// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2000.
// File: tableseg.hxx
// Contents: CTableSegment class declaration
// Classes:
// Functions:
// History: 1-16-95 srikants Moved from bigtable.hxx
#pragma once
#include <tblsink.hxx>
#include <querydef.hxx>
#include <coldesc.hxx>
#include <tablecol.hxx>
#include <tbrowkey.hxx>
// Class: CNotificationSync
// Purpose: Synchronization information for notifications.
class CRequestServer;
class CNotificationSync { public:
CNotificationSync( HANDLE hEvent ) : _hCancelEvent( hEvent ), _pServer( 0 ) {}
CNotificationSync( CRequestServer *pServer ) : _hCancelEvent( 0 ), _pServer( pServer ) {}
HANDLE GetCancelEvent() { Win4Assert( 0 == _pServer ); return _hCancelEvent; }
BOOL IsSvcMode() { return 0 != _pServer; }
CRequestServer * GetRequestServer() { Win4Assert( 0 == _hCancelEvent ); return _pServer; }
HANDLE _hCancelEvent; CRequestServer * _pServer; };
// Class: CNotificationParams
// Purpose: Bundles the notification parameters so they are easy to
// pass from place to place.
enum ENotifyType { notifyAdd, notifyDelete, notifyModify };
class CNotificationParams { public:
CNotificationParams() { memset(_acRows,0,sizeof _acRows); memset(_apRows,0,sizeof _apRows); }
~CNotificationParams() { delete _apRows[notifyAdd]; delete _apRows[notifyDelete]; delete _apRows[notifyModify]; }
CI_TBL_BMK * GetRows(ENotifyType type) { return _apRows[type]; } void SetRows(ENotifyType type,CI_TBL_BMK * p) { _apRows[type] = p; }
ULONG GetCount(ENotifyType type) { return _acRows[type]; } void SetCount(ENotifyType type, ULONG c) { _acRows[type] = c; } ULONG IncrementCount(ENotifyType type) { return _acRows[type]++; }
BOOL AnyNotifications() { return 0 != _acRows[notifyAdd] || 0 != _acRows[notifyDelete] || 0 != _acRows[notifyModify]; }
void Marshall(CNotificationParams &rFrom) { memcpy(_acRows,rFrom._acRows,sizeof _acRows); }
void UnMarshall(CNotificationParams &rFrom) { Marshall(rFrom); }
ULONG MarshalledSize() { return sizeof CNotificationParams; }
void Resize(ENotifyType type,ULONG cNew) { _apRows[type] = renewx(_apRows[type], _acRows[type], _acRows[type] + cNew); }
void SetHROW(ENotifyType type,ULONG index,CI_TBL_BMK hrow) { _apRows[type][index] = hrow; }
ULONG _acRows[3]; CI_TBL_BMK * _apRows[3]; };
// Forward declaration of classes
class CQueryIterator; class CRetriever; class CTableCursor; class CTableSegIter;
class CTableWindow; class CGetRowsParams;
// Class: CTableSource
// Purpose: Abstract base class for a source of rows from the bigtable
// categorization tables
// History: 3-20-95 srikants Created (Split from CTableSegment)
// Notes:
class CTableSource {
CTableSource() : _fFwdFetchPrev( TRUE ), _fFirstGetNextRows( TRUE ) { }
virtual SCODE GetRows( HWATCHREGION hRegion, WORKID widStart, CI_TBL_CHAPT chapt, CTableColumnSet const & rOutColumns, CGetRowsParams & rGetParams, WORKID& rwidNextRowToTransfer ) = 0;
virtual SCODE GetRowsAt( HWATCHREGION hRegion, WORKID widStart, CI_TBL_CHAPT chapt, DBROWOFFSET cRowsToMove, CTableColumnSet const & rOutColumns, CGetRowsParams & rGetParams, WORKID & rwidLastRowTransferred ) = 0;
virtual SCODE GetRowsAtRatio( HWATCHREGION hRegion, ULONG num, ULONG denom, CI_TBL_CHAPT chapt, CTableColumnSet const & rOutColumns, CGetRowsParams & rGetParams, WORKID & rwidLastRowTransferred ) = 0;
virtual SCODE GetApproximatePosition( CI_TBL_CHAPT chapt, CI_TBL_BMK bmk, DBCOUNTITEM * pulNumerator, DBCOUNTITEM * pulDenominator) = 0;
virtual void RestartPosition ( CI_TBL_CHAPT chapt ) { _fFwdFetchPrev = TRUE; _fFirstGetNextRows = TRUE; }
virtual void LokGetOneColumn( WORKID wid, CTableColumn const & rOutColumn, BYTE * pbOut, PVarAllocator & rVarAllocator ) { Win4Assert(!"Never called!"); }
virtual WORKID GetCurrentPosition( CI_TBL_CHAPT chapt ) = 0;
virtual WORKID SetCurrentPosition( CI_TBL_CHAPT chapt, WORKID wid ) = 0;
BOOL GetFwdFetchPrev() { return _fFwdFetchPrev; } void SetFwdFetchPrev( BOOL fFwdFetch) { _fFwdFetchPrev = fFwdFetch; }
BOOL IsFirstGetNextRows() { return _fFirstGetNextRows; } void ResetFirstGetNextRows() { _fFirstGetNextRows = FALSE; }
BOOL _fFwdFetchPrev; // Fetch direction of previous GetNextRows call
BOOL _fFirstGetNextRows; // Is this the first GetNextRows call ?
// Class: CCompareResult ()
// Purpose: To hold the result of a comparison of a row with a segment.
// (For CompareRange).
// History: 3-20-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CCompareResult {
enum ECompareResult { eInRange, eLesser, eGreater, eUnknown };
CCompareResult( ECompareResult rslt = eUnknown ) : _rslt(rslt) {}
ECompareResult Get() const { return _rslt; } int GetComp() const { return _iComp; } void Set( ECompareResult rslt ) { _rslt = rslt; } void Set( int iComp ) { _iComp = iComp;
if ( 0 == iComp ) { _rslt = eInRange; } else if ( iComp > 0 ) { _rslt = eGreater; } else { _rslt = eLesser; } }
BOOL IsUnknown() const { return eUnknown == _rslt; }
BOOL IsEQ() const { return eInRange == _rslt ; }
BOOL IsGT() const { return eGreater == _rslt; }
BOOL IsLT() const { return eLesser == _rslt; }
BOOL IsLE() const { return eLesser == _rslt || eInRange == _rslt; }
BOOL IsGE() const { return eGreater == _rslt || eInRange == _rslt; }
BOOL IsNE() const { return eInRange != _rslt; }
ECompareResult _rslt; int _iComp;
}; //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class: CTableSegment
// Purpose: Base class for a segment in the bigtable.
// History: 3-20-95 srikants Created ( Split into CTableSource and
// CTableSegment )
// Notes:
class CTableSegment: public CDoubleLink, public CTableSink { public:
enum ETableSegType { eWindow, eBucket, eLargeTable };
CTableSegment( ETableSegType eType, ULONG segId, const CSortSet & sortSet, CTableKeyCompare & comparator) : _type(eType), _segId(segId), _refCount(0), _fZombie(0), _lowKey(sortSet), _highKey(sortSet), _comparator(comparator) { _next = _prev = 0; }
CTableSegment( CTableSegment & src, ULONG segId ) :_type(src._type), _segId(segId), _refCount(0), _fZombie(0), _lowKey( src._lowKey.GetSortSet() ), _highKey( src._highKey.GetSortSet() ), _comparator(src._comparator) { _next = _prev = 0; }
virtual ~CTableSegment() { Win4Assert( ! InUse() ); }
virtual BOOL PutRow( CRetriever & obj, CTableRowKey & currKey ) = 0;
virtual DBCOUNTITEM RowCount() = 0;
// Column manipulation
virtual BOOL RowOffset(WORKID wid, ULONG& riRow) { Win4Assert( !"Should not be called\n" ); return FALSE; }
// Row Deletions.
virtual void RemoveRow( PROPVARIANT const & varUnique ) { Win4Assert( !"Must Not Be Called" ); }
virtual BOOL RemoveRow( PROPVARIANT const & varUnique, WORKID & widNext, CI_TBL_CHAPT & chapt ) = 0;
// Sort related methods.
virtual BOOL IsRowInSegment( WORKID wid ) = 0;
ETableSegType GetSegmentType() const { return _type; }
BOOL IsWindow() const { return eWindow == _type; } BOOL IsBucket() const { return eBucket == _type; }
ULONG GetSegId() const { return _segId; }
virtual BOOL IsEmptyForQuery() = 0;
virtual BOOL IsGettingFull() = 0;
virtual BOOL IsSortedSplit( ULONG & riSplit ) = 0;
BOOL InUse() const { return 0 != _refCount; } void Reference() { _refCount++; } void Release() { Win4Assert( _refCount > 0 ); _refCount--; }
BOOL IsZombie() const { return _fZombie; } void Zombify() { _fZombie = TRUE; }
CTableRowKey & GetLowestKey() { return _lowKey; }
CTableRowKey & GetHighestKey() { return _highKey; }
void CiExtDump(void *ciExtSelf); #endif
ETableSegType _type;
const ULONG _segId;
unsigned _refCount;
BOOL _fZombie;
CTableRowKey _lowKey; // Lowest row in this segment
CTableRowKey _highKey; // Highest row in this segment
CTableKeyCompare & _comparator; // Comparator
// Class: CTableSegRef
// Purpose: A class to automatically de-reference the table segment
// if there is a failure.
// History: 3-09-95 srikants Created
// Notes:
class CTableSegRef { public:
CTableSegRef( CTableSegment * pTableSeg = 0 ) : _pTableSeg(pTableSeg) { }
~CTableSegRef() { if ( _pTableSeg ) { _pTableSeg->Release(); } }
void Set( CTableSegment * pTableSeg ) { Win4Assert( 0 == _pTableSeg ); _pTableSeg = pTableSeg; }
CTableSegment * Get() { return _pTableSeg; }
CTableSegment * Transfer() { CTableSegment * pTemp = _pTableSeg; _pTableSeg = 0; return pTemp; }
CTableSegment * _pTableSeg;
class CTableBucket; typedef XPtr<CTableSegment> XTableSegment;