using System; using System.Data; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Xml.Serialization; using UDDI.API; using UDDI.Replication; using UDDI; using UDDI.Diagnostics;
namespace UDDI.API.ServiceType { [XmlRootAttribute("tModel", Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace)] public class TModel : EntityBase { //
// Attribute: tModelKey
[XmlAttribute("tModelKey")] public string TModelKey = "";
// Attribute: operator
[XmlAttribute("operator")] public string Operator; //
// Attribute: authorizedName
[XmlAttribute("authorizedName")] public string AuthorizedName; //
// Attribute: name
[XmlElement("name")] public string Name;
// Element: description
private DescriptionCollection descriptions; [XmlElement("description")] public DescriptionCollection Descriptions { get { if( null == descriptions ) descriptions = new DescriptionCollection();
return descriptions; }
set { descriptions = value; } }
// Element: overviewDoc
private OverviewDoc overviewDoc;
[XmlElement("overviewDoc")] public OverviewDoc OverviewDocSerialize { get { if( null != overviewDoc && overviewDoc.ShouldSerialize ) return overviewDoc; return null; } set { overviewDoc = value; } } [XmlIgnore] public OverviewDoc OverviewDoc { get { if( null == overviewDoc ) overviewDoc = new OverviewDoc();
return overviewDoc; } }
// Element: identifierBag
[ XmlIgnore ] public KeyedReferenceCollection IdentifierBag = new KeyedReferenceCollection(); [ XmlArray( "identifierBag" ), XmlArrayItem( "keyedReference" ) ] public KeyedReference[] IdentifierBagSerialize { get { if( Utility.CollectionEmpty( IdentifierBag ) ) return null;
return IdentifierBag.ToArray(); }
set { IdentifierBag.Clear(); IdentifierBag.CopyTo( value ); } }
// Element: categoryBag
[ XmlIgnore ] public KeyedReferenceCollection CategoryBag = new KeyedReferenceCollection();
[ XmlArray( "categoryBag" ), XmlArrayItem( "keyedReference" ) ] public KeyedReference[] CategoryBagSerialize { get { if( Utility.CollectionEmpty( CategoryBag ) ) return null;
return CategoryBag.ToArray(); }
set { CategoryBag.Clear(); CategoryBag.CopyTo( value ); } }
[XmlIgnore] public override UDDI.EntityType EntityType { get { return EntityType.TModel; } } [XmlIgnore] public override string EntityKey { get { return TModelKey; } }
public TModel() { }
public TModel( string tModelKey ) { TModelKey = tModelKey; }
public override void Get() { //
// Create a command object to invoke the stored procedure
SqlStoredProcedureAccessor cmd = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor( "net_tModel_get_batch" ); //
// Add parameters
cmd.Parameters.Add( "@tModelKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier, ParameterDirection.Input ); cmd.Parameters.Add( "@operatorName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.OperatorName, ParameterDirection.Output ); cmd.Parameters.Add( "@authorizedName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.AuthorizedName, ParameterDirection.Output ); cmd.Parameters.Add( "@name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.Name, ParameterDirection.Output ); cmd.Parameters.Add( "@overviewURL", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.OverviewURL, ParameterDirection.Output );
cmd.Parameters.SetGuidFromKey( "@tModelKey", TModelKey );
SqlDataReaderAccessor reader = null; try { //
// net_tModel_get will return the objects contained in a business in the following order:
// - descriptions
// - overview descriptions
// - identifier bags
// - category bags
reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
// Read the descriptions
Descriptions.Read( reader );
// Read the overview descriptions
if( true == reader.NextResult() ) { OverviewDoc.Descriptions.Read( reader ); }
// Read the identifier bags
if( true == reader.NextResult() ) { IdentifierBag.Read( reader ); }
// Read the category bags
if( true == reader.NextResult() ) { CategoryBag.Read( reader ); } } finally { if( null != reader ) { reader.Close(); } }
// Output parameters
Operator = cmd.Parameters.GetString( "@operatorName" ); AuthorizedName = cmd.Parameters.GetString( "@authorizedName" ); Name = cmd.Parameters.GetString( "@name" ); OverviewDoc.OverviewURL = cmd.Parameters.GetString( "@overviewURL" ); #if never
// Create a command object to invoke the stored procedure
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( "net_tModel_get", ConnectionManager.GetConnection() ); cmd.Transaction = ConnectionManager.GetTransaction(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
// Add parameters
cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@tModelKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ) ).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@operatorName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.OperatorName ) ).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@authorizedName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.AuthorizedName ) ).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.Name ) ).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@overviewURL", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.OverviewURL ) ).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
// Set parameter values and execute query
SqlParameterAccessor paramacc = new SqlParameterAccessor( cmd.Parameters ); paramacc.SetGuidFromKey( "@tModelKey", TModelKey );
// Move query results into member variables
Operator = paramacc.GetString( "@operatorName" ); AuthorizedName = paramacc.GetString( "@authorizedName" ); Name = paramacc.GetString( "@name" ); OverviewDoc.OverviewURL = paramacc.GetString( "@overviewURL" );
// Retrieve sub-objects
Descriptions.Get( TModelKey, EntityType.TModel ); OverviewDoc.Descriptions.Get( TModelKey, EntityType.TModelOverviewDoc ); IdentifierBag.Get( TModelKey, EntityType.TModel, KeyedReferenceType.IdentifierBag ); CategoryBag.Get( TModelKey, EntityType.TModel, KeyedReferenceType.CategoryBag ); #endif
QueryLog.Write( QueryType.Get, EntityType.TModel ); }
internal void Validate() { //
// Check to make sure publisher's limit allows save of this
// entity. If this is an update, we won't check since they
// are simply replacing an existing entity. We also won't
// check if the limit is 0, since this indicates unlimited
// publishing rights.
int limit = Context.User.TModelLimit; int count = Context.User.TModelCount;
if( 0 != limit && Utility.StringEmpty( TModelKey ) ) { //
// Verify that the publisher has not exceeded their limit.
if( count >= limit ) { #if never
throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_accountLimitExceeded, "Publisher limit for 'tModel' exceeded (limit=" + limit + ", count=" + count + ")" ); #endif
throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_accountLimitExceeded, "UDDI_ERROR_PUBLISHER_LIMIT_FOR_TMODELS_EXCEEDED", limit, count ); } }
// Check field lengths and truncate if necessary.
Utility.ValidateLength( ref Name, "name", UDDI.Constants.Lengths.Name, 1 ); Utility.ValidateLength( ref AuthorizedName, "authorizedName", UDDI.Constants.Lengths.AuthorizedName ); Utility.ValidateLength( ref Operator, "operator", UDDI.Constants.Lengths.Operator );
// SECURITY: The operator field should be validated to ensure it is
// the local operator name or empty. This is not currently being done.
// If no tModelKey is specified, then it is an add and no
// database validation is necessary here. Otherwise, we do
// need to validate that the specified tModel exists and
// is owned by the user.
if( !Utility.StringEmpty( TModelKey ) ) { //
// call net_tModel_validate
SqlStoredProcedureAccessor sp = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor( "net_tModel_validate" ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@PUID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.UserID ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@tModelKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@flag", SqlDbType.Int ); sp.Parameters.SetString( "@PUID", Context.User.ID ); sp.Parameters.SetGuidFromKey( "@tModelKey", TModelKey ); if( Context.User.AllowPreassignedKeys ) sp.Parameters.SetInt( "@flag", 1 ); else sp.Parameters.SetInt( "@flag", 0 );
sp.ExecuteNonQuery(); }
Descriptions.Validate(); IdentifierBag.Validate( TModelKey, KeyedReferenceType.IdentifierBag ); CategoryBag.Validate( TModelKey, KeyedReferenceType.CategoryBag ); OverviewDoc.Validate(); } public override void Save() { Debug.Enter();
// If we're not in replication mode, we'll set the operator
// name (ignoring whatever was specified).
if( ContextType.Replication != Context.ContextType ) Operator = Config.GetString( "Operator" );
// Validate the tModel
Validate(); if( Utility.StringEmpty( TModelKey ) ) { //
// This is an insert, so generate a tmodelkey
TModelKey = "uuid:" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); }
// Create a command object to invoke the stored procedure
SqlStoredProcedureAccessor sp = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor( "net_tModel_save" );
// Add parameters
sp.Parameters.Add( "@contextID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@lastChange", SqlDbType.BigInt ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@tModelKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@PUID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.UserID ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@generic", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.generic ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@authorizedName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.AuthorizedName, ParameterDirection.InputOutput ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.Name ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@overviewURL", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.OverviewURL );
// Set parameter values
sp.Parameters.SetGuid( "@contextID", Context.ContextID ); sp.Parameters.SetLong( "@lastChange", DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks ); sp.Parameters.SetGuidFromKey( "@tModelKey", TModelKey ); sp.Parameters.SetString( "@PUID", Context.User.ID ); sp.Parameters.SetString( "@generic", Constants.Version ); sp.Parameters.SetString( "@authorizedName", AuthorizedName ); sp.Parameters.SetString( "@name", Name ); if( null == (object)OverviewDoc ) sp.Parameters.SetNull( "@overviewUrl" ); else sp.Parameters.SetString( "@overviewUrl", OverviewDoc.OverviewURL );
// Execute query
AuthorizedName = sp.Parameters.GetString( "@authorizedName" );
// Save the descriptions, category, identifier and overview doc
// information
Descriptions.Save( TModelKey, EntityType.TModel ); IdentifierBag.Save( TModelKey, EntityType.TModel, KeyedReferenceType.IdentifierBag ); CategoryBag.Save( TModelKey, EntityType.TModel, KeyedReferenceType.CategoryBag ); OverviewDoc.Descriptions.Save( TModelKey, EntityType.TModelOverviewDoc ); //
// Save the change log entry.
if( Context.LogChangeRecords ) { ChangeRecord changeRecord = new ChangeRecord();
changeRecord.Payload = new ChangeRecordNewData( this ); changeRecord.Log(); }
Debug.Leave(); }
public void Hide() { //
// TODO: We should really have a way of hiding vs. deleting
Delete(); }
public override void Delete() { SqlStoredProcedureAccessor sp = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor( "net_tModel_delete" ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@contextID", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@lastChange", SqlDbType.BigInt ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@PUID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.UserID ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@tModelKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier );
sp.Parameters.SetGuid( "@contextID", Context.ContextID ); sp.Parameters.SetLong( "@lastChange", DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks ); sp.Parameters.SetString( "@PUID", Context.User.ID ); sp.Parameters.SetGuidFromKey( "@tModelKey", TModelKey ); sp.ExecuteNonQuery();
// Save the change log entry.
if( Context.LogChangeRecords ) { ChangeRecord changeRecord = new ChangeRecord();
changeRecord.AcknowledgementRequested = true; changeRecord.Payload = new ChangeRecordHide( TModelKey ); changeRecord.Log(); } } } public class TModelCollection : CollectionBase { public TModelCollection() { }
public TModel this[int index] { get { return (TModel)List[index]; } set { List[index] = value; } }
public int Add(TModel value) { return List.Add(value); }
public int Add( string tModelKey ) { return List.Add( new TModel( tModelKey ) ); }
public int Add() { return List.Add( new TModel() ); }
public void Insert(int index, TModel value) { List.Insert(index, value); }
public int IndexOf(TModel value) { return List.IndexOf(value); }
public bool Contains(TModel value) { return List.Contains(value); }
public void Remove(TModel value) { List.Remove(value); }
public void CopyTo(TModel[] array, int index) { InnerList.CopyTo(array, index); }
public void Save() { //
// Walk tModels collection and save each tModel
foreach( TModel tm in this ) { tm.Save(); } } public void Sort() { InnerList.Sort( new TModelComparer() ); }
internal class TModelComparer : IComparer { public int Compare( object x, object y ) { TModel entity1 = (TModel)x; TModel entity2 = (TModel)y;
return string.Compare( entity1.Name, entity2.Name, true ); } } }
public class TModelInfoCollection : CollectionBase { public void GetForCurrentPublisher() { SqlStoredProcedureAccessor sp = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor();
sp.ProcedureName = "net_publisher_tModelInfos_get"; sp.Parameters.Add( "@PUID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.UserID ); sp.Parameters.SetString( "@PUID", Context.User.ID ); SqlDataReaderAccessor reader = sp.ExecuteReader();
try { while( reader.Read() ) { TModelInfo info = new TModelInfo( reader.GetKeyFromGuid( "tModelKey" ), reader.GetString( "name" ) );
info.IsHidden = ( 1 == reader.GetInt( "flag" ) ); this.Add( info ); } } finally { reader.Close(); } }
public TModelInfo this[int index] { get { return (TModelInfo)List[index]; } set { List[index] = value; } }
public int Add() { return List.Add( new TModelInfo() ); }
public int Add( string tModelKey ) { return List.Add( new TModelInfo( tModelKey ) ); }
public int Add( string tModelKey, string name ) { return List.Add( new TModelInfo( tModelKey, name ) ); }
public int Add(TModelInfo value) { return List.Add(value); }
public void Insert(int index, TModelInfo value) { List.Insert(index, value); }
public int IndexOf(TModelInfo value) { return List.IndexOf(value); }
public bool Contains(TModelInfo value) { return List.Contains(value); }
public void Remove(TModelInfo value) { List.Remove(value); }
public void CopyTo(TModelInfo[] array, int index) { List.CopyTo(array, index); }
public void Sort() { InnerList.Sort( new TModelInfoComparer() ); }
internal class TModelInfoComparer : IComparer { public int Compare( object x, object y ) { TModelInfo entity1 = (TModelInfo)x; TModelInfo entity2 = (TModelInfo)y;
return string.Compare( entity1.Name, entity2.Name, true ); } } }
public class TModelInstanceInfoCollection : CollectionBase { internal void Validate() { foreach( TModelInstanceInfo info in this ) { info.Validate(); } }
public void Save( string bindingKey ) { foreach( TModelInstanceInfo tmii in this ) { tmii.Save( bindingKey ); } }
public void Get( string bindingKey ) { ArrayList instanceIds = new ArrayList();
// Create a command object to invoke the stored procedure
SqlStoredProcedureAccessor cmd = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor( "net_bindingTemplate_tModelInstanceInfos_get" ); //
// Parameters
cmd.Parameters.Add( "@bindingKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier, ParameterDirection.Input );
// Set parameter values and execute query
cmd.Parameters.SetGuidFromString( "@bindingKey", bindingKey );
SqlDataReaderAccessor reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
try { instanceIds = Read( reader ); #if never
// The core data for this binding will be contained in the resultset
while( reader.Read() ) { instanceIds.Add( rdracc.GetInt( instanceIdIndex ) );
Add( rdracc.GetKeyFromGuid( tModelKeyIndex ), rdracc.GetString( overviewURLIndex ), rdracc.GetString( instanceParmIndex ) ); } #endif
} finally { reader.Close(); }
Populate( instanceIds ); }
public ArrayList Read( SqlDataReaderAccessor reader ) { const int instanceIdIndex = 0; const int tModelKeyIndex = 1; const int overviewURLIndex = 2; const int instanceParmIndex = 3;
ArrayList instanceIds = new ArrayList();
// The core data for this binding will be contained in the resultset
while( reader.Read() ) { instanceIds.Add( reader.GetInt( instanceIdIndex ) );
Add( reader.GetKeyFromGuid( tModelKeyIndex ), reader.GetString( overviewURLIndex ), reader.GetString( instanceParmIndex ) ); }
return instanceIds; }
public void Populate( ArrayList instanceIds ) { int i = 0; foreach( TModelInstanceInfo tmii in this ) { tmii.Get( (int) instanceIds[ i++ ] ); } }
public TModelInstanceInfo this[int index] { get { return (TModelInstanceInfo)List[index]; } set { List[index] = value; } }
public int Add() { return List.Add( new TModelInstanceInfo() ); }
public int Add(TModelInstanceInfo value) { return List.Add(value); } public int Add( string tModelKey, string overviewURL, string instanceParm ) { return List.Add( new TModelInstanceInfo( tModelKey, overviewURL, instanceParm ) ); }
public void Insert(int index, TModelInstanceInfo value) { List.Insert(index, value); }
public int IndexOf(TModelInstanceInfo value) { return List.IndexOf(value); }
public bool Contains(TModelInstanceInfo value) { return List.Contains(value); }
public void Remove(TModelInstanceInfo value) { List.Remove(value); }
public void CopyTo(TModelInstanceInfo[] array, int index) { List.CopyTo(array, index); } }
public class TModelBag { [XmlElement("tModelKey")] public StringCollection tmodelkeys; [XmlIgnore] public StringCollection TModelKeys { get { if( null == tmodelkeys ) tmodelkeys = new StringCollection();
return tmodelkeys; } } }
public class TModelInstanceInfo { // ----[Attribute: tModelKey]---------------------------------------
[XmlAttribute("tModelKey")] public string TModelKey { get { return tmodelkey; } set { if( null == value ) tmodelkey = null; else tmodelkey = value.Trim(); } } private string tmodelkey;
// ----[Element: description]---------------------------------------
private DescriptionCollection descriptions; [XmlElement("description")] public DescriptionCollection Descriptions { get { if( null == descriptions ) descriptions = new DescriptionCollection();
return descriptions; }
set { descriptions = value; } }
// ----[Element: instanceDetails]-----------------------------------
private InstanceDetail instanceDetail; [XmlElement("instanceDetails")] public InstanceDetail InstanceDetailSerialize { get { if( null != instanceDetail && instanceDetail.ShouldSerialize ) return instanceDetail;
return null; }
set { instanceDetail = value; } }
[XmlIgnore] public InstanceDetail InstanceDetail { get { if( null == instanceDetail ) instanceDetail = new InstanceDetail();
return instanceDetail; } }
public TModelInstanceInfo() { } public TModelInstanceInfo( string tModelKey, string overviewURL, string instanceParm ) { TModelKey = tModelKey.Trim(); InstanceDetail.OverviewDoc.OverviewURL = overviewURL; InstanceDetail.InstanceParm = instanceParm; }
public void Get( int instanceId ) { //
// Create a command object to invoke the stored procedure
SqlStoredProcedureAccessor cmd = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor( "net_bindingTemplate_tModelInstanceInfo_get_batch" ); //
// Add parameters
cmd.Parameters.Add( "@instanceID", SqlDbType.BigInt, ParameterDirection.Input ); cmd.Parameters.SetLong( "@instanceID", instanceId ); SqlDataReaderAccessor reader = null; try { //
// net_bindingTemplate_tModelInstanceInfo_get_batch will return the objects contained in a business in the following order:
// - descriptions
// - instance detail descriptions
// - instance detail overview descriptions
reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
// Read the descriptions
Descriptions.Read( reader );
// Read the instance detail descriptions
if ( true == reader.NextResult() ) { InstanceDetail.Descriptions.Read( reader ); }
// Read the overview document descriptions
if ( true == reader.NextResult() ) { InstanceDetail.OverviewDoc.Descriptions.Read( reader ); } } finally { if( null != reader ) { reader.Close(); } } #if never
// Get sub-objects, current level stuff is already populated
Descriptions.Get( instanceId, EntityType.TModelInstanceInfo ); InstanceDetail.Descriptions.Get( instanceId, EntityType.InstanceDetail ); InstanceDetail.OverviewDoc.Descriptions.Get( instanceId, EntityType.InstanceDetailOverviewDoc ); #endif
internal void Validate() { Debug.Enter(); Debug.VerifyKey( TModelKey );
// Validate that the current TModelKey is valid
// Replication shouldn't get in here
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( "net_bindingTemplate_tModelInstanceInfo_validate", ConnectionManager.GetConnection() ); cmd.Transaction = ConnectionManager.GetTransaction(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@PUID", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.UserID ) ).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@tModelKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ) ).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; SqlParameterAccessor paramacc = new SqlParameterAccessor( cmd.Parameters ); paramacc.SetString( "@PUID", Context.User.ID ); paramacc.SetGuidFromKey( "@tModelKey", TModelKey ); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
Descriptions.Validate(); InstanceDetail.Validate(); Debug.Leave(); } public void Save( string bindingKey ) { //
// Create a command object to invoke the stored procedure
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand( "net_bindingTemplate_tModelInstanceInfo_save", ConnectionManager.GetConnection() ); cmd.Transaction = ConnectionManager.GetTransaction(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; //
// Input parameters
cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@bindingKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ) ).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@tModelKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ) ).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@overviewUrl", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.OverviewURL ) ).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@instanceParms", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.InstanceParms ) ).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; cmd.Parameters.Add( new SqlParameter( "@instanceID", SqlDbType.BigInt ) ).Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
// Set parameter values and execute query
SqlParameterAccessor paramacc = new SqlParameterAccessor( cmd.Parameters ); paramacc.SetGuidFromString( "@bindingKey", bindingKey ); paramacc.SetGuidFromKey( "@tModelKey", TModelKey );
// TODO: I think OverviewDoc will always be non-null... we should be
// testing for a non empty overviewURL
// Agreed there a bunch of these laying around.
if( null == (object) InstanceDetail.OverviewDoc ) paramacc.SetNull( "@overviewUrl" ); else paramacc.SetString( "@overviewUrl", InstanceDetail.OverviewDoc.OverviewURL );
// TODO: same here
if( null != (object) InstanceDetail ) paramacc.SetString( "@instanceParms", InstanceDetail.InstanceParm ); else paramacc.SetNull( "@instanceParms" );
// Move out parameters into local variables
long InstanceID = paramacc.GetLong( "@instanceID" );
// Save sub-objects
Descriptions.Save( InstanceID, EntityType.TModelInstanceInfo );
if( null != (object) InstanceDetail ) { InstanceDetail.Descriptions.Save( InstanceID, EntityType.InstanceDetail ); if( null != (object) InstanceDetail.OverviewDoc ) { InstanceDetail.OverviewDoc.Descriptions.Save( InstanceID, EntityType.InstanceDetailOverviewDoc ); } } } }
public class TModelInfo { [XmlAttribute("tModelKey")] public string TModelKey { get { return tmodelkey; } set { if( null == value ) tmodelkey = null; else tmodelkey = value.Trim(); } } private string tmodelkey = "";
[XmlElement("name")] public string Name = "";
[XmlIgnore] public bool IsHidden = false;
public TModelInfo() { }
public TModelInfo( string tModelKey ) { TModelKey = tModelKey; }
public TModelInfo( string tModelKey, string name ) { TModelKey = tModelKey; Name = name; }
public void Get() { SqlStoredProcedureAccessor sp = new SqlStoredProcedureAccessor( "net_tModel_get" );
sp.Parameters.Add( "@tModelKey", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@operatorName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.OperatorName, ParameterDirection.Output ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@authorizedName", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.AuthorizedName, ParameterDirection.Output ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@name", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.Name, ParameterDirection.Output ); sp.Parameters.Add( "@overviewURL", SqlDbType.NVarChar, UDDI.Constants.Lengths.OverviewURL, ParameterDirection.Output );
sp.Parameters.SetGuidFromKey( "@tModelKey", TModelKey );
Name = sp.Parameters.GetString( "@name" ); } }
public class InstanceDetail { // ----[Element: description]---------------------------------------
private DescriptionCollection descriptions; [XmlElement("description")] public DescriptionCollection Descriptions { get { if( null == descriptions ) descriptions = new DescriptionCollection();
return descriptions; }
set { descriptions = value; } }
// ----[Element: overviewDoc]---------------------------------------
private OverviewDoc overviewDoc; [XmlElement("overviewDoc")] public OverviewDoc OverviewDocSerialize { get { if( null != overviewDoc && overviewDoc.ShouldSerialize ) return overviewDoc;
return null; }
set { overviewDoc = value; } }
[XmlIgnore] public OverviewDoc OverviewDoc { get { if( null == overviewDoc ) overviewDoc = new OverviewDoc();
return overviewDoc; } }
// ----[Element: instanceParms]-------------------------------------
private string instanceParm; [XmlElement("instanceParms")] public string InstanceParm { get { return instanceParm; } set { instanceParm = value; } }
public InstanceDetail() { }
internal void Validate() { //
// Check field lengths and truncate if necessary.
Utility.ValidateLength( ref instanceParm, "instanceParms", UDDI.Constants.Lengths.InstanceParms );
Descriptions.Validate(); OverviewDoc.Validate(); }
[XmlIgnore] public bool ShouldSerialize { get { if( null != descriptions && descriptions.Count > 0 ) return true;
if( null != overviewDoc && overviewDoc.ShouldSerialize ) return true;
if( null != InstanceParm ) return true;
return false; } } }
public class OverviewDoc { // --[element: description]-----------------------------------------
private DescriptionCollection descriptions; [XmlElement("description")] public DescriptionCollection Descriptions { get { if( null == descriptions ) descriptions = new DescriptionCollection();
return descriptions; }
set { descriptions = value; } }
// --[element: overviewURL]-----------------------------------------
private string overviewURL; [XmlElement("overviewURL")] public string OverviewURL { get { return overviewURL; } set { overviewURL = value; } }
public OverviewDoc() { }
[XmlIgnore] public bool ShouldSerialize { get { if( ( null != descriptions && descriptions.Count > 0 ) || null != OverviewURL ) return true;
return false; } }
internal void Validate() { Utility.ValidateLength( ref overviewURL, "overviewURL", UDDI.Constants.Lengths.OverviewURL );
Descriptions.Validate(); } }
/// ****************************************************************
/// class DeleteTModel
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// The DeleteTModel class contains data and methods associated
/// with the delete_tModel message. It is typically populated
/// via deserialization by the .NET runtime as part of the
/// message processing interface.
/// As part of the publisher API, this message implements
/// IAuthenticateable. This allows the enclosed authInfo to be
/// authorized prior to processing
/// </summary>
/// ****************************************************************
[XmlRootAttribute( "delete_tModel", Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace )] public class DeleteTModel : IAuthenticateable, IMessage { //
// Attribute: generic
private string generic;
[XmlAttribute("generic")] public string Generic { get { return generic; } set { generic = value; } }
// Element: authInfo
private string authInfo;
[XmlElement("authInfo")] public string AuthInfo { get { return authInfo; } set { authInfo = value; } } //
// Element: tModelKey
[XmlElement("tModelKey")] public StringCollection TModelKeys;
public void Delete() { foreach( string key in TModelKeys ) { TModel tm = new TModel( key ); tm.Delete(); } } }
[XmlRootAttribute("find_tModel", Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace)] public class FindTModel : IMessage { //
// Attribute: generic
private string generic;
[XmlAttribute("generic")] public string Generic { get { return generic; } set { generic = value; } } //
// Attribute: maxRows
private int maxRows = -1;
[XmlAttribute( "maxRows" ), DefaultValue( -1 )] public int MaxRows { get { return maxRows; } set { if( value < 0 ) { #if never
throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_fatalError, "maxRows must not be less than 0" ); #endif
throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_fatalError, "UDDI_ERROR_MAXROW_CANNOT_BE_LESS_THAN_0" ); }
maxRows = value; } }
[XmlArray("findQualifiers"), XmlArrayItem("findQualifier")] public FindQualifierCollection FindQualifiers;
[XmlElement("name")] public string Name;
[XmlArray("identifierBag"), XmlArrayItem("keyedReference")] public KeyedReferenceCollection IdentifierBag;
[XmlArray("categoryBag"), XmlArrayItem("keyedReference")] public KeyedReferenceCollection CategoryBag;
public FindTModel() { Generic = UDDI.API.Constants.Version; }
public TModelList Find() { TModelList tModelList = new TModelList();
QueryLog.Write( QueryType.Find, EntityType.TModel );
// Process each find constraint.
FindBuilder find = new FindBuilder( EntityType.TModel, FindQualifiers );
// If no search arguments are specified, return an empty result
// set.
if( Utility.StringEmpty( Name ) && Utility.CollectionEmpty( IdentifierBag ) && Utility.CollectionEmpty( CategoryBag ) ) return tModelList;
// Validate find parameters.
if( !Utility.StringEmpty( Name ) ) { if( 1 == Context.ApiVersionMajor ) { Name = Name.Trim(); if( Name.Length > UDDI.Constants.Lengths.Name ) { // throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_nameTooLong, "A name specified in the search exceeds the allowable length" );
throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_nameTooLong, "UDDI_ERROR_NAME_TOO_LONG" ); } } else { Utility.ValidateLength( ref Name, "Name", UDDI.Constants.Lengths.Name ); } }
// TODO: Override may be better for these calls to KeyedReference.Validate because no parent key is used
if( !Utility.CollectionEmpty( IdentifierBag ) ) IdentifierBag.Validate( "", KeyedReferenceType.IdentifierBag );
if( !Utility.CollectionEmpty( CategoryBag ) ) CategoryBag.Validate( "", KeyedReferenceType.CategoryBag );
try { int rows = 1;
// Find entities with matching identifier bag items.
if( !Utility.CollectionEmpty( IdentifierBag ) ) rows = find.FindByKeyedReferences( KeyedReferenceType.IdentifierBag, IdentifierBag );
// Find entities with matching category bag items.
if( rows > 0 && !Utility.CollectionEmpty( CategoryBag ) ) rows = find.FindByKeyedReferences( KeyedReferenceType.CategoryBag, CategoryBag );
// Find entities with matching names
if( rows > 0 && !Utility.StringEmpty( Name ) ) rows = find.FindByName( Name );
// Process the find result set.
if( 0 == rows ) { //
// Cleanup any temporary tables.
find.Abort(); } else if( 0 == MaxRows ) { tModelList.Truncated = Truncated.True; return tModelList; } else { //
// Read in the find results.
SqlDataReaderAccessor reader; SqlStoredProcedureAccessor sp; sp = find.RetrieveResults( MaxRows );
reader = sp.ExecuteReader(); try { while( reader.Read() ) { tModelList.TModelInfos.Add( reader.GetKeyFromGuid( "entityKey" ) ); } } finally { reader.Close(); }
if( sp.Parameters.GetBool( "@truncated" ) ) tModelList.Truncated = Truncated.True; else tModelList.Truncated = Truncated.False; foreach( TModelInfo tModelInfo in tModelList.TModelInfos ) tModelInfo.Get(); } } catch( Exception ) { find.Abort(); throw; }
return tModelList; } }
/// ********************************************************************
/// public class GetTModelDetail
/// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ********************************************************************
[XmlRootAttribute("get_tModelDetail", Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace)] public class GetTModelDetail : IMessage { //
// Attribute: generic
private string generic;
[XmlAttribute("generic")] public string Generic { get { return generic; } set { generic = value; } }
// Element: tModelKey
[XmlElement("tModelKey")] public StringCollection TModelKeys;
public GetTModelDetail() { } }
/// ********************************************************************
/// public class SaveTModel
/// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ********************************************************************
[XmlRootAttribute("save_tModel", Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace)] public class SaveTModel : IAuthenticateable, IMessage { //
// Attribute: generic
private string generic;
[XmlAttribute("generic")] public string Generic { get { return generic; } set { generic = value; } }
// Element: authInfo
private string authInfo;
[XmlElement("authInfo")] public string AuthInfo { get { return authInfo; } set { authInfo = value; } }
// Element: tModel
[XmlElement("tModel")] public TModelCollection TModels;
// Element: uploadRegister
[XmlElement("uploadRegister")] public StringCollection UploadRegisters = new StringCollection();
public SaveTModel() { Generic = UDDI.API.Constants.Version; }
/// ****************************************************************
/// public Save
/// ----------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ****************************************************************
public void Save() { //
// This is outside of replication so any attempt to specify
// an upload register URL will force an E_unsupported response
if( 0 != UploadRegisters.Count ) { // throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_unsupported, "This node does not support the upload register facility" );
throw new UDDIException( ErrorType.E_unsupported, "UDDI_ERROR_NODE_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_UPLOAD" ); }
TModels.Save(); } }
[XmlRootAttribute("tModelDetail", Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace)] public class TModelDetail { [XmlAttribute("generic")] public string Generic = UDDI.API.Constants.Version;
[XmlAttribute("operator")] public string Operator = Config.GetString( "Operator" );
[XmlAttribute("truncated")] public Truncated Truncated;
[XmlElement("tModel")] public TModelCollection TModels = new TModelCollection();
public void Get( StringCollection tModelKeys ) { foreach( string tModelKey in tModelKeys ) { int index = TModels.Add( tModelKey ); TModels[ index ].Get(); } } }
[XmlRootAttribute("tModelList", Namespace=UDDI.API.Constants.Namespace)] public class TModelList { //
// Attribute: generic
[XmlAttribute("generic")] public string Generic = UDDI.API.Constants.Version; //
// Attribute: operator
[XmlAttribute("operator")] public string Operator = Config.GetString( "Operator" ); //
// Attribute: truncated
[XmlAttribute("truncated")] public Truncated Truncated;
// Element: tModelInfos
private TModelInfoCollection tModelInfos;
[ XmlArray( "tModelInfos" ), XmlArrayItem( "tModelInfo" ) ] public TModelInfoCollection TModelInfos { get { if( null == tModelInfos ) tModelInfos = new TModelInfoCollection();
return tModelInfos; }
set { tModelInfos = value; } } } }