namespace UDDI.Diagnostics { using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Collections; using System.Text;
/// <summary>
/// This class provides support for publication of all of the
/// UDDI performance counters
/// </summary>
public class Performance { //
// suffix use to identify average base counters
private static string BaseSuffix = "b";
public Performance() { }
public static void DeleteCounters() { PerformanceCounterCategory.Delete( "UDDI.API.Times" ); PerformanceCounterCategory.Delete( "UDDI.API.Counts" ); } public static void InitializeCounters() { if( !PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists( "UDDI.API.Times" ) ) { //
// Create performance counters to measure the duration of message calls.
CounterCreationDataCollection times = new CounterCreationDataCollection(); foreach( string messageName in MessageNames.Names ) { AddAverageTimesCounter( ref times, messageName ); } PerformanceCounterCategory.Create( "UDDI.API.Times", "UDDI.API.Times.Category.Help", times ); }
if( !PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists( "UDDI.API.Counts" ) ) { //
// Create performance counters to measure the number of times each message is called.
CounterCreationDataCollection counts = new CounterCreationDataCollection();
foreach( string messageName in MessageNames.Names ) { AddCumulativeAccessCountCounter(ref counts, messageName); } PerformanceCounterCategory.Create( "UDDI.API.Counts", "UDDI.API.Counts.Category.Help", counts ); } }
public static void PublishMessageData( string name, TimeSpan duration ) { PerformanceCounter pc = new PerformanceCounter( "UDDI.API.Counts", name, false ); pc.Increment();
// The milliseconds value is a double, IncrementBy accepts a long check to
// avoid casting errors
if( duration.TotalMilliseconds <= long.MaxValue ) { PerformanceCounter pcduration = new PerformanceCounter( "UDDI.API.Times", name, false ); pcduration.IncrementBy( (long) duration.TotalMilliseconds );
// The RawFraction counter type multiplies by 100 to generate a percentage; we don't
// want this, so increment by 100 to offset.
PerformanceCounter pcdurationbase = new PerformanceCounter( "UDDI.API.Times", name + BaseSuffix, false ); pcdurationbase.IncrementBy( 100 ); } }
private static void AddAverageTimesCounter(ref CounterCreationDataCollection counters, string name) { string helpstr = string.Format( Localization.GetString( "AVERAGE_DURATION_COUNT_HELP" ), name ); string avgstr = string.Format( Localization.GetString( "AVERAGE_DURATION_COUNT_BASE" ), name );
CounterCreationData newCounter = new CounterCreationData( name, helpstr, PerformanceCounterType.RawFraction );
CounterCreationData baseCounter = new CounterCreationData( name + BaseSuffix, avgstr, PerformanceCounterType.RawBase );
// RawFraction counter types must be followed by their corresponding base counter type in list of counters added to CounterCreationDataCollection.
counters.Add( newCounter ); counters.Add( baseCounter ); }
private static void AddCumulativeAccessCountCounter(ref CounterCreationDataCollection counters, string name) { string helpstr = string.Format( Localization.GetString( "CUMULATIVE_ACCESS_COUNT_HELP" ), name );
CounterCreationData newCounter = new CounterCreationData( name, helpstr, PerformanceCounterType.NumberOfItems64 ); counters.Add( newCounter ); }
// TODO: This class should probably go somewhere else. API is a likely choice, but do we want Core to have
// a dependency on API?
// We can't, it would be a cyclical reference.
// SOAP message names. V2 API messages were added as part of bug# 1388
class MessageNames { public static string[] Names = { //
// Inquire message names
"find_binding", "find_business", "find_relatedBusinesses", "find_service", "find_tModel", "get_bindingDetail", "get_businessDetail", "get_businessDetailExt", "get_serviceDetail", "get_tModelDetail", "validate_categorization",
// Publish message types
"add_publisherAssertions", "delete_binding", "delete_business", "delete_publisherAssertions", "delete_service", "delete_tModel", "discard_authToken", "get_assertionStatusReport", "get_authToken", "get_publisherAssertions", "get_registeredInfo", "save_binding", "save_business", "save_service", "save_tModel", "set_publisherAssertions",
// Replication message types
"get_changeRecords", "notify_changeRecordsAvailable", "do_ping", "get_highWaterMarks",
// MS Extensions
"get_relatedCategories" }; } } }