-- Script: uddi.v2.sp.sql
-- Author: [email protected]
-- Description: Creates common stored procedures.
-- Note: This file is best viewed and edited with a tab width of 2.
-- =============================================
-- Section: Configuration routines
-- =============================================
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_config_get
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_config_get' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_config_get GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_config_get WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000), @operatorID bigint, @businessKey uniqueidentifier, @name nvarchar(450), @description nvarchar(4000)
DECLARE @tempConfig TABLE( [configName] nvarchar(450), [configValue] nvarchar(4000))
SET @operatorID = CAST(dbo.configValue('OperatorID') AS bigint)
IF @operatorID IS NULL BEGIN SET @error = 50014 SET @context = 'OperatorID configuration item not set.' GOTO errorLabel END
INSERT @tempConfig ( [configName], [configValue]) SELECT [configName], [configValue] FROM [UDO_config]
INSERT @tempConfig ( [configName], [configValue]) SELECT 'Operator', [name] FROM [UDO_operators] WHERE ([operatorID] = @operatorID)
INSERT @tempConfig ( [configName], [configValue]) SELECT 'OperatorKey', dbo.UUIDSTR([operatorKey]) FROM [UDO_operators] WHERE ([operatorID] = @operatorID)
-- Look up the key for the operational business entity, a.k.a. "Site.Key"
SELECT @businessKey = [businessKey] FROM [UDO_operators] WHERE ([operatorID] = @operatorID)
IF (@businessKey IS NULL) BEGIN INSERT @tempConfig ( [configName], [configValue]) VALUES ( 'Site.Key', 'unspecified')
INSERT @tempConfig ( [configName], [configValue]) VALUES ( 'Site.Name', 'unspecified')
INSERT @tempConfig ( [configName], [configValue]) VALUES ( 'Site.Description', 'unspecified') END ELSE BEGIN -- TODO: needs to be language aware as opposed to first item
SELECT TOP 1 @name = [name] FROM [UDC_names_BE] WHERE ([businessID] = dbo.businessID(@businessKey)) -- TODO: needs to be language aware as opposed to first item
SELECT TOP 1 @description = [description] FROM [UDC_businessDesc] WHERE ([businessID] = dbo.businessID(@businessKey)) INSERT @tempConfig ( [configName], [configValue]) VALUES ( 'Site.Key', dbo.UUIDSTR(@businessKey))
INSERT @tempConfig ( [configName], [configValue]) VALUES ( 'Site.Name', ISNULL(@name,'unspecified'))
INSERT @tempConfig ( [configName], [configValue]) VALUES ( 'Site.Description', ISNULL(@description,'unspecified')) END
-- Return results
SELECT [configName], [configValue] FROM @tempConfig ORDER BY 1
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_config_get
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_config_save
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_config_save' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_config_save GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_config_save @configName nvarchar(450), @configValue nvarchar(4000) WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000), @RC int, @dateTimeString varchar(8000)
IF @configName NOT IN ('Operator', 'Site.Key') BEGIN -- Update configuration item in UDO_config
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [UDO_config] WHERE [configName] = @configName) INSERT [UDO_config] VALUES(@configName, @configValue) ELSE UPDATE [UDO_config] SET [configValue] = @configValue WHERE [configName] = @configName END ELSE BEGIN -- Derived configuration item. Update elsewhere.
IF @configName = ('Operator') BEGIN UPDATE [UDO_operators] SET
[name] = LEFT(@configValue, 450) WHERE [operatorID] = dbo.currentOperatorID() END
IF @configName = ('Site.Key') BEGIN UPDATE [UDO_operators] SET
[businessKey] = CAST(@configValue AS uniqueidentifier) WHERE [operatorID] = dbo.currentOperatorID() END END --
-- Update the last change date and time
SET @dateTimeString = CONVERT(varchar(8000), GETDATE(), 126) -- Use IS08601 format, e.g. yyyy-mm-dd Thh:mm:ss:mmm
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [UDO_config] WHERE [configName]='LastChange') INSERT [UDO_config] VALUES('LastChange', @dateTimeString) ELSE UPDATE [UDO_config] SET [configValue] = @dateTimeString WHERE [configName] = 'LastChange'
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_config_save
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_config_getLastChangeDate
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_config_getLastChangeDate' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_config_getLastChangeDate GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_config_getLastChangeDate WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000)
SELECT [configValue] FROM [UDO_config] WHERE [configName] = 'LastChange' RETURN 0
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_config_getLastChangeDate
-- =============================================
-- Section: Validation shared routines
-- =============================================
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_categoryBag_validate
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_categoryBag_validate' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_categoryBag_validate GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_categoryBag_validate @keyValue nvarchar(255), @tModelKey uniqueidentifier, @replActive bit = 0 WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000)
-- Validate keyValue
IF @tModelKey IS NULL BEGIN SET @error = 60210 -- E_invalidKeyPassed
SET @context = 'tModelKey is required.' GOTO errorLabel END
IF @keyValue IS NULL BEGIN SET @error = 70100 -- E_categorizationNotAllowed
SET @context = 'keyValue is required.' GOTO errorLabel END
IF (dbo.checkedTaxonomy(@tModelKey) = 1) AND (dbo.validTaxonomyValue(@tModelKey, @keyValue) = 0) BEGIN SET @error = 70200 -- E_invalidValue
SET @context = 'tModelKey = ' + dbo.addURN(@tModelKey) + ', keyValue = ' + @keyValue GOTO errorLabel END
IF @replActive = 0 BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT [tModelKey] FROM [UDC_tModels] WHERE [tModelKey] = @tModelKey) BEGIN SET @error = 60210 -- E_invalidKey
SET @context = dbo.addURN(@tModelKey) GOTO errorLabel END END
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_categoryBag_validate
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_identifierBag_validate
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_identifierBag_validate' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_identifierBag_validate GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_identifierBag_validate @keyValue nvarchar(225), @tModelKey uniqueidentifier, @replActive bit = 0 WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000)
-- Validate tModelKey
IF @tModelKey IS NULL BEGIN SET @error = 60210 -- E_invalidKeyPassed
SET @context = 'tModelKey is required.' GOTO errorLabel END
IF @replActive = 0 BEGIN IF @tModelKey IS NOT NULL BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT [tModelKey] FROM [UDC_tModels] WHERE [tModelKey] = @tModelKey) BEGIN SET @error = 60210 -- E_invalidKey
SET @context = dbo.addURN(@tModelKey) GOTO errorLabel END
IF @tModelKey = dbo.operatorsKey() BEGIN SET @error = 60210 -- E_invalidKey
SET @context = 'Only operators may reference the uddi-org:operators tModelKey (' + dbo.configValue('TModelKey.Operators') + ').' GOTO errorLabel END END END
-- Validate keyValue
IF @keyValue IS NULL BEGIN SET @error = 70100 -- E_categorizationNotAllowed
SET @context = 'keyValue is required.' GOTO errorLabel END
IF (dbo.checkedTaxonomy(@tModelKey) = 1) AND (dbo.validTaxonomyValue(@tModelKey, @keyValue) = 0) BEGIN SET @error = 70200 -- E_invalidValue
SET @context = 'tModelKey = ' + dbo.addURN(@tModelKey) + ', keyValue = ' + @keyValue GOTO errorLabel END
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_identifierBag_validate
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_keyedReference_validate
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_keyedReference_validate' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_keyedReference_validate GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_keyedReference_validate @PUID nvarchar(450), @keyedRefType int, @keyValue nvarchar(255), @tModelKey uniqueidentifier WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @RC int, @error int, @context nvarchar(4000), @publisherID bigint, @operatorID bigint, @replActive bit
-- Validate publisher
SET @publisherID = dbo.publisherID(@PUID)
IF @publisherID IS NULL BEGIN SET @operatorID = dbo.currentOperatorID() SET @replActive = 0 END ELSE BEGIN -- Validate operator / publisher association (replication only)
EXEC @RC=net_pubOperator_get @publisherID, @operatorID OUTPUT, @replActive OUTPUT IF @RC <> 0 BEGIN SET @error = 50006 -- E_subProcFailure
SET @context = '' GOTO errorLabel END END
IF (@keyedRefType NOT BETWEEN 1 AND 3) BEGIN SET @error = 50009 -- E_parmError
SET @context = '@keyedRefType = ' + CAST(@keyedRefType AS varchar(8000)) GOTO errorLabel END
IF @keyedRefType = 1 OR @keyedRefType = 3 -- categoryBag or assertion keyedReference
BEGIN EXEC @RC=net_categoryBag_validate @keyValue, @tModelKey, @replActive
IF @RC <> 0 BEGIN SET @error = 50006 -- E_subProcFailure
SET @context = '' GOTO errorLabel END END
IF @keyedRefType = 2 -- identifierBag
BEGIN EXEC @RC=net_identifierBag_validate @keyValue, @tModelKey, @replActive
IF @RC <> 0 BEGIN SET @error = 50006 -- E_subProcFailure
SET @context = '' GOTO errorLabel END END
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_keyedReference_validate
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_key_validate
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_key_validate' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_key_validate GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_key_validate @entityTypeID tinyint, @entityKey uniqueidentifier WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000)
IF (@entityTypeID NOT BETWEEN 0 AND 3) BEGIN SET @error = 50009 SET @context = 'Invalid @entityTypeID parameter value: ' + CAST(@entityTypeid AS varchar(256)) GOTO errorLabel END
IF dbo.entityExists(@entityKey, @entityTypeID) = 0 BEGIN SET @error = 60210 SELECT @context = CASE @entityTypeID WHEN 0 THEN 'tModelKey = uuid:' + dbo.UUIDSTR(@entityKey) WHEN 1 THEN 'businessKey = ' + dbo.UUIDSTR(@entityKey) WHEN 2 THEN 'serviceKey = ' + dbo.UUIDSTR(@entityKey) WHEN 3 THEN 'bindingKey = ' + dbo.UUIDSTR(@entityKey) END
GOTO errorLabel END
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_key_validate
-- =============================================
-- Section: General purpose routines
-- =============================================
-- =============================================
-- Section: Shared find routines
-- =============================================
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_find_scratch_commit
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_find_scratch_commit' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_find_scratch_commit GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_find_scratch_commit @contextID uniqueidentifier, @rows int OUTPUT WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN -- Commits keys in the scratch table to the find results table.
DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000), @RC int
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [UDS_findResults] WHERE [contextID] = @contextID) BEGIN -- UDS_findResults has at least one entry so far
DELETE [UDS_findResults] WHERE ([contextID] = @contextID) AND ([entityKey] NOT IN (SELECT [entityKey] FROM [UDS_findScratch] WHERE [contextID] = @contextID))
SET @rows = dbo.contextRows(@contextID)
UPDATE [UDS_findResults] SET
[subEntityKey] = SC.[subEntityKey] FROM [UDS_findResults] JOIN [UDS_findScratch] SC ON ([UDS_findResults].[entityKey] = SC.[entityKey]) WHERE ([UDS_findResults].[contextID] = @contextID) END ELSE -- UDS_findResults does not have any entries so far
BEGIN INSERT [UDS_findResults] ( [contextID], [entityKey], [subEntityKey]) SELECT DISTINCT [contextID], [entityKey], [subEntityKey] FROM [UDS_findScratch] WHERE ([contextID] = @contextID)
SET @rows = dbo.contextRows(@contextID) END
EXEC @RC=net_findScratch_cleanup @contextID
IF @RC<>0 BEGIN SET @error = 50006 -- E_subProcFailure
SET @context = '' GOTO errorLabel END
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_find_scratch_commit
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_find_cleanup
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_find_cleanup' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_find_cleanup GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_find_cleanup @contextID uniqueidentifier WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN -- Cleans up leftover rows in scracth tables
DELETE [UDS_findResults] WHERE ([contextID] = @contextID)
DELETE [UDS_findScratch] WHERE ([contextID] = @contextID)
RETURN 0 END -- net_find_cleanup
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_findScratch_cleanup
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_findScratch_cleanup' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_findScratch_cleanup GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_findScratch_cleanup @contextID uniqueidentifier WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN -- Cleans up leftover rows in scratch table
DELETE [UDS_findScratch] WHERE ([contextID] = @contextID)
RETURN 0 END -- net_findScratch_cleanup
-- =============================================
-- Section: queryLog procedures
-- =============================================
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_queryLog_save
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = N'net_queryLog_save' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_queryLog_save GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_queryLog_save @contextID uniqueidentifier, @lastChange bigint, @entityKey uniqueidentifier = NULL, @entityTypeID tinyint = NULL, @contextTypeID tinyint, @queryTypeID tinyint
WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000)
INSERT [UDO_queryLog] ( [lastChange], [entityKey], [entityTypeID], [queryTypeID], [contextID], [contextTypeID]) VALUES ( @lastChange, @entityKey, @entityTypeID, @queryTypeID, @contextID, @contextTypeID)
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_queryLog_save
-- =============================================
-- Section: Taxonomy routines
-- =============================================
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_taxonomy_get
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = N'net_taxonomy_get' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_taxonomy_get GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_taxonomy_get @tModelKey uniqueidentifier, @flag int OUTPUT WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000)
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [UDT_taxonomies] WHERE [tModelKey] = @tModelKey) BEGIN SET @error = 60210 SET @context = 'uuid:' + dbo.UUIDSTR(@tModelKey) GOTO errorLabel END
SELECT @flag = [flag] FROM [UDT_taxonomies] WHERE ([tModelKey] = @tModelKey)
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_taxonomy_get
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_taxonomy_save
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = N'net_taxonomy_save' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_taxonomy_save GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_taxonomy_save @tModelKey uniqueidentifier, @flag int, @taxonomyID bigint = NULL OUTPUT WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000), @RC int
-- Validate parameters
IF @flag NOT IN(0,1,2,3)--all valid values BEGIN -- flag 0x1 = checkedTaxonomy
-- flag 0x2 = browsable taxonomy
SET @error = 50009 -- E_parmError
SET @context = CAST(@flag AS varchar(256)) + ' is not a valid categorization scheme flag.' GOTO errorLabel END
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [UDC_tModels] WHERE [tModelKey] = @tModelKey) BEGIN SET @error = 60210 -- E_invalidKeyPassed
SET @context = dbo.UUIDSTR(@tModelKey) + ' is not a valid tModelKey.' GOTO errorLabel END
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [UDT_taxonomies] WHERE [tModelKey] = @tModelKey) BEGIN --
-- Fix for Windows Bug #733233
-- Delete existing taxonomy instead of throwing an E_invalidKey
-- SET @error = 60210 -- E_invalidKeyPassed
-- SET @context = 'A categorization scheme already exists for tModelKey = ' + dbo.UUIDSTR(@tModelKey)
-- GOTO errorLabel
EXEC @RC = net_taxonomy_delete @tModelKey
IF @RC <> 0 BEGIN SET @error = 50006 -- E_subProcFailure
SET @context = '' GOTO errorLabel END END
-- Add new taxonomy
INSERT [UDT_taxonomies]( [tModelKey], [flag]) VALUES( @tModelKey, @flag)
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END GO
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_taxonomy_delete
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_taxonomy_delete' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_taxonomy_delete GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_taxonomy_delete @tModelKey uniqueidentifier WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000), @taxonomyID bigint
SET @taxonomyID = dbo.taxonomyID(@tModelKey)
IF @taxonomyID IS NULL BEGIN SET @error = 60210 SET @context = 'uuid:' + dbo.UUIDSTR(@tModelKey) GOTO errorLabel END
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [UDT_taxonomies] WHERE [taxonomyID] = @taxonomyID) DELETE [UDT_taxonomies] WHERE [taxonomyID] = @taxonomyID
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END GO
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_taxonomyValue_save
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = N'net_taxonomyValue_save' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_taxonomyValue_save GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_taxonomyValue_save @tModelKey uniqueidentifier, @keyValue nvarchar(255), @parentKeyValue nvarchar(255), @keyName nvarchar(255), @valid bit
WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN -- This procedure saves new rows to UDT_taxonomyValues.
-- Note: if the row already exists it is deleted and resaved.
-- Note: parentKeyValue is not validated.
DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000), @taxonomyID bigint
SET @taxonomyID = dbo.taxonomyID(@tModelKey)
IF @taxonomyID IS NULL BEGIN SET @error = 60210 SET @context = 'No taxonomy for uuid:' + dbo.UUIDSTR(@tModelKey) GOTO errorLabel END
-- Validate parameters
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [UDT_taxonomies] WHERE [taxonomyID] = @taxonomyID) BEGIN SET @error = 50009 -- E_parmError
SET @context = CAST(@taxonomyID AS varchar(256)) + ' is not a valid taxonomyValue.' GOTO errorLabel END
-- Delete taxonomyValue if it exists
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM [UDT_taxonomyValues] WHERE [taxonomyID] = @taxonomyID AND [keyValue] = @keyValue) BEGIN DELETE [UDT_taxonomyValues] WHERE ([taxonomyID] = @taxonomyID) AND ([keyValue] = @keyValue) END
INSERT [UDT_taxonomyValues]( [taxonomyID], [keyValue], [parentKeyValue], [keyName], [valid]) VALUES( @taxonomyID, @keyValue, @parentKeyValue, @keyName, @valid)
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END GO
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_taxonomyValue_get
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = N'net_taxonomyValue_get' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_taxonomyValue_get GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_taxonomyValue_get @tModelKey uniqueidentifier, @keyValue nvarchar(255), @relation int
WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN -- This procedure gets rows from UDT_taxonomyValues.
-- Note: @relation is as follows
-- 0 - Root information requested
-- 1 - Child information requested
-- 2 - Parent information requested
-- 3 - Current information requested
DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000), @taxonomyID bigint
SET @taxonomyID = dbo.taxonomyID(@tModelKey)
IF @taxonomyID IS NULL BEGIN SET @error = 60210 SET @context = 'uuid:' + dbo.UUIDSTR(@tModelKey) GOTO errorLabel END
-- Validate parameters
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [UDT_taxonomies] WHERE [taxonomyID] = @taxonomyID) BEGIN SET @error = 50009 -- E_parmError
SET @context = CAST(@taxonomyID AS varchar(256)) + ' is not a valid taxonomyValue.' GOTO errorLabel END IF @relation = 0 BEGIN -- Get root level values
-- The @keyValue is ignored in this case
SELECT [keyValue], [parentKeyValue], [keyName], [valid] FROM [UDT_taxonomyValues] WHERE [taxonomyID] = @taxonomyID AND [parentKeyValue] = '' END ELSE IF @relation = 1 BEGIN -- Get children values
SELECT [keyValue], [parentKeyValue], [keyName], [valid] FROM [UDT_taxonomyValues] WHERE [taxonomyID] = @taxonomyID AND [parentKeyValue] = @keyValue END ELSE IF @relation = 2 BEGIN -- Get parent values
SELECT [keyValue], [parentKeyValue], [keyName], [valid] FROM [UDT_taxonomyValues] WHERE [taxonomyID] = @taxonomyID AND [keyValue] IN (SELECT [parentKeyValue] FROM [UDT_taxonomyValues] WHERE [keyValue] = @keyValue) END ELSE IF @relation = 3 BEGIN -- Get current values
SELECT [keyValue], [parentKeyValue], [keyName], [valid] FROM [UDT_taxonomyValues] WHERE [taxonomyID] = @taxonomyID AND [keyValue] = @keyValue END ELSE BEGIN SET @error = 50009 -- E_parmError
SET @context = CAST(@relation AS varchar(256)) + ' is not a valid relationship value.' GOTO errorLabel END
RETURN 0 errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END GO
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_taxonomyValues_get
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = N'net_taxonomyValues_get' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_taxonomyValues_get GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_taxonomyValues_get @tModelKey uniqueidentifier AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000), @taxonomyID bigint
SET @taxonomyID = dbo.taxonomyID(@tModelKey)
IF @taxonomyID IS NULL BEGIN SET @error = 60210 SET @context = 'uuid:' + dbo.UUIDSTR(@tModelKey) GOTO errorLabel END
SELECT [keyValue], [parentKeyValue], [keyName], [valid] FROM [UDT_taxonomyValues] WHERE ([taxonomyID] = @taxonomyID) ORDER BY [parentKeyValue], [keyValue]
RETURN 0 errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END GO
-- =============================================
-- Section: Reporting routines
-- =============================================
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_report_get
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = N'net_report_get' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_report_get GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_report_get @reportID sysname, @reportStatusID tinyint = NULL OUTPUT, @lastChange datetime = NULL OUTPUT WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000)
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [UDO_reports] WHERE [reportID] = @reportID) BEGIN SET @error = 50009 -- E_parmError
SET @context = 'Invalid reportID.' GOTO errorLabel END
SELECT @reportStatusID = [reportStatusID], @lastChange = [lastChange] FROM [UDO_reports] WHERE ([reportID] = @reportID)
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_report_get
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_report_update
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = N'net_report_update' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_report_update GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_report_update @reportID sysname, @reportStatusID tinyint
WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000), @lastChange datetime
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [UDO_reports] WHERE [reportID] = @reportID) BEGIN SET @error = 50009 -- E_parmError
SET @context = 'Invalid reportID.' GOTO errorLabel END
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [UDO_reportStatus] WHERE [reportStatusID] = @reportStatusID) BEGIN SET @error = 50009 -- E_parmError
SET @context = 'Invalid reportStatusID.' GOTO errorLabel END
SET @lastChange = GETDATE()
UPDATE [UDO_reports] SET
[reportStatusID] = @reportStatusID, [lastChange] = @lastChange WHERE ([reportID] = @reportID) RETURN 0
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_report_update
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_reportLines_get
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = N'net_reportLines_get' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_reportLines_get GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_reportLines_get @reportID sysname WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000)
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [UDO_reports] WHERE [reportID] = @reportID) BEGIN SET @error = 50009 -- E_parmError
SET @context = 'Invalid reportID.' GOTO errorLabel END
SELECT [section], [label], [value] FROM [UDO_reportLines] WHERE ([reportID] = @reportID) ORDER BY [seqNo] ASC
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_reportLines_get
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_statistics_recalculate
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = N'net_statistics_recalculate' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_statistics_recalculate GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_statistics_recalculate WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000), @RC int
EXEC @RC=master.dbo.xp_recalculate_statistics
IF @RC <> 0 BEGIN SET @error = 50006 -- E_subProcFailure
SET @context = '' GOTO errorLabel END
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_statistics_recalculate