#ifndef _QUEUE_HPP_
#define _QUEUE_HPP_
// Ruler
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* The standard layout. */ /* */ /* The standard layout for 'hpp' files for this code is as */ /* follows: */ /* */ /* 1. Include files. */ /* 2. Constants exported from the class. */ /* 3. Data structures exported from the class. */ /* 4. Forward references to other data structures. */ /* 5. Class specifications (including inline functions). */ /* 6. Additional large inline functions. */ /* */ /* Any portion that is not required is simply omitted. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
#include "Global.hpp"
#include "Common.hpp"
#include "Lock.hpp"
#include "Vector.hpp"
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Constants exported from the class. */ /* */ /* The queue constants specify the initial size of the queue. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
CONST SBIT32 QueueSize = 1024;
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Queues and queue management. */ /* */ /* This class provides general purpose queues along with some */ /* basic management. The queues are optimized for very high */ /* performance on SMP systems. Whenever possible multiple */ /* items should added and removed from a queue at the same time. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
template <class TYPE,class LOCK=NO_LOCK> class QUEUE : public COMMON, public LOCK { //
// Private data.
SBIT32 MaxSize;
BOOLEAN Align; SBIT32 Mask;
SBIT32 Back; SBIT32 Front;
public: //
// Public functions.
QUEUE( SBIT32 NewMaxSize = QueueSize,BOOLEAN NewAlign = True );
BOOLEAN MultiplePopBackOfQueue ( SBIT32 Requested, TYPE Data[], SBIT32 *Size );
BOOLEAN MultiplePopFrontOfQueue ( SBIT32 Requested, TYPE Data[], SBIT32 *Size );
VOID MultiplePushBackOfQueue ( CONST TYPE Data[], CONST SBIT32 Size );
VOID MultiplePushFrontOfQueue ( CONST TYPE Data[], CONST SBIT32 Size );
BOOLEAN PeekBackOfQueue( TYPE *Data );
BOOLEAN PeekFrontOfQueue( TYPE *Data );
BOOLEAN PopBackOfQueue( TYPE *Data );
BOOLEAN PopFrontOfQueue( TYPE *Data );
VOID PushBackOfQueue( CONST TYPE & Data );
VOID PushFrontOfQueue( CONST TYPE & Data );
SBIT32 SizeOfQueue( VOID );
// Public inline functions.
INLINE BOOLEAN MultiplePopQueue ( SBIT32 Requested, TYPE Data[], SBIT32 *Size ) { return MultiplePopFrontOfQueue( Requested,Data,Size ); }
INLINE VOID MultiplePushQueue ( CONST TYPE Data[], CONST SBIT32 Size ) { MultiplePushBackOfQueue( Data,Size ); }
INLINE BOOLEAN PeekQueue( TYPE *Data ) { return PeekFrontOfQueue( Data ); }
INLINE BOOLEAN PopQueue( TYPE *Data ) { return PopFrontOfQueue( Data ); }
INLINE VOID PushQueue( CONST TYPE & Data ) { PushBackOfQueue( Data ); }
private: //
// Private functions.
VOID ExpandQueue( VOID );
// Disabled operations.
VOID operator=( CONST QUEUE & Copy ); };
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Class constructor. */ /* */ /* Create a new queue and prepare it for use. This call is */ /* not thread safe and should only be made in a single thread */ /* environment. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
template <class TYPE,class LOCK> QUEUE<TYPE,LOCK>::QUEUE ( SBIT32 NewMaxSize, BOOLEAN NewAlign ) : //
// Call the constructors for the contained classes.
Queue( NewMaxSize,1,CacheLineSize ) { #ifdef DEBUGGING
if ( NewMaxSize > 0 ) { #endif
// Setup the control information.
MaxSize = NewMaxSize;
Align = NewAlign; Mask = 0x7fffffff;
// Setup the queue so it is empty.
Back = 0; Front = 0;
// Compute the alignment mask.
if ( ((sizeof(TYPE) > 0) && (sizeof(TYPE) <= CacheLineSize)) && (PowerOfTwo( sizeof(TYPE) )) ) { Mask = ((CacheLineSize / sizeof(TYPE))-1); } #ifdef DEBUGGING
} else { Failure( "Size in constructor for QUEUE" ); } #endif
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Expand a queue. */ /* */ /* When a queue becomes full we need to expand it and to copy */ /* the tail end of the queue into the correct place. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
template <class TYPE,class LOCK> VOID QUEUE<TYPE,LOCK>::ExpandQueue( VOID ) { REGISTER SBIT32 Count; REGISTER SBIT32 NewSize = (MaxSize * ExpandStore);
// Expand the queue (it will be at least doubled).
Queue.Resize( NewSize );
// Copy the tail end of the queue to the correct
// place in the expanded queue.
for ( Count = 0;Count < Back;Count ++ ) { Queue[ (MaxSize + Count) ] = Queue[ Count ]; }
// Update the control information.
Back += MaxSize; MaxSize = NewSize; }
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Pop multiple items from the back of the queue. */ /* */ /* We remove multiple items from a queue and check to make sure */ /* that the queue has not wrapped. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
template <class TYPE,class LOCK> BOOLEAN QUEUE<TYPE,LOCK>::MultiplePopBackOfQueue ( SBIT32 Requested, TYPE Data[], SBIT32 *Size ) { REGISTER BOOLEAN Result;
// Claim an exclusive lock (if enabled).
// When running on SMP hardware it is very important
// to prevent multiple CPU fighting over the same memory.
// Most systems prevent multiple CPUs accessing a cache
// line at the same time. Here we modify the request
// to pop exactly the correct number of items to leave
// us on a cache line boundary.
if ( Align ) { REGISTER SBIT32 Spare = (Back & Mask);
if ( Requested > Spare ) { Requested -= Spare; Requested &= ~Mask; Requested += Spare; } }
// If there is enough elements in the current queue
// to extract without wrapping then just do a straight
// copy.
if ( ((Front <= Back) && (Front <= (Back - Requested))) || ((Front > Back) && ((Back - Requested) >= 0)) ) { REGISTER SBIT32 Count;
// We have verified that it is safe to remove all
// the requested elements with a straight copy.
for ( Count = 0;Count < Requested;Count ++ ) { Data[ Count ] = Queue[ -- Back ]; }
(*Size) = Requested;
Result = True; } else { REGISTER SBIT32 Count;
// It is not safe to remove all the elements from
// the array. Hence, I must remove them one at a
// time. This is tedious but should only happen
// occasionally.
for ( Count=0,(*Size)=0;Count < Requested;Count ++,(*Size) ++ ) { if ( Front != Back ) { //
// We have found an element so return it
// to the caller. However, lets we need
// to be careful about wrapping.
if ( Back <= 0 ) { Back = MaxSize; }
Data[ Count ] = Queue[ -- Back ]; } else { //
// We are out of queue elements so lets exit.
// However, we only return 'False' if we didn't
// find any elements at all.
Result = (Count != 0);
break; } } }
// Release any lock we claimed earlier.
return Result; }
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Pop multiple items from the front of the queue. */ /* */ /* We remove multiple items from a queue and check to make sure */ /* that the queue has not wrapped. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
template <class TYPE,class LOCK> BOOLEAN QUEUE<TYPE,LOCK>::MultiplePopFrontOfQueue ( SBIT32 Requested, TYPE Data[], SBIT32 *Size ) { REGISTER BOOLEAN Result;
// Claim an exclusive lock (if enabled).
// When running on SMP hardware it is very important
// to prevent multiple CPU fighting over the same memory.
// Most systems prevent multiple CPUs accessing cache
// lines at the same time. Here we modify the request
// to access exactly the correct number of items to leave
// us on a cache line boundary.
if ( Align ) { REGISTER SBIT32 Spare = ((Mask + 1) - (Front & Mask));
if ( Requested > Spare ) { Requested -= Spare; Requested &= ~Mask; Requested += Spare; } }
// If there is enough elements in the current queue
// to extract without wrapping then just do a straight
// copy.
if ( ((Front <= Back) && ((Front + Requested) <= Back)) || ((Front > Back) && ((Front + Requested) < MaxSize)) ) { REGISTER SBIT32 Count;
// We have verified that it is safe to remove all
// the requested elements with a straight copy.
for ( Count = 0;Count < Requested;Count ++ ) { Data[ Count ] = Queue[ Front ++ ]; }
(*Size) = Requested;
Result = True; } else { REGISTER SBIT32 Count; //
// It is not safe to remove all the elements from
// the array. Hence, I must remove them one at a
// time. This is tedious but should only happen
// occasionally.
for ( Count=0,(*Size)=0;Count < Requested;Count ++,(*Size) ++ ) { if ( Front != Back ) { //
// We have found an element so return it
// to the caller. However, lets we need
// to be careful about wrapping.
Data[ Count ] = Queue[ Front ++ ];
if ( Front >= MaxSize ) { Front = 0; } } else { //
// We are out of queue elements so lets exit.
// However, we only return 'False' if we didn't
// find any elements at all.
Result = (Count != 0);
break; } } }
// Release any lock we claimed earlier.
return Result; }
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Push multiple items onto the back of the queue. */ /* */ /* We add multiple items to a queue and check to make sure that */ /* the queue has not overflowed. If the queue has overflowed */ /* we double its size. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
template <class TYPE,class LOCK> VOID QUEUE<TYPE,LOCK>::MultiplePushBackOfQueue ( CONST TYPE Data[], CONST SBIT32 Size ) { //
// Claim an exclusive lock (if enabled).
// If there is enough space in the current queue
// for the new elements without wrapping then
// just do a straight copy.
if ( ((Front <= Back) && ((Back + Size) < MaxSize)) || ((Front > Back) && (Front > (Back + Size))) ) { REGISTER SBIT32 Count;
// We have verified that it is safe to copy
// all the new elements on to the end of the
// array. So lets do it and then we can exit.
for ( Count = 0;Count < Size;Count ++ ) { Queue[ Back ++ ] = Data[ Count ]; } } else { REGISTER SBIT32 Count;
// It is not safe to add the new elements to
// the end of the array so add them one at a
// time. This is tedious but should only happen
// occasionally.
for ( Count=0;Count < Size;Count ++ ) { //
// Add element to the queue. If necessary
// wrap round to the front of the array.
Queue[ Back ++ ] = Data[ Count ];
if ( Back >= MaxSize ) { Back = 0; }
// Verify that the queue is not full. If
// it is full then double its size and
// copy wrapped data to the correct position
// in the new array.
if ( Front == Back ) { ExpandQueue(); } } }
// Release any lock we claimed earlier.
ReleaseExclusiveLock(); }
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Push multiple items onto the front of the queue. */ /* */ /* We add multiple items to a queue and check to make sure that */ /* the queue has not overflowed. If the queue has overflowed */ /* we double its size. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
template <class TYPE,class LOCK> VOID QUEUE<TYPE,LOCK>::MultiplePushFrontOfQueue ( CONST TYPE Data[], CONST SBIT32 Size ) { //
// Claim an exclusive lock (if enabled).
// If there is enough space in the current queue
// for the new elements without wrapping then
// just do a straight copy.
if ( ((Front <= Back) && ((Front - Size) >= 0)) || ((Front > Back) && ((Front - Size) > Back)) ) { REGISTER SBIT32 Count;
// We have verified that it is safe to copy
// all the new elements on to the end of the
// array. So lets do it and then we can exit.
for ( Count = 0;Count < Size;Count ++ ) { Queue[ -- Front ] = Data[ Count ]; } } else { REGISTER SBIT32 Count;
// It is not safe to add the new elements to
// the end of the array so add them one at a
// time. This is tedious but should only happen
// occasionally.
for ( Count = 0;Count < Size;Count ++ ) { //
// Add element to the queue. If necessary
// wrap round to the back of the array.
if ( Front <= 0 ) { Front = MaxSize; }
Queue[ -- Front ] = Data[ Count ];
// Verify that the queue is not full. If
// it is full then double its size and
// copy wrapped data to the correct position
// in the new array.
if ( Front == Back ) { ExpandQueue(); } } }
// Release any lock we claimed earlier.
ReleaseExclusiveLock(); }
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Peek the back of the queue. */ /* */ /* We return the end of the queue but check to make sure */ /* that the queue is not empty. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
template <class TYPE,class LOCK> BOOLEAN QUEUE<TYPE,LOCK>::PeekBackOfQueue ( TYPE *Data ) { REGISTER BOOLEAN Result;
// Claim an exclusive lock (if enabled).
// If the queue contains at least one element then
// return a copy of the last element.
if ( Front != Back ) { //
// The 'Back' index points at the next free cell.
// So the last element is 'Back - 1'. However,
// when 'Back' is zero we need to wrap.
if ( Back > 0 ) { (*Data) = Queue[ (Back - 1) ]; } else { (*Data) = Queue[ (MaxSize - 1) ]; } Result = True; } else { Result = False; }
// Release any lock we claimed earlier.
return Result; }
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Peek the front of the queue. */ /* */ /* We return the front of the queue but check to make sure */ /* that the queue is not empty. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
template <class TYPE,class LOCK> BOOLEAN QUEUE<TYPE,LOCK>::PeekFrontOfQueue ( TYPE *Data ) { REGISTER BOOLEAN Result;
// Claim an exclusive lock (if enabled).
// If the queue contains at least one element then
// return a copy of the first element.
if ( Front != Back ) { (*Data) = Queue[ Front ]; Result = True; } else { Result = False; }
// Release any lock we claimed earlier.
return Result; }
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Pop an item from the back of the queue. */ /* */ /* We remove a single item from a queue and check to make sure */ /* that the queue has not wrapped. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
template <class TYPE,class LOCK> BOOLEAN QUEUE<TYPE,LOCK>::PopBackOfQueue ( TYPE *Data ) { REGISTER BOOLEAN Result;
// Claim an exclusive lock (if enabled).
// We make sure the queue is not empty.
if ( Front != Back ) { //
// We have found an element so return it to
// the caller. If we walk off the end of the
// queue then wrap to the other end.
if ( Back <= 0 ) { Back = MaxSize; }
(*Data) = Queue[ -- Back ];
Result = True; } else { Result = False; }
// Release any lock we claimed earlier.
return Result; }
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Pop an item from the front of the queue. */ /* */ /* We remove a single item from a queue and check to make sure */ /* that the queue has not wrapped. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
template <class TYPE,class LOCK> BOOLEAN QUEUE<TYPE,LOCK>::PopFrontOfQueue ( TYPE *Data ) { REGISTER BOOLEAN Result;
// Claim an exclusive lock (if enabled).
// We make sure the queue is not empty.
if ( Front != Back ) { //
// We have found an element so return it to
// the caller. If we walk off the end of the
// queue then wrap to the other end.
(*Data) = Queue[ Front ++ ];
if ( Front >= MaxSize ) { Front = 0; }
Result = True; } else { Result = False; }
// Release any lock we claimed earlier.
return Result; }
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Push an item onto the back of the queue. */ /* */ /* We add a single item to a queue and check to make sure that */ /* the queue has not overflowed. If the queue has overflowed */ /* we double its size. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
template <class TYPE,class LOCK> VOID QUEUE<TYPE,LOCK>::PushBackOfQueue ( CONST TYPE & Data ) { //
// Claim an exclisive lock (if enabled).
// Add element to the queue. If necessary wrap round
// to the front of the array.
Queue[ Back ++ ] = Data;
if ( Back >= MaxSize ) { Back = 0; }
// Verify that the queue is not full. If it is full then
// double its size and copy wrapped data to the correct
// position in the new array.
if ( Front == Back ) { ExpandQueue(); }
// Release any lock we claimed earlier.
ReleaseExclusiveLock(); }
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Push an item onto the front of the queue. */ /* */ /* We add a single item to a queue and check to make sure that */ /* the queue has not overflowed. If the queue has overflowed */ /* we double its size. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
template <class TYPE,class LOCK> VOID QUEUE<TYPE,LOCK>::PushFrontOfQueue ( CONST TYPE & Data ) { //
// Claim an exclisive lock (if enabled).
// Add element to the queue. If necessary wrap round
// to the back of the array.
if ( Front <= 0 ) { Front = MaxSize; }
Queue[ -- Front ] = Data;
// Verify that the queue is not full. If it is full then
// double its size and copy wrapped data to the correct
// position in the new array.
if ( Front == Back ) { ExpandQueue(); }
// Release any lock we claimed earlier.
ReleaseExclusiveLock(); }
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Calculate the size of the queue. */ /* */ /* Calculate the size of the queue and return it to the caller. */ /* This is only used when the size is needed in all other cases */ /* we just try to remove the elements in the queue. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
template <class TYPE,class LOCK> SBIT32 QUEUE<TYPE,LOCK>::SizeOfQueue( VOID ) { REGISTER SBIT32 Size;
// Claim a shared lock (if enabled).
// Compute the size of the queue.
Size = (Back - Front);
if ( Size < 0 ) { Size += MaxSize; }
// Release any lock we claimed earlier.
return Size; }
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Class destructor. */ /* */ /* Destory a queue. This call is not thread safe and should */ /* only be made in a single thread environment. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
template <class TYPE,class LOCK> QUEUE<TYPE,LOCK>::~QUEUE( VOID ) { /* void */ } #endif