* * Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: spcallbackobj.cpp * * Content: Interprocess communication object object class. * * History: * Date By Reason * ======== ======== ========= * 04/25/01 VanceO Created. * ***************************************************************************/
#include "dp8simi.h"
// Defines
#define REGKEY_DP8SIM L"Software\\Microsoft\\DirectPlay\\DP8Sim"
// CDP8SimIPC constructor
// Description: Initializes the new CDP8SimIPC object.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: None (the object).
CDP8SimIPC::CDP8SimIPC(void) { this->m_Sig[0] = 'S'; this->m_Sig[1] = 'I'; this->m_Sig[2] = 'M'; this->m_Sig[3] = 'I';
this->m_hMutex = NULL; this->m_hFileMapping = NULL; this->m_pdp8ssm = NULL; } // CDP8SimIPC::CDP8SimIPC
// CDP8SimIPC destructor
// Description: Frees the CDP8SimIPC object.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: None.
CDP8SimIPC::~CDP8SimIPC(void) { DNASSERT(this->m_hMutex == NULL); DNASSERT(this->m_hFileMapping == NULL); DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm == NULL);
// For grins, change the signature before deleting the object.
this->m_Sig[3] = 'c'; } // CDP8SimIPC::~CDP8SimIPC
#define DPF_MODNAME "CDP8SimIPC::Initialize"
// CDP8SimIPC::Initialize
// Description: Establishes the IPC connection.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: HRESULT
HRESULT CDP8SimIPC::Initialize(void) { HRESULT hr = DP8SIM_OK; DP8SIM_PARAMETERS dp8spSend; DP8SIM_PARAMETERS dp8spReceive; BOOL fLockedSharedMemory = FALSE;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Enter", this);
// Validate (actually assert) the object.
DNASSERT(this->m_hMutex == NULL); DNASSERT(this->m_hFileMapping == NULL);
// This defaults to having every option turned off and setting the packet
// header size to IP + UDP.
ZeroMemory(&dp8spSend, sizeof(dp8spSend)); dp8spSend.dwSize = sizeof(dp8spSend); //dp8spSend.dwFlags = 0;
dp8spSend.dwPacketHeaderSize = DP8SIMPACKETHEADERSIZE_IP_UDP; //dp8spSend.dwBandwidthBPS = 0;
//dp8spSend.fPacketLossPercent = 0.0;
//dp8spSend.dwMinLatencyMS = 0;
//dp8spSend.dwMaxLatencyMS = 0;
ZeroMemory(&dp8spReceive, sizeof(dp8spReceive)); dp8spReceive.dwSize = sizeof(dp8spReceive); //dp8spReceive.dwFlags = 0;
dp8spReceive.dwPacketHeaderSize = DP8SIMPACKETHEADERSIZE_IP_UDP; //dp8spReceive.dwBandwidthBPS = 0;
//dp8spReceive.fPacketLossPercent = 0.0;
//dp8spReceive.dwMinLatencyMS = 0;
//dp8spReceive.dwMaxLatencyMS = 0;
// Try overriding with registry settings.
this->LoadDefaultParameters(&dp8spSend, &dp8spReceive);
// Create/open the IPC mutex.
if (DNGetOSType() == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { this->m_hMutex = CreateMutex(DNGetNullDacl(), FALSE, _T("Global\\") DP8SIM_IPC_MUTEXNAME); } else { this->m_hMutex = CreateMutex(DNGetNullDacl(), FALSE, DP8SIM_IPC_MUTEXNAME); } if (this->m_hMutex == NULL) { hr = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't create shared memory mutex!"); goto Failure; }
// Create/open the IPC memory mapped file.
if (DNGetOSType() == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { this->m_hFileMapping = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, DNGetNullDacl(), PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(DP8SIM_SHAREDMEMORY), _T("Global\\") DP8SIM_IPC_FILEMAPPINGNAME); } else { this->m_hFileMapping = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, DNGetNullDacl(), PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(DP8SIM_SHAREDMEMORY), DP8SIM_IPC_FILEMAPPINGNAME); } if (this->m_hFileMapping == NULL) { hr = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't create shared memory mapped file!"); goto Failure; }
// Create a view of the memory mapped file.
this->m_pdp8ssm = (DP8SIM_SHAREDMEMORY*) MapViewOfFile(this->m_hFileMapping, (FILE_MAP_READ | FILE_MAP_WRITE), 0, 0, 0); if (this->m_pdp8ssm == NULL) { hr = GetLastError(); DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't map view of shared memory!"); goto Failure; }
this->LockSharedMemory(); fLockedSharedMemory = TRUE;
// Determine whether we need to initialize the shared memory or not.
if (this->m_pdp8ssm->dwVersion == 0) { this->m_pdp8ssm->dwVersion = DP8SIM_IPC_VERSION; CopyMemory(&(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8spSend), &dp8spSend, sizeof(dp8spSend)); CopyMemory(&(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8spReceive), &dp8spReceive, sizeof(dp8spReceive));
//ZeroMemory(&(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssSend), sizeof(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssSend));
this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssSend.dwSize = sizeof(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssSend); //ZeroMemory(&(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssReceive), sizeof(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssReceive));
this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssReceive.dwSize = sizeof(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssReceive); } else { //
// It's already initialized. Make sure we know how to play with the
// format given.
if (this->m_pdp8ssm->dwVersion != DP8SIM_IPC_VERSION) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Shared memory was initialized by a different version!"); hr = DP8SIMERR_MISMATCHEDVERSION; goto Failure; }
DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8spSend.dwSize = sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS)); DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8spReceive.dwSize = sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS)); DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssSend.dwSize = sizeof(DP8SIM_STATISTICS)); DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssReceive.dwSize = sizeof(DP8SIM_STATISTICS)); }
this->UnlockSharedMemory(); fLockedSharedMemory = FALSE; Exit:
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Returning: [0x%lx]", this, hr);
return hr;
if (fLockedSharedMemory) { this->UnlockSharedMemory(); fLockedSharedMemory = FALSE; }
if (this->m_pdp8ssm != NULL) { UnmapViewOfFile(this->m_pdp8ssm); this->m_pdp8ssm = NULL; }
if (this->m_hFileMapping != NULL) { CloseHandle(this->m_hFileMapping); this->m_hFileMapping = NULL; }
if (this->m_hMutex != NULL) { CloseHandle(this->m_hMutex); this->m_hMutex = NULL; }
goto Exit; } // CDP8SimIPC::Initialize
#define DPF_MODNAME "CDP8SimIPC::Close"
// CDP8SimIPC::Close
// Description: Closes the IPC connection.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: None.
void CDP8SimIPC::Close(void) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Enter", this);
if (this->m_pdp8ssm != NULL) { //
// Try overriding with registry settings.
this->SaveDefaultParameters(&(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8spSend), &(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8spReceive));
UnmapViewOfFile(this->m_pdp8ssm); this->m_pdp8ssm = NULL; }
if (this->m_hFileMapping != NULL) { CloseHandle(this->m_hFileMapping); this->m_hFileMapping = NULL; }
if (this->m_hMutex != NULL) { CloseHandle(this->m_hMutex); this->m_hMutex = NULL; }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Leave", this); } // CDP8SimIPC::Close
#define DPF_MODNAME "CDP8SimIPC::GetAllParameters"
// CDP8SimIPC::GetAllParameters
// Description: Retrieves the current send and receive settings.
// Arguments:
// DP8SIM_PARAMETERS * pdp8spSend - Place to store send parameters
// retrieved.
// DP8SIM_PARAMETERS * pdp8spReceive - Place to store receive parameters
// retrieved.
// Returns: None.
void CDP8SimIPC::GetAllParameters(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS * const pdp8spSend, DP8SIM_PARAMETERS * const pdp8spReceive) { DNASSERT(pdp8spSend != NULL); DNASSERT(pdp8spSend->dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS)); DNASSERT(pdp8spReceive != NULL); DNASSERT(pdp8spReceive->dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS)); DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm != NULL);
DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8spSend.dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS)); CopyMemory(pdp8spSend, &(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8spSend), sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS));
DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8spReceive.dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS)); CopyMemory(pdp8spReceive, &(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8spReceive), sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS));
this->UnlockSharedMemory(); } // CDP8SimIPC::GetAllParameters
#define DPF_MODNAME "CDP8SimIPC::GetAllSendParameters"
// CDP8SimIPC::GetAllSendParameters
// Description: Retrieves the current send settings.
// Arguments:
// DP8SIM_PARAMETERS * pdp8sp - Place to store parameters retrieved.
// Returns: None.
void CDP8SimIPC::GetAllSendParameters(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS * const pdp8sp) { DNASSERT(pdp8sp != NULL); DNASSERT(pdp8sp->dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS)); DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm != NULL);
DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8spSend.dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS)); CopyMemory(pdp8sp, &(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8spSend), sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS));
this->UnlockSharedMemory(); } // CDP8SimIPC::GetAllSendParameters
#define DPF_MODNAME "CDP8SimIPC::GetAllReceiveParameters"
// CDP8SimIPC::GetAllReceiveParameters
// Description: Retrieves the current receive settings.
// Arguments:
// DP8SIM_PARAMETERS * pdp8sp - Place to store parameters retrieved.
// Returns: None.
void CDP8SimIPC::GetAllReceiveParameters(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS * const pdp8sp) { DNASSERT(pdp8sp != NULL); DNASSERT(pdp8sp->dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS)); DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm != NULL);
DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8spReceive.dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS)); CopyMemory(pdp8sp, &(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8spReceive), sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS));
this->UnlockSharedMemory(); } // CDP8SimIPC::GetAllReceiveParameters
#define DPF_MODNAME "CDP8SimIPC::SetAllParameters"
// CDP8SimIPC::SetAllParameters
// Description: Stores the send and receive settings.
// Arguments:
// DP8SIM_PARAMETERS * pdp8spSend - New send parameters.
// DP8SIM_PARAMETERS * pdp8spReceive - New receive parameters.
// Returns: None.
void CDP8SimIPC::SetAllParameters(const DP8SIM_PARAMETERS * const pdp8spSend, const DP8SIM_PARAMETERS * const pdp8spReceive) { DNASSERT(pdp8spSend != NULL); DNASSERT(pdp8spSend->dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS)); DNASSERT(pdp8spReceive != NULL); DNASSERT(pdp8spReceive->dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS)); DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm != NULL);
DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8spSend.dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS)); CopyMemory(&(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8spSend), pdp8spSend, sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS));
DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8spReceive.dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS)); CopyMemory(&(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8spReceive), pdp8spReceive, sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS));
this->UnlockSharedMemory(); } // CDP8SimIPC::SetAllParameters
#define DPF_MODNAME "CDP8SimIPC::GetAllStatistics"
// CDP8SimIPC::GetAllStatistics
// Description: Retrieves the current send and receive statistics.
// Arguments:
// DP8SIM_STATISTICS * pdp8ssSend - Place to store send statistics
// retrieved.
// DP8SIM_STATISTICS * pdp8ssReceive - Place to store receive statistics
// retrieved.
// Returns: None.
void CDP8SimIPC::GetAllStatistics(DP8SIM_STATISTICS * const pdp8ssSend, DP8SIM_STATISTICS * const pdp8ssReceive) { DNASSERT(pdp8ssSend != NULL); DNASSERT(pdp8ssSend->dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_STATISTICS)); DNASSERT(pdp8ssReceive != NULL); DNASSERT(pdp8ssReceive->dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_STATISTICS)); DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm != NULL);
DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssSend.dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_STATISTICS)); CopyMemory(pdp8ssSend, &(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssSend), sizeof(DP8SIM_STATISTICS));
DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssReceive.dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_STATISTICS)); CopyMemory(pdp8ssReceive, &(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssReceive), sizeof(DP8SIM_STATISTICS));
this->UnlockSharedMemory(); } // CDP8SimIPC::GetAllStatistics
#define DPF_MODNAME "CDP8SimIPC::ClearAllStatistics"
// CDP8SimIPC::ClearAllStatistics
// Description: Clears the current send and receive statistics.
// Arguments: None.
// Returns: None.
void CDP8SimIPC::ClearAllStatistics(void) { DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm != NULL);
DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssSend.dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_STATISTICS)); ZeroMemory(&(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssSend), sizeof(DP8SIM_STATISTICS)); this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssSend.dwSize = sizeof(DP8SIM_STATISTICS);
DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssReceive.dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_STATISTICS)); ZeroMemory(&(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssReceive), sizeof(DP8SIM_STATISTICS)); this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssReceive.dwSize = sizeof(DP8SIM_STATISTICS);
this->UnlockSharedMemory(); } // CDP8SimIPC::GetAllStatistics
#define DPF_MODNAME "CDP8SimIPC::IncrementStatsSendTransmitted"
// CDP8SimIPC::IncrementStatsSendTransmitted
// Description: Increments the sends transmitted counters.
// Arguments:
// DWORD dwBytes - Size of send, in bytes.
// DWORD dwDelay - Amount the send was delayed, in milliseconds.
// Returns: None.
void CDP8SimIPC::IncrementStatsSendTransmitted(DWORD dwBytes, DWORD dwDelay) { DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm != NULL);
DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssSend.dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_STATISTICS)); this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssSend.dwTransmittedPackets++; this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssSend.dwTransmittedBytes += dwBytes; this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssSend.dwTotalDelayMS += dwDelay;
this->UnlockSharedMemory(); } // CDP8SimIPC::IncrementStatsSendTransmitted
#define DPF_MODNAME "CDP8SimIPC::IncrementStatsSendDropped"
// CDP8SimIPC::IncrementStatsSendDropped
// Description: Increments the sends dropped counters.
// Arguments:
// DWORD dwBytes - Size of send, in bytes.
// Returns: None.
void CDP8SimIPC::IncrementStatsSendDropped(DWORD dwBytes) { DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm != NULL);
DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssSend.dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_STATISTICS)); this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssSend.dwDroppedPackets++; this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssSend.dwDroppedBytes += dwBytes;
this->UnlockSharedMemory(); } // CDP8SimIPC::IncrementStatsSendDropped
#define DPF_MODNAME "CDP8SimIPC::IncrementStatsReceiveTransmitted"
// CDP8SimIPC::IncrementStatsReceiveTransmitted
// Description: Increments the receives indicated counters.
// Arguments:
// DWORD dwBytes - Size of receive, in bytes.
// DWORD dwDelay - Amount the receive was delayed, in milliseconds.
// Returns: None.
void CDP8SimIPC::IncrementStatsReceiveTransmitted(DWORD dwBytes, DWORD dwDelay) { DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm != NULL);
DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssReceive.dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_STATISTICS)); this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssReceive.dwTransmittedPackets++; this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssReceive.dwTransmittedBytes += dwBytes; this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssReceive.dwTotalDelayMS += dwDelay;
this->UnlockSharedMemory(); } // CDP8SimIPC::IncrementStatsReceiveTransmitted
#define DPF_MODNAME "CDP8SimIPC::IncrementStatsReceiveDropped"
// CDP8SimIPC::IncrementStatsReceiveDropped
// Description: Increments the receives dropped counters.
// Arguments:
// DWORD dwBytes - Size of receive, in bytes.
// Returns: None.
void CDP8SimIPC::IncrementStatsReceiveDropped(DWORD dwBytes) { DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm != NULL);
DNASSERT(this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssReceive.dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_STATISTICS)); this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssReceive.dwDroppedPackets++; this->m_pdp8ssm->dp8ssReceive.dwDroppedBytes += dwBytes;
this->UnlockSharedMemory(); } // CDP8SimIPC::IncrementStatsReceiveDropped
#define DPF_MODNAME "CDP8SimIPC::LoadDefaultParameters"
// CDP8SimIPC::LoadDefaultParameters
// Description: Loads the default send and receive parameters from the registry
// if possible.
// Arguments:
// DP8SIM_PARAMETERS * pdp8spSend - Place to store default send
// parameters.
// DP8SIM_PARAMETERS * pdp8spReceive - Place to store default receive
// parameters.
// Returns: None.
void CDP8SimIPC::LoadDefaultParameters(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS * const pdp8spSend, DP8SIM_PARAMETERS * const pdp8spReceive) { CRegistry RegObject; DP8SIM_PARAMETERS dp8spTemp; DWORD dwSize;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p, 0x%p)", this, pdp8spSend, pdp8spReceive);
DNASSERT(pdp8spSend != NULL); DNASSERT(pdp8spSend->dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS));
DNASSERT(pdp8spReceive != NULL); DNASSERT(pdp8spReceive->dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS));
// Try to read the default send parameters
dwSize = sizeof(dp8spTemp); if (RegObject.ReadBlob(REGKEY_VALUE_DEFAULTSENDPARAMETERS, (BYTE*) (&dp8spTemp), &dwSize)) { //
// Successfully read the parameters. Make sure they match the
// expected values.
if ((dwSize == sizeof(dp8spTemp)) && (dp8spTemp.dwSize == sizeof(dp8spTemp))) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Successfully read default send parameters from registry."); memcpy(pdp8spSend, &dp8spTemp, sizeof(dp8spTemp)); } else { //
// Default send parameters are unusable, leave the values set
// as they are.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Default send parameters stored in registry are invalid! Ignoring."); } } else { //
// Couldn't read the default send parameters, leave the values set
// as they are.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Couldn't read default send parameters from registry, ignoring."); }
// Try to read the default receive parameters
dwSize = sizeof(dp8spTemp); if (RegObject.ReadBlob(REGKEY_VALUE_DEFAULTRECEIVEPARAMETERS, (BYTE*) (&dp8spTemp), &dwSize)) { //
// Successfully read the parameters. Make sure they match the
// expected values.
if ((dwSize == sizeof(dp8spTemp)) && (dp8spTemp.dwSize == sizeof(dp8spTemp))) { DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Successfully read default receive parameters from registry."); memcpy(pdp8spReceive, &dp8spTemp, sizeof(dp8spTemp)); } else { //
// Default receive parameters are unusable, leave the values set
// as they are.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Default receive parameters stored in registry are invalid! Ignoring."); } } else { //
// Couldn't read the default send parameters, leave the values set
// as they are.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Couldn't read default send parameters from registry, ignoring."); } } else { //
// Couldn't open the registry key, leave the values set as they are.
DPFX(DPFPREP, 2, "Couldn't open DP8Sim registry key, ignoring."); }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Leave", this); } // CDP8SimIPC::LoadDefaultParameters
#define DPF_MODNAME "CDP8SimIPC::SaveDefaultParameters"
// CDP8SimIPC::SaveDefaultParameters
// Description: Writes the given send and receive parameters as the default
// values in the registry.
// Arguments:
// DP8SIM_PARAMETERS * pdp8spSend - New default send parameters.
// DP8SIM_PARAMETERS * pdp8spReceive - New default receive parameters.
// Returns: None.
void CDP8SimIPC::SaveDefaultParameters(const DP8SIM_PARAMETERS * const pdp8spSend, const DP8SIM_PARAMETERS * const pdp8spReceive) { CRegistry RegObject;
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Parameters: (0x%p, 0x%p)", this, pdp8spSend, pdp8spReceive);
DNASSERT(pdp8spSend != NULL); DNASSERT(pdp8spSend->dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS));
DNASSERT(pdp8spReceive != NULL); DNASSERT(pdp8spReceive->dwSize == sizeof(DP8SIM_PARAMETERS));
// Write the default send and receive parameters, ignoring failure.
RegObject.WriteBlob(REGKEY_VALUE_DEFAULTSENDPARAMETERS, (BYTE*) pdp8spSend, sizeof(*pdp8spSend));
RegObject.WriteBlob(REGKEY_VALUE_DEFAULTRECEIVEPARAMETERS, (BYTE*) pdp8spReceive, sizeof(*pdp8spReceive)); } else { DPFX(DPFPREP, 0, "Couldn't open DP8Sim registry key for writing!"); }
DPFX(DPFPREP, 5, "(0x%p) Leave", this); } // CDP8SimIPC::SaveDefaultParameters