* * Copyright (C) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: User.h * Content: DirectNet User Call Back Routines *@@BEGIN_MSINTERNAL * History: * Date By Reason * ==== == ====== * 01/16/00 mjn Created * 01/17/00 mjn Added DN_UserHostMigrate * 01/17/00 mjn Implemented send time * 01/22/00 mjn Added DN_UserHostDestroyPlayer * 01/27/00 mjn Added support for retention of receive buffers * 01/28/00 mjn Added DN_UserConnectionTerminated * 03/24/00 mjn Set player context through INDICATE_CONNECT notification * 04/04/00 mjn Added DN_UserTerminateSession() * 04/05/00 mjn Updated DN_UserHostDestroyPlayer() * 04/18/00 mjn Added DN_UserReturnBuffer * mjn Added ppvReplyContext to DN_UserIndicateConnect * 07/29/00 mjn Added DNUserIndicatedConnectAborted() * mjn DNUserConnectionTerminated() supercedes DN_TerminateSession() * mjn Added HRESULT to DNUserReturnBuffer() * 07/30/00 mjn Added pAddressDevice to DNUserIndicateConnect() * mjn Replaced DNUserConnectionTerminated() with DNUserTerminateSession() * 07/31/00 mjn Revised DNUserDestroyGroup() * mjn Removed DN_UserHostDestroyPlayer() * 08/01/00 mjn DN_UserReceive() -> DNUserReceive() * 08/02/00 mjn DN_UserAddPlayer() -> DNUserCreatePlayer() * 08/08/00 mjn DN_UserCreateGroup() -> DNUserCreateGroup() * 08/20/00 mjn Added DNUserEnumQuery() and DNUserEnumResponse() * 09/17/00 mjn Changed parameters list of DNUserCreateGroup(),DNUserCreatePlayer(), * DNUserAddPlayerToGroup(),DNRemovePlayerFromGroup() * 07/24/01 mjn Added DPNBUILD_NOSERVER compile flag * 10/16/01 vanceo Added some multicast callbacks *@@END_MSINTERNAL * ***************************************************************************/
#ifndef __USER_H__
#define __USER_H__
// Constant definitions
// Macro definitions
// Structure definitions
// Variable definitions
// Function prototypes
HRESULT DNUserConnectComplete(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, const DPNHANDLE hAsyncOp, PVOID const pvContext, const HRESULT hr, CRefCountBuffer *const pRefCountBuffer);
HRESULT DNUserIndicateConnect(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, PVOID const pvConnectData, const DWORD dwConnectDataSize, void **const ppvReplyData, DWORD *const pdwReplyDataSize, void **const ppvReplyContext, IDirectPlay8Address *const pAddressPlayer, IDirectPlay8Address *const pAddressDevice, void **const ppvPlayerContext);
HRESULT DNUserIndicatedConnectAborted(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, void *const pvPlayerContext);
HRESULT DNUserCreatePlayer(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, CNameTableEntry *const pNTEntry);
HRESULT DNUserDestroyPlayer(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, CNameTableEntry *const pNTEntry);
HRESULT DNUserCreateGroup(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, CNameTableEntry *const pNTEntry);
HRESULT DNUserDestroyGroup(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, CNameTableEntry *const pNTEntry);
HRESULT DNUserAddPlayerToGroup(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, CNameTableEntry *const pGroup, CNameTableEntry *const pPlayer);
HRESULT DNUserRemovePlayerFromGroup(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, CNameTableEntry *const pGroup, CNameTableEntry *const pPlayer);
HRESULT DNUserUpdateGroupInfo(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, const DPNID dpnid, const PVOID pvContext);
HRESULT DNUserUpdatePeerInfo(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, const DPNID dpnid, const PVOID pvContext);
HRESULT DNUserUpdateClientInfo(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, const DPNID dpnid, const PVOID pvContext); #endif // DPNBUILD_NOSERVER
HRESULT DNUserUpdateServerInfo(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, const DPNID dpnid, const PVOID pvContext);
HRESULT DNUserAsyncComplete(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, const DPNHANDLE hAsyncOp, PVOID const pvContext, const HRESULT hr);
HRESULT DNUserSendComplete(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, const DPNHANDLE hAsyncOp, PVOID const pvContext, const DWORD dwStartTime, const HRESULT hr, const DWORD dwFirstFrameRTT, const DWORD dwFirstFrameRetryCount);
HRESULT DNUserUpdateAppDesc(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject);
HRESULT DNUserReceive(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, CNameTableEntry *const pNTEntry, BYTE *const pBufferData, const DWORD dwBufferSize, const DPNHANDLE hBufferHandle);
HRESULT DN_UserHostMigrate(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, const DPNID dpnidNewHost, const PVOID pvPlayerContext);
HRESULT DNUserTerminateSession(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, const HRESULT hr, void *const pvTerminateData, const DWORD dwTerminateDataSize);
HRESULT DNUserReturnBuffer(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, const HRESULT hr, void *const pvBuffer, void *const pvUserContext);
HRESULT DNUserJoinComplete(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, const DPNHANDLE hAsyncOp, PVOID const pvContext, const HRESULT hr);
HRESULT DNUserReceiveMulticast(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, void * const pvSenderContext, IDirectPlay8Address *const pSenderAddress, IDirectPlay8Address *const pDeviceAddress, BYTE *const pBufferData, const DWORD dwBufferSize, const DPNHANDLE hBufferHandle);
HRESULT DNUserCreateSenderContext(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, void *const pvContext);
HRESULT DNUserDestroySenderContext(DIRECTNETOBJECT *const pdnObject, void *const pvContext); #endif // ! DPNBUILD_NOMULTICAST
// Class prototypes
#endif // __USER_H__