; $Id: ftrans.asm,v 1.3 1995/10/20 15:14:41 james Exp $ ; ; Up to 165K from 143K ; ; Copyright (c) RenderMorphics Ltd. 1993, 1994, 1995 ; Version 1.0 ; ; All rights reserved. ; ; This file contains private, unpublished information and may not be ; copied in part or in whole without express permission of ; RenderMorphics Ltd. ; ; NOTE: Need to set integer pop precision... ; OPTION NOM510 .386p ;.radix 16 NAME transform
include macros.asm include offsets.asm
procstart macro prefix, xfrm_class
ifdef STACK_CALL ifdef NT _&prefix&xfrm_class proc else &prefix&xfrm_class proc endif else &prefix&xfrm_class&_ proc endif endm
procend macro prefix, xfrm_class
ifdef STACK_CALL ifdef NT _&prefix&xfrm_class endp else &prefix&xfrm_class endp endif else &prefix&xfrm_class&_ endp endif endm if GEN_XFRM eq 1 xfrmName equ General else xfrmName equ Affine endif
;ifndef WINNT ;DGROUP GROUP _DATA ;endif
; These two are in the same cache line tx dq 0 ty dq 0
FDROP macro fstp st(0) endm
fmat macro op,row,col op dword ptr [ebp + 4 * ((4 * row) + col)] endm
column macro i,depth fld dword ptr [esi + D3DVERTEX_x] ; [1] x
fmat fmul,0,i ; [2] x
fld dword ptr [esi + D3DVERTEX_y] ; [3] y x
fmat fmul,1,i ; [4] y x
fld dword ptr [esi + D3DVERTEX_z] ; [5] z y x
fmat fmul,2,i ; [6] z y x fxch st(2) ; x y z
fmat fadd,3,i ; [7] x y z endm procstart RLDDITransformUnclippedLoop,%xfrmName
; ; Set up equates for arguments and automatic storage ; beginargs saveregs <ebp,esi,edi,ebx,ecx> regargs <x_offset, y_offset, count, vout> defargs <vin, m, in_size, out_size, z_scale, z_offset> defargs <minx, maxx, miny, maxy> endargs
; Ensure arguments are accessible from the stack, to free the registers
ifndef STACK_CALL mov [esp + x_offset], eax mov [esp + y_offset], edx mov [esp + count], ebx mov [esp + vout], ecx endif
mov ebx,[esp + count] test ebx,ebx je alldone
;{ Pick up old extents
mov esi,[esp + minx] mov edi,[esp + miny]
fld dword ptr [esi] fadd [_g_dSnap + (16 * 8)] fld dword ptr [edi] fadd [_g_dSnap + (16 * 8)]
mov esi,[esp + maxx] mov edi,[esp + maxy] fld dword ptr [esi] fadd [_g_dSnap + (16 * 8)] fld dword ptr [edi] ; maxy maxx miny minx fadd [_g_dSnap + (16 * 8)] fxch st(3) ; minx maxx miny maxy
fstp qword ptr [tx] fstp qword ptr [ty]
mov eax,dword ptr [tx] mov ebx,dword ptr [ty]
fstp qword ptr [tx] fstp qword ptr [ty]
mov ecx,dword ptr [tx] mov edx,dword ptr [ty] ;}
mov esi,[esp + vin] mov edi,[esp + vout]
mov ebp,[esp + m]
; eax ebx ecx edx ; minx maxx miny maxy
; Need to do first loop iteration column 0,0 fadd ; x'+y' z' x y z fadd ; x'+y'+z' x y z column 1,1 ; 2 cycle wait here fadd ; x'+y' z' tx x y z jmp smaxy
transloop: column 0,0 ; 2 cycle wait here cmp eax,dword ptr [tx] jg setminx sminx: fadd ; x'+y' z' x y z cmp ebx,dword ptr [tx] jl setmaxx smaxx: fadd ; tx column 1,1 ; x' y' z' x cmp ecx,dword ptr [ty] jg setminy sminy: fadd ; x'+y' z' tx cmp edx,dword ptr [ty] jl setmaxy smaxy: fadd ; ty tx
column 2,2 push eax push ebx mov eax,[esi + D3DLVERTEX_color] mov ebx,[esi + D3DLVERTEX_specular] fadd mov [edi + D3DTLVERTEX_color],eax mov [edi + D3DTLVERTEX_specular],ebx mov eax,[esi + D3DVERTEX_tu] mov ebx,[esi + D3DVERTEX_tv] fadd ; tz ty tx mov [edi + D3DTLVERTEX_tu],eax mov [edi + D3DTLVERTEX_tv],ebx if GEN_XFRM column 3,3 fadd fadd ; tw tz ty tx endif
fld [_g_fOne] fdiv st,st(1) ; 1/tw (tw) tz ty tx if GEN_XFRM fxch st(1) FDROP endif
; Do the cache read here, plus anything else? cmp dword ptr [esp + count + 8],1 je dontscan mov eax,[esi + 32] mov ebx,[edi + 32] dontscan: pop ebx pop eax
fxch st(3) ; tx tz ty 1/tz
fmul st,st(3) ; tx/w tz ty 1/tz fxch st(2) ; ty tz tx/w 1/tz
fmul st,st(3) ; ty/w tz tx/w 1/tz fxch st(2) ; tx/w tz ty/w 1/tz
fadd dword ptr [esp + x_offset] fxch st(1) ; tz sx ty/w 1/tz if GEN_XFRM eq 0 fmul dword ptr [esp + z_scale] endif fxch st(2) ; ty/w sx tz 1/tz fsubr dword ptr [esp + y_offset] fxch st(2) ; tz sx sy 1/tz if GEN_XFRM eq 0 fadd dword ptr [esp + z_offset] endif fxch st(2) ; sy sx sz 1/tz
fst dword ptr [edi + D3DTLVERTEX_sy]
fadd [_g_dSnap + (16 * 8)] fxch st(1) fst dword ptr [edi + D3DTLVERTEX_sx]
fadd [_g_dSnap + (16 * 8)] fxch st(1)
fstp qword ptr [ty] fstp qword ptr [tx] ; sz 1/tz
fmul st,st(1) fxch st(1)
fstp dword ptr [edi + D3DTLVERTEX_rhw]
fstp dword ptr [edi + D3DTLVERTEX_sz]
add edi,32 add esi,32
dec dword ptr [esp + count] jnz transloop
cmp eax,dword ptr [tx] jl e1 mov eax,dword ptr [tx] e1: cmp ebx,dword ptr [tx] jg e2 mov ebx,dword ptr [tx] e2: cmp ecx,dword ptr [ty] jl e3 mov ecx,dword ptr [ty] e3: cmp edx,dword ptr [ty] jg e4 mov edx,dword ptr [ty] e4:
mov dword ptr [tx],eax mov dword ptr [ty],ecx mov edi,[esp + minx] mov esi,[esp + miny] fld [tx] fld [ty] ; c a fsub [_g_dSnap + (16 * 8)] fxch st(1) ; a c fsub [_g_dSnap + (16 * 8)] fxch st(1) ; c a ; XXX fp slot fstp dword ptr [esi] ; a fstp dword ptr [edi] ;
mov dword ptr [tx],ebx mov dword ptr [ty],edx mov edi,[esp + maxx] mov esi,[esp + maxy] fld [tx] fld [ty] ; c a fsub [_g_dSnap + (16 * 8)] fxch st(1) ; a c fsub [_g_dSnap + (16 * 8)] fxch st(1) ; c a ; XXX fp slot fstp dword ptr [esi] ; a fstp dword ptr [edi] ;
alldone: add esp, vars pop ecx pop ebx pop edi pop esi pop ebp
setminx: mov eax,dword ptr [tx] jmp sminx setmaxx: mov ebx,dword ptr [tx] jmp smaxx setminy: mov ecx,dword ptr [ty] jmp sminy setmaxy: mov edx,dword ptr [ty] jmp smaxy procend RLDDITransformUnclippedLoop,%xfrmName
cpick macro dst,c0,c1 ; NO CARRY CARRY sbb dst,dst ; 0 ~0 and dst,c0 xor c1 ; 0 c0^c1 xor dst,c0 ; c0 c1 endm
procstart RLDDITransformClippedLoop,%xfrmName
; ; Set up equates for arguments and automatic storage ; beginargs saveregs <ebp,esi,edi,ebx,ecx> regargs <x_offset, y_offset, count, vout> defargs <vin, hout, m, in_size, out_size, z_scale, z_offset> defargs <x_bound, y_bound, r_scale_x, r_scale_y> defargs <minx, maxx, miny, maxy> defargs <clip_intersection, clip_union> endargs
; Ensure arguments are accessible from the stack, to free the registers
ifndef STACK_CALL mov [esp + x_offset], eax mov [esp + y_offset], edx mov [esp + count], ebx mov [esp + vout], ecx else mov ebx,[esp + count] mov ecx,[esp + vout] endif
test ebx,ebx je alldone
;{ Pick up old extents
mov esi,[esp + minx] mov edi,[esp + miny]
fld dword ptr [esi] fadd [_g_dSnap + (16 * 8)] fld dword ptr [edi] fadd [_g_dSnap + (16 * 8)]
mov esi,[esp + maxx] mov edi,[esp + maxy] fld dword ptr [esi] fadd [_g_dSnap + (16 * 8)] fld dword ptr [edi] ; maxy maxx miny minx fadd [_g_dSnap + (16 * 8)] fxch st(3) ; minx maxx miny maxy
fstp qword ptr [tx] fstp qword ptr [ty]
mov eax,dword ptr [tx] mov ebx,dword ptr [ty]
fstp qword ptr [tx] fstp qword ptr [ty]
mov ecx,dword ptr [tx] mov edx,dword ptr [ty] ;}
mov esi,[esp + vin] mov ebp,[esp + m] mov edi,[esp + vout]
; Need to do first loop iteration
column 0,0 ; 2 cycle wait here fadd ; x'+y' z' x y z fadd ; x'+y'+z' x y z column 1,1 ; 2 cycle wait here fadd ; x'+y' z' tx x y z jmp smaxy
transloop: column 0,0 ; 2 cycle wait here cmp eax,dword ptr [tx] jg setminx sminx: fadd ; x'+y' z' cmp ebx,dword ptr [tx] jl setmaxx smaxx: fadd ; x'+y'+z' column 1,1 ; 2 cycle wait here cmp ecx,dword ptr [ty] jg setminy sminy: fadd ; x'+y' z' cmp edx,dword ptr [ty] jl setmaxy smaxy: fadd ; ty tx
column 2,2 push eax push ebx mov eax,[esi + D3DLVERTEX_color] mov ebx,[esi + D3DLVERTEX_specular] fadd mov [edi + D3DTLVERTEX_color],eax mov [edi + D3DTLVERTEX_specular],ebx mov eax,[esi + D3DVERTEX_tu] mov ebx,[esi + D3DVERTEX_tv] fadd ; tz ty tx mov [edi + D3DTLVERTEX_tu],eax mov [edi + D3DTLVERTEX_tv],ebx if GEN_XFRM column 3,3 fadd fadd ; tw tz ty tx endif
; Now set up the clip flags in ebp xor ebp,ebp fld dword ptr [esp + 8 + x_bound] fmul st,st(1) ; tmp (tw) tz ty tx fcom st(3+GEN_XFRM) fnstsw ax sahf ja x1 ; Skip this if (tmp > tx) or ebp,D3DCS_RIGHT x1: fchs ; -tmp (tw) tz ty tx fcomp st(3+GEN_XFRM) ; (tw) tz ty tx fnstsw ax sahf jbe xpasses ; Skip this if (-tmp <= tx) or ebp,D3DCS_LEFT xpasses: fld dword ptr [esp + 8 + y_bound] fmul st,st(1) ; tmp (tw) tz ty tx fcom st(2+GEN_XFRM) fnstsw ax sahf ja y1 ; Skip this if (tmp > ty) or ebp,D3DCS_TOP y1: fchs ; -tmp (tw) tz ty tx fcomp st(2+GEN_XFRM) fnstsw ax sahf jbe ypasses ; Skip this if (-tmp <= ty) or ebp,D3DCS_BOTTOM ypasses: fst [ty] ; ty will hold tw for a while... ; if GEN_XFRM eq 0 then tw == tz ; if GEN_XFRM eq 1 then tw != tz in general, so we ; calculate a true 1/tw and then drop the extra tw ; off the FP stack
fld [_g_fOne] fdiv st,st(1) ; 1/tw (tw) tz ty tx
if GEN_XFRM fxch st(1) FDROP endif
; Do the cache read here, plus anything else? cmp dword ptr [esp + count],1 je dontscan mov eax,[esp + in_size + 8] mov ebx,[esp + out_size + 8] mov eax,[esi + eax] mov ebx,[edi + ebx] dontscan: pop ebx pop eax
mov [esp + vout],edi mov edi,[esp + hout] ; 1/tw tz ty tx fxch st(3) ; tx tz ty 1/tw
fld dword ptr [esp + r_scale_x] fmul st,st(1) ; hx tx tz ty 1/tw fld dword ptr [esp + r_scale_y] fmul st,st(4) ; hy hx tx tz ty 1/tw fxch st(1) ; hx hy tx tz ty 1/tw
fstp dword ptr [edi + D3DHVERTEX_hx] fstp dword ptr [edi + D3DHVERTEX_hy]
fmul st,st(3) ; tx/w tz ty 1/tw fxch st(2) ; ty tz tx/w 1/tw
fmul st,st(3) ; ty/w tz tx/w 1/tw fxch st(2) ; tx/w tz ty/w 1/tw
fadd dword ptr [esp + x_offset] fxch st(1) ; tz sx ty/w 1/tw if GEN_XFRM eq 0 fmul dword ptr [esp + z_scale] endif fxch st(2) ; ty/w sx tz 1/tw fsubr dword ptr [esp + y_offset] fxch st(2) ; tz sx sy 1/tw if GEN_XFRM eq 0 fadd dword ptr [esp + z_offset] endif
; Last clipping flags fst dword ptr [edi + D3DHVERTEX_hz] test byte ptr [edi + D3DHVERTEX_hz + 3],80h jz nofront or ebp,D3DCS_FRONT nofront: fcom [ty] push eax ;[ fnstsw ax sahf pop eax ;] jb noback or ebp,D3DCS_BACK noback: mov [edi + D3DHVERTEX_dwFlags],ebp mov edi,[esp + clip_intersection] and [edi],ebp mov edi,[esp + clip_union] or [edi],ebp
test ebp,ebp jnz outofplay
mov edi,[esp + vout]
fxch st(2) ; sy sx sz 1/tz
fst dword ptr [edi + D3DTLVERTEX_sy]
fadd [_g_dSnap + (16 * 8)] fxch st(1) fst dword ptr [edi + D3DTLVERTEX_sx] fadd [_g_dSnap + (16 * 8)] fxch st(1)
fstp qword ptr [ty] fstp qword ptr [tx] ; sz 1/tz y
fmul st,st(1)
fstp dword ptr [edi + D3DTLVERTEX_sz] ; 1/tz y
fstp dword ptr [edi + D3DTLVERTEX_rhw] ; y
add esi,[esp + in_size]
add edi,[esp + out_size] mov ebp,[esp + hout] add ebp,D3DHVERTEX_size mov [esp + hout],ebp mov ebp,[esp + m]
dec dword ptr [esp + count] jnz transloop jmp cleanup
outofplay: ; tz sx sy 1/tz FDROP ; sx sy 1/tz FDROP ; sy 1/tz y FDROP ; 1/tz y mov edi,[esp + vout] fstp dword ptr [edi + D3DTLVERTEX_rhw]
add esi,[esp + in_size] add edi,[esp + out_size] mov ebp,[esp + hout] add ebp,D3DHVERTEX_size mov [esp + hout],ebp
mov ebp,[esp + m]
dec dword ptr [esp + count] jz calcminmax
column 0,0 ; 2 cycle wait here fadd ; x'+y' z' x y z fadd ; x'+y'+z' x y z column 1,1 ; 2 cycle wait here fadd ; x'+y' z' x y z jmp smaxy
cleanup: cmp eax,dword ptr [tx] jl e1 mov eax,dword ptr [tx] e1: cmp ebx,dword ptr [tx] jg e2 mov ebx,dword ptr [tx] e2: cmp ecx,dword ptr [ty] jl e3 mov ecx,dword ptr [ty] e3: cmp edx,dword ptr [ty] jg e4 mov edx,dword ptr [ty] e4:
calcminmax: mov dword ptr [tx],eax mov dword ptr [ty],ecx fild dword ptr [tx] fmul dword ptr [_g_fOoTwoPow16] fild dword ptr [ty] fmul dword ptr [_g_fOoTwoPow16] fxch st(1) ; x y mov edi,[esp + minx] mov esi,[esp + miny] fstp dword ptr [edi] fstp dword ptr [esi]
mov dword ptr [tx],ebx mov dword ptr [ty],edx fild dword ptr [tx] fmul dword ptr [_g_fOoTwoPow16] fild dword ptr [ty] fmul dword ptr [_g_fOoTwoPow16] fxch st(1) ; x y mov edi,[esp + maxx] mov esi,[esp + maxy] fstp dword ptr [edi] fstp dword ptr [esi]
alldone: add esp, vars pop ecx pop ebx pop edi pop esi pop ebp
setminx: mov eax,dword ptr [tx] jmp sminx setmaxx: mov ebx,dword ptr [tx] jmp smaxx setminy: mov ecx,dword ptr [ty] jmp sminy setmaxy: mov edx,dword ptr [ty] jmp smaxy procend RLDDITransformClippedLoop,%xfrmName
if GEN_XFRM _Rdtsc proc db 0fh,31h shrd eax,edx,10 ret _Rdtsc endp endif
extrn _g_fOne:dword extrn _g_fOoTwoPow16:dword extrn _g_dSnap:qword