// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1994
// File: classf.cxx
// Contents: Class factory for standard Filter Object class
// History: 6-Jan-1997 MarkZ Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include "docname.hxx"
#include "classf.hxx"
#include "filterob.hxx"
#include <fsciclnt.h>
#include <dslookup.hxx>
// We keep count of the number of filter objects that we've created
// to let OLE know when this DLL is finally free.
extern long gulcInstances;
// {aa205a4d-681F-11d0-A243-08002B36FCA4}
extern "C" const GUID guidStorageFilterObject = { 0xaa205a4d, 0x681f, 0x11d0, { 0xa2, 0x43, 0x8, 0x0, 0x2b, 0x36, 0xfc, 0xa4 } };
extern "C" const GUID guidStorageDocStoreLocatorObject = CLSID_StorageDocStoreLocator;
// Construction and destruction
// Method: CStorageFilterObjectCF::CStorageFilterObjectCF
// Synopsis: Storage Filter Object class factory constructor
// History: 6-Jan-1997 MarkZ Created
CStorageFilterObjectCF::CStorageFilterObjectCF() : _RefCount( 1 ) { InterlockedIncrement( &gulcInstances ); }
// Method: CStorageFilterObjectCF::~CStorageFilterObjectCF
// Synopsis: Storage Filter Object class factory destructor
// History: 6-Jan-1997 MarkZ Created
CStorageFilterObjectCF::~CStorageFilterObjectCF() { Win4Assert( _RefCount == 0); Win4Assert( gulcInstances != 0 );
InterlockedDecrement( &gulcInstances ); }
// IUnknown method implementations
// Method: CStorageFilterObjectCF::AddRef
// Synopsis: Increments refcount
// History: 6-Jan-1997 MarkZ Created
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStorageFilterObjectCF::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement( &_RefCount ); }
// Method: CStorageFilterObjectCF::Release
// Synopsis: Decrement refcount. Delete if necessary.
// History: 6-Jan-1997 MarkZ Created
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStorageFilterObjectCF::Release() { Win4Assert( _RefCount != 0 );
LONG RefCount = InterlockedDecrement( &_RefCount );
if ( RefCount <= 0 ) delete this;
return (ULONG) RefCount; } // Release
// Method: CStorageFilterObjectCF::QueryInterface
// Synopsis: Rebind to other interface
// Arguments: [riid] -- IID of new interface
// [ppvObject] -- New interface * returned here
// Returns: S_OK if bind succeeded, E_NOINTERFACE if bind failed
// History: 6-Jan-1997 MarkZ Created
STDMETHODIMP CStorageFilterObjectCF::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, PVOID* ppvObject ) { Win4Assert( 0 != ppvObject );
if ( IID_IClassFactory == riid) *ppvObject = (PVOID) ((IClassFactory *) this ); else if ( IID_IUnknown == riid ) *ppvObject = (PVOID) ((IUnknown *) this ); else { *ppvObject = 0; return E_NOINTERFACE; }
AddRef(); return S_OK; }
// Method: CStorageFilterObjectCF::CreateInstance
// Synopsis: Create new CStorageFilterObject instance
// Arguments: [pUnkOuter] -- 'Outer' IUnknown; IGNORED
// [riid] -- Interface to bind
// [ppvObject] -- Interface returned here
// History: 6-Jan-1997 MarkZ Created
STDMETHODIMP CStorageFilterObjectCF::CreateInstance( IUnknown * pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, PVOID * ppvObject ) { CStorageFilterObject * pFilterObject = 0; SCODE sc = S_OK;
TRY { //
// Create the new object
pFilterObject = new CStorageFilterObject;
// Obtain the new interface
sc = pFilterObject->QueryInterface( riid , ppvObject );
// Regardless of whether the QueryInterface succeeded, we
// release the object.
pFilterObject->Release(); } CATCH(CException, e) { Win4Assert( 0 == pFilterObject );
switch( e.GetErrorCode() ) { case E_OUTOFMEMORY: sc = (E_OUTOFMEMORY); break; default: sc = (E_UNEXPECTED); } } END_CATCH;
return (sc); }
// Method: CStorageFilterObjectCF::LockServer
// Synopsis: Force class factory to remain loaded
// Arguments: [fLock] -- TRUE if locking, FALSE if unlocking
// Returns: S_OK
// History: 6-Jan-1997 MarkZ Created
STDMETHODIMP CStorageFilterObjectCF::LockServer( BOOL fLock ) { if (fLock) InterlockedIncrement( &gulcInstances ); else InterlockedDecrement( &gulcInstances );
return(S_OK); }
// ======================== DocStoreLocator Class Factory ==================
// Method: CStorageDocStoreLocatorObjectCF::CStorageDocStoreLocatorObjectCF
// Synopsis: Storage Filter Object class factory constructor
// History: 6-Jan-1997 MarkZ Created
CStorageDocStoreLocatorObjectCF::CStorageDocStoreLocatorObjectCF() : _RefCount( 1 ) { InterlockedIncrement( &gulcInstances ); }
// Method: CStorageDocStoreLocatorObjectCF::~CStorageDocStoreLocatorObjectCF
// Synopsis: Storage Filter Object class factory destructor
// History: 6-Jan-1997 MarkZ Created
CStorageDocStoreLocatorObjectCF::~CStorageDocStoreLocatorObjectCF() { Win4Assert( _RefCount == 0); Win4Assert( gulcInstances != 0 );
InterlockedDecrement( &gulcInstances ); }
// IUnknown method implementations
// Method: CStorageDocStoreLocatorObjectCF::AddRef
// Synopsis: Increments refcount
// History: 6-Jan-1997 MarkZ Created
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStorageDocStoreLocatorObjectCF::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement( &_RefCount ); }
// Method: CStorageDocStoreLocatorObjectCF::Release
// Synopsis: Decrement refcount. Delete if necessary.
// History: 6-Jan-1997 MarkZ Created
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CStorageDocStoreLocatorObjectCF::Release() { Win4Assert( _RefCount != 0 );
LONG RefCount = InterlockedDecrement( &_RefCount );
if ( RefCount <= 0 ) delete this;
return (ULONG) RefCount;
} // Release
// Method: CStorageDocStoreLocatorObjectCF::QueryInterface
// Synopsis: Rebind to other interface
// Arguments: [riid] -- IID of new interface
// [ppvObject] -- New interface * returned here
// Returns: S_OK if bind succeeded, E_NOINTERFACE if bind failed
// History: 6-Jan-1997 MarkZ Created
STDMETHODIMP CStorageDocStoreLocatorObjectCF::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, PVOID* ppvObject ) { Win4Assert( 0 != ppvObject );
if ( IID_IClassFactory == riid) *ppvObject = (PVOID) ((IClassFactory *) this ); else if ( IID_IUnknown == riid ) *ppvObject = (PVOID) ((IUnknown *) this ); else { *ppvObject = 0; return E_NOINTERFACE; }
AddRef(); return S_OK; }
// Method: CStorageDocStoreLocatorObjectCF::CreateInstance
// Synopsis: Create new CStorageFilterObject instance
// Arguments: [pUnkOuter] -- 'Outer' IUnknown; IGNORED
// [riid] -- Interface to bind
// [ppvObject] -- Interface returned here
// History: 6-Jan-1997 MarkZ Created
STDMETHODIMP CStorageDocStoreLocatorObjectCF::CreateInstance( IUnknown * pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, PVOID * ppvObject ) { CClientDocStoreLocator * pObject = 0; SCODE sc = S_OK;
TRY { //
// Create the new object
pObject = new CClientDocStoreLocator;
// Obtain the new interface
sc = pObject->QueryInterface( riid , ppvObject );
// Regardless of whether the QueryInterface succeeded, we
// release the object.
pObject->Release(); } CATCH(CException, e) { Win4Assert( 0 == pObject );
switch( e.GetErrorCode() ) { case E_OUTOFMEMORY: sc = (E_OUTOFMEMORY); break; default: sc = (E_UNEXPECTED); } } END_CATCH;
return (sc); }
// Method: CStorageDocStoreLocatorObjectCF::LockServer
// Synopsis: Force class factory to remain loaded
// Arguments: [fLock] -- TRUE if locking, FALSE if unlocking
// Returns: S_OK
// History: 6-Jan-1997 MarkZ Created
STDMETHODIMP CStorageDocStoreLocatorObjectCF::LockServer( BOOL fLock ) { if (fLock) InterlockedIncrement( &gulcInstances ); else InterlockedDecrement( &gulcInstances );
return(S_OK); }