Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the implementation of the block memory manager
Keith Lau (keithlau@microsoft.com)
Revision History:
keithlau 02/27/98 created
#include "windows.h"
#include "dbgtrace.h"
#include "filehc.h"
#include "signatur.h"
#include "blockmgr.h"
// I really wanted to keep the memory manager completely independent from
// the rest of the stuff, but I realized it makes more sense to have the
// memory manager be aware of the IMailMsgPropertyStream so hrer goes ...
// If you remove CommitDirtyBlocks, you can get rid of the include below.
#include "mailmsg.h"
// A commit writes the entire stream, but possibly using several iterations.
// This specifies how many blocks to write in each iteration.
// Global (set by registry key) indicating that property pages be filled with
// a byte pattern after allocation
extern DWORD g_fFillPropertyPages;
/***************************************************************************/ // Debug stuff
#ifndef _ASSERT
#define _ASSERT(x) if (!(x)) DebugBreak()
HRESULT SetAllocationBoundary( FLAT_ADDRESS faOffset, LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE pNode ) { DWORD dwBit;
faOffset &= BLOCK_HEAP_PAYLOAD_MASK; faOffset >>= 2; dwBit = (DWORD)(faOffset & 7); faOffset >>= 3; pNode->stAttributes.rgbBoundaries[faOffset] |= (0x80 >> dwBit); return(S_OK); }
HRESULT VerifyAllocationBoundary( FLAT_ADDRESS faOffset, DWORD dwLength, LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE pNode ) { DWORD dwStartingBit; DWORD dwStartingByte; DWORD dwBitsToScan;
// 7f because we can start on a boundary and be perfectly cool
BYTE bStartingMask = 0x7f; BYTE bEndingMask = 0xff;
faOffset &= BLOCK_HEAP_PAYLOAD_MASK; faOffset >>= 2; // DWORD per bit
// Determine the start
// note : these casts are safe because the value in faOffset is
// only 10-bits (BLOCK_HEAP_PAYLOAD_MASK) at this point.
dwStartingBit = (DWORD)(faOffset & 7); dwStartingByte = (DWORD)(faOffset >> 3); bStartingMask >>= dwStartingBit;
// Determine the number of bits to scan, each bit corresponds
// to a DWORD, rounded up to next DWORD
dwBitsToScan = dwLength + 3; dwBitsToScan >>= 2;
// Scan it
// Case 1: Start and End bits within the same byte
if ((dwStartingBit + dwBitsToScan) <= 8) { DWORD dwBitsFromRight = 8 - (dwStartingBit + dwBitsToScan); bEndingMask <<= dwBitsFromRight;
bStartingMask = bStartingMask & bEndingMask;
if (pNode->stAttributes.rgbBoundaries[dwStartingByte] & bStartingMask) return(TYPE_E_OUTOFBOUNDS); } else // Case 2: Multiple bytes
{ if (pNode->stAttributes.rgbBoundaries[dwStartingByte++] & bStartingMask) return(TYPE_E_OUTOFBOUNDS);
dwBitsToScan -= (8 - dwStartingBit); while (dwBitsToScan >= 8) { // See if we cross any boundaries
if (dwBitsToScan >= 32) { if (*(UNALIGNED DWORD *)(pNode->stAttributes.rgbBoundaries + dwStartingByte) != 0) return(TYPE_E_OUTOFBOUNDS); dwStartingByte += 4; dwBitsToScan -= 32; } else if (dwBitsToScan >= 16) { if (*(UNALIGNED WORD *)(pNode->stAttributes.rgbBoundaries + dwStartingByte) != 0) return(TYPE_E_OUTOFBOUNDS); dwStartingByte += 2; dwBitsToScan -= 16; } else { if (pNode->stAttributes.rgbBoundaries[dwStartingByte++] != 0) return(TYPE_E_OUTOFBOUNDS); dwBitsToScan -= 8; } }
// Final byte
if (dwBitsToScan) { bEndingMask <<= (8 - dwBitsToScan); if (pNode->stAttributes.rgbBoundaries[dwStartingByte] & bEndingMask) return(TYPE_E_OUTOFBOUNDS); } } return(S_OK); }
/***************************************************************************/ // Memory accessor class
CPool CBlockMemoryAccess::m_Pool((DWORD)'pBMv');
HRESULT CBlockMemoryAccess::AllocBlock( LPVOID *ppvBlock, DWORD dwBlockSize ) { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CBlockMemoryAccess::AllocBlock");
LPVOID pvBlock = m_Pool.Alloc(); if (pvBlock) { ((LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE) pvBlock)->stAttributes.fFlags = 0; } else if (SUCCEEDED(CMemoryAccess::AllocBlock(ppvBlock, BLOCK_HEAP_NODE_SIZE))) { pvBlock = *ppvBlock; ((LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE) pvBlock)->stAttributes.fFlags = BLOCK_NOT_CPOOLED; }
if (pvBlock) { ZeroMemory(((LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE)pvBlock)->rgpChildren, sizeof(LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE) * BLOCK_HEAP_ORDER);
ZeroMemory(((LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE)pvBlock)->stAttributes.rgbBoundaries, BLOCK_HEAP_PAYLOAD >> 5); #endif
// If debugging registry key is set, init the payload to a byte pattern of '????'
if(g_fFillPropertyPages) { FillMemory(((LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE)pvBlock)->rgbData, sizeof(((LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE)pvBlock)->rgbData), 0x3F); }
*ppvBlock = pvBlock; TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM) this); return(S_OK); }
*ppvBlock = NULL; ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "CBlockMemoryAccess::AllocBlock failed");
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
HRESULT CBlockMemoryAccess::FreeBlock( LPVOID pvBlock ) { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CBlockMemoryAccess::FreeBlock");
if ((((LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE) pvBlock)->stAttributes.fFlags) & BLOCK_NOT_CPOOLED) { CMemoryAccess::FreeBlock(pvBlock); } else { m_Pool.Free(pvBlock); } return(S_OK); }
HRESULT CMemoryAccess::AllocBlock( LPVOID *ppvBlock, DWORD dwBlockSize ) { TraceFunctEnterEx(0, "CMemoryAccess::AllocBlock");
LPVOID pvBlock = (LPVOID) new BYTE[dwBlockSize]; if (pvBlock) { ZeroMemory(pvBlock, dwBlockSize); *ppvBlock = pvBlock; return(S_OK); }
*ppvBlock = NULL;
return(E_OUTOFMEMORY); }
HRESULT CMemoryAccess::FreeBlock( LPVOID pvBlock ) { TraceFunctEnterEx(0, "CMemoryAccess::FreeBlock");
delete[] pvBlock; TraceFunctLeave(); return S_OK; }
/***************************************************************************/ // CBlockContext implementation
BOOL CBlockContext::IsValid() { return((m_dwSignature == BLOCK_CONTEXT_SIGNATURE_VALID)); }
void CBlockContext::Set( LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE pLastAccessedNode, FLAT_ADDRESS faLastAccessedNodeOffset ) { m_pLastAccessedNode = pLastAccessedNode; m_faLastAccessedNodeOffset = faLastAccessedNodeOffset; m_dwSignature = BLOCK_CONTEXT_SIGNATURE_VALID; }
void CBlockContext::Invalidate() { m_dwSignature = BLOCK_CONTEXT_SIGNATURE_INVALID; }
/***************************************************************************/ // CBlockManager implementation
CBlockManager::CBlockManager( IMailMsgProperties *pMsg, CBlockManagerGetStream *pParent ) { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CBlockManager::CBlockManager");
// Initialize
m_dwSignature = BLOCK_HEAP_SIGNATURE_VALID; m_pRootNode = NULL; m_faEndOfData = 0; m_idNodeCount = 0; m_pParent = pParent; m_pMsg = pMsg; SetDirty(FALSE); #ifdef DEBUG
m_fCommitting = FALSE; #endif
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); }
CBlockManager::~CBlockManager() { TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CBlockManager::~CBlockManager");
// Releases all blocks
// Finally, invalidate signature
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); }
HRESULT CBlockManager::SetStreamSize( DWORD dwStreamSize ) { // Initialize the stream size, this is only used when binding a
// fresh MailMsg object to an existing stream.
m_faEndOfData = (FLAT_ADDRESS)dwStreamSize; m_idNodeCount = ((dwStreamSize + BLOCK_HEAP_PAYLOAD_MASK) >> BLOCK_HEAP_PAYLOAD_BITS); return(S_OK); }
BOOL CBlockManager::IsValid() { return(m_dwSignature == BLOCK_HEAP_SIGNATURE_VALID); }
HRESULT CBlockManager::GetStream( IMailMsgPropertyStream **ppStream, BOOL fLockAcquired ) { _ASSERT(ppStream); if (!ppStream || !m_pParent) return(E_POINTER);
HRESULT hrRes = m_pParent->GetStream(ppStream, fLockAcquired); return(hrRes); }
HRESULT CBlockManager::MoveToNode( LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE *ppNode, HEAP_NODE_ID idTargetNode, BOOL fLockAcquired ) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK; LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE pNode; HEAP_NODE_ID idNode;
if (!ppNode || !*ppNode) return(E_POINTER);
if (idTargetNode >= m_idNodeCount) return(STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER);
pNode = *ppNode; idNode = pNode->stAttributes.idNode;
// Jump if in the same parent node
if (idNode && idTargetNode) { if (((idNode - 1) >> BLOCK_HEAP_ORDER_BITS) == ((idTargetNode - 1) >> BLOCK_HEAP_ORDER_BITS)) { HEAP_NODE_ID idChildNode = (idTargetNode - 1) & BLOCK_HEAP_ORDER_MASK; LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE pParent = pNode->stAttributes.pParentNode;
*ppNode = pParent->rgpChildren[idChildNode]; if (!*ppNode) hrRes = LoadBlockIfUnavailable( idTargetNode, pParent, idChildNode, ppNode, fLockAcquired); return(hrRes); } } hrRes = GetNodeFromNodeId( idTargetNode, ppNode, fLockAcquired); return(hrRes); }
HRESULT CBlockManager::GetNextNode( LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE *ppNode, BOOL fLockAcquired ) { if (!ppNode || !*ppNode) return(E_POINTER);
HRESULT hrRes = MoveToNode( ppNode, (*ppNode)->stAttributes.idNode + 1, fLockAcquired); if (FAILED(hrRes)) *ppNode = NULL; return(hrRes); }
HRESULT CBlockManager::LoadBlockIfUnavailable( HEAP_NODE_ID idNode, LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE pParent, HEAP_NODE_ID idChildNode, LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE *ppNode, BOOL fLockAcquired ) { _ASSERT(ppNode);
if (*ppNode) return(S_OK);
HRESULT hrRes = S_OK; IMailMsgPropertyStream *pStream;
hrRes = GetStream(&pStream, fLockAcquired); if (!SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) return(E_UNEXPECTED);
// Calculate the stream offset and load the block
// idNode shifted really contains an offset not a full pointer here so we
// can (and must) cast it for the call to ReadBlocks to be OK
if (!fLockAcquired) WriteLock();
hrRes = m_bma.AllocBlock( (LPVOID *)&pNode, BLOCK_HEAP_NODE_SIZE); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { LPBYTE pTemp = pNode->rgbData; hrRes = pStream->ReadBlocks( m_pMsg, 1, &dwOffset, &dwLength, &pTemp, NULL);
if (FAILED(hrRes) && (hrRes != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_HANDLE_EOF))) { HRESULT myRes = m_bma.FreeBlock(pNode); _ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(myRes)); } else { if (pParent) pParent->rgpChildren[idChildNode] = pNode; pNode->stAttributes.pParentNode = pParent; RESET_BLOCK_FLAGS(pNode->stAttributes.fFlags); pNode->stAttributes.idChildNode = idChildNode; pNode->stAttributes.idNode = idNode; pNode->stAttributes.faOffset = dwOffset; *ppNode = pNode; hrRes = S_OK; } } }
if (!fLockAcquired) WriteUnlock();
return(hrRes); }
inline HRESULT CBlockManager::GetEdgeListFromNodeId( HEAP_NODE_ID idNode, HEAP_NODE_ID *rgEdgeList, DWORD *pdwEdgeCount ) { DWORD dwCurrentLevel; HEAP_NODE_ID *pEdge = rgEdgeList;
// This is a strictly internal call, we are assuming the caller
// will be optimized and will handle cases for idNode <=
// BLOCK_HEAP_ORDER. Processing only starts for 2 layers or more
// Debug: make sure we are within range
// Strip off the root node
// We need to do depth minus 1 loops since the top edge will be
// the remainder of the final loop
for (dwCurrentLevel = 0; dwCurrentLevel < (MAX_HEAP_DEPTH - 1); ) { // The quotient is the parent node in the upper level,
// the remainder is the the edge from the parent to the
// current node.
*pEdge++ = idNode & BLOCK_HEAP_ORDER_MASK; idNode >>= BLOCK_HEAP_ORDER_BITS; idNode--; dwCurrentLevel++;
// If the node is less than the number of children per node,
// we are done.
if (idNode < BLOCK_HEAP_ORDER) break; } *pEdge++ = idNode; *pdwEdgeCount = dwCurrentLevel + 1; return(S_OK); }
// Inner-loop optimized for O(1) cost.
HRESULT CBlockManager::GetNodeFromNodeId( HEAP_NODE_ID idNode, LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE *ppNode, BOOL fLockAcquired ) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK;
_ASSERT(IsValid()); _ASSERT(ppNode);
// If top level node, we return immediately. Note this is
// supposed to be the case 90% of the time
hrRes = LoadBlockIfUnavailable(0, NULL, 0, &m_pRootNode, fLockAcquired); if (!idNode || FAILED(hrRes)) { *ppNode = m_pRootNode; return(hrRes); }
LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE pNode = m_pRootNode; LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE *ppMyNode = &m_pRootNode;
// Now, see if the referenced node exists
if (idNode >= m_idNodeCount) return(STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER);
// Optimize for 1 hop, we would scarcely have to go into
// the else case ...
if (idNode <= BLOCK_HEAP_ORDER) { ppMyNode = &(m_pRootNode->rgpChildren[idNode - 1]); hrRes = LoadBlockIfUnavailable(idNode, m_pRootNode, idNode - 1, ppMyNode, fLockAcquired); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) *ppNode = *ppMyNode; } else { HEAP_NODE_ID rgEdgeList[MAX_HEAP_DEPTH]; DWORD dwEdgeCount; HEAP_NODE_ID CurrentEdge; HEAP_NODE_ID idFactor = 0;
// Debug: make sure we are within range
// Get the edge list, backwards
GetEdgeListFromNodeId(idNode, rgEdgeList, &dwEdgeCount); _ASSERT(dwEdgeCount >= 2);
// Walk the list backwards
while (dwEdgeCount--) { // Find the next bucket and calculate the node ID
CurrentEdge = rgEdgeList[dwEdgeCount]; ppMyNode = &(pNode->rgpChildren[CurrentEdge]); idFactor <<= BLOCK_HEAP_ORDER_BITS; idFactor += (CurrentEdge + 1);
hrRes = LoadBlockIfUnavailable(idFactor, pNode, CurrentEdge, ppMyNode, fLockAcquired); if (FAILED(hrRes)) break;
// Set the current node to the bucket in the layer below
pNode = *ppMyNode; }
// Fill in the results ...
*ppNode = pNode; }
return(hrRes); }
// Identical optimizations as GetNodeFromNodeId, O(1) cost.
HRESULT CBlockManager::GetParentNodeFromNodeId( HEAP_NODE_ID idNode, LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE *ppNode ) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CBlockManager::GetParentNodeFromNodeId");
_ASSERT(IsValid()); _ASSERT(ppNode);
// The root node has no parent, this should be avoided
// before calling this function, be we will fail gracefully
if (!idNode) { _ASSERT(idNode != 0); *ppNode = NULL; return(STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER); }
// Note m_pRootNode can be NULL if idNode is zero!
LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE pNode = m_pRootNode; LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE *ppMyNode = &m_pRootNode;
// Optimize for 1 hop, we would scarcely have to go into
// the else case ...
if (idNode > BLOCK_HEAP_ORDER) { HEAP_NODE_ID rgEdgeList[MAX_HEAP_DEPTH]; DWORD dwEdgeCount; HEAP_NODE_ID CurrentEdge; HEAP_NODE_ID idFactor = 0;
// Debug: make sure we are within range
// Get the edge list, backwards
GetEdgeListFromNodeId(idNode, rgEdgeList, &dwEdgeCount); _ASSERT(dwEdgeCount >= 2);
// Walk the list backwards
--dwEdgeCount; while (dwEdgeCount) { // Find the next bucket and calculate the node ID
CurrentEdge = rgEdgeList[dwEdgeCount]; ppMyNode = &(pNode->rgpChildren[CurrentEdge]); idFactor <<= BLOCK_HEAP_ORDER_BITS; idFactor += (CurrentEdge + 1);
hrRes = LoadBlockIfUnavailable(idFactor, pNode, CurrentEdge, ppMyNode, TRUE); if (FAILED(hrRes)) break;
// Set the current node to the bucket in the layer below
pNode = *ppMyNode;
dwEdgeCount--; } }
// Fill in the results ...
*ppNode = *ppMyNode; TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return(hrRes); }
#define GetNodeIdFromOffset(faOffset) ((faOffset) >> BLOCK_HEAP_PAYLOAD_BITS)
HRESULT CBlockManager::InsertNodeGivenPreviousNode( LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE pNodeToInsert, LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE pPreviousNode ) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK;
LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE_ATTRIBUTES pAttrib = &pNodeToInsert->stAttributes;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CBlockManager::InsertNodeGivenPreviousNode");
if (!pPreviousNode) { // This is the root node ...
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Inserting the root node");
pAttrib->pParentNode = NULL; pAttrib->idChildNode = 0; pAttrib->idNode = 0; pAttrib->faOffset = 0; DEFAULT_BLOCK_FLAGS(pAttrib->fFlags);
m_pRootNode = pNodeToInsert;
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return(S_OK); } else { LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE_ATTRIBUTES pOldAttrib = &pPreviousNode->stAttributes;
// Fill out the attributes for the new node, we have a special case for the first node
// after the root, where we need to explicitly point its parent to the root node
if (pOldAttrib->idNode == 0) { pAttrib->pParentNode = m_pRootNode;
// We are child Id 0 again
pAttrib->idChildNode = 0; } else { pAttrib->pParentNode = pOldAttrib->pParentNode; pAttrib->idChildNode = pOldAttrib->idChildNode + 1; } pAttrib->idNode = pOldAttrib->idNode + 1; pAttrib->faOffset = pOldAttrib->faOffset + BLOCK_HEAP_PAYLOAD; DEFAULT_BLOCK_FLAGS(pAttrib->fFlags);
if (pOldAttrib->idChildNode < BLOCK_HEAP_ORDER_MASK) { // We are in the same parent node, so it's simple
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Inserting node at slot %u", pAttrib->idChildNode);
pAttrib->pParentNode->rgpChildren[pAttrib->idChildNode] = pNodeToInsert;
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return(S_OK); } }
// The previous node and the new node have different parents,
// so we got to work from scratch ...
// We might as well search from the top ...
hrRes = GetParentNodeFromNodeId(pAttrib->idNode, &pNode); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { // Update the affected attributes
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Inserting node at slot 0");
pAttrib->pParentNode = pNode; pAttrib->idChildNode = 0;
// Hook up our parent
pNode->rgpChildren[0] = pNodeToInsert; } else { // The only reason for failre is that the parent
// of the requested parent is not allocated
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return(hrRes); }
HRESULT CBlockManager::GetAllocatedSize( FLAT_ADDRESS *pfaSizeAllocated ) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK;
_ASSERT(IsValid()); _ASSERT(pfaSizeAllocated);
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CBlockManager::GetAllocatedSize");
if (!pfaSizeAllocated) hrRes = STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER; else *pfaSizeAllocated = AtomicAdd(&m_faEndOfData, 0);
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return(hrRes); }
HRESULT CBlockManager::AllocateMemory( DWORD dwSizeDesired, FLAT_ADDRESS *pfaOffsetToAllocatedMemory, DWORD *pdwSizeAllocated, CBlockContext *pContext // Optional
) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK;
_ASSERT(IsValid()); _ASSERT(pfaOffsetToAllocatedMemory); _ASSERT(pdwSizeAllocated);
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CBlockManager::AllocateMemory");
hrRes = AllocateMemoryEx( TRUE, dwSizeDesired, pfaOffsetToAllocatedMemory, pdwSizeAllocated, pContext);
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return (hrRes); }
HRESULT CBlockManager::AllocateMemoryEx( BOOL fAcquireLock, DWORD dwSizeDesired, FLAT_ADDRESS *pfaOffsetToAllocatedMemory, DWORD *pdwSizeAllocated, CBlockContext *pContext // Optional
) { DWORD dwSize; FLAT_ADDRESS faOffset; FLAT_ADDRESS faStartOfBlock; HEAP_NODE_ID idNode; HEAP_NODE_ID idCurrentNode = 0; HEAP_NODE_ID idLastNodeToCreate = 0; HRESULT hrRes = S_OK; BOOL fMarkStart = FALSE;
_ASSERT(IsValid()); _ASSERT(pfaOffsetToAllocatedMemory); _ASSERT(pdwSizeAllocated);
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CBlockManager::AllocateMemoryEx");
// First of all, we do an atomic reservation of the memory
// which allows multiple threads to concurrently call
// AllocateMemory
// DWORD-align the allocation
dwSizeDesired += BLOCK_DWORD_ALIGN_MASK; dwSizeDesired &= ~(BLOCK_DWORD_ALIGN_MASK); faStartOfBlock = AtomicAdd(&m_faEndOfData, dwSizeDesired);
// Fill this in first so if we succeed, we won't have to fill
// this in everywhere and if this fails, it's no big deal.
*pdwSizeAllocated = dwSizeDesired;
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Allocating %u bytes", dwSizeDesired);
// OK, we have two scenarios.
// 1) The current block is large enough to honor the request
// 2) We need one or more extra blocks to accomodate the
// request.
idNode = GetNodeIdFromOffset(faStartOfBlock);
// Calculate all the required parameters
faOffset = faStartOfBlock & BLOCK_HEAP_PAYLOAD_MASK; dwSize = BLOCK_HEAP_PAYLOAD - (DWORD)faOffset;
// Invalidate the context
if (pContext) pContext->Invalidate();
if (idNode < m_idNodeCount) { // The starting node exists
hrRes = GetNodeFromNodeId(idNode, &pNode); if (FAILED(hrRes)) { TraceFunctLeave(); return hrRes; }
// Set the beginning of the allocation
SetAllocationBoundary(faStartOfBlock, pNode);
// Set the context here, most likely a write will follow immediately
if (pContext) pContext->Set(pNode, pNode->stAttributes.faOffset);
if (dwSize >= dwSizeDesired) { // Scenario 1: enough space left
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Allocated from existing node");
// Just fill in the output parameters
*pfaOffsetToAllocatedMemory = faStartOfBlock; TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return(S_OK); }
// Scenario 2a: More blocks needed, starting from the
// next block, see how many more we need
dwSizeDesired -= dwSize; } else { // Scenario 2b: More blocks needed.
// NOTE: This should be a rare code path except for
// high contention ...
// Now we have again 2 cases:
// 1) If our offset is in the middle of a block, then
// we know another thread is creating the current block
// and all we have to do is to wait for the block to be
// created, but create any subsequent blocks.
// 2) If we are exactly at the start of the block, then
// it is the responsibility of the current thread to
// create the block.
if (faOffset != 0) { // Scenario 1: We don't have to create the current block.
// so skip the current block
dwSizeDesired -= dwSize; } }
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Creating new node");
// We must grab an exclusive lock before we go ahead and
// create any blocks
if (fAcquireLock) WriteLock(); #endif
// At this point, we can do whatever we want with the node
// list and nodes. We will try to create all the missing
// nodes, whether or not it lies in our desired region or not.
// We need to do this because if an allocation failed before,
// we have missing nodes between the end of the allocated nodes
// and the current node we are allocating. Since these nodes
// contain links to the deeper nodes, we will break if we have
// missing nodes.
// This is necessary since this function is not serailzed
// elsewhere. So a thread entering later than another can
// grab the lock before the earlier thread. If we don't
// fill in the bubbles, the current thread will still have
// to wait for the earlier blocks to be created by the
// earlier thread. We would also have chaos if our allocations
// worked and the ones in front of us failed. This may be
// a bottleneck for all threads on this message, but once
// we're done this lock, they'll all unblock. Moreover, if
// we fail, they will all have to fail!
// Figure out how many blocks to create, up to the known limit
// We know where the block starts, question is whether we're
// successful or not.
*pfaOffsetToAllocatedMemory = faStartOfBlock;
// The node count could have changed while we were waiting
// for the lock, so we have to refresh our records.
// Better yet, if another thread already created our blocks
// for us, we can just leave ...
idCurrentNode = m_idNodeCount;
if (idCurrentNode < idLastNodeToCreate) { LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE pNewNode = NULL; BOOL fSetContext = TRUE;
// No such luck, gotta go in and do the hard work ...
if (!pContext) fSetContext = FALSE;
// Now, we have a function that inserts a node given
// the pervious node (not the parent), so we have to
// go find the previous node. This has got to be
// there unless our node list is messed up.
pNode = NULL; if (idCurrentNode > 0) { // This is not the root, so we can find its prev.
hrRes = GetNodeFromNodeId(idCurrentNode - 1, &pNode, TRUE); if (FAILED(hrRes)) { #ifndef BLOCKMGR_DISABLE_CONTENTION_CONTROL
if (fAcquireLock) WriteUnlock(); #endif
TraceFunctLeave(); return hrRes; } _ASSERT(pNode); _ASSERT(pNode->stAttributes.idNode == (idCurrentNode -1)); }
while (idCurrentNode < idLastNodeToCreate) { hrRes = m_bma.AllocBlock((LPVOID *)&pNewNode, sizeof(BLOCK_HEAP_NODE)); if (!SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { // We can't proceed, but what we've got is cool
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Failed to allocate node %u", idCurrentNode); break; }
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Allocated node %u", idCurrentNode);
// Need to do some work here
ZeroMemory(pNewNode->stAttributes.rgbBoundaries, sizeof(pNewNode->stAttributes.rgbBoundaries));
// See if we have to mark the start of the
// Got the block, fill in the info and insert the block
// Again, we shouldn't fail if we get this far.
hrRes = InsertNodeGivenPreviousNode(pNewNode, pNode); _ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hrRes));
// Set the context value here if we need to note if the
// following condition is TRUE, we were in scenario 2b above.
if (idCurrentNode == idNode) { if (fSetContext) { // The context is actually the node that marks the
// start of the reserved block
// Note we only need to do this if we were in scenario
// 2b above.
pContext->Set(pNewNode, pNewNode->stAttributes.faOffset); fSetContext = FALSE; }
// Set the beginning of the allocation
SetAllocationBoundary(faStartOfBlock, pNewNode);
// Next
pNode = pNewNode; idCurrentNode++; }
// Now update the counter to reflect what we've created.
m_idNodeCount = idCurrentNode; }
if (fAcquireLock) WriteUnlock(); #endif
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return (hrRes); }
BOOL CBlockManager::IsMemoryAllocated( FLAT_ADDRESS faOffset, DWORD dwLength ) { // Note we chack for actually allocated memory by checking
// m_idNodeCount, where m_faEndOfData includes data that is
// reserved but not yet allocated.
HEAP_NODE_ID idNode = GetNodeIdFromOffset(faOffset); if (idNode < m_idNodeCount) { idNode = GetNodeIdFromOffset(faOffset + dwLength - 1); if (idNode < m_idNodeCount) return(TRUE); _ASSERT(FALSE); }
_ASSERT(FALSE); return(FALSE); }
HRESULT CBlockManager::OperateOnMemory( DWORD dwOperation, LPBYTE pbBuffer, FLAT_ADDRESS faTargetOffset, DWORD dwBytesToDo, DWORD *pdwBytesDone, CBlockContext *pContext // Optional
) { BOOL fUseContext = (pContext != NULL); BOOL fBounddaryCheck = !(dwOperation & BOP_NO_BOUNDARY_CHECK); BOOL fLockAcquired = (dwOperation & BOP_LOCK_ACQUIRED); DWORD dwHopsAway = 0; HRESULT hrRes = S_OK; LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE pNode = NULL;
_ASSERT(IsValid()); _ASSERT(pbBuffer); _ASSERT(pdwBytesDone);
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CBlockManager::OperateOnMemory");
// Mask out the operation
dwOperation &= BOP_OPERATION_MASK;
if (fUseContext) { FLAT_ADDRESS faOffset = pContext->m_faLastAccessedNodeOffset;
// We will not continue if a bad context is passed in
if (!pContext->IsValid()) fUseContext = FALSE; else { // More debug sanity checks
_ASSERT(pContext->m_pLastAccessedNode->stAttributes.faOffset == faOffset);
// We will see if the context really helps
if (faOffset <= faTargetOffset) { // Let's see how many hops away
dwHopsAway = (DWORD) ((faTargetOffset - faOffset) >> BLOCK_HEAP_PAYLOAD_BITS);
// Not worth it if more than a number of hops away
if (dwHopsAway > BLOCK_MAX_ALLOWED_LINEAR_HOPS) fUseContext = FALSE; } else fUseContext = FALSE; } }
if (fUseContext) { DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "using context"); // Quickly access the starting target node ...
pNode = pContext->m_pLastAccessedNode; while (dwHopsAway--) { hrRes = GetNextNode(&pNode, fLockAcquired); if (FAILED(hrRes)) { fUseContext = FALSE; break; } } } if (!fUseContext) { DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "ignoring context"); // Okay, gotta find the desired node from scratch ...
hrRes = GetNodeFromNodeId( GetNodeIdFromOffset(faTargetOffset), &pNode, fLockAcquired); if (!SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "GetNodeIdFromOffset failed"); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return(STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER); }
_ASSERT(pNode); }
DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "pNode = 0x%x", pNode);
_ASSERT(pNode != NULL);
if (!IsMemoryAllocated(faTargetOffset, dwBytesToDo)) { ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Specified range is unallocated"); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return(STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER); }
// Clear the counter ...
*pdwBytesDone = 0;
// Do the actual processing
switch (dwOperation) { case BOP_READ: case BOP_WRITE: { DWORD dwChunkSize; DWORD dwBytesDone = 0;
faTargetOffset &= BLOCK_HEAP_PAYLOAD_MASK; dwChunkSize = (DWORD)(BLOCK_HEAP_PAYLOAD - faTargetOffset); while (dwBytesToDo) { if (dwBytesToDo < dwChunkSize) dwChunkSize = dwBytesToDo;
if (fBounddaryCheck) { // Make sure we are not stepping over boundaries
hrRes = VerifyAllocationBoundary(faTargetOffset, dwChunkSize, pNode); if (!SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) break; } #endif
if (dwOperation == BOP_READ) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Reading %u bytes", dwChunkSize); MoveMemory((LPVOID)pbBuffer, (LPVOID)&(pNode->rgbData[faTargetOffset]), dwChunkSize); } else { DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Writing %u bytes", dwChunkSize); MoveMemory((LPVOID)&(pNode->rgbData[faTargetOffset]), (LPVOID)pbBuffer, dwChunkSize);
// Set the block to dirty
pNode->stAttributes.fFlags |= BLOCK_IS_DIRTY;
SetDirty(TRUE); }
// Adjust the read buffer for the next read/write
pbBuffer += dwChunkSize;
// Adjust the counters
dwBytesToDo -= dwChunkSize; dwBytesDone += dwChunkSize;
// After the first operation, the offset will always
// be zero, and the default chunk size is a full payload
faTargetOffset = 0; dwChunkSize = BLOCK_HEAP_PAYLOAD;
// Read next chunk
if (dwBytesToDo) { // See if we have to load this ...
hrRes = GetNextNode(&pNode, fLockAcquired); if (FAILED(hrRes)) break; } }
// Fill out how much we've done
*pdwBytesDone = dwBytesDone; } break;
default: ErrorTrace((LPARAM)this, "Invalid operation %u", dwOperation); hrRes = STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION; }
// Update context if succeeded
if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes) && pContext) { pContext->Set(pNode, pNode->stAttributes.faOffset); }
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return(hrRes); }
HRESULT CBlockManager::ReadMemory( LPBYTE pbBuffer, FLAT_ADDRESS faTargetOffset, DWORD dwBytesToRead, DWORD *pdwBytesRead, CBlockContext *pContext // Optional
) { return(OperateOnMemory( BOP_READ, pbBuffer, faTargetOffset, dwBytesToRead, pdwBytesRead, pContext)); }
HRESULT CBlockManager::WriteMemory( LPBYTE pbBuffer, FLAT_ADDRESS faTargetOffset, DWORD dwBytesToWrite, DWORD *pdwBytesWritten, CBlockContext *pContext // Optional
) { return(OperateOnMemory( BOP_WRITE, pbBuffer, faTargetOffset, dwBytesToWrite, pdwBytesWritten, pContext)); }
HRESULT CBlockManager::ReleaseNode( LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE pNode ) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK; HRESULT tempRes;
// Release all children recursively
for (DWORD i = 0; i < BLOCK_HEAP_ORDER; i++) if (pNode->rgpChildren[i]) { tempRes = ReleaseNode(pNode->rgpChildren[i]); if (FAILED(tempRes)) hrRes = tempRes; pNode->rgpChildren[i] = NULL; }
// Release self
m_bma.FreeBlock(pNode); return(hrRes); }
HRESULT CBlockManager::Release() { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CBlockManager::Release");
// This function assumes that no more threads are using this
// class and no new threads are inside trying to reserve
// memory. Though, for good measure, this function still
// grabs a write lock so that at least it does not get
// corrupt when stray threads are still lingering around.
// Grab the lock before we go in and destroy the node list
WriteLock(); #endif
if (m_pRootNode) { hrRes = ReleaseNode(m_pRootNode); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) m_pRootNode = NULL; }
WriteUnlock(); #endif
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return (hrRes); }
HRESULT CBlockManager::AtomicDereferenceAndRead( LPBYTE pbBuffer, DWORD *pdwBufferSize, LPBYTE pbInfoStruct, FLAT_ADDRESS faOffsetToInfoStruct, DWORD dwSizeOfInfoStruct, DWORD dwOffsetInInfoStructToOffset, DWORD dwOffsetInInfoStructToSize, CBlockContext *pContext // Optional
) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK; FLAT_ADDRESS faOffset; DWORD dwSizeToRead; DWORD dwSizeRead;
_ASSERT(IsValid()); _ASSERT(pbBuffer); _ASSERT(pdwBufferSize); _ASSERT(pbInfoStruct); // pContext can be NULL
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CBlockManager::AtomicDereferenceAndRead");
// Acquire the synchronization object
WriteLock(); #endif
do { BOOL fInsufficient = FALSE; DWORD dwBufferSize = *pdwBufferSize;
// Read the info struct
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Reading information structure"); hrRes = OperateOnMemory( BOP_READ | BOP_LOCK_ACQUIRED, pbInfoStruct, faOffsetToInfoStruct, dwSizeOfInfoStruct, &dwSizeRead, pContext); if (!SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) break;
// Fill out the parameters
faOffset = *(UNALIGNED FLAT_ADDRESS *)(pbInfoStruct + dwOffsetInInfoStructToOffset); dwSizeToRead = *(UNALIGNED DWORD *)(pbInfoStruct + dwOffsetInInfoStructToSize);
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Reading %u bytes from offset %u", dwSizeToRead, (DWORD)faOffset);
// See if we have enough buffer
if (dwBufferSize < dwSizeToRead) { fInsufficient = TRUE; DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Insufficient buffer, only reading %u bytes", dwBufferSize); } else dwBufferSize = dwSizeToRead;
// Do the read
hrRes = OperateOnMemory( BOP_READ | BOP_LOCK_ACQUIRED, pbBuffer, faOffset, dwBufferSize, &dwSizeRead, pContext); if (!SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) break;
*pdwBufferSize = dwSizeToRead;
// If we had insufficient buffer, we must return the
// correct HRESULT
} while (0);
WriteUnlock(); #endif
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return (hrRes); }
inline HRESULT CBlockManager::WriteAndIncrement( LPBYTE pbBuffer, FLAT_ADDRESS faOffset, DWORD dwBytesToWrite, DWORD *pdwValueToIncrement, DWORD dwIncrementValue, CBlockContext *pContext // Optional
) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK; DWORD dwSize;
_ASSERT(IsValid()); _ASSERT(pbBuffer); // pdwValueToIncrement and pContext can be NULL
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CBlockManager::WriteAndIncrement");
// Very simple, this function assumes no contention since the caller
// is already supposed to be in some sort of atomic operation
hrRes = OperateOnMemory( BOP_WRITE | BOP_LOCK_ACQUIRED, pbBuffer, faOffset, dwBytesToWrite, &dwSize, pContext); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { // This must be true if the write succeeded, but then ...
_ASSERT(dwBytesToWrite == dwSize);
// The write is successful, then increment the value in
// an interlocked fashion. We do that such that simultaneous
// reads will be locked out properly. Simultaneous writes
// should be serialized by design but we do this for good
// measure in case the caller is not aware of this requirement.
if (pdwValueToIncrement) AtomicAdd(pdwValueToIncrement, dwIncrementValue); }
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return (hrRes); }
HRESULT CBlockManager::AtomicWriteAndIncrement( LPBYTE pbBuffer, FLAT_ADDRESS faOffset, DWORD dwBytesToWrite, DWORD *pdwValueToIncrement, DWORD dwReferenceValue, DWORD dwIncrementValue, CBlockContext *pContext // Optional
) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK;
_ASSERT(IsValid()); _ASSERT(pbBuffer); // pdwValueToIncrement and pContext can be NULL
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CBlockManager::AtomicWriteAndIncrement");
// Since acquiring the synchronization is potentially costly,
// we do a final sanity check to make sure no thread had
// beaten us in taking this slot
if (pdwValueToIncrement && *pdwValueToIncrement != dwReferenceValue) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Aborting due to change in property count"); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_RETRY)); }
// This is a pass-thru call to the WriteAndIncrement but
// after acquiring the synchronization object
WriteLock(); #endif
// The wait for the lock could have been long, so we do a second
// check to see if we're out of luck after all this ...
if (pdwValueToIncrement && *pdwValueToIncrement != dwReferenceValue) { #ifndef BLOCKMGR_DISABLE_ATOMIC_FUNCS
// Gotta release it!
WriteUnlock(); #endif
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Aborting after acquiring lock"); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_RETRY)); }
hrRes = WriteAndIncrement( pbBuffer, faOffset, dwBytesToWrite, pdwValueToIncrement, dwIncrementValue, pContext);
WriteUnlock(); #endif
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return (hrRes); }
HRESULT CBlockManager::AtomicAllocWriteAndIncrement( DWORD dwDesiredSize, FLAT_ADDRESS *pfaOffsetToAllocatedMemory, FLAT_ADDRESS faOffsetToWriteOffsetToAllocatedMemory, FLAT_ADDRESS faOffsetToWriteSizeOfAllocatedMemory, LPBYTE pbInitialValueForAllocatedMemory, DWORD dwSizeOfInitialValue, LPBYTE pbBufferToWriteFrom, DWORD dwOffsetInAllocatedMemoryToWriteTo, DWORD dwSizeofBuffer, DWORD *pdwValueToIncrement, DWORD dwReferenceValue, DWORD dwIncrementValue, CBlockContext *pContext // Optional
) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK; DWORD dwAllocatedSize; DWORD dwSize;
_ASSERT(IsValid()); _ASSERT(pfaOffsetToAllocatedMemory); _ASSERT(pbBufferToWriteFrom); _ASSERT(pdwValueToIncrement); // pContext can be NULL
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CBlockManager::AtomicAllocWriteAndIncrement");
// Since acquiring the synchronization is potentially costly,
// we do a final sanity check to make sure no thread had
// beaten us in taking this slot
if (*pdwValueToIncrement != dwReferenceValue) { DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Aborting due to change in property count"); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_RETRY)); }
// This is a pass-thru call to AllocateMemoryEx and
// WriteAndIncrement after acquiring the synchronization object
WriteLock(); #endif
// The wait for the lock could have been long, so we do a second
// check to see if we're out of luck after all this ...
if (*pdwValueToIncrement != dwReferenceValue) { #ifndef BLOCKMGR_DISABLE_ATOMIC_FUNCS
// Gotta release it!
WriteUnlock(); #endif
DebugTrace((LPARAM)this, "Aborting after acquiring lock"); TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_RETRY)); }
// Try to allocate the requested block
hrRes = AllocateMemoryEx( FALSE, dwDesiredSize, pfaOffsetToAllocatedMemory, &dwAllocatedSize, pContext); if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { // Okay, initialize the memory allocated
if (pbInitialValueForAllocatedMemory) { hrRes = WriteMemory( pbInitialValueForAllocatedMemory, *pfaOffsetToAllocatedMemory, dwSizeOfInitialValue, &dwSize, pContext);
// See if we need to write the size and offset info
if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { if (faOffsetToWriteOffsetToAllocatedMemory != INVALID_FLAT_ADDRESS) hrRes = WriteMemory( (LPBYTE)pfaOffsetToAllocatedMemory, faOffsetToWriteOffsetToAllocatedMemory, sizeof(FLAT_ADDRESS), &dwSize, pContext);
if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes) && faOffsetToWriteSizeOfAllocatedMemory != INVALID_FLAT_ADDRESS) hrRes = WriteMemory( (LPBYTE)&dwAllocatedSize, faOffsetToWriteSizeOfAllocatedMemory, sizeof(DWORD), &dwSize, pContext); } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) { // OK, since we got the memory, the write should not
// fail, but we check the result anyway.
hrRes = WriteAndIncrement( pbBufferToWriteFrom, *pfaOffsetToAllocatedMemory + dwOffsetInAllocatedMemoryToWriteTo, dwSizeofBuffer, pdwValueToIncrement, dwIncrementValue, pContext); } }
WriteUnlock(); #endif
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return (hrRes); }
HRESULT CBlockManager::MarkBlockAs( LPBYTE pbData, BOOL fClean ) { LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE pNode;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CBlockManager::MarkBlockAs");
// Find the attributes record from the data pointer
_ASSERT(pNode->stAttributes.fFlags & BLOCK_PENDING_COMMIT);
// Cannot be pending and dirty
_ASSERT(!(pNode->stAttributes.fFlags & BLOCK_IS_DIRTY));
// Undo the dirty bit and mark as pending
pNode->stAttributes.fFlags &= ~(BLOCK_PENDING_COMMIT); if (!fClean) { pNode->stAttributes.fFlags |= BLOCK_IS_DIRTY; SetDirty(TRUE); }
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return(S_OK); }
HRESULT CBlockManager::CommitDirtyBlocks( FLAT_ADDRESS faStartingOffset, FLAT_ADDRESS faLengthToScan, DWORD dwFlags, IMailMsgPropertyStream *pStream, BOOL fDontMarkAsCommit, BOOL fComputeBlockCountsOnly, DWORD *pcBlocksToWrite, DWORD *pcTotalBytesToWrite, IMailMsgNotify *pNotify ) { HRESULT hrRes = S_OK; HEAP_NODE_ID idNode; LPBLOCK_HEAP_NODE pNode; DWORD dwBlocksToScan; BOOL fLimitedLength; DWORD dwCount = 0; DWORD rgdwOffset[CMAILMSG_COMMIT_PAGE_BLOCK_SIZE]; DWORD rgdwSize[CMAILMSG_COMMIT_PAGE_BLOCK_SIZE]; LPBYTE rgpData[CMAILMSG_COMMIT_PAGE_BLOCK_SIZE]; DWORD *pdwOffset; DWORD *pdwSize; LPBYTE *ppbData;
TraceFunctEnterEx((LPARAM)this, "CBlockManager::CommitDirtyBlocks");
fLimitedLength = FALSE; pNode = NULL; if (faStartingOffset != INVALID_FLAT_ADDRESS) { idNode = GetNodeIdFromOffset(faStartingOffset); if (idNode >= m_idNodeCount) { hrRes = STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER; goto Cleanup; }
hrRes = GetNodeFromNodeId(idNode, &pNode); if (!SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) goto Cleanup;
if (faLengthToScan != INVALID_FLAT_ADDRESS) { // See how many blocks to scan, rounding up
faLengthToScan += (faStartingOffset & BLOCK_HEAP_PAYLOAD_MASK); faLengthToScan += BLOCK_HEAP_PAYLOAD_MASK; dwBlocksToScan = (DWORD)(faLengthToScan >> BLOCK_HEAP_PAYLOAD_BITS); fLimitedLength = TRUE; } else dwBlocksToScan = 0; } else { hrRes = STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER; goto Cleanup; }
// Loop until we fill up the array or have no more blocks
dwCount = 0; pdwOffset = rgdwOffset; pdwSize = rgdwSize; ppbData = rgpData; while (pNode) { if (fLimitedLength && !dwBlocksToScan--) break;
if ((dwFlags & MAILMSG_GETPROPS_COMPLETE) || (pNode->stAttributes.fFlags & BLOCK_IS_DIRTY)) { // Make sure we are not full ...
if (dwCount == CMAILMSG_COMMIT_PAGE_BLOCK_SIZE) { *pcBlocksToWrite += dwCount;
if (!fComputeBlockCountsOnly) { // We are full, then write out the blocks
hrRes = pStream->WriteBlocks( m_pMsg, dwCount, rgdwOffset, rgdwSize, rgpData, pNotify); if (!SUCCEEDED(hrRes)) break;
if (!fDontMarkAsCommit) { // Go back and mark all blocks as clean
ppbData = rgpData; while (--dwCount) MarkBlockAs(*ppbData++, TRUE); } } dwCount = 0;
// Reset our pointers and go on
pdwOffset = rgdwOffset; pdwSize = rgdwSize; ppbData = rgpData; }
if (!fComputeBlockCountsOnly && !fDontMarkAsCommit) { // Undo the dirty bit and mark as pending
pNode->stAttributes.fFlags &= BLOCK_CLEAN_MASK; pNode->stAttributes.fFlags |= BLOCK_PENDING_COMMIT; }
// Fill in the array elements
// faOffset really contains an offset not a full pointer here so we
// can (and must) cast it for the calls to WriteBlocks to be OK
*pdwOffset++ = (DWORD)pNode->stAttributes.faOffset;
*pdwSize++ = BLOCK_HEAP_PAYLOAD; *ppbData++ = pNode->rgbData; *pcTotalBytesToWrite += BLOCK_HEAP_PAYLOAD; dwCount++; }
// Next node, pNode == NULL if no more nodes
hrRes = GetNextNode(&pNode, FALSE); if (hrRes == STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER) hrRes = S_OK; DebugTrace((LPARAM) this, "hrRes = %x", hrRes); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hrRes) && dwCount) { *pcBlocksToWrite += dwCount;
if (!fComputeBlockCountsOnly) { // Write out the remaining blocks
hrRes = pStream->WriteBlocks( m_pMsg, dwCount, rgdwOffset, rgdwSize, rgpData, pNotify); } }
if (FAILED(hrRes)) SetCommitMode(FALSE);
if (!fComputeBlockCountsOnly && !fDontMarkAsCommit && dwCount) { // Go back and mark all blocks to the correct state
ppbData = rgpData; while (--dwCount) MarkBlockAs(*ppbData++, SUCCEEDED(hrRes)); }
TraceFunctLeaveEx((LPARAM)this); return(hrRes); }