Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains the ANSI and character-mode-independent Internet APIs
Contents: WinHttpCloseHandle WinHttpReadData WinHttpWriteData WinHttpQueryDataAvailable WinHttpCrackUrlA WinHttpCreateUrlA InternetCanonicalizeUrlA InternetCombineUrlA InternetOpenA _InternetCloseHandle _InternetCloseHandleNoContext InternetConnectA InternetOpenUrlA ReadFile_End InternetQueryOptionA InternetSetOptionA InternetGetLastResponseInfoA (wInternetCloseConnectA) (CreateDeleteSocket)
Richard L Firth (rfirth) 02-Mar-1995
Win32 user-mode DLL
Revision History:
02-Mar-1995 rfirth Created
07-Mar-1995 madana
#include <wininetp.h>
#include <perfdiag.hxx>
// because wininet doesnt know IStream
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <shlwapip.h>
// private manifests
// private prototypes
PRIVATE DWORD ReadFile_Fsm( IN CFsm_ReadFile * Fsm );
PRIVATE DWORD ReadFileEx_Fsm( IN CFsm_ReadFileEx * Fsm );
PRIVATE VOID ReadFile_End( IN BOOL bDeref, IN BOOL bSuccess, IN HINTERNET hFileMapped, IN DWORD dwBytesRead, IN LPVOID lpBuffer OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwNumberOfBytesToRead, OUT LPDWORD lpdwNumberOfBytesRead OPTIONAL );
PRIVATE DWORD QueryAvailable_Fsm( IN CFsm_QueryAvailable * Fsm );
PRIVATE DWORD wInternetCloseConnectA( IN HINTERNET lpConnectHandle, IN DWORD ServiceType );
PRIVATE BOOL InternetParseCommon( IN LPCTSTR lpszBaseUrl, IN LPCTSTR lpszRelativeUrl, OUT LPTSTR lpszBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength, IN DWORD dwFlags );
// functions
Routine Description:
Cracks an URL into its constituent parts. Optionally escapes the url-path. We assume that the user has supplied large enough buffers for the various URL parts
lpszUrl - pointer to URL to crack
dwUrlLength - 0 if lpszUrl is ASCIIZ string, else length of lpszUrl
dwFlags - flags controlling operation
lpUrlComponents - pointer to URL_COMPONENTS
Return Value:
BOOL Success - TRUE
Failure - FALSE. Call GetLastError() for more info
{ DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_API, Bool, "WinHttpCrackUrlA", "%q, %#x, %#x, %#x", lpszUrl, dwUrlLength, dwFlags, lpUrlComponents ));
DWORD error;
// validate parameters
if (!dwUrlLength) dwUrlLength = lstrlen(lpszUrl);
// get the individual components to return. If they reference a buffer then
// check it for writeability
LPSTR lpUrl; LPSTR urlCopy; INTERNET_SCHEME schemeType; LPSTR schemeName; DWORD schemeNameLength; LPSTR hostName; DWORD hostNameLength; INTERNET_PORT nPort; LPSTR userName; DWORD userNameLength; LPSTR password; DWORD passwordLength; LPSTR urlPath; DWORD urlPathLength; LPSTR extraInfo; DWORD extraInfoLength; BOOL copyComponent; BOOL havePort;
copyComponent = FALSE;
schemeName = lpUrlComponents->lpszScheme; schemeNameLength = lpUrlComponents->dwSchemeLength; if ((schemeName != NULL) && (schemeNameLength != 0)) { *schemeName = '\0'; copyComponent = TRUE; }
hostName = lpUrlComponents->lpszHostName; hostNameLength = lpUrlComponents->dwHostNameLength; if ((hostName != NULL) && (hostNameLength != 0)) { *hostName = '\0'; copyComponent = TRUE; }
userName = lpUrlComponents->lpszUserName; userNameLength = lpUrlComponents->dwUserNameLength; if ((userName != NULL) && (userNameLength != 0)) { *userName = '\0'; copyComponent = TRUE; }
password = lpUrlComponents->lpszPassword; passwordLength = lpUrlComponents->dwPasswordLength; if ((password != NULL) && (passwordLength != 0)) { *password = '\0'; copyComponent = TRUE; }
urlPath = lpUrlComponents->lpszUrlPath; urlPathLength = lpUrlComponents->dwUrlPathLength; if ((urlPath != NULL) && (urlPathLength != 0)) { *urlPath = '\0'; copyComponent = TRUE; }
extraInfo = lpUrlComponents->lpszExtraInfo; extraInfoLength = lpUrlComponents->dwExtraInfoLength; if ((extraInfo != NULL) && (extraInfoLength != 0)) { *extraInfo = '\0'; copyComponent = TRUE; }
// we can only escape or decode the URL if the caller has provided us with
// buffers to write the escaped strings into
if (dwFlags & (ICU_ESCAPE | ICU_DECODE)) { if (!copyComponent) { error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto quit; }
// create a copy of the URL. CrackUrl() will modify this in situ. We
// need to copy the results back to the user's buffer(s)
urlCopy = NewString((LPSTR)lpszUrl, dwUrlLength); if (urlCopy == NULL) { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto quit; } lpUrl = urlCopy; } else { lpUrl = (LPSTR)lpszUrl; urlCopy = NULL; }
// crack the URL into its constituent parts
error = CrackUrl(lpUrl, dwUrlLength, (dwFlags & ICU_ESCAPE) ? TRUE : FALSE, &schemeType, &schemeName, &schemeNameLength, &hostName, &hostNameLength, &nPort, &userName, &userNameLength, &password, &passwordLength, &urlPath, &urlPathLength, extraInfoLength ? &extraInfo : NULL, extraInfoLength ? &extraInfoLength : 0, &havePort ); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto crack_error; }
BOOL copyFailure;
copyFailure = FALSE;
// update the URL_COMPONENTS structure based on the results, and what was
// asked for
if (lpUrlComponents->lpszScheme != NULL) { if (lpUrlComponents->dwSchemeLength > schemeNameLength) { memcpy((LPVOID)lpUrlComponents->lpszScheme, (LPVOID)schemeName, schemeNameLength ); lpUrlComponents->lpszScheme[schemeNameLength] = '\0'; if (dwFlags & ICU_DECODE) { UrlUnescapeInPlace(lpUrlComponents->lpszScheme, 0); } } else { ++schemeNameLength; copyFailure = TRUE; } lpUrlComponents->dwSchemeLength = schemeNameLength; } else if (lpUrlComponents->dwSchemeLength != 0) { lpUrlComponents->lpszScheme = schemeName; lpUrlComponents->dwSchemeLength = schemeNameLength; }
if (lpUrlComponents->lpszHostName != NULL) { if (lpUrlComponents->dwHostNameLength > hostNameLength) { memcpy((LPVOID)lpUrlComponents->lpszHostName, (LPVOID)hostName, hostNameLength ); lpUrlComponents->lpszHostName[hostNameLength] = '\0'; if (dwFlags & ICU_DECODE) { UrlUnescapeInPlace(lpUrlComponents->lpszHostName, 0); } } else { ++hostNameLength; copyFailure = TRUE; } lpUrlComponents->dwHostNameLength = hostNameLength; } else if (lpUrlComponents->dwHostNameLength != 0) { lpUrlComponents->lpszHostName = hostName; lpUrlComponents->dwHostNameLength = hostNameLength; }
if (lpUrlComponents->lpszUserName != NULL) { if (lpUrlComponents->dwUserNameLength > userNameLength) { memcpy((LPVOID)lpUrlComponents->lpszUserName, (LPVOID)userName, userNameLength ); lpUrlComponents->lpszUserName[userNameLength] = '\0'; if (dwFlags & ICU_DECODE) { UrlUnescapeInPlace(lpUrlComponents->lpszUserName, 0); } } else { ++userNameLength; copyFailure = TRUE; } lpUrlComponents->dwUserNameLength = userNameLength; } else if (lpUrlComponents->dwUserNameLength != 0) { lpUrlComponents->lpszUserName = userName; lpUrlComponents->dwUserNameLength = userNameLength; }
if (lpUrlComponents->lpszPassword != NULL) { if (lpUrlComponents->dwPasswordLength > passwordLength) { memcpy((LPVOID)lpUrlComponents->lpszPassword, (LPVOID)password, passwordLength ); lpUrlComponents->lpszPassword[passwordLength] = '\0'; if (dwFlags & ICU_DECODE) { UrlUnescapeInPlace(lpUrlComponents->lpszPassword, 0); } } else { ++passwordLength; copyFailure = TRUE; } lpUrlComponents->dwPasswordLength = passwordLength; } else if (lpUrlComponents->dwPasswordLength != 0) { lpUrlComponents->lpszPassword = password; lpUrlComponents->dwPasswordLength = passwordLength; }
if (lpUrlComponents->lpszUrlPath != NULL) { if (lpUrlComponents->dwUrlPathLength > urlPathLength) { memcpy((LPVOID)lpUrlComponents->lpszUrlPath, (LPVOID)urlPath, urlPathLength ); lpUrlComponents->lpszUrlPath[urlPathLength] = '\0'; if (dwFlags & ICU_DECODE) { UrlUnescapeInPlace(lpUrlComponents->lpszUrlPath, 0); } lpUrlComponents->dwUrlPathLength = urlPathLength; } else { ++urlPathLength; copyFailure = TRUE; lpUrlComponents->dwUrlPathLength = urlPathLength; } } else if (lpUrlComponents->dwUrlPathLength != 0) { lpUrlComponents->lpszUrlPath = urlPath; lpUrlComponents->dwUrlPathLength = urlPathLength; }
if (lpUrlComponents->lpszExtraInfo != NULL) { if (lpUrlComponents->dwExtraInfoLength > extraInfoLength) { memcpy((LPVOID)lpUrlComponents->lpszExtraInfo, (LPVOID)extraInfo, extraInfoLength ); lpUrlComponents->lpszExtraInfo[extraInfoLength] = '\0'; if (dwFlags & ICU_DECODE) { UrlUnescapeInPlace(lpUrlComponents->lpszExtraInfo, 0); } } else { ++extraInfoLength; copyFailure = TRUE; } lpUrlComponents->dwExtraInfoLength = extraInfoLength; } else if (lpUrlComponents->dwExtraInfoLength != 0) { lpUrlComponents->lpszExtraInfo = extraInfo; lpUrlComponents->dwExtraInfoLength = extraInfoLength; }
// we may have failed to copy one or more components because we didn't have
// enough buffer space.
// N.B. Don't change error below here. If need be, move this test lower
if (copyFailure) { error = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; }
// copy the scheme type
lpUrlComponents->nScheme = schemeType;
// convert 0 port (not in URL) to default value for scheme
if (nPort == INTERNET_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER && !havePort) { switch (schemeType) { case INTERNET_SCHEME_HTTP: nPort = INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT; break;
case INTERNET_SCHEME_HTTPS: nPort = INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT; break; } } lpUrlComponents->nPort = nPort;
if (urlCopy != NULL) { DEL_STRING(urlCopy); }
quit: BOOL success = (error==ERROR_SUCCESS);
if (!success) { DEBUG_ERROR(API, error); SetLastError(error); }
DEBUG_LEAVE_API(success); return success; }
Routine Description:
Creates an URL from its constituent parts
lpUrlComponents - pointer to URL_COMPONENTS structure containing pointers and lengths of components of interest
dwFlags - flags controlling function:
ICU_ESCAPE - the components contain characters that must be escaped in the output URL
lpszUrl - pointer to buffer where output URL will be written
lpdwUrlLength - IN: number of bytes in lpszUrl buffer OUT: if success, number of characters in lpszUrl, else number of bytes required for buffer
Return Value:
BOOL Success - URL written to lpszUrl
Failure - call GetLastError() for more info
{ DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_API, Bool, "WinHttpCreateUrlA", "%#x, %#x, %#x, %#x", lpUrlComponents, dwFlags, lpszUrl, lpdwUrlLength ));
LPSTR lpszUrlOriginal = lpszUrl;
DWORD error = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPSTR encodedUrlPath = NULL; LPSTR encodedExtraInfo = NULL;
// validate parameters
if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpszUrl)) { *lpdwUrlLength = 0; }
// allocate large buffers from heap
encodedUrlPath = (LPSTR)ALLOCATE_MEMORY(LMEM_FIXED, INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH + 1); encodedExtraInfo = (LPSTR)ALLOCATE_MEMORY(LMEM_FIXED, INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH + 1); if ((encodedUrlPath == NULL) || (encodedExtraInfo == NULL)) { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto quit; }
// if we get an exception, we return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER
__try {
// get the individual components to copy
LPSTR schemeName; DWORD schemeNameLength; DWORD schemeFlags; LPSTR hostName; DWORD hostNameLength; INTERNET_PORT nPort; DWORD portLength; LPSTR userName; DWORD userNameLength; LPSTR password; DWORD passwordLength; LPSTR urlPath; DWORD urlPathLength; DWORD extraLength; DWORD encodedUrlPathLength; LPSTR extraInfo; DWORD extraInfoLength; DWORD encodedExtraInfoLength; LPSTR schemeSep; DWORD schemeSepLength; INTERNET_SCHEME schemeType; INTERNET_PORT defaultPort;
// if the scheme name is absent then we use the default
schemeName = lpUrlComponents->lpszScheme; schemeType = lpUrlComponents->nScheme;
if (schemeName == NULL) { if (schemeType == INTERNET_SCHEME_DEFAULT){ schemeName = DEFAULT_URL_SCHEME_NAME; schemeNameLength = sizeof(DEFAULT_URL_SCHEME_NAME) - 1; } else { schemeName = MapUrlScheme(schemeType, &schemeNameLength); } } else { schemeNameLength = lpUrlComponents->dwSchemeLength; if (schemeNameLength == 0) { schemeNameLength = lstrlen(schemeName); } }
if (schemeNameLength == 0) { error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto quit; }
// doesn't have to be a host name
hostName = lpUrlComponents->lpszHostName; portLength = 0; if (hostName != NULL) { hostNameLength = lpUrlComponents->dwHostNameLength; if (hostNameLength == 0) { hostNameLength = lstrlen(hostName); }
// if the port is default then we don't add it to the URL, else we need to
// copy it as a string
// there won't be a port unless there's host.
schemeType = MapUrlSchemeName(schemeName, schemeNameLength ? schemeNameLength : -1); switch (schemeType) { case INTERNET_SCHEME_HTTP: defaultPort = INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT; break;
default: defaultPort = INTERNET_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER; break; }
if (lpUrlComponents->nPort != defaultPort) {
nPort = lpUrlComponents->nPort; if (nPort) { divisor = 10000; portLength = 6; // max is 5 characters, plus 1 for ':'
while ((nPort / divisor) == 0) { --portLength; divisor /= 10; } } else { portLength = 2; // port is ":0"
} } } else { hostNameLength = 0; }
// doesn't have to be a user name
userName = lpUrlComponents->lpszUserName; if (userName != NULL) { userNameLength = lpUrlComponents->dwUserNameLength; if (userNameLength == 0) { userNameLength = lstrlen(userName); } } else {
userNameLength = 0; }
// doesn't have to be a password
password = lpUrlComponents->lpszPassword; if (password != NULL) { passwordLength = lpUrlComponents->dwPasswordLength; if (passwordLength == 0) { passwordLength = lstrlen(password); } } else {
passwordLength = 0; }
// but if there's a password without a user name, then its an error
if (password && !userName) { error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else {
// determine the scheme type for possible uses below
schemeFlags = 0; if (strnicmp(schemeName, "http", schemeNameLength) == 0) { schemeFlags = SCHEME_HTTP; } else if (strnicmp(schemeName, "ftp", schemeNameLength) == 0) { schemeFlags = SCHEME_FTP; } else if (strnicmp(schemeName, "gopher", schemeNameLength) == 0) { schemeFlags = SCHEME_GOPHER; }
// doesn't have to be an URL-path. Empty string is default
urlPath = lpUrlComponents->lpszUrlPath; if (urlPath != NULL) { urlPathLength = lpUrlComponents->dwUrlPathLength; if (urlPathLength == 0) { urlPathLength = lstrlen(urlPath); } if ((*urlPath != '/') && (*urlPath != '\\')) { extraLength = 1; } else { extraLength = 0; }
// if requested, we will encode the URL-path
if (dwFlags & ICU_ESCAPE) {
// only encode the URL-path if it's a recognized scheme
if (schemeFlags != 0) { encodedUrlPathLength = INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH + 1; error = EncodeUrlPath(NO_ENCODE_PATH_SEP, schemeFlags, urlPath, urlPathLength, &encodedUrlPath, &encodedUrlPathLength ); if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { urlPath = encodedUrlPath; urlPathLength = encodedUrlPathLength; } } } } else { urlPathLength = 0; extraLength = 0; }
// handle extra info if present
if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { extraInfo = lpUrlComponents->lpszExtraInfo; if (extraInfo != NULL) { extraInfoLength = lpUrlComponents->dwExtraInfoLength; if (extraInfoLength == 0) { extraInfoLength = lstrlen(extraInfo); }
// if requested, we will encode the extra info
if (dwFlags & ICU_ESCAPE) {
// only encode the extra info if it's a recognized scheme
if (schemeFlags != 0) { encodedExtraInfoLength = INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH + 1; error = EncodeUrlPath(0, schemeFlags, extraInfo, extraInfoLength, &encodedExtraInfo, &encodedExtraInfoLength ); if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { extraInfo = encodedExtraInfo; extraInfoLength = encodedExtraInfoLength; } } } } else { extraInfoLength = 0; } }
DWORD requiredSize;
if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// Determine if we have a protocol scheme that requires slashes
if (DoesSchemeRequireSlashes(schemeName, schemeNameLength, (hostName != NULL))) { schemeSep = "://"; schemeSepLength = sizeof("://") - 1; } else { schemeSep = ":"; schemeSepLength = sizeof(":") - 1; }
// ensure we have enough buffer space
requiredSize = schemeNameLength + schemeSepLength + hostNameLength + portLength + (userName ? userNameLength + 1 : 0) // +1 for '@'
+ (password ? passwordLength + 1 : 0) // +1 for ':'
+ urlPathLength + extraLength + extraInfoLength + 1 // +1 for '\0'
// if there is enough buffer, copy the URL
if (*lpdwUrlLength >= requiredSize) { memcpy((LPVOID)lpszUrl, (LPVOID)schemeName, schemeNameLength); lpszUrl += schemeNameLength; memcpy((LPVOID)lpszUrl, (LPVOID)schemeSep, schemeSepLength); lpszUrl += schemeSepLength; if (userName) { memcpy((LPVOID)lpszUrl, (LPVOID)userName, userNameLength); lpszUrl += userNameLength; if (password) { *lpszUrl++ = ':'; memcpy((LPVOID)lpszUrl, (LPVOID)password, passwordLength); lpszUrl += passwordLength; } *lpszUrl++ = '@'; } if (hostName) { memcpy((LPVOID)lpszUrl, (LPVOID)hostName, hostNameLength); lpszUrl += hostNameLength;
// We won't attach a port unless there's a host to go with it.
if (portLength) { lpszUrl += wsprintf(lpszUrl, ":%d", nPort & 0xffff); }
} if (urlPath) {
// Only do extraLength if we've actually copied something
// after the scheme.
if (extraLength != 0 && (userName || hostName || portLength)) { *lpszUrl++ = '/'; } else if (extraLength != 0) { --requiredSize; } memcpy((LPVOID)lpszUrl, (LPVOID)urlPath, urlPathLength); lpszUrl += urlPathLength; } else if (extraLength != 0) { --requiredSize; } if (extraInfo) { memcpy((LPVOID)lpszUrl, (LPVOID)extraInfo, extraInfoLength); lpszUrl += extraInfoLength; }
// terminate string
*lpszUrl = '\0';
// -1 for terminating '\0'
--requiredSize; } else {
// not enough buffer space - just return the required buffer length
// update returned parameters
*lpdwUrlLength = requiredSize; } } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } ENDEXCEPT quit:
// clear up the buffers we allocated
if (encodedUrlPath != NULL) { FREE_MEMORY(encodedUrlPath); } if (encodedExtraInfo != NULL) { FREE_MEMORY(encodedExtraInfo); }
BOOL success = (error==ERROR_SUCCESS);
if (success) {
DEBUG_PRINT_API(API, INFO, ("URL = %q\n", lpszUrlOriginal )); } else {
DEBUG_ERROR(API, error); SetLastError(error); }
DEBUG_LEAVE_API(success); return success; }
// ICUHrToWin32Error() is specifically for converting the return codes for
// Url* APIs in shlwapi into win32 errors.
// WARNING: it should not be used for any other purpose.
case S_OK: err = ERROR_SUCCESS; break;
default: break; } return err; }
INTERNETAPI BOOL WINAPI InternetCanonicalizeUrlA( IN LPCSTR lpszUrl, OUT LPSTR lpszBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength, IN DWORD dwFlags )
Routine Description:
Combines a relative URL with a base URL to form a new full URL.
lpszUrl - pointer to URL to be canonicalize lpszBuffer - pointer to buffer where new URL is written lpdwBufferLength - size of buffer on entry, length of new URL on exit dwFlags - flags controlling operation
Return Value:
BOOL - TRUE if successful, FALSE if not
{ DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_API, Bool, "InternetCanonicalizeUrlA", "%q, %#x, %#x [%d], %#x", lpszUrl, lpszBuffer, lpdwBufferLength, lpdwBufferLength ? *lpdwBufferLength : 0, dwFlags ));
INET_ASSERT(lpszUrl); INET_ASSERT(lpszBuffer); INET_ASSERT(lpdwBufferLength && (*lpdwBufferLength > 0));
// the flags for the Url* APIs in shlwapi should be the same
// except that NO_ENCODE is on by default. so we need to flip it
dwFlags ^= ICU_NO_ENCODE;
// Check for invalid parameters
if (!lpszUrl || !lpszBuffer || !lpdwBufferLength || *lpdwBufferLength == 0 || IsBadWritePtr(lpszBuffer, *lpdwBufferLength*sizeof(CHAR))) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { hr = UrlCanonicalizeA(lpszUrl, lpszBuffer, lpdwBufferLength, dwFlags | URL_WININET_COMPATIBILITY); }
if(FAILED(hr)) { DWORD dw = ICUHrToWin32Error(hr);
bRet = FALSE;
SetLastError(dw); }
return bRet; }
INTERNETAPI BOOL WINAPI InternetCombineUrlA( IN LPCSTR lpszBaseUrl, IN LPCSTR lpszRelativeUrl, OUT LPSTR lpszBuffer, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength, IN DWORD dwFlags )
Routine Description:
Combines a relative URL with a base URL to form a new full URL.
lpszBaseUrl - pointer to base URL lpszRelativeUrl - pointer to relative URL lpszBuffer - pointer to buffer where new URL is written lpdwBufferLength - size of buffer on entry, length of new URL on exit dwFlags - flags controlling operation
Return Value:
BOOL - TRUE if successful, FALSE if not
{ DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_API, Bool, "InternetCombineUrlA", "%q, %q, %#x, %#x [%d], %#x", lpszBaseUrl, lpszRelativeUrl, lpszBuffer, lpdwBufferLength, lpdwBufferLength ? *lpdwBufferLength : 0, dwFlags ));
INET_ASSERT(lpszBaseUrl); INET_ASSERT(lpszRelativeUrl); INET_ASSERT(lpdwBufferLength);
// the flags for the Url* APIs in shlwapi should be the same
// except that NO_ENCODE is on by default. so we need to flip it
dwFlags ^= ICU_NO_ENCODE;
// Check for invalid parameters
if (!lpszBaseUrl || !lpszRelativeUrl || !lpdwBufferLength || (lpszBuffer && IsBadWritePtr(lpszBuffer, *lpdwBufferLength*sizeof(CHAR)))) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else { hr = UrlCombineA(lpszBaseUrl, lpszRelativeUrl, lpszBuffer, lpdwBufferLength, dwFlags | URL_WININET_COMPATIBILITY); }
if(FAILED(hr)) { DWORD dw = ICUHrToWin32Error(hr);
bRet = FALSE;
SetLastError(dw); } else bRet = TRUE;
IF_DEBUG_CODE() { if (bRet) { DEBUG_PRINT_API(API, INFO, ("URL = %q\n", lpszBuffer )); } }
return bRet; }
Routine Description:
Opens a root Internet handle from which all HINTERNET objects are derived
lpszAgent - name of the application making the request (arbitrary identifying string). Used in "User-Agent" header when communicating with HTTP servers, if the application does not add a User-Agent header of its own
dwAccessType - type of access required. Can be
INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG - Gets the configuration from the registry
INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT - Requests are made directly to the nominated server
INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY - Requests are made via the nominated proxy
INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG_WITH_NO_AUTOPROXY - Like Pre-Config, but prevents JavaScript, INS and other auto-proxy types from being used.
lpszProxy - if INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY, a list of proxy servers to use
lpszProxyBypass - if INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY, a list of servers which we will communicate with directly
dwFlags - flags to control the operation of this API or potentially all APIs called on the handle generated by this API. Currently supported are:
WINHTTP_FLAG_ASYNC - Not supported in WinHttpX v6.
Return Value:
HINTERNET Success - handle of Internet object
Failure - NULL. For more information, call GetLastError()
DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_API, Handle, "InternetOpenA", "%q, %s (%d), %q, %q, %#x", lpszAgent, InternetMapOpenType(dwAccessType), dwAccessType, lpszProxy, lpszProxyBypass, dwFlags ));
DWORD error; HINTERNET hInternet = NULL;
if (!GlobalDataInitialized) { error = GlobalDataInitialize(); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; } }
// validate parameters
if (! ( (dwAccessType == INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT) || (dwAccessType == INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY) || (dwAccessType == INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG) || (dwAccessType == INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG_WITH_NO_AUTOPROXY) || ( (dwAccessType == INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY) && ( !ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpszProxy) || (*lpszProxy == '\0')
) ) || (dwFlags & ~WINHTTP_OPEN_FLAGS_MASK) ) ) { error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto quit; }
lpInternet = New INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT(lpszAgent, dwAccessType, (LPSTR)lpszProxy, (LPSTR)lpszProxyBypass, dwFlags ); if (lpInternet == NULL) { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto quit; } error = lpInternet->GetStatus(); if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { hInternet = (HINTERNET)lpInternet;
// success - don't return the object address, return the pseudo-handle
// value we generated
hInternet = ((HANDLE_OBJECT *)hInternet)->GetPseudoHandle(); } else {
// hack fix to stop InternetIndicateStatus (called from the handle
// object destructor) blowing up if there is no handle object in the
// thread info block. We can't call back anyway
LPINTERNET_THREAD_INFO lpThreadInfo = InternetGetThreadInfo();
if (lpThreadInfo) {
// BUGBUG - incorrect handle value
_InternetSetObjectHandle(lpThreadInfo, lpInternet, lpInternet); }
// we failed during initialization. Kill the handle using Dereference()
// (in order to stop the debug version complaining about the reference
// count not being 0. Invalidate for same reason)
lpInternet->Invalidate(); lpInternet->Dereference();
INET_ASSERT(hInternet == NULL);
if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
SetLastError(error); }
return hInternet; }
Routine Description:
Closes any open internet handle object
hInternet - handle of internet object to close
Return Value:
BOOL Success - TRUE
Failure - FALSE. For more information call GetLastError()
{ DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_API, Bool, "WinHttpCloseHandle", "%#x", hInternet ));
DWORD error; BOOL success = FALSE; HINTERNET hInternetMapped = NULL;
if (!GlobalDataInitialized) { error = GlobalDataInitialize(); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; } }
// map the handle. Don't invalidate it (_InternetCloseHandle() does this)
error = MapHandleToAddress(hInternet, (LPVOID *)&hInternetMapped, FALSE); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (hInternetMapped == NULL) {
// the handle never existed or has been completely destroyed
DEBUG_PRINT(API, ERROR, ("Handle %#x is invalid\n", hInternet ));
// catch invalid handles - may help caller
} else {
// this handle is already being closed (it's invalidated). We only
// need one InternetCloseHandle() operation to invalidate the handle.
// All other threads will simply dereference the handle, and
// eventually it will be destroyed
DereferenceObject((LPVOID)hInternetMapped); } goto quit; }
// the handle is not invalidated
pHandle = (HANDLE_OBJECT *)hInternetMapped;
DEBUG_PRINT(INET, INFO, ("handle %#x == %#x == %s\n", hInternet, hInternetMapped, InternetMapHandleType(pHandle->GetHandleType()) ));
// clear the handle object last error variables
// decrement session count here rather than in destructor, since
// the session is ref-counted and there may still be outstanding
// references from request/connect handles on async fsms.
if (pHandle->GetHandleType() == TypeInternetHandle) { InterlockedDecrement(&g_cSessionCount); }
// remove the reference added by MapHandleToAddress(), or the handle won't
// be destroyed by _InternetCloseHandle()
// use _InternetCloseHandle() to do the work
success = _InternetCloseHandle(hInternet);
// SetLastError must be called after PERF_LEAVE !!!
if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_ERROR(API, error); SetLastError(error); }
return success; }
BOOL _InternetCloseHandle( IN HINTERNET hInternet )
Routine Description:
Same as InternetCloseHandle() except does not clear out the last error text. Mainly for FTP
hInternet - handle of internet object to close
Return Value:
BOOL Success - TRUE
Failure - FALSE. For more information call GetLastError()
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_INET, Bool, "_InternetCloseHandle", "%#x", hInternet ));
DWORD error; BOOL success; HINTERNET hInternetMapped = NULL; LPINTERNET_THREAD_INFO lpThreadInfo = InternetGetThreadInfo();
if (lpThreadInfo == NULL) { if (InDllCleanup) { error = ERROR_WINHTTP_SHUTDOWN; } else {
error = ERROR_WINHTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR; } goto quit; }
// map the handle and invalidate it. This will cause any new requests with
// the handle as a parameter to fail
error = MapHandleToAddress(hInternet, (LPVOID *)&hInternetMapped, TRUE); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (hInternetMapped != NULL) {
// the handle is already being closed, or is already deleted
DereferenceObject((LPVOID)hInternetMapped); }
// since this is the only function that can invalidate a handle, if we
// are here then the handle is just waiting for its refcount to go to
// zero. We already removed the refcount we added above, so we're in
// the clear
goto quit; }
// there may be an active socket operation. We close the socket to abort the
// operation
((INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT *)hInternetMapped)->AbortSocket();
// we need the parent handle - we will set this as the handle object being
// processed by this thread. This is required for async worker threads (see
// below)
HINTERNET hParent; HINTERNET hParentMapped; DWORD_PTR dwParentContext;
hParentMapped = ((HANDLE_OBJECT *)hInternetMapped)->GetParent(); if (hParentMapped != NULL) { hParent = ((HANDLE_OBJECT *)hParentMapped)->GetPseudoHandle(); dwParentContext = ((HANDLE_OBJECT *)hParentMapped)->GetContext(); }
// set the object handle in the per-thread data structure
_InternetSetObjectHandle(lpThreadInfo, hInternet, hInternetMapped);
// at this point, there should *always* be at least 2 references on the
// handle - one added when the object was created, and one added by
// MapHandleToAddress() above. If the object is still alive after the 2
// dereferences, then it will be destroyed when the current owning thread
// dereferences it
(void)DereferenceObject((LPVOID)hInternetMapped); error = DereferenceObject((LPVOID)hInternetMapped);
// now set the object to be the parent. This is necessary for e.g.
// FtpGetFile() and async requests (where the async worker thread will make
// an extra callback to deliver the results of the async request)
if (hParentMapped != NULL) { _InternetSetObjectHandle(lpThreadInfo, hParent, hParentMapped); }
// if the handle was still alive after dereferencing it then we will inform
// the app that the close is pending
success = (error==ERROR_SUCCESS); if (!success) { SetLastError(error); DEBUG_ERROR(INET, error); } DEBUG_LEAVE(success); return success; }
DWORD _InternetCloseHandleNoContext( IN HINTERNET hInternet )
Routine Description:
Same as _InternetCloseHandle() except does not change the per-thread info structure handle/context values
BUGBUG - This should be handled via a parameter to _InternetCloseHandle(), but its close to shipping...
hInternet - handle of internet object to close
Return Value:
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_INET, Bool, "_InternetCloseHandleNoContext", "%#x", hInternet ));
DWORD error; HINTERNET hInternetMapped = NULL;
// map the handle and invalidate it. This will cause any new requests with
// the handle as a parameter to fail
error = MapHandleToAddress(hInternet, (LPVOID *)&hInternetMapped, TRUE); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (hInternetMapped != NULL) {
// the handle is already being closed, or is already deleted
DereferenceObject((LPVOID)hInternetMapped); }
// since this is the only function that can invalidate a handle, if we
// are here then the handle is just waiting for its refcount to go to
// zero. We already removed the refcount we added above, so we're in
// the clear
goto quit; }
// there may be an active socket operation. We close the socket to abort the
// operation
((INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT *)hInternetMapped)->AbortSocket();
// at this point, there should *always* be at least 2 references on the
// handle - one added when the object was created, and one added by
// MapHandleToAddress() above. If the object is still alive after the 2
// dereferences, then it will be destroyed when the current owning thread
// dereferences it
(void)DereferenceObject((LPVOID)hInternetMapped); error = DereferenceObject((LPVOID)hInternetMapped);
return error; }
Routine Description:
Opens a connection with a server, logging-on the user in the process.
hInternet - Internet handle, returned by InternetOpen()
lpszServerName - name of server with which to connect
nServerPort - port at which server listens
dwFlags - protocol-specific flags. The following are defined: - INTERNET_FLAG_KEEP_CONNECTION (HTTP) - WINHTTP_FLAG_SECURE (HTTP)
dwContext - application-supplied value used to identify this request in callbacks
Return Value:
HINTERNET Success - address of a new handle object
Failure - NULL. Call GetLastError() for more info
{ DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_API, Handle, "InternetConnectA", "%#x, %q, %d, %#08x, %#x", hInternet, lpszServerName, nServerPort, dwFlags, dwContext ));
HINTERNET connectHandle = NULL; HINTERNET hInternetMapped = NULL;
BOOL bIsWorker = FALSE; BOOL bNonNestedAsync = FALSE; BOOL isAsync;
if (!GlobalDataInitialized) { error = ERROR_WINHTTP_NOT_INITIALIZED; goto done; }
// get the per-thread info block
lpThreadInfo = InternetGetThreadInfo(); if (lpThreadInfo == NULL) {
error = ERROR_WINHTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; }
_InternetIncNestingCount(); bIsWorker = lpThreadInfo->IsAsyncWorkerThread; bNonNestedAsync = bIsWorker && (lpThreadInfo->NestedRequests == 1);
// handle/refcount munging:
// sync:
// map hInternet on input (+1 ref)
// generate connect handle (1 ref)
// if failure && !connect handle
// close connect handle (0 refs: delete)
// if success
// deref hInternet (-1 ref)
// else if going async
// ref connect handle (2 refs)
// async:
// hInternet is mapped connect handle (2 refs)
// get real hInternet from connect handle parent (2 refs (e.g.))
// deref connect handle (1 ref)
// if failure
// close connect handle (0 refs: delete)
// deref open handle (-1 ref)
// N.B. the final deref of the *indicated* handle on async callback will
// happen in the async code
if (bNonNestedAsync) { connectHandle = hInternet; hInternetMapped = ((HANDLE_OBJECT *)connectHandle)->GetParent(); hInternet = ((HANDLE_OBJECT *)hInternetMapped)->GetPseudoHandle(); } else { error = MapHandleToAddress(hInternet, (LPVOID *)&hInternetMapped, FALSE); if ((error != ERROR_SUCCESS) && (hInternetMapped == NULL)) { goto quit; }
// set the info and clear the last error info
_InternetSetObjectHandle(lpThreadInfo, hInternet, hInternetMapped); _InternetClearLastError(lpThreadInfo);
// quit now if the handle object is invalidated
if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; }
// validate the handle & discover sync/async
error = RIsHandleLocal(hInternetMapped, NULL, &isAsync, TypeInternetHandle ); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; }
// we allow all valid flags to be passed in
if ((dwFlags & ~WINHTTP_CONNECT_FLAGS_MASK) || (lpszServerName == NULL) || (*lpszServerName == '\0')) { error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto quit; } }
// validate arguments if we're not in the async thread context, in which
// case we did this when the original request was made
if (bNonNestedAsync) { pConnect = (INTERNET_CONNECT_HANDLE_OBJECT *)connectHandle; } else { //
// app thread or in async worker thread but being called from another
// async API, such as InternetOpenUrl()
INET_ASSERT(connectHandle == NULL); INET_ASSERT(error == ERROR_SUCCESS); error = RMakeInternetConnectObjectHandle( hInternetMapped, &connectHandle, (LPSTR) lpszServerName, nServerPort, dwFlags, dwContext ); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; }
// this new handle will be used in callbacks
_InternetSetObjectHandle(lpThreadInfo, ((HANDLE_OBJECT *)connectHandle)->GetPseudoHandle(), connectHandle );
// based on whether we have been asked to perform async I/O AND we are not
// in an async worker thread context AND the request is to connect with an
// FTP service (currently only FTP because this request performs network
// I/O - gopher and HTTP just allocate & fill in memory) AND there is a
// valid context value, we will queue the async request, or execute the
// request synchronously
pConnect = (INTERNET_CONNECT_HANDLE_OBJECT *)connectHandle; }
if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// success - return generated pseudo-handle
connectHandle = ((HANDLE_OBJECT *)connectHandle)->GetPseudoHandle();
} else { if (bNonNestedAsync && (/*((HANDLE_OBJECT *)connectHandle)->Dereference()
||*/ ((HANDLE_OBJECT *)connectHandle)->IsInvalidated())) { error = ERROR_WINHTTP_OPERATION_CANCELLED; }
// if we are not pending an async request but we created a handle object
// then close it
if ((error != ERROR_IO_PENDING) && (connectHandle != NULL)) {
// use _InternetCloseHandle() to close the handle: it doesn't clear
// out the last error text, so that an app can find out what the
// server sent us in the event of an FTP login failure
if (bNonNestedAsync) {
// this handle deref'd at async completion
hInternetMapped = NULL; } else { _InternetCloseHandle(((HANDLE_OBJECT *)connectHandle)->GetPseudoHandle()); } } connectHandle = NULL; } if (hInternetMapped != NULL) { DereferenceObject((LPVOID)hInternetMapped); } if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_ERROR(API, error); SetLastError(error); } DEBUG_LEAVE_API(connectHandle); return connectHandle; }
INTERNETAPI HINTERNET WINAPI InternetOpenUrlA( IN HINTERNET hInternet, IN LPCSTR lpszUrl, IN LPCSTR lpszHeaders OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwHeadersLength, IN DWORD dwFlags, IN DWORD_PTR dwContext ) { // this is dead code
return FALSE; }
INTERNETAPI BOOL WINAPI WinHttpReadData( IN HINTERNET hFile, IN LPVOID lpBuffer, IN DWORD dwNumberOfBytesToRead, OUT LPDWORD lpdwNumberOfBytesRead )
Routine Description:
This functions reads the next block of data from the file object.
hFile - handle returned from Open function
lpBuffer - pointer to caller's buffer
dwNumberOfBytesToRead - size of lpBuffer in BYTEs
lpdwNumberOfBytesRead - returned number of bytes read into lpBuffer
Return Value:
BOOL Success - TRUE
Failure - FALSE. Call GetLastError() for more info
{ DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_API, Bool, "WinHttpReadData", "%#x, %#x, %d, %#x", hFile, lpBuffer, dwNumberOfBytesToRead, lpdwNumberOfBytesRead ));
LPINTERNET_THREAD_INFO lpThreadInfo; DWORD nestingLevel = 0; DWORD error; BOOL success = FALSE; HINTERNET hFileMapped = NULL; DWORD bytesRead = 0; BOOL bEndRead = TRUE;
if (!GlobalDataInitialized) { error = ERROR_WINHTTP_NOT_INITIALIZED; goto done; }
lpThreadInfo = InternetGetThreadInfo(); if (lpThreadInfo == NULL) { INET_ASSERT(FALSE); error = ERROR_WINHTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; }
//INET_ASSERT(lpThreadInfo->Fsm == NULL);
_InternetIncNestingCount(); nestingLevel = 1;
error = MapHandleToAddress(hFile, (LPVOID *)&hFileMapped, FALSE); if ((error != ERROR_SUCCESS) && (hFileMapped == NULL)) { goto quit; }
// set the handle, and last-error info in the per-thread data block
// before we go any further. This allows us to return a status in the async
// case, even if the handle has been closed
if (!lpThreadInfo->IsAsyncWorkerThread) { PERF_LOG(PE_CLIENT_REQUEST_START, AR_INTERNET_READ_FILE, lpThreadInfo->ThreadId, hFile ); }
_InternetSetObjectHandle(lpThreadInfo, hFile, hFileMapped); _InternetClearLastError(lpThreadInfo);
// if MapHandleToAddress() returned a non-NULL object address, but also an
// error status, then the handle is being closed - quit
if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; }
BOOL isAsync; error = RIsHandleLocal(hFileMapped, NULL, &isAsync, TypeHttpRequestHandle); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { INET_ASSERT(FALSE); goto quit; }
// validate parameters
if (!lpThreadInfo->IsAsyncWorkerThread) { error = ProbeAndSetDword(lpdwNumberOfBytesRead, 0); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; } error = ProbeWriteBuffer(lpBuffer, dwNumberOfBytesToRead); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; }
*lpdwNumberOfBytesRead = 0;
} // end if (!lpThreadInfo->IsAsyncWorkerThread)
// just call the underlying API: return whatever it returns, and let it
// handle setting the last error
CFsm_ReadFile *pFsm;
pFsm = New CFsm_ReadFile(lpBuffer, dwNumberOfBytesToRead, lpdwNumberOfBytesRead );
if (pFsm != NULL) { HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT *pRequest = (HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT *)hFileMapped; if (isAsync && !lpThreadInfo->IsAsyncWorkerThread) { error = DoAsyncFsm(pFsm, pRequest); } else { pFsm->SetPushPop(TRUE); pFsm->Push(); error = DoFsm(pFsm); } } else { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
success = (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) ? TRUE : FALSE; bEndRead = FALSE;
if (bEndRead) { //
// if handleType is not HttpRequest or File then we are making this
// request in the context of an uninterruptable async worker thread.
// HTTP and file requests use the normal mechanism. In the case of non-
// HTTP and file requests, we need to treat the request as if it were
// sync and deref the handle
ReadFile_End(!lpThreadInfo->IsAsyncWorkerThread, success, hFileMapped, bytesRead, lpBuffer, dwNumberOfBytesToRead, lpdwNumberOfBytesRead ); }
if (lpThreadInfo && !lpThreadInfo->IsAsyncWorkerThread) {
PERF_LOG(PE_CLIENT_REQUEST_END, AR_INTERNET_READ_FILE, bytesRead, lpThreadInfo->ThreadId, hFile );
// if error is not ERROR_SUCCESS then this function returning the error,
// otherwise the error has already been set by the API we called,
// irrespective of the value of success
if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_ERROR(API, error); SetLastError(error); success = FALSE; }
DEBUG_LEAVE_API(success); return success; }
PRIVATE VOID ReadFile_End( IN BOOL bDeref, IN BOOL bSuccess, IN HINTERNET hFileMapped, IN DWORD dwBytesRead, IN LPVOID lpBuffer OPTIONAL, IN DWORD dwNumberOfBytesToRead, OUT LPDWORD lpdwNumberOfBytesRead OPTIONAL )
Routine Description:
Common end-of-read processing:
- update bytes read parameter - dump data if logging & API data requested - dereference handle if not async request
bDeref - TRUE if handle should be dereferenced (should be FALSE for async request)
bSuccess - TRUE if Read completed successfully
hFileMapped - mapped file handle
dwBytesRead - number of bytes read
lpBuffer - into this buffer
dwNumberOfBytesToRead - originally requested bytes to read
lpdwNumberOfBytesRead - where bytes read is stored
Return Value:
{ DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_INET, None, "ReadFile_End", "%B, %B, %#x, %d, %#x, %d, %#x", bDeref, bSuccess, hFileMapped, dwBytesRead, lpBuffer, dwNumberOfBytesToRead, lpdwNumberOfBytesRead ));
if (bSuccess) {
// update the amount of immediate data available only if we succeeded
((INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT *)hFileMapped)->ReduceAvailableDataLength(dwBytesRead);
if (lpdwNumberOfBytesRead != NULL) { *lpdwNumberOfBytesRead = dwBytesRead;
DEBUG_PRINT(API, INFO, ("*lpdwNumberOfBytesRead = %d\n", *lpdwNumberOfBytesRead ));
// dump API data only if requested
IF_DEBUG_CONTROL(DUMP_API_DATA) { DEBUG_DUMP_API(API, "Received data:\n", lpBuffer, *lpdwNumberOfBytesRead ); }
} if (dwBytesRead < dwNumberOfBytesToRead) {
DEBUG_PRINT(API, INFO, ("(!) bytes read (%d) < bytes requested (%d)\n", dwBytesRead, dwNumberOfBytesToRead ));
} }
// if async request, handle will be deref'd after REQUEST_COMPLETE callback
// is delivered
if (bDeref && (hFileMapped != NULL)) { DereferenceObject((LPVOID)hFileMapped); }
PERF_LOG(PE_CLIENT_REQUEST_END, AR_INTERNET_READ_FILE, dwBytesRead, 0, (!bDeref && hFileMapped) ? ((INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT *)hFileMapped)->GetPseudoHandle() : NULL );
DWORD CFsm_ReadFile::RunSM( IN CFsm * Fsm ) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_HTTP, Dword, "CFsm_ReadFile::RunSM", "%#x", Fsm ));
DWORD error; CFsm_ReadFile * stateMachine = (CFsm_ReadFile *)Fsm;
switch (Fsm->GetState()) { case FSM_STATE_INIT: case FSM_STATE_CONTINUE: error = ReadFile_Fsm(stateMachine); break;
break; }
return error; }
PRIVATE DWORD ReadFile_Fsm( IN CFsm_ReadFile * Fsm ) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_INET, Dword, "ReadFile_Fsm", "%#x", Fsm ));
CFsm_ReadFile & fsm = *Fsm; DWORD error = fsm.GetError();
if ((error == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (fsm.GetState() == FSM_STATE_INIT)) { error = HttpReadData(fsm.GetMappedHandle(), fsm.m_lpBuffer, fsm.m_dwNumberOfBytesToRead, &fsm.m_dwBytesRead, 0 ); if (error == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { goto quit; } } ReadFile_End(!fsm.GetThreadInfo()->IsAsyncWorkerThread, (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) ? TRUE : FALSE, fsm.GetMappedHandle(), fsm.m_dwBytesRead, fsm.m_lpBuffer, fsm.m_dwNumberOfBytesToRead, fsm.m_lpdwNumberOfBytesRead ); fsm.SetDone();
return error; }
DWORD CFsm_ReadFileEx::RunSM( IN CFsm * Fsm ) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_HTTP, Dword, "CFsm_ReadFileEx::RunSM", "%#x", Fsm ));
DWORD error; CFsm_ReadFileEx * stateMachine = (CFsm_ReadFileEx *)Fsm;
switch (Fsm->GetState()) { case FSM_STATE_INIT: case FSM_STATE_CONTINUE: error = ReadFileEx_Fsm(stateMachine); break;
break; }
return error; }
PRIVATE DWORD ReadFileEx_Fsm( IN CFsm_ReadFileEx * Fsm ) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_INET, Dword, "ReadFileEx_Fsm", "%#x", Fsm ));
CFsm_ReadFileEx & fsm = *Fsm; DWORD error = fsm.GetError();
if ((error == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (fsm.GetState() == FSM_STATE_INIT)) { fsm.m_dwNumberOfBytesToRead = fsm.m_lpBuffersOut->dwBufferLength; error = HttpReadData(fsm.GetMappedHandle(), fsm.m_lpBuffersOut->lpvBuffer, fsm.m_dwNumberOfBytesToRead, &fsm.m_dwBytesRead, (fsm.m_dwFlags & IRF_NO_WAIT) ? SF_NO_WAIT : 0 ); if (error == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { goto quit; } }
// if we are asynchronously completing a no-wait read then we don't update
// any app parameters - we simply return the indication that we completed.
// The app will then make another no-wait read to get the data
BOOL bNoOutput;
bNoOutput = ((fsm.m_dwFlags & IRF_NO_WAIT) && fsm.GetThreadInfo()->IsAsyncWorkerThread) ? TRUE : FALSE;
ReadFile_End(!fsm.GetThreadInfo()->IsAsyncWorkerThread, (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) ? TRUE : FALSE, fsm.GetMappedHandle(), bNoOutput ? 0 : fsm.m_dwBytesRead, bNoOutput ? NULL : fsm.m_lpBuffersOut->lpvBuffer, bNoOutput ? 0 : fsm.m_dwNumberOfBytesToRead, bNoOutput ? NULL : &fsm.m_lpBuffersOut->dwBufferLength ); fsm.SetDone();
return error; }
INTERNETAPI BOOL WINAPI WinHttpWriteData( IN HINTERNET hFile, IN LPCVOID lpBuffer, IN DWORD dwNumberOfBytesToWrite, OUT LPDWORD lpdwNumberOfBytesWritten )
Routine Description:
This function write next block of data to the internet file. Currently it supports the following protocol data:
hFile - handle that was obtained by OpenFile Call
lpBuffer - pointer to the data buffer
dwNumberOfBytesToWrite - number of bytes in the above buffer
lpdwNumberOfBytesWritten - pointer to a DWORD where the number of bytes of data actually written is returned
Return Value:
BOOL Success - TRUE
Failure - FALSE. Call GetLastError() for more info
{ DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_API, Bool, "WinHttpWriteData", "%#x, %#x, %d, %#x", hFile, lpBuffer, dwNumberOfBytesToWrite, lpdwNumberOfBytesWritten ));
LPINTERNET_THREAD_INFO lpThreadInfo; DWORD nestingLevel = 0; DWORD error; BOOL success = FALSE; BOOL fNeedDeref = TRUE; HINTERNET hFileMapped = NULL;
if (!GlobalDataInitialized) { error = ERROR_WINHTTP_NOT_INITIALIZED; goto done; }
lpThreadInfo = InternetGetThreadInfo(); if (lpThreadInfo == NULL) {
error = ERROR_WINHTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; }
_InternetIncNestingCount(); nestingLevel = 1;
error = MapHandleToAddress(hFile, (LPVOID *)&hFileMapped, FALSE); if ((error != ERROR_SUCCESS) && (hFileMapped == NULL)) { goto quit; }
// set the handle, and last-error info in the per-thread data block
// before we go any further. This allows us to return a status in the async
// case, even if the handle has been closed
_InternetSetObjectHandle(lpThreadInfo, hFile, hFileMapped); _InternetClearLastError(lpThreadInfo);
// if MapHandleToAddress() returned a non-NULL object address, but also an
// error status, then the handle is being closed - quit
if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; }
// validate handle and its type
BOOL isAsync; error = RIsHandleLocal(hFileMapped, NULL, &isAsync, TypeHttpRequestHandle); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { INET_ASSERT(FALSE); goto quit; }
// validate parameters - write length cannot be 0
if (!lpThreadInfo->IsAsyncWorkerThread) { if (dwNumberOfBytesToWrite != 0) { error = ProbeReadBuffer((LPVOID)lpBuffer, dwNumberOfBytesToWrite); if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { error = ProbeAndSetDword(lpdwNumberOfBytesWritten, 0); } } else { error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; } }
// # 62953
// If the authentication state of the handle is Negotiate,
// don't submit data to the server but return success.
// ** Added test for NTLM or Negotiate - Adriaanc.
if (pRequest->GetAuthState() == AUTHSTATE_NEGOTIATE) { *lpdwNumberOfBytesWritten = dwNumberOfBytesToWrite; error = ERROR_SUCCESS; success = TRUE; goto quit; }
CFsm_HttpWriteData *pFsm = New CFsm_HttpWriteData((LPVOID)lpBuffer, dwNumberOfBytesToWrite, lpdwNumberOfBytesWritten, 0, pRequest );
if (pFsm != NULL) { HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT *pRequest = (HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT *)hFileMapped; if (isAsync && !lpThreadInfo->IsAsyncWorkerThread) { error = DoAsyncFsm(pFsm, pRequest); } else { pFsm->SetPushPop(TRUE); pFsm->Push(); error = DoFsm(pFsm); } } else { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
// Don't Derefrence if we're going pending cause the FSM will do
// it for us.
if ( error == ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { fNeedDeref = FALSE; } success = (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) ? TRUE : FALSE;
if (hFileMapped != NULL && fNeedDeref) { DereferenceObject((LPVOID)hFileMapped); }
if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DEBUG_ERROR(API, error); SetLastError(error); }
return success; }
INTERNETAPI BOOL WINAPI WinHttpQueryDataAvailable( IN HINTERNET hFile, OUT LPDWORD lpdwNumberOfBytesAvailable )
Routine Description:
Determines the amount of data currently available to be read on the handle
hFile - handle of internet object
lpdwNumberOfBytesAvailable - pointer to returned bytes available
Return Value:
BOOL Success - TRUE
Failure - FALSE. Call GetLastError() for more info
{ DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_API, Bool, "WinHttpQueryDataAvailable", "%#x, %#x, %#x", hFile, lpdwNumberOfBytesAvailable ));
BOOL success; DWORD error; LPINTERNET_THREAD_INFO lpThreadInfo = NULL; HINTERNET hFileMapped = NULL; BOOL bDeref = TRUE;
if (!GlobalDataInitialized) { error = ERROR_WINHTTP_NOT_INITIALIZED; bDeref = FALSE; goto quit; }
// get the per-thread info block
lpThreadInfo = InternetGetThreadInfo(); if (lpThreadInfo == NULL) {
error = ERROR_WINHTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto quit; }
//INET_ASSERT(lpThreadInfo->Fsm == NULL);
// validate parameters
error = MapHandleToAddress(hFile, &hFileMapped, FALSE); if ((error != ERROR_SUCCESS) && (hFileMapped == NULL)) { goto quit; }
// set the handle values in the per-thread info block (this API
// can't return extended error info, so we don't care about it)
_InternetSetObjectHandle(lpThreadInfo, hFile, hFileMapped);
// if the handle is invalid, quit now
if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; }
// validate rest of parameters
error = ProbeAndSetDword(lpdwNumberOfBytesAvailable, 0); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; }
BOOL isAsync; error = RIsHandleLocal(hFileMapped, NULL, &isAsync, TypeHttpRequestHandle); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; }
// since the async worker thread doesn't come back through this API, the
// following test is sufficient. Note that we only go async if there is
// no data currently available on the handle
BOOL dataAvailable; dataAvailable = ((INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT *)hFileMapped)->IsDataAvailable();
BOOL eof; eof = ((INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT *)hFileMapped)->IsEndOfFile();
if (dataAvailable || eof) {
DWORD available;
available = ((INTERNET_HANDLE_OBJECT *)hFileMapped)->AvailableDataLength();
DEBUG_PRINT(API, INFO, ("%d bytes are immediately available\n", available ));
*lpdwNumberOfBytesAvailable = available; success = TRUE; goto finish; }
// sync path. wInternetQueryDataAvailable will set the last error code
// if it fails
CFsm_QueryAvailable *pFsm;
pFsm = New CFsm_QueryAvailable(lpdwNumberOfBytesAvailable, 0, NULL );
if (pFsm != NULL) { HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT *pRequest = (HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT *)hFileMapped; if (isAsync && !lpThreadInfo->IsAsyncWorkerThread) { error = DoAsyncFsm(pFsm, pRequest); } else { pFsm->SetPushPop(TRUE); pFsm->Push(); error = DoFsm(pFsm); } } else { error = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { success = TRUE; } else { if (error == ERROR_IO_PENDING) { bDeref = FALSE; } goto quit; }
DEBUG_PRINT_API(API, INFO, ("*lpdwNumberOfBytesAvailable (%#x) = %d\n", lpdwNumberOfBytesAvailable, *lpdwNumberOfBytesAvailable ));
if (bDeref && (hFileMapped != NULL)) { DereferenceObject((LPVOID)hFileMapped); }
if (lpThreadInfo) {
PERF_LOG(PE_CLIENT_REQUEST_END, AR_INTERNET_QUERY_DATA_AVAILABLE, *lpdwNumberOfBytesAvailable, lpThreadInfo->ThreadId, hFile );
DEBUG_LEAVE_API(success); return success;
SetLastError(error); success = FALSE;
goto finish; }
DWORD CFsm_QueryAvailable::RunSM( IN CFsm * Fsm ) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_HTTP, Dword, "CFsm_QueryAvailable::RunSM", "%#x", Fsm ));
DWORD error; CFsm_QueryAvailable * stateMachine = (CFsm_QueryAvailable *)Fsm;
switch (Fsm->GetState()) { case FSM_STATE_INIT: case FSM_STATE_CONTINUE: error = QueryAvailable_Fsm(stateMachine); break;
break; }
return error; }
PRIVATE DWORD QueryAvailable_Fsm( IN CFsm_QueryAvailable * Fsm ) { DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_INET, Dword, "QueryAvailable_Fsm", "%#x", Fsm ));
CFsm_QueryAvailable & fsm = *Fsm; DWORD error = fsm.GetError();
if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; }
pRequest = (HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT *)fsm.GetMappedHandle();
if (fsm.GetState() == FSM_STATE_INIT) { error = pRequest->QueryDataAvailable(fsm.m_lpdwNumberOfBytesAvailable); } if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pRequest->SetAvailableDataLength(*fsm.m_lpdwNumberOfBytesAvailable);
DEBUG_PRINT(INET, INFO, ("%d bytes available\n", *fsm.m_lpdwNumberOfBytesAvailable ));
fsm.SetApiData(*fsm.m_lpdwNumberOfBytesAvailable); }
if (error != ERROR_IO_PENDING) { fsm.SetDone(); }
return error; }
INTERNETAPI BOOL WINAPI InternetGetLastResponseInfoA( OUT LPDWORD lpdwErrorCategory, IN LPSTR lpszBuffer OPTIONAL, IN OUT LPDWORD lpdwBufferLength )
Routine Description:
This function returns the per-thread last internet error description text or server response.
If this function is successful, *lpdwBufferLength contains the string length of lpszBuffer.
If this function returns a failure indication, *lpdwBufferLength contains the number of BYTEs required to hold the response text
lpdwErrorCategory - pointer to DWORD location where the error catagory is returned
lpszBuffer - pointer to buffer where the error text is returned
lpdwBufferLength - IN: length of lpszBuffer OUT: number of characters in lpszBuffer if successful else size of buffer required to hold response text
Return Value:
BOOL Success - TRUE lpszBuffer contains the error text. The caller must check *lpdwBufferLength: if 0 then there was no text to return
Failure - FALSE Call GetLastError() for more information
{ DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_API, Bool, "InternetGetLastResponseInfoA", "%#x, %#x, %#x [%d]", lpdwErrorCategory, lpszBuffer, lpdwBufferLength, lpdwBufferLength ? *lpdwBufferLength : 0 ));
DWORD error; BOOL success; DWORD textLength; LPINTERNET_THREAD_INFO lpThreadInfo;
// validate parameters
if (IsBadWritePtr(lpdwErrorCategory, sizeof(*lpdwErrorCategory)) || IsBadWritePtr(lpdwBufferLength, sizeof(*lpdwBufferLength)) || (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpszBuffer) ? IsBadWritePtr(lpszBuffer, *lpdwBufferLength) : FALSE)) { error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto quit; }
// if the buffer pointer is NULL then its the same as a zero-length buffer
if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT(lpszBuffer)) { *lpdwBufferLength = 0; } else if (*lpdwBufferLength != 0) { *lpszBuffer = '\0'; }
lpThreadInfo = InternetGetThreadInfo(); if (lpThreadInfo == NULL) {
error = ERROR_WINHTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto quit; }
// there may not be any error text for this thread - either no server
// error/response has been received, or the error text has been cleared by
// an intervening API
if (lpThreadInfo->hErrorText != NULL) {
// copy as much as we can fit in the user supplied buffer
textLength = lpThreadInfo->ErrorTextLength; if (*lpdwBufferLength) {
LPBYTE errorText;
errorText = (LPBYTE)LOCK_MEMORY(lpThreadInfo->hErrorText); if (errorText != NULL) { textLength = min(textLength, *lpdwBufferLength) - 1; memcpy(lpszBuffer, errorText, textLength);
// the error text should always be zero terminated, so the
// calling app can treat it as a string
lpszBuffer[textLength] = '\0';
if (textLength == lpThreadInfo->ErrorTextLength - 1) { error = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else {
// returned length is amount of buffer required
textLength = lpThreadInfo->ErrorTextLength; error = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } } else {
DEBUG_PRINT(INET, ERROR, ("failed to lock hErrorText (%#x): %d\n", lpThreadInfo->hErrorText, GetLastError() ));
// user's buffer is not large enough to hold the info. We'll
// let them know the required length
INET_ASSERT(lpThreadInfo->ErrorTextLength == 0);
textLength = 0; error = ERROR_SUCCESS; }
*lpdwErrorCategory = lpThreadInfo->ErrorNumber; *lpdwBufferLength = textLength;
IF_DEBUG(ANY) { if ((error == ERROR_SUCCESS) || ((textLength != 0) && (lpszBuffer != NULL))) {
DEBUG_DUMP_API(API, "Last Response Info:\n", lpszBuffer, textLength );
} }
quit: success = (error == ERROR_SUCCESS); if (!success) { DEBUG_ERROR(API, error); SetLastError(error); }
return success; }