using System; using System.Collections; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using UDDI.Diagnostics;
namespace UDDI.Web { public class TreeView : UserControl { protected string binhex = @"!""#$%&'()*+,-012345689@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNPQRSTUVXYZ[`abcdefhijklmpqr"; protected string clientScript = @"
<script language='javascript'> <!-- var binhex = ""{binhex}""; function ToggleBranch( id, block, expanderImage, nodeImage, plus, minus, imageUrl, openImageUrl ) { if( null == block.style ) return; if( ""none"" == block.style.display ) { block.style.display = """"; expanderImage.src = minus; nodeImage.src = openImageUrl; } else { block.style.display = ""none""; expanderImage.src = plus; nodeImage.src = imageUrl; }
var node = document.getElementById( ""{id}:state"" ); var state = node.value; var index = Math.floor( id / 6 ); var bit = 1 << ( id % 6 ); while( index >= state.length ) state += binhex.charAt( 0 ); var digit = binhex.indexOf( state.charAt( index ) ) ^ bit; node.value = state.substring( 0, index ) + binhex.charAt( digit ) + state.substring( index + 1 ); } //-->
protected string root; protected TreeNodeCollection nodes; protected TreeNode selectedNode = null; protected int count; protected string selectedID = null;
protected override void OnInit( EventArgs e ) { root = ( "/" == Request.ApplicationPath ) ? "" : Request.ApplicationPath; nodes = new TreeNodeCollection( this );
if( !Page.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered( "UDDI.Web.TreeView" ) ) { clientScript = clientScript.Replace( "{root}", root ); clientScript = clientScript.Replace( "{id}", this.UniqueID ); clientScript = clientScript.Replace( "{binhex}", binhex.Replace( "\"", "\\\"" ) ); Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock( "UDDI.Web.TreeView", clientScript ); } } public TreeNodeCollection Nodes { get { return nodes; } } public TreeNode SelectedNode { get { return selectedNode; } set { selectedNode = value; } }
protected void LoadTreeStateForNode( TreeNode node, string viewState ) { int index = count / 6; int bit = 1 << ( count % 6 ); bool expanded = false; if( index < viewState.Length ) expanded = ( binhex.IndexOf( viewState[ index ] ) & bit ) > 0;
if( expanded ) node.Expand();
count ++;
foreach( TreeNode child in node.Nodes ) LoadTreeStateForNode( child, viewState ); }
protected void SaveTreeStateForNode( TreeNode node, ref string viewState ) { if( node.IsExpanded ) { int index = count / 6; int bit = 1 << ( count % 6 ); while( index >= viewState.Length ) viewState += binhex[ 0 ];
viewState = viewState.Substring( 0, index ) + binhex[ binhex.IndexOf( viewState[ index ] ) | bit ] + viewState.Substring( index + 1 ); }
count ++;
foreach( TreeNode child in node.Nodes ) SaveTreeStateForNode( child, ref viewState ); }
protected override void Render( HtmlTextWriter output ) { string treeState = Request[ this.UniqueID + ":state" ];
if( null != treeState ) { count = 0; foreach( TreeNode child in nodes ) LoadTreeStateForNode( child, treeState ); } if( null != selectedNode ) selectedNode.EnsureVisible();
treeState = ""; count = 0; foreach( TreeNode child in nodes ) SaveTreeStateForNode( child, ref treeState );
count = 0; foreach( TreeNode node in Nodes ) RenderNode( output, node ); output.WriteLine( "<script language='javascript'>" ); if( null != selectedID ) output.WriteLine( " var selectedNode = document.getElementById( \"" + selectedID + "\" );" ); else output.WriteLine( " var selectedNode = null;" ); output.WriteLine( "</script>" );
output.WriteLine( "<input type='hidden' name='" + this.UniqueID + ":state' value='" + treeState + "'>" ); }
protected void RenderNode( HtmlTextWriter output, TreeNode node ) { string root = ( "/" == Request.ApplicationPath ) ? "" : Request.ApplicationPath; string text = HttpUtility.HtmlEncode( node.Text ); string image;
string id = this.UniqueID + ":" + count; string oncontextmenu = null; string onclick = null;
if( null != node.OnContextMenu ) oncontextmenu = " oncontextmenu='" + node.OnContextMenu.Replace( "'", "\"" ).Replace( "[[node]]", "document.getElementById( \"" + id + "\" )" ) + "'";
if( null != node.OnClick ) onclick = " onclick='" + node.OnClick.Replace( "'", "\"" ).Replace( "[[node]]", "document.getElementById( \"" + id + "\" )" ) + "'"; if( node.IsSelected ) output.Write( "<a name='#top'>" );
output.Write( "<nobr>" );
// Generate ancestor lines.
string lines = ""; TreeNode ancestor = node.Parent; while( null != ancestor ) { image = "line-ns.gif";
if( null == ancestor.Parent || ancestor.Index >= ancestor.Parent.Nodes.Count - 1 ) image = "blank.gif";
lines = "<img src='" + root + "/images/" + image + "' border='0' width='16' height='18' align='absmiddle'>" + lines;
ancestor = ancestor.Parent; } output.Write( lines ); //
// Generate expand/collapse image.
bool north = false; bool south = false;
if( null == node.Parent ) { if( node.Index > 0 ) north = true; if( node.Index < node.TreeView.Nodes.Count - 1 ) south = true; } else { north = true; if( node.Index < node.Parent.Nodes.Count - 1 ) south = true; }
// Determine which expander image we should use.
string dir = ( north ? "n" : "" ) + "e" + ( south ? "s" : "" ); if( node.Nodes.Count > 0 ) { if( node.IsExpanded ) image = "minus-"; else image = "plus-";
output.Write( "<img id='_expander" + count + "' src='" + root + "/images/" + image + dir + ".gif' border='0' width='16' height='18' align='absmiddle' onclick='" ); output.Write( "ToggleBranch( " + count + ", _branch" + count + ", _expander" + count + ", _nodeImage" + count + ", \"../images/plus-" + dir + ".gif\", \"../images/minus-" + dir + ".gif\", \"" + node.ImageUrl + "\", \"" + ( null == node.OpenImageUrl ? node.ImageUrl : node.OpenImageUrl ) + "\")'>" ); } else output.Write( "<img src='" + root + "/images/line-" + dir + ".gif' border='0' width='16' height='18' align='absmiddle'>" );
// Display the node image (or a blank image if none was specified).
if( null != node.ImageUrl ) { output.Write( "<img id='_nodeImage" + count + "' src='" ); if( node.IsExpanded && null != node.OpenImageUrl ) output.Write( node.OpenImageUrl ); else output.Write( node.ImageUrl );
output.Write( "' border='0' width='16' height='16' align='absmiddle'" ); output.Write( " title='" + node.Tooltip.Replace( "'", "\'" ) + "'" ); output.Write( oncontextmenu ); output.Write( onclick ); output.Write( ">" );
} else output.Write( "<img id='_nodeImage" + count + "' src='" + root + "/images/blank.gif' border='0' width='16' height='16' align='absmiddle'>" );
// Display the node text.
output.Write( "<img src='" + root + "/images/spacer.gif' border='0' width='4' height='16' align='absmiddle'>" ); output.Write( "<span id='" + id + "' key='" + node.Key + "'" ); if( node.IsSelected ) { output.Write( " class='selected' " ); selectedID = id; } else output.Write( " class='node'" ); output.Write( " title='" + node.Tooltip.Replace( "'", "\'" ) + "'" ); output.Write( oncontextmenu ); output.Write( onclick ); output.Write( ">" ); output.Write( text + "</span></nobr><br><div id='_branch" + count + "' style='display: " + ( node.IsExpanded ? "\"\"" : "\"none\"" ) + "'>\n" ); count ++;
// Render this node's children.
foreach( TreeNode child in node.Nodes ) RenderNode( output, child );
output.WriteLine( "</div>" ); } }
/// ********************************************************************
/// public class TreeNode
/// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ********************************************************************
public class TreeNode { internal protected TreeNode parent; internal protected TreeView treeView; internal protected TreeNodeCollection nodes; protected bool expanded = false; public string Text; public string Key; public string ImageUrl; public string OpenImageUrl; public string OnClick; public string OnContextMenu; public string Tooltip;
public TreeNode() : this( null, null, null, null ) { }
public TreeNode( string text ) : this( text, null, null, null ) { }
public TreeNode( string text, string key ) : this( text, key, null, null ) { }
public TreeNode( string text, string key, string imageUrl ) : this( text, key, null, null ) { }
public TreeNode( string text, string key, string imageUrl, string openImageUrl ) { this.Text = text; this.Key = key; this.ImageUrl = imageUrl; this.OpenImageUrl = openImageUrl; this.nodes = new TreeNodeCollection( this ); } public string FullPath { get { string path = this.Text; TreeNode node = this; while( null != node.Parent ) { node = node.Parent; path = path + "\\" + node.Text; } return path; } } public int Index { get { if( null == parent ) return treeView.Nodes.IndexOf( this );
return parent.Nodes.IndexOf( this ); } } public bool IsExpanded { get { return expanded; } } public bool IsSelected { get { if( null == treeView ) return false;
return treeView.SelectedNode == this; } }
public TreeNodeCollection Nodes { get { return nodes; } } public TreeNode Parent { get { return parent; } } public UDDI.Web.TreeView TreeView { get { return treeView; } } public void Collapse() { expanded = false; }
public void EnsureVisible() { TreeNode node = this; while( null != node.Parent ) { node = node.Parent; node.Expand(); } }
public void Expand() { expanded = true; } public void Remove() { if( null != parent ) parent.Nodes.RemoveAt( Index ); }
public void Select() { treeView.SelectedNode = this; } public void Toggle() { expanded = !expanded; } }
/// ********************************************************************
/// public class TreeNodeCollection
/// --------------------------------------------------------------------
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// ********************************************************************
public class TreeNodeCollection : CollectionBase { protected TreeNode parent; protected TreeView treeView;
internal protected TreeNodeCollection( TreeNode parent ) { this.parent = parent; this.treeView = parent.TreeView; }
internal protected TreeNodeCollection( TreeView treeView ) { this.parent = null; this.treeView = treeView; }
public TreeNode this[ int index ] { get { return (TreeNode)List[ index ]; } set { List[ index ] = value; } }
public TreeNode Add( string text ) { return Add( text, null, null, null ); }
public TreeNode Add( string text, string key ) { return Add( text, key, null, null ); }
public TreeNode Add( string text, string key, string imageUrl ) { return Add( text, key, imageUrl, null ); }
public TreeNode Add( string text, string key, string imageUrl, string openImageUrl ) { TreeNode node = new TreeNode( text, key, imageUrl, openImageUrl ); node.parent = this.parent; node.treeView = this.treeView; node.Nodes.treeView = this.treeView; List.Add( node ); return node; }
public int Add( TreeNode node ) { node.parent = this.parent; node.treeView = this.treeView; node.Nodes.treeView = this.treeView; return List.Add( node ); }
public int IndexOf( TreeNode node ) { return List.IndexOf( node ); }
public void Remove( TreeNode node ) { List.Remove( node ); } } }