// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 2000.
// File: pidmap.cxx
// Contents: Maps pid <--> property name.
// History: 31-Jan-93 KyleP Created
#include <pch.cxx>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <pidremap.hxx>
#include <coldesc.hxx>
// Member: CPidRemapper::CPidRemapper, public
// Synopsis: Creates a prop id remapper. Translates input arguments
// 'fake' propids to real propids.
// Arguments: [pidmap] - input prop ID mapping array
// [xPropMapper] - property mapper for real pid lookup
// [prst] - optional restriction, pids will be mapped
// [pcol] - optional output columns, pids will be mapped
// [pso] - optional sort specification, pids will be mapped
// History: 31-Jan-93 KyleP Created
CPidRemapper::CPidRemapper( const CPidMapper & pidmap, XInterface<IPropertyMapper> & xPropMapper, CRestriction * prst, CColumnSet * pcol, CSortSet * pso ) : _xPropMapper( xPropMapper.Acquire() ), _fAnyStatProps( FALSE ), _fContentProp ( FALSE ), _fRankVectorProp( FALSE ), _cRefs( 1 ) { _cpidReal = pidmap.Count(); _xaPidReal.Set( _cpidReal, new PROPID[ _cpidReal ] );
// Iterate through the list
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _cpidReal; i++ ) { PROPID pid; FULLPROPSPEC const * pFullPropSpec = pidmap.Get(i)->CastToStruct(); SCODE sc = _xPropMapper->PropertyToPropid( pFullPropSpec, TRUE, &pid ); if ( FAILED( sc ) ) THROW( CException( sc ) );
_xaPidReal[i] = pid;
if ( IsUserDefinedPid( _xaPidReal[i] ) ) { //
// Any user-defined property is a content property.
// Note that the document characterization is a user-defined prop.
_fContentProp = TRUE; } else { if ( _xaPidReal[i] == pidContents ) _fContentProp = TRUE; else _fAnyStatProps = TRUE;
if ( _xaPidReal[i] == pidRankVector ) _fRankVectorProp = TRUE; }
#if CIDBG == 1
if ( vqInfoLevel & DEB_ITRACE ) { CFullPropSpec const & ps = *pidmap.Get(i);
GUID const & guid = ps.GetPropSet();
char szGuid[50];
sprintf( szGuid, "%08lX-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X\\", guid.Data1, guid.Data2, guid.Data3, guid.Data4[0], guid.Data4[1], guid.Data4[2], guid.Data4[3], guid.Data4[4], guid.Data4[5], guid.Data4[6], guid.Data4[7] );
vqDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE, szGuid ));
if ( ps.IsPropertyName() ) vqDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "%ws ", ps.GetPropertyName() )); else vqDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, "0x%x ", ps.GetPropertyPropid() ));
vqDebugOut(( DEB_ITRACE | DEB_NOCOMPNAME, " --> pid 0x%x\n", _xaPidReal[i] ));
} #endif // CIDBG == 1
CFullPropSpec * ppsFull = new CFullPropSpec( *pidmap.Get(i) );
XPtr<CFullPropSpec> xpps(ppsFull);
if ( xpps.IsNull() || !xpps->IsValid() ) { THROW( CException( STATUS_NO_MEMORY ) ); }
_propNames.Add( ppsFull, i ); xpps.Acquire();
Win4Assert( _xaPidReal[i] != pidInvalid ); }
if ( prst ) RemapPropid( prst );
if ( pcol ) RemapPropid( pcol );
if ( pso ) RemapPropid( pso ); }
// Member: CPidRemapper::CPidRemapper, public
// Synopsis: Creates a prop id remapper.
// Arguments: [xPropMapper] - Property mapper for real pid lookup
// History: 12-Mar-95 DwightKr Created
CPidRemapper::CPidRemapper( XInterface<IPropertyMapper> & xPropMapper ) : _xPropMapper( xPropMapper.Acquire() ), _cpidReal( 0 ), _cRefs( 1 ) { }
// Member: CPidRemapper::~CPidRemapper, public
// History: 15-Feb-93 KyleP Created
CPidRemapper::~CPidRemapper() { }
// Member: CPidRemapper::RealToName, public
// Effects: Convert a PROPID to a propspec
// Arguments: [pid] - Given pid
// History: 22-Jan-97 SitaramR Added header
CFullPropSpec const * CPidRemapper::RealToName( PROPID pid ) const { Win4Assert( ! _xaPidReal.IsNull() );
// Just linear search
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _cpidReal && _xaPidReal[i] != pid; i++ ) { continue; }
Win4Assert( i < _cpidReal );
// This can happen if a hacker tries to munge query requests
if ( i == _cpidReal ) THROW( CException( E_ABORT ) );
return( _propNames.Get( i ) ); }
// Member: CPidRemapper::NameToReal, public
// Effects: Convert a property which is not necessarily in the pid map
// to a PROPID.
// Arguments: [pProperty] - pointer to the propspec.
// Returns: PROPID - the mapped property ID or pidInvalid.
// History: 28 Jun 94 AlanW Created
PROPID CPidRemapper::NameToReal( CFullPropSpec const * pProperty ) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < _cpidReal; i++) { if (*pProperty == *_propNames.Get(i)) { return _xaPidReal[ i ]; } }
// Property is not in the mapping array. Add it.
PROPID Prop; FULLPROPSPEC const * pFullPropSpec = pProperty->CastToStruct(); SCODE sc = _xPropMapper->PropertyToPropid( pFullPropSpec, TRUE, &Prop ); if ( FAILED( sc ) ) THROW( CException( sc ) );
if (Prop != pidInvalid) { PROPID *ppidReal = new PROPID[ _cpidReal+1 ]; memcpy(ppidReal, _xaPidReal.GetPointer(), _cpidReal * sizeof (PROPID));
// No lock is needed here to prevent races with RealToName since in current
// usage everything is added in the query path by a single thread before
// reads happen from multiple threads.
PROPID *ppidTemp = _xaPidReal.Acquire(); _xaPidReal.Set( _cpidReal+1, ppidReal ); delete [] ppidTemp;
CFullPropSpec * ppsFull = new CFullPropSpec( *pProperty );
XPtr<CFullPropSpec> xpps(ppsFull);
if ( xpps.IsNull() || !xpps->IsValid() ) { THROW( CException( STATUS_NO_MEMORY ) ); }
_propNames.Add( ppsFull, _cpidReal ); xpps.Acquire();
Win4Assert(*_propNames.Get(_cpidReal) == *pProperty); _xaPidReal[_cpidReal] = Prop;
_cpidReal++; }
return Prop; }
// Member: CPidRemapper::RemapPropid, public
// Effects: Traverses [pRst], converting 'fake' propid to 'real'
// Arguments: [pRst] -- Restriction
// History: 15-Feb-93 KyleP Created
void CPidRemapper::RemapPropid( CRestriction * pRst ) { Win4Assert ( pRst != 0 );
switch( pRst->Type() ) { case RTInternalProp: { CInternalPropertyRestriction * pPropRst = (CInternalPropertyRestriction *)pRst;
pPropRst->SetPid( FakeToReal( pPropRst->Pid() ) ); if ( 0 != pPropRst->GetContentHelper() ) RemapPropid( pPropRst->GetContentHelper() ); break; }
case RTWord: { CWordRestriction * pWordRst = (CWordRestriction *)pRst; pWordRst->SetPid( FakeToReal( pWordRst->Pid() ) ); break; }
case RTSynonym: { CSynRestriction * pSynRst = (CSynRestriction *)pRst; CKeyArray & keys = pSynRst->GetKeys();
for ( int i = keys.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { CKey & key = keys.Get(i); key.SetPid( FakeToReal( key.Pid() ) ); } break; }
case RTNot: { CNotRestriction * pnrst = (CNotRestriction *)pRst;
RemapPropid( pnrst->GetChild() ); break; }
case RTAnd: case RTOr: case RTVector: case RTProximity: case RTPhrase: { CNodeRestriction * pNodeRst = pRst->CastToNode();
for ( int i = pNodeRst->Count() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { RemapPropid( pNodeRst->GetChild( i ) ); } break; } case RTRange: case RTNone: // probably a noise word in a vector query
default: Win4Assert( !"RemapPropid: Unknown type." ); break;
} }
// Member: CPidRemapper::RemapPropid, public
// Effects: Traverses [pColumns], converting 'fake' propid to 'real'
// Arguments: [pColumns] -- Output columns
// History: 22-Jun-93 KyleP Created
void CPidRemapper::RemapPropid( CColumnSet * pColumns ) { for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pColumns->Count(); i++ ) { pColumns->Get(i) = FakeToReal( pColumns->Get(i) ); } }
// Member: CPidRemapper::RemapPropid, public
// Effects: Traverses [pSort], converting 'fake' propid to 'real'
// Arguments: [pSort] -- Restriction
// History: 15-Feb-93 KyleP Created
void CPidRemapper::RemapPropid( CSortSet * pSort ) { for ( unsigned i = 0; i < pSort->Count(); i++ ) { pSort->Get(i).pidColumn = FakeToReal( pSort->Get(i).pidColumn ); } }
void CPidRemapper::ReBuild( const CPidMapper & pidmap ) { if ( _cpidReal < pidmap.Count() ) { delete [] _xaPidReal.Acquire();
_cpidReal = 0;
_xaPidReal.Set( pidmap.Count(), new PROPID[ pidmap.Count() ] ); }
_cpidReal = pidmap.Count();
// Iterate through the list
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < _cpidReal; i++ ) { PROPID pid; FULLPROPSPEC const * pFullPropSpec = pidmap.Get(i)->CastToStruct(); SCODE sc = _xPropMapper->PropertyToPropid( pFullPropSpec, TRUE, &pid ); if ( FAILED( sc ) ) THROW( CException( sc ) );
_xaPidReal[i] = pid;
Win4Assert( _xaPidReal[i] != pidInvalid ); } }
void CPidRemapper::Set( XArray<PROPID> & aPids ) { delete [] _xaPidReal.Acquire();
_cpidReal = aPids.Count(); _xaPidReal.Set( _cpidReal, aPids.Acquire() ); }
// This has to go somewhere...
// Method: CPidRemapper::AddRef
// Synopsis: Increments refcount
// History: 22-Jan-1997 SitaramR Created
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CPidRemapper::AddRef() { return InterlockedIncrement( (long *) &_cRefs ); }
// Method: CPidRemapper::Release
// Synopsis: Decrement refcount. Delete if necessary.
// History: 22-Jan-1997 SitaramR Created
ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE CPidRemapper::Release() { Win4Assert( _cRefs > 0 );
ULONG uTmp = InterlockedDecrement( (long *) &_cRefs );
if ( 0 == uTmp ) delete this;
return(uTmp); }
// Method: CPidRemapper::QueryInterface
// Synopsis: Rebind to other interface
// Arguments: [riid] -- IID of new interface
// [ppvObject] -- New interface * returned here
// Returns: S_OK if bind succeeded, E_NOINTERFACE if bind failed
// History: 22-Jan-1997 SitaramR Created
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CPidRemapper::QueryInterface( REFIID riid, void ** ppvObject) { if ( IID_ICiQueryPropertyMapper == riid ) *ppvObject = (ICiQueryPropertyMapper *)this; else if ( IID_IUnknown == riid ) *ppvObject = (IUnknown *)this; else { *ppvObject = 0; return E_NOINTERFACE; }
AddRef(); return S_OK; }
// Method: CPidRemapper::PropertyToPropid
// Synopsis: Convert propspec to pid
// Arguments: [pFullPropSpec] -- propspec to convert
// [pPropId] -- pid returned here
// History: 22-Jan-1997 SitaramR Created
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CPidRemapper::PropertyToPropid( const FULLPROPSPEC *pFullPropSpec, PROPID *pPropId) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
TRY { CFullPropSpec const * pProperty = (CFullPropSpec const *) pFullPropSpec; *pPropId = NameToReal( pProperty ); } CATCH( CException, e ) { sc = e.GetErrorCode();
vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CPidRemapper:PropertyToPropid - Exception caught 0x%x\n", sc )); } END_CATCH;
return sc; }
// Method: CPidRemapper::PropidToProperty
// Synopsis: Convert pid to propspec
// Arguments: [pPropId] -- pid to convert
// [pFullPropSpec] -- propspec returned here
// Notes: *ppFullPropSpec is owned by CPidRemapper
// History: 22-Jan-1997 SitaramR Created
SCODE STDMETHODCALLTYPE CPidRemapper::PropidToProperty( PROPID propId, FULLPROPSPEC const **ppFullPropSpec ) { SCODE sc = S_OK;
TRY { *ppFullPropSpec = RealToName( propId )->CastToStruct(); } CATCH( CException, e ) { sc = e.GetErrorCode();
vqDebugOut(( DEB_ERROR, "CPidRemapper:PropidToProperty - Exception caught 0x%x\n", sc )); } END_CATCH;
return sc; }