Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. /************************************************************************************************
  2. Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
  3. Module Name: POP3RegKeys.h
  4. Notes:
  5. History:
  6. ************************************************************************************************/
  7. #ifndef __POP3REGKEYS_H_
  8. #define __POP3REGKEYS_H_
  9. #define POP3SERVER_SUBKEY _T("POP3 Service")
  10. #define POP3SERVICE_SUBKEY _T("Pop3svc")
  11. #define EVENTLOG_KEY _T("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Eventlog\\Application\\")
  12. #define POP3SERVER_EVENTLOG_KEY _T("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Eventlog\\Application\\") POP3SERVER_SUBKEY
  13. #define POP3SERVICE_EVENTLOG_KEY _T("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Eventlog\\Application\\") POP3SERVICE_SUBKEY
  14. #define POP3SERVICE_SERVICES_SUBKEY _T("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\") POP3SERVICE_SUBKEY
  15. #define POP3SERVICE_SERVICES_PERF_SUBKEY _T("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\") POP3SERVICE_SUBKEY _T("\\Performance")
  16. #define POP3SERVER_SOFTWARE_SUBKEY _T("Software\\Microsoft\\") POP3SERVER_SUBKEY
  17. #define POP3AUTH_SUBKEY _T("Auth")
  19. #define VALUENAME_LOGGINGLEVEL _T("Logging Level")
  20. #define VALUENAME_MAILROOT _T("MailRoot")
  21. #define VALUENAME_PORT _T("POP3Port")
  22. #define VALUENAME_BACKLOG _T("SocketBacklog")
  23. #define VALUENAME_MIN _T("MinNumberOfSockets")
  24. #define VALUENAME_MAX _T("MaxNumberOfSockets")
  25. #define VALUENAME_THRESHOLD _T("SocketsThreshold")
  26. #define VALUENAME_THREADCOUNT _T("ThreadCountPerCPU")
  27. #define VALUENAME_AUTHMETHODS _T("AuthMethods")
  28. #define VALUENAME_DEFAULTAUTH _T("DefaultAuthMethod")
  29. #define VALUENAME_AUTHGUID _T("AuthGUID")
  30. #define VALUENAME_EVENTMSGFILE _T("EventMessageFile")
  31. #define VALUENAME_CATEGORYMSGFILE _T("CategoryMessageFile")
  32. #define VALUENAME_TYPESSUPPORTED _T("TypesSupported")
  33. #define VALUENAME_MAXMSG_PERDOWNLOAD _T("MaxMessagesPerDownload")
  34. #define VALUENAME_PERF_LIBRARY _T("Library")
  35. #define VALUENAME_CREATE_USER _T("CreateUser")
  36. #define VALUENAME_GREETING _T("Greeting")
  37. #define VALUENAME_VERSION _T("Version")
  38. #define VALUENAME_SOCK_VERSION _T("IPVersion")
  39. #define VALUENAME_SPA_REQUIRED _T("RequireSPA")
  40. #define VALUENAME_CONFIRM_ADDUSER _T("ConfirmAddUser")
  41. #define VALUENAME_INSTALL_DIR _T("InstallDir")
  42. #define VALUENAME_CONSOLE_FILE _T("ConsoleFile")
  43. #define WSZ_POP3_SERVER_DIR _T("\\Pop3Server")
  44. #define WSZ_EVENTLOG_FILE_NAME _T("\\Pop3Evt.dll")
  45. #define WSZ_PERFDLL_FILE_NAME _T("\\Pop3Perf.dll")
  46. #define P3ADMIN_MODULENAME _T( "P3Admin.dll" )
  47. long RegQueryAuthGuid( LPTSTR psAuthGuid, DWORD *pdwSize, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  48. long RegQueryAuthMethod( DWORD& dwAuthMethod, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  49. long RegQueryMailRoot( LPTSTR psMailRoot, DWORD dwSize, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  50. long RegQueryLoggingLevel( DWORD& dwLoggingLevel, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  51. long RegQueryPort( DWORD& dwPort, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  52. long RegQuerySocketBacklog( DWORD& dwBacklog, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  53. long RegQuerySocketMax( DWORD& dwMax, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  54. long RegQuerySocketMin( DWORD& dwMin, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  55. long RegQuerySocketThreshold( DWORD& dwThreshold, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  56. long RegQueryThreadCountPerCPU( DWORD& dwCount, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  57. long RegQueryCreateUser( DWORD& dwCreateUser, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  58. long RegQueryGreeting( LPTSTR psGreeting, DWORD dwSize, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  59. long RegQueryVersion( DWORD& dwVersion, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  60. long RegQuerySPARequired( DWORD& dwValue, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  61. long RegQueryConfirmAddUser( DWORD& dwValue, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  62. long RegSetAuthGuid( LPTSTR psAuthGuid, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  63. long RegSetAuthMethod( DWORD dwValue, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  64. long RegSetLoggingLevel( DWORD dwValue, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  65. long RegSetMailRoot( LPTSTR psMailRoot, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  66. long RegSetPort( DWORD dwValue, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  67. long RegSetSocketBacklog( DWORD dwValue, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  68. long RegSetSocketMax( DWORD dwValue, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  69. long RegSetSocketMin( DWORD dwValue, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  70. long RegSetSocketThreshold( DWORD dwValue, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  71. long RegSetThreadCount( DWORD dwValue, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  72. long RegSetCreateUser( DWORD dwCreateUser, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  73. long RegSetGreeting( LPTSTR psGreeting, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  74. long RegSetSPARequired( DWORD dwValue, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  75. long RegSetConfirmAddUser( DWORD dwValue, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  76. long RegSetup();
  77. long RegSetupOCM();
  78. long RegQueryDWORD( LPCTSTR lpSubKey, LPCTSTR lpValueName, DWORD *pdwValue, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL, bool bDefault = false, DWORD dwDefault = 0 );
  79. long RegSetDWORD( LPCTSTR lpSubKey, LPCTSTR lpValueName, DWORD dwValue, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  80. long RegQueryString( LPCTSTR lpSubKey, LPCTSTR lpValueName, LPTSTR psStrBuf, DWORD *pdwSize, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  81. long RegSetString( LPCTSTR lpSubKey, LPCTSTR lpValueName, LPTSTR psStrBuf, LPTSTR psMachineName = NULL );
  82. long RegHKLMOpenKey( LPCTSTR psSubKey, REGSAM samDesired, PHKEY phKey, LPTSTR psMachinName );
  83. #endif //__POP3REGKEYS_H_