#include "stdafx.h"
#include "RemoteEnv.h"
#define MAX_ENV_VALUE_LEN 1024
#define REG_PATH_TO_SYSROOT TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion")
#define REG_PATH_TO_COMMON_FOLDERS TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion")
#define REG_PATH_TO_ENV TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment")
#define PATH_VARIABLE TEXT("Path")
#define ENV_KEYWORD_PROGRAMFILESDIR_X86 TEXT("ProgramFilesDir (x86)")
#define ENV_KEYWORD_COMMONFILESDIR_X86 TEXT("CommonFilesDir (x86)")
#define PROGRAMFILESX86_VARIABLE TEXT("ProgramFiles(x86)")
#define COMMONPROGRAMFILESX86_VARIABLE TEXT("CommonProgramFiles(x86)")
CRemoteExpandEnvironmentStrings::CRemoteExpandEnvironmentStrings() { m_pEnvironment = NULL; m_lpszUncServerName = NULL; return; }
CRemoteExpandEnvironmentStrings::~CRemoteExpandEnvironmentStrings() { DeleteRemoteEnvironment(); if (m_lpszUncServerName) { LocalFree(m_lpszUncServerName); m_lpszUncServerName = NULL; } return; }
BOOL CRemoteExpandEnvironmentStrings::NewRemoteEnvironment() { BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
// already have a cached one, use that...
if (m_pEnvironment) { bReturn = TRUE; } else { //
// Create a temporary environment, which we'll fill in and let RTL
// routines do the expansion for us.
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(RtlCreateEnvironment((BOOLEAN) FALSE,&m_pEnvironment)) ) { bReturn = FALSE; goto NewRemoteEnvironment_Exit; } SetOtherEnvironmentValues(&m_pEnvironment); SetEnvironmentVariables(&m_pEnvironment); bReturn = TRUE; }
NewRemoteEnvironment_Exit: return bReturn; }
void CRemoteExpandEnvironmentStrings::DeleteRemoteEnvironment() { if (m_pEnvironment != NULL) { RtlDestroyEnvironment(m_pEnvironment); m_pEnvironment = NULL; } return; }
BOOL CRemoteExpandEnvironmentStrings::IsLocalMachine(LPCTSTR psz) { CString szLocal; DWORD cch = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH + 1; BOOL bAnswer;
if (_tcsicmp(psz,_T("")) == 0) { // it's empty,
// yeah it's local machine
return TRUE; }
// get the actual name of the local machine
bAnswer = GetComputerName(szLocal.GetBuffer(cch), &cch); szLocal.ReleaseBuffer(); if ( !bAnswer ) return FALSE;
// compare and return
bAnswer = (szLocal.CompareNoCase( psz ) == 0); return bAnswer; }
BOOL CRemoteExpandEnvironmentStrings::SetMachineName(IN LPCTSTR szMachineName) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; DWORD dwSize = 0; LPTSTR lpszUncServerNameOriginal = NULL;
// free any previous thing we had...
if (m_lpszUncServerName) { // Make a copy of it before we delete it
dwSize = (_tcslen(m_lpszUncServerName) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR); lpszUncServerNameOriginal = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT,dwSize); if (lpszUncServerNameOriginal) { _tcscpy(lpszUncServerNameOriginal, m_lpszUncServerName); }
// free up anything we had before
LocalFree(m_lpszUncServerName); m_lpszUncServerName = NULL; }
if (_tcsicmp(szMachineName,_T("")) == 0) { bReturn = TRUE; goto CRemoteExpandEnvironmentStrings_Exit; }
// if it's the localmachine name
// then set it to NULL
// so that it will be treated as localmachine.
if (IsLocalMachine(szMachineName)) { m_lpszUncServerName = NULL; bReturn = TRUE; goto CRemoteExpandEnvironmentStrings_Exit; }
dwSize = (_tcslen(szMachineName) + 1 + 2) * sizeof(TCHAR); m_lpszUncServerName = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT,dwSize); if (m_lpszUncServerName) { // check if szMachineName already starts with "\\"
if (szMachineName[0] == _T('\\') && szMachineName[1] == _T('\\')) { _tcscpy(m_lpszUncServerName, szMachineName); } else { _tcscpy(m_lpszUncServerName, _T("\\\\")); _tcscat(m_lpszUncServerName, szMachineName); } bReturn = TRUE; }
// if the machine name is different from what it was before
// then delete the current environment if any...
if (m_lpszUncServerName && lpszUncServerNameOriginal) { if (0 != _tcsicmp(lpszUncServerNameOriginal,m_lpszUncServerName)) { DeleteRemoteEnvironment(); } } else { DeleteRemoteEnvironment(); }
CRemoteExpandEnvironmentStrings_Exit: if (lpszUncServerNameOriginal) {LocalFree(lpszUncServerNameOriginal);lpszUncServerNameOriginal=NULL;} return bReturn; }
DWORD CRemoteExpandEnvironmentStrings::GetRegKeyMaxSizes( IN HKEY WinRegHandle, OUT LPDWORD MaxKeywordSize OPTIONAL, OUT LPDWORD MaxValueSize OPTIONAL ) { LONG Error; DWORD MaxValueNameLength; DWORD MaxValueDataLength;
Error = RegQueryInfoKey( WinRegHandle, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &MaxValueNameLength, &MaxValueDataLength, NULL, NULL ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == Error) { //
// MaxValueNameLength is a count of TCHARs.
// MaxValueDataLength is a count of bytes already.
MaxValueNameLength = (MaxValueNameLength + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
if (MaxKeywordSize) { *MaxKeywordSize = MaxValueNameLength; } if (MaxValueSize) { *MaxValueSize = MaxValueDataLength; } }
return (Error); }
NET_API_STATUS CRemoteExpandEnvironmentStrings::RemoteExpandEnvironmentStrings( IN LPCTSTR UnexpandedString, OUT LPTSTR * ValueBufferPtr // Must be freed by LocalFree().
) /*++
Routine Description:
This function expands a value string (which may include references to environment variables). For instance, an unexpanded string might be:
This could be expanded to:
The expansion makes use of environment variables on m_lpszUncServerName, if given. This allows remote administration of the directory replicator.
m_lpszUncServerName - assumed to NOT BE EXPLICIT LOCAL SERVER NAME.
UnexpandedString - points to source string to be expanded.
ValueBufferPtr - indicates a pointer which will be set by this routine. This routine will allocate memory for a null-terminated string. The caller must free this with LocalFree() or equivalent.
Return Value:
--*/ { NET_API_STATUS ApiStatus = NO_ERROR; LPTSTR ExpandedString = NULL; DWORD LastAllocationSize = 0; NTSTATUS NtStatus;
// Check for caller errors.
if (ValueBufferPtr == NULL) { // Can't goto Cleanup here, as it assumes this pointer is valid
return (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } *ValueBufferPtr = NULL; // assume error until proven otherwise.
if (UnexpandedString == NULL) { ApiStatus = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto Cleanup; }
// This is probably just a constant string.
if (wcschr( UnexpandedString, _T('%') ) == NULL) { // Just need to allocate a copy of the input string.
DWORD dwSize = (_tcslen(UnexpandedString) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR); ExpandedString = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT,dwSize); if (ExpandedString == NULL) { ApiStatus = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; } else { RtlCopyMemory(ExpandedString, UnexpandedString, dwSize); }
// That's all, folks!
ApiStatus = NO_ERROR; //
// Otherwise, is this local? Maybe we can
// handle local expansion the easy (fast) way: using win32 API.
} else if (m_lpszUncServerName == NULL) {
DWORD CharsRequired = wcslen(UnexpandedString)+1; do {
// Clean up from previous pass.
if (ExpandedString){LocalFree(ExpandedString);ExpandedString = NULL;}
// Allocate the memory.
ExpandedString = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, CharsRequired * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (ExpandedString == NULL) { ApiStatus = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; } LastAllocationSize = CharsRequired * sizeof(TCHAR);
// Expand string using local env vars.
CharsRequired = ExpandEnvironmentStrings(UnexpandedString,ExpandedString,LastAllocationSize / sizeof(TCHAR)); if (CharsRequired == 0) { ApiStatus = (NET_API_STATUS) GetLastError(); goto Cleanup; }
} while ((CharsRequired*sizeof(TCHAR)) > LastAllocationSize);
ApiStatus = NO_ERROR;
// Oh well, remote expansion required.
} else { DWORD DataType; LONG Error; UNICODE_STRING ExpandedUnicode; DWORD SizeRequired; UNICODE_STRING UnexpandedUnicode;
// Create a temporary environment, which we'll fill in and let RTL
// routines do the expansion for us.
if (FALSE == NewRemoteEnvironment()) { ApiStatus = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; } //
// Loop until we have enough storage.
// Expand the string.
SizeRequired = (_tcslen(UnexpandedString) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR); // First pass, try same size
RtlInitUnicodeString(&UnexpandedUnicode,(PCWSTR) UnexpandedString); do {
// Clean up from previous pass.
if (ExpandedString){LocalFree(ExpandedString);ExpandedString = NULL;}
// Allocate the memory.
ExpandedString = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, SizeRequired); if (ExpandedString == NULL) { ApiStatus = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto Cleanup; } LastAllocationSize = SizeRequired;
ExpandedUnicode.MaximumLength = (USHORT)SizeRequired; ExpandedUnicode.Buffer = ExpandedString;
NtStatus = RtlExpandEnvironmentStrings_U( m_pEnvironment, // env to use
&UnexpandedUnicode, // source
&ExpandedUnicode, // dest
(PULONG) &SizeRequired ); // dest size needed next time.
if ( NtStatus == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ) { continue; // try again with larger buffer.
} else if ( !NT_SUCCESS( NtStatus ) ) { ApiStatus = E_FAIL;; goto Cleanup; } else { break; // All done.
} while (SizeRequired > LastAllocationSize);
ApiStatus = NO_ERROR; }
Cleanup: if (ApiStatus == NO_ERROR) { *ValueBufferPtr = ExpandedString; } else { *ValueBufferPtr = NULL; if (ExpandedString){LocalFree(ExpandedString);ExpandedString = NULL;} }
return (ApiStatus); }
BOOL CRemoteExpandEnvironmentStrings::BuildEnvironmentPath(void **pEnv, LPTSTR lpPathVariable, LPTSTR lpPathValue) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING Name; UNICODE_STRING Value; WCHAR lpTemp[1025]; DWORD cb;
if (!*pEnv) { return(FALSE); } RtlInitUnicodeString(&Name, lpPathVariable); cb = 1024; Value.Buffer = (PWCHAR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!Value.Buffer) { return(FALSE); } Value.Length = (USHORT)(sizeof(WCHAR) * cb); Value.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(sizeof(WCHAR) * cb); Status = RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable_U(*pEnv, &Name, &Value); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { LocalFree(Value.Buffer); Value.Length = 0; *lpTemp = 0; } if (Value.Length) { lstrcpy(lpTemp, Value.Buffer); if ( *( lpTemp + lstrlen(lpTemp) - 1) != TEXT(';') ) { lstrcat(lpTemp, TEXT(";")); } LocalFree(Value.Buffer); } if (lpPathValue && ((lstrlen(lpTemp) + lstrlen(lpPathValue) + 1) < (INT)cb)) { lstrcat(lpTemp, lpPathValue);
RtlInitUnicodeString(&Value, lpTemp);
Status = RtlSetEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, &Name, &Value); } if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); }
DWORD CRemoteExpandEnvironmentStrings::ExpandUserEnvironmentStrings(void *pEnv, LPTSTR lpSrc, LPTSTR lpDst, DWORD nSize) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING Source, Destination; ULONG Length; RtlInitUnicodeString( &Source, lpSrc ); Destination.Buffer = lpDst; Destination.Length = 0; Destination.MaximumLength = (USHORT)(nSize* sizeof(WCHAR)); Length = 0; Status = RtlExpandEnvironmentStrings_U(pEnv, (PUNICODE_STRING)&Source, (PUNICODE_STRING)&Destination, &Length ); if (NT_SUCCESS( Status ) || Status == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { return( Length ); } else { return( 0 ); } }
BOOL CRemoteExpandEnvironmentStrings::SetUserEnvironmentVariable(void **pEnv, LPTSTR lpVariable, LPTSTR lpValue, BOOL bOverwrite) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING Name; UNICODE_STRING Value; DWORD cb; TCHAR szValue[1024];
if (!*pEnv || !lpVariable || !*lpVariable) { return(FALSE); } RtlInitUnicodeString(&Name, lpVariable); cb = 1024; Value.Buffer = (PTCHAR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (Value.Buffer) { Value.Length = (USHORT)cb; Value.MaximumLength = (USHORT)cb; Status = RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable_U(*pEnv, &Name, &Value); LocalFree(Value.Buffer); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && !bOverwrite) { return(TRUE); } } if (lpValue && *lpValue) {
// Special case TEMP and TMP and shorten the path names
if ((!_tcsicmp(lpVariable, TEXT("TEMP"))) || (!_tcsicmp(lpVariable, TEXT("TMP")))) {
if (!GetShortPathName (lpValue, szValue, 1024)) { lstrcpyn (szValue, lpValue, 1024); } } else { lstrcpyn (szValue, lpValue, 1024); }
RtlInitUnicodeString(&Value, szValue); Status = RtlSetEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, &Name, &Value); } else { Status = RtlSetEnvironmentVariable( pEnv, &Name, NULL); } return NT_SUCCESS(Status); }
// Reads the system environment variables from the registry
// and adds them to the environment block at pEnv.
BOOL CRemoteExpandEnvironmentStrings::SetEnvironmentVariables(void **pEnv) { WCHAR lpValueName[MAX_PATH]; LPBYTE lpDataBuffer; DWORD cbDataBuffer; LPBYTE lpData; LPTSTR lpExpandedValue = NULL; DWORD cbValueName = MAX_PATH; DWORD cbData; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwIndex = 0; HKEY hkey; BOOL bResult; HKEY RootKey = DEFAULT_ROOT_KEY;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegConnectRegistry((LPTSTR) m_lpszUncServerName,DEFAULT_ROOT_KEY,& RootKey )) { return(FALSE); }
if (RegOpenKeyExW(RootKey,REG_PATH_TO_ENV,REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,KEY_READ,& hkey)) { return(FALSE); }
cbDataBuffer = 4096; lpDataBuffer = (LPBYTE)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbDataBuffer*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (lpDataBuffer == NULL) { RegCloseKey(hkey); return(FALSE); } lpData = lpDataBuffer; cbData = cbDataBuffer; bResult = TRUE; while (!RegEnumValue(hkey, dwIndex, lpValueName, &cbValueName, 0, &dwType, lpData, &cbData)) { if (cbValueName) {
// Limit environment variable length
lpData[MAX_ENV_VALUE_LEN-1] = TEXT('\0');
if (dwType == REG_SZ) { //
// The path variables PATH, LIBPATH and OS2LIBPATH must have
// their values apppended to the system path.
if ( !_tcsicmp(lpValueName, PATH_VARIABLE) || !_tcsicmp(lpValueName, LIBPATH_VARIABLE) || !_tcsicmp(lpValueName, OS2LIBPATH_VARIABLE) ) {
BuildEnvironmentPath(pEnv, lpValueName, (LPTSTR)lpData); } else {
// the other environment variables are just set.
SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, lpValueName, (LPTSTR)lpData, TRUE); } } } dwIndex++; cbData = cbDataBuffer; cbValueName = MAX_PATH; }
dwIndex = 0; cbData = cbDataBuffer; cbValueName = MAX_PATH;
while (!RegEnumValue(hkey, dwIndex, lpValueName, &cbValueName, 0, &dwType, lpData, &cbData)) { if (cbValueName) {
// Limit environment variable length
lpData[MAX_ENV_VALUE_LEN-1] = TEXT('\0');
if (dwType == REG_EXPAND_SZ) { DWORD cb, cbNeeded;
cb = 1024; lpExpandedValue = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (lpExpandedValue) { cbNeeded = ExpandUserEnvironmentStrings(*pEnv, (LPTSTR)lpData, lpExpandedValue, cb); if (cbNeeded > cb) { LocalFree(lpExpandedValue); cb = cbNeeded; lpExpandedValue = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (lpExpandedValue) { ExpandUserEnvironmentStrings(*pEnv, (LPTSTR)lpData, lpExpandedValue, cb); } } }
if (lpExpandedValue == NULL) { bResult = FALSE; break; }
// The path variables PATH, LIBPATH and OS2LIBPATH must have
// their values apppended to the system path.
if ( !_tcsicmp(lpValueName, PATH_VARIABLE) || !_tcsicmp(lpValueName, LIBPATH_VARIABLE) || !_tcsicmp(lpValueName, OS2LIBPATH_VARIABLE) ) {
BuildEnvironmentPath(pEnv, lpValueName, (LPTSTR)lpExpandedValue); } else {
// the other environment variables are just set.
SetUserEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, lpValueName, (LPTSTR)lpExpandedValue, TRUE); }
} dwIndex++; cbData = cbDataBuffer; cbValueName = MAX_PATH; }
LocalFree(lpDataBuffer); RegCloseKey(hkey);
return(bResult); }
// SetEnvironmentVariableInBlock()
// Purpose: Sets the environment variable in the given block
// Parameters: pEnv - Environment block
// lpVariable - Variables
// lpValue - Value
// bOverwrite - Overwrite
// Return: TRUE if successful
// FALSE if an error occurs
// Comments:
// History: Date Author Comment
// 6/21/96 ericflo Ported
BOOL CRemoteExpandEnvironmentStrings::SetEnvironmentVariableInBlock(PVOID *pEnv, LPTSTR lpVariable,LPTSTR lpValue, BOOL bOverwrite) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING Name, Value; DWORD cb; LPTSTR szValue = NULL;
if (!*pEnv || !lpVariable || !*lpVariable) { return(FALSE); }
RtlInitUnicodeString(&Name, lpVariable);
cb = 1025 * sizeof(WCHAR); Value.Buffer = (PWSTR) LocalAlloc(LPTR, cb); if (Value.Buffer) { Value.Length = 0; Value.MaximumLength = (USHORT)cb; Status = RtlQueryEnvironmentVariable_U(*pEnv, &Name, &Value);
if ( NT_SUCCESS(Status) && !bOverwrite) { return(TRUE); } }
szValue = (LPTSTR)LocalAlloc(LPTR, 1024*sizeof(TCHAR)); if (!szValue) { return FALSE; }
if (lpValue && *lpValue) {
// Special case TEMP and TMP and shorten the path names
if ((!_tcsicmp(lpVariable, TEXT("TEMP"))) || (!_tcsicmp(lpVariable, TEXT("TMP")))) {
if (!GetShortPathName (lpValue, szValue, 1024)) { lstrcpyn (szValue, lpValue, 1024); } } else { lstrcpyn (szValue, lpValue, 1024); }
RtlInitUnicodeString(&Value, szValue); Status = RtlSetEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, &Name, &Value); } else { Status = RtlSetEnvironmentVariable(pEnv, &Name, NULL); }
LocalFree(szValue); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); }
// Just set the environmental variables that we can
// if we can't set them because of no access, no biggie
DWORD CRemoteExpandEnvironmentStrings::SetOtherEnvironmentValues(void **pEnv) { DWORD dwResult = ERROR_SUCCESS; HKEY hKey = NULL; HKEY RootKey = DEFAULT_ROOT_KEY; DWORD dwType, dwSize; TCHAR szValue[MAX_ENV_VALUE_LEN + 1]; TCHAR szExpValue[MAX_ENV_VALUE_LEN + 1]; DWORD RandomValueSize = 0; LPTSTR RandomValueW = NULL;
// try to connect to remote registry (or local registry if Null)
dwResult = RegConnectRegistry((LPTSTR) m_lpszUncServerName,DEFAULT_ROOT_KEY,& RootKey); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwResult) { goto SetOtherEnvironmentValues_Exit; }
dwResult = RegOpenKeyEx(RootKey,REG_PATH_TO_SYSROOT,REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,KEY_READ,&hKey); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwResult) { dwResult = GetRegKeyMaxSizes( hKey, NULL, // don't need keyword size
&RandomValueSize ); // set max value size.
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwResult) { goto SetOtherEnvironmentValues_Exit; }
RandomValueW = (LPTSTR) LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, RandomValueSize); if (RandomValueW == NULL) { dwResult = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { if (RegQueryValueEx(hKey,(LPTSTR)ENV_KEYWORD_SYSTEMROOT,REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE,&dwType,(LPBYTE) RandomValueW,&RandomValueSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetEnvironmentVariableInBlock(pEnv, ENV_KEYWORD_SYSTEMROOT, RandomValueW, TRUE); } }
if (hKey) {RegCloseKey(hKey);} }
dwResult = RegOpenKeyEx (RootKey, REG_PATH_TO_COMMON_FOLDERS, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ, &hKey); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwResult) { dwSize = (MAX_ENV_VALUE_LEN+1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
if (RegQueryValueEx (hKey, ENV_KEYWORD_PROGRAMFILESDIR, NULL, &dwType,(LPBYTE) szValue, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ExpandEnvironmentStrings (szValue, szExpValue, (MAX_ENV_VALUE_LEN+1)); SetEnvironmentVariableInBlock(pEnv, PROGRAMFILES_VARIABLE, szExpValue, TRUE); }
dwSize = (MAX_ENV_VALUE_LEN+1) * sizeof(TCHAR); if (RegQueryValueEx (hKey, ENV_KEYWORD_COMMONFILESDIR, NULL, &dwType,(LPBYTE) szValue, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ExpandEnvironmentStrings (szValue, szExpValue, (MAX_ENV_VALUE_LEN+1)); SetEnvironmentVariableInBlock(pEnv, COMMONPROGRAMFILES_VARIABLE, szExpValue, TRUE); }
dwSize = (MAX_ENV_VALUE_LEN+1)*sizeof(TCHAR); if (RegQueryValueEx (hKey, ENV_KEYWORD_PROGRAMFILESDIR_X86, NULL, &dwType,(LPBYTE) szValue, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ExpandEnvironmentStrings (szValue, szExpValue, (MAX_ENV_VALUE_LEN+1)); SetEnvironmentVariableInBlock(pEnv, PROGRAMFILESX86_VARIABLE, szExpValue, TRUE); }
dwSize = (MAX_ENV_VALUE_LEN+1)*sizeof(TCHAR); if (RegQueryValueEx (hKey, ENV_KEYWORD_COMMONFILESDIR_X86, NULL, &dwType,(LPBYTE) szValue, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ExpandEnvironmentStrings (szValue, szExpValue, (MAX_ENV_VALUE_LEN+1)); SetEnvironmentVariableInBlock(pEnv, COMMONPROGRAMFILESX86_VARIABLE, szExpValue, TRUE); } }
SetOtherEnvironmentValues_Exit: if (RootKey != DEFAULT_ROOT_KEY) {RegCloseKey(RootKey);} if (hKey) {RegCloseKey(hKey);} return dwResult; }