// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1995.
// File: selfreg.cxx
// Contents: Taken from Office96
// Source file for the common self registration code used by all the
// sub projects of Sweeper project. They are
// UrlMon
// UrlMnPrx
// Exports: HrDllRegisterServer()
// HrDllUnregisterServer()
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 5-03-96 JohannP (Johann Posch) Created
#include <urlint.h>
#include "selfreg.hxx"
HINSTANCE g_hinstDll = NULL; PFNLOADSTRING g_pfnLoadString = NULL;
// Function: GetDllFullPath
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [lpszExeName] --
// [cch] --
// Returns:
// History: 95 OfficeXX created
// 5-03-96 JohannP (Johann Posch) port urlmon
// Notes:
BOOL GetDllFullPath( LPSTR lpszExeName, DWORD cch ) { if ( NULL == g_hinstDll ) { UrlMkAssert(( FALSE && "NULL hInst")); return FALSE; }
*lpszExeName = NULL;
if ( GetModuleFileName( g_hinstDll, lpszExeName, cch ) == 0) { UrlMkAssert(( FALSE && "GetModuleFileName Failed")); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
inline BOOL IsASeparator( char ch ) { return (ch == '\\' || ch == '/' || ch == ':'); }
// Function: ParseAFileName
// Synopsis:
// Arguments: [szFileName] --
// [piRetLen] --
// Returns:
// History: 95 OfficeXX created
// 5-03-96 JohannP (Johann Posch) port urlmon
// Notes:
LPSTR ParseAFileName( LPSTR szFileName, int *piRetLen) { LPSTR pszFile;
// Start at the end of the filename.
pszFile = szFileName + ( lstrlen(szFileName) - 1 );
// Back up to a '\\' or beginning or something!! We just want a file
// name!. Whatever comes first.
while ( pszFile > szFileName && !IsASeparator(*pszFile ) ) pszFile = CharPrev(szFileName, pszFile);
if ( pszFile != szFileName ) pszFile = CharNext(pszFile);
if ( piRetLen ) *piRetLen = lstrlen(pszFile);
return pszFile; }
// Function: FRegisterEntries
// Synopsis: FRegisterEntries: Register a group of reg entries off a base key.
// Arguments: [hkRoot] --
// [rgEntries] --
// [dwEntries] --
// [pszPath] --
// [pszBinderName] --
// Returns:
// History: 95 OfficeXX created
// 5-03-96 JohannP (Johann Posch) port urlmon
// Notes:
BOOL FRegisterEntries(HKEY hkRoot, const REGENTRY rgEntries[], DWORD dwEntries, char *pszPath, char *pszBinderName) { HKEY hkey = NULL; LONG lRet; char szValue[1024]; char szResString[1024]; char szKeyName[1024]; BOOL fRet = FALSE; int i;
for (i = 0; i < (int)dwEntries; i++) { // We work with a copy of the entry, since we might modify it
REGENTRY reCurrentEntry = rgEntries[i];
if (reCurrentEntry.iKeyType == KEYTYPE_RESID) { int cch; if (g_pfnLoadString == NULL) return FALSE; cch = g_pfnLoadString(g_hinstDll, (UINT)reCurrentEntry.pszKey, szKeyName, sizeof(szKeyName)); if (cch > 0 && cch <= 1024) { reCurrentEntry.pszKey = szKeyName; } else { UrlMkAssert(( FALSE && "LoadString Failed ( 1)")); continue; } }
lRet = RegCreateKey(hkRoot, reCurrentEntry.pszKey, &hkey);
if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) { UrlMkAssert(( FALSE && "RegCreateKey Failed ( 1)")); continue; }
// If the type is REG_RESID, then pbData holds the resource ID. We
// load the resource string, then modify our reCurrentEntry to point
// to it.
if (reCurrentEntry.dwType == REG_RESID) { int cch; if (g_pfnLoadString == NULL) return FALSE;
cch = g_pfnLoadString(g_hinstDll, (UINT)reCurrentEntry.pbData, szResString, sizeof(szResString)); if (cch > 0 && cch <= 1024) { reCurrentEntry.dwType = REG_SZ; reCurrentEntry.pbData = (BYTE*) szResString; } else { UrlMkAssert(( FALSE && "LoadString Failed (2)")); reCurrentEntry.pbData = NULL; } }
// Set the value if there is one
if (reCurrentEntry.pbData != NULL || reCurrentEntry.dwType != REG_SZ) { switch (reCurrentEntry.dwType) { case REG_SZ: // Replace the first %s with the path, and the second
// %s with the name of the binder app (may not do anything).
if (pszPath != NULL && pszBinderName != NULL) { wsprintf(szValue, (char*)reCurrentEntry.pbData, pszPath, pszBinderName);
lRet = RegSetValueEx(hkey, reCurrentEntry.pszValueName, 0, REG_SZ, (BYTE*)szValue, lstrlen(szValue)+1); #if DBG == 1
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != lRet ) UrlMkAssert(( FALSE && "RegSetValueEx Failed ( 1)")); #endif
} break;
case REG_DWORD: lRet = RegSetValueEx(hkey, reCurrentEntry.pszValueName, 0, REG_DWORD, (BYTE*)&reCurrentEntry.pbData, sizeof(DWORD));
#if DBG == 1
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS != lRet ) UrlMkAssert(( FALSE && "RegSetValueEx Failed (2)")); #endif
default: UrlMkAssert(( FALSE && "Unexpected reg entry type")); // Unexpected type: ignore
break; } }
// Close the subkey
RegCloseKey(hkey); hkey = NULL; }
fRet = TRUE;
// Close the base key if it was open
if (hkey) RegCloseKey(hkey);
return fRet; }
* FRegisterEntryGroups: Register several groups of reg entries. */ BOOL FRegisterEntryGroups(const REGENTRYGROUP *rgRegEntryGroups, char *pszPath, char *pszBinderName) { BOOL fError = FALSE; int i;
// Keep going even if we get some errors
for (i=0; rgRegEntryGroups[i].hkRoot != NULL; i++) { if (!FRegisterEntries(rgRegEntryGroups[i].hkRoot, rgRegEntryGroups[i].rgEntries, rgRegEntryGroups[i].dwEntries,pszPath, pszBinderName)) { fError = TRUE; } }
return !fError; }
// Function: FDeleteEntries
// Synopsis: Delete a group of reg entries off a base key.
// Arguments: [hkRoot] --
// [rgEntries] --
// [dwEntries] --
// Returns:
// History: 95 OfficeXX created
// 5-03-96 JohannP (Johann Posch) port urlmon
// Notes:
BOOL FDeleteEntries(HKEY hkRoot, const REGENTRY rgEntries[], DWORD dwEntries) { LONG lRet; int i; char szKeyName[1024]; PSTR pKey;
// Delete in reverse order, to kill children before parent
for (i = (int)dwEntries - 1; i >= 0; i--) { pKey = NULL;
if (rgEntries[i].iKeyType == KEYTYPE_RESID) { int cch; cch = g_pfnLoadString(g_hinstDll, (UINT)rgEntries[i].pszKey, szKeyName, sizeof(szKeyName)); if (cch > 0 && cch <= 1024) { pKey = szKeyName; } else { UrlMkAssert(( FALSE && "LoadString Failed (FDeleteEntries)")); continue; } } else { if ( KEYTYPE_STRING != rgEntries[i].iKeyType ) { UrlMkAssert(( FALSE && "Unknown Key Type")); continue; } pKey = rgEntries[i].pszKey; }
if (pKey != NULL) { // Delete the current key if it has no subkeys.
// Ignore the return value.
lRet = RegDeleteKey(hkRoot, pKey); } }
return TRUE; }
// Function: FDeleteEntryGroups
// Synopsis: Delete the base keys of all the given groups.
// Arguments: [rgRegEntryGroups] --
// Returns:
// History: 95 OfficeXX created
// 5-03-96 JohannP (Johann Posch) port urlmon
// Notes:
BOOL FDeleteEntryGroups(const REGENTRYGROUP *rgRegEntryGroups) { BOOL fError = FALSE;
// Keep going even if we get some errors
for (int i=0; rgRegEntryGroups[i].hkRoot != NULL; i++) { if (!FDeleteEntries(rgRegEntryGroups[i].hkRoot, rgRegEntryGroups[i].rgEntries, rgRegEntryGroups[i].dwEntries)) { fError = TRUE; } }
return !fError; }
#ifdef NOT_USED
* FDeleteSubtree - Delete given key and all subkeys */ BOOL FDeleteSubtree(HKEY hkRoot, char *pszKey) { HKEY hkey = NULL; LONG lRet; char szSubKey[MAX_PATH];
lRet = RegOpenKey(hkRoot, pszKey, &hkey); if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto End;
// remove all subkeys
for (;;) { lRet = RegEnumKey(hkey, 0, szSubKey, sizeof szSubKey);
if (lRet == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) break;
if (lRet != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto End;
if (!FDeleteSubtree(hkey, szSubKey)) goto End; }
End: if (hkey != NULL) RegCloseKey (hkey);
lRet = RegDeleteKey(hkRoot, pszKey);
return (lRet == ERROR_SUCCESS); } #endif // NOT_USED
// Function: HrDllRegisterServer
// Synopsis: registers an entrygroup
// Arguments: [HINSTANCE] --
// [hinstDll] --
// [pfnLoadString] --
// [pszAppName] --
// Returns:
// History: 95 OfficeXX created
// 5-03-96 JohannP (Johann Posch) port urlmon
// Notes:
HRESULT HrDllRegisterServer(const REGENTRYGROUP *rgRegEntryGroups,HINSTANCE hinstDll, PFNLOADSTRING pfnLoadString, char *pszAppName) { // REVIEW: for Windows dll, do we want to register full path?
BOOL fRet = TRUE; char szFullPath[MAX_PATH]; char szFileName[MAX_PATH]; char *pszFileName;
g_hinstDll = hinstDll; if ((g_pfnLoadString = pfnLoadString) == NULL) // set the pointer to windows LoadString() api
g_pfnLoadString = (PFNLOADSTRING) LoadString;
if (!GetDllFullPath(szFullPath, MAX_PATH)) return E_FAIL;
pszFileName = ParseAFileName(szFullPath, NULL);
if (pszAppName != NULL) lstrcpy(szFileName, pszAppName); else lstrcpy(szFileName, pszFileName);
// Terminate the path at the file name
*pszFileName = '\0'; fRet = FRegisterEntryGroups(rgRegEntryGroups, szFullPath, szFileName);
g_hinstDll = NULL; g_pfnLoadString = NULL; return fRet ? NOERROR : E_FAIL; }
// Function: HrDllUnregisterServer
// Synopsis: unregisters an entrygroup
// Arguments: [HINSTANCE] --
// [hinstDll] --
// [pfnLoadString] --
// Returns:
// History: 95 OfficeXX created
// 5-03-96 JohannP (Johann Posch) port urlmon
// Notes:
HRESULT HrDllUnregisterServer(const REGENTRYGROUP *rgRegEntryGroups,HINSTANCE hinstDll, PFNLOADSTRING pfnLoadString) { g_hinstDll = hinstDll; if ((g_pfnLoadString = pfnLoadString) == NULL) // set the pointer to windows LoadString() api
g_pfnLoadString = (PFNLOADSTRING) LoadString;
g_hinstDll = NULL; g_pfnLoadString = NULL;
return NOERROR; }