// Ruler
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* The standard layout. */ /* */ /* The standard layout for 'cpp' files in this code is as */ /* follows: */ /* */ /* 1. Include files. */ /* 2. Constants local to the class. */ /* 3. Data structures local to the class. */ /* 4. Data initializations. */ /* 5. Static functions. */ /* 6. Class functions. */ /* */ /* The constructor is typically the first function, class */ /* member functions appear in alphabetical order with the */ /* destructor appearing at the end of the file. Any section */ /* or function this is not required is simply omitted. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
#include "LibraryPCH.hpp"
#include "Thread.hpp"
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Constants local to the class. */ /* */ /* The thread class keeps track of active threads. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
CONST SBIT32 ThreadsSize = 16;
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Data structures local to the class. */ /* */ /* When we start a thread we want to configure it. However, */ /* we no longer have access to the class information. Hence, */ /* we need a structure to pass over all of the interesting */ /* values to the new thread. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
typedef struct { BOOLEAN Affinity; VOLATILE SBIT16 *Cpu; NEW_THREAD Function; SBIT16 MaxCpus; VOID *Parameter; BOOLEAN Priority; HANDLE Running; HANDLE Started; THREAD *Thread; BOOLEAN Wait; } SETUP_NEW_THREAD;
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Static functions local to the class. */ /* */ /* The static functions used by this class are declared here. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
STATIC VOID CDECL NewThread( VOID *SetupParameter );
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Class constructor. */ /* */ /* Create a thread class and initialize it. This call is not */ /* thread safe and should only be made in a single thread */ /* environment. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
// Call the constructors for the contained classes.
Threads( ThreadsSize,NoAlignment,CacheLineSize ) { //
// The inital configuration.
Affinity = False; Cpu = 0; Priority = False; Stack = 0;
MaxThreads = ThreadsSize; ThreadsUsed = 0;
// This event is signaled when a thread is
// running.
if ( (Running = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL )) == NULL) { Failure( "Create event in constructor for THREAD" ); }
// This event is signaled when a new thread can
// be started.
if ( (Started = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, TRUE, NULL )) == NULL) { Failure( "Create event in constructor for THREAD" ); } }
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* End a thread. */ /* */ /* Delete the thread handle from the internal table and then */ /* terminate the thread. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
VOID THREAD::EndThread( VOID ) { UnregisterThread();
_endthread(); }
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Find a thread. */ /* */ /* Find a registered thread in the thread info table. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
SBIT32 THREAD::FindThread( SBIT32 ThreadId ) { REGISTER SBIT32 Count;
// Find a thread in the active thread list.
for ( Count=0;Count < ThreadsUsed;Count ++ ) { if ( ThreadId == Threads[ Count ].ThreadId ) { return Count; } }
return NoThread; }
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Start a new thread. */ /* */ /* When a new thread is created it executes a special initial */ /* function which configures it. When control returns to this */ /* function the thread is terminated. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
STATIC VOID CDECL NewThread( VOID *SetupParameter ) { AUTO SETUP_NEW_THREAD Setup = (*(SETUP_NEW_THREAD*) SetupParameter);
// Set the affinity mask to the next processor if requested.
if ( (Setup.Affinity) && (Setup.MaxCpus > 1) ) { REGISTER DWORD AffinityMask;
if ( (*Setup.Cpu) < Setup.MaxCpus ) { AffinityMask = (1 << ((*Setup.Cpu) ++)); } else { AffinityMask = 1; (*Setup.Cpu) = 1; }
if ( SetThreadAffinityMask( GetCurrentThread(),AffinityMask ) == 0 ) { Failure( "Affinity mask invalid in NewThread()" ); } }
// Set the priority to 'HIGH' if requested.
if ( Setup.Priority ) { SetThreadPriority( GetCurrentThread(),THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST ); }
// The thread is now so add it to the table
// executiong threads.
Setup.Thread -> RegisterThread();
// Wake up anyone who is waiting.
if ( Setup.Wait ) { SetEvent( Setup.Running ); }
SetEvent( Setup.Started );
// Call thread function.
Setup.Function( Setup.Parameter );
// The thread function has returned so exit.
Setup.Thread -> EndThread(); }
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Register the current thread. */ /* */ /* When a thread has created we can add the thread info to */ /* our internal table. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
VOID THREAD::RegisterThread( VOID ) { REGISTER SBIT32 ThreadId = GetThreadId();
// Claim a spinlock so we can update the
// thread table.
if ( FindThread( ThreadId ) == NoThread ) { AUTO HANDLE NewHandle; REGISTER HANDLE Process = GetCurrentProcess(); REGISTER HANDLE Thread = GetCurrentThread();
// We need to duplicate the handle so we get
// a real thread handle and not the pretend
// ones supplied by NT.
if ( DuplicateHandle ( Process, Thread, Process, & NewHandle, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS, False, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS ) ) { REGISTER THREAD_INFO *ThreadInfo;
// We may need to expand the table if there are
// a large number of threads.
while ( ThreadsUsed >= MaxThreads ) { Threads.Resize( (MaxThreads *= ExpandStore) ); }
// Add the thread handle to the table.
ThreadInfo = & Threads[ ThreadsUsed ++ ];
ThreadInfo -> Handle = NewHandle; ThreadInfo -> ThreadId = ThreadId; } }
// We are finished so release the lock.
Spinlock.ReleaseLock(); }
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Set thread stack size. */ /* */ /* Set thread stack size. This will cause all new threads to */ /* be created with the selected stack size. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
VOID THREAD::SetThreadStackSize( LONG Stack ) { #ifdef DEBUGGING
if ( Stack >= 0 ) { #endif
this -> Stack = Stack; #ifdef DEBUGGING
} else { Failure( "Stack size in SetThreadStack()" ); } #endif
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Start a new thread. */ /* */ /* Start a new thread and configure it as requested by the */ /* caller. If needed we will set the affinity and priority */ /* of this thread later. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
// Wait for any pending thread creations to
// complete.
while ( WaitForSingleObject( Started,INFINITE ) != WAIT_OBJECT_0 );
// Create a thread activation record.
Setup.Affinity = Affinity; Setup.Cpu = & Cpu; Setup.Function = Function; Setup.MaxCpus = NumberOfCpus(); Setup.Parameter = Parameter; Setup.Priority = Priority; Setup.Running = Running; Setup.Started = Started; Setup.Thread = this; Setup.Wait = Wait;
// Call the operating system to start the thread.
if ( _beginthread( NewThread,(unsigned) Stack,(VOID*) & Setup ) != NULL ) { //
// Wait for the thread to initialize is needed.
if ( Wait ) { //
// Wait for the thread to start to run.
while ( WaitForSingleObject( Running,INFINITE ) != WAIT_OBJECT_0 ); }
return True; } else { return False; } }
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Unregister the current thread. */ /* */ /* When a thread has terminated we can delete the thread */ /* info from our internal table. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
VOID THREAD::UnregisterThread( SBIT32 ThreadId ) { REGISTER SBIT32 Start;
// If no 'ThreadId' assume the current thread.
if ( ThreadId == NoThread ) { ThreadId = GetThreadId(); }
// Claim a spinlock so we can update the
// thread table.
// Search for the thread info to delete
// in the table.
if ( (Start = FindThread( ThreadId )) != NoThread ) { REGISTER SBIT32 Count;
// Close the handle to the thread and
// update the table size.
CloseHandle( Threads[ Start ].Handle );
ThreadsUsed --;
// Copy down the remaining thread info.
for ( Count=Start;Count < ThreadsUsed;Count ++ ) { Threads[ Count ] = Threads[ (Count+1) ]; } }
// We are finished so release the lock.
Spinlock.ReleaseLock(); }
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Wait for threads. */ /* */ /* Wait for all threads to finish and then return. As this may */ /* take a while an optional timeout may be supplied. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
BOOLEAN THREAD::WaitForThreads( LONG WaitTime ) { //
// Claim a spinlock so we can read the
// thread table.
while ( ThreadsUsed > 0 ) { REGISTER HANDLE Handle = (Threads[0].Handle); REGISTER SBIT32 ThreadId = (Threads[0].ThreadId); REGISTER DWORD Status;
// We are finished so release the lock.
// Wait for the first thread in the thread info
// table to terminate.
if ( (Status = WaitForSingleObject( Handle,(DWORD) WaitTime )) == WAIT_TIMEOUT ) { return False; }
// We have woken up the thread must of terminated
// or the handle is bad in some way. In any case
// lets delete the handle and try to sleep again
// if there are any more active threads.
UnregisterThread( ThreadId );
// Claim a spinlock so we can read the
// thread table.
Spinlock.ClaimLock(); }
// We are finished so release the lock.
return True; }
/********************************************************************/ /* */ /* Class destructor. */ /* */ /* Destory the thread class. This call is not thread safe */ /* and should only be made in a single thread environment. */ /* */ /********************************************************************/
THREAD::~THREAD( VOID ) { if ( ! CloseHandle( Running ) || ! CloseHandle( Started ) ) { Failure( "Event handles in destructor for THREAD" ); } }