Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. //***************************************************************************
  2. //* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1995. All rights reserved. *
  3. //***************************************************************************
  4. //* *
  5. //* IDS.H - *
  6. //* *
  7. //***************************************************************************
  8. //***************************************************************************
  10. //***************************************************************************
  11. #define IDS_APPNAME 1000
  12. #define IDS_MSSERIF 1001
  13. #define IDS_QUERYCANCEL 1002
  14. #define IDS_LOSE_CHANGES 1050
  15. #define IDS_DDF_HEADER 1052
  16. #define IDS_STATUS_MAKE_CAB 1053
  17. #define IDS_STATUS_MAKE_EXE 1054
  18. #define IDS_STATUS_ERROR_CAB 1055
  19. #define IDS_STATUS_ERROR_EXE 1056
  20. #define IDS_STATUS_ERROR_CDF 1057
  21. #define IDS_STATUS_DONE 1058
  22. #define IDS_FILTER_CDF 1059
  23. #define IDS_FILTER_TXT 1060
  24. #define IDS_FILTER_ALL 1061
  25. #define IDS_FILTER_EXE 1062
  26. #define IDS_HEADER_FILENAME 1070
  27. #define IDS_HEADER_PATH 1071
  28. #define IDS_CMD_RUNCMD 1074
  29. #define IDS_CMD_EXTRACT 1075
  30. #define IDS_CMD_CREATECAB 1076
  31. #define IDS_FILTER_CAB 1077
  32. #define IDS_FILTER_INF 1078
  33. #define IDS_ERR_NO_MEMORY 1100
  34. #define IDS_ERR_CDF_DOESNT_EXIST 1101
  35. #define IDS_ERR_NO_TITLE 1102
  36. #define IDS_ERR_NO_PROMPT 1103
  37. #define IDS_ERR_NO_LICENSE 1104
  38. #define IDS_ERR_LICENSE_NOT_FOUND 1105
  39. #define IDS_ERR_DUPE_FILE 1106
  40. #define IDS_ERR_NO_FILES 1107
  41. #define IDS_ERR_NO_SELECT 1108
  42. #define IDS_ERR_NO_CUSTOM 1109
  43. #define IDS_ERR_NO_FINISHMSG 1110
  44. #define IDS_ERR_NO_TARGET 1111
  45. #define IDS_ERR_NO_SAVE_FILENAME 1114
  46. #define IDS_ERR_CREATE_TARGET 1115
  47. #define IDS_ERR_INIT_RESOURCE 1116
  48. #define IDS_ERR_UPDATE_RESOURCE 1117
  49. #define IDS_ERR_CLOSE_RESOURCE 1118
  50. #define IDS_ERR_OPEN_CDF 1119
  51. #define IDS_ERR_READ_CDF 1121
  52. #define IDS_ERR_OPEN_DDF 1122
  53. #define IDS_ERR_WRITE_DDF 1123
  54. #define IDS_ERR_OPEN_RPT 1126
  55. #define IDS_ERR_READ_RPT 1127
  56. #define IDS_ERR_OPEN_LICENSE 1128
  57. #define IDS_ERR_READ_LICENSE 1129
  58. #define IDS_ERR_OPEN_CAB 1130
  59. #define IDS_ERR_READ_CAB 1131
  60. #define IDS_ERR_START_DIAMOND 1132
  61. #define IDS_ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND 1133
  62. #define IDS_ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND2 1134
  63. #define IDS_ERR_SHORT_PATH 1135
  64. #define IDS_ERR_VERSION_INFO 1137
  65. #define IDS_ERR_BADCMDLINE 1138
  66. #define IDS_WARN_OVERIDECDF 1139
  67. #define IDS_WARN_MISSSTRING 1140
  68. #define IDS_ERR_CLASSNAME 1141
  69. #define IDS_ERR_NOSOURCEFILE 1142
  70. #define IDS_WARN_USELFN 1143
  71. #define IDS_ERR_WRITEFILE 1144
  72. #define IDS_ERR_SYSERROR 1145
  73. #define IDS_ERR_CABNAME 1146
  74. #define IDS_ERR_CANT_SETA_FILE 1147
  75. #define IDS_ERR_INVALID_CDF 1148
  76. #define IDS_ERR_CDFFORMAT 1149
  77. #define IDS_ERR_COOKIE 1151
  78. #define IDS_ERR_VCHKFLAG 1152
  79. #define IDS_ERR_VCHKFILE 1153
  80. #define IDS_ERR_BADSTRING 1154
  81. #define IDS_CREATEDIR 1155
  82. #define IDS_INVALIDPATH 1156
  83. //***************************************************************************
  84. //* DIALOG PAGE IDS *
  85. //***************************************************************************
  86. #define IDD_WELCOME 2000
  87. #define IDD_MODIFY 2001
  88. #define IDD_TITLE 2002
  89. #define IDD_PROMPT 2003
  90. #define IDD_LICENSETXT 2004
  91. #define IDD_FILES 2005
  92. #define IDD_COMMAND 2006
  93. #define IDD_SHOWWINDOW 2007
  94. #define IDD_FINISHMSG 2008
  95. #define IDD_TARGET 2009
  96. #define IDD_SAVE 2010
  97. #define IDD_CREATE 2011
  98. #define IDD_PACKPURPOSE 2012
  99. #define IDD_REBOOT 2013
  100. #define IDD_TARGET_CAB 2014
  101. #define IDD_CABLABEL 2015
  102. //***************************************************************************
  104. //***************************************************************************
  105. #define IDC_UNUSED -1
  106. #define IDC_BMPFRAME 2100
  107. #define IDC_BIGTEXT 2101
  108. #define IDC_BUT_BROWSE 2102
  109. #define IDC_RAD_CREATE_NEW 2103
  110. #define IDC_RAD_OPEN_EXISTING 2104
  111. #define IDC_EDIT_OPEN_CDF 2105
  112. #define IDC_EDIT_TITLE 2106
  113. #define IDC_RAD_NO_PROMPT 2107
  114. #define IDC_RAD_YES_PROMPT 2108
  115. #define IDC_EDIT_PROMPT 2109
  116. #define IDC_RAD_NO_LICENSE 2110
  117. #define IDC_RAD_YES_LICENSE 2111
  118. #define IDC_EDIT_LICENSE 2112
  119. #define IDC_LV_CAB_FILES 2113
  120. #define IDC_BUT_ADD 2114
  121. #define IDC_BUT_REMOVE 2115
  122. #define IDC_RAD_DEFAULT 2120
  123. #define IDC_RAD_HIDDEN 2121
  124. #define IDC_RAD_MINIMIZED 2122
  125. #define IDC_RAD_MAXIMIZED 2123
  126. #define IDC_RAD_NO_FINISHMSG 2124
  127. #define IDC_RAD_YES_FINISHMSG 2125
  128. #define IDC_EDIT_FINISHMSG 2126
  129. #define IDC_EDIT_TARGET 2127
  130. #define IDC_RAD_YES_SAVE 2128
  131. #define IDC_RAD_NO_SAVE 2129
  132. #define IDC_EDIT_SAVE_CDF 2130
  133. #define IDC_TEXT_CREATE1 2131
  134. #define IDC_TEXT_CREATE2 2132
  135. #define IDC_TEXT_STATUS 2133
  136. #define IDC_MEDIT_STATUS 2134
  137. #define IDC_RAD_MODIFY 2135
  138. #define IDC_RAD_CREATE 2136
  139. #define IDC_REBOOT_NO 2139
  140. #define IDC_REBOOT_ALWAYS 2140
  141. #define IDC_REBOOT_IFNEED 2141
  142. #define IDC_REBOOT_SILENT 2142
  143. #define IDC_CMD_NOTES 2143
  144. #define IDC_HIDEEXTRACTUI 2144
  145. #define IDC_CB_INSTALLCMD 2145
  146. #define IDC_CB_POSTCMD 2146
  147. #define IDC_USE_LFN 2147
  148. #define IDC_CMD_RUNCMD 2148
  149. #define IDC_CMD_EXTRACT 2149
  150. #define IDC_CMD_CREATECAB 2150
  151. #define IDC_CB_RESVCABSP 2151
  152. #define IDC_MULTIPLE_CAB 2152
  153. #define IDC_EDIT_LAYOUTINF 2153
  154. #define IDC_EDIT_CABLABEL 2154
  155. //***************************************************************************
  156. //* BITMAP AND ICON IDS *
  157. //***************************************************************************
  158. #define IDB_BMP 2200
  159. #define IDI_ICON 2201
  160. // Next default values for new objects
  161. //
  162. #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED
  164. #define _APS_NO_MFC 1
  165. #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 1157
  166. #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40001
  167. #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 2155
  168. #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101
  169. #endif
  170. #endif