Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file contains the implementation of the HttpAddRequestHeadersA API.
The following functions are exported by this module:
HttpAddRequestHeadersA WinHttpAddRequestHeaders
Keith Moore (keithmo) 16-Nov-1994
Revision History:
Modified to make HttpAddRequestHeadersA remotable. madana (2/8/95)
#include <wininetp.h>
#include "httpp.h"
// private manifests
// functions
INTERNETAPI BOOL WINAPI HttpAddRequestHeadersA( IN HINTERNET hRequest, IN LPCSTR lpszHeaders, IN DWORD dwHeadersLength, IN DWORD dwModifiers )
Routine Description:
Appends additional header(s) to an HTTP request handle
hRequest - An open HTTP request handle returned by HttpOpenRequest()
lpszHeaders - The headers to append to the request. Each header must be terminated by a CR/LF pair.
dwHeadersLength - The length (in characters) of the headers. If this is -1L then lpszHeaders is assumed to be zero terminated (ASCIIZ)
dwModifiers - flags controlling operation. Can be one or more of:
HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD_IF_NEW - add the header, but only if it does not already exist. Index must be zero
HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD - if HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE is set, but the header is not found and this flag is set then the header is added, so long as there is a valid header-value
HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_COALESCE HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_COALESCE_WITH_SEMICOLON HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_COALESCE_WITH_COMMA - concatenate headers of same name. E.g. if we already have "Accept: text/html" then adding "Accept: text/*" will create "Accept: text/html, text/*"
HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE - replaces the named header. Only one header can be supplied. If header-value is empty then the header is removed
Return Value:
Success - TRUE The header was appended successfully
Failure - FALSE The operation failed. Error status is available by calling GetLastError()
{ DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_API, Bool, "HttpAddRequestHeadersA", "%#x, %.80q, %d, %#x", hRequest, lpszHeaders, dwHeadersLength, dwModifiers ));
DWORD error; HINTERNET hRequestMapped = NULL; DWORD nestingLevel = 0;
if (!GlobalDataInitialized) { error = ERROR_WINHTTP_NOT_INITIALIZED; goto done; }
// get the thread info
lpThreadInfo = InternetGetThreadInfo(); if (lpThreadInfo == NULL) { error = ERROR_WINHTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; }
// map the handle
error = MapHandleToAddress(hRequest, (LPVOID *)&hRequestMapped, FALSE); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; }
_InternetIncNestingCount(); nestingLevel = 1;
// validate handle
BOOL isLocal; BOOL isAsync;
error = RIsHandleLocal(hRequestMapped, &isLocal, &isAsync, TypeHttpRequestHandle ); if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto quit; }
// validate parameters
INET_ASSERT(!( (lpszHeaders == NULL) || (*lpszHeaders == '\0') || (dwHeadersLength == 0) || (dwModifiers & (HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAGS_MASK & ~VALID_ADD_FLAGS))) );
// BUGBUG - we should determine whether the app is trying to give us a bogus
// header, and whether the header conforms to the format:
// "<header>[:[ <value>]]"
if (dwHeadersLength == (DWORD)-1) { dwHeadersLength = (DWORD)lstrlen(lpszHeaders); } if (error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { error = wHttpAddRequestHeaders(hRequestMapped, lpszHeaders, dwHeadersLength, dwModifiers ); }
if (error != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
SetLastError(error); }
if (hRequestMapped != NULL) { DereferenceObject((LPVOID)hRequestMapped); }
return error == ERROR_SUCCESS; }
INTERNETAPI BOOL WINAPI WinHttpAddRequestHeaders( IN HINTERNET hRequest, IN LPCWSTR lpszHeaders, IN DWORD dwHeadersLength, IN DWORD dwModifiers )
Routine Description:
Appends additional header(s) to an HTTP request handle.
hHttpRequest - An open HTTP request handle returned by HttpOpenRequest().
lpszHeaders - The headers to append to the request. Each header must be terminated by a CR/LF pair.
dwHeadersLength - The length (in characters) of the headers. If this is -1L, then lpszHeaders is assumed to be zero terminated (ASCIIZ).
dwModifiers -
Return Value:
TRUE - The header was appended successfully.
FALSE - The operation failed. Error status is available by calling GetLastError().
{ DEBUG_ENTER_API((DBG_API, Bool, "WinHttpAddRequestHeaders", "%#x, %.80wq, %d, %#x", hRequest, lpszHeaders, dwHeadersLength, dwModifiers ));
if (!lpszHeaders || *lpszHeaders==L'\0' || !dwHeadersLength || ((dwHeadersLength == -1) ? IsBadStringPtrW(lpszHeaders, -1) : IsBadReadPtr(lpszHeaders, dwHeadersLength)) || (dwModifiers & (HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAGS_MASK & ~VALID_ADD_FLAGS))) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { MEMORYPACKET mpHeaders; ALLOC_MB(lpszHeaders, (dwHeadersLength==-1L ? 0 : dwHeadersLength), mpHeaders); if (mpHeaders.psStr) { UNICODE_TO_ANSI(lpszHeaders, mpHeaders); fResult = HttpAddRequestHeadersA(hRequest, mpHeaders.psStr, mpHeaders.dwSize, dwModifiers); } else { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } }
if (dwErr!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError(dwErr); DEBUG_ERROR(HTTP, dwErr); } DEBUG_LEAVE_API(fResult); return fResult; }
PUBLIC DWORD wHttpAddRequestHeaders( IN HINTERNET hRequest, IN LPCSTR lpszHeaders, IN DWORD dwHeadersLength, IN DWORD dwModifiers )
Routine Description:
Worker function to append additional header(s) to an HTTP request handle
hRequest - handle of HTTP request
lpszHeaders - pointer to buffer containing one or more headers
dwHeadersLength - length of lpszHeaders. Cannot be -1 at this stage
dwModifiers - flags controlling operation
Return Value:
Failure - ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER The header string(s) was bad after all
ERROR_WINHTTP_INCORRECT_HANDLE_STATE We can't add headers to this object at this time
ERROR_HTTP_HEADER_NOT_FOUND We were asked to replace a header, but couldn't find it
ERROR_HTTP_HEADER_ALREADY_EXISTS We were asked to add a header, only if one of the same name doesn't already exist. It does
{ //
// dwHeadersLength cannot be -1 or 0 at this stage. Nor can lpszHeaders be
INET_ASSERT(lpszHeaders != NULL); INET_ASSERT(dwHeadersLength != (DWORD)-1); INET_ASSERT(dwHeadersLength != 0);
DEBUG_ENTER((DBG_HTTP, Dword, "wHttpAddRequestHeaders", "%#x, %#x [%.80q], %d, %#x", hRequest, lpszHeaders, lpszHeaders, dwHeadersLength, dwModifiers ));
// get the underlying object and check that we can add headers
pRequest = (HTTP_REQUEST_HANDLE_OBJECT *)hRequest;
DWORD error;
DWORD offset; LPSTR header;
offset = 0; header = (LPSTR)lpszHeaders;
do {
// first time: ignore any empty strings; subsequent time: clean off any
// trailing line termination
while ((offset < dwHeadersLength) && ((lpszHeaders[offset] == '\r') || (lpszHeaders[offset] == '\n'))) { ++offset; } if (offset == dwHeadersLength) {
// even if app tried adding empty line(s), we return success
error = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; }
DWORD length; DWORD nameLength; DWORD valueLength; LPSTR value; BOOL done;
nameLength = 0; valueLength = 0; value = NULL;
// break the header into header-name, header-value pairs. Exclude CR-LF
// from the header-value (if present)
for (length = 0, header = (LPSTR)&lpszHeaders[offset]; offset < dwHeadersLength; ++length, ++offset) {
char ch = header[length];
if ((ch == '\r') || (ch == '\n')) {
// end of this particular header
break; } else if (ch == ':') { if (nameLength == 0) {
// found end of header name
nameLength = length; value = &header[length]; } } } if (length == 0) {
// empty string
continue; } else if (nameLength == 0) {
// entry consists of just header-name (e.g. "Accept[\r\n]")
nameLength = length; } else {
// find the start of the header-value
valueLength = (DWORD) (header + length - value);
// N.B. We are allowing any mixture of ':' and ' ' between header
// name and value, but this is probably not a big deal...
while ((*value == ':') || (*value == ' ') && (valueLength != 0)) { ++value; --valueLength; } } if (dwModifiers & (HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE | HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD_IF_NEW)) {
// replace or remove the header
error = pRequest->ReplaceRequestHeader( header, nameLength, value, valueLength, dwModifiers & HTTP_ADDREQ_INDEX_MASK, dwModifiers & HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAGS_MASK ); } else if (valueLength != 0) {
// add a single, unterminated header string to the request headers.
// Since these headers came from the app, we don't trust it to get
// the header termination right (number & type of line terminators)
// so we add it ourselves
error = pRequest->AddRequestHeader( header, nameLength, value, valueLength, dwModifiers & HTTP_ADDREQ_INDEX_MASK, dwModifiers & HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAGS_MASK ); } else {
// BUGBUG - we are adding headers, but the header-value is not
// present. This is a somewhat tricky situation because we
// we may have already added some headers, resulting in
// the app not really knowing which headers were good and
// which failed; additionally, one or more of the headers
// may have been added, increasing the apps confusion. The
// best way to handle this (if necessary) is to check the
// header name/value pairs w.r.t. the dwModifiers flags.
// HOWEVER, even then we can get into a state down here
// where we add a couple of headers, then fail...
error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } while (error == ERROR_SUCCESS);
return error; }