Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
File Name: SocketPool.cpp Abstract: Implementation of the socket pool (CSocketPool class) and the callback function for IO Context. Notes: History: 08/01/2001 Created by Hao Yu (haoyu)
#include <stdafx.h>
#include <ThdPool.hxx>
#include <SockPool.hxx>
#include <GlobalDef.h>
typedef int (*FUNCGETADDRINFO)(const char *, const char *, const struct addrinfo *, struct addrinfo **); typedef void (*FUNCFREEADDRINFO)(struct addrinfo *);
//The call back function for IO Context
VOID IOCallBack(PULONG_PTR pCompletionKey ,LPOVERLAPPED pOverlapped, DWORD dwBytesRcvd) { ASSERT( NULL != pCompletionKey ); char szBuffer[MAX_PATH]="+OK Server Ready"; WSABUF wszBuf={MAX_PATH, szBuffer}; DWORD dwNumSent=0; DWORD dwFlag=0; long lLockValue; PIO_CONTEXT pIoContext=(PIO_CONTEXT)pCompletionKey;
if(pIoContext->m_ConType == LISTEN_SOCKET) { ASSERT(pOverlapped != NULL); //This is a new connection
g_PerfCounters.IncPerfCntr(e_gcTotConnection); g_PerfCounters.IncPerfCntr(e_gcConnectionRate); g_PerfCounters.IncPerfCntr(e_gcConnectedSocketCnt);
pIoContext=CONTAINING_RECORD(pOverlapped, IO_CONTEXT, m_Overlapped); pIoContext->m_dwLastIOTime=GetTickCount(); pIoContext->m_dwConnectionTime=pIoContext->m_dwLastIOTime; pIoContext->m_lLock=LOCKED_TO_PROCESS_POP3_CMD; if(ERROR_SUCCESS!=g_FreeList.RemoveFromList( &(pIoContext->m_ListEntry) )) { g_EventLogger.LogEvent(LOGTYPE_ERR_CRITICAL,POP3SVR_SOCKET_REQUEST_BEFORE_INIT); } g_BusyList.AppendToList( &(pIoContext->m_ListEntry) ); g_SocketPool.DecrementFreeSocketCount(); pIoContext->m_pPop3Context->Reset(); pIoContext->m_pPop3Context->ProcessRequest(pIoContext, pOverlapped, dwBytesRcvd); if(DELETE_PENDING == pIoContext->m_ConType) { g_BusyList.RemoveFromList(&(pIoContext->m_ListEntry)); if(g_SocketPool.IsMoreSocketsNeeded()) { if(g_SocketPool.ReuseIOContext(pIoContext)) { return; } } delete(pIoContext->m_pPop3Context); delete(pIoContext); } else { InterlockedExchange(&(pIoContext->m_lLock), UNLOCKED); } if( g_SocketPool.IsMoreSocketsNeeded() ) { if(!g_SocketPool.AddSockets()) { g_EventLogger.LogEvent(LOGTYPE_ERR_CRITICAL,POP3SVR_CREATE_ADDITIONAL_SOCKET_FAILED); } } if( g_SocketPool.IsMaxSocketUsed()) { SetEvent(g_hDoSEvent); }
} else { lLockValue = InterlockedCompareExchange(&(pIoContext->m_lLock), LOCKED_TO_PROCESS_POP3_CMD, UNLOCKED); while(UNLOCKED!=lLockValue) { //This thread have to wait for the previous command to finish
//Or the timeout thread to mark it as timed out
Sleep(10); lLockValue = InterlockedCompareExchange(&(pIoContext->m_lLock), LOCKED_TO_PROCESS_POP3_CMD, UNLOCKED); }
if(CONNECTION_SOCKET == pIoContext->m_ConType ) { pIoContext->m_pPop3Context->ProcessRequest(pIoContext, pOverlapped, dwBytesRcvd); } if(DELETE_PENDING == pIoContext->m_ConType) { g_BusyList.RemoveFromList(&(pIoContext->m_ListEntry)); if(g_SocketPool.IsMoreSocketsNeeded()) { if(g_SocketPool.ReuseIOContext(pIoContext)) { return; } } delete(pIoContext->m_pPop3Context); delete(pIoContext);
} else { pIoContext->m_dwLastIOTime=GetTickCount(); InterlockedExchange(&(pIoContext->m_lLock), UNLOCKED); } }
CSocketPool::CSocketPool() { InitializeCriticalSection(&m_csInitGuard); m_sMainSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; m_lMaxSocketCount = 0; m_lMinSocketCount = 0; m_lThreshold = 0; m_lTotalSocketCount = 0; m_lFreeSocketCount = 0; m_bInit = FALSE; m_lAddThreadToken = 1l; m_iSocketFamily = 0; m_iSocketType = 0; m_iSocketProtocol = 0; }
CSocketPool::~CSocketPool() { if(m_bInit) { Uninitialize(); } DeleteCriticalSection(&m_csInitGuard); }
BOOL CSocketPool::CreateMainSocket(u_short usPort) { BOOL bRetVal = TRUE; PSOCKADDR addr; SOCKADDR_IN inAddr; INT addrLength; OSVERSIONINFOEX osVersion; HMODULE hMd=NULL; FUNCGETADDRINFO fgetaddrinfo=NULL; FUNCFREEADDRINFO ffreeaddrinfo=NULL;
char szPort[33]; //max bytes of buffer for _ultoa
addrinfo aiHints,*paiList=NULL, *paiIndex=NULL; int iRet; osVersion.dwOSVersionInfoSize=sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX); if( !GetVersionEx((LPOSVERSIONINFO)(&osVersion)) ) { // This should never happen
return FALSE; } if( (osVersion.dwMajorVersion>=5) //Only work with XP
&& (osVersion.dwMinorVersion >1) && ( (osVersion.wProductType == VER_NT_SERVER ) || (osVersion.wProductType == VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER) ) && (! ((osVersion.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS ) || (osVersion.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS_RESTRICTED ) || (osVersion.wSuiteMask & VER_SUITE_PERSONAL ) ) ) ) { //These are the SKUs we support
} else { g_EventLogger.LogEvent(LOGTYPE_ERR_CRITICAL, POP3SVR_UNSUPPORTED_OS); return FALSE; }
if(osVersion.dwMinorVersion > 0 ) //XP
{ hMd=GetModuleHandle(_T("WS2_32.dll")); if(NULL == hMd) { return FALSE; } fgetaddrinfo=(FUNCGETADDRINFO)GetProcAddress(hMd, "getaddrinfo"); ffreeaddrinfo=(FUNCFREEADDRINFO)GetProcAddress(hMd, "freeaddrinfo"); if( (NULL == fgetaddrinfo) || (NULL == ffreeaddrinfo)) { return FALSE; }
_ultoa(usPort, szPort, 10); memset(&aiHints, 0, sizeof(aiHints)); aiHints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; aiHints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; iRet=fgetaddrinfo(NULL, szPort, &aiHints, &paiList); if(iRet!=0) { //Error case
} for(paiIndex=paiList; paiIndex!=NULL; paiIndex=paiIndex->ai_next) { if( ( (paiIndex->ai_family == PF_INET ) && (g_dwIPVersion != 6 ) ) || ( (g_dwIPVersion==6) && (paiIndex->ai_family == PF_INET6 ) ) ) { //Find the first (usually the only) addrinfo
m_iSocketFamily=paiIndex->ai_family; //For create AcceptEx socket
m_iSocketType=paiIndex->ai_socktype; m_iSocketProtocol=paiIndex->ai_protocol; m_sMainSocket = WSASocket( m_iSocketFamily, m_iSocketType, m_iSocketProtocol, NULL, // protocol info
0, // Group ID = 0 => no constraints
WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED // completion port notifications
); if(INVALID_SOCKET == m_sMainSocket) { //This is not the socket family supported by the machine.
continue; } break; } } if(INVALID_SOCKET==m_sMainSocket) { g_EventLogger.LogEvent(LOGTYPE_ERR_CRITICAL, POP3SVR_FAILED_TO_CREATE_SOCKET, WSAGetLastError()); bRetVal=FALSE; goto EXIT; } if ( bind( m_sMainSocket, paiIndex->ai_addr, paiIndex->ai_addrlen) != 0) { g_EventLogger.LogEvent(LOGTYPE_ERR_CRITICAL, POP3SVR_FAILED_TO_BIND_MAIN_SOCKET, WSAGetLastError()); bRetVal=FALSE; goto EXIT; }
} else //Win2k
{ m_iSocketFamily=PF_INET; m_iSocketType=SOCK_STREAM; m_iSocketProtocol=IPPROTO_TCP; m_sMainSocket = WSASocket( m_iSocketFamily, m_iSocketType, m_iSocketProtocol, NULL, // protocol info
0, // Group ID = 0 => no constraints
WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED // completion port notifications
); if(INVALID_SOCKET == m_sMainSocket) { g_EventLogger.LogEvent(LOGTYPE_ERR_CRITICAL, POP3SVR_FAILED_TO_CREATE_SOCKET, WSAGetLastError()); bRetVal=FALSE; goto EXIT; }
addr = (PSOCKADDR)&inAddr; addrLength = sizeof(inAddr); ZeroMemory(addr, addrLength);
inAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; inAddr.sin_port = htons(usPort); inAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
if ( bind( m_sMainSocket, addr, addrLength) != 0) { g_EventLogger.LogEvent(LOGTYPE_ERR_CRITICAL, POP3SVR_FAILED_TO_BIND_MAIN_SOCKET, WSAGetLastError()); bRetVal=FALSE; goto EXIT; } }
if ( listen( m_sMainSocket, m_iBackLog) != 0) {
g_EventLogger.LogEvent(LOGTYPE_ERR_CRITICAL, POP3SVR_FAILED_TO_LISTEN_ON_MAIN_SOCKET, WSAGetLastError()); bRetVal=FALSE; goto EXIT; } m_stMainIOContext.m_hAsyncIO = m_sMainSocket; m_stMainIOContext.m_ConType = LISTEN_SOCKET; m_stMainIOContext.m_pCallBack = IOCallBack; m_stMainIOContext.m_pPop3Context = NULL; m_stMainIOContext.m_dwLastIOTime = 0; //No Timeout on this socket
m_stMainIOContext.m_lLock = UNLOCKED; // Associate the main socket to the completion port
bRetVal = g_ThreadPool.AssociateContext(&m_stMainIOContext); EXIT: if(!bRetVal) { //Clean up the main listening socket
if( INVALID_SOCKET != m_sMainSocket ) { closesocket(m_sMainSocket); m_sMainSocket=INVALID_SOCKET; } } if(NULL != paiList) { ffreeaddrinfo(paiList); } return bRetVal;
BOOL CSocketPool::Initialize(DWORD dwMax, DWORD dwMin, DWORD dwThreshold, u_short usPort, int iBackLog) { BOOL bRetVal=FALSE;
ASSERT( ( dwMax >= dwMin + dwThreshold ) && ( dwMin > 0 ) ); if( !( (dwMax >= dwMin + dwThreshold ) && ( dwMin > 0 ) ) ) { g_EventLogger.LogEvent(LOGTYPE_ERR_CRITICAL, EVENT_POP3_NO_CONFIG_DATA); goto EXIT; } if(!m_bInit) { WSADATA wsaData; INT iErr;
iErr = WSAStartup( MAKEWORD( 2, 0), &wsaData); if( iErr != 0 ) { g_EventLogger.LogEvent(LOGTYPE_ERR_CRITICAL, POP3SVR_WINSOCK_FAILED_TO_INIT, iErr); bRetVal=FALSE; goto EXIT; } m_lMaxSocketCount = dwMax; m_lMinSocketCount = dwMin; m_lThreshold = dwThreshold; m_lFreeSocketCount = 0; m_lTotalSocketCount= 0; m_iBackLog = iBackLog; //First Create the Main socket
if( bRetVal = CreateMainSocket(usPort) ) { //Now create the initial pool of AcceptEx sockets
bRetVal = AddSocketsP(m_lMinSocketCount); } m_bInit=bRetVal; } EXIT: LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csInitGuard); return bRetVal; }
// Called after
BOOL CSocketPool::IsMoreSocketsNeeded() { if ( (g_dwServerStatus != SERVICE_RUNNING ) && (g_dwServerStatus != SERVICE_PAUSED ) ) { return FALSE; } if ( ( m_lTotalSocketCount < m_lMinSocketCount) || (( m_lFreeSocketCount < m_lThreshold ) && ( m_lTotalSocketCount <m_lMaxSocketCount )) ) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
BOOL CSocketPool::MaintainSocketCount() { if ( g_dwServerStatus != SERVICE_RUNNING ) { return FALSE; } if( ( ( m_lFreeSocketCount < m_lThreshold ) && ( m_lTotalSocketCount+m_lThreshold >= m_lMaxSocketCount ) ) || ( m_lTotalSocketCount <= m_lMinSocketCount ) ) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
BOOL CSocketPool::Uninitialize() { BOOL bRetVal=TRUE; EnterCriticalSection(&m_csInitGuard); if(m_bInit) { // Close the main socket here
closesocket(m_sMainSocket); m_sMainSocket=INVALID_SOCKET; //AcceptEx Sockes should already have been cleaned with IO Context,
if(WSACleanup () ) { g_EventLogger.LogEvent(LOGTYPE_ERR_CRITICAL, POP3SVR_WINSOCK_FAILED_TO_CLEANUP, WSAGetLastError()); return FALSE; } m_bInit=FALSE; } LeaveCriticalSection(&m_csInitGuard); return bRetVal; }
// For working threading to call when a new connection was established
BOOL CSocketPool::AddSockets() { BOOL bRetVal=TRUE; if( g_dwServerStatus != SERVICE_RUNNING ) { return TRUE; } ASSERT(TRUE == m_bInit);
// Make sure only one thread get to add the socket
if( InterlockedExchange(&m_lAddThreadToken,0) ) { bRetVal = AddSocketsP(m_lThreshold); InterlockedExchange(&m_lAddThreadToken,1); } return bRetVal; }
BOOL CSocketPool::AddSocketsP(DWORD dwNumOfSocket) { int i; BOOL bRetVal=TRUE; PIO_CONTEXT pIoContext=NULL; for(i=0; i<dwNumOfSocket; i++) { if( (g_dwServerStatus != SERVICE_RUNNING ) && (g_dwServerStatus != SERVICE_START_PENDING) ) { return TRUE; } if(m_lMaxSocketCount < InterlockedIncrement(&m_lTotalSocketCount) ) { InterlockedDecrement(&m_lTotalSocketCount); return TRUE; } pIoContext=new (IO_CONTEXT); if(NULL==pIoContext) { g_EventLogger.LogEvent(LOGTYPE_ERR_CRITICAL, POP3SVR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); bRetVal=FALSE; break; } pIoContext->m_pPop3Context=new(POP3_CONTEXT); pIoContext->m_pCallBack = IOCallBack; if(NULL == pIoContext->m_pPop3Context ) { g_EventLogger.LogEvent(LOGTYPE_ERR_CRITICAL, POP3SVR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); bRetVal=FALSE; delete(pIoContext); break; } bRetVal=CreateAcceptSocket(pIoContext); if(!bRetVal) { delete(pIoContext->m_pPop3Context); delete(pIoContext); break; } InterlockedIncrement(&m_lFreeSocketCount); if(m_lTotalSocketCount >= m_lMaxSocketCount) { break; } } if(!bRetVal) { InterlockedDecrement(&m_lTotalSocketCount); } return bRetVal; }
//Called when a new connection is establised
//and a AcceptEx socket is used
void CSocketPool::DecrementFreeSocketCount() { if(0==InterlockedDecrement(&m_lFreeSocketCount)) { AddSockets(); } }
//Called when a socket is closed
void CSocketPool::DecrementTotalSocketCount() { if(0==InterlockedDecrement(&m_lTotalSocketCount)) { //Some socket must be created to avoid
//this denial of service problem.
AddSockets(); } }
//Called when a socked is closed, however, the a new
// AcceptEx socket should be created to maintain
// total socket count, but keep the IOContext
// to re-use
BOOL CSocketPool::ReuseIOContext(PIO_CONTEXT pIoContext) { ASSERT( NULL != pIoContext); if(InterlockedIncrement(&m_lTotalSocketCount) > m_lMaxSocketCount) { InterlockedDecrement(&m_lTotalSocketCount); return FALSE; } pIoContext->m_pPop3Context->Reset(); if( CreateAcceptSocket(pIoContext) ) { InterlockedIncrement(&m_lFreeSocketCount); return TRUE; } else { InterlockedDecrement(&m_lTotalSocketCount); return FALSE; } }
BOOL CSocketPool::CreateAcceptSocket(PIO_CONTEXT pIoContext) { ASSERT(NULL != pIoContext); SOCKET sNew; DWORD dwRcvd; int iErr; BOOL bRetVal=FALSE; BOOL bAddToList=FALSE;
sNew=WSASocket(m_iSocketFamily, m_iSocketType, m_iSocketProtocol, NULL, // protocol info
0, // Group ID = 0 => no constraints
WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED // completion port notifications
pIoContext->m_hAsyncIO=sNew; pIoContext->m_ConType=CONNECTION_SOCKET; pIoContext->m_lLock=UNLOCKED; ZeroMemory(&(pIoContext->m_Overlapped), sizeof(OVERLAPPED)); g_FreeList.AppendToList( &(pIoContext->m_ListEntry) ); bAddToList=TRUE; // Now add the new Context to the Completion Port
if( bRetVal = g_ThreadPool.AssociateContext(pIoContext)) { bRetVal=AcceptEx(m_sMainSocket, sNew, (LPVOID)(pIoContext->m_Buffer), 0, MIN_SOCKADDR_SIZE, MIN_SOCKADDR_SIZE, &dwRcvd, &(pIoContext->m_Overlapped)); if(!bRetVal) { iErr= WSAGetLastError(); if(ERROR_IO_PENDING!=iErr) { g_EventLogger.LogEvent(LOGTYPE_ERR_CRITICAL, POP3SVR_CALL_ACCEPTEX_FAILED, iErr); } else { bRetVal=TRUE; } } } EXIT: if(!bRetVal) { if(INVALID_SOCKET != sNew) { closesocket(sNew); } if(bAddToList) { g_FreeList.RemoveFromList(&(pIoContext->m_ListEntry)); } }
return bRetVal;
BOOL CSocketPool::IsMaxSocketUsed() { return ( (m_lTotalSocketCount==m_lMaxSocketCount) && (m_lFreeSocketCount == 0 ) ); }