#include <wininetp.h>
#include "cookieprompt.h"
// checks a string to see if its a domain
BOOL IsStringADomain( LPCSTR pszString) { int iLength = 0; bool fLastCharWasDot = false;
while( pszString[iLength] != '\0') { if( fLastCharWasDot && pszString[iLength] == '.') return FALSE; fLastCharWasDot = pszString[iLength] == '.';
if( !(IsCharAlphaNumericA( pszString[iLength]) || pszString[iLength] == '.' || pszString[iLength] == '-')) { return FALSE; }
iLength++; }
return iLength > 0 ? TRUE : FALSE; }
LPCSTR FindMinimizedCookieDomainInDomain( LPCSTR pszDomain) { LPCSTR pMinimizedDomain = pszDomain + strlen( pszDomain);
do { pMinimizedDomain--; while( pszDomain < pMinimizedDomain && *(pMinimizedDomain-1) != L'.') { pMinimizedDomain--; } } while( !IsDomainLegalCookieDomainA( pMinimizedDomain, pszDomain) && pszDomain < pMinimizedDomain);
return pMinimizedDomain; }
CCookiePromptHistory::CCookiePromptHistory(const char *pchRegistryPath, bool fUseHKLM) {
_fUseHKLM = fUseHKLM; lstrcpyn(_szRootKeyName, pchRegistryPath, sizeof(_szRootKeyName)/sizeof(_szRootKeyName[0])); _hkHistoryRoot = NULL; }
CCookiePromptHistory::~CCookiePromptHistory() {
if (_hkHistoryRoot) { RegCloseKey(_hkHistoryRoot); _hkHistoryRoot = NULL; } }
HKEY CCookiePromptHistory::OpenRootKey() { HKEY hkey;
if (_hkHistoryRoot == NULL) { if (RegCreateKeyEx(_fUseHKLM ? HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE : HKEY_CURRENT_USER, _szRootKeyName, 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY | KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS, NULL, &hkey, NULL) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // if we aren't running in a service, we can cache the key
if (!GlobalIsProcessNtService) { if (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer((void**)&_hkHistoryRoot, (void*)hkey, NULL)) { // someone beat us in the race to fill in _hkHistoryRoot, close ours since we
// failed to set it into _hkHistoryRoot
RegCloseKey(hkey); hkey = _hkHistoryRoot; } } } else { hkey = NULL; } } else { // use the cached value
hkey = _hkHistoryRoot; }
return hkey; }
BOOL CCookiePromptHistory::CloseRootKey(HKEY hkeyRoot) { BOOL bClosedKey = FALSE;
if (hkeyRoot) { if (GlobalIsProcessNtService) { // we never cache the key when runnint in a service!
INET_ASSERT(_hkHistoryRoot == NULL);
RegCloseKey(hkeyRoot); bClosedKey = TRUE; } else { INET_ASSERT(_hkHistoryRoot == hkeyRoot); } }
return bClosedKey; }
Lookup user-decision for given host+policy combination. If "pchPolicyID" is NULL the decision applies regardless of policy. */ BOOL CCookiePromptHistory::lookupDecision(const char *pchHostName, const char *pchPolicyID, unsigned long *pdwDecision) {
if (SUCCEEDED( UrlUnescape( (LPSTR)pchHostName, szBuffer, &dwBufferSize, 0)) // forced LPSTR conv necessary because COULD be inplace unescape
&& IsStringADomain( szBuffer)) { HKEY hkHistoryRoot = OpenRootKey();
if (hSiteKey = lookupSiteKey(hkHistoryRoot, FindMinimizedCookieDomainInDomain(szBuffer))) {
DWORD dwType, dwCookieState; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(dwCookieState);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hSiteKey, pchPolicyID, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwCookieState, &dwSize) && (dwType==REG_DWORD)) {
*pdwDecision = dwCookieState; fRet = TRUE; }
RegCloseKey(hSiteKey); }
CloseRootKey(hkHistoryRoot); }
//commented code - legacy design where we allowed rules on a non-minimized domain
// while (pchHostName && !fRet)
// {
// if (hSiteKey=lookupSiteKey(pchHostName)) {
// DWORD dwType, dwCookieState;
// DWORD dwSize = sizeof(dwCookieState);
// if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegQueryValueEx(hSiteKey, pchPolicyID, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE) &dwCookieState, &dwSize)
// && (dwType==REG_DWORD)) {
// *pdwDecision = dwCookieState;
// fRet = TRUE;
// }
// RegCloseKey(hSiteKey);
// }
// /* Find and skip over next dot if there is one */
// if (pchHostName = strchr(pchHostName, '.'))
// pchHostName++;
// }
return fRet; }
Save user-decision for given host+policy combination. If "pchPolicyID" is NULL the decision applies to all policies */ BOOL CCookiePromptHistory::saveDecision(const char *pchHostName, const char *pszPolicyID, unsigned long dwDecision) {
if (SUCCEEDED( UrlUnescape( (LPSTR)pchHostName, szBuffer, &dwBufferSize, 0)) // forced LPSTR conv necessary because COULD be inplace unescape
&& IsStringADomain( szBuffer)) { HKEY hkHistoryRoot = OpenRootKey();
if (hSiteKey = lookupSiteKey(hkHistoryRoot, FindMinimizedCookieDomainInDomain( szBuffer), true)) { if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegSetValueEx(hSiteKey, pszPolicyID, 0, REG_DWORD, (LPBYTE) &dwDecision, sizeof(dwDecision))) fRet = TRUE;
RegCloseKey(hSiteKey); }
CloseRootKey(hkHistoryRoot); }
return fRet; }
Clear previously saved decision for given hostname+policy combination. If the policy-ID is "*" all decisions about the site are cleared. */ BOOL CCookiePromptHistory::clearDecision(const char *pchHostName, const char *pchPolicyID) {
BOOL fRet = FALSE; int error = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hkHistoryRoot = OpenRootKey();
if ( pchPolicyID != NULL && !strcmp(pchPolicyID, "*")) { error = SHDeleteKey(hkHistoryRoot, pchHostName); } else if (HKEY hSiteKey = lookupSiteKey(hkHistoryRoot, pchHostName, false)) {
error = RegDeleteValue(hSiteKey, pchPolicyID); RegCloseKey(hSiteKey); }
/* If neither of the previous conditionals were TRUE, then there is
no decision corresponding to that hostname */ return (error==ERROR_SUCCESS); }
HKEY CCookiePromptHistory::lookupSiteKey(HKEY hkHistoryRoot, const char *pchHostName, bool fCreate) {
HKEY hSiteKey = NULL;
if (hkHistoryRoot) { LONG error;
if (fCreate) { RegCreateKeyEx(hkHistoryRoot, pchHostName, 0, NULL, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_SET_VALUE, NULL, &hSiteKey, NULL); } else { RegOpenKeyEx(hkHistoryRoot, pchHostName, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE | KEY_SET_VALUE, &hSiteKey); } }
return hSiteKey; }
BOOL CCookiePromptHistory::clearAll() {
DWORD dwIndex = 0; DWORD dwRet; HKEY hkHistoryRoot = OpenRootKey();
do {
FILETIME ft; char achHostName[INTERNET_MAX_HOST_NAME_LENGTH]; DWORD dwNameLen = sizeof(achHostName);
dwRet = RegEnumKeyEx(hkHistoryRoot, dwIndex, achHostName, & dwNameLen, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ft);
if (dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (SHDeleteKey(hkHistoryRoot, achHostName) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwIndex++; } } } while (dwRet == ERROR_SUCCESS);
return TRUE; }
unsigned long CCookiePromptHistory::enumerateDecisions(char *pchSiteName, unsigned long *pcbName, unsigned long *pdwDecision, unsigned long dwIndex) {
FILETIME ft; HKEY hkHistoryRoot = OpenRootKey();
DWORD dwRet = RegEnumKeyEx(hkHistoryRoot, dwIndex, pchSiteName, pcbName, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ft);
if (dwRet==ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (HKEY hSiteKey = lookupSiteKey(hkHistoryRoot, pchSiteName, false)) {
DWORD dwType; DWORD dwSize = sizeof(DWORD);
dwRet = RegQueryValueEx(hSiteKey, NULL, 0, &dwType, (LPBYTE) pdwDecision, &dwSize); RegCloseKey(hSiteKey); } else { dwRet = ERROR_NO_DATA; } } CloseRootKey(hkHistoryRoot);
return dwRet; }
Exported APIs for manipulating per-site cookie settings */ extern CCookiePromptHistory cookieUIhistory;
BOOL DeletePersistentCookies(const char *pszDomainSuffix);
INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetSetPerSiteCookieDecisionA( IN LPCSTR pchHostName, DWORD dwDecision) { BOOL retVal = FALSE; if( !pchHostName || IsBadStringPtr(pchHostName, INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH)) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
if( dwDecision == COOKIE_STATE_UNKNOWN) { retVal = cookieUIhistory.clearDecision( pchHostName, "*"); } else if ( (dwDecision == COOKIE_STATE_ACCEPT) || (dwDecision == COOKIE_STATE_REJECT)) { retVal = cookieUIhistory.saveDecision( pchHostName, NULL, dwDecision);
/* side-effect: choosing to reject all future cookies for a given website
implicitly deletes existing cache cookies from that site*/ if (dwDecision==COOKIE_STATE_REJECT) DeletePersistentCookies(pchHostName); }
return retVal; }
INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetSetPerSiteCookieDecisionW( IN LPCWSTR pwchHostName, DWORD dwDecision) { if( !pwchHostName || IsBadStringPtrW( pwchHostName, INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH)) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; } MEMORYPACKET mpHostName; ALLOC_MB(pwchHostName,0,mpHostName); if (!mpHostName.psStr) { return FALSE; } UNICODE_TO_ANSI(pwchHostName, mpHostName);
return InternetSetPerSiteCookieDecisionA( mpHostName.psStr, dwDecision); }
INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetGetPerSiteCookieDecisionA( IN LPCSTR pchHostName, unsigned long* pResult) { if( IsBadWritePtr( pResult, sizeof(unsigned long)) || !pchHostName || IsBadStringPtr(pchHostName, INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH)) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
return cookieUIhistory.lookupDecision( pchHostName, NULL, pResult); }
INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetGetPerSiteCookieDecisionW( IN LPCWSTR pwchHostName, unsigned long* pResult) { if( IsBadWritePtr( pResult, sizeof(unsigned long)) || !pwchHostName || IsBadStringPtrW(pwchHostName, INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH)) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
MEMORYPACKET mpHostName; ALLOC_MB(pwchHostName,0,mpHostName); if (!mpHostName.psStr) { return FALSE; } UNICODE_TO_ANSI(pwchHostName, mpHostName);
return InternetGetPerSiteCookieDecisionA( mpHostName.psStr, pResult); }
INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecisionA(OUT LPSTR pszSiteName, IN OUT unsigned long *pcSiteNameSize, OUT unsigned long *pdwDecision, IN unsigned long dwIndex) {
if( !pcSiteNameSize || IsBadWritePtr( pcSiteNameSize, sizeof(DWORD))) { goto doneInternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecisionA; }
if( !pszSiteName || IsBadWritePtr( pszSiteName, *pcSiteNameSize)) { goto doneInternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecisionA; }
if( !pdwDecision || IsBadWritePtr(pdwDecision, sizeof(DWORD))) { goto doneInternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecisionA; }
error = cookieUIhistory.enumerateDecisions(pszSiteName, pcSiteNameSize, pdwDecision, dwIndex);
if( error == ERROR_SUCCESS) *pcSiteNameSize += 1; // reg function doesn't count null terminator in size, it should
doneInternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecisionA: if (error!=ERROR_SUCCESS) SetLastError(error);
return (error==ERROR_SUCCESS); }
INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecisionW(LPWSTR pwszSiteName, unsigned long *pcSiteNameSize, unsigned long *pdwDecision, unsigned long dwIndex) {
if( !pcSiteNameSize || IsBadWritePtr( pcSiteNameSize, sizeof(DWORD))) goto cleanup;
if( !pwszSiteName || IsBadWritePtr( pwszSiteName, *pcSiteNameSize * sizeof(WCHAR))) goto cleanup;
if( !pdwDecision || IsBadWritePtr( pdwDecision, sizeof(DWORD))) goto cleanup;
pszSiteName = new char[*pcSiteNameSize]; if( !pszSiteName) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto cleanup; }
fRet = InternetEnumPerSiteCookieDecisionA( pszSiteName, pcSiteNameSize, pdwDecision, dwIndex);
if (fRet) { SHAnsiToUnicode( pszSiteName, pwszSiteName, *pcSiteNameSize); }
cleanup: if (dwErr!=ERROR_SUCCESS) SetLastError(dwErr); if ( pszSiteName != NULL) delete [] pszSiteName;
return fRet; }
INTERNETAPI_(BOOL) InternetClearAllPerSiteCookieDecisions() { return cookieUIhistory.clearAll(); }
BOOL DeletePersistentCookies(const char *pszDomainSuffix) { BOOL bRetval = TRUE; DWORD dwEntrySize, dwLastEntrySize; LPINTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFOA lpCacheEntry; HANDLE hCacheDir = NULL; dwEntrySize = dwLastEntrySize = MAX_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO_SIZE; lpCacheEntry = (LPINTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFOA) new BYTE[dwEntrySize]; if( lpCacheEntry == NULL) { bRetval = FALSE; goto Exit; } lpCacheEntry->dwStructSize = dwEntrySize;
Again: if (!(hCacheDir = FindFirstUrlCacheEntryA("cookie:",lpCacheEntry,&dwEntrySize))) { delete [] lpCacheEntry; switch(GetLastError()) { case ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS: goto Exit; case ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER: lpCacheEntry = (LPINTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFOA) new BYTE[dwEntrySize]; if( lpCacheEntry == NULL) { bRetval = FALSE; goto Exit; } lpCacheEntry->dwStructSize = dwLastEntrySize = dwEntrySize; goto Again; default: bRetval = FALSE; goto Exit; } }
do { if (lpCacheEntry->CacheEntryType & COOKIE_CACHE_ENTRY) {
const char achEmpty[] = ""; const char *pszFind = NULL; const char *pszAtSign = strchr(lpCacheEntry->lpszSourceUrlName, '@');
The source URL for a cookie has the format: cookie:username@domain/path The logic for determining whether to delete the cookie checks for the following conditions on source URL: 1. presence of the @ sign 2. presence of argument passed in "pszDomainSuffix" as substring 3. the substring must occur after a dot or the @ sign (this avoids partial name matching on domains) 4. substring must occur as suffix, eg only at the end this happens IFF the match is followed by forward slash */ if (pszDomainSuffix==NULL || /* null argument means "delete all cookies" */ (pszAtSign && (pszFind=strstr(pszAtSign+1, pszDomainSuffix)) && (pszFind[-1]=='.' || pszFind[-1]=='@') && pszFind[strlen(pszDomainSuffix)]=='/')) DeleteUrlCacheEntryA(lpCacheEntry->lpszSourceUrlName); }
dwEntrySize = dwLastEntrySize; Retry: if (!FindNextUrlCacheEntryA(hCacheDir,lpCacheEntry, &dwEntrySize)) { delete [] lpCacheEntry; switch(GetLastError()) { case ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS: goto Exit; case ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER: lpCacheEntry = (LPINTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFOA) new BYTE[dwEntrySize]; if( lpCacheEntry == NULL) { bRetval = FALSE; goto Exit; } lpCacheEntry->dwStructSize = dwLastEntrySize = dwEntrySize; goto Retry; default: bRetval = FALSE; goto Exit; } } } while (TRUE);
Exit: if (hCacheDir) FindCloseUrlCache(hCacheDir); return bRetval; }