// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1991 - 2000.
// Contents: Query parser
// Classes: CQParse -- query parser
// History: 19-Sep-91 BartoszM Implemented.
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <qparse.hxx>
#include <norm.hxx>
#include <drep.hxx>
#include <cci.hxx>
#include <pidmap.hxx>
#include <fa.hxx>
#include <compare.hxx>
#include <cichkstk.hxx>
#include "qkrep.hxx"
DECLARE_SMARTP( InternalPropertyRestriction )
static GUID guidQuery = DBQUERYGUID; static CFullPropSpec psUnfiltered( guidQuery, DISPID_QUERY_UNFILTERED );
static GUID guidStorage = PSGUID_STORAGE; static CFullPropSpec psFilename( guidStorage, PID_STG_NAME );
static CFullPropSpec psRevName( guidQuery, DISPID_QUERY_REVNAME );
// Member: CQParse::CQParse, public
// Synopsis: Break phrases, normalize, and stem the query expression
// Arguments: [pidmap] -- Propid mapper
// [langList] -- Language list
// History: 19-Sep-91 BartoszM Created.
CQParse::CQParse( CPidMapper & pidmap, CLangList & langList ) : _flags(0), _pidmap( pidmap ), _langList( langList ), _lcidSystemDefault( GetSystemDefaultLCID() ) { }
// Member: CQParse::Parse, public
// Synopsis: Recursively parse expression
// Arguments: [pRst] -- Tree of query expressions
// Returns: Possibly modified expression
// History: 19-Sep-91 BartoszM Created.
// 18-Jan-92 KyleP Use restrictions
// 15-May-96 DwightKr Add check for NULL NOT restriction
// Notes: The return CRestriction will be different than [pRst].
// [pRst] is not touched.
CRestriction* CQParse::Parse( CRestriction* pRst ) { ciThrowIfLowOnStack();
// go through leaves:
// normalize values
// break and normalize phrases (create phrase nodes)
// GenerateMethod level 1 -- convert to ranges
// higher GenerateMethod levels -- use stemmer
if ( pRst->IsLeaf() ) { return Leaf ( pRst ); } else { if ( pRst->Type() == RTNot ) { CNotRestriction * pnrst = (CNotRestriction *)pRst;
XRestriction xRst( Parse( pnrst->GetChild() ) );
if ( xRst.GetPointer() == 0 ) { THROW( CException( QUERY_E_INVALIDRESTRICTION ) ); }
CNotRestriction *pNotRst = new CNotRestriction( xRst.GetPointer() ); Win4Assert( pNotRst->IsValid() ); xRst.Acquire(); return pNotRst; }
CNodeRestriction* pnrstSource = pRst->CastToNode(); XNodeRestriction xnrstTarget; BOOL fVector;
if ( pRst->Type() == RTVector ) { fVector = TRUE; xnrstTarget.Set( new CVectorRestriction( ((CVectorRestriction *)pRst)->RankMethod(), pRst->CastToNode()->Count() ) ); } else { fVector = FALSE; xnrstTarget.Set( new CNodeRestriction( pRst->Type(), pRst->CastToNode()->Count() ) ); }
Win4Assert( xnrstTarget->IsValid() );
// Vector nodes must be treated slightly differently than
// AND/OR/ANDNOT nodes. Noise words must be placeholders
// in a vector node.
BOOL fAndNode = ( xnrstTarget->Type() == RTAnd || xnrstTarget->Type() == RTProximity ); ULONG cOrCount = ( fAndNode ? 1: pnrstSource->Count() ); // Number of non-noise OR components
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pnrstSource->Count(); i++ ) { CRestriction * px = Parse ( pnrstSource->GetChild(i) );
// Don't store noise phrases (null nodes) during parse,
// *unless* this is a vector node.
if ( 0 == px && fVector ) { px = new CRestriction; }
if ( 0 != px ) { XRestriction xRst( px ); xnrstTarget->AddChild ( px );
xRst.Acquire(); } else { cOrCount--; if ( 0 == cOrCount ) // all components are noise only
THROW( CException( QUERY_E_ALLNOISE ) ); } } return xnrstTarget.Acquire(); } } //Parse
// Member: CQParse::Leaf, private
// Synopsis: Parse the leaf node of expression tree
// Arguments: [pExpr] -- leaf expression
// Returns: Possibly modified expression
// Requires: pExpr->IsLeaf() TRUE
// History: 19-Sep-91 BartoszM Created.
// 18-Jan-92 KyleP Use restrictions
// 05-Nov-93 DwightKr Changed PutUnsignedValue => PutValue
CRestriction* CQParse::Leaf ( CRestriction* pRst ) { Win4Assert ( pRst->IsLeaf() );
switch( pRst->Type() ) { case RTContent: { CContentRestriction* pContRst = (CContentRestriction *) pRst; ULONG GenerateMethod = pContRst->GenerateMethod();
if ( GenerateMethod > GENERATE_METHOD_MAX_USER ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "QParse: GenerateMethod 0x%x > GENERATE_METHOD_MAX_USER\n", GenerateMethod )); THROW( CException( QUERY_E_INVALIDRESTRICTION ) ); }
CQueryKeyRepository keyRep( GenerateMethod );
CRestriction * pPhraseRst;
switch ( BreakPhrase ( pContRst->GetPhrase(), pContRst->GetProperty(), pContRst->GetLocale(), GenerateMethod, keyRep, 0, _pidmap, _langList) ) { case BP_NOISE: _flags |= CI_NOISE_IN_PHRASE; // Note fall through...
case BP_OK: pPhraseRst = keyRep.AcqRst();
if ( pPhraseRst ) pPhraseRst->SetWeight( pRst->Weight() ); else _flags |= CI_NOISE_PHRASE;
default: Win4Assert( !"How did we get here?" );
case BP_INVALID_PROPERTY: pPhraseRst = 0; break; } // switch
return pPhraseRst; break; }
case RTNatLanguage: { CNatLanguageRestriction* pNatLangRst = (CNatLanguageRestriction *) pRst; CVectorKeyRepository vecKeyRep( pNatLangRst->GetProperty(), pNatLangRst->GetLocale(), pRst->Weight(), _pidmap, _langList ); CRestriction* pVectorRst;
switch ( BreakPhrase ( pNatLangRst->GetPhrase(), pNatLangRst->GetProperty(), pNatLangRst->GetLocale(), GENERATE_METHOD_INFLECT, vecKeyRep, &vecKeyRep, _pidmap, _langList ) ) { case BP_NOISE: _flags |= CI_NOISE_IN_PHRASE; // Note fall through...
case BP_OK: pVectorRst = vecKeyRep.AcqRst();
if ( pVectorRst ) pVectorRst->SetWeight( pRst->Weight() ); else _flags |= CI_NOISE_PHRASE;
default: Win4Assert( !"How did we get here?" );
case BP_INVALID_PROPERTY: pVectorRst = 0; break; } // switch
return pVectorRst; break; }
case RTProperty: { CPropertyRestriction * prstProp = (CPropertyRestriction *)pRst;
if ( getBaseRelop(prstProp->Relation()) > PRSomeBits ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "QParse: Invalid comparison operator %d\n", prstProp->Relation() )); THROW( CException( QUERY_E_INVALIDRESTRICTION ) ); }
PROPID pid = _pidmap.NameToPid( prstProp->GetProperty() );
if ( pidInvalid != pid ) pid = _pidmap.PidToRealPid( pid );
if ( pidInvalid == pid ) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "QParse: Invalid property\n" )); THROW( CException( QUERY_E_INVALIDRESTRICTION ) ); }
CInternalPropertyRestriction * prstIProp = new CInternalPropertyRestriction( prstProp->Relation(), pid, prstProp->Value() );
Win4Assert( prstIProp->IsValid() );
XInternalPropertyRestriction xrstIProp( prstIProp );
// If the property restriction is over a string value, then create
// a helper content restriction.
switch( prstProp->Value().Type() ) { case VT_LPSTR: AddLpstrHelper( prstProp, prstIProp ); break;
case VT_LPWSTR: AddLpwstrHelper( prstProp, prstIProp ); break;
case VT_LPWSTR | VT_VECTOR: AddLpwstrVectorHelper( prstProp, prstIProp ); break;
case VT_BOOL: if ( prstProp->Value().GetBOOL() != FALSE && prstProp->Relation() == PREQ && prstProp->GetProperty() == psUnfiltered ) { delete xrstIProp.Acquire();
CUnfilteredRestriction *pUnfiltRst = new CUnfilteredRestriction;
return( pUnfiltRst ); } break;
default: break; }
return( xrstIProp.Acquire() ); }
default: { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "QParse: Invalid restriction type %d\n", pRst->Type() )); THROW( CException( QUERY_E_INVALIDRESTRICTION ) ); return 0; } } } //Leaf
// Member: CQParse::AddLpwstrHelper, private
// Synopsis: Add content helpers for VT_LPWSTR properties.
// Arguments: [prstProp] -- Property restriction (input)
// [prstIProp] -- Internal property restriction (output)
// History: 03-Oct-95 KyleP Broke out as method.
void CQParse::AddLpwstrHelper( CPropertyRestriction * prstProp, CInternalPropertyRestriction * prstIProp ) { //
// For equality, we create a content restriction with GenerateMethod level 0.
if ( prstProp->Relation() == PREQ ) { CQueryKeyRepository keyRep( GENERATE_METHOD_EXACT );
BreakPhrase ( (WCHAR *)prstProp->Value().GetLPWSTR(), prstProp->GetProperty(), _lcidSystemDefault, GENERATE_METHOD_EXACT, keyRep, 0, _pidmap, _langList ); prstIProp->SetContentHelper( keyRep.AcqRst() ); }
// For regular expression, create a GenerateMethod match for any fixed prefix
// on the string.
else if ( prstProp->Relation() == PRRE ) { const MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH = 50;
unsigned i = wcscspn( prstProp->Value().GetLPWSTR(), awcSpecialRegex );
// Should the 0 below be a registry parameter?
if ( i > 0 ) { WCHAR wcs[MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH];
if ( i > sizeof(wcs)/sizeof(WCHAR) - 2 ) i = sizeof(wcs)/sizeof(WCHAR) - 2;
memcpy( wcs, prstProp->Value().GetLPWSTR(), i*sizeof(WCHAR) ); wcs[i] = 0;
// Trickery: Key repository is GENERATE_METHOD_PREFIX which turns key into ranges.
// Phrase is broken with GENERATE_METHOD_EXACTPREFIXMATCH which does 'exact'
// prefix matching: e.g. it uses the noise word list. The result is
// that we match ranges, but don't set a content helper if we hit
// a noise word. This is different from a user GENERATE_METHOD_PREFIX
// which uses a very minimal noise word list (only 1 character
// prefixes are noise).
CQueryKeyRepository keyRep( GENERATE_METHOD_PREFIX ); if ( BP_OK == BreakPhrase ( wcs, prstProp->GetProperty(), _lcidSystemDefault, GENERATE_METHOD_EXACTPREFIXMATCH, keyRep, 0, _pidmap, _langList ) ) { prstIProp->SetContentHelper( keyRep.AcqRst() ); } }
// If this is the filename property, then add to the content helper
// the reversed suffix string w/o wildcards. For *.cxx we would
// add xxc.
if ( prstProp->GetProperty() == psFilename ) { WCHAR wcs[MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH];
WCHAR const * pBegin = prstProp->Value().GetLPWSTR(); WCHAR const * pEnd = pBegin + wcslen(pBegin) - 1;
i = 0;
for ( ; pEnd >= pBegin && i < MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH - 1 ; pEnd-- ) { if ( wcschr( awcSpecialRegexReverse, *pEnd ) == 0 ) wcs[i++] = *pEnd; else { wcs[i] = 0; break; } }
if ( i < MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH ) wcs[i] = 0;
wcs[MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH - 1] = 0;
if ( i > 0 ) { CQueryKeyRepository keyRep( GENERATE_METHOD_PREFIX );
if ( prstIProp->GetContentHelper() == 0 ) { if ( BP_OK == BreakPhrase ( wcs, psRevName, _lcidSystemDefault, GENERATE_METHOD_EXACTPREFIXMATCH, keyRep, 0, _pidmap, _langList ) ) { prstIProp->SetContentHelper( keyRep.AcqRst() ); } } else { if ( BP_OK == BreakPhrase ( wcs, psRevName, _lcidSystemDefault, GENERATE_METHOD_EXACTPREFIXMATCH, keyRep, 0, _pidmap, _langList ) ) { CNodeRestriction *pNodeRst = new CNodeRestriction( RTAnd, 2 ); XNodeRestriction rstAnd( pNodeRst );
Win4Assert( rstAnd->IsValid() );
unsigned posOrig; rstAnd->AddChild( prstIProp->GetContentHelper(), posOrig );
XRestriction xRst( keyRep.AcqRst() );
unsigned pos; rstAnd->AddChild( xRst.GetPointer(), pos );
if ( 0 == rstAnd->GetChild( pos ) ) { prstIProp->SetContentHelper( rstAnd->RemoveChild( posOrig ) ); } else { prstIProp->SetContentHelper( rstAnd.Acquire() ); } } } } } } } //AddLpwstrHelper
// Member: CQParse::AddLpstrHelper, private
// Synopsis: Add content helpers for VT_LPSTR properties.
// Arguments: [prstProp] -- Property restriction (input)
// [prstIProp] -- Internal property restriction (output)
// History: 03-Oct-95 KyleP Broke out as method.
void CQParse::AddLpstrHelper( CPropertyRestriction * prstProp, CInternalPropertyRestriction * prstIProp ) { //
// For equality, we create a content restriction with GenerateMethod level 0.
if ( prstProp->Relation() == PREQ ) { CQueryKeyRepository keyRep( GENERATE_METHOD_EXACT );
BreakPhrase ( prstProp->Value().GetLPSTR(), prstProp->GetProperty(), _lcidSystemDefault, GENERATE_METHOD_EXACT, keyRep, 0, _pidmap, _langList );
prstIProp->SetContentHelper( keyRep.AcqRst() ); }
// For regular expression, create a GenerateMethod match for any fixed prefix
// on the string.
else if ( prstProp->Relation() == PRRE ) { const MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH = 50;
unsigned i = strcspn( prstProp->Value().GetLPSTR(), acSpecialRegex );
// Should the 0 below be a registry parameter?
if ( i > 0 ) { char ac[MAX_PREFIX_LENGTH];
if ( i > sizeof(ac) - 1 ) i = sizeof(ac) - 1;
memcpy( ac, prstProp->Value().GetLPSTR(), i ); ac[i] = 0;
// Trickery: Key repository is GENERATE_METHOD_PREFIX which turns key into ranges.
// Phrase is broken with GENERATE_METHOD_EXACTPREFIXMATCH which does 'exact'
// prefix matching: e.g. it uses the noise word list. The result is
// that we match ranges, but don't set a content helper if we hit
// a noise word. This is different from a user GENERATE_METHOD_PREFIX
// which uses a very minimal noise word list (only 1 character
// prefixes are noise).
CQueryKeyRepository keyRep( GENERATE_METHOD_PREFIX );
if ( BP_OK == BreakPhrase ( ac, prstProp->GetProperty(), _lcidSystemDefault, GENERATE_METHOD_EXACTPREFIXMATCH, keyRep, 0, _pidmap, _langList ) ) { prstIProp->SetContentHelper( keyRep.AcqRst() ); } } } } //AddLpstrHelper
// Member: CQParse::AddLpwstrVectorHelper, private
// Synopsis: Add content helpers for VT_LPWSTR | VT_VECTOR properties.
// Arguments: [prstProp] -- Property restriction (input)
// [prstIProp] -- Internal property restriction (output)
// History: 03-Oct-95 KyleP Created
void CQParse::AddLpwstrVectorHelper( CPropertyRestriction * prstProp, CInternalPropertyRestriction * prstIProp ) { if ( prstProp->Value().Count() == 0 ) { //
// Null vector, hence no helper restriction
return; }
if ( prstProp->Relation() == PREQ || prstProp->Relation() == (PREQ | PRAll) ) { XNodeRestriction xrstAnd( new CNodeRestriction( RTAnd, prstProp->Value().Count() ) );
Win4Assert( xrstAnd->IsValid() );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < prstProp->Value().Count(); i++ ) { CQueryKeyRepository keyRep( GENERATE_METHOD_EXACT );
BreakPhrase ( (WCHAR *)prstProp->Value().GetLPWSTR( i ), prstProp->GetProperty(), _lcidSystemDefault, GENERATE_METHOD_EXACT, keyRep, 0, _pidmap, _langList ); CRestriction * prst = keyRep.AcqRst();
if ( 0 != prst ) { XPtr<CRestriction> xRst( prst ); xrstAnd->AddChild( prst ); xRst.Acquire(); } else { _flags |= CI_NOISE_IN_PHRASE; } }
// If there aren't any nodes (because of noise words) don't set the
// content helper, so we can fall back on enumeration. Set _flags
// in this case so it's obvious why we had to fall back on enumration.
if ( xrstAnd->Count() == 1 ) prstIProp->SetContentHelper( xrstAnd->RemoveChild( 0 ) ); else if ( 0 != xrstAnd->Count() ) prstIProp->SetContentHelper( xrstAnd.Acquire() ); } else if ( prstProp->Relation() == (PREQ | PRAny) ) { XNodeRestriction xrstOr( new CNodeRestriction( RTOr, prstProp->Value().Count() ) );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < prstProp->Value().Count(); i++ ) { CQueryKeyRepository keyRep( GENERATE_METHOD_EXACT );
BreakPhrase ( (WCHAR *)prstProp->Value().GetLPWSTR( i ), prstProp->GetProperty(), _lcidSystemDefault, GENERATE_METHOD_EXACT, keyRep, 0, _pidmap, _langList );
CRestriction * prst = keyRep.AcqRst();
if ( 0 != prst ) { XPtr<CRestriction> xRst( prst ); xrstOr->AddChild( prst ); xRst.Acquire(); } else break; // If we can't match all OR clauses, then we're in trouble.
// RTAny is all-or-nothing. A missed clause in one that CI can't resolve, which
// means there are objects that match this query that CI won't find.
if ( xrstOr->Count() == prstProp->Value().Count() ) { if ( xrstOr->Count() == 1 ) prstIProp->SetContentHelper( xrstOr->RemoveChild( 0 ) ); else prstIProp->SetContentHelper( xrstOr.Acquire() ); } else { _flags |= CI_NOISE_IN_PHRASE; } } } //AddLpwstrVectorHelper
// Function: BreakPhrase
// Synopsis: Break phrase into words and noun phrases
// Arguments: [phrase] -- string
// [ps] -- property specification
// [GenerateMethod] -- GenerateMethod flag
// [keyRep] -- key repository into which words will be deposited
// [pPhraseSink] -- sink for phrases
// [pidMap] -- pid mapper used to convert property to propid
// Returns: Noise word status.
// History: 19-Sep-1991 BartoszM Created.
// 18-Jan-1992 KyleP Use restrictions
// 12-Feb-2000 KitmanH Added hack to fix German word breaking
// issue for prefix matching queries
BreakPhraseStatus BreakPhrase ( WCHAR const * phrase, const CFullPropSpec & ps, LCID lcid, ULONG GenerateMethod, PKeyRepository& krep, IPhraseSink *pPhraseSink, CPidMapper & pidMap, CLangList & langList ) { CDataRepository drep( krep, pPhraseSink, TRUE, GenerateMethod, pidMap, langList );
if ( drep.PutLanguage( lcid ) && drep.PutPropName( ps ) ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "BreakPhrase: phrase = \"%ws\" Propid = %lu\n", phrase, drep.GetPropId() ));
drep.PutPhrase( phrase, wcslen(phrase) + 1 ); krep.FixUp( drep );
if ( drep.ContainedNoiseWords() ) return BP_NOISE; else return BP_OK; } else return BP_INVALID_PROPERTY; } //BreakPhrase
// DBCS version of the previous function.
BreakPhraseStatus BreakPhrase ( char const * phrase, const CFullPropSpec & ps, LCID lcid, ULONG GenerateMethod, PKeyRepository& krep, IPhraseSink *pPhraseSink, CPidMapper & pidMap, CLangList & langList ) { CDataRepository drep( krep, pPhraseSink, TRUE, GenerateMethod, pidMap, langList );
if ( drep.PutLanguage( lcid ) && drep.PutPropName( ps ) ) { ciDebugOut (( DEB_ITRACE, "BreakPhrase: phrase = \"%s\" Propid = %lu\n", phrase, drep.GetPropId() ));
drep.PutPhrase( phrase, strlen(phrase) + 1 ); krep.FixUp( drep );
if ( drep.ContainedNoiseWords() ) return BP_NOISE; else return BP_OK; } else return BP_INVALID_PROPERTY; } //BreakPhrase