// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998.
// texmap.cpp
// Direct3D Reference Rasterizer - Texture Map Access Methods
#include "pch.cpp"
#pragma hdrstop
inline UINT8 CLAMP_BYTE(double f) { if (f > 255.0) return 255; if (f < 0.0) return 0; return (BYTE) f; }
// TexelFromBlock - decompress a color block and obtain texel color
UINT32 TexelFromBlock(RRSurfaceType surfType, char *pblockSrc, int x, int y) { UINT32 index = ((y & 0x3)<<2) + (x & 0x3); DDRGBA colorDst[DXT_BLOCK_PIXELS];
switch(surfType) { case RR_STYPE_DXT1: DecodeBlockRGB((DXTBlockRGB *)pblockSrc, (DXT_COLOR *)colorDst); break; case RR_STYPE_DXT2: case RR_STYPE_DXT3: DecodeBlockAlpha4((DXTBlockAlpha4 *)pblockSrc, (DXT_COLOR *)colorDst); break; case RR_STYPE_DXT4: case RR_STYPE_DXT5: DecodeBlockAlpha3((DXTBlockAlpha3 *)pblockSrc, (DXT_COLOR *)colorDst); break; }
return RGBA_MAKE(colorDst[index].red, colorDst[index].green, colorDst[index].blue, colorDst[index].alpha); }
// ReadTexelColor - Reads texel from texture map at given LOD; converts to
// RRColor format, applying palette if necessary; also performs colorkey by
// zero-ing out alpha
void RRTexture::ReadColor( INT32 iX, INT32 iY, INT32 iLOD, RRColor& Texel, BOOL &bColorKeyMatched ) { if ( (iLOD > m_cLOD) && !(m_uFlags & RR_TEXTURE_ENVMAP) ) { return; } if ( NULL == m_pTextureBits[iLOD] ) { return; }
char* pSurfaceBits = PixelAddress( iX, iY, m_pTextureBits[iLOD], m_iPitch[iLOD], m_SurfType );
switch ( m_SurfType ) { default: Texel.ConvertFrom( m_SurfType, pSurfaceBits ); break;
case RR_STYPE_PALETTE8: { UINT8 uIndex = *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits); UINT32 uTexel = *( (UINT32*)(m_pPalette) + uIndex ); Texel = RGBA_MAKE( (uTexel>> 0) & 0xff, (uTexel>> 8) & 0xff, (uTexel>>16) & 0xff, (uTexel>>24) & 0xff); if ( !( m_uFlags & RR_TEXTURE_ALPHAINPALETTE ) ) Texel.A = 1.f; } break;
case RR_STYPE_PALETTE4: { UINT8 uIndex = *((INT8*)pSurfaceBits); if ((iX & 1) == 0) { uIndex &= 0xf; } else { uIndex >>= 4; } UINT32 uTexel = *( (UINT32*)(m_pPalette) + uIndex ); Texel = RGBA_MAKE( (uTexel>> 0) & 0xff, (uTexel>> 8) & 0xff, (uTexel>>16) & 0xff, (uTexel>>24) & 0xff); if ( !( m_uFlags & RR_TEXTURE_ALPHAINPALETTE ) ) Texel.A = 1.f; } break;
case RR_STYPE_UYVY: case RR_STYPE_YUY2: // Converts a given YUV (8bits each) to RGB scaled between 0 and 255
// These are using the YCrCb to RGB algorithms given on page 30
// in "VIDEO DEMYSTIFIED" by Keith Jack
// ISBN#: 1-878707-09-4
// IN PC graphics, even though they call it YUV, it is really YCrCb
// formats that are used by most framegrabbers etc. Hence the pixel
// data we will obtain in these YUV surfaces will most likely be this
// and not the original YUV which is actually used in PAL broadcast
// only (NTSC uses YIQ). So really, U should be called Cb (Blue color
// difference) and V should be called Cr (Red color difference)
// These equations are meant to handle the following ranges
// (from the same book):
// Y (16 to 235), U and V (16 to 240, 128 = zero)
// -----------
// Y U V
// -----------
// White : 180 128 128
// Black : 16 128 128
// Red : 65 100 212
// Green : 112 72 58
// Blue : 35 212 114
// Yellow : 162 44 142
// Cyan : 131 156 44
// Magenta: 84 184 198
// -----------
// It is assumed that the gamma corrected RGB range is (0 - 255)
// UYVY: U0Y0 V0Y1 U2Y2 V2Y3 (low byte always has current Y)
// If iX is even, hight-byte has current U (Cb)
// If iX is odd, hight-byte has previous V (Cr)
// YUY2: Y0U0 Y1V0 Y2U2 Y3V2 (high byte always has current Y)
// (UYVY bytes flipped)
// In this algorithm, we use U and V values from two neighboring
// pixels
{ UINT8 Y, U, V; UINT16 u16Curr = *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits); UINT16 u16ForU = 0; // Extract U from this
UINT16 u16ForV = 0; // Extract V from this
// By default we assume YUY2. Change it later if it is UYVY
int uvShift = 8; int yShift = 0;
if (m_SurfType == RR_STYPE_UYVY) { uvShift = 0; yShift = 8; }
if ((iX & 1) == 0) { // Current U available
u16ForU = u16Curr;
// Obtain V from the next pixel
if ( (iX < (m_iWidth >> iLOD)) || (m_uFlags & RR_TEXTURE_ENVMAP) ) { u16ForV = *((UINT16*)PixelAddress( iX+1, iY, m_pTextureBits[iLOD], m_iPitch[iLOD], m_SurfType )); } else { // This case should not be hit because the texture
// width is even (actually, a power of two)
_ASSERTa(0, "iX exceeds width", u16ForV = u16Curr;) }
} else { // Current V available
u16ForV = u16Curr;
// Obtain U from the previous pixel
if (iX > 0) { u16ForU = *((UINT16*)PixelAddress( iX-1, iY, m_pTextureBits[iLOD], m_iPitch[iLOD], m_SurfType )); } else { // This case should not be hit because the texture
// width is even (actually, a power of two)
_ASSERTa(0, "iX is negative", u16ForU = u16Curr;) } }
Y = (u16Curr >> yShift) & 0xff; U = (u16ForU >> uvShift) & 0xff; V = (u16ForV >> uvShift) & 0xff;
Texel = RGB_MAKE( CLAMP_BYTE(1.164*(Y-16) + 1.596*(V-128)), CLAMP_BYTE(1.164*(Y-16) - 0.813*(V-128) - 0.391*(U-128)), CLAMP_BYTE(1.164*(Y-16) + 2.018*(U-128)) ); Texel.A = 1.f; } break;
// S3 compressed formats:
// We have the address to the block, now extract the actual color
case RR_STYPE_DXT1: case RR_STYPE_DXT2: case RR_STYPE_DXT3: case RR_STYPE_DXT4: case RR_STYPE_DXT5: Texel = TexelFromBlock(m_SurfType, pSurfaceBits, iX, iY); break; }
// colorkey (only supported for legacy behavior)
if ( m_bDoColorKeyKill || m_bDoColorKeyZero ) { DWORD dwBits; switch ( m_SurfType ) { default: case RR_STYPE_NULL: return; // don't colorkey unknown or null surfaces
case RR_STYPE_PALETTE4: { UINT8 uIndex = *((INT8*)pSurfaceBits); if ((iX & 1) == 0) { uIndex &= 0xf; } else { uIndex >>= 4; } dwBits = (DWORD)uIndex; } break;
case RR_STYPE_L8: case RR_STYPE_PALETTE8: case RR_STYPE_B2G3R3: case RR_STYPE_L4A4: { UINT8 uBits = *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits); dwBits = (DWORD)uBits; } break;
case RR_STYPE_B5G6R5: case RR_STYPE_B5G5R5: case RR_STYPE_B5G5R5A1: case RR_STYPE_B4G4R4A4: case RR_STYPE_L8A8: case RR_STYPE_B2G3R3A8: { UINT16 uBits = *((UINT16*)pSurfaceBits); dwBits = (DWORD)uBits; } break;
case RR_STYPE_B8G8R8: { UINT32 uBits = 0; uBits |= ( *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits+0) ) << 0; uBits |= ( *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits+1) ) << 8; uBits |= ( *((UINT8*)pSurfaceBits+2) ) << 16; dwBits = (DWORD)uBits; } break;
case RR_STYPE_B8G8R8A8: case RR_STYPE_B8G8R8X8: { UINT32 uBits = *((UINT32*)pSurfaceBits); dwBits = (DWORD)uBits; } break; }
if ( dwBits == m_dwColorKey ) { bColorKeyMatched = TRUE; if (m_bDoColorKeyZero) { Texel.A = 0.F; Texel.R = 0.F; Texel.G = 0.F; Texel.B = 0.F; } } } }
// end