* * Copyright (C) 2000 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: DPNSVRQ.cpp * Content: DirectPlay8 Server Queues Header *@@BEGIN_MSINTERNAL * History: * Date By Reason * ==== == ====== * 03/19/00 rmt Modified from dplmsgq * 06/28/2000 rmt Prefix Bug #38044 * 07/06/00 rmt Bug #38111 - Fixed prefix bug * 07/21/2000 rmt Removed assert that wasn't needed * 08/05/2000 RichGr IA64: Use %p format specifier in DPFs for 32/64-bit pointers and handles. * 08/31/2000 rmt Prefix Bug #171825, 171828 * 04/03/2001 RichGr Bug #325752 - Improved Queue mutex so opens, updates and closes don't clash. *@@END_MSINTERNAL * ***************************************************************************/
#include "dnsvlibi.h"
// DirectPlay8Server Message Queues
// We will use shared memory circular message buffers to implement this.
// Each MsgQ has a set of synchronization objects to control access to the MsgQs.
// The head of the shared memory file contains state information about the MsgQ:
// pStartAddress
// dwTotalUsableSpace
// dwFirstMsgOffset
// dwNextFreeOffset
// dwFreeSpaceAtEnd
// dwTotalFreeSpace
// Messages are DWORD aligned in the MsgQ.
// Each message in the MsgQ has a header:
// dwMsgId
// dwCurrentOffset
// dwCurrentSize
// dwTotalSize
// Messages which fit in one frame have dwCurrentSize = dwTotalSize and dwCurrentOffset = 0.
// Messages over multiple frames have dwCurrentSize < dwTotalSize.
// Constant definitions
// Macro definitions
// Structure definitions
// Variable definitions
// Function prototypes
// Function definitions
// ------------------------------
// CDPNSVRIPCQueue::Open
// Entry: const DWORD dwPID Id associated with this queue (user supplied)
// const CHAR cSuffix Suffix character associated with this Q (user supp.)
// const DWORD dwQueueSize Size of file map to use when implementing msg queue
// const DWORD dwFlags TBA
// Exit: HRESULT: DPN_OK If able to open an existing message queue,
// or create a message queue if one didn't exist
// ------------------------------
// String of GUID in length
HRESULT CDPNSVRIPCQueue::Open(const GUID * const pguidQueueName,const DWORD dwQueueSize,const DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hResultCode; DWORD dwRet = 0; BOOL bQueueExists = FALSE; DWORD dwFileMapSize; TCHAR szObjectName[QUEUE_NAME_LENGTH]; TCHAR* pszCursor = szObjectName;
DPFX(DPFPREP,6,"Parameters: dwQueueSize [%d], dwFlags [0x%x]",dwQueueSize,dwFlags);
_tcscpy(pszCursor, GLOBALIZE_STR); pszCursor += _tcslen(GLOBALIZE_STR);
// Build GUID string name
wsprintf( pszCursor, _T("{%-08.8X-%-04.4X-%-04.4X-%02.2X%02.2X-%02.2X%02.2X%02.2X%02.2X%02.2X%02.2X}"), pguidQueueName->Data1, pguidQueueName->Data2, pguidQueueName->Data3, pguidQueueName->Data4[0], pguidQueueName->Data4[1], pguidQueueName->Data4[2], pguidQueueName->Data4[3], pguidQueueName->Data4[4], pguidQueueName->Data4[5], pguidQueueName->Data4[6], pguidQueueName->Data4[7] );
DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Shared object name [%s]", szObjectName);
// If there is no mutex, it is created. If it already exists, we get a handle to it.
*pszCursor = DPNSVR_MSGQ_OBJECT_IDCHAR_MUTEX; m_hQueueGUIDMutex = DNCreateMutex(DNGetNullDacl(), FALSE, szObjectName); if (m_hQueueGUIDMutex == NULL) { DPFERR("CreateMutex() failed" ); hResultCode = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Failure; }
// Wait for the mutex.
dwRet = DNWaitForSingleObject(m_hQueueGUIDMutex, INFINITE);
if (dwRet != WAIT_ABANDONED && dwRet != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { DPFERR("WaitForSingleObject() failed" ); hResultCode = DPNERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; }
// Create Receive Thread Running Event
// This will be set by the receive thread once it has spun up. We need it for synchronization
m_hReceiveThreadRunningEvent = DNCreateEvent(NULL,TRUE,FALSE,NULL); if (m_hReceiveThreadRunningEvent == NULL) { DPFERR("Could not create receive thread"); hResultCode = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Failure; }
// Set the filemap size big enough that the largest message (text) will be dwQueueSize
// so we add on the MsgQ info structure at the front and 1 Msg header
dwFileMapSize = dwQueueSize + sizeof(DPNSVR_MSGQ_INFO) + sizeof(DPNSVR_MSGQ_HEADER); dwFileMapSize = (dwFileMapSize + 3) & 0xfffffffc; // DWORD align
// Create File Mapping Object
*pszCursor = DPNSVR_MSGQ_OBJECT_IDCHAR_FILEMAP; m_hFileMap = DNCreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,DNGetNullDacl(), PAGE_READWRITE,(DWORD)0,dwQueueSize,szObjectName); if (m_hFileMap == NULL) { DPFERR("CreateFileMapping() failed"); hResultCode = DPNERR_GENERIC; goto Failure; } if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) bQueueExists = TRUE;
if ((dwFlags & DPNSVR_MSGQ_OPEN_FLAG_NO_CREATE) && !bQueueExists) { DPFERR("Open existing queue failed - does not exist"); hResultCode = DPNERR_DOESNOTEXIST; goto Failure; }
// Map file
m_pFileMapAddress = reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(MapViewOfFile(HANDLE_FROM_DNHANDLE(m_hFileMap),FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS,0,0,0)); if (m_pFileMapAddress == NULL) { DPFERR("MapViewOfFile() failed"); hResultCode = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Failure; }
// Create semaphore object
*pszCursor = DPNSVR_MSGQ_OBJECT_IDCHAR_SEMAPHORE; m_hSemaphore = DNCreateSemaphore(DNGetNullDacl(),0, (dwQueueSize/sizeof(DPNSVR_MSGQ_HEADER))+1,szObjectName); if (m_hSemaphore == NULL) { DPFERR("CreateSemaphore() failed"); hResultCode = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Failure; }
// Create another semaphore (was an event, but we want to make sure we don't miss any).
*pszCursor = DPNSVR_MSGQ_OBJECT_IDCHAR_EVENT; m_hEvent = DNCreateSemaphore( DNGetNullDacl(), 0, (dwQueueSize/sizeof(DPNSVR_MSGQ_HEADER))+1, szObjectName );
if( m_hEvent == NULL ) { DPFERR( "CreateSemaphore() failed" ); hResultCode = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Failure; }
// Update structure elements
m_pInfo = reinterpret_cast<DPNSVR_MSGQ_INFO*>(m_pFileMapAddress);
// Initialize msg queue if it didn't exist
if ( !bQueueExists) { m_pInfo->dwFlags = dwFlags & 0x0000ffff; // Just last two bytes
m_pInfo->dwStartOffset = 0; m_pInfo->dwEndOffset = 0; m_pInfo->dwQueueSize = dwQueueSize - sizeof(DPNSVR_MSGQ_INFO); m_pInfo->dwFreeBytes = m_pInfo->dwQueueSize; m_pInfo->lRefCount = 0; }
m_pData = (BYTE *) &m_pInfo[1]; m_dwSig = DPNSVR_MSGQ_SIGNATURE;
// Increment user count
// If we made it this far, everything was okay
hResultCode = DPN_OK;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6, "Returning: [0x%lx]", hResultCode); return hResultCode;
// There was a problem - close handles
DPFERR("Errors encountered - closing");
if (m_hQueueGUIDMutex) { DNReleaseMutex(m_hQueueGUIDMutex); DNCloseHandle(m_hQueueGUIDMutex); m_hQueueGUIDMutex = NULL; }
goto Exit; }
// ------------------------------
// CDPNSVRIPCQueue::Close
// Entry: Nothing
// Exit: Nothing
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "CDPNSVRIPCQueue::Close"
void CDPNSVRIPCQueue::Close(void) { DWORD dwRet = 0;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Parameters: (none)");
// Wait for mutex to be signalled.
if (m_hQueueGUIDMutex) { dwRet = DNWaitForSingleObject(m_hQueueGUIDMutex, INFINITE);
if (dwRet != WAIT_ABANDONED && dwRet != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { DPFERR("WaitForSingleObject() failed" ); return; } }
if (m_hQueueGUIDMutex) { DNReleaseMutex(m_hQueueGUIDMutex); DNCloseHandle(m_hQueueGUIDMutex); m_hQueueGUIDMutex = NULL; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Returning"); return; }
// ------------------------------
// CDPNSVRIPCQueue::CloseHandles
// Entry: Nothing
// Exit: Nothing
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "CDPNSVRIPCQueue::CloseHandles"
void CDPNSVRIPCQueue::CloseHandles() {
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6, "Parameters: (none)");
if( m_pInfo != NULL ) { // Decrement user count
m_pInfo->lRefCount--; // If the RefCount on the memory-mapped Queue object is 0, then no-one else
// has it open and we can mark the signature and set the rest of the header info to zero.
if (m_pInfo->lRefCount == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7, "Finished with memory-mapped Queue object - clear it"); m_pInfo->dwFlags = 0; m_pInfo->dwStartOffset = 0; m_pInfo->dwEndOffset = 0; m_pInfo->dwQueueSize = 0; m_pInfo->dwFreeBytes = 0; } }
if (m_hEvent != NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 9,"Close Event [0x%p]",m_hEvent); DNCloseHandle(m_hEvent); m_hEvent = NULL; }
if (m_hSemaphore != NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 9,"Close Semaphore [0x%p]",m_hSemaphore); DNCloseHandle(m_hSemaphore); m_hSemaphore = NULL; }
if (m_pFileMapAddress != NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 9,"UnMap View of File [0x%p]",m_pFileMapAddress); UnmapViewOfFile(m_pFileMapAddress); m_pFileMapAddress = NULL; }
if (m_hFileMap != NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 9,"Close FileMap [0x%p]",m_hFileMap); DNCloseHandle(m_hFileMap); m_hFileMap = NULL; }
if (m_hReceiveThreadRunningEvent != NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 9,"Close Event [0x%p]",m_hReceiveThreadRunningEvent); DNCloseHandle(m_hReceiveThreadRunningEvent); m_hReceiveThreadRunningEvent = NULL; }
m_pInfo = NULL;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6, "Returning");
return; }
// ------------------------------
// CDPNSVRIPCQueue::Terminate
// Entry: Nothing
// Exit: Nothing
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "CDPNSVRIPCQueue::Terminate"
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Parameters: (none)");
DNASSERT(m_pInfo != NULL);
while (!bDone) { // Wait until there's enough space for the message
while (sizeof(DWORD) > m_pInfo->dwFreeBytes) WaitForConsumption(INFINITE);
// Ensure there is space once we get the lock
// (someone else might have beaten us here)
if (sizeof(DWORD) <= m_pInfo->dwFreeBytes) { AddData(reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(&dwMsgId),sizeof(DWORD)); bDone = TRUE;
IndicateMessage(); }
Unlock(); }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Returning"); }
// GetNextMessage
// Attempts to retrieve the next message from the queue
// pMsgHeader must be large enough to hold a message header.
// If no message is present in the queue then this function fills pMsgHeader with an
// idle message header
HRESULT CDPNSVRIPCQueue::GetNextMessage( PDPNSVR_MSGQ_HEADER pMsgHeader, BYTE *pbPayload, DWORD *pdwBufferSize ) { HRESULT hr;
hr = GetData( (BYTE *) pMsgHeader, sizeof( DPNSVR_MSGQ_HEADER ) );
// If there is no header on the queue fill in the header with an
// idle message
if( hr == DPNERR_DOESNOTEXIST ) { pMsgHeader->dwCurrentSize = sizeof( DPNSVR_MSGQ_HEADER ); pMsgHeader->dwTotalSize = sizeof( DPNSVR_MSGQ_HEADER ); pMsgHeader->dwMsgId = DPNSVR_MSGQ_MSGID_IDLE; pMsgHeader->hSender = 0; pMsgHeader->dwFlags = DPNSVR_MSGQ_MSGFLAGS_QUEUESYSTEM; pMsgHeader->dwCurrentOffset = 0;
return DPN_OK; } //// DBG
else if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DNASSERT( FALSE ); } else if( pMsgHeader->dwMsgId == 0xFFFFFFFF ) { DNASSERT( FALSE ); }
DWORD dwPayloadSize = pMsgHeader->dwCurrentSize;
// Otherwise it's a valid message of some kind
if( *pdwBufferSize < dwPayloadSize || pbPayload == NULL ) { *pdwBufferSize = dwPayloadSize; Unlock(); return DPNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL; }
*pdwBufferSize = dwPayloadSize;
Consume( sizeof(DPNSVR_MSGQ_HEADER) );
// There is no payload, only a header. Return here.
if( dwPayloadSize == 0 ) { Unlock(); return DPN_OK; }
hr = GetData( pbPayload, dwPayloadSize );
if( FAILED( hr ) ) { DPFERR("Error getting IPC queue message payload" ); DNASSERT( FALSE ); Unlock(); return hr; }
Consume( dwPayloadSize ); Unlock();
return DPN_OK; }
// Consume
// Marks dwSize bytes as consumed
// Needs LOCK()
void CDPNSVRIPCQueue::Consume( const DWORD dwSize ) { DWORD dwAlignedSize = (dwSize + 3) & (~0x3);
m_pInfo->dwStartOffset += dwAlignedSize;
if( m_pInfo->dwStartOffset >= m_pInfo->dwQueueSize ) { m_pInfo->dwStartOffset -= m_pInfo->dwQueueSize; }
m_pInfo->dwFreeBytes += dwAlignedSize;
DNASSERT( m_pInfo->dwFreeBytes <= m_pInfo->dwFreeBytes );
IndicateConsumption(); }
// GetData
// Get dwSize bytes from the queue. If the queue is empty this function will return
// DPNERR_DOESNOTEXIST. Once this function returns the dwSize bytes will be consumed
HRESULT CDPNSVRIPCQueue::GetData( BYTE *pbData, DWORD dwSize ) { if( m_pInfo->dwQueueSize == m_pInfo->dwFreeBytes ) { return DPNERR_DOESNOTEXIST; }
if( pbData == NULL ) { return DPNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL; }
// Calculate aligned size
DWORD dwAlignedSize = (dwSize + 3) & (~0x3);
// Data block we want is wrapped
if( m_pInfo->dwStartOffset+dwAlignedSize > m_pInfo->dwQueueSize ) { DWORD cbBytesLeft = m_pInfo->dwQueueSize - m_pInfo->dwStartOffset; DWORD cbSecondBlockAligned = dwAlignedSize - (cbBytesLeft); DWORD cbSecondBlock = dwSize - (cbBytesLeft);
DNASSERT( dwAlignedSize > cbBytesLeft);
memcpy( pbData, m_pData + m_pInfo->dwStartOffset, cbBytesLeft); memcpy( pbData + cbBytesLeft, m_pData , cbSecondBlock ); } // Data block is contiguous
else { memcpy( pbData, m_pData + m_pInfo->dwStartOffset, dwSize ); }
return DPN_OK; }
// ------------------------------
// CMessageQueue::AddData
// Entry: BYTE *const pBuffer
// const DWORD dwSize
// Exit: HRESULT
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "CMessageQueue::AddData"
HRESULT CDPNSVRIPCQueue::AddData(BYTE *const pBuffer, const DWORD dwSize) { HRESULT hResultCode; DWORD dwAlignedSize;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Parameters: pBuffer [0x%p], dwSize [%ld]",pBuffer,dwSize);
dwAlignedSize = (dwSize + 3) & (~0x3);
// Check to ensure there is space
if( dwAlignedSize > m_pInfo->dwFreeBytes ) { hResultCode = DPNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL; goto Exit; }
// We have a wrapping condition
if( (m_pInfo->dwEndOffset+dwAlignedSize) > m_pInfo->dwQueueSize ) { DWORD cbBytesLeft = m_pInfo->dwQueueSize - m_pInfo->dwEndOffset; DWORD cbSecondBlockAligned = dwAlignedSize - cbBytesLeft; DWORD cbSecondBlock = dwSize - cbBytesLeft;
DNASSERT( dwAlignedSize > cbBytesLeft );
memcpy( m_pData + m_pInfo->dwEndOffset, pBuffer, cbBytesLeft ); memcpy( m_pData, pBuffer + cbBytesLeft, cbSecondBlock );
m_pInfo->dwEndOffset = cbSecondBlockAligned; } // Queue is in the middle
else { memcpy( m_pData + m_pInfo->dwEndOffset, pBuffer, dwSize ); m_pInfo->dwEndOffset += dwAlignedSize; }
m_pInfo->dwFreeBytes -= dwAlignedSize;
hResultCode = DPN_OK;
Exit: DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Returning: [0x%lx]",hResultCode); return(hResultCode); }
// ------------------------------
// CDPNSVRIPCQueue::Send
// Entry: BYTE *const pBuffer
// const DWORD dwSize
// const DWORD dwFlags
// Exit: HRESULT
// ------------------------------
HRESULT CDPNSVRIPCQueue::Send(BYTE *const pBuffer, const DWORD dwSize, const DWORD dwTimeOut, const DWORD dwMsgFlags, const DWORD dwFlags) { HRESULT hResultCode; DWORD dwMsgSize; // DWORD aligned
DWORD dwTotalMsgSize; // Msg + Header - DWORD aligned
DPNSVR_MSGQ_HEADER Header; BOOL bDone; DWORD dwTimeRemaining; DWORD dwTimeStart; DWORD dwTimeFinish;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Parameters: pBuffer [0x%p], dwSize [%ld], dwFlags [0x%lx]",pBuffer,dwSize,dwFlags);
dwTimeRemaining = dwTimeOut;
// Need DWORD aligned size
dwMsgSize = (dwSize + 3) & 0xfffffffc; dwTotalMsgSize = dwMsgSize + sizeof(DPNSVR_MSGQ_HEADER);
// Place the message into the MsgQ
// Check to see if fragmentation is required
// If we're at the end of the MsgQ and there isn't enough space for a Msg Header, REALIGN
if (dwTotalMsgSize <= m_pInfo->dwQueueSize) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Message does not need to be fragmented");
Header.dwMsgId = DPNSVR_MSGQ_MSGID_SEND; Header.dwCurrentOffset = 0; Header.dwCurrentSize = dwSize; Header.dwTotalSize = dwSize; Header.hSender = m_hSender; Header.dwFlags = dwMsgFlags;
bDone = FALSE;
while ( !bDone) { // Wait until there's enough space for the message
while (dwTotalMsgSize > m_pInfo->dwFreeBytes) { if (dwTimeOut != INFINITE) { dwTimeStart = GETTIMESTAMP(); }
if (!WaitForConsumption(dwTimeRemaining)) { return(DPNERR_TIMEDOUT); }
if (dwTimeOut != INFINITE) { dwTimeFinish = GETTIMESTAMP(); if ((dwTimeFinish - dwTimeStart) > dwTimeRemaining) { return(DPNERR_TIMEDOUT); } dwTimeRemaining -= (dwTimeFinish - dwTimeStart); } }
// Ensure there is space once we get the lock
// (someone else might have beaten us here)
if (dwTotalMsgSize <= m_pInfo->dwFreeBytes) { AddData(reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(&Header),sizeof(DPNSVR_MSGQ_HEADER)); AddData(pBuffer,dwSize); bDone = TRUE;
IndicateMessage(); }
Unlock(); hResultCode = DPN_OK; } } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 7,"Message needs to be fragmented"); DNASSERT(FALSE); #pragma TODO(a-minara,"Implement this")
hResultCode = DPNERR_GENERIC; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6,"Returning: [0x%lx]",hResultCode); return(hResultCode); }