// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2000.
// File: SvcQuery.cxx
// Contents: IInternalQuery interface for cisvc
// History: 13-Sep-96 dlee Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <restrict.hxx>
#include <rowset.hxx>
#include <query.hxx>
#include <pidmap.hxx>
#include <coldesc.hxx>
#include <lang.hxx>
#include <rstprop.hxx>
#include <proprst.hxx>
#include "svcquery.hxx"
// Member: CSvcQuery::QueryInterface, public
// Arguments: [ifid] -- Interface id
// [ppiuk] -- Interface return pointer
// Returns: Error. No rebind from this class is supported.
// History: 13-Sep-96 dlee Created
STDMETHODIMP CSvcQuery::QueryInterface( REFIID ifid, void ** ppiuk ) { if ( IID_IUnknown == ifid ) { AddRef(); *ppiuk = (void *)((IUnknown *)this); return S_OK; } else { *ppiuk = 0; return E_NOINTERFACE; } } //QueryInterface
// Member: CSvcQuery::AddRef, public
// Synopsis: Reference the virtual table.
// History: 13-Sep-96 dlee Created
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CSvcQuery::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement( (long *) &_ref ); } //AddRef
// Member: CSvcQuery::Release, public
// Synopsis: De-Reference the virtual table.
// Effects: If the ref count goes to 0 then the table is deleted.
// History: 13-Sep-96 dlee Created
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CSvcQuery::Release() { long l = InterlockedDecrement( (long *) &_ref );
if ( l <= 0 ) { // delete self
vqDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "Svc IInternalQuery unreferenced. Deleting.\n" )); delete this; return 0; }
return l; } //Release
// Class: CCursorArray
// Synopsis: Smart container of query cursors
// History: 16-Feb-97 dlee Created
class CCursorArray { public: CCursorArray( ULONG * pCursors, ULONG cCursors, CSvcQueryProxy & Query ) : _pCursors( pCursors ), _cCursors( cCursors ), _Query( Query ) { }
void Acquire( ULONG iElement ) { _pCursors[ iElement ] = 0; }
~CCursorArray() { // FreeCursor can fail if the pipe is stale, in which
// case don't bother with freeing the rest of the cursors.
TRY { for ( ULONG x = 0; x < _cCursors; x++ ) { if ( 0 != _pCursors[ x ] ) _Query.FreeCursor( _pCursors[ x ] ); } } CATCH( CException, e ) { } END_CATCH }
private: ULONG * _pCursors; ULONG _cCursors; CSvcQueryProxy & _Query; };
// Member: CSvcQuery::Execute, public
// Synopsis: Executes a query. Helper for ICommand::Execute.
// Arguments: [pUnkOuter] -- Outer unknown
// [pRestriction] -- Query restriction
// [pidmap] -- pid mapper for output, sort, category columns
// [rColumns] -- Output columns in IRowset
// [rSort] -- Initial sort
// [xProps] -- Rowset properties (query flags)
// [rCateg] -- Categorization specification
// [cRowsets] -- # of rowsets
// [ppUnknowns] -- IUnknowns returned here
// [aAccessors] -- Bag of accessors which rowsets need to inherit
// Returns: Throws on error
// History: 26 Nov 1995 AlanW Created
// 13-Sep-96 dlee Make it support cisvc
void CSvcQuery::Execute( IUnknown * pUnkOuter, RESTRICTION * pRestriction, CPidMapperWithNames & pidmap, CColumnSet & rColumns, CSortSet & rSort, XPtr<CMRowsetProps> & xProps, CCategorizationSet & rCateg, ULONG cRowsets, IUnknown ** ppUnknowns, CAccessorBag & aAccessors, IUnknown * pUnkCreator ) { if (0 == ppUnknowns) THROW(CException( E_INVALIDARG));
if ( cRowsets != 1 + (rCateg.Count() ? rCateg.Count() : 0) ) THROW( CException( E_INVALIDARG ));
if (_QueryUnknown.IsQueryActive()) { vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CSvcQuery: Query already active.\n" ));
// NTRAID#DB-NTBUG9-84330-2000/07/31-dlee OLE-DB spec variance in Indexing Service when reexecuting queries
// spec variance: only if query changed
THROW( CException( DB_E_OBJECTOPEN )); }
// Construct table
*ppUnknowns = 0; // in case of error or exception
XArray<ULONG> aCursors( cRowsets );
// Construct a CRowsetProperties
CRowsetProperties Prop; Prop.SetDefaults( xProps->GetPropertyFlags(), xProps->GetMaxOpenRows(), xProps->GetMemoryUsage(), xProps->GetMaxResults(), xProps->GetCommandTimeout(), xProps->GetFirstRows() );
XInterface<CSvcQueryProxy> xQuery(new CSvcQueryProxy( _client, rColumns, (CRestriction&) (*pRestriction), rSort.Count() ? &rSort : 0, rCateg.Count() ? &rCateg : 0, Prop, pidmap, cRowsets, aCursors.GetPointer() ));
// Make rowsets for each level in the hierarchy (usually 1).
// Rowset 0 is the top of the hierarchy.
CCursorArray cursorArray( aCursors.GetPointer(), cRowsets, xQuery.GetReference() );
_QueryUnknown.ReInit(); CRowsetArray apRowsets( cRowsets ); XArray<IUnknown *> xapUnknown( cRowsets );
CMRowsetProps & OrigProps = xProps.GetReference(); for ( unsigned r = 0; r < cRowsets; r++ ) { // First rowset is not chaptered, even if others are.
XPtr<CMRowsetProps> xTmp;
if ( 0 != r ) { xTmp.Set( new CMRowsetProps( OrigProps ) ); xTmp->SetChaptered( TRUE ); }
if ( 1 != cRowsets && 0 == r ) xProps->SetChaptered( FALSE ); apRowsets[r] = new CRowset( pUnkOuter, &xapUnknown[r], (r == (cRowsets - 1)) ? rColumns : rCateg.Get(r)->GetColumnSet(), pidmap, xQuery.GetReference(), (IUnknown &) _QueryUnknown, 0 != r, ( 0 == r ) ? xProps : xTmp, aCursors[r], aAccessors, pUnkCreator );
// the cursor is acquired
cursorArray.Acquire( r ); } for (r = 0; r < cRowsets; r++) { if (r < cRowsets-1) apRowsets[r]->SetRelatedRowset( apRowsets[r+1] );
ppUnknowns[r] = xapUnknown[r]; } // xQuery goes out of scope, which does a Release() on it.
// Each rowset above has done an AddRef() on it and they own it.
// ReInit can't fail
_QueryUnknown.ReInit( cRowsets, apRowsets.Acquire() ); } //Execute
// Member: CSvcQuery::CSvcQuery, public
// Synopsis: saves the query scope, machine, and catalog
// Arguments: [cScopes] - # of entries in the scope arrays
// [aDepths] - array of scope depths
// [aScopes] - array of paths to roots of scopes
// [pwcCatalog] - catalog override name or path
// [pwcMachine] - Machine name for catalog
// History: 13-Sep-96 dlee Updated from FAT for svc
CSvcQuery::CSvcQuery( WCHAR const * pwcMachine, IDBProperties * pDbProperties ) : #pragma warning(disable : 4355) // 'this' in a constructor
_QueryUnknown( * ((IUnknown *) this) ), #pragma warning(default : 4355) // 'this' in a constructor
PIInternalQuery( 0 ), _client( pwcMachine, pDbProperties ) { AddRef(); } //CSvcQuery