Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1998
// File: isearch.cxx
// Contents: The interface specific methods of CSearch
// History: 05-Dec-94 Created BartoszM
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <isearch.hxx>
// Method: CSearch::QueryInterface
// Synopsis: Rebind to other interface
// Arguments: [riid] -- IID of new interface
// [ppvObject] -- New interface * returned here
// Returns: S_OK if bind succeeded, E_NOINTERFACE if bind failed
// History: 05-Dec-1994 BartoszM Created
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CSearch::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, void ** ppvObject) { if ( 0 == ppvObject ) return E_INVALIDARG;
if ( IID_ISearchQueryHits == riid ) *ppvObject = (IUnknown *)(ISearchQueryHits *)this; else if ( IID_IUnknown == riid ) *ppvObject = (IUnknown *) this; else { *ppvObject = 0; return E_NOINTERFACE; }
AddRef(); return S_OK; } //QueryInterface
// Method: CSearch::AddRef
// Synopsis: Increments refcount
// History: 05-Dec-1994 BartoszM Created
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CSearch::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement( &_cRefs ); }
// Method: CSearch::Release
// Synopsis: Decrement refcount. Delete if necessary.
// History: 05-Dec-1994 BartoszM Created
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CSearch::Release() { unsigned long uTmp = InterlockedDecrement( &_cRefs );
if ( 0 == uTmp ) delete this;
return uTmp; }