* * Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: Utils.cpp * Content: Serial service provider utility functions * * * History: * Date By Reason * ==== == ====== * 11/25/98 jtk Created ***************************************************************************/
#include "dnwsocki.h"
// Constant definitions
// Macro definitions
// Structure definitions
// Variable definitions
// global variables that are unique for the process
static DNCRITICAL_SECTION g_InterfaceGlobalsLock; #endif // !DPNBUILD_ONLYONETHREAD
static volatile LONG g_iThreadPoolRefCount = 0; static CThreadPool * g_pThreadPool = NULL;
static volatile LONG g_iWinsockRefCount = 0;
static volatile LONG g_iNATHelpRefCount = 0; #endif // ! DPNBUILD_NONATHELP
#if ((defined(WINNT)) && (! defined(DPNBUILD_NOMULTICAST)))
static volatile LONG g_iMadcapRefCount = 0; BYTE g_abClientID[MCAST_CLIENT_ID_LEN]; #endif // WINNT and not DPNBUILD_NOMULTICAST
// Function prototypes
static void ReadSettingsFromRegistry( void ); static BOOL BannedIPv4AddressCompareFunction( PVOID pvKey1, PVOID pvKey2 ); static DWORD BannedIPv4AddressHashFunction( PVOID pvKey, BYTE bBitDepth ); static void ReadBannedIPv4Addresses( CRegistry * pRegObject ); #endif // ! DPNBUILD_NOREGISTRY
// Function definitions
#if defined(WINCE) && !defined(_MAX_DRIVE)
//typedef signed char _TSCHAR;
#define _MAX_DRIVE 3 /* max. length of drive component */
#define _MAX_DIR 256 /* max. length of path component */
#define _MAX_FNAME 256 /* max. length of file name component */
#define _MAX_EXT 256 /* max. length of extension component */
void __cdecl _tsplitpath ( register const _TSCHAR *path, _TSCHAR *drive, _TSCHAR *dir, _TSCHAR *fname, _TSCHAR *ext ) { register _TSCHAR *p; _TSCHAR *last_slash = NULL, *dot = NULL; unsigned len;
/* we assume that the path argument has the following form, where any
* or all of the components may be missing. * * <drive><dir><fname><ext> * * and each of the components has the following expected form(s) * * drive: * 0 to _MAX_DRIVE-1 characters, the last of which, if any, is a * ':' * dir: * 0 to _MAX_DIR-1 characters in the form of an absolute path * (leading '/' or '\') or relative path, the last of which, if * any, must be a '/' or '\'. E.g - * absolute path: * \top\next\last\ ; or * /top/next/last/ * relative path: * top\next\last\ ; or * top/next/last/ * Mixed use of '/' and '\' within a path is also tolerated * fname: * 0 to _MAX_FNAME-1 characters not including the '.' character * ext: * 0 to _MAX_EXT-1 characters where, if any, the first must be a * '.' * */
/* extract drive letter and :, if any */
if ((_tcslen(path) >= (_MAX_DRIVE - 2)) && (*(path + _MAX_DRIVE - 2) == _T(':'))) { if (drive) { _tcsncpy(drive, path, _MAX_DRIVE - 1); *(drive + _MAX_DRIVE-1) = _T('\0'); } path += _MAX_DRIVE - 1; } else if (drive) { *drive = _T('\0'); }
/* extract path string, if any. Path now points to the first character
* of the path, if any, or the filename or extension, if no path was * specified. Scan ahead for the last occurence, if any, of a '/' or * '\' path separator character. If none is found, there is no path. * We will also note the last '.' character found, if any, to aid in * handling the extension. */
for (last_slash = NULL, p = (_TSCHAR *)path; *p; p++) { #ifdef _MBCS
if (_ISLEADBYTE (*p)) p++; else { #endif /* _MBCS */
if (*p == _T('/') || *p == _T('\\')) /* point to one beyond for later copy */ last_slash = p + 1; else if (*p == _T('.')) dot = p; #ifdef _MBCS
} #endif /* _MBCS */
if (last_slash) {
/* found a path - copy up through last_slash or max. characters
* allowed, whichever is smaller */
if (dir) { len = __min(((char *)last_slash - (char *)path) / sizeof(_TSCHAR), (_MAX_DIR - 1)); _tcsncpy(dir, path, len); *(dir + len) = _T('\0'); } path = last_slash; } else if (dir) {
/* no path found */
*dir = _T('\0'); }
/* extract file name and extension, if any. Path now points to the
* first character of the file name, if any, or the extension if no * file name was given. Dot points to the '.' beginning the extension, * if any. */
if (dot && (dot >= path)) { /* found the marker for an extension - copy the file name up to
* the '.'. */ if (fname) { len = __min(((char *)dot - (char *)path) / sizeof(_TSCHAR), (_MAX_FNAME - 1)); _tcsncpy(fname, path, len); *(fname + len) = _T('\0'); } /* now we can get the extension - remember that p still points
* to the terminating nul character of path. */ if (ext) { len = __min(((char *)p - (char *)dot) / sizeof(_TSCHAR), (_MAX_EXT - 1)); _tcsncpy(ext, dot, len); *(ext + len) = _T('\0'); } } else { /* found no extension, give empty extension and copy rest of
* string into fname. */ if (fname) { len = __min(((char *)p - (char *)path) / sizeof(_TSCHAR), (_MAX_FNAME - 1)); _tcsncpy(fname, path, len); *(fname + len) = _T('\0'); } if (ext) { *ext = _T('\0'); } } }
#endif // WINCE
// ------------------------------
// ReadSettingsFromRegistry - read custom registry keys
// Entry: Nothing
// Exit: Nothing
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "ReadSettingsFromRegistry"
static void ReadSettingsFromRegistry( void ) { CRegistry RegObject; CRegistry RegObjectTemp; CRegistry RegObjectAppEntry; DWORD dwRegValue; BOOL fGotPath; WCHAR wszExePath[_MAX_PATH]; #ifndef UNICODE
char szExePath[_MAX_PATH]; #endif // !UNICODE
if ( RegObject.Open( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_RegistryBase ) != FALSE ) { //
// Find out the current process name.
#ifdef UNICODE
if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, wszExePath, _MAX_PATH) > 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Loading DLL in process: %ls", wszExePath); _tsplitpath( wszExePath, NULL, NULL, wszExePath, NULL ); fGotPath = TRUE; } #else // ! UNICODE
if (GetModuleFileName(NULL, szExePath, _MAX_PATH) > 0) { HRESULT hr;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Loading DLL in process: %hs", szExePath); _tsplitpath( szExePath, NULL, NULL, szExePath, NULL );
dwRegValue = _MAX_PATH; hr = STR_AnsiToWide(szExePath, -1, wszExePath, &dwRegValue ); if ( hr == DPN_OK ) { //
// Successfully converted ANSI path to Wide characters.
fGotPath = TRUE; } else { //
// Couldn't convert ANSI path to Wide characters
fGotPath = FALSE; } } #endif // ! UNICODE
else { //
// Couldn't get current process path.
fGotPath = FALSE; }
// read receive buffer size
if ( RegObject.ReadDWORD( g_RegistryKeyReceiveBufferSize, &dwRegValue ) != FALSE ) { g_fWinsockReceiveBufferSizeOverridden = TRUE; g_iWinsockReceiveBufferSize = dwRegValue; }
// read default threads
if ( RegObject.ReadDWORD( g_RegistryKeyThreadCount, &dwRegValue ) != FALSE ) { g_iThreadCount = dwRegValue; } //
// if thread count is zero, use the 'default' for the system
if ( g_iThreadCount == 0 ) { g_iThreadCount = DEFAULT_THREADS_PER_PROCESSOR; #ifndef DPNBUILD_ONLYONEPROCESSOR
GetSystemInfo(&SystemInfo); g_iThreadCount *= SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; #endif // ! DPNBUILD_ONLYONEPROCESSOR
#if ((! defined(DPNBUILD_NOWINSOCK2)) && (! defined(DPNBUILD_ONLYWINSOCK2)))
// Winsock2 9x option
if (RegObject.ReadDWORD( g_RegistryKeyWinsockVersion, &dwRegValue )) { switch (dwRegValue) { case 0: { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Explicitly using available Winsock version."); g_dwWinsockVersion = dwRegValue; break; } case 1: { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Explicitly using Winsock 1 only."); g_dwWinsockVersion = dwRegValue; break; } case 2: { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Explicitly using Winsock 2 (when available)."); g_dwWinsockVersion = dwRegValue; break; }
default: { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring invalid Winsock version setting (%u).", dwRegValue); break; } } } #endif // ! DPNBUILD_NOWINSOCK2 and ! DPNBUILD_ONLYWINSOCK2
// get global NAT traversal disablers, ignore registry reading error
if (RegObject.ReadBOOL( g_RegistryKeyDisableDPNHGatewaySupport, &g_fDisableDPNHGatewaySupport )) { if (g_fDisableDPNHGatewaySupport) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Disabling NAT Help gateway support."); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Explicitly not disabling NAT Help gateway support."); } }
if (RegObject.ReadBOOL( g_RegistryKeyDisableDPNHFirewallSupport, &g_fDisableDPNHFirewallSupport )) { if (g_fDisableDPNHFirewallSupport) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Disabling NAT Help firewall support."); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Explicitly not disabling NAT Help firewall support."); } } #endif // DPNBUILD_NONATHELP
#if ((defined(WINNT)) && (! defined(DPNBUILD_NOMULTICAST)))
// get global MADCAP API disabler, ignore registry reading error
if (RegObject.ReadBOOL( g_RegistryKeyDisableMadcapSupport, &g_fDisableMadcapSupport )) { if (g_fDisableMadcapSupport) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Disabling MADCAP support."); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Explicitly not disabling MADCAP support."); } } #endif // WINNT and not DPNBUILD_NOMULTICAST
// If we have an app name, try opening the subkey and looking up the app
// to see if enums are disabled, whether we should disconnect based on
// ICMPs, and which IP protocol families to use.
if ( fGotPath ) { if ( RegObjectTemp.Open( RegObject.GetHandle(), g_RegistryKeyAppsToIgnoreEnums, TRUE, FALSE ) ) { RegObjectTemp.ReadBOOL( wszExePath, &g_fIgnoreEnums ); RegObjectTemp.Close();
if ( g_fIgnoreEnums ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring all enumerations (app = %ls).", wszExePath); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Not ignoring all enumerations (app = %ls).", wszExePath); } }
if ( RegObjectTemp.Open( RegObject.GetHandle(), g_RegistryKeyAppsToDisconnectOnICMP, TRUE, FALSE ) ) { RegObjectTemp.ReadBOOL( wszExePath, &g_fDisconnectOnICMP ); RegObjectTemp.Close();
if ( g_fDisconnectOnICMP ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Disconnecting upon receiving ICMP port not reachable messages (app = %ls).", wszExePath); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Not disconnecting upon receiving ICMP port not reachable messages (app = %ls).", wszExePath); } }
if ( RegObjectTemp.Open( RegObject.GetHandle(), g_RegistryKeyTraversalModeSettings, TRUE, FALSE ) ) { //
// Read the global default traversal mode.
if ( RegObjectTemp.ReadDWORD( g_RegistryKeyDefaultTraversalMode, &dwRegValue ) != FALSE ) { switch (dwRegValue) { case DPNA_TRAVERSALMODE_NONE: case DPNA_TRAVERSALMODE_PORTREQUIRED: case DPNA_TRAVERSALMODE_PORTRECOMMENDED: { g_dwDefaultTraversalMode = dwRegValue; DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Using global default traversal mode %u.", g_dwDefaultTraversalMode); break; }
default: { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring invalid global default traversal mode (%u).", dwRegValue); break; } } }
// Override with the per app setting.
if ( RegObjectTemp.ReadDWORD( wszExePath, &dwRegValue ) != FALSE ) { switch (dwRegValue) { case DPNA_TRAVERSALMODE_NONE: case DPNA_TRAVERSALMODE_PORTREQUIRED: case DPNA_TRAVERSALMODE_PORTRECOMMENDED: { g_dwDefaultTraversalMode = dwRegValue; DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Using default traversal mode %u (app = %ls).", g_dwDefaultTraversalMode, wszExePath); break; }
case (DPNA_TRAVERSALMODE_NONE | FORCE_TRAVERSALMODE_BIT): case (DPNA_TRAVERSALMODE_PORTREQUIRED | FORCE_TRAVERSALMODE_BIT): case (DPNA_TRAVERSALMODE_PORTRECOMMENDED | FORCE_TRAVERSALMODE_BIT): { g_dwDefaultTraversalMode = dwRegValue; DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Forcing traversal mode %u (app = %ls).", g_dwDefaultTraversalMode, wszExePath); break; }
default: { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring invalid default traversal mode (%u, app %ls).", dwRegValue, wszExePath); break; } } } RegObjectTemp.Close(); } #endif // DPNBUILD_NONATHELP
if ( RegObjectTemp.Open( RegObject.GetHandle(), g_RegistryKeyIPAddressFamilySettings, TRUE, FALSE ) ) { //
// Read the global IP address family setting.
if ( RegObjectTemp.ReadDWORD( g_RegistryKeyDefaultIPAddressFamily, &dwRegValue ) != FALSE ) { switch (dwRegValue) { case PF_UNSPEC: case PF_INET: case PF_INET6: { g_iIPAddressFamily = dwRegValue; DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Using IP address family %i global setting.", g_iIPAddressFamily); break; }
default: { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring invalid IP address family global setting (%u).", dwRegValue); break; } } }
// Override with the per app setting.
if ( RegObjectTemp.ReadDWORD( wszExePath, &dwRegValue ) != FALSE ) { switch (dwRegValue) { case PF_UNSPEC: case PF_INET: case PF_INET6: { g_iIPAddressFamily = dwRegValue; DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Using IP address family %i (app = %ls).", g_iIPAddressFamily, wszExePath); break; }
default: { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring invalid IP address family setting (%u, app %ls).", dwRegValue, wszExePath); break; } } } RegObjectTemp.Close(); } #endif // ! DPNBUILD_NOIPV6
// Get the proxy support options, ignore registry reading error.
if (RegObject.ReadBOOL( g_RegistryKeyDontAutoDetectProxyLSP, &g_fDontAutoDetectProxyLSP )) { if (g_fDontAutoDetectProxyLSP) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Not auto-detected ISA Proxy LSP."); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Explicitly allowing auto-detection of ISA Proxy LSP."); } } #endif // !DPNBUILD_NOWINSOCK2
if (RegObject.ReadBOOL( g_RegistryKeyTreatAllResponsesAsProxied, &g_fTreatAllResponsesAsProxied )) { if (g_fTreatAllResponsesAsProxied) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Treating all responses as proxied."); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Explicitly not treating all responses as proxied."); } }
// read MTU overrides
if ( RegObject.ReadDWORD( g_RegistryKeyMaxUserDataSize, &dwRegValue ) != FALSE ) { if ((dwRegValue >= MIN_SEND_FRAME_SIZE) && (dwRegValue <= MAX_SEND_FRAME_SIZE)) { //
// If the new user data size is smaller than the the default enum setting,
// shrink the enum size as well. It can be explicitly overridden below.
if (dwRegValue < g_dwMaxEnumDataSize) { g_dwMaxUserDataSize = dwRegValue; g_dwMaxEnumDataSize = g_dwMaxUserDataSize - ENUM_PAYLOAD_HEADER_SIZE; DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Max user data size is set to %u, assuming enum payload is %u.", g_dwMaxUserDataSize, g_dwMaxEnumDataSize); } else { g_dwMaxUserDataSize = dwRegValue; DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Max user data size is set to %u.", g_dwMaxUserDataSize); } } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring invalid max user data size setting (%u).", dwRegValue); } }
if ( RegObject.ReadDWORD( g_RegistryKeyMaxEnumDataSize, &dwRegValue ) != FALSE ) { if ((dwRegValue >= (MIN_SEND_FRAME_SIZE - ENUM_PAYLOAD_HEADER_SIZE)) && (dwRegValue <= (MAX_SEND_FRAME_SIZE - ENUM_PAYLOAD_HEADER_SIZE))) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Max user data size is set to %u.", dwRegValue); g_dwMaxEnumDataSize = dwRegValue; } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring invalid max user data size setting (%u).", dwRegValue); } }
// read default port range
if ( RegObject.ReadDWORD( g_RegistryKeyBaseDPlayPort, &dwRegValue ) != FALSE ) { if (dwRegValue < (WORD_MAX - 100)) // cannot be 65435 or above
{ g_wBaseDPlayPort = (WORD) dwRegValue; DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Base DPlay default port set to %u.", g_wBaseDPlayPort); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring invalid base DPlay default port setting (%u).", dwRegValue); } }
if ( RegObject.ReadDWORD( g_RegistryKeyMaxDPlayPort, &dwRegValue ) != FALSE ) { if (dwRegValue <= WORD_MAX) // cannot be greater than 65535
{ g_wMaxDPlayPort = (WORD) dwRegValue; DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Max DPlay default port set to %u.", g_wMaxDPlayPort); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring invalid max DPlay default port setting (%u).", dwRegValue); } }
if (g_wMaxDPlayPort <= g_wBaseDPlayPort) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Max DPlay default port %u is less than or equal to base %u, setting to %u.", g_wMaxDPlayPort, g_wBaseDPlayPort, (g_wBaseDPlayPort + 100)); g_wMaxDPlayPort = g_wBaseDPlayPort + 100; }
RegObject.Close(); }
#pragma TODO(vanceo, "Be able to read while session is still running")
if ( RegObject.Open( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, g_RegistryBase, TRUE, FALSE ) != FALSE ) { if ( RegObjectTemp.Open( RegObject.GetHandle(), g_RegistryKeyBannedIPv4Addresses, TRUE, FALSE ) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Reading banned IPv4 addresses for all users."); ReadBannedIPv4Addresses(&RegObjectTemp); } RegObject.Close(); } if ( RegObject.Open( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, g_RegistryBase, TRUE, FALSE ) != FALSE ) { if ( RegObjectTemp.Open( RegObject.GetHandle(), g_RegistryKeyBannedIPv4Addresses, TRUE, FALSE ) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Reading banned IPv4 addresses for current user."); ReadBannedIPv4Addresses(&RegObjectTemp); } RegObject.Close(); } } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// BannedIPv4AddressCompareFunction - compare against another address
// Entry: Addresses to compare
// Exit: Bool indicating equality of two addresses
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "BannedIPv4AddressCompareFunction"
static BOOL BannedIPv4AddressCompareFunction( PVOID pvKey1, PVOID pvKey2 ) { DWORD dwAddr1; DWORD dwAddr2; dwAddr1 = (DWORD) ((DWORD_PTR) pvKey1); dwAddr2 = (DWORD) ((DWORD_PTR) pvKey2);
if (dwAddr1 == dwAddr2) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// BannedIPv4AddressHashFunction - hash address to N bits
// Entry: Count of bits to hash to
// Exit: Hashed value
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "BannedIPv4AddressHashFunction"
static DWORD BannedIPv4AddressHashFunction( PVOID pvKey, BYTE bBitDepth ) { DWORD dwReturn; UINT_PTR Temp;
DNASSERT( bBitDepth != 0 );
// initialize
dwReturn = 0;
// hash IP address
Temp = (DWORD) ((DWORD_PTR) pvKey);
do { dwReturn ^= Temp & ( ( 1 << bBitDepth ) - 1 ); Temp >>= bBitDepth; } while ( Temp != 0 );
return dwReturn; } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// ReadBannedIPv4Addresses - reads in additional banned IPv4 addresses from the registry
// Entry: Pointer to registry object with values to read
// Exit: None
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "ReadBannedIPv4Addresses"
static void ReadBannedIPv4Addresses( CRegistry * pRegObject ) { WCHAR wszIPAddress[16]; // nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn + NULL termination
char szIPAddress[16]; // nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn + NULL termination
DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwIndex; DWORD dwMask; DWORD dwBit; PVOID pvMask; CSocketAddress SocketAddressTemp; SOCKADDR_IN * psaddrinTemp;
memset(&SocketAddressTemp, 0, sizeof(SocketAddressTemp)); psaddrinTemp = (SOCKADDR_IN*) SocketAddressTemp.GetWritableAddress(); psaddrinTemp->sin_family = AF_INET; psaddrinTemp->sin_port = 0xAAAA; // doesn't matter, just anything valid for IsValidUnicastAddress()
// Create the banned IPv4 addresses hash table, if we don't have it already.
if (g_pHashBannedIPv4Addresses == NULL) { g_pHashBannedIPv4Addresses = (CHashTable*) DNMalloc(sizeof(CHashTable)); if (g_pHashBannedIPv4Addresses == NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't allocate banned IPv4 addresses hash table!"); goto Failure; } //
// Initialize the banned address hash with 2 entries and grow by a factor of 2.
if (! g_pHashBannedIPv4Addresses->Initialize(1, #ifndef DPNBUILD_PREALLOCATEDMEMORYMODEL
BannedIPv4AddressCompareFunction, BannedIPv4AddressHashFunction)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't initialize banned IPv4 addresses hash table!"); goto Failure; } } dwIndex = 0; do { dwSize = 16; if (! pRegObject->EnumValues( wszIPAddress, &dwSize, dwIndex )) { break; }
// Read the mask associated with the IP address.
if ( pRegObject->ReadDWORD(wszIPAddress, &dwMask)) { //
// Convert the IP address string to binary.
if (STR_jkWideToAnsi(szIPAddress, wszIPAddress, 16) == DPN_OK) { //
// Convert the IP address string to binary.
psaddrinTemp->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = inet_addr(szIPAddress); if (SocketAddressTemp.IsValidUnicastAddress(FALSE)) { //
// Find the first mask bit. We expect the network byte order of
// the IP address to be opposite of host byte order.
dwBit = 0x80000000; while (! (dwBit & dwMask)) { psaddrinTemp->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr &= ~dwBit; dwBit >>= 1; if (dwBit <= 0x80) { break; } }
if (dwBit & dwMask) { //
// If the masked address is already in the hash, update the mask.
// This allows bans to be listed more than once.
if (g_pHashBannedIPv4Addresses->Find((PVOID) ((DWORD_PTR) psaddrinTemp->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr), &pvMask)) { if (! g_pHashBannedIPv4Addresses->Remove((PVOID) ((DWORD_PTR) psaddrinTemp->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr))) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't remove masked IPv4 entry %u.%u.%u.%u from ban hash.", psaddrinTemp->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, psaddrinTemp->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, psaddrinTemp->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, psaddrinTemp->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4); dwMask = dwBit; } else { dwMask = ((DWORD) ((DWORD_PTR) pvMask)) | dwBit; } } else { dwMask = dwBit; }
// Add (or readd) the masked address to the hash.
if (g_pHashBannedIPv4Addresses->Insert((PVOID) ((DWORD_PTR) psaddrinTemp->sin_addr.S_un.S_addr), (PVOID) ((DWORD_PTR) dwMask))) { g_dwBannedIPv4Masks |= dwBit; DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "Added (or readded) %ls (bits = 0x%08x, masked IPv4 entry %u.%u.%u.%u) to ban hash.", wszIPAddress, dwMask, psaddrinTemp->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, psaddrinTemp->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, psaddrinTemp->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, psaddrinTemp->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't add %ls (bits = 0x%08x, masked IPv4 entry %u.%u.%u.%u) to ban hash!", wszIPAddress, dwMask, psaddrinTemp->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, psaddrinTemp->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, psaddrinTemp->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, psaddrinTemp->sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4); } } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring invalid banned IPv4 entry \"%ls\" (mask = 0x%08x)!", wszIPAddress, dwMask); } } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring invalid banned IPv4 entry \"%ls\" (mask = 0x%08x)!", wszIPAddress, dwMask); } } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't convert banned IPv4 entry \"%ls\" (mask = 0x%08x) to ANSI!", wszIPAddress, dwMask); } } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't read banned IPv4 entry \"%ls\"!", wszIPAddress); }
dwIndex++; } while (TRUE);
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "There are now a total of %u IPv4 addresses to ban, mask bits = 0x%08x.", g_pHashBannedIPv4Addresses->GetEntryCount(), g_dwBannedIPv4Masks);
goto Exit; } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// InitProcessGlobals - initialize the global items needed for the SP to operate
// Entry: Nothing
// Exit: Boolean indicating success
// TRUE = success
// FALSE = failure
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "InitProcessGlobals"
BOOL InitProcessGlobals( void ) { BOOL fReturn; BOOL fCriticalSectionInitialized; #ifdef _XBOX
BOOL fRefcountXnKeysInitted; #endif // _XBOX
// initialize
fReturn = TRUE; fCriticalSectionInitialized = FALSE; #ifdef _XBOX
fRefcountXnKeysInitted = FALSE; #endif // _XBOX
#ifdef DBG
g_blDPNWSockCritSecsHeld.Initialize(); #endif // DBG
ReadSettingsFromRegistry(); #endif // ! DPNBUILD_NOREGISTRY
if ( DNInitializeCriticalSection( &g_InterfaceGlobalsLock ) == FALSE ) { fReturn = FALSE; goto Failure; } DebugSetCriticalSectionGroup( &g_InterfaceGlobalsLock, &g_blDPNWSockCritSecsHeld ); // separate dpnwsock CSes from the rest of DPlay's CSes
fCriticalSectionInitialized = TRUE;
if ( InitializePools() == FALSE ) { fReturn = FALSE; goto Failure; }
#ifdef _XBOX
#pragma BUGBUG(vanceo, "Find way to retrieve value from XNet")
if ( InitializeRefcountXnKeys(4) == FALSE ) { fReturn = FALSE; goto Failure; } fRefcountXnKeysInitted = TRUE; #endif // _XBOX
DNASSERT( g_pThreadPool == NULL );
Exit: return fReturn;
Failure: #ifdef _XBOX
if ( fRefcountXnKeysInitted ) { CleanupRefcountXnKeys(); fRefcountXnKeysInitted = FALSE; } #endif // _XBOX
if ( fCriticalSectionInitialized != FALSE ) { DNDeleteCriticalSection( &g_InterfaceGlobalsLock ); fCriticalSectionInitialized = FALSE; }
goto Exit; } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// DeinitProcessGlobals - deinitialize the global items
// Entry: Nothing
// Exit: Nothing
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "DeinitProcessGlobals"
void DeinitProcessGlobals( void ) { DNASSERT( g_pThreadPool == NULL ); DNASSERT( g_iThreadPoolRefCount == 0 );
if (g_pHashBannedIPv4Addresses != NULL) { g_pHashBannedIPv4Addresses->RemoveAll(); g_pHashBannedIPv4Addresses->Deinitialize(); DNFree(g_pHashBannedIPv4Addresses); g_pHashBannedIPv4Addresses = NULL; g_dwBannedIPv4Masks = 0; } #endif // ! DPNBUILD_NOREGISTRY
#ifdef _XBOX
CleanupRefcountXnKeys(); #endif // _XBOX
DeinitializePools(); DNDeleteCriticalSection( &g_InterfaceGlobalsLock ); } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// LoadWinsock - load Winsock module into memory
// Entry: Nothing
// Exit: Boolean indicating success
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "LoadWinsock"
BOOL LoadWinsock( void ) { BOOL fReturn = TRUE; int iResult;
DNEnterCriticalSection( &g_InterfaceGlobalsLock );
if ( g_iWinsockRefCount == 0 ) { //
// initialize the bindings to Winsock
iResult = DWSInitWinSock(); if ( iResult != 0 ) // failure
{ DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem binding dynamic winsock function (err = %i)!", iResult ); fReturn = FALSE; goto Failure; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 6, "Successfully bound dynamic WinSock functions." ); }
DNASSERT(g_iWinsockRefCount >= 0); DNInterlockedIncrement( const_cast<LONG*>(&g_iWinsockRefCount) );
Exit: DNLeaveCriticalSection( &g_InterfaceGlobalsLock ); return fReturn;
Failure: goto Exit; } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// UnloadWinsock - unload Winsock module
// Entry: Nothing
// Exit: Nothing
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "UnloadWinsock"
void UnloadWinsock( void ) { DNEnterCriticalSection( &g_InterfaceGlobalsLock );
DNASSERT(g_iWinsockRefCount > 0); if ( DNInterlockedDecrement( const_cast<LONG*>(&g_iWinsockRefCount) ) == 0 ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 6, "Unbinding dynamic WinSock functions."); DWSFreeWinSock(); }
DNLeaveCriticalSection( &g_InterfaceGlobalsLock ); } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// LoadNATHelp - create and initialize NAT Help object(s)
// Entry: Nothing
// Exit: TRUE if some objects were successfully loaded, FALSE otherwise
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "LoadNATHelp"
CRegistry RegEntry; CRegistry RegSubentry; DWORD dwMaxKeyLen; WCHAR * pwszKeyName = NULL; DWORD dwEnumIndex; DWORD dwKeyLen; GUID guid; #endif // ! DPNBUILD_ONLYONENATHELP
DWORD dwDirectPlay8Priority; DWORD dwDirectPlay8InitFlags; DWORD dwNumLoaded;
if ( g_iNATHelpRefCount == 0 ) { #ifndef DPNBUILD_ONLYONENATHELP
// Enumerate all the DirectPlayNAT Helpers.
if (! RegEntry.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, DIRECTPLAYNATHELP_REGKEY, TRUE, FALSE)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't open DirectPlayNATHelp registry key!"); goto Failure; }
// Find length of largest subkey.
if (!RegEntry.GetMaxKeyLen(&dwMaxKeyLen)) { DPFERR("RegistryEntry.GetMaxKeyLen() failed!"); goto Failure; } dwMaxKeyLen++; // Null terminator
DPFX(DPFPREP, 9, "dwMaxKeyLen = %ld", dwMaxKeyLen);
pwszKeyName = (WCHAR*) DNMalloc(dwMaxKeyLen * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pwszKeyName == NULL) { DPFERR("Allocating key name buffer failed!"); goto Failure; } #endif // ! DPNBUILD_ONLYONENATHELP
// Allocate an array to hold the helper objects.
g_papNATHelpObjects = (IDirectPlayNATHelp**) DNMalloc(MAX_NUM_DIRECTPLAYNATHELPERS * sizeof(IDirectPlayNATHelp*)); if (g_papNATHelpObjects == NULL) { DPFERR("DNMalloc() failed"); goto Failure; } ZeroMemory(g_papNATHelpObjects, (MAX_NUM_DIRECTPLAYNATHELPERS * sizeof(IDirectPlayNATHelp*)));
dwEnumIndex = 0; #endif // ! DPNBUILD_ONLYONENATHELP
dwNumLoaded = 0;
// Enumerate the DirectPlay NAT helpers.
WCHAR * pwszKeyName;
pwszKeyName = L"UPnP"; dwDirectPlay8Priority = 1; dwDirectPlay8InitFlags = 0; // default UPnP flags
dwKeyLen = dwMaxKeyLen; if (! RegEntry.EnumKeys(pwszKeyName, &dwKeyLen, dwEnumIndex)) { break; } dwEnumIndex++; DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "%ld - %ls (%ld)", dwEnumIndex, pwszKeyName, dwKeyLen); if (!RegSubentry.Open(RegEntry, pwszKeyName, TRUE, FALSE)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't open subentry \"%ls\"! Skipping.", pwszKeyName); continue; }
// Read the DirectPlay8 priority
if (!RegSubentry.ReadDWORD(REGSUBKEY_DPNATHELP_DIRECTPLAY8PRIORITY, &dwDirectPlay8Priority)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "RegSubentry.ReadDWORD \"%ls\\%ls\" failed! Skipping.", pwszKeyName, REGSUBKEY_DPNATHELP_DIRECTPLAY8PRIORITY); RegSubentry.Close(); continue; }
// Read the DirectPlay8 initialization flags
if (!RegSubentry.ReadDWORD(REGSUBKEY_DPNATHELP_DIRECTPLAY8INITFLAGS, &dwDirectPlay8InitFlags)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "RegSubentry.ReadDWORD \"%ls\\%ls\" failed! Defaulting to 0.", pwszKeyName, REGSUBKEY_DPNATHELP_DIRECTPLAY8INITFLAGS); dwDirectPlay8InitFlags = 0; }
// Read the object's CLSID.
if (!RegSubentry.ReadGUID(REGSUBKEY_DPNATHELP_GUID, &guid)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0,"RegSubentry.ReadGUID \"%ls\\%ls\" failed! Skipping.", pwszKeyName, REGSUBKEY_DPNATHELP_GUID); RegSubentry.Close(); continue; }
// Close the subkey.
// If this helper should be loaded, do so.
if (dwDirectPlay8Priority == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "DirectPlay NAT Helper \"%ls\" is not enabled for DirectPlay8.", pwszKeyName); } else #endif // ! DPNBUILD_ONLYONENATHELP
// Try to create the NAT Help object. COM should have been
// initialized by now by someone else.
hr = COM_CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DirectPlayNATHelpUPnP, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDirectPlayNATHelp, (LPVOID*) (&g_papNATHelpObjects[dwDirectPlay8Priority - 1]), FALSE); #else // ! DPNBUILD_ONLYONENATHELP
// Make sure this priority is valid.
if (dwDirectPlay8Priority > MAX_NUM_DIRECTPLAYNATHELPERS) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring DirectPlay NAT helper \"%ls\" with invalid priority level set too high (%u > %u).", pwszKeyName, dwDirectPlay8Priority, MAX_NUM_DIRECTPLAYNATHELPERS); continue; }
// Make sure this priority hasn't already been taken.
if (g_papNATHelpObjects[dwDirectPlay8Priority - 1] != NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Ignoring DirectPlay NAT helper \"%ls\" with duplicate priority level %u (existing object = 0x%p).", pwszKeyName, dwDirectPlay8Priority, g_papNATHelpObjects[dwDirectPlay8Priority - 1]); continue; }
// Try to create the NAT Help object. COM should have been
// initialized by now by someone else.
hr = COM_CoCreateInstance(guid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDirectPlayNATHelp, (LPVOID*) (&g_papNATHelpObjects[dwDirectPlay8Priority - 1]), FALSE); #endif // ! DPNBUILD_ONLYONENATHELP
if ( hr != S_OK ) { DNASSERT( g_papNATHelpObjects[dwDirectPlay8Priority - 1] == NULL ); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Failed to create \"%ls\" IDirectPlayNATHelp interface (error = 0x%lx)! Skipping.", pwszKeyName, hr); continue; }
// Initialize NAT Help.
DNASSERT((! g_fDisableDPNHGatewaySupport) || (! g_fDisableDPNHFirewallSupport));
if (g_fDisableDPNHGatewaySupport) { dwDirectPlay8InitFlags |= DPNHINITIALIZE_DISABLEGATEWAYSUPPORT; }
if (g_fDisableDPNHFirewallSupport) { dwDirectPlay8InitFlags |= DPNHINITIALIZE_DISABLELOCALFIREWALLSUPPORT; } #endif // ! DPNBUILD_NOREGISTRY
// Make sure the flags we're passing are valid.
if ((dwDirectPlay8InitFlags & (DPNHINITIALIZE_DISABLEGATEWAYSUPPORT | DPNHINITIALIZE_DISABLELOCALFIREWALLSUPPORT)) == (DPNHINITIALIZE_DISABLEGATEWAYSUPPORT | DPNHINITIALIZE_DISABLELOCALFIREWALLSUPPORT)) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Not loading NAT Help \"%ls\" because both DISABLEGATEWAYSUPPORT and DISABLELOCALFIREWALLSUPPORT would have been specified (priority = %u, flags = 0x%lx).", pwszKeyName, dwDirectPlay8Priority, dwDirectPlay8InitFlags); IDirectPlayNATHelp_Release(g_papNATHelpObjects[dwDirectPlay8Priority - 1]); g_papNATHelpObjects[dwDirectPlay8Priority - 1] = NULL; continue; }
hr = IDirectPlayNATHelp_Initialize(g_papNATHelpObjects[dwDirectPlay8Priority - 1], dwDirectPlay8InitFlags); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't initialize NAT Help \"%ls\" (error = 0x%lx)! Skipping.", pwszKeyName, hr); IDirectPlayNATHelp_Release(g_papNATHelpObjects[dwDirectPlay8Priority - 1]); g_papNATHelpObjects[dwDirectPlay8Priority - 1] = NULL; continue; } DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "Initialized NAT Help \"%ls\" (priority = %u, flags = 0x%lx, object = 0x%p).", pwszKeyName, dwDirectPlay8Priority, dwDirectPlay8InitFlags, g_papNATHelpObjects[dwDirectPlay8Priority - 1]);
dwNumLoaded++; } } #ifdef DPNBUILD_ONLYONENATHELP
// If we didn't load any NAT helper objects, free up the memory.
if (dwNumLoaded == 0) { DNFree(g_papNATHelpObjects); g_papNATHelpObjects = NULL; //
// We never got anything. Fail.
goto Failure; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "Loaded %u DirectPlay NAT Helper objects.", dwNumLoaded); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "Already loaded NAT Help objects."); }
// We have the interface globals lock, don't need DNInterlockedIncrement.
// We succeeded.
fReturn = TRUE;
Exit: DNLeaveCriticalSection(&g_InterfaceGlobalsLock);
if (pwszKeyName != NULL) { DNFree(pwszKeyName); pwszKeyName = NULL; } #endif // ! DPNBUILD_ONLYONENATHELP
return fReturn;
// We can only fail during the first initialize, so therefore we will never be freeing
// g_papNATHelpObjects when we didn't allocate it in this function.
if (g_papNATHelpObjects != NULL) { DNFree(g_papNATHelpObjects); g_papNATHelpObjects = NULL; }
fReturn = FALSE; goto Exit; } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// UnloadNATHelp - release the NAT Help object
// Entry: Nothing
// Exit: Nothing
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "UnloadNATHelp"
void UnloadNATHelp(void) { DWORD dwTemp;
// We have the interface globals lock, don't need DNInterlockedDecrement.
DNASSERT(g_iNATHelpRefCount > 0); g_iNATHelpRefCount--; if (g_iNATHelpRefCount == 0 ) { HRESULT hr;
DNASSERT(g_papNATHelpObjects != NULL); for(dwTemp = 0; dwTemp < MAX_NUM_DIRECTPLAYNATHELPERS; dwTemp++) { if (g_papNATHelpObjects[dwTemp] != NULL) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "Closing NAT Help object priority %u (0x%p).", dwTemp, g_papNATHelpObjects[dwTemp]);
hr = IDirectPlayNATHelp_Close(g_papNATHelpObjects[dwTemp], 0); if (hr != DPNH_OK) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem closing NAT Help object %u (error = 0x%lx), continuing.", dwTemp, hr); }
IDirectPlayNATHelp_Release(g_papNATHelpObjects[dwTemp]); g_papNATHelpObjects[dwTemp] = NULL; } }
DNFree(g_papNATHelpObjects); g_papNATHelpObjects = NULL; } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "NAT Help object(s) still have %i references.", g_iNATHelpRefCount); }
DNLeaveCriticalSection( &g_InterfaceGlobalsLock ); } //**********************************************************************
#if ((defined(WINNT)) && (! defined(DPNBUILD_NOMULTICAST)))
// ------------------------------
// LoadMADCAP - create and initialize MADCAP API
// Entry: Nothing
// Exit: TRUE if the API was successfully loaded, FALSE otherwise
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "LoadMadcap"
BOOL LoadMadcap(void) { BOOL fReturn; DWORD dwError; DWORD dwMadcapVersion;
DNASSERT(! g_fDisableMadcapSupport); #endif // ! DPNBUILD_NOREGISTRY
if ( g_iMadcapRefCount == 0 ) { //
// Initialize the MADCAP API.
dwMadcapVersion = MCAST_API_CURRENT_VERSION; dwError = McastApiStartup(&dwMadcapVersion); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Failed starting MADCAP version %u (err = %u)!", MCAST_API_CURRENT_VERSION, dwError); goto Failure; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "Using MADCAP version %u (supported version = %u).", MCAST_API_CURRENT_VERSION, dwMadcapVersion);
// Create a unique client ID.
g_mcClientUid.ClientUID = g_abClientID; g_mcClientUid.ClientUIDLength = sizeof(g_abClientID); dwError = McastGenUID(&g_mcClientUid); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Failed creating MADCAP client ID (err = %u)!", dwError); goto Failure; } } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "Already loaded MADCAP."); }
// We have the interface globals lock, don't need DNInterlockedIncrement.
// We succeeded.
fReturn = TRUE;
Exit: DNLeaveCriticalSection(&g_InterfaceGlobalsLock);
return fReturn;
fReturn = FALSE; goto Exit; } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// UnloadMadcap - release the MADCAP interface
// Entry: Nothing
// Exit: Nothing
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "UnloadMadcap"
void UnloadMadcap(void) { DNEnterCriticalSection(&g_InterfaceGlobalsLock);
// We have the interface globals lock, don't need DNInterlockedDecrement.
DNASSERT(g_iMadcapRefCount > 0); g_iMadcapRefCount--; if (g_iMadcapRefCount == 0 ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "Unloading MADCAP API.");
McastApiCleanup(); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 8, "MADCAP API still has %i references.", g_iMadcapRefCount); }
DNLeaveCriticalSection( &g_InterfaceGlobalsLock ); } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// CreateSPData - create instance data for SP
// Entry: Pointer to pointer to SPData
// Interface type
// Pointer to COM interface vtable
// Exit: Error code
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "CreateSPData"
HRESULT CreateSPData( CSPData **const ppSPData, #if ((! defined(DPNBUILD_NOIPV6)) || (! defined(DPNBUILD_NOIPX)))
const short sSPType, #endif // ! DPNBUILD_NOIPV6 or ! DPNBUILD_NOIPX
IDP8ServiceProviderVtbl *const pVtbl ) { HRESULT hr; CSPData *pSPData;
DNASSERT( pVtbl != NULL );
// initialize
hr = DPN_OK; *ppSPData = NULL; pSPData = NULL;
// create data
pSPData = (CSPData*) DNMalloc(sizeof(CSPData)); if ( pSPData == NULL ) { hr = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Cannot create data for Winsock interface!" ); goto Failure; }
hr = pSPData->Initialize( pVtbl #if ((! defined(DPNBUILD_NOIPV6)) || (! defined(DPNBUILD_NOIPX)))
); if ( hr != DPN_OK ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Failed to intialize SP data!" ); DisplayDNError( 0, hr ); goto Failure; } DPFX(DPFPREP, 6, "Created SP Data object 0x%p.", pSPData);
pSPData->AddRef(); // reference is now 1
*ppSPData = pSPData;
return hr;
Failure: if ( pSPData != NULL ) { DNFree(pSPData); pSPData = NULL; } DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Problem with CreateSPData (err = 0x%lx)!", hr); DisplayDNError( 0, hr );
goto Exit; } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// InitializeInterfaceGlobals - perform global initialization for an interface.
// Entry: Pointer to SPData
// Exit: Error code
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "InitializeInterfaceGlobals"
HRESULT InitializeInterfaceGlobals( CSPData *const pSPData ) { HRESULT hr; CThreadPool *pThreadPool;
// initialize
hr = DPN_OK; pThreadPool = NULL;
DNEnterCriticalSection( &g_InterfaceGlobalsLock );
if ( g_pThreadPool == NULL ) { DNASSERT( g_iThreadPoolRefCount == 0 ); g_pThreadPool = (CThreadPool*)g_ThreadPoolPool.Get(); if ( g_pThreadPool != NULL ) { hr = g_pThreadPool->Initialize(); if ( hr != DPN_OK ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Initializing thread pool failed (err = 0x%lx)!", hr); g_ThreadPoolPool.Release(g_pThreadPool); g_pThreadPool = NULL; hr = DPNERR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Failure; } else { g_pThreadPool->AddRef(); g_iThreadPoolRefCount++; pThreadPool = g_pThreadPool; } } } else { DNASSERT( g_iThreadPoolRefCount != 0 ); g_iThreadPoolRefCount++; g_pThreadPool->AddRef(); pThreadPool = g_pThreadPool; }
Exit: DNLeaveCriticalSection( &g_InterfaceGlobalsLock );
pSPData->SetThreadPool( g_pThreadPool );
return hr;
goto Exit; } //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// DeinitializeInterfaceGlobals - deinitialize thread pool and Rsip
// Entry: Pointer to service provider
// Exit: Nothing
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "DeinitializeInterfaceGlobals"
void DeinitializeInterfaceGlobals( CSPData *const pSPData ) { CThreadPool *pThreadPool;
// initialize
pThreadPool = NULL;
// Process as little as possible inside the lock. If any of the items
// need to be released, pointers to them will be set.
DNEnterCriticalSection( &g_InterfaceGlobalsLock );
DNASSERT( g_pThreadPool != NULL ); DNASSERT( g_iThreadPoolRefCount != 0 ); DNASSERT( g_pThreadPool == pSPData->GetThreadPool() );
pThreadPool = pSPData->GetThreadPool();
// remove thread pool reference
DNASSERT( pThreadPool != NULL ); g_iThreadPoolRefCount--; if ( g_iThreadPoolRefCount == 0 ) { g_pThreadPool = NULL; } else { pThreadPool = NULL; }
DNLeaveCriticalSection( &g_InterfaceGlobalsLock );
// The thread pool will be cleaned up when all of the outstanding interfaces
// close.
} //**********************************************************************
// ------------------------------
// DNIpv6AddressToStringW - Stolen from RtlIpv6AddressToString
// Generates an IPv6 string literal corresponding to the address Addr.
// The shortened canonical forms are used (RFC 1884 etc).
// The basic string representation consists of 8 hex numbers
// separated by colons, with a couple embellishments:
// - a string of zero numbers (at most one) is replaced
// with a double-colon.
// - the last 32 bits are represented in IPv4-style dotted-octet notation
// if the address is a v4-compatible or ISATAP address.
// For example,
// ::
// ::1
// ::
// ::ffff:
// ff01::
// ff02::2
// 0:1:2:3:4:5:6:7
// Entry: S - Receives a pointer to the buffer in which to place the string literal
// Addr - Receives the IPv6 address
// Exit: Pointer to the null byte at the end of the string inserted.
// This can be used by the caller to easily append more information
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "DNIpv6AddressToStringW"
LPWSTR DNIpv6AddressToStringW(const struct in6_addr *Addr, LPWSTR S) { int maxFirst, maxLast; int curFirst, curLast; int i; int endHex = 8;
// Check for IPv6-compatible, IPv4-mapped, and IPv4-translated
// addresses
if ((Addr->s6_words[0] == 0) && (Addr->s6_words[1] == 0) && (Addr->s6_words[2] == 0) && (Addr->s6_words[3] == 0) && (Addr->s6_words[6] != 0)) { if ((Addr->s6_words[4] == 0) && ((Addr->s6_words[5] == 0) || (Addr->s6_words[5] == 0xffff))) { // compatible or mapped
S += _stprintf(S, _T("::%hs%u.%u.%u.%u"), Addr->s6_words[5] == 0 ? "" : "ffff:", Addr->s6_bytes[12], Addr->s6_bytes[13], Addr->s6_bytes[14], Addr->s6_bytes[15]); return S; } else if ((Addr->s6_words[4] == 0xffff) && (Addr->s6_words[5] == 0)) { // translated
S += _stprintf(S, _T("::ffff:0:%u.%u.%u.%u"), Addr->s6_bytes[12], Addr->s6_bytes[13], Addr->s6_bytes[14], Addr->s6_bytes[15]); return S; } }
// Find largest contiguous substring of zeroes
// A substring is [First, Last), so it's empty if First == Last.
maxFirst = maxLast = 0; curFirst = curLast = 0;
// ISATAP EUI64 starts with 00005EFE (or 02005EFE)...
if (((Addr->s6_words[4] & 0xfffd) == 0) && (Addr->s6_words[5] == 0xfe5e)) { endHex = 6; }
for (i = 0; i < endHex; i++) {
if (Addr->s6_words[i] == 0) { // Extend current substring
curLast = i+1;
// Check if current is now largest
if (curLast - curFirst > maxLast - maxFirst) {
maxFirst = curFirst; maxLast = curLast; } } else { // Start a new substring
curFirst = curLast = i+1; } }
// Ignore a substring of length 1.
if (maxLast - maxFirst <= 1) maxFirst = maxLast = 0;
// Write colon-separated words.
// A double-colon takes the place of the longest string of zeroes.
// All zeroes is just "::".
for (i = 0; i < endHex; i++) {
// Skip over string of zeroes
if ((maxFirst <= i) && (i < maxLast)) {
S += _stprintf(S, _T("::")); i = maxLast-1; continue; }
// Need colon separator if not at beginning
if ((i != 0) && (i != maxLast)) S += _stprintf(S, _T(":"));
S += _stprintf(S, _T("%x"), NTOHS(Addr->s6_words[i])); // swap bytes
if (endHex < 8) { S += _stprintf(S, _T(":%u.%u.%u.%u"), Addr->s6_bytes[12], Addr->s6_bytes[13], Addr->s6_bytes[14], Addr->s6_bytes[15]); }
return S; }
#endif // ! DPNBUILD_NOIPV6
// ------------------------------
// AddInfoToBuffer - add an adapter info/multicast scope info structure to a packed buffer
// Entry: Pointer to packed buffer
// Pointer to adapter/scope name
// Pointer to adapter/scope guid
// Exit: Error code
// ------------------------------
#define DPF_MODNAME "AddInfoToBuffer"
HRESULT AddInfoToBuffer( CPackedBuffer *const pPackedBuffer, const WCHAR *const pwszInfoName, const GUID *const pInfoGUID, const DWORD dwFlags ) { HRESULT hr; DPN_SERVICE_PROVIDER_INFO AdapterInfo;
DNASSERT( pPackedBuffer != NULL ); DNASSERT( pwszInfoName != NULL ); DNASSERT( pInfoGUID != NULL );
// initialize
hr = DPN_OK;
memset( &AdapterInfo, 0x00, sizeof( AdapterInfo ) ); AdapterInfo.dwFlags = dwFlags; AdapterInfo.guid = *pInfoGUID;
hr = pPackedBuffer->AddWCHARStringToBack( pwszInfoName ); if ( ( hr != DPNERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL ) && ( hr != DPN_OK ) ) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Failed to add info name to buffer!" ); goto Failure; } AdapterInfo.pwszName = static_cast<WCHAR*>( pPackedBuffer->GetTailAddress() );
hr = pPackedBuffer->AddToFront( &AdapterInfo, sizeof( AdapterInfo ) );
Exit: return hr;
Failure: goto Exit; } //**********************************************************************
#ifdef _XBOX
typedef struct _REFCOUNTXNKEY { LONG lRefCount; XNKID xnkid; XNKEY xnkey; } REFCOUNTXNKEY;
REFCOUNTXNKEY * g_paRefcountXnKeys = NULL; DWORD g_dwMaxNumRefcountXnKeys = 0;
#define DPF_MODNAME "InitializeRefcountXnKeys"
BOOL InitializeRefcountXnKeys(const DWORD dwKeyRegMax) { BOOL fResult;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Parameters: (%u)", dwKeyRegMax); DNASSERT(dwKeyRegMax != 0);
DNASSERT(g_paRefcountXnKeys == NULL);
g_paRefcountXnKeys = (REFCOUNTXNKEY*) DNMalloc(dwKeyRegMax * sizeof(REFCOUNTXNKEY)); if (g_paRefcountXnKeys == NULL) { g_dwMaxNumRefcountXnKeys = 0; fResult = FALSE; } else { memset(g_paRefcountXnKeys, 0, (dwKeyRegMax * sizeof(REFCOUNTXNKEY))); g_dwMaxNumRefcountXnKeys = dwKeyRegMax; fResult = TRUE; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Returning: [%i]", fResult);
return fResult; }
#define DPF_MODNAME "CleanupRefcountXnKeys"
void WINAPI CleanupRefcountXnKeys(void) { #ifdef DBG
DWORD dwTemp;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Enter");
DNASSERT(g_paRefcountXnKeys != NULL);
for(dwTemp = 0; dwTemp < g_dwMaxNumRefcountXnKeys; dwTemp++) { DNASSERT(g_paRefcountXnKeys[dwTemp].lRefCount == 0); } #endif // DBG
DNFree(g_paRefcountXnKeys); g_paRefcountXnKeys = NULL; g_dwMaxNumRefcountXnKeys = 0;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Leave"); }
#define DPF_MODNAME "RegisterRefcountXnKey"
INT WINAPI RegisterRefcountXnKey(const XNKID * pxnkid, const XNKEY * pxnkey) { int iReturn; DWORD dwTemp; DWORD dwIndex = -1;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Parameters: (0x%p, 0x%p)", pxnkid, pxnkey);
DNASSERT(pxnkid != NULL); DNASSERT(pxnkey != NULL); DNASSERT(g_paRefcountXnKeys != NULL);
for(dwTemp = 0; dwTemp < g_dwMaxNumRefcountXnKeys; dwTemp++) { if (g_paRefcountXnKeys[dwTemp].lRefCount > 0) { if (memcmp(pxnkid, &g_paRefcountXnKeys[dwTemp].xnkid, sizeof(XNKID)) == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 1, "Key has already been registered."); g_paRefcountXnKeys[dwTemp].lRefCount++; iReturn = 0; goto Exit; } } else { DNASSERT(g_paRefcountXnKeys[dwTemp].lRefCount == 0); if (dwIndex == -1) { dwIndex = dwTemp; } } }
if (dwIndex == -1) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "No more keys can be registered!"); DNASSERTX(! "No more keys can be registered!", 2); iReturn = WSAENOBUFS; goto Exit; }
iReturn = XNetRegisterKey(pxnkid, pxnkey); if (iReturn != 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Registering key failed!"); goto Exit; } DNASSERT(g_paRefcountXnKeys[dwIndex].lRefCount == 0); g_paRefcountXnKeys[dwIndex].lRefCount = 1; memcpy(&g_paRefcountXnKeys[dwIndex].xnkid, pxnkid, sizeof(XNKID)); memcpy(&g_paRefcountXnKeys[dwIndex].xnkey, pxnkey, sizeof(XNKEY));
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Returning: [%i]", iReturn);
return iReturn; }
#define DPF_MODNAME "UnregisterRefcountXnKey"
INT WINAPI UnregisterRefcountXnKey(const XNKID * pxnkid) { int iReturn; DWORD dwTemp;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Parameters: (0x%p)", pxnkid);
DNASSERT(pxnkid != NULL); DNASSERT(g_paRefcountXnKeys != NULL);
for(dwTemp = 0; dwTemp < g_dwMaxNumRefcountXnKeys; dwTemp++) { if (g_paRefcountXnKeys[dwTemp].lRefCount > 0) { if (memcmp(pxnkid, &g_paRefcountXnKeys[dwTemp].xnkid, sizeof(XNKID)) == 0) { g_paRefcountXnKeys[dwTemp].lRefCount--; if (g_paRefcountXnKeys[dwTemp].lRefCount == 0) { iReturn = XNetUnregisterKey(pxnkid); if (iReturn != 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Unregistering key failed!"); } } else { iReturn = 0; } goto Exit; } } else { DNASSERT(g_paRefcountXnKeys[dwTemp].lRefCount == 0); } }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Key has not been registered!"); DNASSERTX(! "Key has not been registered!", 2); iReturn = -1;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Returning: [%i]", iReturn);
return iReturn; }
typedef struct _KEYENTRY { BOOL fInUse; XNKID xnkid; XNKEY xnkey; SECURITYASSOCIATION * paSecurityAssociations; } KEYENTRY;
KEYENTRY * g_paKeys = NULL; DWORD g_dwMaxNumKeys = 0; DWORD g_dwMaxNumAssociations = 0;
#define DPF_MODNAME "XNetStartup"
INT WINAPI XNetStartup(const XNetStartupParams * pxnsp) { int iReturn; XNetStartupParams StartupParamsCapped; DWORD dwTemp;
#ifdef DBG
//DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Parameters: (0x%p)", pxnsp);
// Not using DNASSERT because DPlay may not be initted yet.
if (! (g_paKeys == NULL)) { OutputDebugString("Assert failed (g_paKeys == NULL)\n"); DebugBreak(); } #endif // DBG
if (pxnsp == NULL) { memset(&StartupParamsCapped, 0, sizeof(StartupParamsCapped)); } else { memcpy(&StartupParamsCapped, pxnsp, sizeof(StartupParamsCapped)); }
if (StartupParamsCapped.cfgKeyRegMax == 0) { StartupParamsCapped.cfgKeyRegMax = 4; }
if (StartupParamsCapped.cfgSecRegMax == 0) { StartupParamsCapped.cfgSecRegMax = 32; }
// Not using DNMalloc because DPlay may not be initted yet.
g_paKeys = (KEYENTRY*) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, StartupParamsCapped.cfgKeyRegMax * sizeof(KEYENTRY)); if (g_paKeys == NULL) { iReturn = -1; goto Failure; }
memset(g_paKeys, 0, (StartupParamsCapped.cfgKeyRegMax * sizeof(KEYENTRY)));
for(dwTemp = 0; dwTemp < StartupParamsCapped.cfgKeyRegMax; dwTemp++) { // Not using DNMalloc because DPlay may not be initted yet.
g_paKeys[dwTemp].paSecurityAssociations = (SECURITYASSOCIATION*) HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, StartupParamsCapped.cfgSecRegMax * sizeof(SECURITYASSOCIATION)); if (g_paKeys == NULL) { iReturn = -1; goto Failure; }
memset(g_paKeys[dwTemp].paSecurityAssociations, 0, (StartupParamsCapped.cfgSecRegMax * sizeof(SECURITYASSOCIATION))); }
g_dwMaxNumKeys = StartupParamsCapped.cfgKeyRegMax; g_dwMaxNumAssociations = StartupParamsCapped.cfgSecRegMax;
iReturn = 0;
//DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Returning: [%i]", iReturn);
return iReturn;
if (g_paKeys != NULL) { for(dwTemp = 0; dwTemp < StartupParamsCapped.cfgKeyRegMax; dwTemp++) { if (g_paKeys[dwTemp].paSecurityAssociations != NULL) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, g_paKeys[dwTemp].paSecurityAssociations); g_paKeys[dwTemp].paSecurityAssociations = NULL; } } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, g_paKeys); g_paKeys = NULL; }
g_dwMaxNumKeys = 0; g_dwMaxNumAssociations = 0;
goto Exit; }
#define DPF_MODNAME "XNetCleanup"
INT WINAPI XNetCleanup(void) { int iReturn; DWORD dwTemp;
#ifdef DBG
//DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Enter");
// Not using DNASSERT because DPlay may not be initted anymore.
if (! (g_paKeys != NULL)) { OutputDebugString("Assert failed (g_paKeys != NULL)\n"); DebugBreak(); } #endif // DBG
for(dwTemp = 0; dwTemp < g_dwMaxNumKeys; dwTemp++) { if (g_paKeys[dwTemp].paSecurityAssociations != NULL) { HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, g_paKeys[dwTemp].paSecurityAssociations); g_paKeys[dwTemp].paSecurityAssociations = NULL; } } HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, g_paKeys); g_paKeys = NULL; g_dwMaxNumKeys = 0; g_dwMaxNumAssociations = 0;
iReturn = 0;
//DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Returning: [%i]", iReturn);
return iReturn; }
#define DPF_MODNAME "XNetRegisterKey"
INT WINAPI XNetRegisterKey(const XNKID * pxnkid, const XNKEY * pxnkey) { int iReturn; DWORD dwTemp; DWORD dwIndex = -1;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Parameters: (0x%p, 0x%p)", pxnkid, pxnkey);
DNASSERT(pxnkid != NULL); DNASSERT(pxnkey != NULL);
for(dwTemp = 0; dwTemp < g_dwMaxNumKeys; dwTemp++) { if (g_paKeys[dwTemp].fInUse) { if (memcmp(pxnkid, &g_paKeys[dwTemp].xnkid, sizeof(XNKID)) == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Key has already been registered."); iReturn = WSAEALREADY; goto Exit; } } else { if (dwIndex == -1) { dwIndex = dwTemp; } } }
if (dwIndex == -1) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "No more keys can be registered!"); iReturn = WSAENOBUFS; goto Exit; }
g_paKeys[dwIndex].fInUse = TRUE; memcpy(&g_paKeys[dwIndex].xnkid, pxnkid, sizeof(XNKID)); memcpy(&g_paKeys[dwIndex].xnkey, pxnkey, sizeof(XNKEY)); iReturn = 0;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Returning: [%i]", iReturn);
return iReturn; }
#define DPF_MODNAME "XNetUnregisterKey"
INT WINAPI XNetUnregisterKey(const XNKID * pxnkid) { int iReturn; DWORD dwTemp;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Parameters: (0x%p)", pxnkid);
DNASSERT(pxnkid != NULL);
for(dwTemp = 0; dwTemp < g_dwMaxNumKeys; dwTemp++) { if (g_paKeys[dwTemp].fInUse) { if (memcmp(pxnkid, &g_paKeys[dwTemp].xnkid, sizeof(XNKID)) == 0) { g_paKeys[dwTemp].fInUse = FALSE; iReturn = 0; goto Exit; } } }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Key has not been registered!"); DNASSERTX(! "Key has not been registered!", 2); iReturn = -1;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Returning: [%i]", iReturn);
return iReturn; }
#define DPF_MODNAME "XNetXnAddrToInAddr"
INT WINAPI XNetXnAddrToInAddr(const XNADDR * pxna, const XNKID * pxnkid, IN_ADDR * pina) { int iReturn; DWORD dwKey; DWORD dwAssociation; DWORD dwIndex;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Parameters: (0x%p, 0x%p, 0x%p)", pxna, pxnkid, pina);
DNASSERT(pxna != NULL); DNASSERT(pxnkid != NULL); DNASSERT(pina != NULL);
for(dwKey = 0; dwKey < g_dwMaxNumKeys; dwKey++) { if ((g_paKeys[dwKey].fInUse) && (memcmp(pxnkid, &g_paKeys[dwKey].xnkid, sizeof(XNKID)) == 0)) { dwIndex = -1; for(dwAssociation = 0; dwAssociation < g_dwMaxNumAssociations; dwAssociation++) { if (g_paKeys[dwKey].paSecurityAssociations[dwAssociation].fInUse) { if (memcmp(pxna, &g_paKeys[dwKey].paSecurityAssociations[dwAssociation].xnaddr, sizeof(XNADDR)) == 0) { memcpy(pina, &g_paKeys[dwKey].paSecurityAssociations[dwAssociation].inaddr, sizeof(IN_ADDR)); iReturn = 0; goto Exit; } } else { if (dwIndex == -1) { dwIndex = dwAssociation; } } } if (dwIndex == -1) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "No more security associations can be made!"); iReturn = WSAENOBUFS; goto Exit; }
g_paKeys[dwKey].paSecurityAssociations[dwIndex].fInUse = TRUE; memcpy(&g_paKeys[dwKey].paSecurityAssociations[dwIndex].xnaddr, pxna, sizeof(XNADDR)); DBG_CASSERT(sizeof(pxna->abEnet) > (sizeof(IN_ADDR) + 1)); memcpy(&g_paKeys[dwKey].paSecurityAssociations[dwIndex].inaddr, &pxna->abEnet[1], sizeof(IN_ADDR)); memcpy(pina, &g_paKeys[dwKey].paSecurityAssociations[dwIndex].inaddr, sizeof(IN_ADDR)); iReturn = 0; goto Exit; } }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Key has not been registered!"); DNASSERTX(! "Key has not been registered!", 2); iReturn = -1;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Returning: [%i]", iReturn);
return iReturn; }
#define DPF_MODNAME "XNetInAddrToXnAddr"
INT WINAPI XNetInAddrToXnAddr(const IN_ADDR ina, XNADDR * pxna, XNKID * pxnkid) { int iReturn; DWORD dwKey; DWORD dwAssociation;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Parameters: (%u.%u.%u.%u, 0x%p, 0x%p)", ina.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1, ina.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2, ina.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3, ina.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4, pxna, pxnkid);
// Special case the loopback address, that just means the title address.
if (ina.S_un.S_addr == IP_LOOPBACK_ADDRESS) { if (pxna != NULL) { iReturn = XNetGetTitleXnAddr(pxna); DNASSERT((iReturn != XNET_GET_XNADDR_PENDING) && (iReturn != XNET_GET_XNADDR_NONE)); }
if (pxnkid != NULL) { memset(pxnkid, 0, sizeof(XNKID)); } iReturn = 0; goto Exit; }
for(dwKey = 0; dwKey < g_dwMaxNumKeys; dwKey++) { if (g_paKeys[dwKey].fInUse) { for(dwAssociation = 0; dwAssociation < g_dwMaxNumAssociations; dwAssociation++) { if (g_paKeys[dwKey].paSecurityAssociations[dwAssociation].fInUse) { if (memcmp(&ina, &g_paKeys[dwKey].paSecurityAssociations[dwAssociation].inaddr, sizeof(IN_ADDR)) == 0) { if (pxna != NULL) { memcpy(pxna, &g_paKeys[dwKey].paSecurityAssociations[dwAssociation].xnaddr, sizeof(XNADDR)); } if (pxnkid != NULL) { memcpy(pxnkid, &g_paKeys[dwKey].xnkid, sizeof(XNKID)); } iReturn = 0; goto Exit; } } } } } DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "No security association for IN_ADDR specified!"); DNASSERTX(! "No security association for IN_ADDR specified!", 2); iReturn = -1;
Exit: DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Returning: [%i]", iReturn);
return iReturn; }
#define DPF_MODNAME "XNetGetTitleXnAddr"
DWORD WINAPI XNetGetTitleXnAddr(XNADDR * pxna) { DWORD dwReturn; char szBuffer[256]; PHOSTENT phostent; IN_ADDR * pinaddr;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Parameters: (0x%p)", pxna);
if (gethostname(szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer)) == SOCKET_ERROR) { #ifdef DBG
dwReturn = WSAGetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Failed to get host name into fixed size buffer (err = %i)!", dwReturn); DisplayWinsockError(0, dwReturn); #endif // DBG
dwReturn = XNET_GET_XNADDR_NONE; goto Exit; }
phostent = gethostbyname(szBuffer); if (phostent == NULL) { #ifdef DBG
dwReturn = WSAGetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Failed to get host data (err = %i)!", dwReturn); DisplayWinsockError(0, dwReturn); #endif // DBG
dwReturn = XNET_GET_XNADDR_NONE; goto Exit; }
memset(pxna, 0, sizeof(XNADDR));
// We'll use the first address returned.
pinaddr = (IN_ADDR*) phostent->h_addr_list[0]; DNASSERT(pinaddr != NULL);
DBG_CASSERT(sizeof(pxna->abEnet) > (sizeof(IN_ADDR) + 1)); memset(&pxna->abEnet, 0xFF, sizeof(pxna->abEnet)); memcpy(&pxna->abEnet[1], pinaddr, sizeof(IN_ADDR));
memcpy(&pxna->ina, pinaddr, sizeof(IN_ADDR));
// Pretend it's always DHCP.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Returning: [%u]", dwReturn);
return dwReturn; }
#define DPF_MODNAME "XNetGetEthernetLinkStatus"
DWORD WINAPI XNetGetEthernetLinkStatus(void) { DWORD dwReturn;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Enter");
// Hard code an active 10 Mbit link.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Returning: [0x%x]", dwReturn);
return dwReturn; }
#define DPF_MODNAME "XNetPrivCreateAssociation"
INT WINAPI XNetPrivCreateAssociation(const XNKID * pxnkid, const CSocketAddress * const pSocketAddress) { int iReturn; SOCKADDR_IN * psockaddrin; DWORD dwKey; DWORD dwAssociation; DWORD dwIndex;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Parameters: (0x%p, 0x%p)", pxnkid, pSocketAddress);
DNASSERT(pxnkid != NULL); DNASSERT(pSocketAddress != NULL); DNASSERT(pSocketAddress->GetFamily() == AF_INET); psockaddrin = (SOCKADDR_IN*) pSocketAddress->GetAddress(); for(dwKey = 0; dwKey < g_dwMaxNumKeys; dwKey++) { if ((g_paKeys[dwKey].fInUse) && (memcmp(pxnkid, &g_paKeys[dwKey].xnkid, sizeof(XNKID)) == 0)) { dwIndex = -1; for(dwAssociation = 0; dwAssociation < g_dwMaxNumAssociations; dwAssociation++) { if (g_paKeys[dwKey].paSecurityAssociations[dwAssociation].fInUse) { if (memcmp(&psockaddrin->sin_addr, &g_paKeys[dwKey].paSecurityAssociations[dwAssociation].xnaddr, sizeof(psockaddrin->sin_addr)) == 0) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Security association already made."); iReturn = 0; goto Exit; } } else { if (dwIndex == -1) { dwIndex = dwAssociation; } } } if (dwIndex == -1) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "No more security associations can be made!"); iReturn = WSAENOBUFS; goto Exit; }
g_paKeys[dwKey].paSecurityAssociations[dwIndex].fInUse = TRUE; memset(&g_paKeys[dwKey].paSecurityAssociations[dwIndex].xnaddr, 0, sizeof(XNADDR)); memset(&g_paKeys[dwKey].paSecurityAssociations[dwIndex].xnaddr.abEnet, 0xFF, sizeof(g_paKeys[dwKey].paSecurityAssociations[dwIndex].xnaddr.abEnet)); DBG_CASSERT(sizeof(g_paKeys[dwKey].paSecurityAssociations[dwIndex].xnaddr.abEnet) > (sizeof(IN_ADDR) + 1)); memcpy(&g_paKeys[dwKey].paSecurityAssociations[dwIndex].xnaddr.abEnet[1], &psockaddrin->sin_addr, sizeof(IN_ADDR)); memcpy(&g_paKeys[dwKey].paSecurityAssociations[dwIndex].inaddr, &psockaddrin->sin_addr, sizeof(IN_ADDR)); iReturn = 0; goto Exit; } }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Key has not been registered!"); DNASSERTX(! "Key has not been registered!", 2); iReturn = -1;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 3, "Returning: [%i]", iReturn);
return iReturn; }
#endif // _XBOX