-- Script: uddi.v2.tModel.sql
-- Author: [email protected]
-- Description: Stored procedures associated with a tModel object.
-- Note: This file is best viewed and edited with a tab width of 2.
-- =============================================
-- Section: Get stored procedures
-- =============================================
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_tModel_get
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_tModel_get' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_tModel_get GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_tModel_get @tModelKey uniqueidentifier, @operatorName nvarchar(450) OUTPUT, @authorizedName nvarchar(4000) OUTPUT, @name nvarchar(450) OUTPUT, @overviewURL nvarchar(4000) OUTPUT WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000)
SELECT @operatorName = dbo.publisherOperatorName([publisherID]), @authorizedName = ISNULL([authorizedName],dbo.publisherName([publisherID])), @name = [name], @overviewURL = [overviewURL] FROM [UDC_tModels] WHERE ([tModelKey] = @tModelKey)
IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 BEGIN SET @error = 60210 -- E_invalidKey
SET @context = 'tModelKey = ' + dbo.addURN(@tModelKey) GOTO errorLabel END
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_tModel_get
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_tModel_get_batch
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_tModel_get_batch' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_tModel_get_batch GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_tModel_get_batch @tModelKey uniqueidentifier, @operatorName nvarchar(450) OUTPUT, @authorizedName nvarchar(4000) OUTPUT, @name nvarchar(450) OUTPUT, @overviewURL nvarchar(4000) OUTPUT WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000)
SELECT @operatorName = dbo.publisherOperatorName([publisherID]), @authorizedName = ISNULL([authorizedName],dbo.publisherName([publisherID])), @name = [name], @overviewURL = [overviewURL] FROM [UDC_tModels] WHERE ([tModelKey] = @tModelKey)
IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0 BEGIN SET @error = 60210 -- E_invalidKey
SET @context = 'tModelKey = ' + dbo.addURN(@tModelKey) GOTO errorLabel END
-- Get contained objects
EXEC net_tModel_descriptions_get @tModelKey EXEC net_tModel_overviewDoc_descriptions_get @tModelKey EXEC net_tModel_identifierBag_get @tModelKey EXEC net_tModel_categoryBag_get @tModelKey
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_tModel_get_batch
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_tModel_descriptions_get
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_tModel_descriptions_get' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_tModel_descriptions_get GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_tModel_descriptions_get @tModelKey uniqueidentifier WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN SELECT [isoLangCode], [description] FROM [UDC_tModelDesc] WHERE ([tModelID] = dbo.tModelID(@tModelKey)) AND ([elementID] = dbo.elementID('tModel'))
RETURN 0 END -- net_tModel_descriptions_get
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_tModel_overviewDoc_descriptions_get
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_tModel_overviewDoc_descriptions_get' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_tModel_overviewDoc_descriptions_get GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_tModel_overviewDoc_descriptions_get @tModelKey uniqueidentifier WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN SELECT [isoLangCode], [description] FROM [UDC_tModelDesc] WHERE ([tModelID] = dbo.tModelID(@tModelKey)) AND ([elementID] = dbo.elementID('overviewDoc'))
RETURN 0 END -- net_tModel_overviewDoc_descriptions_get
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_tModel_categoryBag_get
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_tModel_categoryBag_get' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_tModel_categoryBag_get GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_tModel_categoryBag_get @tModelKey uniqueidentifier WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN SELECT [keyName], [keyValue], [tModelKey] FROM [UDC_categoryBag_TM] WHERE [tModelID] = dbo.tModelID(@tModelKey)
RETURN 0 END -- net_tModel_categoryBag_get
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_tModel_identifierBag_get
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_tModel_identifierBag_get' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_tModel_identifierBag_get GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_tModel_identifierBag_get @tModelKey uniqueidentifier WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN SELECT [keyName], [keyValue], [tModelKey] FROM [UDC_identifierBag_TM] WHERE [tModelID] = dbo.tModelID(@tModelKey)
RETURN 0 END -- net_tModel_identifierBag_get
-- =============================================
-- Section: Save stored procedures
-- =============================================
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_tModel_save
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_tModel_save' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_tModel_save GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_tModel_save @tModelKey uniqueidentifier, @PUID nvarchar(450), @generic varchar(20), @authorizedName nvarchar(4000) OUTPUT, @name nvarchar(450), @overviewURL nvarchar(4000), @contextID uniqueidentifier, @lastChange bigint
WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @RC int, @error int, @context nvarchar(4000), @publisherID bigint, @isReplPublisher bit
SET @RC = 0 SET @publisherID = dbo.publisherID(@PUID) -- validate @publisherID is not NULL?
SET @isReplPublisher = dbo.isReplPublisher(@PUID)
IF @isReplPublisher = 0 SET @authorizedName = NULL
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [UDC_tModels] WHERE [tModelKey] = @tModelKey) BEGIN DELETE [UDC_tModels] WHERE [tModelKey] = @tModelKey END ELSE BEGIN IF (@isReplPublisher = 1) BEGIN -- Perform this check only for replication publishers
IF (dbo.isUuidUnique(@tModelKey) = 0) BEGIN SET @error = 60210 -- E_invalidKeyPassed
SET @context = 'Key is not unique. tModelKey = ' + dbo.UUIDSTR(@tModelKey) GOTO errorLabel END END END
INSERT [UDC_tModels]( [publisherID], [generic], [authorizedName], [tModelKey], [name], [overviewURL], [lastChange], [flag]) VALUES( @publisherID, ISNULL(@generic,dbo.configValue('CurrentAPIVersion')), @authorizedName, @tModelKey, @name, @overviewURL, @lastChange, 0)
SET @authorizedName = dbo.publisherName(@publisherID)
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_tModel_save
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_tModel_description_save
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_tModel_description_save' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_tModel_description_save GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_tModel_description_save @tModelKey uniqueidentifier, @isoLangCode varchar(17) = 'en', @description nvarchar(4000) WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN INSERT [UDC_tModelDesc]( [tModelID], [elementID], [isoLangCode], [description]) VALUES( dbo.tModelID(@tModelKey), dbo.elementID('tModel'), @isoLangCode, @description)
RETURN 0 END -- net_tModel_description_save
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_tModel_overviewDoc_description_save
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_tModel_overviewDoc_description_save' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_tModel_overviewDoc_description_save GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_tModel_overviewDoc_description_save @tModelKey uniqueidentifier, @isoLangCode varchar(17) = 'en', @description nvarchar(4000) WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN INSERT [UDC_tModelDesc]( [tModelID], [elementID], [isoLangCode], [description]) VALUES( dbo.tModelID(@tModelKey), dbo.elementID('overviewDoc'), @isoLangCode, @description)
RETURN 0 END -- net_tModel_overviewDoc_description_save
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_tModel_categoryBag_save
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_tModel_categoryBag_save' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_tModel_categoryBag_save GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_tModel_categoryBag_save @tModelKeyParent uniqueidentifier, @keyName nvarchar(255), @keyValue nvarchar(255), @tModelKey uniqueidentifier WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN INSERT [UDC_categoryBag_TM]( [tModelID], [keyName], [keyValue], [tModelKey]) VALUES( dbo.tModelID(@tModelKeyParent), @keyName, @keyValue, @tModelKey)
RETURN 0 END -- net_tModel_categoryBag_save
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_tModel_identifierBag_save
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_tModel_identifierBag_save' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_tModel_identifierBag_save GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_tModel_identifierBag_save @tModelKeyParent uniqueidentifier, @keyName nvarchar(255), @keyValue nvarchar(255), @tModelKey uniqueidentifier WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN INSERT [UDC_identifierBag_TM]( [tModelID], [keyName], [keyValue], [tModelKey]) VALUES( dbo.tModelID(@tModelKeyParent), @keyName, @keyValue, @tModelKey)
RETURN 0 END -- net_tModel_identifierBag_save
-- =============================================
-- Section: Delete stored procedures
-- =============================================
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_tModel_delete
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_tModel_delete' and type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_tModel_delete GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_tModel_delete @PUID nvarchar(450), @tModelKey uniqueidentifier, @contextID uniqueidentifier, @lastChange bigint
WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @RC int, @error int, @context nvarchar(4000), @operatorID bigint, @publisherID bigint
SET @RC = 0
-- Validate parameters
IF @tModelKey IS NULL BEGIN SET @error = 60210 -- E_invalidKey
SET @context = '@tModelKey is required.' GOTO errorLabel END -- Validate publisher
SET @publisherID = dbo.publisherID(@PUID)
IF @publisherID IS NULL BEGIN SET @error = 60150 -- E_unknownUser
SET @context = 'PUID = ' + ISNULL(@PUID, 'NULL') GOTO errorLabel END
-- Check to see if tModelKey exists
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [UDC_tModels] WHERE (tModelKey = @tModelKey)) BEGIN -- tModelKey exists. Make sure it belongs to current publisher
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [UDC_tModels] WHERE (tModelKey = @tModelKey) AND (publisherID = @publisherID)) BEGIN SET @error = 60140 -- E_userMismatch
SET @context = 'tModelKey = ' + dbo.addURN(@tModelKey) GOTO errorLabel END END ELSE BEGIN SET @error = 60210 -- E_invalidKey
SET @context = '@tModelKey = ' + dbo.addURN(@tModelKey) GOTO errorLabel END
-- Hide the tModel
[lastChange] = @lastChange, [flag] = 0x1 WHERE ([tModelKey] = @tModelKey) RETURN 0
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_tModel_delete
-- =============================================
-- Section: tModel validation stored procedures
-- =============================================
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_tModel_validate
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_tModel_validate' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_tModel_validate GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_tModel_validate @PUID nvarchar(450), @tModelKey uniqueidentifier, @flag int = 0 WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @RC int, @error int, @context nvarchar(4000), @operatorID bigint, @publisherID bigint, @replActive bit
SET @RC = 0 SET @replActive = 0
IF @flag IS NULL SET @flag = 0
-- Validate parameters
IF @tModelKey IS NULL BEGIN SET @error = 60210 -- E_invalidKey
SET @context = '@tModelKey is required.' GOTO errorLabel END -- Validate publisher
SET @publisherID = dbo.publisherID(@PUID)
IF @publisherID IS NULL BEGIN SET @error = 60150 -- E_unknownUser
SET @context = 'PUID = ' + ISNULL(@PUID, 'NULL') GOTO errorLabel END
-- Validate operator / publisher association (replication only)
EXEC @RC=net_pubOperator_get @publisherID, @operatorID OUTPUT, @replActive OUTPUT
-- Validate tModel
-- Check to see if tModelKey exists
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [UDC_tModels] WHERE (tModelKey = @tModelKey)) BEGIN -- tModelKey exists. Make sure it belongs to current publisher
IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [UDC_tModels] WHERE (tModelKey = @tModelKey) AND (publisherID = @publisherID)) BEGIN SET @error = 60140 -- E_userMismatch
SET @context = 'tModelKey = ' + dbo.addURN(@tModelKey) GOTO errorLabel END
IF @replActive = 0 BEGIN IF @operatorID <> dbo.currentOperatorID() BEGIN SET @error = 60130 -- E_operatorMismatch
SET @context = 'Operator ' + dbo.operatorName(@operatorID) + ' is not the local operator.' GOTO errorLabel END END END ELSE BEGIN -- tModelKey doesn't exist
IF (@replActive = 0) AND (@flag & 0x1 <> 0x1) BEGIN -- save isn't coming from replication and preassigned keys flag is not set so throw an error
SET @error = 60210 -- E_invalidKey
SET @context = '@tModelKey = ' + dbo.addURN(@tModelKey) GOTO errorLabel END END
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_tModel_validate
-- =============================================
-- Section: Find stored procedures
-- =============================================
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_find_tModel_name
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_find_tModel_name' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_find_tModel_name GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_find_tModel_name @contextID uniqueidentifier, @name nvarchar(450), @exactNameMatch bit, @caseSensitiveMatch bit, @rows int OUTPUT WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN -- Adds name search arguments for a find_business
DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000), @contextRows int, @wildCardSarg nvarchar(451)
DECLARE @tempKeys TABLE( [entityKey] uniqueidentifier, [name] nvarchar(450))
SET @contextRows = dbo.contextRows(@contextID)
-- Do a wildcard search (default)
IF (@exactNameMatch = 0) BEGIN SET @wildCardSarg = @name
IF dbo.containsWildcard(@name) = 0 SET @wildCardSarg = @wildCardSarg + N'%'
IF @contextRows = 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @tempKeys( [entityKey], [name]) SELECT [tModelKey], [name] FROM [UDC_tModels] WHERE ([name] LIKE @wildCardSarg) AND ([flag] = 0) END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tempKeys( [entityKey], [name]) SELECT [tModelKey], [name] FROM [UDC_tModels] WHERE ([tModelKey] IN (SELECT [entityKey] FROM [UDS_findResults] WHERE ([contextID] = @contextID))) AND ([name] LIKE @wildCardSarg) AND ([flag] = 0) END END
-- Do an exactNameMatch search
IF (@exactNameMatch = 1) BEGIN IF @contextRows = 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO @tempKeys( [entityKey], [name]) SELECT [tModelKey], [name] FROM [UDC_tModels] WHERE ([name] = @name) AND ([flag] = 0) END ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO @tempKeys( [entityKey], [name]) SELECT [tModelKey], [name] FROM [UDC_tModels] WHERE ([tModelKey] IN (SELECT [entityKey] FROM [UDS_findResults] WHERE ([contextID] = @contextID))) AND ([name] = @name) AND ([flag] = 0) END END
IF (@caseSensitiveMatch = 1) DELETE @tempKeys WHERE (dbo.caseSensitiveMatch(@name, [name], @exactNameMatch) = 0)
-- name search arguments are combined using a logical OR by default
INSERT [UDS_findScratch] ( [contextID], [entityKey]) SELECT DISTINCT @contextID, [entityKey] FROM @tempKeys WHERE ([entityKey] NOT IN (SELECT [entityKey] FROM [UDS_findScratch] WHERE [contextID] = @contextID))
SET @rows = @@ROWCOUNT
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_find_tModel_name
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_find_tModel_identifierBag
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = N'net_find_tModel_identifierBag' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_find_tModel_identifierBag GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_find_tModel_identifierBag @contextID uniqueidentifier, @keyName nvarchar(4000), @keyValue nvarchar(4000), @tModelKey uniqueidentifier, @orKeys bit = 0, @rows int OUTPUT WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000), @contextRows int
DECLARE @tempKeys TABLE( [entityKey] uniqueidentifier)
SET @contextRows = dbo.contextRows(@contextID)
IF @contextRows = 0 BEGIN INSERT @tempKeys( [entityKey]) SELECT DISTINCT TM.[tModelKey] FROM [UDC_tModels] TM JOIN [UDC_identifierBag_TM] IB ON TM.[tModelID] = IB.[tModelID] WHERE (IB.[tModelKey] = @tModelKey) AND (IB.[keyValue] = @keyValue) AND (TM.[flag] = 0) END ELSE BEGIN INSERT @tempKeys( [entityKey]) SELECT DISTINCT TM.[tModelKey] FROM [UDC_tModels] TM JOIN [UDC_identifierBag_TM] IB ON TM.[tModelID] = IB.[tModelID] WHERE (TM.[tModelKey] IN (SELECT [entityKey] FROM [UDS_findResults] WHERE ([contextID] = @contextID))) AND (IB.[tModelKey] = @tModelKey) AND (IB.[keyValue] = @keyValue) AND (TM.[flag] = 0) END
IF @orKeys = 1 BEGIN INSERT [UDS_findScratch] ( [contextID], [entityKey]) SELECT DISTINCT @contextID, [entityKey] FROM @tempKeys WHERE ([entityKey] NOT IN (SELECT [entityKey] FROM [UDS_findScratch] WHERE [contextID] = @contextID)) END ELSE BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [UDS_findScratch] WHERE [contextID] = @contextID) BEGIN DELETE [UDS_findScratch] WHERE ([entityKey] NOT IN (SELECT [entityKey] FROM @tempKeys WHERE [contextID] = @contextID)) END ELSE BEGIN INSERT [UDS_findScratch] ( [contextID], [entityKey]) SELECT DISTINCT @contextID, [entityKey] FROM @tempKeys END END SELECT @rows = COUNT(*) FROM [UDS_findScratch] WHERE ([contextID] = @contextID)
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_find_tModel_identifierBag
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_find_tModel_categoryBag
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = N'net_find_tModel_categoryBag' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_find_tModel_categoryBag GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_find_tModel_categoryBag @contextID uniqueidentifier, @keyName nvarchar(4000), @keyValue nvarchar(4000), @tModelKey uniqueidentifier, @orKeys bit = 0, @rows int OUTPUT WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000), @contextRows int, @genKeywordsMatch bit
DECLARE @tempKeys TABLE( [entityKey] uniqueidentifier)
SET @contextRows = dbo.contextRows(@contextID)
SET @genKeywordsMatch = 0
IF @tModelKey = dbo.genKeywordsKey() SET @genKeywordsMatch = 1
IF @contextRows = 0 BEGIN IF @genKeywordsMatch = 0 BEGIN -- Ignore keyName
INSERT @tempKeys( [entityKey]) SELECT DISTINCT TM.[tModelKey] FROM [UDC_tModels] TM JOIN [UDC_categoryBag_TM] CB ON TM.[tModelID] = CB.[tModelID] WHERE (CB.[tModelKey] = @tModelKey) AND (CB.[keyValue] = @keyValue) AND (TM.[flag] = 0) END ELSE BEGIN -- Include keyName
INSERT @tempKeys( [entityKey]) SELECT DISTINCT TM.[tModelKey] FROM [UDC_tModels] TM JOIN [UDC_categoryBag_TM] CB ON TM.[tModelID] = CB.[tModelID] WHERE (CB.[tModelKey] = @tModelKey) AND (CB.[keyValue] = @keyValue) AND (ISNULL(CB.[keyName],'') = ISNULL(@keyName,'')) AND (TM.[flag] = 0) END END ELSE BEGIN IF @genKeywordsMatch = 0 BEGIN -- Ignore keyName
INSERT @tempKeys( [entityKey]) SELECT DISTINCT TM.[tModelKey] FROM [UDC_tModels] TM JOIN [UDC_categoryBag_TM] CB ON TM.[tModelID] = CB.[tModelID] WHERE (TM.[tModelKey] IN (SELECT [entityKey] FROM [UDS_findResults] WHERE ([contextID] = @contextID))) AND (CB.[tModelKey] = @tModelKey) AND (CB.[keyValue] = @keyValue) AND (TM.[flag] = 0) END ELSE BEGIN -- Include keyName
INSERT @tempKeys( [entityKey]) SELECT DISTINCT TM.[tModelKey] FROM [UDC_tModels] TM JOIN [UDC_categoryBag_TM] CB ON TM.[tModelID] = CB.[tModelID] WHERE (TM.[tModelKey] IN (SELECT [entityKey] FROM [UDS_findResults] WHERE ([contextID] = @contextID))) AND (CB.[tModelKey] = @tModelKey) AND (CB.[keyValue] = @keyValue) AND (ISNULL(CB.[keyName],'') = ISNULL(@keyName,'')) AND (TM.[flag] = 0) END END
IF @orKeys = 1 BEGIN INSERT [UDS_findScratch] ( [contextID], [entityKey]) SELECT DISTINCT @contextID, [entityKey] FROM @tempKeys WHERE ([entityKey] NOT IN (SELECT [entityKey] FROM [UDS_findScratch] WHERE [contextID] = @contextID)) END ELSE BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM [UDS_findScratch] WHERE [contextID] = @contextID) BEGIN DELETE [UDS_findScratch] WHERE ([entityKey] NOT IN (SELECT [entityKey] FROM @tempKeys WHERE [contextID] = @contextID)) END ELSE BEGIN INSERT [UDS_findScratch] ( [contextID], [entityKey]) SELECT DISTINCT @contextID, [entityKey] FROM @tempKeys END END SELECT @rows = COUNT(*) FROM [UDS_findScratch] WHERE ([contextID] = @contextID)
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_find_tModel_categoryBag
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_find_tModel_commit
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = 'net_find_tModel_commit' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_find_tModel_commit GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_find_tModel_commit @contextID uniqueidentifier, @sortByNameAsc bit, @sortByNameDesc bit, @sortByDateAsc bit, @sortByDateDesc bit, @maxRows int, @truncated int OUTPUT WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN -- Finalizes a find_business and returns a key list
DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000), @contextRows int
SET @contextRows = dbo.contextRows(@contextID) SET @truncated = 0
IF @contextRows = 0 RETURN 0
DECLARE @tempKeys TABLE ( [seqNo] bigint IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY , [entityKey] uniqueidentifier, [name] nvarchar(450) NULL, [lastChange] bigint NULL, [tModelID] bigint NULL)
-- Set default sorting option
IF (@sortByNameAsc = 0) AND (@sortByNameDesc = 0) AND (@sortByDateAsc = 0) AND (@sortByDateDesc = 0) SET @sortByNameAsc = 1
-- Set maxRows if default was passed
IF ISNULL(@maxRows,0) = 0 SET @maxRows = dbo.configValue('Find.MaxRowsDefault')
-- sortByNameAsc
IF (@sortByNameAsc = 1) BEGIN IF (@sortByDateAsc = 0) AND (@sortByDateDesc = 0) SET @sortByDateAsc = 1
IF (@sortByDateAsc = 1) BEGIN INSERT @tempKeys( [entityKey], [name], [lastChange], [tModelID]) SELECT DISTINCT FR.[entityKey], TM.[name], TM.[lastChange], TM.[tModelID] FROM [UDS_findResults] FR JOIN [UDC_tModels] TM ON FR.[entityKey] = TM.[tModelKey] AND @contextID = FR.[contextID] ORDER BY 2 ASC, 3 ASC, 4 ASC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT @tempKeys( [entityKey], [name], [lastChange], [tModelID]) SELECT DISTINCT FR.[entityKey], TM.[name], TM.[lastChange], TM.[tModelID] FROM [UDS_findResults] FR JOIN [UDC_tModels] TM ON FR.[entityKey] = TM.[tModelKey] AND @contextID = FR.[contextID] ORDER BY 2 ASC, 3 DESC, 4 DESC END
GOTO endLabel END
-- sortByNameDesc
IF (@sortByNameDesc = 1) BEGIN IF (@sortByDateAsc = 0) AND (@sortByDateDesc = 0) SET @sortByDateAsc = 1
IF (@sortByDateAsc = 1) BEGIN INSERT @tempKeys( [entityKey], [name], [lastChange], [tModelID]) SELECT DISTINCT FR.[entityKey], TM.[name], TM.[lastChange], TM.[tModelID] FROM [UDS_findResults] FR JOIN [UDC_tModels] TM ON FR.[entityKey] = TM.[tModelKey] AND @contextID = FR.[contextID] ORDER BY 2 DESC, 3 ASC, 4 ASC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT @tempKeys( [entityKey], [name], [lastChange], [tModelID]) SELECT DISTINCT FR.[entityKey], TM.[name], TM.[lastChange], TM.[tModelID] FROM [UDS_findResults] FR JOIN [UDC_tModels] TM ON FR.[entityKey] = TM.[tModelKey] AND @contextID = FR.[contextID] ORDER BY 2 DESC, 3 DESC, 4 DESC END
GOTO endLabel END
-- sortByDateAsc
IF (@sortByDateAsc = 1) BEGIN IF (@sortByNameAsc = 0) AND (@sortByNameDesc = 0) SET @sortByNameAsc = 1
IF (@sortByNameAsc = 1) BEGIN INSERT @tempKeys( [entityKey], [name], [lastChange], [tModelID]) SELECT DISTINCT FR.[entityKey], TM.[name], TM.[lastChange], TM.[tModelID] FROM [UDS_findResults] FR JOIN [UDC_tModels] TM ON FR.[entityKey] = TM.[tModelKey] AND @contextID = FR.[contextID] ORDER BY 3 ASC, 4 ASC, 2 ASC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT @tempKeys( [entityKey], [name], [lastChange], [tModelID]) SELECT DISTINCT FR.[entityKey], TM.[name], TM.[lastChange], TM.[tModelID] FROM [UDS_findResults] FR JOIN [UDC_tModels] TM ON FR.[entityKey] = TM.[tModelKey] AND @contextID = FR.[contextID] ORDER BY 3 ASC, 4 ASC, 2 DESC END
GOTO endLabel END
-- sortByDateDesc
IF (@sortByDateDesc = 1) BEGIN IF (@sortByNameAsc = 0) AND (@sortByNameDesc = 0) SET @sortByNameAsc = 1
IF (@sortByNameAsc = 1) BEGIN INSERT @tempKeys( [entityKey], [name], [lastChange], [tModelID]) SELECT DISTINCT FR.[entityKey], TM.[name], TM.[lastChange], TM.[tModelID] FROM [UDS_findResults] FR JOIN [UDC_tModels] TM ON FR.[entityKey] = TM.[tModelKey] AND @contextID = FR.[contextID] ORDER BY 3 DESC, 4 DESC, 2 ASC END ELSE BEGIN INSERT @tempKeys( [entityKey], [name], [lastChange], [tModelID]) SELECT DISTINCT FR.[entityKey], TM.[name], TM.[lastChange], TM.[tModelID] FROM [UDS_findResults] FR JOIN [UDC_tModels] TM ON FR.[entityKey] = TM.[tModelKey] AND @contextID = FR.[contextID] ORDER BY 3 DESC, 4 DESC, 2 DESC END
GOTO endLabel END
endLabel: -- Set @truncated
IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @tempKeys) > @maxRows SET @truncated = 1
-- Return keys
SELECT [entityKey] FROM @tempKeys WHERE ([seqNo] <= @maxRows) -- Run cleanup
EXEC net_find_cleanup @contextID
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_find_tModel_commit
-- =============================================
-- Section: Miscellaneous
-- =============================================
-- =============================================
-- Name: net_tModel_owner_update
-- =============================================
IF EXISTS (SELECT name FROM sysobjects WHERE name = N'net_tModel_owner_update' AND type = 'P') DROP PROCEDURE net_tModel_owner_update GO
CREATE PROCEDURE net_tModel_owner_update @tModelKey uniqueidentifier, @PUID nvarchar(450) WITH ENCRYPTION AS BEGIN DECLARE @error int, @context nvarchar(4000), @tModelID bigint, @publisherID bigint
-- Validate parameters
SET @tModelID = dbo.tModelID(@tModelKey) IF @tModelID IS NULL BEGIN SET @error = 60210 -- E_invalidKeyPassed
SET @context = 'tModelKey = ' + dbo.UUIDSTR(@tModelKey) GOTO errorLabel END
SET @publisherID = dbo.publisherID(@PUID)
IF @publisherID IS NULL BEGIN SET @error = 60150 -- E_unknownUser
SET @context = 'PUID = ' + @PUID GOTO errorLabel END
[publisherID] = @publisherID WHERE ([tModelID] = @tModelID)
errorLabel: RAISERROR (@error, 16, 1, @context) RETURN 1 END -- net_tModel_owner_update