) { lRet = MyGetPrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_NTVERCHECK, "", achBuf, sizeof(achBuf), g_szOverideSec ); if ( (lRet<0) || !ParseTargetVerCheck( achBuf, &(g_CDF.pVerInfo->ntVerCheck), szPath, FALSE ) ) { goto EXIT; } SetAuthorStr( szPath, &(g_CDF.pVerInfo->ntVerCheck.dwstrOffs) );
lRet = MyGetPrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_WIN9XVERCHECK, "", achBuf, sizeof(achBuf), g_szOverideSec ); if ( (lRet < 0) || !ParseTargetVerCheck( achBuf, &(g_CDF.pVerInfo->win9xVerCheck), szPath, FALSE ) ) { goto EXIT; } SetAuthorStr( szPath, &(g_CDF.pVerInfo->win9xVerCheck.dwstrOffs) );
lRet = MyGetPrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_SYSFILE, "", achBuf, sizeof(achBuf), g_szOverideSec ); if ( lRet < 0 ) goto EXIT;
if ( achBuf[0] && g_CDF.pVerInfo->dwNumFiles ) { PVERCHECK pVerChk = NULL; pVerChk = (PVERCHECK) LocalAlloc( LPTR, g_CDF.pVerInfo->dwNumFiles * (sizeof(VERCHECK)) ); if ( !pVerChk ) { uErrid = IDS_ERR_NO_MEMORY; goto EXIT; }
if ( achBuf[0] == '@' ) { char szLine[MAX_PATH]; PVERCHECK pVerTmp;
i = 0;
pVerTmp = pVerChk; MyGetPrivateProfileString( &achBuf[1], NULL, "", szPath, sizeof(szPath), g_szOverideSec ); while ( szPath[i] ) { MyGetPrivateProfileString( &achBuf[1], &szPath[i], "", szLine, sizeof(szLine), g_szOverideSec ); if ( !ParseTargetFiles( szLine, pVerTmp ) ) { LocalFree( pVerChk ); uErrid = IDS_ERR_VCHKFILE; goto EXIT; } pVerTmp++; i += lstrlen( &szPath[i] ) + 1; } } else if ( !ParseTargetFiles( achBuf, pVerChk ) ) { LocalFree( pVerChk ); uErrid = IDS_ERR_VCHKFILE; goto EXIT; } // up to now all the strings have been processed. Put the File data into the struct
memcpy( (g_CDF.pVerInfo->szBuf + g_CDF.pVerInfo->dwFileOffs), pVerChk, g_CDF.pVerInfo->dwNumFiles * sizeof(VERCHECK) ); LocalFree( pVerChk );
g_CDF.pVerInfo->dwSize = sizeof(TARGETVERINFO) + g_CDF.pVerInfo->dwFileOffs + sizeof(VERCHECK)*g_CDF.pVerInfo->dwNumFiles; }
// make sure the target file path exist
MakeDirectory( NULL, g_CDF.achTarget, FALSE ); // if it is LFN command from FileList, make it consistant with filename in the CAB
MyProcessLFNCmd( g_CDF.achOrigiInstallCmd, g_CDF.achInstallCmd ); MyProcessLFNCmd( g_CDF.achOrigiPostInstCmd, g_CDF.achPostInstCmd ); MyProcessLFNCmd( g_CDF.szOrigiAdmQCmd, g_CDF.szAdmQCmd ); MyProcessLFNCmd( g_CDF.szOrigiUsrQCmd, g_CDF.szUsrQCmd );
// after file-list has been read in
// set EXTRACTOPT_ADVDLL if needed, shorten the command name if needed
// if the .INF file is not from the file list, return FALSE
if ( (g_CDF.uPackPurpose == IDC_CMD_RUNCMD) && ( !CheckAdvBit( g_CDF.achOrigiInstallCmd ) || !CheckAdvBit( g_CDF.achOrigiPostInstCmd ) || !CheckAdvBit( g_CDF.szOrigiAdmQCmd ) || !CheckAdvBit( g_CDF.szOrigiUsrQCmd ) ) ) { goto EXIT; }
// successful path
bRetVal = TRUE;
EXIT: if ( uErrid ) ErrorMsg( hDlg, uErrid );
return bRetVal; }
#define MAXDISK_SIZE "1.44M"
// define
//* *
//* NAME: WriteDDF *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Writes out a Diamond Directive File. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: hDlg: dialog window *
//* *
//* RETURNS: Nothing *
//* *
BOOL WriteDDF( HWND hDlg ) { HANDLE hFile; DWORD dwAttr; DWORD dwBytes; PMYITEM pMyItem; CHAR achHeader[256]; LPSTR szTempLine; BOOL fReturn = TRUE; CHAR achShortPath[MAX_PATH]; int i, arraySize; LPSTR lpCurrLine; LPSTR lpFName;
// These are the lines that will be written out.
CHAR achLine1[] = ".Set CabinetNameTemplate=%s\r\n"; CHAR achLine2[] = ".Set CompressionType=%s\r\n"; CHAR achLine3[] = ".Set CompressionLevel=%u\r\n"; CHAR achLine4[] = ".Set InfFileName=%s\r\n"; CHAR achLine5[] = ".Set RptFileName=%s\r\n"; CHAR achLine6[] = ".Set MaxDiskSize=%s\r\n"; CHAR achLine7[] = ".Set ReservePerCabinetSize=%s\r\n"; CHAR achLine8[] = ".Set InfCabinetLineFormat=""*cab#*=""%s"",""*cabfile*"",0""\r\n"; CHAR achLine9[] = ".Set Compress=%s\r\n"; CHAR achLine10[] = ".Set CompressionMemory=%d\r\n";
PSTR pszDDFLine[] = { // 11 lines no param needed
".Set DiskDirectoryTemplate=\r\n", ".Set Cabinet=ON\r\n", ".Set MaxCabinetSize=999999999\r\n", ".Set InfDiskHeader=\r\n", ".Set InfDiskLineFormat=\r\n", ".Set InfCabinetHeader=""[SourceDisksNames]""\r\n", ".Set InfFileHeader=""""\r\n", ".Set InfFileHeader1=""[SourceDisksFiles]""\r\n", ".Set InfFileLineFormat=""*file*=*cab#*,,*size*,*csum*""\r\n", NULL, };
if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { ErrorMsg( hDlg, IDS_ERR_OPEN_DDF ); return FALSE; }
// allocate a working buffer once which is big enough for every line
szTempLine = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, MAX_STRING ); if ( ! szTempLine ) { ErrorMsg( hDlg, IDS_ERR_NO_MEMORY ); CloseHandle( hFile ); return FALSE; }
LoadSz( IDS_DDF_HEADER, achHeader, sizeof(achHeader) ); WriteFile( hFile, achHeader, lstrlen( achHeader ), &dwBytes, NULL );
wsprintf( szTempLine, achLine1, g_CDF.achCABPath ); WriteFile( hFile, szTempLine, lstrlen( szTempLine ), &dwBytes, NULL );
wsprintf( szTempLine, achLine2, g_CDF.szCompressionType ); WriteFile( hFile, szTempLine, lstrlen( szTempLine ), &dwBytes, NULL );
wsprintf( szTempLine, achLine3, g_CDF.uCompressionLevel ); WriteFile( hFile, szTempLine, lstrlen( szTempLine ), &dwBytes, NULL );
wsprintf( szTempLine, achLine4, g_CDF.achINF ); WriteFile( hFile, szTempLine, lstrlen( szTempLine ), &dwBytes, NULL );
wsprintf( szTempLine, achLine5, g_CDF.achRPT ); WriteFile( hFile, szTempLine, lstrlen( szTempLine ), &dwBytes, NULL );
if ( g_CDF.uExtractOpt & CAB_FIXEDSIZE ) lpCurrLine = MAXDISK_SIZE; else lpCurrLine = CDROM_SIZE;
wsprintf( szTempLine, achLine6, lpCurrLine ); WriteFile( hFile, szTempLine, lstrlen( szTempLine ), &dwBytes, NULL );
if ( g_CDF.uExtractOpt & CAB_RESVSP2K ) i = 1; else if ( g_CDF.uExtractOpt & CAB_RESVSP4K ) i = 2; else if ( g_CDF.uExtractOpt & CAB_RESVSP6K ) i = 3; else i = 0;
wsprintf( szTempLine, achLine7, pResvSizes[i] ); WriteFile( hFile, szTempLine, lstrlen( szTempLine ), &dwBytes, NULL );
wsprintf( szTempLine, achLine8, g_CDF.szCabLabel ); WriteFile( hFile, szTempLine, lstrlen( szTempLine ), &dwBytes, NULL );
MyGetPrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_COMPRESS, "on", achShortPath, sizeof(achShortPath), g_szOverideSec ); wsprintf( szTempLine, achLine9, achShortPath ); WriteFile( hFile, szTempLine, lstrlen( szTempLine ), &dwBytes, NULL );
i = MyGetPrivateProfileInt( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_COMPRESSMEMORY, 21, g_szOverideSec ); if ( i <= 0 ) i = 21; wsprintf( szTempLine, achLine10, i ); WriteFile( hFile, szTempLine, lstrlen( szTempLine ), &dwBytes, NULL );
i = 0; while ( pszDDFLine[i] ) { WriteFile( hFile, pszDDFLine[i], lstrlen( pszDDFLine[i] ), &dwBytes, NULL ); i++; }
pMyItem = GetFirstItem(); while ( fReturn && ! LastItem( pMyItem ) ) {
lstrcpy( szTempLine, GetItemSz( pMyItem, 1 ) ); lstrcat( szTempLine, GetItemSz( pMyItem, 0 ) );
dwAttr = GetFileAttributes( szTempLine ); if ( ( dwAttr == -1 ) || ( dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY ) ) { ErrorMsg1Param( hDlg, IDS_ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND2, szTempLine ); LocalFree( szTempLine ); CloseHandle( hFile ); return FALSE; }
if ( g_CDF.uExtractOpt & EXTRACTOPT_LFN_YES ) { lstrcpy( achShortPath, "\"" ); lstrcat( achShortPath, szTempLine ); lstrcat( achShortPath, "\"" ); } else { if ( ! GetShortPathName( szTempLine, achShortPath, sizeof(achShortPath) ) ) { ErrorMsg( hDlg, IDS_ERR_SHORT_PATH ); LocalFree( szTempLine ); CloseHandle( hFile ); return FALSE; } }
WriteFile( hFile, achShortPath, lstrlen(achShortPath), &dwBytes, NULL ); fReturn = WriteFile( hFile, "\r\n", lstrlen("\r\n"), &dwBytes, NULL );
pMyItem = GetNextItem( pMyItem ); }
if ( fReturn && g_CDF.uExtractOpt & EXTRACTOPT_ADVDLL ) { SYSTEM_INFO SystemInfo; int ix86Processor; GetSystemInfo( &SystemInfo ); ix86Processor = MyGetPrivateProfileInt( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_CROSSPROCESSOR, -1, g_szOverideSec ); if ( (SystemInfo.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL) && (ix86Processor != 0) || (SystemInfo.wProcessorArchitecture != PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL) && (ix86Processor == 1) ) { arraySize = ARRAY_SIZE( AdvDlls ); } else { arraySize = 1; } // add 3 advanced DLLS for handling OCX regiester or CustomDestination
for ( i = 0; (i<arraySize) && fReturn; i++ ) { if ( !IsDuplicate( NULL, 0, AdvDlls[i], FALSE) ) { if ( !GetFileFromModulePath( AdvDlls[i], achShortPath, sizeof(achShortPath) ) ) { ErrorMsg1Param( hDlg, IDS_ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, achShortPath ); LocalFree( szTempLine ); CloseHandle( hFile ); return FALSE; } lstrcpy( szTempLine, "\"" ); lstrcat( szTempLine, achShortPath ); lstrcat( szTempLine, "\"" ); WriteFile( hFile, szTempLine, lstrlen(szTempLine), &dwBytes, NULL ); fReturn = WriteFile( hFile, "\r\n", strlen("\r\n"), &dwBytes, NULL ); } } }
LocalFree( szTempLine ); CloseHandle( hFile );
if ( fReturn == FALSE ) { ErrorMsg( hDlg, IDS_ERR_WRITE_DDF ); return FALSE; } else { return TRUE; } }
//* *
//* NAME: MasskePackage *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Makes the full package (CAB and EXE). *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: hDlg: Handle to the dialog *
//* *
//* *
BOOL MakePackage( HWND hDlg ) { CHAR achDrive[_MAX_DRIVE]; CHAR achDir[_MAX_DIR]; CHAR achStatus[MAX_STRING]; CHAR szExt[6]; BOOL fReturn = TRUE; PSTR pTmp;
// Build the paths to the files, using the target path as a
// template. We create the DDF, CAB and INF file in the
// same directory as the target file.
_splitpath( g_CDF.achTarget, achDrive, achDir, g_CDF.achTargetBase, szExt);
lstrcpy( g_CDF.achTargetPath, achDrive ); lstrcat( g_CDF.achTargetPath, achDir );
lstrcpy( g_CDF.achDDF, g_CDF.achTargetPath ); wsprintf( achStatus, CABPACK_TMPFILE, g_CDF.achTargetBase, EXT_DDF ); AddPath( g_CDF.achDDF, achStatus );
if ( g_CDF.achINF[0] == 0 ) { lstrcpy( g_CDF.achINF, g_CDF.achTargetPath ); wsprintf( achStatus, CABPACK_INFFILE, g_CDF.achTargetBase ); AddPath( g_CDF.achINF, achStatus ); }
lstrcpy( g_CDF.achRPT, g_CDF.achTargetPath ); wsprintf( achStatus, CABPACK_TMPFILE, g_CDF.achTargetBase, EXT_RPT ); AddPath( g_CDF.achRPT, achStatus );
if ( g_CDF.uPackPurpose != IDC_CMD_CREATECAB ) { wsprintf( achStatus, CABPACK_TMPFILE, g_CDF.achTargetBase, EXT_CAB ); lstrcpy( g_CDF.achCABPath, g_CDF.achTargetPath ); AddPath( g_CDF.achCABPath, achStatus ); g_CDF.szCompressionType = achLZX; g_CDF.uCompressionLevel = 7; }
if ( g_CDF.fSave ) { if ( ! WriteCDF( hDlg ) ) { LoadSz( IDS_STATUS_ERROR_CDF, achStatus, sizeof(achStatus) ); Status( hDlg, IDC_MEDIT_STATUS, achStatus ); fReturn = FALSE; goto done; } }
if ( ! MakeCAB( hDlg ) ) { LoadSz( IDS_STATUS_ERROR_CAB, achStatus, sizeof(achStatus) ); Status( hDlg, IDC_MEDIT_STATUS, achStatus ); fReturn = FALSE; goto done; }
// if use choose to create CAB file only, MakeEXE() is not needed
if ( g_CDF.uPackPurpose != IDC_CMD_CREATECAB ) { if ( ! MakeEXE( hDlg ) ) { LoadSz( IDS_STATUS_ERROR_EXE, achStatus, sizeof(achStatus) ); Status( hDlg, IDC_MEDIT_STATUS, achStatus ); fReturn = FALSE; goto done; }
if ( MyGetPrivateProfileInt( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_KEEPCABINET, 0, g_szOverideSec ) == 0 ) { DeleteFile( g_CDF.achCABPath ); } }
LoadSz( IDS_STATUS_DONE, achStatus, sizeof(achStatus) ); Status( hDlg, IDC_MEDIT_STATUS, achStatus );
// if failure happen, clean the filewriteout flag to prepare for next CDF out
if ( !fReturn ) CleanFileListWriteFlag();
return fReturn; }
//* *
//* NAME: MakeCAB *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Makes the cabinet file if it is out of date. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: hDlg: Handle to the dialog *
//* *
//* *
BOOL MakeCAB( HWND hDlg ) { CHAR achMessage[512]; // Used in FormatMessage()
DWORD dwError; // Used in GetLastError()
LPSTR szCommand; HANDLE hFile; LPSTR szTempFile; ULONG ulFileSize; LPSTR szFileContents; DWORD dwBytes; CHAR achDiamondExe[MAX_PATH]; CHAR achDiamondPath[MAX_PATH]; CHAR achStatus[MAX_STRING]; BOOL fFilesModified = FALSE; DWORD dwExitCode; STARTUPINFO sti; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi; // Setup Process Launch
WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; DWORD dwCreationFlags;
//FindClose( hFile );
LoadSz( IDS_STATUS_MAKE_CAB, achStatus, sizeof(achStatus) ); Status( hDlg, IDC_MEDIT_STATUS, achStatus );
if ( ! WriteDDF( hDlg ) ) { return FALSE; }
// Make the CAB file
if ( lstrcmpi( g_CDF.szCompressionType, achQUANTUM ) == 0 ) { lstrcpy( achDiamondExe, DIAMONDEXE ); } else { lstrcpy( achDiamondExe, DIANTZEXE ); }
if ( !GetFileFromModulePath( achDiamondExe, achDiamondPath, sizeof(achDiamondPath) ) ) { ErrorMsg1Param( hDlg, IDS_ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, achDiamondPath ); return FALSE; }
// The +5 is to handle the " /f " in the wsprintf format string
// and for the terminating null char.
szCommand = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, lstrlen(achDiamondPath) + lstrlen(g_CDF.achDDF) + 10 ); if ( ! szCommand ) { ErrorMsg( hDlg, IDS_ERR_NO_MEMORY ); return FALSE; } wsprintf( szCommand, "%s /f \"%s\"", achDiamondPath, g_CDF.achDDF );
memset( &sti, 0, sizeof(sti) ); sti.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
if (g_wRunDiamondMinimized) { sti.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; sti.wShowWindow = SW_MINIMIZE; } else if (g_wQuietMode || g_wSilentMode) { sti.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; sti.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; }
if (!g_wQuietMode) dwCreationFlags = 0; else dwCreationFlags = CREATE_NO_WINDOW;
if ( CreateProcess( NULL, szCommand, NULL, NULL, FALSE, dwCreationFlags, NULL, NULL, &sti, &pi ) ) { CloseHandle( pi.hThread ); MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsLoop( pi.hProcess ); GetExitCodeProcess( pi.hProcess, &dwExitCode ); CloseHandle( pi.hProcess ); } else { dwError = GetLastError(); FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, dwError, 0, achMessage, sizeof(achMessage), NULL ); ErrorMsg2Param( hDlg, IDS_ERR_START_DIAMOND, szCommand, achMessage ); }
LocalFree( szCommand );
Status( hDlg, IDC_MEDIT_STATUS, "---\r\n" );
hFile = FindFirstFile( g_CDF.achRPT, &FindFileData ); ulFileSize = (FindFileData.nFileSizeHigh * MAXDWORD) + FindFileData.nFileSizeLow; FindClose( hFile );
hFile = CreateFile( g_CDF.achRPT, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL ); if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { ErrorMsg1Param( hDlg, IDS_ERR_OPEN_RPT, g_CDF.achRPT ); return FALSE; }
szFileContents = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, ulFileSize + 1 ); if ( ! szFileContents ) { ErrorMsg( hDlg, IDS_ERR_NO_MEMORY ); return FALSE; }
if ( ! ReadFile( hFile, szFileContents, ulFileSize, &dwBytes, NULL ) ) { ErrorMsg1Param( hDlg, IDS_ERR_READ_RPT, g_CDF.achRPT ); return FALSE; }
CloseHandle( hFile );
Status( hDlg, IDC_MEDIT_STATUS, szFileContents );
LocalFree( szFileContents );
Status( hDlg, IDC_MEDIT_STATUS, "---\r\n" );
if ( MyGetPrivateProfileInt( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_KEEPCABINET, 0, g_szOverideSec ) == 0 ) { DeleteFile( g_CDF.achDDF ); } if ( !(g_CDF.uExtractOpt & CAB_FIXEDSIZE) ) DeleteFile( g_CDF.achINF ); DeleteFile( g_CDF.achRPT );
return TRUE; }
//* *
//* NAME: MakeEXE *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Copies WEXTRACT.EXE to the target filename and adds *
//* resources to it. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: hDlg: Handle to the dialog *
//* *
//* *
BOOL MakeEXE( HWND hDlg ) { HANDLE hUpdate; CHAR achMessage[512]; // Used in FormatMessage()
DWORD dwError; // Used in GetLastError()
PMYITEM pMyItem; HANDLE hFile; LPSTR szTempFile; ULONG ulFileSize; LPSTR szFileContents; DWORD dwBytes; CHAR achWExtractPath[MAX_PATH]; CHAR achStatus[MAX_STRING]; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData; DWORD dwFileSizes[MAX_NUMCLUSTERS+1]; // store the filesize in each cluster sizes.
// the last of dwFileSizes is used to store real
// total file sizes later used for calculate
// progress bar in wextract
DWORD clusterCurrSize; int i; UINT idErr = IDS_ERR_UPDATE_RESOURCE;
// get ExtractorStub based on CDF specification. Wextract.exe is default one.
LoadSz( IDS_STATUS_MAKE_EXE, achStatus, sizeof(achStatus) ); Status( hDlg, IDC_MEDIT_STATUS, achStatus );
if ( !MyGetPrivateProfileString( SEC_OPTIONS, KEY_STUBEXE, WEXTRACTEXE, achStatus, sizeof(achStatus), g_szOverideSec ) ) { lstrcpy( achStatus, WEXTRACTEXE ); }
if ( !GetFileFromModulePath(achStatus, achWExtractPath, sizeof(achWExtractPath) ) ) { ErrorMsg1Param( hDlg, IDS_ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, achWExtractPath ); return FALSE; }
if ( ! CopyFile( achWExtractPath, g_CDF.achTarget, FALSE ) ) { dwError = GetLastError(); FormatMessage( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, NULL, dwError, 0, achMessage, sizeof(achMessage), NULL ); ErrorMsg2Param( hDlg, IDS_ERR_CREATE_TARGET, g_CDF.achTarget, achMessage ); return FALSE; }
// make sure the targe file is not read-only file
SetFileAttributes( g_CDF.achTarget, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL );
// Initialize the EXE file for resource editing
hUpdate = LocalBeginUpdateResource( g_CDF.achTarget, FALSE ); if ( hUpdate == NULL ) { ErrorMsg1Param( hDlg, IDS_ERR_INIT_RESOURCE, g_CDF.achTarget ); return FALSE; }
//* TITLE ***********************************************************
if ( LocalUpdateResource( hUpdate, RT_RCDATA, achResTitle, MAKELANGID( LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US ), g_CDF.achTitle, lstrlen( g_CDF.achTitle ) + 1 ) == FALSE ) { goto ERR_OUT; }
//* PROMPT **********************************************************
if ( g_CDF.fPrompt ) { if ( LocalUpdateResource( hUpdate, RT_RCDATA, achResUPrompt, MAKELANGID( LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US ), g_CDF.achPrompt, lstrlen( g_CDF.achPrompt ) + 1 ) == FALSE ) { goto ERR_OUT; } } else { if ( LocalUpdateResource( hUpdate, RT_RCDATA, achResUPrompt, MAKELANGID( LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US ), achResNone, lstrlen( achResNone ) + 1 ) == FALSE ) { goto ERR_OUT; } }
//* LICENSE FILE ****************************************************
if ( g_CDF.fLicense ) { hFile = FindFirstFile( g_CDF.achLicense, &FindFileData ); ulFileSize = (FindFileData.nFileSizeHigh * MAXDWORD) + FindFileData.nFileSizeLow; FindClose( hFile );
hFile = CreateFile( g_CDF.achLicense, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL ); if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { ErrorMsg1Param( hDlg, IDS_ERR_OPEN_LICENSE, g_CDF.achLicense ); DeleteFile(g_CDF.achTarget); return FALSE; }
szFileContents = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, ulFileSize + 1 ); if ( ! szFileContents ) { ErrorMsg( hDlg, IDS_ERR_NO_MEMORY ); DeleteFile(g_CDF.achTarget); return FALSE; }
if ( ! ReadFile( hFile, szFileContents, ulFileSize, &dwBytes, NULL ) ) { ErrorMsg1Param( hDlg, IDS_ERR_READ_LICENSE, g_CDF.achLicense ); DeleteFile(g_CDF.achTarget); return FALSE; }
CloseHandle( hFile );
if ( LocalUpdateResource( hUpdate, RT_RCDATA, achResLicense, MAKELANGID( LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US ), szFileContents, ulFileSize+1 ) == FALSE ) { LocalFree( szFileContents ); goto ERR_OUT; }
LocalFree( szFileContents ); } else { if ( LocalUpdateResource( hUpdate, RT_RCDATA, achResLicense, MAKELANGID( LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US ), achResNone, lstrlen( achResNone ) + 1 ) == FALSE ) { goto ERR_OUT; } }
//* COMMAND *********************************************************
if ( g_CDF.uPackPurpose != IDC_CMD_EXTRACT ) { if ( LocalUpdateResource( hUpdate, RT_RCDATA, achResRunProgram, MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), g_CDF.achInstallCmd, lstrlen(g_CDF.achInstallCmd)+1 ) == FALSE ) { goto ERR_OUT; }
if ( LocalUpdateResource( hUpdate, RT_RCDATA, achResPostRunCmd, MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), g_CDF.achPostInstCmd, lstrlen(g_CDF.achPostInstCmd)+1 ) == FALSE ) { goto ERR_OUT; }
//write quiet cmds resource
if ( LocalUpdateResource( hUpdate, RT_RCDATA, achResAdminQCmd, MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), g_CDF.szAdmQCmd[0]?g_CDF.szAdmQCmd : achResNone, g_CDF.szAdmQCmd[0]?(lstrlen(g_CDF.szAdmQCmd)+1) : (lstrlen(achResNone)+1) ) == FALSE ) { goto ERR_OUT; }
if ( LocalUpdateResource( hUpdate, RT_RCDATA, achResUserQCmd, MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), g_CDF.szUsrQCmd[0]?g_CDF.szUsrQCmd : achResNone, g_CDF.szUsrQCmd[0]?(lstrlen(g_CDF.szUsrQCmd)+1) : (lstrlen(achResNone)+1) ) == FALSE ) { goto ERR_OUT; }
} else { if ( LocalUpdateResource( hUpdate, RT_RCDATA, achResRunProgram, MAKELANGID( LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US ), achResNone, lstrlen( achResNone ) + 1 ) == FALSE ) { goto ERR_OUT; } }
//* SHOW WINDOW *****************************************************
if ( LocalUpdateResource( hUpdate, RT_RCDATA, achResShowWindow, MAKELANGID( LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US ), &g_CDF.uShowWindow, sizeof(g_CDF.uShowWindow) ) == FALSE ) { goto ERR_OUT; }
//* FINISHMSG *******************************************************
if ( g_CDF.fFinishMsg ) { if ( LocalUpdateResource( hUpdate, RT_RCDATA, achResFinishMsg, MAKELANGID( LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US ), g_CDF.achFinishMsg, lstrlen( g_CDF.achFinishMsg ) + 1 ) == FALSE ) { goto ERR_OUT; } } else { if ( LocalUpdateResource( hUpdate, RT_RCDATA, achResFinishMsg, MAKELANGID( LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US ), achResNone, lstrlen( achResNone ) + 1 ) == FALSE ) { goto ERR_OUT; } }
//* CABINET *********************************************************
hFile = FindFirstFile( g_CDF.achCABPath, &FindFileData ); ulFileSize = (FindFileData.nFileSizeHigh * MAXDWORD) + FindFileData.nFileSizeLow; FindClose( hFile );
hFile = CreateFile( g_CDF.achCABPath, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL ); if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { ErrorMsg1Param( hDlg, IDS_ERR_OPEN_CAB, g_CDF.achCABPath ); DeleteFile(g_CDF.achTarget); return FALSE; }
szFileContents = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, ulFileSize + 1 ); if ( ! szFileContents ) { idErr = IDS_ERR_NO_MEMORY; goto ERR_OUT; }
if ( ! ReadFile( hFile, szFileContents, ulFileSize, &dwBytes, NULL ) ) { ErrorMsg1Param( hDlg, IDS_ERR_READ_CAB, g_CDF.achCABPath ); DeleteFile(g_CDF.achTarget); return FALSE; }
CloseHandle( hFile );
if ( LocalUpdateResource( hUpdate, RT_RCDATA, achResCabinet, MAKELANGID( LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US ), szFileContents, ulFileSize ) == FALSE ) { LocalFree( szFileContents ); goto ERR_OUT; }
LocalFree( szFileContents );
//* FILES ***********************************************************
pMyItem = GetFirstItem(); RtlZeroMemory( dwFileSizes, sizeof(dwFileSizes));
while ( ! LastItem( pMyItem ) ) {
szTempFile = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, lstrlen( GetItemSz( pMyItem, 0 ) ) + lstrlen( GetItemSz( pMyItem, 1 ) ) + 1 ); if ( ! szTempFile ) { idErr = IDS_ERR_NO_MEMORY; goto ERR_OUT; } lstrcpy( szTempFile, GetItemSz( pMyItem, 1 ) ); lstrcat( szTempFile, GetItemSz( pMyItem, 0 ) ); hFile = FindFirstFile( szTempFile, &FindFileData ); ulFileSize = (FindFileData.nFileSizeHigh * MAXDWORD) + FindFileData.nFileSizeLow; FindClose( hFile ); LocalFree( szTempFile );
// calculate the file size in different cluster sizes
clusterCurrSize = CLUSTER_BASESIZE; for ( i = 0; i<MAX_NUMCLUSTERS; i++) {
dwFileSizes[i] += ((ulFileSize/clusterCurrSize)*clusterCurrSize + (ulFileSize%clusterCurrSize?clusterCurrSize : 0)); clusterCurrSize = (clusterCurrSize<<1); }
// this size is not allocated size, just real accumulation
// of the files for later progress bar UI use
dwFileSizes[MAX_NUMCLUSTERS] += ulFileSize;
pMyItem = GetNextItem( pMyItem ); }
for ( i = 0; i<MAX_NUMCLUSTERS; i++) { dwFileSizes[i] = (dwFileSizes[i]+1023)/1024; //store in KB
if ( LocalUpdateResource( hUpdate, RT_RCDATA, achResSize, MAKELANGID( LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US ), dwFileSizes, sizeof(dwFileSizes) ) == FALSE ) { goto ERR_OUT; }
//* REBOOT *******************************************************
if ( LocalUpdateResource( hUpdate, RT_RCDATA, achResReboot, MAKELANGID( LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US ), &g_CDF.dwReboot, sizeof(g_CDF.dwReboot) ) == FALSE ) { goto ERR_OUT; }
//* EXTRACTOPT ****************************************************
if ( LocalUpdateResource( hUpdate, RT_RCDATA, achResExtractOpt, MAKELANGID( LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US ), &g_CDF.uExtractOpt, sizeof(g_CDF.uExtractOpt) ) == FALSE ) { goto ERR_OUT; }
//* COOKIE ****************************************************
if ( g_CDF.lpszCookie && LocalUpdateResource( hUpdate, RT_RCDATA, achResOneInstCheck, MAKELANGID( LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US ), g_CDF.lpszCookie, lstrlen(g_CDF.lpszCookie)+1 ) == FALSE ) { goto ERR_OUT; }
//* PACKINSTSPACE **************************************************
if ( LocalUpdateResource( hUpdate, RT_RCDATA, achResPackInstSpace, MAKELANGID( LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US ), &g_CDF.cbPackInstSpace, sizeof(g_CDF.cbPackInstSpace) ) == FALSE ) { goto ERR_OUT; }
// Update the version information. The function calls LocaleUpdateResource.
if (!DoVersionInfo(hDlg, achWExtractPath, hUpdate)) { idErr = IDS_ERR_VERSION_INFO; goto ERR_OUT; }
//* TARGETVERSION **************************************************
if ( g_CDF.pVerInfo ) { if ( LocalUpdateResource( hUpdate, RT_RCDATA, achResVerCheck, MAKELANGID( LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US ), g_CDF.pVerInfo, g_CDF.pVerInfo->dwSize ) == FALSE ) { goto ERR_OUT; } } //*******************************************************************
//* DONE ************************************************************
// Write out modified EXE
if ( LocalEndUpdateResource( hUpdate, FALSE ) == FALSE ) { idErr = IDS_ERR_CLOSE_RESOURCE; goto ERR_OUT; }
return TRUE;
ERR_OUT: ErrorMsg( hDlg, idErr ); // error occurs, clean up the uncompleted target file
DeleteFile(g_CDF.achTarget); return FALSE;
//* *
//* NAME: MyOpen *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Makes popping up a common file open dialog simpler. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: Some of the members of the OPENFILENAME structure. See *
//* the docs on OPENFILENAME for more info. *
//* *
//* RETURNS: Nothing *
//* *
BOOL MyOpen( HWND hWnd, UINT idFilter, LPSTR szFilename, DWORD dwMaxFilename, DWORD dwFlags, INT *nFileOffset, INT *nExtOffset, PSTR pszDefExt ) { OPENFILENAME ofn; BOOL fResult; LPSTR szFilter;
szFilter = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, MAX_STRING );
if ( ! szFilter ) { ErrorMsg( hWnd, IDS_ERR_NO_MEMORY ); return FALSE; }
LoadSz( idFilter, szFilter, MAX_STRING );
ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = hWnd; ofn.hInstance = NULL; ofn.lpstrFilter = szFilter; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; ofn.nMaxCustFilter = 0; ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.lpstrFile = szFilename; ofn.nMaxFile = dwMaxFilename; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = 0; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = g_szInitialDir; ofn.lpstrTitle = NULL; ofn.Flags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_LONGNAMES | OFN_NOCHANGEDIR | OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_NODEREFERENCELINKS | dwFlags;
if ( IsOSNT3X() ) { ofn.Flags &= ~OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT; }
ofn.lpstrDefExt = pszDefExt; ofn.lCustData = 0; ofn.lpfnHook = NULL; ofn.lpTemplateName = NULL;
fResult = GetOpenFileName( &ofn );
if ( nFileOffset != NULL ) { *nFileOffset = ofn.nFileOffset; }
if ( nExtOffset != NULL ) { *nExtOffset = ofn.nFileExtension; }
LocalFree( szFilter );
return( fResult ); }
//* *
//* NAME: MySave *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Makes popping up a common file save dialog simpler. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: Some of the members of the OPENFILENAME structure. See *
//* the docs on OPENFILENAME for more info. *
//* *
//* RETURNS: Nothing *
//* *
BOOL MySave( HWND hWnd, UINT idFilter, LPSTR szFilename, DWORD dwMaxFilename, DWORD dwFlags, INT *nFileOffset, INT *nExtOffset, PSTR pszDefExt ) { OPENFILENAME ofn; BOOL fResult; LPSTR szFilter;
szFilter = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, MAX_STRING ); if ( ! szFilter ) { ErrorMsg( hWnd, IDS_ERR_NO_MEMORY ); return FALSE; } LoadSz( idFilter, szFilter, MAX_STRING );
ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = hWnd; ofn.hInstance = NULL; ofn.lpstrFilter = szFilter; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = NULL; ofn.nMaxCustFilter = 0; ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.lpstrFile = szFilename; ofn.nMaxFile = dwMaxFilename; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = NULL; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = 0; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL; ofn.lpstrTitle = NULL; ofn.Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST | OFN_LONGNAMES | OFN_NOCHANGEDIR | dwFlags; ofn.lpstrDefExt = pszDefExt; ofn.lCustData = 0; ofn.lpfnHook = NULL; ofn.lpTemplateName = NULL;
fResult = GetSaveFileName( &ofn );
if ( nFileOffset != NULL ) { *nFileOffset = ofn.nFileOffset; }
if ( nExtOffset != NULL ) { *nExtOffset = ofn.nFileExtension; }
LocalFree( szFilter ); return( fResult ); }
//* *
//* NAME: Status *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Adds a string to a status list box. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: hDlg: Handle to the dialog *
//* uID: ID of the list box. *
//* szStatus: Status string to add. *
//* *
//* RETURNS: Nothing *
//* *
VOID Status( HWND hDlg, UINT uID, LPSTR szStatus ) { ULONG ulLength;
if ( hDlg != NULL ) { ulLength = (ULONG)SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, uID, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0 ); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, uID, EM_SETSEL, ulLength, ulLength ); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, uID, EM_REPLACESEL, (WPARAM) FALSE, (LPARAM) szStatus ); SendDlgItemMessage( hDlg, uID, EM_SCROLLCARET, 0, 0 ); } }
//* *
//* NAME: CompareFunc *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Compares two items and returns result. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: lParam1: Pointer to the first item. *
//* uID: Pointer to the second item. *
//* lParamSort: Type of sorting to do. *
//* *
//* RETURNS: int: -1 if lParam1 goes before lParam2 *
//* 0 if lParam1 equals lParam2 *
//* +1 if lParam1 goes after lParam2 *
//* *
//* NOTES: For some weird reason, sorting the listview causes a *
//* really bad GPF (freezes the entire system). For now it's *
//* not worth the effort to fix it, so sorting is disabled. *
//* *
int CALLBACK CompareFunc( LPARAM lParam1, LPARAM lParam2, LPARAM lParamSort ) { PMYITEM pMyItem1 = (PMYITEM) lParam1; PMYITEM pMyItem2 = (PMYITEM) lParam2; int nReverse = 1; UINT uString = 0;
if ( lParamSort & _SORT_ASCENDING ) { nReverse = -1; }
if ( lParamSort & _SORT_PATH ) { uString = 1; }
return ( nReverse * lstrcmp( GetItemSz( pMyItem1, uString ), GetItemSz( pMyItem2, uString ) ) ); } */
//* *
//* NAME: InitItemList *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Initializes the item list. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: Nothing -- uses the global g_CDF.pTop *
//* *
//* RETURNS: Nothing *
//* *
VOID InitItemList() { g_CDF.pTop = NULL; g_CDF.cbFileListNum = 0; }
//* *
//* NAME: DeleteAllItems *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Deletes all the items from our file list. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: Nothing -- uses the global g_CDF.pTop *
//* *
//* RETURNS: Nothing *
//* *
VOID DeleteAllItems() { PMYITEM pMyItem; PMYITEM pTempItem;
pMyItem = GetFirstItem();
while( ! LastItem( pMyItem ) ) { pTempItem = pMyItem; pMyItem = GetNextItem( pMyItem );
FreeItem( &(pTempItem) ); }
InitItemList(); }
//* *
//* NAME: GetFirstItem *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Returns the first PMYITEM in the list *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: Nothing *
//* *
//* RETURNS: PMYITEM The first item *
//* *
PMYITEM GetFirstItem( VOID ) { return g_CDF.pTop; }
//* *
//* NAME: GetNextItem *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Given the current item, returns the next item in the list. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: pMyItem: The current item. *
//* *
//* RETURNS: PMYITEM The next item. *
//* *
PMYITEM GetNextItem( PMYITEM pMyItem ) { ASSERT( pMyItem != NULL );
return pMyItem->Next; }
//* *
//* NAME: FreeItem *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Frees the memory associated with an item. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: *pMyItem Pointer to a pointer to an item *
//* *
//* RETURNS: Nothing *
//* *
VOID FreeItem( PMYITEM *pMyItem ) { LocalFree( (*pMyItem)->aszCols[0] ); LocalFree( (*pMyItem)->aszCols[1] ); LocalFree( (*pMyItem) ); }
//* *
//* NAME: GetItemSz *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Returns a string associated with an item. You pick the *
//* string by passing the number of the string. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: pMyItem: The item *
//* nItem: The string to return *
//* *
//* RETURNS: LPSTR: The string *
//* *
LPSTR GetItemSz( PMYITEM pMyItem, UINT nItem ) { ASSERT( pMyItem != NULL ); ASSERT( nItem <= 1 );
return pMyItem->aszCols[nItem]; }
//* *
//* NAME: LastItem *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Used to end a while loop when we've reached the end of list *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: pMyItem: the current item *
//* *
//* RETURNS: BOOL: TRUE if at end of list, FALSE otherwise *
//* *
BOOL LastItem( PMYITEM pMyItem ) { return( pMyItem == NULL ); }
//* *
//* NAME: AddItem *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Adds an item to the list. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: szFilename, szPath - strings to add to structure. *
//* *
//* RETURNS: PMYITEM This function allocates memory which will *
//* be freed later by FreeItem() *
//* *
PMYITEM AddItem( LPCSTR szFilename, LPCSTR szPath ) { PMYITEM pMyItem; PMYITEM pTail;
ASSERT( szFilename != NULL ); ASSERT( szPath != NULL );
pMyItem = (PMYITEM) LocalAlloc( GMEM_FIXED, sizeof(MYITEM) );
if ( ! pMyItem ) { return NULL; }
pMyItem->aszCols[0] = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, lstrlen( szFilename ) + 1 ); pMyItem->aszCols[1] = (LPSTR) LocalAlloc( LPTR, lstrlen( szPath ) + 1 );
if ( ! pMyItem->aszCols[0] || ! pMyItem->aszCols[1] ) { FreeItem( &pMyItem ); return NULL; }
lstrcpy( pMyItem->aszCols[0], szFilename ); lstrcpy( pMyItem->aszCols[1], szPath );
pMyItem->fWroteOut = FALSE; pMyItem->Next = NULL;
if ( g_CDF.pTop == NULL ) { g_CDF.pTop = pMyItem; } else { pTail = g_CDF.pTop; while ( pTail->Next != NULL ) { pTail = pTail->Next; }
pTail->Next = pMyItem; }
return pMyItem; }
//* *
//* NAME: RemoveItem *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Removes an item from the list and frees the memory. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: Nothing *
//* *
//* RETURNS: Nothing *
//* *
VOID RemoveItem( PMYITEM pMyItem ) { PMYITEM pCurItem; PMYITEM pLastItem;
ASSERT( pMyItem != NULL );
pCurItem = GetFirstItem();
if ( pMyItem == pCurItem ) { g_CDF.pTop = pCurItem->Next; FreeItem( &pCurItem ); return; }
pLastItem = pCurItem; pCurItem = GetNextItem( pCurItem );
while ( ! LastItem( pCurItem ) ) { if ( pCurItem == pMyItem ) { pLastItem->Next = pCurItem->Next; FreeItem( &pCurItem ); return; } pLastItem = pCurItem; pCurItem = GetNextItem( pCurItem ); }
// We should never get here.
//* *
//* ParseCmdLine() *
//* *
//* Purpose: Parses the command line looking for switches *
//* *
//* Parameters: LPSTR lpszCmdLineOrg - Original command line *
//* *
//* *
//* Return: (BOOL) TRUE if successful *
//* FALSE if an error occurs *
//* *
BOOL ParseCmdLine( LPSTR lpszCmdLine ) { LPSTR pSubArg, pArg, pTmp; CHAR szTmpBuf[MAX_PATH];
if( (!lpszCmdLine) || (lpszCmdLine[0] == 0) ) return TRUE;
pArg = strtok( lpszCmdLine, " " );
while ( pArg ) {
if ( lstrcmpi( pArg, "/N" ) == 0 ) { g_fBuildNow = TRUE; } else if( (*pArg != '/' ) ) { lstrcpyn( g_CDF.achFilename, pArg, sizeof(g_CDF.achFilename) ); GetFullPathName( g_CDF.achFilename, sizeof(g_CDF.achFilename), g_CDF.achFilename, &pTmp ); } else if ( (*pArg == '/') && (toupper(*(pArg+1)) == 'O') && (*(pArg+2) == ':') ) { lstrcpy( szTmpBuf, (pArg+3) );
if ( pSubArg = strchr( szTmpBuf, ',' ) ) { *pSubArg = '\0'; lstrcpy( g_szOverideCDF, szTmpBuf ); GetFullPathName( g_szOverideCDF, sizeof(g_szOverideCDF), g_szOverideCDF, &pTmp );
if ( *(pSubArg+1) ) lstrcpy( g_szOverideSec, (pSubArg+1) ); } } else if ( lstrcmpi( pArg, "/Q" ) == 0 ) { g_wQuietMode = 1; } else if ( lstrcmpi( pArg, "/S" ) == 0 ) { g_wSilentMode = 1; } else if ( lstrcmpi( pArg, "/M" ) == 0 ) { g_wRunDiamondMinimized = 1; } else { return FALSE; } pArg = strtok( NULL, " " ); }
if ( (g_wQuietMode == 1) && (g_fBuildNow == FALSE) ) { g_wQuietMode = 0; }
return TRUE; }
// RO_GetPrivateProfileSection
// ensure the file attribute is not read-only.
LONG RO_GetPrivateProfileSection( LPCSTR lpSec, LPSTR lpBuf, DWORD dwSize, LPCSTR lpFile, BOOL bSingleCol) { LONG lRealSize; DWORD dwAttr; int iCDFVer;
dwAttr = GetFileAttributes( lpFile ); if ( (dwAttr != -1) && (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) ) { if ( !SetFileAttributes( lpFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL ) ) { ErrorMsg1Param( NULL, IDS_ERR_CANT_SETA_FILE, lpFile ); } }
if ( ( (iCDFVer = GetPrivateProfileInt( SEC_VERSION, KEY_VERSION, -1, lpFile )) == -1 ) && ( (iCDFVer = GetPrivateProfileInt( SEC_VERSION, KEY_NEWVER, -1, lpFile )) == -1 ) ) { return (iCDFVer); }
if ( !bSingleCol ) { lRealSize = (LONG)GetPrivateProfileSection( lpSec, lpBuf, dwSize, lpFile ); } else { if ( iCDFVer < 3 ) lRealSize = (LONG)GetPrivateProfileSection( lpSec, lpBuf, dwSize, lpFile ); else lRealSize = (LONG)GetPrivateProfileString( lpSec, NULL, "", lpBuf, dwSize, lpFile ); }
if ( (dwAttr != -1) && (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) ) { SetFileAttributes( lpFile, dwAttr ); }
return lRealSize;
BOOL IsOSNT3X(VOID) { OSVERSIONINFO verinfo; // Version Check
// Operating System Version Check: For NT versions below 3.50 set flag to
// prevent use of common controls (progress bar and AVI) not available.
verinfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); if ( GetVersionEx( &verinfo ) == FALSE ) { // you definitly not windows 95 or NT 4.0
return TRUE; }
if ( verinfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT ) { if ( verinfo.dwMajorVersion <= 3 ) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; // windows 95 or NT 4.0 above
void SetControlFont() { LOGFONT lFont; if (GetSystemMetrics(SM_DBCSENABLED) && (GetObject(GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT), sizeof (lFont), &lFont) > 0)) { g_hFont = CreateFontIndirect((LPLOGFONT)&lFont); } }
BOOL GetThisModulePath( LPSTR lpPath, int size ) { LPSTR lpTmp; int len;
ASSERT(lpPath); ASSERT(size);
*lpPath = 0; if ( GetModuleFileName( g_hInst, lpPath, size ) ) { // chop filename off
lpTmp = ANSIStrRChr( lpPath, '\\' ); if ( lpTmp ) { *(CharNext(lpTmp)) = '\0'; } }
return (*lpPath != '\0'); }
// BUGBUG: we don't need size param, since it is internal, we could assume
// MAX_PATH buffer
BOOL GetFileFromModulePath( LPCSTR pFile, LPSTR pPathBuf, int iBufSize ) { BOOL bRet;
bRet = GetThisModulePath( pPathBuf, iBufSize ); AddPath( pPathBuf, pFile );
if ( bRet && GetFileAttributes( pPathBuf ) == -1 ) { return FALSE; } return bRet; }
//* *
//* NAME: MakeDirectory *
//* *
//* SYNOPSIS: Make sure the directories along the given pathname exist. *
//* *
//* REQUIRES: pszFile: Name of the file being created. *
//* *
//* RETURNS: nothing *
//* *
BOOL MakeDirectory( HWND hwnd, LPCSTR pszPath, BOOL bDoUI ) { LPTSTR pchChopper; int cExempt; DWORD dwAttr; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
if (pszPath[0] != '\0') { PSTR pszTmp = NULL; char ch; UINT umsg = 0; UINT ubutton = MB_YESNO;
cExempt = 0; pszTmp = ANSIStrRChr( pszPath, '\\' ); if ( pszTmp ) { ch = *pszTmp; *pszTmp = '\0'; }
dwAttr = GetFileAttributes( pszPath ); if ( bDoUI ) { if ( dwAttr == 0xffffffff ) { umsg = IDS_CREATEDIR; ubutton = MB_YESNO; } else if ( !(dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ) { umsg = IDS_INVALIDPATH; ubutton = MB_OK; } if ( umsg && ( (MsgBox1Param( hwnd, umsg, (LPSTR)pszPath, MB_ICONQUESTION, ubutton ) == IDNO) || (ubutton == MB_OK) ) ) { if ( pszTmp ) *pszTmp = ch; return bRet; } }
if ( pszTmp ) *pszTmp = ch;
if ((pszPath[1] == ':') && (pszPath[2] == '\\')) { pchChopper = (LPTSTR) (pszPath + 3); /* skip past "C:\" */ } else if ((pszPath[0] == '\\') && (pszPath[1] == '\\')) { pchChopper = (LPTSTR) (pszPath + 2); /* skip past "\\" */
cExempt = 2; /* machine & share names exempt */ } else { pchChopper = (LPTSTR) (pszPath + 1); /* skip past potential "\" */ }
while (*pchChopper != '\0') { if ((*pchChopper == '\\') && (*(pchChopper - 1) != ':')) { if (cExempt != 0) { cExempt--; } else { *pchChopper = '\0';
*pchChopper = '\\'; } }
pchChopper = CharNext(pchChopper); }
bRet = TRUE; } return bRet; }