Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Definition of: CPool<T>, CStringPool, CHashTableElement<T>
Implementation of: CHashTable<T>
Mohit Srivastava 10-Nov-2000
Revision History:
#ifndef _hashtable_h_
#define _hashtable_h_
#include <lkrhash.h>
// This is an array of pointers to arrays (aka buckets).
// -You pass the size of the first bucket to Initialize.
// -When first bucket is full, a new bucket is created
// that is twice as big as the last one.
// -When the array itself is full, it is doubled and the
// bucket pointers from the old array are copied. Then
// the old array is cleaned up.
template <class T> class CPool { public: CPool() : m_bInitCalled(false), m_bInitSuccessful(false), m_apBuckets(NULL), m_iArrayPosition(0), m_iArraySize(0), m_iCurrentBucketPosition(0), m_iCurrentBucketSize(0), m_iFirstBucketSize(0) {} ~CPool() { for(ULONG i = 0; i < m_iArrayPosition; i++) { delete [] m_apBuckets[i]; } delete [] m_apBuckets; } HRESULT Initialize(ULONG i_iFirstBucketSize); HRESULT GetNewElement(T** o_ppElement); T* Lookup(ULONG i_idx) const; ULONG GetUsed() const { return (GetSize() - m_iCurrentBucketSize) + m_iCurrentBucketPosition; } ULONG GetSize() const { return (2 * m_iCurrentBucketSize - m_iFirstBucketSize); }
private: //
// Change this as necessary for best performance.
bool m_bInitCalled; bool m_bInitSuccessful;
ULONG m_iCurrentBucketPosition; ULONG m_iCurrentBucketSize; ULONG m_iFirstBucketSize;
ULONG m_iArraySize; ULONG m_iArrayPosition; T** m_apBuckets; };
// CArrayPool contains two pools.
// If a user calls GetNewArray with i <= size, then we serve request from fixedsize pool.
// If i > size, then we serve request from dynamic pool. In this case, we need to perform
// a new since the dynamic pool is a pool of ptrs to T.
template <class T, ULONG size> struct CArrayPoolEntry { T m_data[size]; };
template <class T, ULONG size> class CArrayPool { public: CArrayPool() {} virtual ~CArrayPool() { T* pElem; for(ULONG i = 0; i < m_PoolDynamic.GetUsed(); i++) { pElem = *m_PoolDynamic.Lookup(i); delete [] pElem; } } HRESULT Initialize(); HRESULT GetNewArray(ULONG i_cElem, T** o_ppElem); T* Lookup(ULONG i_idx) const;
protected: CPool< CArrayPoolEntry<T, size> > m_PoolFixedSize; CPool< T * > m_PoolDynamic;
private: //
// This is passed to constructor of the embedded CPools.
static const FIRST_BUCKET_SIZE = 10; };
class CStringPool: public CArrayPool<wchar_t, ::STRING_POOL_STRING_SIZE> { public: void ToConsole() const; HRESULT GetNewString(LPCWSTR i_wsz, LPWSTR* o_pwsz); HRESULT GetNewString(LPCWSTR i_wsz, ULONG i_cch, LPWSTR* o_pwsz); };
template <class T> class CHashTableElement { public: LPWSTR m_wszKey; T m_data; ULONG m_idx; };
template <class T> class CHashTable : public CTypedHashTable<CHashTable, const CHashTableElement<T>, const WCHAR*> { public: CHashTable() : CTypedHashTable<CHashTable, const CHashTableElement<T>, const WCHAR*>("IISWMI") { m_idxCur = 0; }
~CHashTable() { }
public: //
// These 4 functions are callbacks and must be implemented.
// The user of CHashTable should NOT call these explicitly.
static const WCHAR* ExtractKey( const CHashTableElement<T>* i_pElem) { return i_pElem->m_wszKey; } static DWORD CalcKeyHash( const WCHAR* i_wszKey) { return HashStringNoCase(i_wszKey); } static bool EqualKeys( const WCHAR* i_wszKey1, const WCHAR* i_wszKey2) { return ( _wcsicmp( i_wszKey1, i_wszKey2 ) == 0 ); } static void AddRefRecord( const CHashTableElement<T>* i_pElem, int i_iIncrementAmount) { //
// do nothing
// The following functions are the functions that the user should
// actually call.
HRESULT Wmi_Initialize() { return m_pool.Initialize(HASH_TABLE_POOL_SIZE); }
HRESULT Wmi_Insert(LPWSTR i_wszKey, T i_DataNew) { DBG_ASSERT(i_wszKey != NULL);
CHashTableElement<T>* pElementNew;
hr = m_pool.GetNewElement(&pElementNew); if(FAILED(hr)) { goto exit; }
pElementNew->m_data = i_DataNew; pElementNew->m_wszKey = i_wszKey; pElementNew->m_idx = m_idxCur;
lkrc = InsertRecord(pElementNew); if(lkrc != LK_SUCCESS) { hr = Wmi_LKRToHR(lkrc); goto exit; }
exit: if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_idxCur++; } return hr; }
HRESULT Wmi_GetByKey(LPCWSTR i_wszKey, T* o_pData, ULONG *o_idx) { DBG_ASSERT(i_wszKey != NULL); DBG_ASSERT(o_pData != NULL);
*o_pData = NULL;
HRESULT hr = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; LK_RETCODE lkrc; const CHashTableElement<T>* pElem = NULL;
lkrc = FindKey(i_wszKey, &pElem); if(lkrc != LK_SUCCESS) { hr = Wmi_LKRToHR(lkrc); return hr; }
*o_pData = pElem->m_data; if(o_idx != NULL) { *o_idx = pElem->m_idx; } return hr; }
HRESULT Wmi_GetByKey(LPCWSTR i_wszKey, T* o_pData) { return Wmi_GetByKey(i_wszKey, o_pData, NULL); }
HRESULT Wmi_LKRToHR(LK_RETCODE i_lkrc) { if(i_lkrc == LK_SUCCESS) { return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR; }
switch(i_lkrc) { case LK_ALLOC_FAIL: return WBEM_E_OUT_OF_MEMORY; default: return E_FAIL; } }
ULONG Wmi_GetNumElements() { CLKRHashTableStats stats; stats = GetStatistics(); DBG_ASSERT(stats.RecordCount == m_idxCur); return m_idxCur; }
private: CPool< CHashTableElement<T> > m_pool; ULONG m_idxCur; };
#endif // _hashtable_h_