// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1994 - 1999.
// File: rowcomp.hxx
// Contents: Declaration of the row comparison classes
// Classes: CRowCompareVariant
// Templates: TRowCompare
// History: 31 Aug 1994 dlee Created
#pragma once
#include <compare.hxx>
#include <xbuffer.hxx>
#include <shardbuf.hxx>
#include <tblvarnt.hxx>
#include "varntcmp.hxx"
#include "pathstor.hxx"
class CTableWindow;
// Class: CRowCompare
// Purpose: Abstract class for row comparisons
// Notes: The comparison function should return (for ascending order)
// 1..cSortItems if Row1 > Row2,
// 0 if same
// -1..-cSortItems if Row1 < Row2
// Return the opposite for descending order.
// History: 8/24/94 dlee created
class CRowCompare { public: CRowCompare() {} virtual ~CRowCompare() {}
virtual int Compare(TBL_OFF oRow1, TBL_OFF oRow2) = 0; };
class CPathStore;
// Class: CRowCompareVariant
// Purpose: Default case of row comparisons if a more optimal
// special case is not used. Converts values to variants
// and compares the variants. Also used if more than one
// (not including WORKID) sort spec specified.
// Notes: This must be declared unwindable because it has embedded
// unwindable objects.
class CRowCompareVariant : public CRowCompare { public:
CRowCompareVariant(CTableWindow & TableWindow); virtual ~CRowCompareVariant();
int Compare(TBL_OFF oRow1, TBL_OFF oRow2); int CompareObject(CRetriever & obj, TBL_OFF oRow2);
enum EVariantSource { eNone, eCompressor, eBuffer, eNewx };
void _FreeVariant(CTableColumn * pColumn, CTableVariant * pVar, EVariantSource eSource);
void _MakeVariant(CTableColumn * pColumn, BYTE * pbRow, CTableVariant * pVar, EVariantSource & evSource);
void _MakeVariant(CTableColumn * pColumn, CRetriever & obj, unsigned iProp);
PROPVARIANT * _MakeVariant( unsigned iCol, XUseSharedBuffer & sharedBuf, CRetriever & obj );
void _Cleanup1(); void _Cleanup2(); int _DoCompare(TBL_OFF oRow2);
void _InitComparators( CSortSet const & sortSet ); PATHID _GetPathId( const CTableColumn & col, BYTE * pbRow );
BOOL _FastCompare( unsigned iCol, BYTE *pbRow1, BYTE * pbRow2, int & iComp );
BOOL _FastCompare( unsigned iCol, CRetriever & obj, XUseSharedBuffer & sharedBuf, BYTE * pbRow2, int & iComp );
unsigned _cProps; CTableWindow &_TableWindow;
// Comparators for the columns
XArray<CCompareVariants> _aComparator;
// State data for the comparison.
XArray<CTableVariant> _aVar1; XArray<CTableVariant> _aVar2; XArray<CTableVariant *> _apVar1; XArray<CTableVariant *> _apVar2; XArray<CTableColumn *> _apColumn; XArray<EVariantSource> _aVarFlags1; XArray<EVariantSource> _aVarFlags2;
// Used for quick path comparison.
CPathStore * _pPathStore;
// Temporary shared memory for the whole table.
CSharedBuffer & _sharedBuf;
// Buffer used for CRetriever temporary data
enum { maxcbBuffer = MAX_PATH * sizeof WCHAR }; XBuffer<BYTE> _xBuffer;
// Most recent row 1 identified by this member is cached
WORKID _widCached; };
// Template: TRowCompare
// Purpose: Special row comparator for inline values: values that are
// stored in the row as opposed to variable-length or easily
// compressed data that is stored out-of-line.
// Use of this template is just an optimization over using
// CRowCompareVariant, in which data must be converted to a
// variant before the comparison (which is slow).
// You can use this template if:
// -- only one property is in the sort spec
// -- the property value is stored inline
// -- the property value datatype supports relational ops
// -- length of the value is fixed and is not an array
template <class T> class TRowCompare : public CRowCompare { public:
TRowCompare( CFixedVarTableWindowAllocator &Alloc, ULONG oData, ULONG dwOrder) : _Alloc( Alloc ), _oData( oData ) { if (0 == (dwOrder & QUERY_SORTDESCEND /*DBSORTORDER_DESCEND*/ )) _iGT = 1; // ascending
else _iGT = -1; // descending
~TRowCompare() {}
int Compare( TBL_OFF oRow1, TBL_OFF oRow2 ) { T t1 = * (T *) ((BYTE *) _Alloc.FixedPointer( oRow1 ) + _oData); T t2 = * (T *) ((BYTE *) _Alloc.FixedPointer( oRow2 ) + _oData);
if (t1 > t2) return _iGT;
if (t1 < t2) return -_iGT;
return 0; }
int _iGT; // return value if 1 > 2
CFixedVarTableWindowAllocator &_Alloc; // allocator where rows are
ULONG _oData; // offset in row where value resides
// Template: TRowCompareTwo
// Purpose: Same as TRowCompare, except that it also does a second
// compare. A is compared first, then B.
// Rules for use of this template are the same as for
// TRowCompare
template <class TA, class TB> class TRowCompareTwo : public CRowCompare { public:
TRowCompareTwo( CFixedVarTableWindowAllocator &Alloc, ULONG oDataA, ULONG dwOrderA, ULONG oDataB, ULONG dwOrderB ) : _CompareA( Alloc, oDataA, dwOrderA ), _CompareB( Alloc, oDataB, dwOrderB ) {}
~TRowCompareTwo() {}
int Compare( TBL_OFF oRow1, TBL_OFF oRow2 ) { int result = _CompareA.Compare( oRow1, oRow2 );
if (0 == result) { // same first key -- now check the second key.
// the * 2 means that it was the second column.
result = 2 * _CompareB.Compare( oRow1, oRow2 ); }
return result; }
TRowCompare<TA> _CompareA; TRowCompare<TB> _CompareB; };
// Template: TRowCompareStringPlus
// Purpose: Same as TRowCompareTwo, except that the first key compared
// is a wide string, then the parameterized type is compared.
template <class TB> class TRowCompareStringPlus : public CRowCompare { public:
TRowCompareStringPlus( CFixedVarTableWindowAllocator &Alloc, ULONG oDataString, ULONG dwOrderString, ULONG oDataB, ULONG dwOrderB ) : _Alloc( Alloc ), _oDataString( oDataString ), _CompareB( Alloc, oDataB, dwOrderB ) { if (0 == (dwOrderString & QUERY_SORTDESCEND /*DBSORTORDER_DESCEND*/ )) _iGTString = 1; // ascending
else _iGTString = -1; // descending
~TRowCompareStringPlus() {}
int Compare( TBL_OFF oRow1, TBL_OFF oRow2 ) { WCHAR * p1 = * (WCHAR **) ((BYTE *) _Alloc.FixedPointer( oRow1 ) + _oDataString ); WCHAR * p2 = * (WCHAR **) ((BYTE *) _Alloc.FixedPointer( oRow2 ) + _oDataString );
// No string is every guaranteed to exist -- even path,
// since a summary catalog may have VT_EMPTY, and a VPATH
// is VT_EMPTY for non-web downlevel queries.
if ( 0 == p1 ) { if ( 0 == p2 ) return 2 * _CompareB.Compare( oRow1, oRow2 ); else return _iGTString; } else if ( 0 == p2 ) { return -_iGTString; }
int rc = CompareStringW( LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, NORM_IGNORECASE, p1, -1, p2, -1 ); // rc == 1, means less than
// rc == 2, means equal
// rc == 3, means greater than
int result = rc - 2;
if ( result > 0 ) return _iGTString;
if ( result < 0 ) return -_iGTString;
Win4Assert( 0 == result );
// same first key -- now check the second key.
// the * 2 means that it was the second column.
return 2 * _CompareB.Compare( oRow1, oRow2 ); }
int _iGTString; // return value if 1 > 2
CFixedVarTableWindowAllocator &_Alloc; // allocator where rows are
ULONG _oDataString; // offset in row where value resides
TRowCompare<TB> _CompareB; };