using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Xml.Serialization; using UDDI.Replication; using UDDI; using UDDI.API; using UDDI.Diagnostics;
namespace UDDI.API.Business { /// ********************************************************************
/// public class PublisherAssertion
/// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ********************************************************************
public class PublisherAssertion { [XmlElement( "fromKey" )] public string FromKey { get { return fromkey; } set { if( null == value ) fromkey = null; else fromkey = value.Trim(); } } string fromkey;
[XmlElement( "toKey" )] public string ToKey { get { return tokey; } set { if( null == value ) tokey = null; else tokey = value.Trim(); } } string tokey;
// Element: keyedReference
private KeyedReference keyedReference; [XmlElement( "keyedReference" )] public KeyedReference KeyedReference { get { if( null == keyedReference ) keyedReference = new KeyedReference();
return keyedReference; }
set { keyedReference = value; } }
/// ****************************************************************
/// public PublisherAssertion [constructor]
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ****************************************************************
public PublisherAssertion() { }
/// ****************************************************************
/// public PublisherAssertion [constructor]
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <param name="assertion">
/// </param>
/// ****************************************************************
public PublisherAssertion( PublisherAssertion assertion ) { this.FromKey = assertion.FromKey; this.ToKey = assertion.ToKey; this.KeyedReference = assertion.KeyedReference; }
/// ****************************************************************
/// public PublisherAssertion [constructor]
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <param name="fromKey">
/// </param>
/// <param name="toKey">
/// </param>
/// <param name="keyedReference">
/// </param>
/// ****************************************************************
public PublisherAssertion( string fromKey, string toKey, KeyedReference keyedReference ) { this.FromKey = fromKey; this.ToKey = toKey; this.KeyedReference = keyedReference; }
/// ****************************************************************
/// public PublisherAssertion [constructor]
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <param name="fromKey">
/// </param>
/// <param name="toKey">
/// </param>
/// <param name="keyedReference">
/// </param>
/// ****************************************************************
public PublisherAssertion( string fromKey, string toKey, string keyName, string keyValue, string tModelKey ) { this.FromKey = fromKey; this.ToKey = toKey; this.KeyedReference = new KeyedReference( keyName, keyValue, tModelKey ); }
public void Save() { Save( CompletionStatusType.Uninitialized ); }
public void Save( CompletionStatusType status ) { Debug.Enter();
Validate(); SqlStoredProcedureAccessor sp = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor( "net_publisher_assertion_save" );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@PUID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.UserID ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@fromKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@toKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@keyName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.KeyName ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@keyValue", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.KeyValue ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@tModelKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@flag", SqlDbType.Int, ParameterDirection.InputOutput );
sp.Parameters.SetString( "@PUID", Context.User.ID ); sp.Parameters.SetGuidFromString( "@fromKey", FromKey ); sp.Parameters.SetGuidFromString( "@toKey", ToKey ); sp.Parameters.SetString( "@keyName", KeyedReference.KeyName ); sp.Parameters.SetString( "@keyValue", KeyedReference.KeyValue ); sp.Parameters.SetGuidFromKey( "@tModelKey", KeyedReference.TModelKey );
if( CompletionStatusType.Uninitialized == status ) sp.Parameters.SetNull( "@flag" ); else sp.Parameters.SetInt( "@flag", (int)status );
try { sp.ExecuteNonQuery();
int flag = sp.Parameters.GetInt( "@flag" );
if( Context.LogChangeRecords ) { ChangeRecord changeRecord = new ChangeRecord();
changeRecord.Payload = new ChangeRecordPublisherAssertion( this, (CompletionStatusType)flag ); changeRecord.Log(); } } catch( SqlException sqlException ) { //
// As per IN 60, we have to silently ignore assertions that reference keys to businesses that no longer
// exist.
if( sqlException.Number - UDDI.Constants.ErrorTypeSQLOffset == ( int ) ErrorType.E_invalidKeyPassed && Context.ContextType == ContextType.Replication ) { //
// Set our exception source
Context.ExceptionSource = ExceptionSource.PublisherAssertion; } else { Context.ExceptionSource = ExceptionSource.Other; }
// Re-throw the exception so replication can properly log it.
throw sqlException; }
Debug.Leave(); }
public void Delete() { Delete( CompletionStatusType.Uninitialized ); }
public void Delete( CompletionStatusType status ) { Debug.Enter();
SqlStoredProcedureAccessor sp = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor( "net_publisher_assertion_delete" );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@PUID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.UserID ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@fromKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@toKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@keyName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.KeyName ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@keyValue", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.KeyValue ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@tModelKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@flag", SqlDbType.Int, ParameterDirection.InputOutput ); sp.Parameters.SetString( "@PUID", Context.User.ID ); sp.Parameters.SetGuidFromString( "@fromKey", FromKey ); sp.Parameters.SetGuidFromString( "@toKey", ToKey ); sp.Parameters.SetString( "@keyName", KeyedReference.KeyName ); sp.Parameters.SetString( "@keyValue", KeyedReference.KeyValue ); sp.Parameters.SetGuidFromKey( "@tModelKey", KeyedReference.TModelKey );
if( CompletionStatusType.Uninitialized == status ) sp.Parameters.SetNull( "@flag" ); else sp.Parameters.SetInt( "@flag", (int)status );
try { sp.ExecuteNonQuery();
int flag = sp.Parameters.GetInt( "@flag" );
if( Context.LogChangeRecords ) { ChangeRecord changeRecord = new ChangeRecord();
changeRecord.Payload = new ChangeRecordDeleteAssertion( this, (CompletionStatusType)flag ); changeRecord.Log(); } } catch( SqlException sqlException ) { //
// As per IN 60, we have to silently ignore assertions that reference keys to businesses that no longer
// exist, or assertions that don't exist at all.
int exceptionNumber = sqlException.Number - UDDI.Constants.ErrorTypeSQLOffset; if( ( exceptionNumber == ( int ) ErrorType.E_invalidKeyPassed || exceptionNumber == ( int ) ErrorType.E_assertionNotFound ) && Context.ContextType == ContextType.Replication ) { //
// Set our exception source
Context.ExceptionSource = ExceptionSource.PublisherAssertion; } else { Context.ExceptionSource = ExceptionSource.Other; }
// Re-throw the exception so replication can properly log it.
throw sqlException; } Debug.Leave(); }
internal void Validate() { //
// Check to make sure publisher's limit allows save of this
// entity. If this is an update, we won't check since they
// are simply replacing an existing entity. We also won't
// check if the limit is 0, since this indicates unlimited
// publishing rights.
int limit = Context.User.AssertionLimit; int count = Context.User.AssertionCount;
if( 0 != limit && Utility.StringEmpty( FromKey ) ) { //
// Verify that the publisher has not exceeded their limit.
if( count >= limit ) { throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_accountLimitExceeded, "UDDI_ERROR_ACCOUNTLIMITEXCEEDED_ASSERTION", limit, count ); } }
KeyedReference.Validate( null, KeyedReferenceType.Assertion ); } }
/// ********************************************************************
/// public class PublisherAssertionCollection
/// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ********************************************************************
public class PublisherAssertionCollection : CollectionBase { public string Get() { string AuthorizedName; SqlStoredProcedureAccessor sp = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor( "net_publisher_assertions_get" );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@PUID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.UserID ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@authorizedName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.AuthorizedName, ParameterDirection.Output);
sp.Parameters.SetString( "@PUID", Context.User.ID );
SqlDataReaderAccessor reader = sp.ExecuteReader();
try { while( reader.Read() ) { Add( reader.GetGuidString( "fromKey" ), reader.GetGuidString( "toKey" ), reader.GetGuidString( "keyName" ), reader.GetGuidString( "keyValue" ), reader.GetKeyFromGuid( "tModelKey" ) ); } } finally { reader.Close(); } AuthorizedName = sp.Parameters.GetString( "@authorizedName" ); return AuthorizedName; } public void Delete() { Debug.Enter();
foreach( PublisherAssertion assertion in this ) assertion.Delete();
Debug.Leave(); } public void Save() { Debug.Enter();
foreach( PublisherAssertion assertion in this ) assertion.Save();
Debug.Leave(); }
internal void Validate() { foreach( PublisherAssertion assertion in this ) assertion.Validate(); }
public PublisherAssertion this[ int index ] { get { return (PublisherAssertion)List[index]; } set { List[ index ] = value; } }
public int Add() { return List.Add( new PublisherAssertion() ); }
public int Add( PublisherAssertion value ) { return List.Add( value ); }
public int Add( string fromKey, string toKey, KeyedReference keyedReference ) { return List.Add( new PublisherAssertion( fromKey, toKey, keyedReference ) ); } public int Add( string fromKey, string toKey, string keyName, string keyValue, string tModelKey ) { return List.Add( new PublisherAssertion( fromKey, toKey, keyName, keyValue, tModelKey ) ); } public void Insert( int index, PublisherAssertion value ) { List.Insert( index, value ); }
public int IndexOf( PublisherAssertion value ) { return List.IndexOf( value ); }
public bool Contains( PublisherAssertion value ) { return List.Contains( value ); }
public void Remove( PublisherAssertion value ) { List.Remove( value ); }
public void CopyTo( PublisherAssertion[] array, int index ) { List.CopyTo( array, index ); } }
/// ********************************************************************
/// public class PublisherAssertionDetail
/// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ********************************************************************
[XmlRoot( "publisherAssertions", Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace )] public class PublisherAssertionDetail { //
// Attribute: generic
private string generic = Constants.Version;
[XmlAttribute( "generic" )] public string Generic { get { return generic; } set { generic = value; } } //
// Attribute: operator
[XmlAttribute( "operator" )] public string OperatorName = Config.GetString( "Operator" );
// Attribute: authorizedName
[XmlAttribute( "authorizedName" )] public string AuthorizedName;
// Element: publisherAssertion
private PublisherAssertionCollection publisherAssertions;
[XmlElement( "publisherAssertion" )] public PublisherAssertionCollection PublisherAssertions { get { if( null == publisherAssertions ) publisherAssertions = new PublisherAssertionCollection();
return publisherAssertions; }
set { publisherAssertions = value; } }
public PublisherAssertionDetail() { }
public void Get() { AuthorizedName = PublisherAssertions.Get(); } } /// ********************************************************************
/// public class AssertionStatusReport
/// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ********************************************************************
[XmlRoot( "assertionStatusReport", Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace )] public class AssertionStatusReport { //
// Attribute: generic
private string generic = Constants.Version; [XmlAttribute( "generic" )] public string Generic { get { return generic; } set { generic = value; } }
// Attribute: operator
[XmlAttribute( "operator" )] public string OperatorName = Config.GetString( "Operator" );
// Element: assertionStatusItem
private AssertionStatusItemCollection assertionStatusItems;
[XmlElement( "assertionStatusItem" )] public AssertionStatusItemCollection AssertionStatusItems { get { if( null == assertionStatusItems ) assertionStatusItems = new AssertionStatusItemCollection();
return assertionStatusItems; }
set { assertionStatusItems = value; } }
public AssertionStatusReport() { }
public void Get( CompletionStatusType completionStatus ) { AssertionStatusItems.Get( completionStatus ); } }
/// ********************************************************************
/// public class AssertionStatusItem
/// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ********************************************************************
public class AssertionStatusItem { //
// Attribute: completionStatus
[XmlAttribute( "completionStatus" )] public CompletionStatusType CompletionStatus;
// Element: fromKey
[XmlElement( "fromKey" )] public string FromKey; //
// Element: toKey
[XmlElement( "toKey" )] public string ToKey; //
// Element: keyedReference
private KeyedReference keyedReference;
[XmlElement( "keyedReference" )] public KeyedReference KeyedReference { get { return keyedReference; } set { keyedReference = value; } }
// Element: keysOwned
private KeysOwned keysOwned;
[XmlElement( "keysOwned" )] public KeysOwned KeysOwned { get { if( null == keysOwned ) keysOwned = new KeysOwned();
return keysOwned; }
set { keysOwned = value; } }
public AssertionStatusItem() { }
public AssertionStatusItem( CompletionStatusType completionStatus, string fromKey, string toKey, KeyedReference keyedReference, KeysOwned keysOwned ) { this.CompletionStatus = completionStatus; this.FromKey = fromKey; this.ToKey = toKey; this.KeyedReference = keyedReference; this.KeysOwned = keysOwned; } }
/// ********************************************************************
/// public class AssertionStatusItemCollection
/// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ********************************************************************
public class AssertionStatusItemCollection : CollectionBase { public void Get( CompletionStatusType completionStatus ) { SqlStoredProcedureAccessor sp = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor( "net_publisher_assertionStatus_get" );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@PUID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.UserID ); sp.Parameters.SetString( "@PUID", Context.User.ID );
if( CompletionStatusType.Uninitialized != completionStatus ) { //
// If the completion status was not specified get all
// of the assertions by not specifying a completionStatus value
// in the stored procedure.
sp.Parameters.Add( "@completionStatus", SqlDbType.Int ); sp.Parameters.SetInt( "@completionStatus", (int)completionStatus ); }
SqlDataReaderAccessor reader = sp.ExecuteReader();
try { while( reader.Read() ) { KeyedReference keyedReference = new KeyedReference( reader.GetString( "keyName" ), reader.GetString( "keyValue" ), reader.GetKeyFromGuid( "tModelKey" ) );
CompletionStatusType status = (CompletionStatusType)reader.GetInt( "flag" );
string fromKey = reader.GetGuidString( "fromKey" ); string toKey = reader.GetGuidString( "toKey" );
int ownerFlag = reader.GetInt( "ownerFlag" ); KeysOwned keysOwned = new KeysOwned();
if( 0x02 == ( ownerFlag & 0x02 ) ) keysOwned.FromKey = fromKey; if( 0x01 == ( ownerFlag & 0x01 ) ) keysOwned.ToKey = toKey;
this.Add( new AssertionStatusItem( status, fromKey, toKey, keyedReference, keysOwned ) ); } } finally { reader.Close(); } }
public AssertionStatusItem this[ int index ] { get { return (AssertionStatusItem)List[index]; } set { List[ index ] = value; } }
public int Add() { return List.Add( new AssertionStatusItem() ); }
public int Add( AssertionStatusItem value ) { return List.Add( value ); } public void Insert( int index, AssertionStatusItem value ) { List.Insert( index, value ); }
public int IndexOf( AssertionStatusItem value ) { return List.IndexOf( value ); }
public bool Contains( AssertionStatusItem value ) { return List.Contains( value ); }
public void Remove( AssertionStatusItem value ) { List.Remove( value ); }
public void CopyTo( AssertionStatusItem[] array, int index ) { List.CopyTo( array, index ); } }
/// ********************************************************************
/// public class KeysOwned
/// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ********************************************************************
public class KeysOwned { //
// Element: fromKey
[XmlElement( "fromKey" )] public string FromKey; //
// Element: toKey
[XmlElement( "toKey" )] public string ToKey;
public KeysOwned() { }
public KeysOwned( string fromKey, string toKey ) { this.FromKey = fromKey; this.ToKey = toKey; } }
public enum DirectionType { [XmlEnum( "fromKey" )] FromKey, [XmlEnum( "toKey" )] ToKey }
public class RelatedBusinessInfo { //
// Element: businessKey
[XmlElement( "businessKey" )] public string BusinessKey;
// Element: name
private NameCollection names;
[XmlElement( "name" )] public NameCollection Names { get { if( null == names ) names = new NameCollection();
return names; }
set { names = value; } }
// Element: description
private DescriptionCollection descriptions;
[XmlElement( "description" )] public DescriptionCollection Descriptions { get { if( null == descriptions ) descriptions = new DescriptionCollection();
return descriptions; }
set { descriptions = value; } }
// Element: sharedRelationships
[XmlIgnore()] public SharedRelationships SharedRelationshipsFrom = new SharedRelationships();
[XmlIgnore()] public SharedRelationships SharedRelationshipsTo = new SharedRelationships();
[XmlElement( "sharedRelationships" )] public string sharedRelationshipEmptyTag { get { if( 0 == SharedRelationshipsSerialize.Count ) return ""; else return null; } }
[XmlElement( "sharedRelationships" )] public SharedRelationshipsCollection SharedRelationshipsSerialize { get { SharedRelationshipsCollection col = new SharedRelationshipsCollection();
if( !SharedRelationshipsFrom.IsEmpty() ) col.Add( SharedRelationshipsFrom );
if( !SharedRelationshipsTo.IsEmpty() ) col.Add( SharedRelationshipsTo );
return col; } set { foreach( SharedRelationships sr in value ) { switch( sr.Direction ) { case DirectionType.FromKey: SharedRelationshipsFrom = sr; break; case DirectionType.ToKey: SharedRelationshipsTo = sr; break; } } } }
public RelatedBusinessInfo() { }
public RelatedBusinessInfo( string businessKey ) { this.BusinessKey = businessKey; }
public void Get( string otherKey ) { Names.Get( BusinessKey, EntityType.BusinessEntity ); Descriptions.Get( BusinessKey, EntityType.BusinessEntity );
// Get the shared relationships.
SharedRelationshipsFrom.Direction = DirectionType.FromKey; SharedRelationshipsFrom.Get( otherKey, BusinessKey );
SharedRelationshipsTo.Direction = DirectionType.ToKey; SharedRelationshipsTo.Get( BusinessKey, otherKey ); } }
public class RelatedBusinessInfoCollection : CollectionBase { public RelatedBusinessInfo this[ int index ] { get { return (RelatedBusinessInfo)List[index]; } set { List[ index ] = value; } }
public int Add() { return List.Add( new RelatedBusinessInfo() ); }
public int Add( RelatedBusinessInfo relatedBusinessInfo ) { return List.Add( relatedBusinessInfo ); } public int Add( string businessKey ) { return List.Add( new RelatedBusinessInfo( businessKey ) ); }
public void Insert( int index, RelatedBusinessInfo relatedBusinessInfo ) { List.Insert( index, relatedBusinessInfo ); }
public int IndexOf( RelatedBusinessInfo relatedBusinessInfo ) { return List.IndexOf( relatedBusinessInfo ); }
public bool Contains( RelatedBusinessInfo relatedBusinessInfo ) { return List.Contains( relatedBusinessInfo ); }
public void Remove( RelatedBusinessInfo relatedBusinessInfo ) { List.Remove( relatedBusinessInfo ); }
public void CopyTo( RelatedBusinessInfo[] array, int index ) { List.CopyTo( array, index ); } }
public class SharedRelationshipsCollection : CollectionBase { public SharedRelationships this[ int index ] { get { return (SharedRelationships)List[index]; } set { List[ index ] = value; } }
public int Add() { return List.Add( new SharedRelationships() ); }
public int Add( SharedRelationships SharedRelationships ) { return List.Add( SharedRelationships ); } public int Add( string businessKey ) { return List.Add( new SharedRelationships() ); }
public void Insert( int index, SharedRelationships SharedRelationships ) { List.Insert( index, SharedRelationships ); }
public int IndexOf( SharedRelationships SharedRelationships ) { return List.IndexOf( SharedRelationships ); }
public bool Contains( SharedRelationships SharedRelationships ) { return List.Contains( SharedRelationships ); }
public void Remove( SharedRelationships SharedRelationships ) { List.Remove( SharedRelationships ); }
public void CopyTo( SharedRelationships[] array, int index ) { List.CopyTo( array, index ); } } public class SharedRelationships { //
// Attribute: direction
[XmlAttribute( "direction" )] public DirectionType Direction;
// Element: keyedReference
private KeyedReferenceCollection keyedReferences;
[XmlIgnore] public KeyedReferenceCollection KeyedReferences { get { if( null == keyedReferences ) keyedReferences = new KeyedReferenceCollection();
return keyedReferences; } set { keyedReferences = value; } }
[XmlElement( "keyedReference" )] public KeyedReferenceCollection KeyedReferencesSerialize { get { return keyedReferences; } set { keyedReferences = value; } }
public bool IsEmpty() { return (keyedReferences == null); } public SharedRelationships() { }
public void Get( string fromKey, string toKey ) { SqlStoredProcedureAccessor sp = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor();
sp.ProcedureName = "net_businessEntity_assertions_get";
sp.Parameters.Add( "@fromKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@toKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@completionStatus", SqlDbType.Int );
sp.Parameters.SetGuidFromString( "@fromKey", fromKey ); sp.Parameters.SetGuidFromString( "@toKey", toKey ); sp.Parameters.SetInt( "@completionStatus", (int)CompletionStatusType.Complete );
SqlDataReaderAccessor reader = sp.ExecuteReader();
try { while( reader.Read() ) { KeyedReferences.Add( reader.GetString( "keyName" ), reader.GetString( "keyValue" ), reader.GetKeyFromGuid( "tModelKey" ) ); } } finally { reader.Close(); } } }
[XmlRoot( "relatedBusinessesList", Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace )] public class RelatedBusinessList { //
// Attribute: generic
[XmlAttribute( "generic" )] public string Generic = Constants.Version; //
// Attribute: operator
[XmlAttribute( "operator" )] public string OperatorName = Config.GetString( "Operator" );
// Attribute: truncated
[XmlAttribute( "truncated" )] public Truncated Truncated;
// Element: businessKey
[XmlElement( "businessKey" )] public string BusinessKey;
// Element: relatedBusinessInfos
private RelatedBusinessInfoCollection relatedBusinessInfos;
[ XmlArray( "relatedBusinessInfos" ), XmlArrayItem( "relatedBusinessInfo" ) ] public RelatedBusinessInfoCollection RelatedBusinessInfos { get { if( null == relatedBusinessInfos ) relatedBusinessInfos = new RelatedBusinessInfoCollection();
return relatedBusinessInfos; }
set { relatedBusinessInfos = value; } } }
/// ********************************************************************
/// public class AddPublisherAssertions
/// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ********************************************************************
[XmlRoot( "add_publisherAssertions", Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace )] public class AddPublisherAssertions : IAuthenticateable, IMessage { //
// Attribute: generic
private string generic;
[XmlAttribute( "generic" )] public string Generic { get { return generic; } set { generic = value; } }
// Element: authInfo
private string authInfo; [XmlElement( "authInfo" )] public string AuthInfo { get { return authInfo; } set { authInfo = value; } }
// Element: publisherAssertion
private PublisherAssertionCollection publisherAssertions; [XmlElement( "publisherAssertion" )] public PublisherAssertionCollection PublisherAssertions { get { if( null == publisherAssertions ) publisherAssertions = new PublisherAssertionCollection();
return publisherAssertions; }
set { publisherAssertions = value; } }
public AddPublisherAssertions() { }
public void Save() { PublisherAssertions.Save(); } }
/// ********************************************************************
/// public class DeletePublisherAssertions
/// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ********************************************************************
[XmlRoot( "delete_publisherAssertions", Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace )] public class DeletePublisherAssertions : IAuthenticateable, IMessage { //
// Attribute: generic
private string generic;
[XmlAttribute( "generic" )] public string Generic { get { return generic; } set { generic = value; } }
// Element: authInfo
private string authInfo; [XmlElement( "authInfo" )] public string AuthInfo { get { return authInfo; } set { authInfo = value; } }
// Element: publisherAssertion
private PublisherAssertionCollection publisherAssertions;
[XmlElement( "publisherAssertion" )] public PublisherAssertionCollection PublisherAssertions { get { if( null == publisherAssertions ) publisherAssertions = new PublisherAssertionCollection();
return publisherAssertions; }
set { publisherAssertions = value; } }
public DeletePublisherAssertions() { }
public void Delete() { PublisherAssertions.Delete(); } } /// ********************************************************************
/// public class FindRelatedBusinesses
/// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ********************************************************************
[XmlRoot( "find_relatedBusinesses", Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace )] public class FindRelatedBusinesses : IMessage { //
// Attribute: generic
private string generic;
[XmlAttribute( "generic" )] public string Generic { get { return generic; } set { generic = value; } }
// Attribute: maxRows
private int maxRows = Config.GetInt( "Find.MaxRowsDefault" );
[XmlAttribute("maxRows")] public int MaxRows { get { return maxRows; } set { maxRows = Math.Min( Config.GetInt( "Find.MaxRowsDefault" ), value ); } }
// Element: findQualifiers/findQualifier
private FindQualifierCollection findQualifiers;
[XmlArray( "findQualifiers" ), XmlArrayItem( "findQualifier" )] public FindQualifierCollection FindQualifiers { get { if( null == findQualifiers ) findQualifiers = new FindQualifierCollection();
return findQualifiers; }
set { findQualifiers = value; } }
// Element: businessKey
[XmlElement( "businessKey" )] public string BusinessKey;
// Element: keyedReference
[XmlElement( "keyedReference" )] public KeyedReference KeyedReference;
/// ****************************************************************
/// public FindRelatedBusinesses [constructor]
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ****************************************************************
public FindRelatedBusinesses() { } /// ****************************************************************
/// public Find
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ****************************************************************
public RelatedBusinessList Find() { if( MaxRows < 0 ) { throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_fatalError, "UDDI_ERROR_FATALERROR_FINDRELATEDBE_MAXROWSLESSTHANZERO" ); }
RelatedBusinessList relatedBusinessList = new RelatedBusinessList();
// Process each find constraint.
FindBuilder find = new FindBuilder( EntityType.BusinessEntity, FindQualifiers );
// If no search arguments are specified, return an empty result
// set.
// Validate find parameters.
Utility.IsValidKey( EntityType.BusinessEntity, BusinessKey );
// TODO: Override may be better for these calls to KeyedReference.Validate because no parent key is used
// TODO: This not an Assertion so we should not pass KeyedReferenceType.Assertion.
if( null != KeyedReference ) KeyedReference.Validate( "", KeyedReferenceType.IdentifierBag );
try { //
// Read in the find results.
SqlDataReaderAccessor reader; SqlStoredProcedureAccessor sp;
sp = find.FindRelatedBusinesses( BusinessKey, KeyedReference, MaxRows); reader = sp.ExecuteReader();
try { while( reader.Read() ) { relatedBusinessList.RelatedBusinessInfos.Add( reader.GetString( "entityKey" ) ); } } finally { reader.Close(); } if( sp.Parameters.GetBool( "@truncated" ) ) relatedBusinessList.Truncated = Truncated.True; else relatedBusinessList.Truncated = Truncated.False;
relatedBusinessList.BusinessKey = BusinessKey;
foreach( RelatedBusinessInfo relatedBusinessInfo in relatedBusinessList.RelatedBusinessInfos ) relatedBusinessInfo.Get( BusinessKey ); } catch( Exception ) { find.Abort(); throw; }
return relatedBusinessList; } }
/// ********************************************************************
/// public class GetAssertionStatusReport
/// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ********************************************************************
[XmlRoot( "get_assertionStatusReport", Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace )] public class GetAssertionStatusReport : IAuthenticateable, IMessage { //
// Attribute: generic
private string generic;
[XmlAttribute( "generic" )] public string Generic { get { return generic; } set { generic = value; } }
// Element: authInfo
private string authInfo; [XmlElement( "authInfo" )] public string AuthInfo { get { return authInfo; } set { authInfo = value; } }
// Element: completionStatus
private CompletionStatusType completionStatus;
[XmlElement( "completionStatus" )] public CompletionStatusType CompletionStatus { get { return completionStatus; } set { try { completionStatus = value; } catch( ArgumentException ) { throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_invalidCompletionStatus, "UDDI_ERROR_INVALIDCOMPLETIONSTATUS_GETASSERTIONSTATUSREPORT" ); } } }
public GetAssertionStatusReport() { } }
/// ********************************************************************
/// public class GetPublisherAssertions
/// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ********************************************************************
[XmlRoot( "get_publisherAssertions", Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace )] public class GetPublisherAssertions : IAuthenticateable, IMessage { //
// Attribute: generic
private string generic;
[XmlAttribute( "generic" )] public string Generic { get { return generic; } set { generic = value; } }
// Element: authInfo
private string authInfo; [XmlElement( "authInfo" )] public string AuthInfo { get { return authInfo; } set { authInfo = value; } }
public GetPublisherAssertions() { } }
/// ********************************************************************
/// public class SetPublisherAssertions
/// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ********************************************************************
[XmlRoot( "set_publisherAssertions", Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace )] public class SetPublisherAssertions : IAuthenticateable, IMessage { //
// Attribute: generic
private string generic;
[XmlAttribute( "generic" )] public string Generic { get { return generic; } set { generic = value; } }
// Element: authInfo
private string authInfo; [XmlElement( "authInfo" )] public string AuthInfo { get { return authInfo; } set { authInfo = value; } }
// Element: publisherAssertion
private PublisherAssertionCollection publisherAssertions;
[XmlElement( "publisherAssertion" )] public PublisherAssertionCollection PublisherAssertions { get { if( null == publisherAssertions ) publisherAssertions = new PublisherAssertionCollection();
return publisherAssertions; }
set { publisherAssertions = value; } }
public SetPublisherAssertions() { }
public PublisherAssertionDetail Set() { //
// Remove all existing assertions for the publisher.
PublisherAssertionCollection existing = new PublisherAssertionCollection(); //
// TODO: This Get() call is unecessary. A stored proc that accepts the PUID could do this easily.
// In a scenario where a large number of assertions are used, returning all the assertions could get expensive.
// We need to save this to use it in the PublisherAssertionDetail return structure
string authorizedName = existing.Get(); existing.Delete();
// Save each of the assertions specified by the set_publisherAssertions
// message.
// Get a list of all the current assertions for this publisher.
PublisherAssertionDetail detail = new PublisherAssertionDetail(); detail.AuthorizedName = authorizedName; detail.PublisherAssertions = PublisherAssertions;
return detail; } } }