// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 2000.
// File: strrest.cxx
// Contents: Builds a restriction object from a string
// History: 96/Jan/3 DwightKr Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <parser.hxx>
#include <pvarset.hxx>
#include <strsort.hxx>
#include <cierror.h>
extern CDbContentRestriction * TreeFromText( WCHAR const * wcsRestriction, IColumnMapper & ColumnMapper, LCID lcid );
// Function: GetStringDbRestriction - public constructor
// Synopsis: Builds a CDbRestriction from the string passed
// Arguments: [wcsRestriction] - the string containing the restriction
// [ulDialect] - triplish dialect
// [pList] - property list describing the proptypes
// [lcid] - the locale of the query
// History: 96/Jan/03 DwightKr Created.
CDbRestriction * GetStringDbRestriction( const WCHAR * wcsRestriction, ULONG ulDialect, IColumnMapper * pList, LCID lcid ) { Win4Assert( 0 != wcsRestriction ); Win4Assert( ISQLANG_V1 == ulDialect || ISQLANG_V2 == ulDialect );
XPtr<CDbRestriction> xRest;
if ( ISQLANG_V1 == ulDialect ) { CQueryScanner scanner( wcsRestriction, TRUE, lcid );
CQueryParser query( scanner, VECTOR_RANK_JACCARD, lcid, L"contents", CONTENTS, pList );
xRest.Set( query.ParseQueryPhrase() ); } else { xRest.Set( TreeFromText( wcsRestriction, *pList, lcid ) ); }
return xRest.Acquire(); } //GetStringDbRestriction
// Function: FormDbQueryTree
// Synopsis: Builds a CDbCmdTreeNode from the restriction, sort
// specification, grouping specification and output columns.
// Arguments: [xDbRestriction] - the restriction
// [xDbSortNode] - the sort specification (optional)
// [xDbProjectList] - the output columns
// [xDbGroupNode] - the grouping specification (optional)
// [ulMaxRecords] - max records to return
// [ulFirstRows] - only sort and display the first ulFirstRows
// rows
// History: 1996/Jan/03 DwightKr Created.
// 2000/Jul/01 KitmanH Added ulFirstRows
CDbCmdTreeNode * FormDbQueryTree( XPtr<CDbCmdTreeNode> & xDbCmdTreeNode, XPtr<CDbSortNode> & xDbSortNode, XPtr<CDbProjectListAnchor> & xDbProjectList, XPtr<CDbNestingNode> & xDbGroupNode, ULONG ulMaxRecords, ULONG ulFirstRows ) { XPtr<CDbCmdTreeNode> xDbCmdTree = 0;
// First create a selection node and append the restriction tree to it
CDbSelectNode * pSelect = new CDbSelectNode(); if ( 0 == pSelect ) { THROW( CException(STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES) ); }
xDbCmdTree.Set( pSelect ); if ( !pSelect->IsValid() ) { THROW( CException(STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES) ); }
// Now make the restriction a child of the selection node.
pSelect->AddRestriction( xDbCmdTreeNode.GetPointer() ); xDbCmdTreeNode.Acquire();
// If there is a nesting node, add the project list and the selection
// node below the lowest nesting node. Otherwise, create a projection
// node and make the selection a child of the projection node.
if ( 0 != xDbGroupNode.GetPointer() ) { CDbNestingNode * pBottomNestingNode = xDbGroupNode.GetPointer(); CDbCmdTreeNode * pTree = pBottomNestingNode;
while (pTree->GetFirstChild() != 0 && (pTree->GetFirstChild()->GetCommandType() == DBOP_nesting || pTree->GetFirstChild()->GetCommandType() == DBOP_sort)) { pTree = pTree->GetFirstChild(); if (pTree->GetCommandType() == DBOP_nesting) pBottomNestingNode = (CDbNestingNode *)pTree; }
// Add the input projection list to the nesting node
if (! pBottomNestingNode->SetChildList( *xDbProjectList.GetPointer() )) THROW( CException(E_INVALIDARG) );
// Make the selection a child of the lowest node.
if (pBottomNestingNode == pTree) { pBottomNestingNode->AddTable( xDbCmdTree.GetPointer() ); xDbCmdTree.Acquire(); } else { Win4Assert( pTree->IsSortNode() ); ((CDbSortNode *)pTree)->AddTable( xDbCmdTree.GetPointer() ); xDbCmdTree.Acquire(); }
xDbCmdTree.Set( xDbGroupNode.Acquire() ); } else { //
// Create the projection nodes
CDbProjectNode * pProject = new CDbProjectNode(); if ( 0 == pProject ) { THROW( CException(STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES) ); }
// Make the selection a child of the projection node.
pProject->AddTable( xDbCmdTree.GetPointer() ); xDbCmdTree.Acquire();
xDbCmdTree.Set( pProject );
// Next add the column list to the project node
pProject->AddList( xDbProjectList.GetPointer() ); xDbProjectList.Acquire();
// Next make the project node a child of the sort node
if ( !xDbSortNode.IsNull() && 0 != xDbSortNode->GetFirstChild() ) { xDbSortNode->AddTable( xDbCmdTree.GetPointer() ); xDbCmdTree.Acquire();
xDbCmdTree.Set( xDbSortNode.Acquire() ); } }
CDbTopNode *pTop = 0;
// If the user specified a max # of records to examine, then setup
// a node to reflect this.
if ( ulMaxRecords > 0 ) { pTop = new CDbTopNode(); if ( pTop == 0 ) THROW( CException(STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES) );
pTop->SetChild( xDbCmdTree.Acquire() ); pTop->SetValue(ulMaxRecords ); }
// Set FirstRows here
if ( ulFirstRows > 0 ) { CDbFirstRowsNode *pFR = new CDbFirstRowsNode(); if ( pFR == 0 ) THROW( CException( STATUS_NO_MEMORY ) );
CDbCmdTreeNode *pChild = pTop ? pTop : xDbCmdTree.Acquire(); pFR->SetChild( pChild ); pFR->SetValue( ulFirstRows );
return pFR; }
if ( 0 != pTop ) return pTop;
return xDbCmdTree.Acquire(); }
// Function: ParseStringColumns
// Synopsis: Parses the textual columns separated by commas into CDbColumns.
// Also, adds the columns to a set of named variables if the
// optional parameter pVariableSet is passed.
// Arguments: [wcsColumns] -- List of columns, separated by commas
// [pList] -- Column mapper.
// [lcid] -- locale
// [pVarSet] -- [optional] Variable Set.
// [pawcsColumns] -- [optional] Parsed columns
// History: 3-03-97 srikants Created
// 7-23-97 KyleP Return parsed columns
CDbColumns * ParseStringColumns( WCHAR const * wcsColumns, IColumnMapper * pList, LCID lcid, PVariableSet * pVarSet, CDynArray<WCHAR> * pawcsColumns ) { CDbColumns * pDbCols = new CDbColumns(0); if ( 0 == pDbCols ) { THROW( CException(STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES) ); }
XPtr<CDbColumns> xDbCols( pDbCols );
CQueryScanner scan( wcsColumns, FALSE, lcid );
for ( XPtrST<WCHAR> wcsColumn( scan.AcqColumn() ); wcsColumn.GetPointer() != 0; wcsColumn.Set( scan.AcqColumn() ) ) { CDbColId *pDbColId = 0; DBID *pdbid = 0; _wcsupr( wcsColumn.GetPointer() );
if ( FAILED(pList->GetPropInfoFromName( wcsColumn.GetPointer(), &pdbid, 0, 0 )) ) { //
// This column was not defined. Report an error.
qutilDebugOut(( DEB_IERROR, "Column name %ws not found\n", wcsColumn.GetPointer() )); THROW( CException( QUERY_E_INVALID_OUTPUT_COLUMN ) ); }
pDbColId = (CDbColId *)pdbid;
unsigned colNum = pDbCols->Count(); for (unsigned i=0; i<colNum; i++) { if (pDbCols->Get(i) == *pDbColId) break; }
if (i != colNum) { //
// This column is a duplicate of another, possibly an alias.
qutilDebugOut(( DEB_IERROR, "Column name %ws is duplicated\n", wcsColumn.GetPointer() )); THROW( CException( QUERY_E_DUPLICATE_OUTPUT_COLUMN ) ); } pDbCols->Add( *pDbColId, colNum );
// Add the output column to the list of replaceable parameters if needed.
if ( pVarSet ) { Win4Assert( 0 != pawcsColumns );
pVarSet->SetVariable( wcsColumn.GetPointer(), 0, 0); pawcsColumns->Add( wcsColumn.GetPointer(), colNum ); wcsColumn.Acquire(); }
wcsColumn.Free(); scan.AcceptColumn(); // Remove the column name
// Skip over commas seperating output columns
if ( scan.LookAhead() == COMMA_TOKEN ) { scan.Accept(); // Remove the ','
} else if ( scan.LookAhead() != EOS_TOKEN ) { THROW( CException( QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_COMMA ) ); } }
qutilDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, "%d columns added to CDbColumns\n", pDbCols->Count() ));
// We must have exhausted the CiColumns line. If not, there was a syntax
// error we couldn't parse.
if ( scan.LookAhead() != EOS_TOKEN ) { //
// Contains a syntax error. Report an error.
qutilDebugOut(( DEB_IWARN, "Syntax error in CiColumns= line\n" )); THROW( CException( QUERY_E_INVALID_OUTPUT_COLUMN ) ); }
return xDbCols.Acquire(); }
// Function: ParseColumnsWithFriendlyNames
// Synopsis: Parses the columns string and leaves the friendly names
// in the project list.
// Arguments: [wcsColumns] - Columns names
// [pList] - Property List
// [pVarSet] - (not used) Variable Set - Optional
// Returns: The project list anchor of the tree.
// History: 3-18-97 srikants Created
CDbProjectListAnchor * ParseColumnsWithFriendlyNames( WCHAR const * wcsColumns, IColumnMapper * pList, PVariableSet * pVarSet ) { CDbColumns * pDbCols = new CDbColumns( 0 ); XPtr<CDbColumns> xDbCols( pDbCols );
XPtr<CDbProjectListAnchor> xDbColList( new CDbProjectListAnchor() );
if ( 0 == xDbCols.GetPointer() || 0 == xDbColList.GetPointer() ) { THROW( CException(E_OUTOFMEMORY) ); }
CQueryScanner scan( wcsColumns, FALSE );
for ( XPtrST<WCHAR> wcsColumn( scan.AcqColumn() ); wcsColumn.GetPointer() != 0; wcsColumn.Set( scan.AcqColumn() ) ) { CDbColId *pDbColId = 0; DBID *pdbid = 0;
_wcsupr( wcsColumn.GetPointer() );
if ( FAILED(pList->GetPropInfoFromName( wcsColumn.GetPointer(), &pdbid, 0, 0 )) ) { //
// This column was not defined. Report an error.
qutilDebugOut(( DEB_IERROR, "Column name %ws not found\n", wcsColumn.GetPointer() )); THROW( CException(QUERY_E_INVALID_OUTPUT_COLUMN) ); }
pDbColId = (CDbColId *)pdbid;
unsigned colNum = pDbCols->Count(); for (unsigned i=0; i<colNum; i++) { if (pDbCols->Get(i) == *pDbColId) break; }
if (i != colNum) { //
// This column is a duplicate of another, possibly an alias.
qutilDebugOut(( DEB_IERROR, "Column name %ws is duplicated\n", wcsColumn.GetPointer() )); THROW( CException(QUERY_E_DUPLICATE_OUTPUT_COLUMN) ); } pDbCols->Add( *pDbColId, colNum ); if (! xDbColList->AppendListElement( *pDbColId, wcsColumn.GetPointer() )) THROW( CException(E_OUTOFMEMORY) );
delete wcsColumn.Acquire(); scan.AcceptColumn(); // Remove the column name
// Skip over commas seperating output columns
if ( scan.LookAhead() == COMMA_TOKEN ) { scan.Accept(); // Remove the ','
} else if ( scan.LookAhead() != EOS_TOKEN ) { THROW( CException(QPARSE_E_EXPECTING_COMMA ) ); } }
qutilDebugOut(( DEB_TRACE, "%d columns added to project list\n", pDbCols->Count() ));
// We must have exhausted the CiColumns line. If not, there was a syntax
// error we couldn't parse.
if ( scan.LookAhead() != EOS_TOKEN ) { //
// Contains a syntax error. Report an error.
qutilDebugOut(( DEB_IERROR, "Syntax error in CiColumns= line\n" )); THROW( CException(QUERY_E_INVALID_OUTPUT_COLUMN) ); }
return xDbColList.Acquire(); } //+---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Member: CTextToTree::FormFullTree
// Synopsis: Creates a full tree from the parameters given to the
// construtor.
// History: 3-04-97 srikants Created
DBCOMMANDTREE * CTextToTree::FormFullTree() { XPtr<CDbProjectListAnchor> xDbProjectList;
if ( _fKeepFriendlyNames ) { //
// Get the Project List Anchor for the string columns retaining the
// friendly names.
xDbProjectList.Set( ParseColumnsWithFriendlyNames( _wcsColumns, _xPropList.GetPointer(), _pVariableSet ) ); } else { //
// Convert the textual form of the columns into DBColumns.
XPtr<CDbColumns> xDbColumns; CDbColumns * pDbColumns = _pDbColumns;
if ( 0 == pDbColumns ) { xDbColumns.Set( ParseStringColumns( _wcsColumns, _xPropList.GetPointer(), _locale, _pVariableSet ) ); pDbColumns = xDbColumns.GetPointer(); }
// Build the projection list from the column list.
xDbProjectList.Set( new CDbProjectListAnchor ); if ( 0 == xDbProjectList.GetPointer() ) { THROW( CException(STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES) ); }
for (unsigned i=0; i < pDbColumns->Count(); i++) { if (! xDbProjectList->AppendListElement( pDbColumns->Get(i) )) { THROW( CException(STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES) ); } } }
// Convert the textual form of the sort columns into CDbSortNode.
XPtr<CDbSortNode> xDbSortNode; if ( 0 != _wcsSort ) xDbSortNode.Set( GetStringDbSortNode( _wcsSort, _xPropList.GetPointer(), _locale ) );
XPtr<CDbNestingNode> xDbNestingNode; if ( 0 != _wcsGroup ) { CQueryScanner scanner( _wcsGroup, FALSE, _locale, TRUE ); CParseGrouping ParseGrouping( scanner, _xPropList.GetPointer(), _fKeepFriendlyNames ); ParseGrouping.Parse();
if ( 0 != _wcsSort ) ParseGrouping.AddSortList( xDbSortNode );
xDbNestingNode.Set( ParseGrouping.AcquireNode() ); }
qutilDebugOut(( DEB_TRACE, "ExecuteQuery:\n" )); qutilDebugOut(( DEB_TRACE, "\tCiRestriction = '%ws'\n", _wcsRestriction ));
XPtr<CDbCmdTreeNode> xDbCmdTreeNode;
// Use a restriction if one was already passed in
if (0 != _pDbCmdTree) { Win4Assert(0 == _wcsRestriction); xDbCmdTreeNode.Set((CDbCmdTreeNode *)CDbCmdTreeNode::CastFromStruct(_pDbCmdTree)); } else { Win4Assert(_wcsRestriction);
xDbCmdTreeNode.Set( GetStringDbRestriction( _wcsRestriction, _ulDialect, _xPropList.GetPointer(), _locale ) ); } //
// Now form the query tree from the restriction, sort set, and
// projection list.
CDbCmdTreeNode *pDbCmdTree = FormDbQueryTree( xDbCmdTreeNode, xDbSortNode, xDbProjectList, xDbNestingNode, _maxRecs, _cFirstRows );
return pDbCmdTree->CastToStruct(); } //FormFullTree