// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1998.
// File: SeqSort.cxx
// Contents: Sequential cursor for sorted results.
// Classes: CSequentialSerial
// History: 05-Jun-95 KyleP Created
// 14-Jan-97 KrishnaN Undefined CI_INETSRV and
// related changes
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "seqsort.hxx"
#include "rowman.hxx"
#include "rowcache.hxx"
// Rowset object Interfaces that support Ole DB error objects
static const IID * apRowsetErrorIFs[] = { &IID_IAccessor, &IID_IColumnsInfo, &IID_IConvertType, &IID_IRowset, &IID_IRowsetInfo, //&IID_IRowsetWatchRegion,
&IID_IRowsetQueryStatus, //&IID_IColumnsRowset,
&IID_IConnectionPointContainer, &IID_IRowsetIdentity, //&IID_IRowsetLocate,
static const ULONG cRowsetErrorIFs = sizeof(apRowsetErrorIFs)/sizeof(apRowsetErrorIFs[0]);
// Member: CSequentialSorted::CSequentialSorted, public
// Synopsis: Constructor.
// Arguments: [pUnkOuter] -- outer unknown
// [ppMyUnk] -- OUT: on return, filled with pointer to my
// non-delegating IUnknown
// [aChild] -- Child rowset(s).
// [cChild] -- Count of rowsets in [aChild].
// [Props] -- Rowset properties.
// [cCol] -- Number of original columns.
// [Sort] -- Sort specification.
// History: 05-Jun-95 KyleP Created.
CSequentialSorted::CSequentialSorted( IUnknown * pUnkOuter, IUnknown ** ppMyUnk, IRowset ** aChild, unsigned cChild, CMRowsetProps const & Props, unsigned cCol, CSort const & Sort, CAccessorBag & aAccessors) : CDistributedRowset( pUnkOuter, ppMyUnk, aChild, cChild, Props, cCol, aAccessors, _DBErrorObj ), _apCursor( cChild ), _bindSort( Sort.Count() ), #pragma warning(disable : 4355) // 'this' in a constructor
_DBErrorObj(* (IUnknown *) (IRowset *)this, _mutex), #pragma warning(default : 4355) // 'this' in a constructor
_heap( cChild ) { _DBErrorObj.SetInterfaceArray(cRowsetErrorIFs, apRowsetErrorIFs); //
// Build binding for sort set.
DBORDINAL cColumnInfo; DBCOLUMNINFO * aColumnInfo; WCHAR * awchColInfo;
SCODE sc = _GetFullColumnInfo( &cColumnInfo, &aColumnInfo, &awchColInfo );
XCoMem<DBCOLUMNINFO> mem( aColumnInfo ); XCoMem<WCHAR> strings( awchColInfo );
if ( FAILED(sc) ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CSequentialSort: GetColumnInfo returned 0x%x\n", sc ));
THROW( CException( sc ) ); }
_cbSort = _Comparator.Init( Sort, _bindSort.GetPointer(), aColumnInfo, cColumnInfo );
// Create accessors
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _cChild; i++ ) { _apCursor[i] = new CMiniRowCache( i, _aChild[i], Sort.Count(), _bindSort.GetPointer(), _cbSort ); }
// Initialize heap
_heap.Init( &_Comparator, _apCursor.GetPointer() );
END_CONSTRUCTION( CSequentialSorted ); }
// Member: CSequentialSorted::~CSequentialSorted, public
// Synopsis: Destructor
// History: 05-Jun-95 KyleP Created.
CSequentialSorted::~CSequentialSorted() { //
// Release any remaining cursors.
for ( int i = _cChild - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { delete _apCursor[i]; } }
// Member: CSequentialSort::_GetNextRows, protected
// Synopsis: Sequentially fetch rows
// Arguments: [hChapter] -- Chapter
// [cRowsToSkip] -- Skip this many rows before beginning.
// [cRows] -- Try to fetch this many rows.
// [pcRowsObtained] -- Actually fetched this many.
// [pphRows] -- Store HROWs here. Allocate memory if
// [pphRows] is zero.
// History: 07-Apr-95 KyleP Created.
// Notes: Need to have Ole DB error handling here because we are translating
// errors.
SCODE CSequentialSorted::_GetNextRows( HCHAPTER hChapter, DBROWOFFSET cRowsToSkip, DBROWCOUNT cRows, DBCOUNTITEM * pcRowsObtained, HROW * * pphRows ) { _DBErrorObj.ClearErrorInfo();
SCODE sc = S_OK; BOOL fAllocated = FALSE; ULONG cTotalRowsObtained = 0;
Win4Assert( 0 == hChapter && "Chapter support not yet implemented" );
if (!pcRowsObtained || !pphRows) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_IERROR, "CSequentialSorted::GetNextRows: Invalid parameter(s).\n" )); return _DBErrorObj.PostHResult(E_INVALIDARG, IID_IRowset); } *pcRowsObtained = 0;
if (0 == cRows) // nothing to fetch
return S_OK;
// Don't support backwards fetch.
if ( cRows < 0 || cRowsToSkip < 0 ) { return _DBErrorObj.PostHResult(DB_E_CANTSCROLLBACKWARDS, IID_IRowset); }
TRY { //
// We may have to allocate memory, if the caller didn't.
if ( 0 == *pphRows ) { *pphRows = (HROW *)CoTaskMemAlloc( (ULONG) ( cRows * sizeof(HROW) ) ); fAllocated = TRUE; }
if ( 0 == *pphRows ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CSequentialSerial::GetNextRows: Out of memory.\n" )); THROW( CException( E_OUTOFMEMORY ) ); }
// We may have reached some temporary condition such as
// DB_S_ROWLIMITEXCEEDED on the last pass. Iterate until we
// have a valid heap.
// Adjust cache size if necessary.
if ( !_heap.IsHeapEmpty() ) _heap.AdjustCacheSize( (ULONG) cRows );
// Fetch from top of heap.
while ( cTotalRowsObtained < (ULONG)cRows ) { //
// We may be entirely out of rows.
if ( _heap.IsHeapEmpty() ) { sc = DB_S_ENDOFROWSET; break; }
if ( cRowsToSkip ) { cRowsToSkip--; } else { if ( _RowManager.IsTrackingSiblings() ) (*pphRows)[cTotalRowsObtained] = _RowManager.Add( _heap.Top()->Index(), _heap.TopHROWs() ); else (*pphRows)[cTotalRowsObtained] = _RowManager.Add( _heap.Top()->Index(), _heap.Top()->GetHROW() ); cTotalRowsObtained++; }
// Fetch the next row.
PMiniRowCache::ENext next = _heap.Next();
if ( CMiniRowCache::NotNow == next ) { sc = DB_S_ROWLIMITEXCEEDED; break; } } *pcRowsObtained = cTotalRowsObtained; } CATCH( CException, e ) { sc = e.GetErrorCode();
vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "Exception 0x%x calling IRowset::GetNextRows\n", sc ));
// If we already have some rows, then we can't 'unfetch' them, so we have
// to mask this error. Presumably it won't be transient and we'll get it
// again later.
if ( cTotalRowsObtained > 0 ) { sc = DB_S_ROWLIMITEXCEEDED; } else if ( fAllocated ) { CoTaskMemFree( *pphRows ); *pphRows = 0; } } END_CATCH
if (FAILED(sc)) _DBErrorObj.PostHResult(sc, IID_IRowset);
return( sc ); }
// Member: CSequentialSorted::RestartPosition, public
// Synopsis: Reset cursor for GetNextRows
// Arguments: [hChapter] -- Chapter
// History: 22 Sep 98 VikasMan Created.
STDMETHODIMP CSequentialSorted::RestartPosition( HCHAPTER hChapter ) { for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _cChild; i++ ) { _apCursor[i]->FlushCache(); } _heap.ReInit( 0 );
SCODE sc = CDistributedRowset::RestartPosition( hChapter );
for ( i = 0; i < _cChild; i++ ) { _apCursor[i]->Next(); }
_heap.ReInit( _cChild );
return sc; }